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<div class="bg">
<div class="box-container">
<a-spin size="large" v-if="loadingPage" class="loading-box" :spinning="loadingPage" />
<div class="nav-box">
<div class="content">
<div class="left">
<div class="left-item" v-for="(data, i) in leftNav" :key="i"
:class="activeNameIndex == i ? 'active' : ''" @click="changeTab(i, data)">
{{ data }}
<div class="right">
<div class="top no-border-right">
<div class="td-name">
<!-- selectedRowKeys -->
{{ `共选取${selectedRowKeys.length}个算法` }}
<div class="td" v-for="(item, k) in detailArray" :key="k">
<span v-if="item">{{ item.name || '--' }}</span>
<span v-if="item" @click="deleteList(k)" class="icon-delete">
<span class="add-img" @click="addList"
v-if="!item && k === detailArray.filter(v => v).length">
<div class="bottom" ref="bottomRef">
<div class="bottom-item" v-for="(data, i) in tableData" :key="i">
<div class="title" :ref="data.title">{{ data.title }}</div>
<!-- 算法优势 -->
<div class="group-data" v-if="data.groupName">
<!-- <compare-group-view :dataList="data.groupList"></compare-group-view> -->
<div v-if="data.groupList.length > 0">
<div class="group-box" v-for="(data, i) in data.groupList" :key="i">
<div class="flex-row-start row-tr" v-for="(item, j) in Object.keys(data)"
:key="j" :class="j == Object.keys(data).length - 1 ? 'border-bottom' : ''">
<div class="td-name" :style="{ height: getHeight(item) }">
<span class="td-text td-name-text">{{ item }}</span>
<div class="flex-row-start">
<div class="td" :style="{ height: getHeight(item) }"
v-for="(d, k) in data[item]" :key="k">
<a-tooltip placement="top" :title="d">
<span class="td-text">{{ d }}</span>
<div v-if="data.groupList.length == 0" class="no-data">暂无数据</div>
<div class="flex-row-start row-tr" v-else v-for="(rowData, j) in data.list" :key="j"
:class="j == data.list.length - 1 ? 'border-bottom' : ''">
<div class="td-name" :style="{ height: getHeight(rowData.name) }">
<span class="td-text td-name-text">
{{ rowData.name }}
<div class="flex-row-start">
<div class="td" v-for="(item, k) in rowData.infoList" :key="k"
:style="{ height: getHeight(rowData.name) }">
<video v-if="showVideo(rowData.name) && item" width="240" height="180" controls>
您的浏览器不支持 HTML5 video 标签。
<a-tooltip v-else placement="top" :title="item">
<span class="td-text">{{ item }}</span>
<a-modal class="modal-box" title="请选择" :visible="showAddModal" :onOk='handleOk' :onCancel='handleCancel'>
<a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="dataList" style="height:610px;overflow-y:scroll"
:row-selection="rowSelection" rowKey="id">
<!-- <HomeFooter></HomeFooter> -->
<script setup>
import HomeFooter from '@/views/newHome/components/Footer'
import HomeHeader from '@/views/home/components/header'
import CompareGroupView from '@/views/home/components/CompareGroupView'
import { pageWithAttrs } from '@/api/abilityStatistics'
import { defineComponent, ref, onMounted, getCurrentInstance, computed, unref, reactive, nextTick } from 'vue';
import { selectOne } from '@/api/home'
import { message, Tooltip, Table, Spin } from 'ant-design-vue'
const ctx = getCurrentInstance();
// 最大4列
const pagination = ref([])
// 表格列名
const columns = ref([
title: '算法名称',
dataIndex: 'name',
title: '算法类型',
dataIndex: 'type',
// 详情列表
const detailArray = ref(['', '', '', ''])
const titleInfoObj = {
'基本信息': [
text: '算法名称', key: 'name'
text: '算法类别',
text: '部署位置',
text: '应用领域', key: '应用领域'
text: '共享条件', key: 'shareCondition'
text: '共享类型', key: 'shareType'
text: '算法描述', key: 'description'
text: '算法介绍视频', key: '算法介绍视频'
'算法优势': [
text: '算法优势名称', key: 'name'
text: '算法优势描述', key: 'desc'
'应用场景': [
text: '场景名称', key: '场景名称'
text: '场景描述', key: '场景描述'
'应用案例': [
text: '关联应用',
text: '算法需求背景',
text: '算法应用期望达成效果',
'计费标准信息': [
text: '是否收费',
text: '计费方式',
text: '计费描述',
// {
// text: '计费标准信息', key: ''
// },
'使用方式': [
text: '服务接口',
text: '接口请求方式', key: 'apiMethodType'
text: '技术文档', key: ''
text: '是否支持试用', key: ''
text: '试用描述', key: ''
text: '试用地址',
'服务商': [
text: '服务商名',
text: '服务商联系人',
text: '服务商联系电话',
'常见问题': [
text: '常见问题',
text: '回答',
// 左侧导航
const leftNav = ref([])
Object.keys(titleInfoObj).map(v => leftNav.value.push(v))
// 可能会有多组的数据
const arrayStr = [
'算法优势', '应用场景', '计费标准信息', '常见问题'
let textObj = {
'算法优势': {
name: '算法优势名称',
desc: '算法优势描述'
'应用场景': {
name: '场景名称',
desc: '场景描述',
'计费标准信息': {
type: '计费方式',
price: '价格',
desc: '计费描述信息',
'是否收费': '是否收费'
'常见问题': {
question: '常见问题',
answer: '回答'
const activeNameIndex = ref(0)
const showAddModal = ref(false)
const dataList = ref([])
const selectedRowKeys = ref([]);
let tableData = ref([])
const loadingPage = ref(false)
// 初始化
onMounted(() => {
getList().then(res => {
const initData = () => {
loadingPage.value = true
// 获取详情
Promise.all(selectedRowKeys.value.map(id => getDetail(id))).then(data => {
detailArray.value = []
for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
if (data[index] == undefined) {
} else {
// 处理数据
nextTick(() => {
loadingPage.value = false
}).catch(err => {
loadingPage.value = false
message.error(err || '获取算法详情失败,请重试!')
