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<div class="ability-box">
<div class="top">
<div class="type">{{ type }}</div>
<el-button type="primary" size="small" @click="clickOpen">添加</el-button>
<el-dialog :visible.sync="showModal" title="请选择" @close="close" :close-on-click-modal="false"
:close-on-press-escape="false" :key="showKey" append-to-body>
<div class="relate-application-content" v-if="type==='组件服务'">
<el-transfer v-model="selectedArray" filterable :filter-method="filterMethod" filter-placeholder="请输入名称"
:titles="nameArray" :props="{
key: 'id',
label: 'name',
}" :data="transferData">
<div v-else-if="type==='数据资源'" class="dataTransfer">
<el-transfer v-model="selectedArray" filter-placeholder="请输入名称"
:titles="nameArray" :props="{
key: 'id',
label: 'name',
}" :data="transferData">
<el-button @click="rest" class="restClick">重置</el-button>
layout="total, prev, pager, next"
<template slot="footer">
<el-button @click="showModal = false">{{ $t("cancel") }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="confirmSubmitHandle()">{{
<DisplayList :displayList="displayList" showKey="name"></DisplayList>
import InfrastructureModal from '../assignedScene/components/infrastructure-modal.vue'
import DisplayList from '../assignedScene/components/display-list.vue'
const sjzyArray = [
zyname: '城阳区图书馆总分馆、社区图书室明细信息',
sjcczl: 0.02,
zycode: '307013110716000007',
ygxjghjls: 0,
jghxxjlzs: 0,
neibukeshi: '',
xgxt: '城阳区图书馆及总分馆、社区图书室明细信息',
ygxdsjccl: 0,
zygszl: 'et',
ykfjghjls: 0,
syqk: 0,
zyformat: '电子表格',
guid: '277c51e0-066b-441d-9262-6e53ce6fc99a',
TGBM: '城阳区文化和旅游局',
ykfdsjccl: 0
zyname: '2021年度西海岸新区科技型中小企业名单信息',
sjcczl: 0,
zycode: '307013109000000010',
ygxjghjls: 0,
jghxxjlzs: 0,
neibukeshi: '高新技术科',
xgxt: '2021年度西海岸新区科技型中小企业名单信息企业名称入库编号。',
ygxdsjccl: 0,
zygszl: 'access',
ykfjghjls: 0,
syqk: 0,
zyformat: '数据库',
guid: '6ed1a478-443a-48ee-8af0-4c7ac2681a94',
TGBM: '青岛西海岸新区工业和信息化局(区科技局、区大数据局)',
ykfdsjccl: 0
zyname: '西海岸新区高新技术企业名单信息',
sjcczl: 0,
zycode: '307013109000000012',
ygxjghjls: 0,
jghxxjlzs: 0,
neibukeshi: '高新技术科',
xgxt: '西海岸新区高新技术企业名单信息',
ygxdsjccl: 0,
zygszl: 'access',
ykfjghjls: 0,
syqk: 0,
zyformat: '数据库',
guid: '770a9127-e7fd-4a6b-ba17-c80cf06ab670',
TGBM: '青岛西海岸新区工业和信息化局(区科技局、区大数据局)',
ykfdsjccl: 0
zyname: '西海岸新区高新技术企业认定补助名单信息',
sjcczl: 0,
zycode: '307013109000000011',
ygxjghjls: 0,
jghxxjlzs: 0,
neibukeshi: '高新技术科',
xgxt: '西海岸新区高新技术企业认定补助名单信息,企业名称、扶持项目。',
ygxdsjccl: 0,
zygszl: 'access',
ykfjghjls: 0,
syqk: 0,
zyformat: '数据库',
guid: 'ae52c5f8-ef6e-4ae9-a657-79dcb6f65643',
TGBM: '青岛西海岸新区工业和信息化局(区科技局、区大数据局)',
ykfdsjccl: 0
zyname: '青岛西海岸新区第六批区级非物质文化遗产代表性项目名录',
sjcczl: 0,
zycode: '307013109026000037',
ygxjghjls: 0,
jghxxjlzs: 0,
neibukeshi: '艺术科',
xgxt: '青岛西海岸新区第六批区级非物质文化遗产代表性项目名录,如项目类别、序号、项目名称、申报单位',
ygxdsjccl: 0,
zygszl: 'et',
ykfjghjls: 0,
syqk: 0,
zyformat: '电子表格',
guid: '6d80a3b1-744e-4292-a904-0168d640b1fc',
TGBM: '青岛西海岸新区文化和旅游局(区新闻出版广电局、区文物局)',
ykfdsjccl: 0
const res = {
code: 0,
msg: 'success',
data: {
PageCount: '2115',
data: sjzyArray,
rows: '10573'
const keyObj = {
"数据资源": {
idKey: 'id',
nameKey: 'name'
"组件服务": {
idKey: 'id',
nameKey: 'name'
export default {
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: ''
nameArray: {
