// Polyfills

if ( Number.EPSILON === undefined ) {

	Number.EPSILON = Math.pow( 2, - 52 );


if ( Number.isInteger === undefined ) {

	// Missing in IE
	// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/isInteger

	Number.isInteger = function ( value ) {

		return typeof value === 'number' && isFinite( value ) && Math.floor( value ) === value;




if ( Math.sign === undefined ) {

	// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/sign

	Math.sign = function ( x ) {

		return ( x < 0 ) ? - 1 : ( x > 0 ) ? 1 : + x;



if ( 'name' in Function.prototype === false ) {

	// Missing in IE
	// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/name

	Object.defineProperty( Function.prototype, 'name', {

		get: function () {

			return this.toString().match( /^\s*function\s*([^\(\s]*)/ )[ 1 ];


	} );


if ( Object.assign === undefined ) {

	// Missing in IE
	// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign

	( function () {

		Object.assign = function ( target ) {

			if ( target === undefined || target === null ) {

				throw new TypeError( 'Cannot convert undefined or null to object' );


			var output = Object( target );

			for ( var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index ++ ) {

				var source = arguments[ index ];

				if ( source !== undefined && source !== null ) {

					for ( var nextKey in source ) {

						if ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( source, nextKey ) ) {

							output[ nextKey ] = source[ nextKey ];





			return output;


	} )();


 * https://github.com/mrdoob/eventdispatcher.js/

function EventDispatcher() {}

Object.assign( EventDispatcher.prototype, {

	addEventListener: function ( type, listener ) {

		if ( this._listeners === undefined ) this._listeners = {};

		var listeners = this._listeners;

		if ( listeners[ type ] === undefined ) {

			listeners[ type ] = [];


		if ( listeners[ type ].indexOf( listener ) === - 1 ) {

			listeners[ type ].push( listener );



	hasEventListener: function ( type, listener ) {

		if ( this._listeners === undefined ) return false;

		var listeners = this._listeners;

		return listeners[ type ] !== undefined && listeners[ type ].indexOf( listener ) !== - 1;


	removeEventListener: function ( type, listener ) {

		if ( this._listeners === undefined ) return;

		var listeners = this._listeners;
		var listenerArray = listeners[ type ];

		if ( listenerArray !== undefined ) {

			var index = listenerArray.indexOf( listener );

			if ( index !== - 1 ) {

				listenerArray.splice( index, 1 );




	dispatchEvent: function ( event ) {

		if ( this._listeners === undefined ) return;

		var listeners = this._listeners;
		var listenerArray = listeners[ event.type ];

		if ( listenerArray !== undefined ) {

			event.target = this;

			var array = listenerArray.slice( 0 );

			for ( var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				array[ i ].call( this, event );




} );

var REVISION = '90';
var MOUSE = { LEFT: 0, MIDDLE: 1, RIGHT: 2 };
var CullFaceNone = 0;
var CullFaceBack = 1;
var CullFaceFront = 2;
var CullFaceFrontBack = 3;
var FrontFaceDirectionCW = 0;
var FrontFaceDirectionCCW = 1;
var BasicShadowMap = 0;
var PCFShadowMap = 1;
var PCFSoftShadowMap = 2;
var FrontSide = 0;
var BackSide = 1;
var DoubleSide = 2;
var FlatShading = 1;
var SmoothShading = 2;
var NoColors = 0;
var FaceColors = 1;
var VertexColors = 2;
var NoBlending = 0;
var NormalBlending = 1;
var AdditiveBlending = 2;
var SubtractiveBlending = 3;
var MultiplyBlending = 4;
var CustomBlending = 5;
var AddEquation = 100;
var SubtractEquation = 101;
var ReverseSubtractEquation = 102;
var MinEquation = 103;
var MaxEquation = 104;
var ZeroFactor = 200;
var OneFactor = 201;
var SrcColorFactor = 202;
var OneMinusSrcColorFactor = 203;
var SrcAlphaFactor = 204;
var OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor = 205;
var DstAlphaFactor = 206;
var OneMinusDstAlphaFactor = 207;
var DstColorFactor = 208;
var OneMinusDstColorFactor = 209;
var SrcAlphaSaturateFactor = 210;
var NeverDepth = 0;
var AlwaysDepth = 1;
var LessDepth = 2;
var LessEqualDepth = 3;
var EqualDepth = 4;
var GreaterEqualDepth = 5;
var GreaterDepth = 6;
var NotEqualDepth = 7;
var MultiplyOperation = 0;
var MixOperation = 1;
var AddOperation = 2;
var NoToneMapping = 0;
var LinearToneMapping = 1;
var ReinhardToneMapping = 2;
var Uncharted2ToneMapping = 3;
var CineonToneMapping = 4;
var UVMapping = 300;
var CubeReflectionMapping = 301;
var CubeRefractionMapping = 302;
var EquirectangularReflectionMapping = 303;
var EquirectangularRefractionMapping = 304;
var SphericalReflectionMapping = 305;
var CubeUVReflectionMapping = 306;
var CubeUVRefractionMapping = 307;
var RepeatWrapping = 1000;
var ClampToEdgeWrapping = 1001;
var MirroredRepeatWrapping = 1002;
var NearestFilter = 1003;
var NearestMipMapNearestFilter = 1004;
var NearestMipMapLinearFilter = 1005;
var LinearFilter = 1006;
var LinearMipMapNearestFilter = 1007;
var LinearMipMapLinearFilter = 1008;
var UnsignedByteType = 1009;
var ByteType = 1010;
var ShortType = 1011;
var UnsignedShortType = 1012;
var IntType = 1013;
var UnsignedIntType = 1014;
var FloatType = 1015;
var HalfFloatType = 1016;
var UnsignedShort4444Type = 1017;
var UnsignedShort5551Type = 1018;
var UnsignedShort565Type = 1019;
var UnsignedInt248Type = 1020;
var AlphaFormat = 1021;
var RGBFormat = 1022;
var RGBAFormat = 1023;
var LuminanceFormat = 1024;
var LuminanceAlphaFormat = 1025;
var RGBEFormat = RGBAFormat;
var DepthFormat = 1026;
var DepthStencilFormat = 1027;
var RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format = 33776;
var RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format = 33777;
var RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format = 33778;
var RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format = 33779;
var RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format = 35840;
var RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format = 35841;
var RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format = 35842;
var RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format = 35843;
var RGB_ETC1_Format = 36196;
var RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format = 37808;
var RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format = 37809;
var RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format = 37810;
var RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format = 37811;
var RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format = 37812;
var RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format = 37813;
var RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format = 37814;
var RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format = 37815;
var RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format = 37816;
var RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format = 37817;
var RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format = 37818;
var RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format = 37819;
var RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format = 37820;
var RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format = 37821;
var LoopOnce = 2200;
var LoopRepeat = 2201;
var LoopPingPong = 2202;
var InterpolateDiscrete = 2300;
var InterpolateLinear = 2301;
var InterpolateSmooth = 2302;
var ZeroCurvatureEnding = 2400;
var ZeroSlopeEnding = 2401;
var WrapAroundEnding = 2402;
var TrianglesDrawMode = 0;
var TriangleStripDrawMode = 1;
var TriangleFanDrawMode = 2;
var LinearEncoding = 3000;
var sRGBEncoding = 3001;
var GammaEncoding = 3007;
var RGBEEncoding = 3002;
var LogLuvEncoding = 3003;
var RGBM7Encoding = 3004;
var RGBM16Encoding = 3005;
var RGBDEncoding = 3006;
var BasicDepthPacking = 3200;
var RGBADepthPacking = 3201;

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

var _Math = {

	DEG2RAD: Math.PI / 180,
	RAD2DEG: 180 / Math.PI,

	generateUUID: ( function () {

		// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034/how-to-create-a-guid-uuid-in-javascript/21963136#21963136

		var lut = [];

		for ( var i = 0; i < 256; i ++ ) {

			lut[ i ] = ( i < 16 ? '0' : '' ) + ( i ).toString( 16 ).toUpperCase();


		return function generateUUID() {

			var d0 = Math.random() * 0xffffffff | 0;
			var d1 = Math.random() * 0xffffffff | 0;
			var d2 = Math.random() * 0xffffffff | 0;
			var d3 = Math.random() * 0xffffffff | 0;
			return lut[ d0 & 0xff ] + lut[ d0 >> 8 & 0xff ] + lut[ d0 >> 16 & 0xff ] + lut[ d0 >> 24 & 0xff ] + '-' +
				lut[ d1 & 0xff ] + lut[ d1 >> 8 & 0xff ] + '-' + lut[ d1 >> 16 & 0x0f | 0x40 ] + lut[ d1 >> 24 & 0xff ] + '-' +
				lut[ d2 & 0x3f | 0x80 ] + lut[ d2 >> 8 & 0xff ] + '-' + lut[ d2 >> 16 & 0xff ] + lut[ d2 >> 24 & 0xff ] +
				lut[ d3 & 0xff ] + lut[ d3 >> 8 & 0xff ] + lut[ d3 >> 16 & 0xff ] + lut[ d3 >> 24 & 0xff ];


	} )(),

	clamp: function ( value, min, max ) {

		return Math.max( min, Math.min( max, value ) );


	// compute euclidian modulo of m % n
	// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation

	euclideanModulo: function ( n, m ) {

		return ( ( n % m ) + m ) % m;


	// Linear mapping from range <a1, a2> to range <b1, b2>

	mapLinear: function ( x, a1, a2, b1, b2 ) {

		return b1 + ( x - a1 ) * ( b2 - b1 ) / ( a2 - a1 );


	// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_interpolation

	lerp: function ( x, y, t ) {

		return ( 1 - t ) * x + t * y;


	// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoothstep

	smoothstep: function ( x, min, max ) {

		if ( x <= min ) return 0;
		if ( x >= max ) return 1;

		x = ( x - min ) / ( max - min );

		return x * x * ( 3 - 2 * x );


	smootherstep: function ( x, min, max ) {

		if ( x <= min ) return 0;
		if ( x >= max ) return 1;

		x = ( x - min ) / ( max - min );

		return x * x * x * ( x * ( x * 6 - 15 ) + 10 );


	// Random integer from <low, high> interval

	randInt: function ( low, high ) {

		return low + Math.floor( Math.random() * ( high - low + 1 ) );


