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2022-07-05 16:56:29 +08:00
* @Author: hisense.wuhongjian
* @Date: 2022-03-22 11:46:54
* @LastEditors: hisense.wuhongjian
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-22 11:46:54
* @Description: 告诉大家这是什么
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(require('leaflet')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['leaflet'], factory) :
}(this, (function (L$1) { 'use strict';
L$1 = L$1 && L$1.hasOwnProperty('default') ? L$1['default'] : L$1;
// functional re-impl of L.Point.distanceTo,
// with no dependency on Leaflet for easier testing
function pointDistance(ptA, ptB) {
var x = ptB.x - ptA.x;
var y = ptB.y - ptA.y;
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
var computeSegmentHeading = function computeSegmentHeading(a, b) {
return (Math.atan2(b.y - a.y, b.x - a.x) * 180 / Math.PI + 90 + 360) % 360;
var asRatioToPathLength = function asRatioToPathLength(_ref, totalPathLength) {
var value = _ref.value,
isInPixels = _ref.isInPixels;
return isInPixels ? value / totalPathLength : value;
function parseRelativeOrAbsoluteValue(value) {
if (typeof value === 'string' && value.indexOf('%') !== -1) {
return {
value: parseFloat(value) / 100,
isInPixels: false
var parsedValue = value ? parseFloat(value) : 0;
return {
value: parsedValue,
isInPixels: parsedValue > 0
var pointsEqual = function pointsEqual(a, b) {
return a.x === b.x && a.y === b.y;
function pointsToSegments(pts) {
return pts.reduce(function (segments, b, idx, points) {
// this test skips same adjacent points
if (idx > 0 && !pointsEqual(b, points[idx - 1])) {
var a = points[idx - 1];
var distA = segments.length > 0 ? segments[segments.length - 1].distB : 0;
var distAB = pointDistance(a, b);
a: a,
b: b,
distA: distA,
distB: distA + distAB,
heading: computeSegmentHeading(a, b)
return segments;
}, []);
function projectPatternOnPointPath(pts, pattern) {
// 1. split the path into segment infos
var segments = pointsToSegments(pts);
var nbSegments = segments.length;
if (nbSegments === 0) {
return [];
var totalPathLength = segments[nbSegments - 1].distB;
var offset = asRatioToPathLength(pattern.offset, totalPathLength);
var endOffset = asRatioToPathLength(pattern.endOffset, totalPathLength);
var repeat = asRatioToPathLength(pattern.repeat, totalPathLength);
var repeatIntervalPixels = totalPathLength * repeat;
var startOffsetPixels = offset > 0 ? totalPathLength * offset : 0;
var endOffsetPixels = endOffset > 0 ? totalPathLength * endOffset : 0;
// 2. generate the positions of the pattern as offsets from the path start
var positionOffsets = [];
var positionOffset = startOffsetPixels;
do {
positionOffset += repeatIntervalPixels;
} while (repeatIntervalPixels > 0 && positionOffset < totalPathLength - endOffsetPixels);
// 3. projects offsets to segments
var segmentIndex = 0;
var segment = segments[0];
return positionOffsets.map(function (positionOffset) {
// find the segment matching the offset,
// starting from the previous one as offsets are ordered
while (positionOffset > segment.distB && segmentIndex < nbSegments - 1) {
segment = segments[segmentIndex];
var segmentRatio = (positionOffset - segment.distA) / (segment.distB - segment.distA);
return {
pt: interpolateBetweenPoints(segment.a, segment.b, segmentRatio),
heading: segment.heading
* Finds the point which lies on the segment defined by points A and B,
* at the given ratio of the distance from A to B, by linear interpolation.
