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<el-dialog custom-class="customClass" :visible.sync="areaVisibleCopy" :title="modalTypeText[modalType]"
@close="closeModal" :close-on-click-modal="false" :close-on-press-escape="false">
<!-- 挂载和修改 -->
<div class="right">
<el-form :model="dataForm" :rules="rules" ref="dataForm" @keyup.enter.native="dataFormSubmitHandle()"
:label-width="$i18n.locale === 'en-US' ? '120px' : '100px'">
<!-- 基本信息 -->
<div class="scrollBox" id="anchor1">
<div class="baseInner">
<el-form-item label="所属区市:" prop="unit">
<el-select v-model="dataForm.area" placeholder="请选择">
<el-option v-for="item in areas" :key="item.data" :label="item.name"
<el-form-item label="赋能领域:" prop="unit">
<el-select v-model="dataForm.applicationArea" placeholder="请选择">
<el-option v-for="item in sceneAreas" :key="item.data" :label="item.dict_label"
<el-form-item label="场景名称:" prop="name">
<el-input v-model="dataForm.name" placeholder="请输入名称" style="width:90%"></el-input>
<el-form-item label="场景描述:" prop="description">
<el-input type="textarea" :rows="3" v-model="dataForm.description" placeholder="请输入描述"
<el-form-item label="场景入口:">
<el-input v-model="dataForm.sceneUrl" placeholder="请输入场景入口" style="width:90%"></el-input>
<el-form-item label="场景图片:">
<el-upload ref="editUpload" class="upload-demo" :action="fileUploadUrl"
:on-success="eidtHandleAvatarSuccess" :before-upload="editBeforeAvatarUpload" :limit="1"
:file-list="[]" :on-remove="editUploadRemoveFile" :on-exceed="handleExceed" list-type="picture">
<div slot="tip" class="el-upload__tip">只能上传图片文件格式为jpg/png</div>
<div class="button-new">
<img v-if="imageUrl" :src="imageUrl" class="avatar" />
<template slot="footer">
<el-button @click="closeModal">{{ $t("cancel") }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="dataFormSubmitHandle()">提交</el-button>
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'
import qs from 'qs'
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
import upload from '@/views/modules/components/upload'
// 模态框标题
export const modalTypeText = {
add: '场景挂接',
update: '场景修改'
export default {
components: {
watch: {
dataForm: {
handler (newVal) {
this.dataForm = newVal
deep: true,
immediate: true
areaVisible: {
handler (newVal) {
this.areaVisibleCopy = newVal
if (this.modalType == 'add' && newVal) {
immediate: true
props: {
modalType: {
type: String,
default: 'add'
areaVisible: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data () {
return {
areas: [], // 所属区市
sceneAreas: [],
fileUploadUrl: window.SITE_CONFIG.apiURL + '/upload',
dataForm: {
district: 1, // 0市级1基层
area: '', // 所属区市
infrastructureCount: null,
dataSourceCount: null,
componentCount: null,
name: '',
applicationArea: '', // 赋能领域
description: '',
sceneUrl: '',
fuseAttrList: [
attrType: '构建步骤',
attrValue: [{ question: '', answer: [{ answer: '' }, { answer: '' }] }]
attrType: '基础设施',
attrValue: [{ name: '', type: '', dept: '' }]
attrType: '组件服务',
attrValue: [{ name: '', type: '', dept: '' }]
attrType: '数据资源',
attrValue: [{ name: '', type: '', dept: '' }]
attrType: '场景痛点',
attrValue: [{ description: '' }]
attrType: '解决方案',
attrValue: [{ description: '' }]
attrType: '服务图片',
attrValue: ''
rules: {
name: [
required: true,
message: '请输入名称',
trigger: 'change'
description: [
required: true,
message: '请输入描述',
trigger: 'change'
areaVisibleCopy: this.areaVisible,
displayInfo: {
name: '名称',
description: '描述'
modalTypeText: modalTypeText,
abilityListObj: {},
imgData: [],
// 限定图片
handleExceed () {
this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '最多支持一张图片上传' })
imageUrl: ''
methods: {
// 获取所属区市
getArea () {
const params = {
pid: '250000'
.get('/sys/region/list/', {
.then((res) => {
this.areas = res.data.data
// 获取赋能场景
getSceneArea () {
const params = {
topCategoryName: '应用资源'
.get('/category/getAllFilterCriteriaByTopCategory/', {
.then((res) => {
this.sceneAreas = res.data.data[0].typeList
clearForm () {
this.$refs.dataForm && this.$refs.dataForm.resetFields()
closeModal () {
// 表单提交
dataFormSubmitHandle: debounce(
function () {
this.$refs.dataForm.validate((valid) => {
if (!valid) {
return false
const methodsObj = {
add: 'post',
update: 'put'
// if (this.imageUrl == '') {
// this.$message.error('请上传图片!')
// return
// }
this.dataForm.fuseAttrList.find(v => v.attrType == '服务图片').attrValue = this.imageUrl || ''
const _obj = Object.assign({}, this.dataForm, {
type: '赋能场景'
this.dataForm.fuseAttrList.forEach(item => {
if (item.attrType !== '服务图片') {
item.attrValue = JSON.stringify(item.attrValue)
[methodsObj[this.modalType]]('/fuse', _obj)
.then(({ data: res }) => {
if (res.code !== 0) {
return this.$message.error(res.msg)
message: this.$t('prompt.success'),
type: 'success',
duration: 500,
onClose: () => {
this.$refs.dataForm && this.$refs.dataForm.resetFields()
.catch((err) => {
{ leading: true, trailing: false }
// 详情
getDetail (data) {
this.dataForm = data
const _imgObj = data.fuseAttrList.find(v => v.attrType == '服务图片') || {}
this.imageUrl = _imgObj.attrValue
handleAvatarSuccess (res, file) {
if (res.code !== 0) {
return this.$message.error(res.msg)
this.imageUrl = res.data
beforeAvatarUpload (file) {
const isImage =
file.type === 'image/jpeg' ||
file.type === 'image/jpg' ||
file.type === 'image/png'
if (!isImage) {
this.$message.error('上传图片只能是 jpg/png 格式!')
return isImage
addUploadRemoveFile (file, fileList) {
this.imageUrl = ''
editBeforeAvatarUpload (file) {
const isImage =
file.type === 'image/jpeg' ||
file.type === 'image/jpg' ||
file.type === 'image/png'
if (!isImage) {
this.$message.error('上传图片只能是 jpg/png 格式!')
return isImage
editUploadRemoveFile (file, fileList) {
this.imageUrl = ''
eidtHandleAvatarSuccess (res, file) {
if (res.code !== 0) {
return this.$message.error(res.msg)
this.imageUrl = res.data
mounted () {
beforeDestroy () {
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