type: Array,
default: () => ['未选择名称', '已选择名称']
// 最多选择的数据个数
maxNum: {
type: Number,
default: 10
getDataParams: {
type: Object,
default: () => {
return {
methods: 'get',
url: '',
postData: {}
data () {
return {
showKey: 0,
showModal: false,
transferData: [],
selectedArray: [],
allData: [],
displayList: [], // 用于展示的list
total: 0,
currentPage: 1,
newNum: 1,
searchValue: ''
watch: {
showModal (newVal) {
if (newVal) {
newNum (newVal) {
if (newVal) {
this.getDataParams.postData.pageNum = newVal
searchValue (newVal) {
if (newVal) {
this.getDataParams.postData.serviceName = newVal
methods: {
async getDataInfo (dataForm) {
await this.getData()
const arr = []
const attrValue = dataForm.fuseResourceList.filter(v => v.type == this.type)
if (attrValue.length > 0) {
attrValue.map(val => {
const _obj = {
type: val.type,
id: val.resourceId,
name: val.resource && val.resource.name
// 展示
this.displayList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr))
// 已选中
this.selectedArray = arr.map(v => v.id)
this.$nextTick(() => {
console.log(999, this.displayList)
// 获取列表
getData () {
if (this.getDataParams.url === '') {
if (this.type === '组件服务') {
this.$http[this.getDataParams.methods](this.getDataParams.url, {
params: this.getDataParams.postData
}).then(res => {
console.log('res.data----获取列表-------->', res.data)
if (res.data.code !== 0) {
return this.$message.error(res.msg)
this.transferData = []
this.allData = [];
(res.data.data || []).map(v => {
type: this.type,
id: v[keyObj[this.type].idKey],
name: v[keyObj[this.type].nameKey] || '--'
this.allData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.transferData))
console.log(this.allData, 'this.transferData')
}).catch(err => {
} else if (this.type === '数据资源') {
this.getDataParams.postData.pageNum = this.newNum
).then(res => {
console.log('res.data----获取列表-------->', res.data)
this.total = Number(res.data.data.rows)
if (res.data.code !== 0) {
return this.$message.error(res.msg)
this.transferData = []
this.allData = [];
(res.data.data.data || []).map(v => {
type: this.type,
id: v.guid,
name: v.zyname || '--'
this.allData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.transferData))
}).catch(err => {
filterMethod (query, item) {
return item.name && item.name.indexOf(query) > -1
confirmSubmitHandle () {
if (this.selectedArray.length > this.maxNum) {
return this.$message.error('最多选择十条数据!')
this.showModal = false
this.displayList = []
this.allData.map(v => {
if (this.selectedArray.includes(v.id)) {
this.$emit('update', {
title: this.type,
list: this.selectedArray
getDisplay (displayList) {
this.displayList = []
this.displayList = displayList
close () {
this.showModal = false
// this.selectedArray = []
this.allData = []
this.transferData = []
pageCurrentChangeHandle (val) {
console.log(this.newNum, val, 'wowowo')
this.newNum = val
clickOpen () {
this.searchValue = ''
this.getDataParams.postData.serviceName = ''
this.currentPage = 1
this.showModal = true
rest () {
this.currentPage = 1
this.searchValue = ''
this.getDataParams.postData.serviceName = ''
components: { InfrastructureModal, DisplayList },
mounted () {
console.log(this.type, 'this.type')
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