function interpolateBetweenPoints(ptA, ptB, ratio) {
if (ptB.x !== ptA.x) {
return {
x: ptA.x + ratio * (ptB.x - ptA.x),
y: ptA.y + ratio * (ptB.y - ptA.y)
// special case where points lie on the same vertical axis
return {
x: ptA.x,
y: ptA.y + (ptB.y - ptA.y) * ratio
(function() {
// save these original methods before they are overwritten
var proto_initIcon = L.Marker.prototype._initIcon;
var proto_setPos = L.Marker.prototype._setPos;
var oldIE = (L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM === 'msTransform');
L.Marker.addInitHook(function () {
var iconOptions = this.options.icon && this.options.icon.options;
var iconAnchor = iconOptions && this.options.icon.options.iconAnchor;
if (iconAnchor) {
iconAnchor = (iconAnchor[0] + 'px ' + iconAnchor[1] + 'px');
this.options.rotationOrigin = this.options.rotationOrigin || iconAnchor || 'center bottom' ;
this.options.rotationAngle = this.options.rotationAngle || 0;
// Ensure marker keeps rotated during dragging
this.on('drag', function(e) { e.target._applyRotation(); });
_initIcon: function() {
_setPos: function (pos) {
proto_setPos.call(this, pos);
_applyRotation: function () {
if(this.options.rotationAngle) {
this._icon.style[L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM+'Origin'] = this.options.rotationOrigin;
if(oldIE) {
// for IE 9, use the 2D rotation
this._icon.style[L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM] = 'rotate(' + this.options.rotationAngle + 'deg)';
} else {
// for modern browsers, prefer the 3D accelerated version
this._icon.style[L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM] += ' rotateZ(' + this.options.rotationAngle + 'deg)';
setRotationAngle: function(angle) {
this.options.rotationAngle = angle;
return this;
setRotationOrigin: function(origin) {
this.options.rotationOrigin = origin;
return this;
L$1.Symbol = L$1.Symbol || {};
* A simple dash symbol, drawn as a Polyline.
* Can also be used for dots, if 'pixelSize' option is given the 0 value.
L$1.Symbol.Dash = L$1.Class.extend({
options: {
pixelSize: 10,
pathOptions: {}
initialize: function initialize(options) {
L$1.Util.setOptions(this, options);
this.options.pathOptions.clickable = false;
buildSymbol: function buildSymbol(dirPoint, latLngs, map, index, total) {
var opts = this.options;
var d2r = Math.PI / 180;
// for a dot, nothing more to compute
if (opts.pixelSize <= 1) {
return L$1.polyline([dirPoint.latLng, dirPoint.latLng], opts.pathOptions);
var midPoint = map.project(dirPoint.latLng);
var angle = -(dirPoint.heading - 90) * d2r;
var a = L$1.point(midPoint.x + opts.pixelSize * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI) / 2, midPoint.y + opts.pixelSize * Math.sin(angle) / 2);
// compute second point by central symmetry to avoid unecessary cos/sin
var b = midPoint.add(midPoint.subtract(a));
return L$1.polyline([map.unproject(a), map.unproject(b)], opts.pathOptions);
L$1.Symbol.dash = function (options) {
return new L$1.Symbol.Dash(options);
L$1.Symbol.ArrowHead = L$1.Class.extend({
options: {
polygon: true,
pixelSize: 10,
headAngle: 60,
pathOptions: {
stroke: false,
weight: 2
initialize: function initialize(options) {
L$1.Util.setOptions(this, options);
this.options.pathOptions.clickable = false;
buildSymbol: function buildSymbol(dirPoint, latLngs, map, index, total) {
return this.options.polygon ? L$1.polygon(this._buildArrowPath(dirPoint, map), this.options.pathOptions) : L$1.polyline(this._buildArrowPath(dirPoint, map), this.options.pathOptions);
_buildArrowPath: function _buildArrowPath(dirPoint, map) {
var d2r = Math.PI / 180;
var tipPoint = map.project(dirPoint.latLng);
var direction = -(dirPoint.heading - 90) * d2r;
var radianArrowAngle = this.options.headAngle / 2 * d2r;
var headAngle1 = direction + radianArrowAngle;
var headAngle2 = direction - radianArrowAngle;
var arrowHead1 = L$1.point(tipPoint.x - this.options.pixelSize * Math.cos(headAngle1), tipPoint.y + this.options.pixelSize * Math.sin(headAngle1));
var arrowHead2 = L$1.point(tipPoint.x - this.options.pixelSize * Math.cos(headAngle2), tipPoint.y + this.options.pixelSize * Math.sin(headAngle2));
return [map.unproject(arrowHead1), dirPoint.latLng, map.unproject(arrowHead2)];
L$1.Symbol.arrowHead = function (options) {
return new L$1.Symbol.ArrowHead(options);
L$1.Symbol.Marker = L$1.Class.extend({
options: {
markerOptions: {},
rotate: false
initialize: function initialize(options) {
L$1.Util.setOptions(this, options);
this.options.markerOptions.clickable = false;
this.options.markerOptions.draggable = false;
buildSymbol: function buildSymbol(directionPoint, latLngs, map, index, total) {
if (this.options.rotate) {
this.options.markerOptions.rotationAngle = directionPoint.heading + (this.options.angleCorrection || 0);
return L$1.marker(directionPoint.latLng, this.options.markerOptions);
L$1.Symbol.marker = function (options) {
return new L$1.Symbol.Marker(options);
var isCoord = function isCoord(c) {
return c instanceof L$1.LatLng || Array.isArray(c) && c.length === 2 && typeof c[0] === 'number';
var isCoordArray = function isCoordArray(ll) {
return Array.isArray(ll) && isCoord(ll[0]);
L$1.PolylineDecorator = L$1.FeatureGroup.extend({
options: {
patterns: []
initialize: function initialize(paths, options) {
L$1.Util.setOptions(this, options);
this._map = null;
this._paths = this._initPaths(paths);
this._bounds = this._initBounds();
this._patterns = this._initPatterns(this.options.patterns);
* Deals with all the different cases. input can be one of these types:
* array of LatLng, array of 2-number arrays, Polyline, Polygon,
* array of one of the previous.