	// Random float from <low, high> interval

	randFloat: function ( low, high ) {

		return low + Math.random() * ( high - low );


	// Random float from <-range/2, range/2> interval

	randFloatSpread: function ( range ) {

		return range * ( 0.5 - Math.random() );


	degToRad: function ( degrees ) {

		return degrees * _Math.DEG2RAD;


	radToDeg: function ( radians ) {

		return radians * _Math.RAD2DEG;


	isPowerOfTwo: function ( value ) {

		return ( value & ( value - 1 ) ) === 0 && value !== 0;


	ceilPowerOfTwo: function ( value ) {

		return Math.pow( 2, Math.ceil( Math.log( value ) / Math.LN2 ) );


	floorPowerOfTwo: function ( value ) {

		return Math.pow( 2, Math.floor( Math.log( value ) / Math.LN2 ) );



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author philogb / http://blog.thejit.org/
 * @author egraether / http://egraether.com/
 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog

function Vector2( x, y ) {

	this.x = x || 0;
	this.y = y || 0;


Object.defineProperties( Vector2.prototype, {

	"width": {

		get: function () {

			return this.x;


		set: function ( value ) {

			this.x = value;



	"height": {

		get: function () {

			return this.y;


		set: function ( value ) {

			this.y = value;



} );

Object.assign( Vector2.prototype, {

	isVector2: true,

	set: function ( x, y ) {

		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;

		return this;


	setScalar: function ( scalar ) {

		this.x = scalar;
		this.y = scalar;

		return this;


	setX: function ( x ) {

		this.x = x;

		return this;


	setY: function ( y ) {

		this.y = y;

		return this;


	setComponent: function ( index, value ) {

		switch ( index ) {

			case 0: this.x = value; break;
			case 1: this.y = value; break;
			default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );


		return this;


	getComponent: function ( index ) {

		switch ( index ) {

			case 0: return this.x;
			case 1: return this.y;
			default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );



	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor( this.x, this.y );


	copy: function ( v ) {

		this.x = v.x;
		this.y = v.y;

		return this;


	add: function ( v, w ) {

		if ( w !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Vector2: .add() now only accepts one argument. Use .addVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
			return this.addVectors( v, w );


		this.x += v.x;
		this.y += v.y;

		return this;


	addScalar: function ( s ) {

		this.x += s;
		this.y += s;

		return this;


	addVectors: function ( a, b ) {

		this.x = a.x + b.x;
		this.y = a.y + b.y;

		return this;


	addScaledVector: function ( v, s ) {

		this.x += v.x * s;
		this.y += v.y * s;

		return this;


	sub: function ( v, w ) {

		if ( w !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Vector2: .sub() now only accepts one argument. Use .subVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
			return this.subVectors( v, w );


		this.x -= v.x;
		this.y -= v.y;

		return this;


	subScalar: function ( s ) {

		this.x -= s;
		this.y -= s;

		return this;


	subVectors: function ( a, b ) {

		this.x = a.x - b.x;
		this.y = a.y - b.y;

		return this;


	multiply: function ( v ) {

		this.x *= v.x;
		this.y *= v.y;

		return this;


	multiplyScalar: function ( scalar ) {

		this.x *= scalar;
		this.y *= scalar;

		return this;


	divide: function ( v ) {

		this.x /= v.x;
		this.y /= v.y;

		return this;


	divideScalar: function ( scalar ) {

		return this.multiplyScalar( 1 / scalar );


	applyMatrix3: function ( m ) {

		var x = this.x, y = this.y;
		var e = m.elements;

		this.x = e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 3 ] * y + e[ 6 ];
		this.y = e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 7 ];

		return this;


	min: function ( v ) {

		this.x = Math.min( this.x, v.x );
		this.y = Math.min( this.y, v.y );

		return this;


	max: function ( v ) {

		this.x = Math.max( this.x, v.x );
		this.y = Math.max( this.y, v.y );

		return this;


	clamp: function ( min, max ) {

		// assumes min < max, componentwise

		this.x = Math.max( min.x, Math.min( max.x, this.x ) );
		this.y = Math.max( min.y, Math.min( max.y, this.y ) );

		return this;


	clampScalar: function () {

		var min = new Vector2();
		var max = new Vector2();

		return function clampScalar( minVal, maxVal ) {

			min.set( minVal, minVal );
			max.set( maxVal, maxVal );

			return this.clamp( min, max );



	clampLength: function ( min, max ) {

		var length = this.length();

		return this.divideScalar( length || 1 ).multiplyScalar( Math.max( min, Math.min( max, length ) ) );


	floor: function () {

		this.x = Math.floor( this.x );
		this.y = Math.floor( this.y );

		return this;


	ceil: function () {

		this.x = Math.ceil( this.x );
		this.y = Math.ceil( this.y );

		return this;


	round: function () {

		this.x = Math.round( this.x );
		this.y = Math.round( this.y );

		return this;


	roundToZero: function () {

		this.x = ( this.x < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.x ) : Math.floor( this.x );
		this.y = ( this.y < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.y ) : Math.floor( this.y );

		return this;


	negate: function () {

		this.x = - this.x;
		this.y = - this.y;

		return this;


	dot: function ( v ) {

		return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y;


	lengthSq: function () {

		return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y;


	length: function () {

		return Math.sqrt( this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y );


	manhattanLength: function () {

		return Math.abs( this.x ) + Math.abs( this.y );


	normalize: function () {

		return this.divideScalar( this.length() || 1 );


	angle: function () {

		// computes the angle in radians with respect to the positive x-axis

		var angle = Math.atan2( this.y, this.x );

		if ( angle < 0 ) angle += 2 * Math.PI;

		return angle;


	distanceTo: function ( v ) {

		return Math.sqrt( this.distanceToSquared( v ) );


	distanceToSquared: function ( v ) {

		var dx = this.x - v.x, dy = this.y - v.y;
		return dx * dx + dy * dy;


	manhattanDistanceTo: function ( v ) {

		return Math.abs( this.x - v.x ) + Math.abs( this.y - v.y );


	setLength: function ( length ) {

		return this.normalize().multiplyScalar( length );


	lerp: function ( v, alpha ) {

		this.x += ( v.x - this.x ) * alpha;
		this.y += ( v.y - this.y ) * alpha;

		return this;


	lerpVectors: function ( v1, v2, alpha ) {

		return this.subVectors( v2, v1 ).multiplyScalar( alpha ).add( v1 );


	equals: function ( v ) {

		return ( ( v.x === this.x ) && ( v.y === this.y ) );


	fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		this.x = array[ offset ];
		this.y = array[ offset + 1 ];

		return this;


	toArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		array[ offset ] = this.x;
		array[ offset + 1 ] = this.y;

		return array;


	fromBufferAttribute: function ( attribute, index, offset ) {

		if ( offset !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Vector2: offset has been removed from .fromBufferAttribute().' );


		this.x = attribute.getX( index );
		this.y = attribute.getY( index );

		return this;


	rotateAround: function ( center, angle ) {

		var c = Math.cos( angle ), s = Math.sin( angle );

		var x = this.x - center.x;
		var y = this.y - center.y;

		this.x = x * c - y * s + center.x;
		this.y = x * s + y * c + center.y;

		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author supereggbert / http://www.paulbrunt.co.uk/
 * @author philogb / http://blog.thejit.org/
 * @author jordi_ros / http://plattsoft.com
 * @author D1plo1d / http://github.com/D1plo1d
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author timknip / http://www.floorplanner.com/
 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley

function Matrix4() {

	this.elements = [

		1, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 1, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 1, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 1


	if ( arguments.length > 0 ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: the constructor no longer reads arguments. use .set() instead.' );



Object.assign( Matrix4.prototype, {

	isMatrix4: true,

	set: function ( n11, n12, n13, n14, n21, n22, n23, n24, n31, n32, n33, n34, n41, n42, n43, n44 ) {

		var te = this.elements;

		te[ 0 ] = n11; te[ 4 ] = n12; te[ 8 ] = n13; te[ 12 ] = n14;
		te[ 1 ] = n21; te[ 5 ] = n22; te[ 9 ] = n23; te[ 13 ] = n24;
		te[ 2 ] = n31; te[ 6 ] = n32; te[ 10 ] = n33; te[ 14 ] = n34;
		te[ 3 ] = n41; te[ 7 ] = n42; te[ 11 ] = n43; te[ 15 ] = n44;

		return this;


	identity: function () {


			1, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 1, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 1, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 1


		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new Matrix4().fromArray( this.elements );


	copy: function ( m ) {

		var te = this.elements;
		var me = m.elements;

		te[ 0 ] = me[ 0 ]; te[ 1 ] = me[ 1 ]; te[ 2 ] = me[ 2 ]; te[ 3 ] = me[ 3 ];
		te[ 4 ] = me[ 4 ]; te[ 5 ] = me[ 5 ]; te[ 6 ] = me[ 6 ]; te[ 7 ] = me[ 7 ];
		te[ 8 ] = me[ 8 ]; te[ 9 ] = me[ 9 ]; te[ 10 ] = me[ 10 ]; te[ 11 ] = me[ 11 ];
		te[ 12 ] = me[ 12 ]; te[ 13 ] = me[ 13 ]; te[ 14 ] = me[ 14 ]; te[ 15 ] = me[ 15 ];

		return this;


	copyPosition: function ( m ) {

		var te = this.elements, me = m.elements;

		te[ 12 ] = me[ 12 ];
		te[ 13 ] = me[ 13 ];
		te[ 14 ] = me[ 14 ];

		return this;


	extractBasis: function ( xAxis, yAxis, zAxis ) {

		xAxis.setFromMatrixColumn( this, 0 );
		yAxis.setFromMatrixColumn( this, 1 );
		zAxis.setFromMatrixColumn( this, 2 );

		return this;


	makeBasis: function ( xAxis, yAxis, zAxis ) {

			xAxis.x, yAxis.x, zAxis.x, 0,
			xAxis.y, yAxis.y, zAxis.y, 0,
			xAxis.z, yAxis.z, zAxis.z, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 1

		return this;


	extractRotation: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function extractRotation( m ) {

			var te = this.elements;
			var me = m.elements;

			var scaleX = 1 / v1.setFromMatrixColumn( m, 0 ).length();
			var scaleY = 1 / v1.setFromMatrixColumn( m, 1 ).length();
			var scaleZ = 1 / v1.setFromMatrixColumn( m, 2 ).length();

