describe('Option removeOutsideVisibleBounds', function () { ///////////////////////////// // SETUP FOR EACH TEST ///////////////////////////// var marker1, marker2, marker3, marker4, marker5, markers, div, map, group, clock, realBrowser; beforeEach(function () { realBrowser = L.Browser; clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); marker1 = L.marker([1.5, -0.4]); // 2 screens width away. marker2 = L.marker([1.5, 0.6]); // 1 screen width away. marker3 = L.marker([1.5, 1.5]); // In view port. marker4 = L.marker([1.5, 2.4]); // 1 screen width away. marker5 = L.marker([1.5, 3.4]); // 2 screens width away. markers = [marker1, marker2, marker3, marker4, marker5]; div = document.createElement('div'); = '200px'; = '200px'; document.body.appendChild(div); map =, { maxZoom: 18, trackResize: false }); // Corresponds to zoom level 8 for the above div dimensions. map.fitBounds(new L.LatLngBounds([ [1, 1], [2, 2] ])); // Add all markers once to map then remove them immediately so that their icon is null (instead of undefined). for (i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { map.removeLayer(markers[i].addTo(map)); } }); afterEach(function () { if (group instanceof L.MarkerClusterGroup) { //group.removeLayers(group.getLayers()); group.clearLayers(); map.removeLayer(group); } map.remove(); div.remove(); clock.restore(); marker1 = marker2 = marker3 = marker4 = marker5 = markers = div = map = group = clock = null; }); function prepareGroup() { // "group" should be assigned with a Marker Cluster Group before calling this function. group.addTo(map); group.addLayers(markers); } function setBrowserToMobile() { var fakeBrowser = {}; for (k in realBrowser) { fakeBrowser[k] = realBrowser[k]; } = true; L.Browser = fakeBrowser; } ///////////////////////////// // TESTS ///////////////////////////// it('removes objects more than 1 screen away from view port by default', function () { group = L.markerClusterGroup(); prepareGroup(); expect(marker1._icon); expect(map._panes.markerPane.childNodes.length); // markers 2, 3 and 4. expect(marker5._icon); }); it('removes objects out of view port by default for mobile device', function () { setBrowserToMobile(); try { group = L.markerClusterGroup(); prepareGroup(); expect(marker1._icon); expect(marker2._icon); expect(map._panes.markerPane.childNodes.length); // marker 3 only. expect(marker4._icon); expect(marker5._icon); } finally { L.Browser = realBrowser; } }); it('leaves all objects on map when set to false', function () { group = L.markerClusterGroup({ removeOutsideVisibleBounds: false }); prepareGroup(); expect(map._panes.markerPane.childNodes.length); // All 5 markers. }); // Following tests need markers at very high latitude. // They test the _checkBoundsMaxLat method against the default Web/Spherical Mercator projection maximum latitude (85.0511287798). // The actual map view should be '-1.0986328125,84.92929204957956,1.0986328125,85.11983467698401' // The expanded bounds without correction should be '-3.2958984375,84.7387494221751,3.2958984375,85.31037730438847' var latLngsMaxLatDefault = [ [100, 3], // Impossible in real world, but nothing prevents the user from entering such latitude, and Web/Spherical Mercator projection will still display it at 85.0511287798 [85.2, 1.5], // 1 "screen" heights away. [85, 0], // In center of view. [84.8, -1.5], // 1 "screen" height away. [84.6, -3] // 2 "screens" height away. ]; function moveMarkersAndMapToMaxLat(latLngs, isSouth) { for (i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { if (isSouth) { markers[i].setLatLng([-latLngs[i][0], latLngs[i][1]]); } else { markers[i].setLatLng(latLngs[i]); } } map.fitBounds([ [isSouth ? -86 : 85, -1], [isSouth ? -85 : 86, 1] // The actual map view longitude span will be wider. '-1.0986328125,84.92929204957956,1.0986328125,85.11983467698401' ]); } function checkProjection(latLngs) { expect(; expect(L.CRS.EPSG3857.projection).to.equal(L.Projection.SphericalMercator); expect(L.Projection.SphericalMercator.MAX_LATITUDE)'number'); var mapZoom = map.getZoom(); for (i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { try { expect(markers[i].__parent._zoom); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed marker: " + (i + 1)); throw e; } } } it('includes objects above the Web Mercator projection maximum limit by default', function () { moveMarkersAndMapToMaxLat(latLngsMaxLatDefault); group = L.markerClusterGroup(); prepareGroup(); checkProjection(latLngsMaxLatDefault); expect(map._panes.markerPane.childNodes.length); // Markers 1, 2, 3 and 4. expect(marker5._icon); }); it('includes objects below the Web Mercator projection minimum limit by default', function () { moveMarkersAndMapToMaxLat(latLngsMaxLatDefault, true); // Make sure we are really in Southern hemisphere. expect(map.getBounds().getNorth()); group = L.markerClusterGroup(); prepareGroup(); checkProjection(latLngsMaxLatDefault); clock.tick(1000); expect(map._panes.markerPane.childNodes.length); // Markers 1, 2, 3 and 4. expect(marker5._icon); }); // The actual map view should be '-1.0986328125,84.92929204957956,1.0986328125,85.11983467698401' var latLngsMaxLatMobile = [ [100, 1], // Impossible in real world, but nothing prevents the user from entering such latitude, and Web/Spherical Mercator projection will still display it at 85.0511287798 [85.2, 0.5], // 1 "screen" heights away, but should be included by the correction. [85, 0], // In center of view. [84.9, -1], // 1 "screen" height away. [84.8, -1.5] // 2 "screens" height away. ]; it('includes objects above the Web Mercator projection maximum limit for mobile device', function () { setBrowserToMobile(); try { moveMarkersAndMapToMaxLat(latLngsMaxLatMobile); group = L.markerClusterGroup({ maxClusterRadius: 10 }); prepareGroup(); checkProjection(latLngsMaxLatMobile); expect(map._panes.markerPane.childNodes.length); // Markers 1, 2 and 3. expect(marker4._icon); expect(marker5._icon); } finally { L.Browser = realBrowser; } }); it('includes objects below the Web Mercator projection minimum limit for mobile device', function () { setBrowserToMobile(); try { moveMarkersAndMapToMaxLat(latLngsMaxLatMobile, true); // Make sure we are really in Southern hemisphere. expect(map.getBounds().getNorth()); group = L.markerClusterGroup({ maxClusterRadius: 10 }); prepareGroup(); checkProjection(latLngsMaxLatMobile); expect(map._panes.markerPane.childNodes.length); // Markers 1, 2 and 3. expect(marker4._icon); expect(marker5._icon); } finally { L.Browser = realBrowser; } }); });