_initPaths: function _initPaths(input, isPolygon) {
var _this = this;
if (isCoordArray(input)) {
// Leaflet Polygons don't need the first point to be repeated, but we do
var coords = isPolygon ? input.concat([input[0]]) : input;
return [coords];
if (input instanceof L$1.Polyline) {
// we need some recursivity to support multi-poly*
return this._initPaths(input.getLatLngs(), input instanceof L$1.Polygon);
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
// flatten everything, we just need coordinate lists to apply patterns
return input.reduce(function (flatArray, p) {
return flatArray.concat(_this._initPaths(p, isPolygon));
}, []);
return [];
// parse pattern definitions and precompute some values
_initPatterns: function _initPatterns(patternDefs) {
return patternDefs.map(this._parsePatternDef);
* Changes the patterns used by this decorator
* and redraws the new one.
setPatterns: function setPatterns(patterns) {
this.options.patterns = patterns;
this._patterns = this._initPatterns(this.options.patterns);
* Changes the patterns used by this decorator
* and redraws the new one.
setPaths: function setPaths(paths) {
this._paths = this._initPaths(paths);
this._bounds = this._initBounds();
* Parse the pattern definition
_parsePatternDef: function _parsePatternDef(patternDef, latLngs) {
return {
symbolFactory: patternDef.symbol,
// Parse offset and repeat values, managing the two cases:
// absolute (in pixels) or relative (in percentage of the polyline length)
offset: parseRelativeOrAbsoluteValue(patternDef.offset),
endOffset: parseRelativeOrAbsoluteValue(patternDef.endOffset),
repeat: parseRelativeOrAbsoluteValue(patternDef.repeat)
onAdd: function onAdd(map) {
this._map = map;
this._map.on('moveend', this.redraw, this);
onRemove: function onRemove(map) {
this._map.off('moveend', this.redraw, this);
this._map = null;
L$1.FeatureGroup.prototype.onRemove.call(this, map);
* As real pattern bounds depends on map zoom and bounds,
* we just compute the total bounds of all paths decorated by this instance.
_initBounds: function _initBounds() {
var allPathCoords = this._paths.reduce(function (acc, path) {
return acc.concat(path);
}, []);
return L$1.latLngBounds(allPathCoords);
getBounds: function getBounds() {
return this._bounds;
* Returns an array of ILayers object
_buildSymbols: function _buildSymbols(latLngs, symbolFactory, directionPoints) {
var _this2 = this;
return directionPoints.map(function (directionPoint, i) {
return symbolFactory.buildSymbol(directionPoint, latLngs, _this2._map, i, directionPoints.length);
* Compute pairs of LatLng and heading angle,
* that define positions and directions of the symbols on the path
_getDirectionPoints: function _getDirectionPoints(latLngs, pattern) {
var _this3 = this;
if (latLngs.length < 2) {
return [];
var pathAsPoints = latLngs.map(function (latLng) {
return _this3._map.project(latLng);
return projectPatternOnPointPath(pathAsPoints, pattern).map(function (point) {
return {
latLng: _this3._map.unproject(L$1.point(point.pt)),
heading: point.heading
redraw: function redraw() {
if (!this._map) {
* Returns all symbols for a given pattern as an array of FeatureGroup
_getPatternLayers: function _getPatternLayers(pattern) {
var _this4 = this;
var mapBounds = this._map.getBounds().pad(0.1);
return this._paths.map(function (path) {
var directionPoints = _this4._getDirectionPoints(path, pattern)
// filter out invisible points
.filter(function (point) {
return mapBounds.contains(point.latLng);
return L$1.featureGroup(_this4._buildSymbols(path, pattern.symbolFactory, directionPoints));
* Draw all patterns
_draw: function _draw() {
var _this5 = this;
this._patterns.map(function (pattern) {
return _this5._getPatternLayers(pattern);
}).forEach(function (layers) {
* Allows compact syntax to be used
L$1.polylineDecorator = function (paths, options) {
return new L$1.PolylineDecorator(paths, options);