			te[ 0 ] = me[ 0 ] * scaleX;
			te[ 1 ] = me[ 1 ] * scaleX;
			te[ 2 ] = me[ 2 ] * scaleX;

			te[ 4 ] = me[ 4 ] * scaleY;
			te[ 5 ] = me[ 5 ] * scaleY;
			te[ 6 ] = me[ 6 ] * scaleY;

			te[ 8 ] = me[ 8 ] * scaleZ;
			te[ 9 ] = me[ 9 ] * scaleZ;
			te[ 10 ] = me[ 10 ] * scaleZ;

			return this;



	makeRotationFromEuler: function ( euler ) {

		if ( ! ( euler && euler.isEuler ) ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .makeRotationFromEuler() now expects a Euler rotation rather than a Vector3 and order.' );


		var te = this.elements;

		var x = euler.x, y = euler.y, z = euler.z;
		var a = Math.cos( x ), b = Math.sin( x );
		var c = Math.cos( y ), d = Math.sin( y );
		var e = Math.cos( z ), f = Math.sin( z );

		if ( euler.order === 'XYZ' ) {

			var ae = a * e, af = a * f, be = b * e, bf = b * f;

			te[ 0 ] = c * e;
			te[ 4 ] = - c * f;
			te[ 8 ] = d;

			te[ 1 ] = af + be * d;
			te[ 5 ] = ae - bf * d;
			te[ 9 ] = - b * c;

			te[ 2 ] = bf - ae * d;
			te[ 6 ] = be + af * d;
			te[ 10 ] = a * c;

		} else if ( euler.order === 'YXZ' ) {

			var ce = c * e, cf = c * f, de = d * e, df = d * f;

			te[ 0 ] = ce + df * b;
			te[ 4 ] = de * b - cf;
			te[ 8 ] = a * d;

			te[ 1 ] = a * f;
			te[ 5 ] = a * e;
			te[ 9 ] = - b;

			te[ 2 ] = cf * b - de;
			te[ 6 ] = df + ce * b;
			te[ 10 ] = a * c;

		} else if ( euler.order === 'ZXY' ) {

			var ce = c * e, cf = c * f, de = d * e, df = d * f;

			te[ 0 ] = ce - df * b;
			te[ 4 ] = - a * f;
			te[ 8 ] = de + cf * b;

			te[ 1 ] = cf + de * b;
			te[ 5 ] = a * e;
			te[ 9 ] = df - ce * b;

			te[ 2 ] = - a * d;
			te[ 6 ] = b;
			te[ 10 ] = a * c;

		} else if ( euler.order === 'ZYX' ) {

			var ae = a * e, af = a * f, be = b * e, bf = b * f;

			te[ 0 ] = c * e;
			te[ 4 ] = be * d - af;
			te[ 8 ] = ae * d + bf;

			te[ 1 ] = c * f;
			te[ 5 ] = bf * d + ae;
			te[ 9 ] = af * d - be;

			te[ 2 ] = - d;
			te[ 6 ] = b * c;
			te[ 10 ] = a * c;

		} else if ( euler.order === 'YZX' ) {

			var ac = a * c, ad = a * d, bc = b * c, bd = b * d;

			te[ 0 ] = c * e;
			te[ 4 ] = bd - ac * f;
			te[ 8 ] = bc * f + ad;

			te[ 1 ] = f;
			te[ 5 ] = a * e;
			te[ 9 ] = - b * e;

			te[ 2 ] = - d * e;
			te[ 6 ] = ad * f + bc;
			te[ 10 ] = ac - bd * f;

		} else if ( euler.order === 'XZY' ) {

			var ac = a * c, ad = a * d, bc = b * c, bd = b * d;

			te[ 0 ] = c * e;
			te[ 4 ] = - f;
			te[ 8 ] = d * e;

			te[ 1 ] = ac * f + bd;
			te[ 5 ] = a * e;
			te[ 9 ] = ad * f - bc;

			te[ 2 ] = bc * f - ad;
			te[ 6 ] = b * e;
			te[ 10 ] = bd * f + ac;


		// last column
		te[ 3 ] = 0;
		te[ 7 ] = 0;
		te[ 11 ] = 0;

		// bottom row
		te[ 12 ] = 0;
		te[ 13 ] = 0;
		te[ 14 ] = 0;
		te[ 15 ] = 1;

		return this;


	makeRotationFromQuaternion: function ( q ) {

		var te = this.elements;

		var x = q._x, y = q._y, z = q._z, w = q._w;
		var x2 = x + x, y2 = y + y, z2 = z + z;
		var xx = x * x2, xy = x * y2, xz = x * z2;
		var yy = y * y2, yz = y * z2, zz = z * z2;
		var wx = w * x2, wy = w * y2, wz = w * z2;

		te[ 0 ] = 1 - ( yy + zz );
		te[ 4 ] = xy - wz;
		te[ 8 ] = xz + wy;

		te[ 1 ] = xy + wz;
		te[ 5 ] = 1 - ( xx + zz );
		te[ 9 ] = yz - wx;

		te[ 2 ] = xz - wy;
		te[ 6 ] = yz + wx;
		te[ 10 ] = 1 - ( xx + yy );

		// last column
		te[ 3 ] = 0;
		te[ 7 ] = 0;
		te[ 11 ] = 0;

		// bottom row
		te[ 12 ] = 0;
		te[ 13 ] = 0;
		te[ 14 ] = 0;
		te[ 15 ] = 1;

		return this;


	lookAt: function () {

		var x = new Vector3();
		var y = new Vector3();
		var z = new Vector3();

		return function lookAt( eye, target, up ) {

			var te = this.elements;

			z.subVectors( eye, target );

			if ( z.lengthSq() === 0 ) {

				// eye and target are in the same position

				z.z = 1;


			x.crossVectors( up, z );

			if ( x.lengthSq() === 0 ) {

				// up and z are parallel

				if ( Math.abs( up.z ) === 1 ) {

					z.x += 0.0001;

				} else {

					z.z += 0.0001;


				x.crossVectors( up, z );


			y.crossVectors( z, x );

			te[ 0 ] = x.x; te[ 4 ] = y.x; te[ 8 ] = z.x;
			te[ 1 ] = x.y; te[ 5 ] = y.y; te[ 9 ] = z.y;
			te[ 2 ] = x.z; te[ 6 ] = y.z; te[ 10 ] = z.z;

			return this;



	multiply: function ( m, n ) {

		if ( n !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .multiply() now only accepts one argument. Use .multiplyMatrices( a, b ) instead.' );
			return this.multiplyMatrices( m, n );


		return this.multiplyMatrices( this, m );


	premultiply: function ( m ) {

		return this.multiplyMatrices( m, this );


	multiplyMatrices: function ( a, b ) {

		var ae = a.elements;
		var be = b.elements;
		var te = this.elements;

		var a11 = ae[ 0 ], a12 = ae[ 4 ], a13 = ae[ 8 ], a14 = ae[ 12 ];
		var a21 = ae[ 1 ], a22 = ae[ 5 ], a23 = ae[ 9 ], a24 = ae[ 13 ];
		var a31 = ae[ 2 ], a32 = ae[ 6 ], a33 = ae[ 10 ], a34 = ae[ 14 ];
		var a41 = ae[ 3 ], a42 = ae[ 7 ], a43 = ae[ 11 ], a44 = ae[ 15 ];

		var b11 = be[ 0 ], b12 = be[ 4 ], b13 = be[ 8 ], b14 = be[ 12 ];
		var b21 = be[ 1 ], b22 = be[ 5 ], b23 = be[ 9 ], b24 = be[ 13 ];
		var b31 = be[ 2 ], b32 = be[ 6 ], b33 = be[ 10 ], b34 = be[ 14 ];
		var b41 = be[ 3 ], b42 = be[ 7 ], b43 = be[ 11 ], b44 = be[ 15 ];

		te[ 0 ] = a11 * b11 + a12 * b21 + a13 * b31 + a14 * b41;
		te[ 4 ] = a11 * b12 + a12 * b22 + a13 * b32 + a14 * b42;
		te[ 8 ] = a11 * b13 + a12 * b23 + a13 * b33 + a14 * b43;
		te[ 12 ] = a11 * b14 + a12 * b24 + a13 * b34 + a14 * b44;

		te[ 1 ] = a21 * b11 + a22 * b21 + a23 * b31 + a24 * b41;
		te[ 5 ] = a21 * b12 + a22 * b22 + a23 * b32 + a24 * b42;
		te[ 9 ] = a21 * b13 + a22 * b23 + a23 * b33 + a24 * b43;
		te[ 13 ] = a21 * b14 + a22 * b24 + a23 * b34 + a24 * b44;

		te[ 2 ] = a31 * b11 + a32 * b21 + a33 * b31 + a34 * b41;
		te[ 6 ] = a31 * b12 + a32 * b22 + a33 * b32 + a34 * b42;
		te[ 10 ] = a31 * b13 + a32 * b23 + a33 * b33 + a34 * b43;
		te[ 14 ] = a31 * b14 + a32 * b24 + a33 * b34 + a34 * b44;

		te[ 3 ] = a41 * b11 + a42 * b21 + a43 * b31 + a44 * b41;
		te[ 7 ] = a41 * b12 + a42 * b22 + a43 * b32 + a44 * b42;
		te[ 11 ] = a41 * b13 + a42 * b23 + a43 * b33 + a44 * b43;
		te[ 15 ] = a41 * b14 + a42 * b24 + a43 * b34 + a44 * b44;

		return this;


	multiplyScalar: function ( s ) {

		var te = this.elements;

		te[ 0 ] *= s; te[ 4 ] *= s; te[ 8 ] *= s; te[ 12 ] *= s;
		te[ 1 ] *= s; te[ 5 ] *= s; te[ 9 ] *= s; te[ 13 ] *= s;
		te[ 2 ] *= s; te[ 6 ] *= s; te[ 10 ] *= s; te[ 14 ] *= s;
		te[ 3 ] *= s; te[ 7 ] *= s; te[ 11 ] *= s; te[ 15 ] *= s;

		return this;


	applyToBufferAttribute: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function applyToBufferAttribute( attribute ) {

			for ( var i = 0, l = attribute.count; i < l; i ++ ) {

				v1.x = attribute.getX( i );
				v1.y = attribute.getY( i );
				v1.z = attribute.getZ( i );

				v1.applyMatrix4( this );

				attribute.setXYZ( i, v1.x, v1.y, v1.z );


			return attribute;



	determinant: function () {

		var te = this.elements;

		var n11 = te[ 0 ], n12 = te[ 4 ], n13 = te[ 8 ], n14 = te[ 12 ];
		var n21 = te[ 1 ], n22 = te[ 5 ], n23 = te[ 9 ], n24 = te[ 13 ];
		var n31 = te[ 2 ], n32 = te[ 6 ], n33 = te[ 10 ], n34 = te[ 14 ];
		var n41 = te[ 3 ], n42 = te[ 7 ], n43 = te[ 11 ], n44 = te[ 15 ];

