describe('Remember opacity', function () { ///////////////////////////// // SETUP FOR EACH TEST ///////////////////////////// var map, div, clock, markers, group; var markerDefs = [ {latLng: [ 0, 0], opts: {opacity: 0.9}}, {latLng: [ 0, 1], opts: {opacity: 0.5}}, {latLng: [ 0,-1], opts: {opacity: 0.5}}, {latLng: [ 1, 0], opts: {opacity: 0.5}}, {latLng: [-1, 0], opts: {opacity: 0.5}}, {latLng: [ 1, 1], opts: {opacity: 0.2}}, {latLng: [ 1,-1], opts: {opacity: 0.2}}, {latLng: [-1, 1], opts: {opacity: 0.2}}, {latLng: [-1,-1], opts: {opacity: 0.2}} ]; var bounds = L.latLngBounds( L.latLng( -1.1, -1.1), L.latLng( 1.1, 1.1) ); beforeEach(function () { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); div = document.createElement('div'); = '200px'; = '200px'; document.body.appendChild(div); map =, { maxZoom: 18, trackResize: false }); markers = []; for (var i = 0; i < markerDefs.length; i++) { markers.push( L.marker(markerDefs[i].latLng, markerDefs[i].opts ) ); } }); afterEach(function () { group.clearLayers(); map.removeLayer(group); map.remove(); document.body.removeChild(div); clock.restore(); clock = div = map = markers = group = null; }); ///////////////////////////// // TESTS ///////////////////////////// it('clusters semitransparent markers into an opaque one', function () { map.setView(new L.LatLng(0,0), 1); group = new L.MarkerClusterGroup({ maxClusterRadius: 20 }); group.addLayers(markers); map.addLayer(group); var visibleClusters = group._featureGroup.getLayers(); expect(visibleClusters.length); expect(visibleClusters[0].options.opacity); }); it('unclusters an opaque marker into semitransparent ones', function () { map.setView(new L.LatLng(0,0), 1); var visibleClusters; group = new L.MarkerClusterGroup({ maxClusterRadius: 20 }); group.addLayers(markers); map.addLayer(group); map.fitBounds(bounds); clock.tick(1000); visibleClusters = group._featureGroup.getLayers(); expect(visibleClusters.length); for (var i=0; i<9; i++) { expect(visibleClusters[i].options.opacity),0.9); } // It shall also work after zooming in/out a second time. map.setView(new L.LatLng(0,0), 1); clock.tick(1000); map.fitBounds(bounds); clock.tick(1000); visibleClusters = group._featureGroup.getLayers(); expect(visibleClusters.length); for (var i=0; i<9; i++) { expect(visibleClusters[i].options.opacity),0.9); } }); it('has no problems zooming in and out several times', function () { var visibleClusters; group = new L.MarkerClusterGroup({ maxClusterRadius: 20 }); group.addLayers(markers); map.addLayer(group); // Zoom in and out a couple times for (var i=0; i<10; i++) { map.fitBounds(bounds); clock.tick(1000); visibleClusters = group._featureGroup.getLayers(); expect(visibleClusters.length); for (var i=0; i<9; i++) { expect(visibleClusters[i].options.opacity),0.9); } map.setView(new L.LatLng(0,0), 1); clock.tick(1000); visibleClusters = group._featureGroup.getLayers(); expect(visibleClusters.length); expect(visibleClusters[0].options.opacity); } }); it('retains the opacity of each individual marker', function () { map.setView(new L.LatLng(0,0), 1); var visibleClusters; group = new L.MarkerClusterGroup({ maxClusterRadius: 20 }); group.addLayers(markers); map.addLayer(group); // Zoom in and out a couple times for (var i=0; i<5; i++) { map.fitBounds(bounds); clock.tick(1000); map.setView(new L.LatLng(0,0), 1); clock.tick(1000); } for (var i=0; i