/** * Default implementation of the WorkerRunner responsible for creation and configuration of the parser within the worker. * * @class */ THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl = (function () { function WorkerRunnerRefImpl() { var scope = this; var scopedRunner = function( event ) { scope.processMessage( event.data ); }; self.addEventListener( 'message', scopedRunner, false ); } /** * Applies values from parameter object via set functions or via direct assignment. * @memberOf THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl * * @param {Object} parser The parser instance * @param {Object} params The parameter object */ WorkerRunnerRefImpl.prototype.applyProperties = function ( parser, params ) { var property, funcName, values; for ( property in params ) { funcName = 'set' + property.substring( 0, 1 ).toLocaleUpperCase() + property.substring( 1 ); values = params[ property ]; if ( typeof parser[ funcName ] === 'function' ) { parser[ funcName ]( values ); } else if ( parser.hasOwnProperty( property ) ) { parser[ property ] = values; } } }; /** * Configures the Parser implementation according the supplied configuration object. * @memberOf THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl * * @param {Object} payload Raw mesh description (buffers, params, materials) used to build one to many meshes. */ WorkerRunnerRefImpl.prototype.processMessage = function ( payload ) { if ( payload.cmd === 'run' ) { var callbacks = { callbackMeshBuilder: function ( payload ) { self.postMessage( payload ); }, callbackProgress: function ( text ) { if ( payload.logging.enabled && payload.logging.debug ) console.debug( 'WorkerRunner: progress: ' + text ); } }; // Parser is expected to be named as such var parser = new Parser(); if ( typeof parser[ 'setLogging' ] === 'function' ) parser.setLogging( payload.logging.enabled, payload.logging.debug ); this.applyProperties( parser, payload.params ); this.applyProperties( parser, payload.materials ); this.applyProperties( parser, callbacks ); parser.workerScope = self; parser.parse( payload.data.input, payload.data.options ); if ( payload.logging.enabled ) console.log( 'WorkerRunner: Run complete!' ); callbacks.callbackMeshBuilder( { cmd: 'complete', msg: 'WorkerRunner completed run.' } ); } else { console.error( 'WorkerRunner: Received unknown command: ' + payload.cmd ); } }; return WorkerRunnerRefImpl; })(); /** * This class provides means to transform existing parser code into a web worker. It defines a simple communication protocol * which allows to configure the worker and receive raw mesh data during execution. * @class */ THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport = (function () { var WORKER_SUPPORT_VERSION = '2.2.0'; var Validator = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator; var LoaderWorker = (function () { function LoaderWorker() { this._reset(); } LoaderWorker.prototype._reset = function () { this.logging = { enabled: true, debug: false }; this.worker = null; this.runnerImplName = null; this.callbacks = { meshBuilder: null, onLoad: null }; this.terminateRequested = false; this.queuedMessage = null; this.started = false; this.forceCopy = false; }; LoaderWorker.prototype.setLogging = function ( enabled, debug ) { this.logging.enabled = enabled === true; this.logging.debug = debug === true; }; LoaderWorker.prototype.setForceCopy = function ( forceCopy ) { this.forceCopy = forceCopy === true; }; LoaderWorker.prototype.initWorker = function ( code, runnerImplName ) { this.runnerImplName = runnerImplName; var blob = new Blob( [ code ], { type: 'application/javascript' } ); this.worker = new Worker( window.URL.createObjectURL( blob ) ); this.worker.onmessage = this._receiveWorkerMessage; // set referemce to this, then processing in worker scope within "_receiveWorkerMessage" can access members this.worker.runtimeRef = this; // process stored queuedMessage this._postMessage(); }; /** * Executed in worker scope */ LoaderWorker.prototype._receiveWorkerMessage = function ( e ) { var payload = e.data; switch ( payload.cmd ) { case 'meshData': case 'materialData': case 'imageData': this.runtimeRef.callbacks.meshBuilder( payload ); break; case 'complete': this.runtimeRef.queuedMessage = null; this.started = false; this.runtimeRef.callbacks.onLoad( payload.msg ); if ( this.runtimeRef.terminateRequested ) { if ( this.runtimeRef.logging.enabled ) console.info( 'WorkerSupport [' + this.runtimeRef.runnerImplName + ']: Run is complete. Terminating application on request!' ); this.runtimeRef._terminate(); } break; case 'error': console.error( 'WorkerSupport [' + this.runtimeRef.runnerImplName + ']: Reported error: ' + payload.msg ); this.runtimeRef.queuedMessage = null; this.started = false; this.runtimeRef.callbacks.onLoad( payload.msg ); if ( this.runtimeRef.terminateRequested ) { if ( this.runtimeRef.logging.enabled ) console.info( 'WorkerSupport [' + this.runtimeRef.runnerImplName + ']: Run reported error. Terminating application on request!' ); this.runtimeRef._terminate(); } break; default: console.error( 'WorkerSupport [' + this.runtimeRef.runnerImplName + ']: Received unknown command: ' + payload.cmd ); break; } }; LoaderWorker.prototype.setCallbacks = function ( meshBuilder, onLoad ) { this.callbacks.meshBuilder = Validator.verifyInput( meshBuilder, this.callbacks.meshBuilder ); this.callbacks.onLoad = Validator.verifyInput( onLoad, this.callbacks.onLoad ); }; LoaderWorker.prototype.run = function( payload ) { if ( Validator.isValid( this.queuedMessage ) ) { console.warn( 'Already processing message. Rejecting new run instruction' ); return; } else { this.queuedMessage = payload; this.started = true; } if ( ! Validator.isValid( this.callbacks.meshBuilder ) ) throw 'Unable to run as no "MeshBuilder" callback is set.'; if ( ! Validator.isValid( this.callbacks.onLoad ) ) throw 'Unable to run as no "onLoad" callback is set.'; if ( payload.cmd !== 'run' ) payload.cmd = 'run'; if ( Validator.isValid( payload.logging ) ) { payload.logging.enabled = payload.logging.enabled === true; payload.logging.debug = payload.logging.debug === true; } else { payload.logging = { enabled: true, debug: false } } this._postMessage(); }; LoaderWorker.prototype._postMessage = function () { if ( Validator.isValid( this.queuedMessage ) && Validator.isValid( this.worker ) ) { if ( this.queuedMessage.data.input instanceof ArrayBuffer ) { var content; if ( this.forceCopy ) { content = this.queuedMessage.data.input.slice( 0 ); } else { content = this.queuedMessage.data.input; } this.worker.postMessage( this.queuedMessage, [ content ] ); } else { this.worker.postMessage( this.queuedMessage ); } } }; LoaderWorker.prototype.setTerminateRequested = function ( terminateRequested ) { this.terminateRequested = terminateRequested === true; if ( this.terminateRequested && Validator.isValid( this.worker ) && ! Validator.isValid( this.queuedMessage ) && this.started ) { if ( this.logging.enabled ) console.info( 'Worker is terminated immediately as it is not running!' ); this._terminate(); } }; LoaderWorker.prototype._terminate = function () { this.worker.terminate(); this._reset(); }; return LoaderWorker; })(); function WorkerSupport() { console.info( 'Using THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport version: ' + WORKER_SUPPORT_VERSION ); this.logging = { enabled: true, debug: false }; // check worker support first if ( window.Worker === undefined ) throw "This browser does not support web workers!"; if ( window.Blob === undefined ) throw "This browser does not support Blob!"; if ( typeof window.URL.createObjectURL !== 'function' ) throw "This browser does not support Object creation from URL!"; this.loaderWorker = new LoaderWorker(); } /** * Enable or disable logging in general (except warn and error), plus enable or disable debug logging. * @memberOf THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport * * @param {boolean} enabled True or false. * @param {boolean} debug True or false. */ WorkerSupport.prototype.setLogging = function ( enabled, debug ) { this.logging.enabled = enabled === true; this.logging.debug = debug === true; this.loaderWorker.setLogging( this.logging.enabled, this.logging.debug ); }; /** * Forces all ArrayBuffers to be transferred to worker to be copied. * @memberOf THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport * * @param {boolean} forceWorkerDataCopy True or false. */ WorkerSupport.prototype.setForceWorkerDataCopy = function ( forceWorkerDataCopy ) { this.loaderWorker.setForceCopy( forceWorkerDataCopy ); }; /** * Validate the status of worker code and the derived worker. * @memberOf THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport * * @param {Function} functionCodeBuilder Function that is invoked with funcBuildObject and funcBuildSingleton that allows stringification of objects and singletons. * @param {String} parserName Name of the Parser object * @param {String[]} libLocations URL of libraries that shall be added to worker code relative to libPath * @param {String} libPath Base path used for loading libraries * @param {THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl} runnerImpl The default worker parser wrapper implementation (communication and execution). An extended class could be passed here. */ WorkerSupport.prototype.validate = function ( functionCodeBuilder, parserName, libLocations, libPath, runnerImpl ) { if ( Validator.isValid( this.loaderWorker.worker ) ) return; if ( this.logging.enabled ) { console.info( 'WorkerSupport: Building worker code...' ); console.time( 'buildWebWorkerCode' ); } if ( Validator.isValid( runnerImpl ) ) { if ( this.logging.enabled ) console.info( 'WorkerSupport: Using "' + runnerImpl.name + '" as Runner class for worker.' ); } else { runnerImpl = THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl; if ( this.logging.enabled ) console.info( 'WorkerSupport: Using DEFAULT "THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl" as Runner class for worker.' ); } var userWorkerCode = functionCodeBuilder( buildObject, buildSingleton ); userWorkerCode += 'var Parser = '+ parserName + ';\n\n'; userWorkerCode += buildSingleton( runnerImpl.name, runnerImpl ); userWorkerCode += 'new ' + runnerImpl.name + '();\n\n'; var scope = this; if ( Validator.isValid( libLocations ) && libLocations.length > 0 ) { var libsContent = ''; var loadAllLibraries = function ( path, locations ) { if ( locations.length === 0 ) { scope.loaderWorker.initWorker( libsContent + userWorkerCode, runnerImpl.name ); if ( scope.logging.enabled ) console.timeEnd( 'buildWebWorkerCode' ); } else { var loadedLib = function ( contentAsString ) { libsContent += contentAsString; loadAllLibraries( path, locations ); }; var fileLoader = new THREE.FileLoader(); fileLoader.setPath( path ); fileLoader.setResponseType( 'text' ); fileLoader.load( locations[ 0 ], loadedLib ); locations.shift(); } }; loadAllLibraries( libPath, libLocations ); } else { this.loaderWorker.initWorker( userWorkerCode, runnerImpl.name ); if ( this.logging.enabled ) console.timeEnd( 'buildWebWorkerCode' ); } }; /** * Specify functions that should be build when new raw mesh data becomes available and when the parser is finished. * @memberOf THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport * * @param {Function} meshBuilder The mesh builder function. Default is {@link THREE.LoaderSupport.MeshBuilder}. * @param {Function} onLoad The function that is called when parsing is complete. */ WorkerSupport.prototype.setCallbacks = function ( meshBuilder, onLoad ) { this.loaderWorker.setCallbacks( meshBuilder, onLoad ); }; /** * Runs the parser with the provided configuration. * @memberOf THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport * * @param {Object} payload Raw mesh description (buffers, params, materials) used to build one to many meshes. */ WorkerSupport.prototype.run = function ( payload ) { this.loaderWorker.run( payload ); }; /** * Request termination of worker once parser is finished. * @memberOf THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport * * @param {boolean} terminateRequested True or false. */ WorkerSupport.prototype.setTerminateRequested = function ( terminateRequested ) { this.loaderWorker.setTerminateRequested( terminateRequested ); }; var buildObject = function ( fullName, object ) { var objectString = fullName + ' = {\n'; var part; for ( var name in object ) { part = object[ name ]; if ( typeof( part ) === 'string' || part instanceof String ) { part = part.replace( '\n', '\\n' ); part = part.replace( '\r', '\\r' ); objectString += '\t' + name + ': "' + part + '",\n'; } else if ( part instanceof Array ) { objectString += '\t' + name + ': [' + part + '],\n'; } else if ( Number.isInteger( part ) ) { objectString += '\t' + name + ': ' + part + ',\n'; } else if ( typeof part === 'function' ) { objectString += '\t' + name + ': ' + part + ',\n'; } } objectString += '}\n\n'; return objectString; }; var buildSingleton = function ( fullName, object, internalName, basePrototypeName, ignoreFunctions ) { var objectString = ''; var objectName = ( Validator.isValid( internalName ) ) ? internalName : object.name; var funcString, objectPart, constructorString; ignoreFunctions = Validator.verifyInput( ignoreFunctions, [] ); for ( var name in object.prototype ) { objectPart = object.prototype[ name ]; if ( name === 'constructor' ) { funcString = objectPart.toString(); funcString = funcString.replace( 'function', '' ); constructorString = '\tfunction ' + objectName + funcString + ';\n\n'; } else if ( typeof objectPart === 'function' ) { if ( ignoreFunctions.indexOf( name ) < 0 ) { funcString = objectPart.toString(); objectString += '\t' + objectName + '.prototype.' + name + ' = ' + funcString + ';\n\n'; } } } objectString += '\treturn ' + objectName + ';\n'; objectString += '})();\n\n'; var inheritanceBlock = ''; if ( Validator.isValid( basePrototypeName ) ) { inheritanceBlock += '\n'; inheritanceBlock += objectName + '.prototype = Object.create( ' + basePrototypeName + '.prototype );\n'; inheritanceBlock += objectName + '.constructor = ' + objectName + ';\n'; inheritanceBlock += '\n'; } if ( ! Validator.isValid( constructorString ) ) { constructorString = fullName + ' = (function () {\n\n'; constructorString += inheritanceBlock + '\t' + object.prototype.constructor.toString() + '\n\n'; objectString = constructorString + objectString; } else { objectString = fullName + ' = (function () {\n\n' + inheritanceBlock + constructorString + objectString; } return objectString; }; return WorkerSupport; })();