		//TODO: make this more efficient
		//( based on http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/matrix/functions/inverse/fourD/index.htm )

		return (
			n41 * (
				+ n14 * n23 * n32
				 - n13 * n24 * n32
				 - n14 * n22 * n33
				 + n12 * n24 * n33
				 + n13 * n22 * n34
				 - n12 * n23 * n34
			) +
			n42 * (
				+ n11 * n23 * n34
				 - n11 * n24 * n33
				 + n14 * n21 * n33
				 - n13 * n21 * n34
				 + n13 * n24 * n31
				 - n14 * n23 * n31
			) +
			n43 * (
				+ n11 * n24 * n32
				 - n11 * n22 * n34
				 - n14 * n21 * n32
				 + n12 * n21 * n34
				 + n14 * n22 * n31
				 - n12 * n24 * n31
			) +
			n44 * (
				- n13 * n22 * n31
				 - n11 * n23 * n32
				 + n11 * n22 * n33
				 + n13 * n21 * n32
				 - n12 * n21 * n33
				 + n12 * n23 * n31



	transpose: function () {

		var te = this.elements;
		var tmp;

		tmp = te[ 1 ]; te[ 1 ] = te[ 4 ]; te[ 4 ] = tmp;
		tmp = te[ 2 ]; te[ 2 ] = te[ 8 ]; te[ 8 ] = tmp;
		tmp = te[ 6 ]; te[ 6 ] = te[ 9 ]; te[ 9 ] = tmp;

		tmp = te[ 3 ]; te[ 3 ] = te[ 12 ]; te[ 12 ] = tmp;
		tmp = te[ 7 ]; te[ 7 ] = te[ 13 ]; te[ 13 ] = tmp;
		tmp = te[ 11 ]; te[ 11 ] = te[ 14 ]; te[ 14 ] = tmp;

		return this;


	setPosition: function ( v ) {

		var te = this.elements;

		te[ 12 ] = v.x;
		te[ 13 ] = v.y;
		te[ 14 ] = v.z;

		return this;


	getInverse: function ( m, throwOnDegenerate ) {

		// based on http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/matrix/functions/inverse/fourD/index.htm
		var te = this.elements,
			me = m.elements,

			n11 = me[ 0 ], n21 = me[ 1 ], n31 = me[ 2 ], n41 = me[ 3 ],
			n12 = me[ 4 ], n22 = me[ 5 ], n32 = me[ 6 ], n42 = me[ 7 ],
			n13 = me[ 8 ], n23 = me[ 9 ], n33 = me[ 10 ], n43 = me[ 11 ],
			n14 = me[ 12 ], n24 = me[ 13 ], n34 = me[ 14 ], n44 = me[ 15 ],

			t11 = n23 * n34 * n42 - n24 * n33 * n42 + n24 * n32 * n43 - n22 * n34 * n43 - n23 * n32 * n44 + n22 * n33 * n44,
			t12 = n14 * n33 * n42 - n13 * n34 * n42 - n14 * n32 * n43 + n12 * n34 * n43 + n13 * n32 * n44 - n12 * n33 * n44,
			t13 = n13 * n24 * n42 - n14 * n23 * n42 + n14 * n22 * n43 - n12 * n24 * n43 - n13 * n22 * n44 + n12 * n23 * n44,
			t14 = n14 * n23 * n32 - n13 * n24 * n32 - n14 * n22 * n33 + n12 * n24 * n33 + n13 * n22 * n34 - n12 * n23 * n34;

		var det = n11 * t11 + n21 * t12 + n31 * t13 + n41 * t14;

		if ( det === 0 ) {

			var msg = "THREE.Matrix4: .getInverse() can't invert matrix, determinant is 0";

			if ( throwOnDegenerate === true ) {

				throw new Error( msg );

			} else {

				console.warn( msg );


			return this.identity();


		var detInv = 1 / det;

		te[ 0 ] = t11 * detInv;
		te[ 1 ] = ( n24 * n33 * n41 - n23 * n34 * n41 - n24 * n31 * n43 + n21 * n34 * n43 + n23 * n31 * n44 - n21 * n33 * n44 ) * detInv;
		te[ 2 ] = ( n22 * n34 * n41 - n24 * n32 * n41 + n24 * n31 * n42 - n21 * n34 * n42 - n22 * n31 * n44 + n21 * n32 * n44 ) * detInv;
		te[ 3 ] = ( n23 * n32 * n41 - n22 * n33 * n41 - n23 * n31 * n42 + n21 * n33 * n42 + n22 * n31 * n43 - n21 * n32 * n43 ) * detInv;

		te[ 4 ] = t12 * detInv;
		te[ 5 ] = ( n13 * n34 * n41 - n14 * n33 * n41 + n14 * n31 * n43 - n11 * n34 * n43 - n13 * n31 * n44 + n11 * n33 * n44 ) * detInv;
		te[ 6 ] = ( n14 * n32 * n41 - n12 * n34 * n41 - n14 * n31 * n42 + n11 * n34 * n42 + n12 * n31 * n44 - n11 * n32 * n44 ) * detInv;
		te[ 7 ] = ( n12 * n33 * n41 - n13 * n32 * n41 + n13 * n31 * n42 - n11 * n33 * n42 - n12 * n31 * n43 + n11 * n32 * n43 ) * detInv;

		te[ 8 ] = t13 * detInv;
		te[ 9 ] = ( n14 * n23 * n41 - n13 * n24 * n41 - n14 * n21 * n43 + n11 * n24 * n43 + n13 * n21 * n44 - n11 * n23 * n44 ) * detInv;
		te[ 10 ] = ( n12 * n24 * n41 - n14 * n22 * n41 + n14 * n21 * n42 - n11 * n24 * n42 - n12 * n21 * n44 + n11 * n22 * n44 ) * detInv;
		te[ 11 ] = ( n13 * n22 * n41 - n12 * n23 * n41 - n13 * n21 * n42 + n11 * n23 * n42 + n12 * n21 * n43 - n11 * n22 * n43 ) * detInv;

		te[ 12 ] = t14 * detInv;
		te[ 13 ] = ( n13 * n24 * n31 - n14 * n23 * n31 + n14 * n21 * n33 - n11 * n24 * n33 - n13 * n21 * n34 + n11 * n23 * n34 ) * detInv;
		te[ 14 ] = ( n14 * n22 * n31 - n12 * n24 * n31 - n14 * n21 * n32 + n11 * n24 * n32 + n12 * n21 * n34 - n11 * n22 * n34 ) * detInv;
		te[ 15 ] = ( n12 * n23 * n31 - n13 * n22 * n31 + n13 * n21 * n32 - n11 * n23 * n32 - n12 * n21 * n33 + n11 * n22 * n33 ) * detInv;

		return this;


	scale: function ( v ) {

		var te = this.elements;
		var x = v.x, y = v.y, z = v.z;

		te[ 0 ] *= x; te[ 4 ] *= y; te[ 8 ] *= z;
		te[ 1 ] *= x; te[ 5 ] *= y; te[ 9 ] *= z;
		te[ 2 ] *= x; te[ 6 ] *= y; te[ 10 ] *= z;
		te[ 3 ] *= x; te[ 7 ] *= y; te[ 11 ] *= z;

		return this;


	getMaxScaleOnAxis: function () {

		var te = this.elements;

		var scaleXSq = te[ 0 ] * te[ 0 ] + te[ 1 ] * te[ 1 ] + te[ 2 ] * te[ 2 ];
		var scaleYSq = te[ 4 ] * te[ 4 ] + te[ 5 ] * te[ 5 ] + te[ 6 ] * te[ 6 ];
		var scaleZSq = te[ 8 ] * te[ 8 ] + te[ 9 ] * te[ 9 ] + te[ 10 ] * te[ 10 ];

		return Math.sqrt( Math.max( scaleXSq, scaleYSq, scaleZSq ) );


	makeTranslation: function ( x, y, z ) {


			1, 0, 0, x,
			0, 1, 0, y,
			0, 0, 1, z,
			0, 0, 0, 1


		return this;


	makeRotationX: function ( theta ) {

		var c = Math.cos( theta ), s = Math.sin( theta );


			1, 0, 0, 0,
			0, c, - s, 0,
			0, s, c, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 1


		return this;


	makeRotationY: function ( theta ) {

		var c = Math.cos( theta ), s = Math.sin( theta );


			 c, 0, s, 0,
			 0, 1, 0, 0,
			- s, 0, c, 0,
			 0, 0, 0, 1


		return this;


	makeRotationZ: function ( theta ) {

		var c = Math.cos( theta ), s = Math.sin( theta );


			c, - s, 0, 0,
			s, c, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 1, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 1


		return this;


	makeRotationAxis: function ( axis, angle ) {

		// Based on http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1199.asp

		var c = Math.cos( angle );
		var s = Math.sin( angle );
		var t = 1 - c;
		var x = axis.x, y = axis.y, z = axis.z;
		var tx = t * x, ty = t * y;


			tx * x + c, tx * y - s * z, tx * z + s * y, 0,
			tx * y + s * z, ty * y + c, ty * z - s * x, 0,
			tx * z - s * y, ty * z + s * x, t * z * z + c, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 1


		 return this;


	makeScale: function ( x, y, z ) {


			x, 0, 0, 0,
			0, y, 0, 0,
			0, 0, z, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 1


		return this;


	makeShear: function ( x, y, z ) {


			1, y, z, 0,
			x, 1, z, 0,
			x, y, 1, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 1


		return this;


	compose: function ( position, quaternion, scale ) {

		this.makeRotationFromQuaternion( quaternion );
		this.scale( scale );
		this.setPosition( position );

		return this;


	decompose: function () {

		var vector = new Vector3();
		var matrix = new Matrix4();

		return function decompose( position, quaternion, scale ) {

			var te = this.elements;

			var sx = vector.set( te[ 0 ], te[ 1 ], te[ 2 ] ).length();
			var sy = vector.set( te[ 4 ], te[ 5 ], te[ 6 ] ).length();
			var sz = vector.set( te[ 8 ], te[ 9 ], te[ 10 ] ).length();