// 处理数组
const getNewData = () => {
tableData.value = []
Object.keys(titleInfoObj).map((titleKey, i) => {
// 标题
let _newObj = {
'title': titleKey,
if (arrayStr.includes(titleKey)) {
_newObj.groupName = titleKey;
_newObj.groupList = []
} else {
_newObj.list = []
let list = [];
titleInfoObj[titleKey].map(trName => {
let obj = {
name: trName.text,
if (!arrayStr.includes(titleKey)) {
obj.infoList = getInfoList(trName)
} else {
_newObj.groupList = getGroupList(titleKey, trName)
if (!arrayStr.includes(titleKey)) {
_newObj.list = list;
// 基本信息等
const getInfoList = (rowItem) => {
let arr = []
detailArray.value.map(item => {
let val = undefined;
val = item[rowItem.key || rowItem.text]
return arr;
// 算法优势分组信息数组getGroupList
const getGroupList = (titleKey, trName) => {
let arr = []
detailArray.value.map(item => {
if (arrayStr.includes(titleKey)) {
let groupItemObj = {}
let _list = item[titleKey] || [];
let textInfo = textObj[titleKey]
_list.map(v => {
Object.keys(v).map(d => {
if (textInfo[d] !== undefined) {
groupItemObj[textInfo[d]] = v[d]
let _arr = translateArray(arr)
return _arr;
// 数组转化
const translateArray = (list) => {
let arr = []
if (list.every(v => JSON.stringify(v) == '{}')) {
arr = []
} else {
let itemObj = list.find(v => JSON.stringify(v) !== '{}')
let obj = {}
Object.keys(itemObj).map(v => {
let arr2 = []
list.map(item => {
arr2.push(item[v] || '')
obj[v] = arr2
return arr;
// 获取算法列表
const getList = () => {
const data = {
deptIds: [],
districtId: '',
infoList: [
// { attrType: "组件类型", attrValue: "智能算法" }
name: '',
orderField: 'total',
orderType: 'DESC',
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 15,
// type: '组件服务',
type: '',
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pageWithAttrs(data).then((res) => {
dataList.value = res.data.data.records || []
nextTick(() => {
// 默认前两个
}).catch(err => {
// 删除算法
const deleteList = (i) => {
selectedRowKeys.value.splice(i, 1)
detailArray.value.splice(i, 1)
nextTick(() => {
for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
if (detailArray.value[index] == undefined) {
detailArray.value.splice(index, 1, '')
const addList = () => {
showAddModal.value = true
const handleOk = () => {
if (selectedRowKeys.length > 4) {
return false;
showAddModal.value = false
const handleCancel = () => {
showAddModal.value = false
const rowSelection = computed(() => {
return {
selectedRowKeys: unref(selectedRowKeys),
onChange: changableRowKeys => {
if (changableRowKeys.length > 4) {
} else {
selectedRowKeys.value = changableRowKeys;
if (selectedRowKeys.value.length > 4) {
selectedRowKeys.value = selectedRowKeys.value.splice(4)
hideDefaultSelections: true,
// 动态获取高度
const getHeight = (name) => {
if (name.indexOf('描述') != -1) {
return '120px'
if (name.indexOf('视频') != -1) {
return '230px'
// 是否视频播放
const showVideo = (name) => {
if (name.indexOf('视频') !== -1) {
return true
return false;
// 切换左侧
const changeTab = (n, data) => {
activeNameIndex.value = n;
// 获取元素距离父元素的距离
let realTop = ctx.refs[data][0].offsetTop;
if (realTop || realTop === 0) {
'top': realTop - 240,
'behavior': 'smooth'
// 获取详情
const getDetail = (id) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
selectOne(id).then((res) => {
resolve(res.data && res.data.data)
}).catch(err => {
// 判断是否json字符串
const isJson = (str) => {
if (typeof str == 'string') {
try {
let obj = JSON.parse(str)
return true
} catch (e) {
return false;
// infoList数组处理
const formatterData = (obj) => {
let _newObj = {}
obj.infoList.map(v => {
_newObj[v.attrType] = isJson(v.attrValue) ? JSON.parse(v.attrValue) : v.attrValue;
let _obj = Object.assign({}, obj, _newObj)
return _obj
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