			// if determine is negative, we need to invert one scale
			var det = this.determinant();
			if ( det < 0 ) sx = - sx;

			position.x = te[ 12 ];
			position.y = te[ 13 ];
			position.z = te[ 14 ];

			// scale the rotation part
			matrix.copy( this );

			var invSX = 1 / sx;
			var invSY = 1 / sy;
			var invSZ = 1 / sz;

			matrix.elements[ 0 ] *= invSX;
			matrix.elements[ 1 ] *= invSX;
			matrix.elements[ 2 ] *= invSX;

			matrix.elements[ 4 ] *= invSY;
			matrix.elements[ 5 ] *= invSY;
			matrix.elements[ 6 ] *= invSY;

			matrix.elements[ 8 ] *= invSZ;
			matrix.elements[ 9 ] *= invSZ;
			matrix.elements[ 10 ] *= invSZ;

			quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix( matrix );

			scale.x = sx;
			scale.y = sy;
			scale.z = sz;

			return this;



	makePerspective: function ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far ) {

		if ( far === undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .makePerspective() has been redefined and has a new signature. Please check the docs.' );


		var te = this.elements;
		var x = 2 * near / ( right - left );
		var y = 2 * near / ( top - bottom );

		var a = ( right + left ) / ( right - left );
		var b = ( top + bottom ) / ( top - bottom );
		var c = - ( far + near ) / ( far - near );
		var d = - 2 * far * near / ( far - near );

		te[ 0 ] = x;	te[ 4 ] = 0;	te[ 8 ] = a;	te[ 12 ] = 0;
		te[ 1 ] = 0;	te[ 5 ] = y;	te[ 9 ] = b;	te[ 13 ] = 0;
		te[ 2 ] = 0;	te[ 6 ] = 0;	te[ 10 ] = c;	te[ 14 ] = d;
		te[ 3 ] = 0;	te[ 7 ] = 0;	te[ 11 ] = - 1;	te[ 15 ] = 0;

		return this;


	makeOrthographic: function ( left, right, top, bottom, near, far ) {

		var te = this.elements;
		var w = 1.0 / ( right - left );
		var h = 1.0 / ( top - bottom );
		var p = 1.0 / ( far - near );

		var x = ( right + left ) * w;
		var y = ( top + bottom ) * h;
		var z = ( far + near ) * p;

		te[ 0 ] = 2 * w;	te[ 4 ] = 0;	te[ 8 ] = 0;	te[ 12 ] = - x;
		te[ 1 ] = 0;	te[ 5 ] = 2 * h;	te[ 9 ] = 0;	te[ 13 ] = - y;
		te[ 2 ] = 0;	te[ 6 ] = 0;	te[ 10 ] = - 2 * p;	te[ 14 ] = - z;
		te[ 3 ] = 0;	te[ 7 ] = 0;	te[ 11 ] = 0;	te[ 15 ] = 1;

		return this;


	equals: function ( matrix ) {

		var te = this.elements;
		var me = matrix.elements;

		for ( var i = 0; i < 16; i ++ ) {

			if ( te[ i ] !== me[ i ] ) return false;


		return true;


	fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		for ( var i = 0; i < 16; i ++ ) {

			this.elements[ i ] = array[ i + offset ];


		return this;


	toArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		var te = this.elements;

		array[ offset ] = te[ 0 ];
		array[ offset + 1 ] = te[ 1 ];
		array[ offset + 2 ] = te[ 2 ];
		array[ offset + 3 ] = te[ 3 ];

		array[ offset + 4 ] = te[ 4 ];
		array[ offset + 5 ] = te[ 5 ];
		array[ offset + 6 ] = te[ 6 ];
		array[ offset + 7 ] = te[ 7 ];

		array[ offset + 8 ] = te[ 8 ];
		array[ offset + 9 ] = te[ 9 ];
		array[ offset + 10 ] = te[ 10 ];
		array[ offset + 11 ] = te[ 11 ];

		array[ offset + 12 ] = te[ 12 ];
		array[ offset + 13 ] = te[ 13 ];
		array[ offset + 14 ] = te[ 14 ];
		array[ offset + 15 ] = te[ 15 ];

		return array;


} );

 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io

function Quaternion( x, y, z, w ) {

	this._x = x || 0;
	this._y = y || 0;
	this._z = z || 0;
	this._w = ( w !== undefined ) ? w : 1;


Object.assign( Quaternion, {

	slerp: function ( qa, qb, qm, t ) {

		return qm.copy( qa ).slerp( qb, t );


	slerpFlat: function ( dst, dstOffset, src0, srcOffset0, src1, srcOffset1, t ) {

		// fuzz-free, array-based Quaternion SLERP operation

		var x0 = src0[ srcOffset0 + 0 ],
			y0 = src0[ srcOffset0 + 1 ],
			z0 = src0[ srcOffset0 + 2 ],
			w0 = src0[ srcOffset0 + 3 ],

			x1 = src1[ srcOffset1 + 0 ],
			y1 = src1[ srcOffset1 + 1 ],
			z1 = src1[ srcOffset1 + 2 ],
			w1 = src1[ srcOffset1 + 3 ];

		if ( w0 !== w1 || x0 !== x1 || y0 !== y1 || z0 !== z1 ) {

			var s = 1 - t,

				cos = x0 * x1 + y0 * y1 + z0 * z1 + w0 * w1,

				dir = ( cos >= 0 ? 1 : - 1 ),
				sqrSin = 1 - cos * cos;

			// Skip the Slerp for tiny steps to avoid numeric problems:
			if ( sqrSin > Number.EPSILON ) {

				var sin = Math.sqrt( sqrSin ),
					len = Math.atan2( sin, cos * dir );

				s = Math.sin( s * len ) / sin;
				t = Math.sin( t * len ) / sin;


			var tDir = t * dir;

			x0 = x0 * s + x1 * tDir;
			y0 = y0 * s + y1 * tDir;
			z0 = z0 * s + z1 * tDir;
			w0 = w0 * s + w1 * tDir;

			// Normalize in case we just did a lerp:
			if ( s === 1 - t ) {

				var f = 1 / Math.sqrt( x0 * x0 + y0 * y0 + z0 * z0 + w0 * w0 );

				x0 *= f;
				y0 *= f;
				z0 *= f;
				w0 *= f;



		dst[ dstOffset ] = x0;
		dst[ dstOffset + 1 ] = y0;
		dst[ dstOffset + 2 ] = z0;
		dst[ dstOffset + 3 ] = w0;


} );

Object.defineProperties( Quaternion.prototype, {

	x: {

		get: function () {

			return this._x;


		set: function ( value ) {

			this._x = value;



	y: {

		get: function () {

			return this._y;


		set: function ( value ) {

			this._y = value;



	z: {

		get: function () {

			return this._z;


		set: function ( value ) {

			this._z = value;



	w: {

		get: function () {

			return this._w;


		set: function ( value ) {

			this._w = value;



} );

Object.assign( Quaternion.prototype, {

	set: function ( x, y, z, w ) {

		this._x = x;
		this._y = y;
		this._z = z;
		this._w = w;


		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor( this._x, this._y, this._z, this._w );


	copy: function ( quaternion ) {

		this._x = quaternion.x;
		this._y = quaternion.y;
		this._z = quaternion.z;
		this._w = quaternion.w;


		return this;


	setFromEuler: function ( euler, update ) {

		if ( ! ( euler && euler.isEuler ) ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.Quaternion: .setFromEuler() now expects an Euler rotation rather than a Vector3 and order.' );


		var x = euler._x, y = euler._y, z = euler._z, order = euler.order;

		// http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/
		// 	20696-function-to-convert-between-dcm-euler-angles-quaternions-and-euler-vectors/
		//	content/SpinCalc.m

		var cos = Math.cos;
		var sin = Math.sin;

		var c1 = cos( x / 2 );
		var c2 = cos( y / 2 );
		var c3 = cos( z / 2 );

		var s1 = sin( x / 2 );
		var s2 = sin( y / 2 );
		var s3 = sin( z / 2 );

		if ( order === 'XYZ' ) {

			this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
			this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;
			this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3;
			this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3;

		} else if ( order === 'YXZ' ) {

			this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
			this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;
			this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 - s1 * s2 * c3;
			this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3;

		} else if ( order === 'ZXY' ) {

			this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3;
			this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3;
			this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3;
			this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3;

		} else if ( order === 'ZYX' ) {

			this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3;
			this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3;
			this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 - s1 * s2 * c3;
			this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3;

		} else if ( order === 'YZX' ) {

			this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
			this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3;
			this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 - s1 * s2 * c3;
			this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3;

		} else if ( order === 'XZY' ) {

			this._x = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3;
			this._y = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;
			this._z = c1 * c2 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3;
			this._w = c1 * c2 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3;


		if ( update !== false ) this.onChangeCallback();

		return this;


	setFromAxisAngle: function ( axis, angle ) {

		// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/angleToQuaternion/index.htm

		// assumes axis is normalized

		var halfAngle = angle / 2, s = Math.sin( halfAngle );

		this._x = axis.x * s;
		this._y = axis.y * s;
		this._z = axis.z * s;
		this._w = Math.cos( halfAngle );


		return this;


	setFromRotationMatrix: function ( m ) {

		// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/matrixToQuaternion/index.htm

		// assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)

		var te = m.elements,

			m11 = te[ 0 ], m12 = te[ 4 ], m13 = te[ 8 ],
			m21 = te[ 1 ], m22 = te[ 5 ], m23 = te[ 9 ],
			m31 = te[ 2 ], m32 = te[ 6 ], m33 = te[ 10 ],

			trace = m11 + m22 + m33,

		if ( trace > 0 ) {

			s = 0.5 / Math.sqrt( trace + 1.0 );

			this._w = 0.25 / s;
			this._x = ( m32 - m23 ) * s;
			this._y = ( m13 - m31 ) * s;
			this._z = ( m21 - m12 ) * s;

		} else if ( m11 > m22 && m11 > m33 ) {

			s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + m11 - m22 - m33 );

			this._w = ( m32 - m23 ) / s;
			this._x = 0.25 * s;
			this._y = ( m12 + m21 ) / s;
			this._z = ( m13 + m31 ) / s;

		} else if ( m22 > m33 ) {

			s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + m22 - m11 - m33 );

			this._w = ( m13 - m31 ) / s;
			this._x = ( m12 + m21 ) / s;
			this._y = 0.25 * s;
			this._z = ( m23 + m32 ) / s;

		} else {

			s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + m33 - m11 - m22 );

			this._w = ( m21 - m12 ) / s;
			this._x = ( m13 + m31 ) / s;
			this._y = ( m23 + m32 ) / s;
			this._z = 0.25 * s;



		return this;


	setFromUnitVectors: function () {

		// assumes direction vectors vFrom and vTo are normalized

		var v1 = new Vector3();
		var r;

		var EPS = 0.000001;

		return function setFromUnitVectors( vFrom, vTo ) {

			if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new Vector3();

			r = vFrom.dot( vTo ) + 1;

			if ( r < EPS ) {

				r = 0;

				if ( Math.abs( vFrom.x ) > Math.abs( vFrom.z ) ) {

					v1.set( - vFrom.y, vFrom.x, 0 );

				} else {

					v1.set( 0, - vFrom.z, vFrom.y );


			} else {

				v1.crossVectors( vFrom, vTo );


			this._x = v1.x;
			this._y = v1.y;
			this._z = v1.z;
			this._w = r;

			return this.normalize();



	inverse: function () {

		// quaternion is assumed to have unit length

		return this.conjugate();


	conjugate: function () {

		this._x *= - 1;
		this._y *= - 1;
		this._z *= - 1;


		return this;


	dot: function ( v ) {

		return this._x * v._x + this._y * v._y + this._z * v._z + this._w * v._w;


	lengthSq: function () {

		return this._x * this._x + this._y * this._y + this._z * this._z + this._w * this._w;


	length: function () {

		return Math.sqrt( this._x * this._x + this._y * this._y + this._z * this._z + this._w * this._w );


	normalize: function () {

		var l = this.length();

		if ( l === 0 ) {

			this._x = 0;
			this._y = 0;
			this._z = 0;
			this._w = 1;

		} else {

			l = 1 / l;

			this._x = this._x * l;
			this._y = this._y * l;
			this._z = this._z * l;
			this._w = this._w * l;



		return this;


	multiply: function ( q, p ) {

		if ( p !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Quaternion: .multiply() now only accepts one argument. Use .multiplyQuaternions( a, b ) instead.' );
			return this.multiplyQuaternions( q, p );


		return this.multiplyQuaternions( this, q );


	premultiply: function ( q ) {

		return this.multiplyQuaternions( q, this );


	multiplyQuaternions: function ( a, b ) {

		// from http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/realNormedAlgebra/quaternions/code/index.htm

		var qax = a._x, qay = a._y, qaz = a._z, qaw = a._w;
		var qbx = b._x, qby = b._y, qbz = b._z, qbw = b._w;

		this._x = qax * qbw + qaw * qbx + qay * qbz - qaz * qby;
		this._y = qay * qbw + qaw * qby + qaz * qbx - qax * qbz;
		this._z = qaz * qbw + qaw * qbz + qax * qby - qay * qbx;
		this._w = qaw * qbw - qax * qbx - qay * qby - qaz * qbz;


		return this;


	slerp: function ( qb, t ) {

		if ( t === 0 ) return this;
		if ( t === 1 ) return this.copy( qb );

		var x = this._x, y = this._y, z = this._z, w = this._w;

		// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/realNormedAlgebra/quaternions/slerp/

		var cosHalfTheta = w * qb._w + x * qb._x + y * qb._y + z * qb._z;

		if ( cosHalfTheta < 0 ) {

			this._w = - qb._w;
			this._x = - qb._x;
			this._y = - qb._y;
			this._z = - qb._z;

			cosHalfTheta = - cosHalfTheta;

		} else {

			this.copy( qb );


		if ( cosHalfTheta >= 1.0 ) {

			this._w = w;
			this._x = x;
			this._y = y;
			this._z = z;

			return this;


		var sinHalfTheta = Math.sqrt( 1.0 - cosHalfTheta * cosHalfTheta );

		if ( Math.abs( sinHalfTheta ) < 0.001 ) {

			this._w = 0.5 * ( w + this._w );
			this._x = 0.5 * ( x + this._x );
			this._y = 0.5 * ( y + this._y );
			this._z = 0.5 * ( z + this._z );

			return this;


		var halfTheta = Math.atan2( sinHalfTheta, cosHalfTheta );
		var ratioA = Math.sin( ( 1 - t ) * halfTheta ) / sinHalfTheta,
			ratioB = Math.sin( t * halfTheta ) / sinHalfTheta;

		this._w = ( w * ratioA + this._w * ratioB );
		this._x = ( x * ratioA + this._x * ratioB );
		this._y = ( y * ratioA + this._y * ratioB );
		this._z = ( z * ratioA + this._z * ratioB );


		return this;


	equals: function ( quaternion ) {

		return ( quaternion._x === this._x ) && ( quaternion._y === this._y ) && ( quaternion._z === this._z ) && ( quaternion._w === this._w );


	fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		this._x = array[ offset ];
		this._y = array[ offset + 1 ];
		this._z = array[ offset + 2 ];
		this._w = array[ offset + 3 ];


		return this;


	toArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		array[ offset ] = this._x;
		array[ offset + 1 ] = this._y;
		array[ offset + 2 ] = this._z;
		array[ offset + 3 ] = this._w;

		return array;


	onChange: function ( callback ) {

		this.onChangeCallback = callback;

		return this;


	onChangeCallback: function () {}

} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author kile / http://kile.stravaganza.org/
 * @author philogb / http://blog.thejit.org/
 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author egraether / http://egraether.com/
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley

function Vector3( x, y, z ) {

	this.x = x || 0;
	this.y = y || 0;
	this.z = z || 0;


Object.assign( Vector3.prototype, {

	isVector3: true,

	set: function ( x, y, z ) {

		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
		this.z = z;

		return this;


	setScalar: function ( scalar ) {

		this.x = scalar;
		this.y = scalar;
		this.z = scalar;

		return this;


	setX: function ( x ) {

		this.x = x;

		return this;


	setY: function ( y ) {

		this.y = y;

		return this;


	setZ: function ( z ) {

		this.z = z;

		return this;


	setComponent: function ( index, value ) {

		switch ( index ) {

			case 0: this.x = value; break;
			case 1: this.y = value; break;
			case 2: this.z = value; break;
			default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );


		return this;


	getComponent: function ( index ) {

		switch ( index ) {

			case 0: return this.x;
			case 1: return this.y;
			case 2: return this.z;
			default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );



	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor( this.x, this.y, this.z );


	copy: function ( v ) {

		this.x = v.x;
		this.y = v.y;
		this.z = v.z;

		return this;


	add: function ( v, w ) {

		if ( w !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .add() now only accepts one argument. Use .addVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
			return this.addVectors( v, w );


		this.x += v.x;
		this.y += v.y;
		this.z += v.z;

		return this;


	addScalar: function ( s ) {

		this.x += s;
		this.y += s;
		this.z += s;

		return this;


	addVectors: function ( a, b ) {

		this.x = a.x + b.x;
		this.y = a.y + b.y;
		this.z = a.z + b.z;

		return this;


	addScaledVector: function ( v, s ) {

		this.x += v.x * s;
		this.y += v.y * s;
		this.z += v.z * s;

		return this;


	sub: function ( v, w ) {

		if ( w !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .sub() now only accepts one argument. Use .subVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
			return this.subVectors( v, w );


		this.x -= v.x;
		this.y -= v.y;
		this.z -= v.z;

		return this;


	subScalar: function ( s ) {

		this.x -= s;
		this.y -= s;
		this.z -= s;

		return this;


	subVectors: function ( a, b ) {

		this.x = a.x - b.x;
		this.y = a.y - b.y;
		this.z = a.z - b.z;

		return this;


	multiply: function ( v, w ) {

		if ( w !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .multiply() now only accepts one argument. Use .multiplyVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
			return this.multiplyVectors( v, w );


		this.x *= v.x;
		this.y *= v.y;
		this.z *= v.z;

		return this;


	multiplyScalar: function ( scalar ) {

		this.x *= scalar;
		this.y *= scalar;
		this.z *= scalar;

		return this;


	multiplyVectors: function ( a, b ) {

		this.x = a.x * b.x;
		this.y = a.y * b.y;
		this.z = a.z * b.z;

		return this;


	applyEuler: function () {

		var quaternion = new Quaternion();

		return function applyEuler( euler ) {

			if ( ! ( euler && euler.isEuler ) ) {

				console.error( 'THREE.Vector3: .applyEuler() now expects an Euler rotation rather than a Vector3 and order.' );


			return this.applyQuaternion( quaternion.setFromEuler( euler ) );



	applyAxisAngle: function () {

		var quaternion = new Quaternion();

		return function applyAxisAngle( axis, angle ) {

			return this.applyQuaternion( quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( axis, angle ) );



	applyMatrix3: function ( m ) {

		var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
		var e = m.elements;

		this.x = e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 3 ] * y + e[ 6 ] * z;
		this.y = e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 7 ] * z;
		this.z = e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z;

		return this;


	applyMatrix4: function ( m ) {

		var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
		var e = m.elements;

		var w = 1 / ( e[ 3 ] * x + e[ 7 ] * y + e[ 11 ] * z + e[ 15 ] );

		this.x = ( e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z + e[ 12 ] ) * w;
		this.y = ( e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 9 ] * z + e[ 13 ] ) * w;
		this.z = ( e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 6 ] * y + e[ 10 ] * z + e[ 14 ] ) * w;

		return this;


	applyQuaternion: function ( q ) {

		var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
		var qx = q.x, qy = q.y, qz = q.z, qw = q.w;

		// calculate quat * vector

		var ix = qw * x + qy * z - qz * y;
		var iy = qw * y + qz * x - qx * z;
		var iz = qw * z + qx * y - qy * x;
		var iw = - qx * x - qy * y - qz * z;

		// calculate result * inverse quat

		this.x = ix * qw + iw * - qx + iy * - qz - iz * - qy;
		this.y = iy * qw + iw * - qy + iz * - qx - ix * - qz;
		this.z = iz * qw + iw * - qz + ix * - qy - iy * - qx;

		return this;


	project: function () {

		var matrix = new Matrix4();

		return function project( camera ) {

			matrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, matrix.getInverse( camera.matrixWorld ) );
			return this.applyMatrix4( matrix );



	unproject: function () {

		var matrix = new Matrix4();

		return function unproject( camera ) {

			matrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.matrixWorld, matrix.getInverse( camera.projectionMatrix ) );
			return this.applyMatrix4( matrix );



	transformDirection: function ( m ) {

		// input: THREE.Matrix4 affine matrix
		// vector interpreted as a direction

		var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
		var e = m.elements;

		this.x = e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z;
		this.y = e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 9 ] * z;
		this.z = e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 6 ] * y + e[ 10 ] * z;

		return this.normalize();


	divide: function ( v ) {

		this.x /= v.x;
		this.y /= v.y;
		this.z /= v.z;

		return this;


	divideScalar: function ( scalar ) {

		return this.multiplyScalar( 1 / scalar );


	min: function ( v ) {

		this.x = Math.min( this.x, v.x );
		this.y = Math.min( this.y, v.y );
		this.z = Math.min( this.z, v.z );

		return this;


	max: function ( v ) {

		this.x = Math.max( this.x, v.x );
		this.y = Math.max( this.y, v.y );
		this.z = Math.max( this.z, v.z );

		return this;


	clamp: function ( min, max ) {

		// assumes min < max, componentwise

		this.x = Math.max( min.x, Math.min( max.x, this.x ) );
		this.y = Math.max( min.y, Math.min( max.y, this.y ) );
		this.z = Math.max( min.z, Math.min( max.z, this.z ) );

		return this;


	clampScalar: function () {

		var min = new Vector3();
		var max = new Vector3();

		return function clampScalar( minVal, maxVal ) {

			min.set( minVal, minVal, minVal );
			max.set( maxVal, maxVal, maxVal );

			return this.clamp( min, max );



	clampLength: function ( min, max ) {

		var length = this.length();

		return this.divideScalar( length || 1 ).multiplyScalar( Math.max( min, Math.min( max, length ) ) );


	floor: function () {

		this.x = Math.floor( this.x );
		this.y = Math.floor( this.y );
		this.z = Math.floor( this.z );

		return this;


	ceil: function () {

		this.x = Math.ceil( this.x );
		this.y = Math.ceil( this.y );
		this.z = Math.ceil( this.z );

		return this;


	round: function () {

		this.x = Math.round( this.x );
		this.y = Math.round( this.y );
		this.z = Math.round( this.z );

		return this;


	roundToZero: function () {

		this.x = ( this.x < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.x ) : Math.floor( this.x );
		this.y = ( this.y < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.y ) : Math.floor( this.y );
		this.z = ( this.z < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.z ) : Math.floor( this.z );

		return this;


	negate: function () {

		this.x = - this.x;
		this.y = - this.y;
		this.z = - this.z;

		return this;


	dot: function ( v ) {

		return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y + this.z * v.z;


	// TODO lengthSquared?

	lengthSq: function () {

		return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z;


	length: function () {

		return Math.sqrt( this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z );


	manhattanLength: function () {

		return Math.abs( this.x ) + Math.abs( this.y ) + Math.abs( this.z );


	normalize: function () {

		return this.divideScalar( this.length() || 1 );


	setLength: function ( length ) {

		return this.normalize().multiplyScalar( length );


	lerp: function ( v, alpha ) {

		this.x += ( v.x - this.x ) * alpha;
		this.y += ( v.y - this.y ) * alpha;
		this.z += ( v.z - this.z ) * alpha;

		return this;


	lerpVectors: function ( v1, v2, alpha ) {

		return this.subVectors( v2, v1 ).multiplyScalar( alpha ).add( v1 );


	cross: function ( v, w ) {

		if ( w !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .cross() now only accepts one argument. Use .crossVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
			return this.crossVectors( v, w );


		return this.crossVectors( this, v );


	crossVectors: function ( a, b ) {

		var ax = a.x, ay = a.y, az = a.z;
		var bx = b.x, by = b.y, bz = b.z;

		this.x = ay * bz - az * by;
		this.y = az * bx - ax * bz;
		this.z = ax * by - ay * bx;

		return this;


	projectOnVector: function ( vector ) {

		var scalar = vector.dot( this ) / vector.lengthSq();

		return this.copy( vector ).multiplyScalar( scalar );


	projectOnPlane: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function projectOnPlane( planeNormal ) {

			v1.copy( this ).projectOnVector( planeNormal );

			return this.sub( v1 );



	reflect: function () {

		// reflect incident vector off plane orthogonal to normal
		// normal is assumed to have unit length

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function reflect( normal ) {

			return this.sub( v1.copy( normal ).multiplyScalar( 2 * this.dot( normal ) ) );



	angleTo: function ( v ) {

		var theta = this.dot( v ) / ( Math.sqrt( this.lengthSq() * v.lengthSq() ) );

		// clamp, to handle numerical problems

		return Math.acos( _Math.clamp( theta, - 1, 1 ) );


	distanceTo: function ( v ) {

		return Math.sqrt( this.distanceToSquared( v ) );


	distanceToSquared: function ( v ) {

		var dx = this.x - v.x, dy = this.y - v.y, dz = this.z - v.z;

		return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;


	manhattanDistanceTo: function ( v ) {

		return Math.abs( this.x - v.x ) + Math.abs( this.y - v.y ) + Math.abs( this.z - v.z );


	setFromSpherical: function ( s ) {

		var sinPhiRadius = Math.sin( s.phi ) * s.radius;

		this.x = sinPhiRadius * Math.sin( s.theta );
		this.y = Math.cos( s.phi ) * s.radius;
		this.z = sinPhiRadius * Math.cos( s.theta );

		return this;


	setFromCylindrical: function ( c ) {

		this.x = c.radius * Math.sin( c.theta );
		this.y = c.y;
		this.z = c.radius * Math.cos( c.theta );

		return this;


	setFromMatrixPosition: function ( m ) {

		var e = m.elements;

		this.x = e[ 12 ];
		this.y = e[ 13 ];
		this.z = e[ 14 ];

		return this;


	setFromMatrixScale: function ( m ) {

		var sx = this.setFromMatrixColumn( m, 0 ).length();
		var sy = this.setFromMatrixColumn( m, 1 ).length();
		var sz = this.setFromMatrixColumn( m, 2 ).length();

		this.x = sx;
		this.y = sy;
		this.z = sz;

		return this;


	setFromMatrixColumn: function ( m, index ) {

		return this.fromArray( m.elements, index * 4 );


	equals: function ( v ) {

		return ( ( v.x === this.x ) && ( v.y === this.y ) && ( v.z === this.z ) );


	fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		this.x = array[ offset ];
		this.y = array[ offset + 1 ];
		this.z = array[ offset + 2 ];

		return this;


	toArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		array[ offset ] = this.x;
		array[ offset + 1 ] = this.y;
		array[ offset + 2 ] = this.z;

		return array;


	fromBufferAttribute: function ( attribute, index, offset ) {

		if ( offset !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: offset has been removed from .fromBufferAttribute().' );


		this.x = attribute.getX( index );
		this.y = attribute.getY( index );
		this.z = attribute.getZ( index );

		return this;


} );

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io
 * @author tschw

function Matrix3() {

	this.elements = [

		1, 0, 0,
		0, 1, 0,
		0, 0, 1


	if ( arguments.length > 0 ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.Matrix3: the constructor no longer reads arguments. use .set() instead.' );



Object.assign( Matrix3.prototype, {

	isMatrix3: true,

	set: function ( n11, n12, n13, n21, n22, n23, n31, n32, n33 ) {

		var te = this.elements;

		te[ 0 ] = n11; te[ 1 ] = n21; te[ 2 ] = n31;
		te[ 3 ] = n12; te[ 4 ] = n22; te[ 5 ] = n32;
		te[ 6 ] = n13; te[ 7 ] = n23; te[ 8 ] = n33;

		return this;


	identity: function () {


			1, 0, 0,
			0, 1, 0,
			0, 0, 1


		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().fromArray( this.elements );


	copy: function ( m ) {

		var te = this.elements;
		var me = m.elements;

		te[ 0 ] = me[ 0 ]; te[ 1 ] = me[ 1 ]; te[ 2 ] = me[ 2 ];
		te[ 3 ] = me[ 3 ]; te[ 4 ] = me[ 4 ]; te[ 5 ] = me[ 5 ];
		te[ 6 ] = me[ 6 ]; te[ 7 ] = me[ 7 ]; te[ 8 ] = me[ 8 ];

		return this;


	setFromMatrix4: function ( m ) {

		var me = m.elements;


			me[ 0 ], me[ 4 ], me[ 8 ],
			me[ 1 ], me[ 5 ], me[ 9 ],
			me[ 2 ], me[ 6 ], me[ 10 ]


		return this;


	applyToBufferAttribute: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function applyToBufferAttribute( attribute ) {

			for ( var i = 0, l = attribute.count; i < l; i ++ ) {

				v1.x = attribute.getX( i );
				v1.y = attribute.getY( i );
				v1.z = attribute.getZ( i );

				v1.applyMatrix3( this );

				attribute.setXYZ( i, v1.x, v1.y, v1.z );


			return attribute;



	multiply: function ( m ) {

		return this.multiplyMatrices( this, m );


	premultiply: function ( m ) {

		return this.multiplyMatrices( m, this );


	multiplyMatrices: function ( a, b ) {

		var ae = a.elements;
		var be = b.elements;
		var te = this.elements;

		var a11 = ae[ 0 ], a12 = ae[ 3 ], a13 = ae[ 6 ];
		var a21 = ae[ 1 ], a22 = ae[ 4 ], a23 = ae[ 7 ];
		var a31 = ae[ 2 ], a32 = ae[ 5 ], a33 = ae[ 8 ];

		var b11 = be[ 0 ], b12 = be[ 3 ], b13 = be[ 6 ];
		var b21 = be[ 1 ], b22 = be[ 4 ], b23 = be[ 7 ];
		var b31 = be[ 2 ], b32 = be[ 5 ], b33 = be[ 8 ];

		te[ 0 ] = a11 * b11 + a12 * b21 + a13 * b31;
		te[ 3 ] = a11 * b12 + a12 * b22 + a13 * b32;
		te[ 6 ] = a11 * b13 + a12 * b23 + a13 * b33;

		te[ 1 ] = a21 * b11 + a22 * b21 + a23 * b31;
		te[ 4 ] = a21 * b12 + a22 * b22 + a23 * b32;
		te[ 7 ] = a21 * b13 + a22 * b23 + a23 * b33;

		te[ 2 ] = a31 * b11 + a32 * b21 + a33 * b31;
		te[ 5 ] = a31 * b12 + a32 * b22 + a33 * b32;
		te[ 8 ] = a31 * b13 + a32 * b23 + a33 * b33;

		return this;


	multiplyScalar: function ( s ) {

		var te = this.elements;

		te[ 0 ] *= s; te[ 3 ] *= s; te[ 6 ] *= s;
		te[ 1 ] *= s; te[ 4 ] *= s; te[ 7 ] *= s;
		te[ 2 ] *= s; te[ 5 ] *= s; te[ 8 ] *= s;

		return this;


	determinant: function () {

		var te = this.elements;

		var a = te[ 0 ], b = te[ 1 ], c = te[ 2 ],
			d = te[ 3 ], e = te[ 4 ], f = te[ 5 ],
			g = te[ 6 ], h = te[ 7 ], i = te[ 8 ];

		return a * e * i - a * f * h - b * d * i + b * f * g + c * d * h - c * e * g;


	getInverse: function ( matrix, throwOnDegenerate ) {

		if ( matrix && matrix.isMatrix4 ) {

			console.error( "THREE.Matrix3: .getInverse() no longer takes a Matrix4 argument." );


		var me = matrix.elements,
			te = this.elements,

			n11 = me[ 0 ], n21 = me[ 1 ], n31 = me[ 2 ],
			n12 = me[ 3 ], n22 = me[ 4 ], n32 = me[ 5 ],
			n13 = me[ 6 ], n23 = me[ 7 ], n33 = me[ 8 ],

			t11 = n33 * n22 - n32 * n23,
			t12 = n32 * n13 - n33 * n12,
			t13 = n23 * n12 - n22 * n13,

			det = n11 * t11 + n21 * t12 + n31 * t13;

		if ( det === 0 ) {

			var msg = "THREE.Matrix3: .getInverse() can't invert matrix, determinant is 0";

			if ( throwOnDegenerate === true ) {

				throw new Error( msg );

			} else {

				console.warn( msg );


			return this.identity();


		var detInv = 1 / det;

		te[ 0 ] = t11 * detInv;
		te[ 1 ] = ( n31 * n23 - n33 * n21 ) * detInv;
		te[ 2 ] = ( n32 * n21 - n31 * n22 ) * detInv;

		te[ 3 ] = t12 * detInv;
		te[ 4 ] = ( n33 * n11 - n31 * n13 ) * detInv;
		te[ 5 ] = ( n31 * n12 - n32 * n11 ) * detInv;

		te[ 6 ] = t13 * detInv;
		te[ 7 ] = ( n21 * n13 - n23 * n11 ) * detInv;
		te[ 8 ] = ( n22 * n11 - n21 * n12 ) * detInv;

		return this;


	transpose: function () {

		var tmp, m = this.elements;

		tmp = m[ 1 ]; m[ 1 ] = m[ 3 ]; m[ 3 ] = tmp;
		tmp = m[ 2 ]; m[ 2 ] = m[ 6 ]; m[ 6 ] = tmp;
		tmp = m[ 5 ]; m[ 5 ] = m[ 7 ]; m[ 7 ] = tmp;

		return this;


	getNormalMatrix: function ( matrix4 ) {

		return this.setFromMatrix4( matrix4 ).getInverse( this ).transpose();


	transposeIntoArray: function ( r ) {

		var m = this.elements;

		r[ 0 ] = m[ 0 ];
		r[ 1 ] = m[ 3 ];
		r[ 2 ] = m[ 6 ];
		r[ 3 ] = m[ 1 ];
		r[ 4 ] = m[ 4 ];
		r[ 5 ] = m[ 7 ];
		r[ 6 ] = m[ 2 ];
		r[ 7 ] = m[ 5 ];
		r[ 8 ] = m[ 8 ];

		return this;


	setUvTransform: function ( tx, ty, sx, sy, rotation, cx, cy ) {

		var c = Math.cos( rotation );
		var s = Math.sin( rotation );

			sx * c, sx * s, - sx * ( c * cx + s * cy ) + cx + tx,
			- sy * s, sy * c, - sy * ( - s * cx + c * cy ) + cy + ty,
			0, 0, 1


	scale: function ( sx, sy ) {

		var te = this.elements;

		te[ 0 ] *= sx; te[ 3 ] *= sx; te[ 6 ] *= sx;
		te[ 1 ] *= sy; te[ 4 ] *= sy; te[ 7 ] *= sy;

		return this;


	rotate: function ( theta ) {

		var c = Math.cos( theta );
		var s = Math.sin( theta );

		var te = this.elements;

		var a11 = te[ 0 ], a12 = te[ 3 ], a13 = te[ 6 ];
		var a21 = te[ 1 ], a22 = te[ 4 ], a23 = te[ 7 ];

		te[ 0 ] = c * a11 + s * a21;
		te[ 3 ] = c * a12 + s * a22;
		te[ 6 ] = c * a13 + s * a23;

		te[ 1 ] = - s * a11 + c * a21;
		te[ 4 ] = - s * a12 + c * a22;
		te[ 7 ] = - s * a13 + c * a23;

		return this;


	translate: function ( tx, ty ) {

		var te = this.elements;

		te[ 0 ] += tx * te[ 2 ]; te[ 3 ] += tx * te[ 5 ]; te[ 6 ] += tx * te[ 8 ];
		te[ 1 ] += ty * te[ 2 ]; te[ 4 ] += ty * te[ 5 ]; te[ 7 ] += ty * te[ 8 ];

		return this;


	equals: function ( matrix ) {

		var te = this.elements;
		var me = matrix.elements;

		for ( var i = 0; i < 9; i ++ ) {

			if ( te[ i ] !== me[ i ] ) return false;


		return true;


	fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		for ( var i = 0; i < 9; i ++ ) {

			this.elements[ i ] = array[ i + offset ];


		return this;


	toArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		var te = this.elements;

		array[ offset ] = te[ 0 ];
		array[ offset + 1 ] = te[ 1 ];
		array[ offset + 2 ] = te[ 2 ];

		array[ offset + 3 ] = te[ 3 ];
		array[ offset + 4 ] = te[ 4 ];
		array[ offset + 5 ] = te[ 5 ];

		array[ offset + 6 ] = te[ 6 ];
		array[ offset + 7 ] = te[ 7 ];
		array[ offset + 8 ] = te[ 8 ];

		return array;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author szimek / https://github.com/szimek/

var textureId = 0;

function Texture( image, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding ) {

	Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', { value: textureId ++ } );

	this.uuid = _Math.generateUUID();

	this.name = '';

	this.image = image !== undefined ? image : Texture.DEFAULT_IMAGE;
	this.mipmaps = [];

	this.mapping = mapping !== undefined ? mapping : Texture.DEFAULT_MAPPING;

	this.wrapS = wrapS !== undefined ? wrapS : ClampToEdgeWrapping;
	this.wrapT = wrapT !== undefined ? wrapT : ClampToEdgeWrapping;

	this.magFilter = magFilter !== undefined ? magFilter : LinearFilter;
	this.minFilter = minFilter !== undefined ? minFilter : LinearMipMapLinearFilter;

	this.anisotropy = anisotropy !== undefined ? anisotropy : 1;

	this.format = format !== undefined ? format : RGBAFormat;
	this.type = type !== undefined ? type : UnsignedByteType;

	this.offset = new Vector2( 0, 0 );
	this.repeat = new Vector2( 1, 1 );
	this.center = new Vector2( 0, 0 );
	this.rotation = 0;

	this.matrixAutoUpdate = true;
	this.matrix = new Matrix3();

	this.generateMipmaps = true;
	this.premultiplyAlpha = false;
	this.flipY = true;
	this.unpackAlignment = 4;	// valid values: 1, 2, 4, 8 (see http://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glPixelStorei.xml)

	// Values of encoding !== THREE.LinearEncoding only supported on map, envMap and emissiveMap.
	// Also changing the encoding after already used by a Material will not automatically make the Material
	// update.  You need to explicitly call Material.needsUpdate to trigger it to recompile.
	this.encoding = encoding !== undefined ? encoding : LinearEncoding;

	this.version = 0;
	this.onUpdate = null;


Texture.DEFAULT_IMAGE = undefined;
Texture.DEFAULT_MAPPING = UVMapping;

Texture.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( EventDispatcher.prototype ), {

	constructor: Texture,

	isTexture: true,

	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( source ) {

		this.name = source.name;

		this.image = source.image;
		this.mipmaps = source.mipmaps.slice( 0 );

		this.mapping = source.mapping;

		this.wrapS = source.wrapS;
		this.wrapT = source.wrapT;

		this.magFilter = source.magFilter;
		this.minFilter = source.minFilter;

		this.anisotropy = source.anisotropy;

		this.format = source.format;
		this.type = source.type;

		this.offset.copy( source.offset );
		this.repeat.copy( source.repeat );
		this.center.copy( source.center );
		this.rotation = source.rotation;

		this.matrixAutoUpdate = source.matrixAutoUpdate;
		this.matrix.copy( source.matrix );

		this.generateMipmaps = source.generateMipmaps;
		this.premultiplyAlpha = source.premultiplyAlpha;
		this.flipY = source.flipY;
		this.unpackAlignment = source.unpackAlignment;
		this.encoding = source.encoding;

		return this;


	toJSON: function ( meta ) {

		var isRootObject = ( meta === undefined || typeof meta === 'string' );

		if ( ! isRootObject && meta.textures[ this.uuid ] !== undefined ) {

			return meta.textures[ this.uuid ];


		function getDataURL( image ) {

			var canvas;

			if ( image instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ) {

				canvas = image;

			} else {

				canvas = document.createElementNS( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'canvas' );
				canvas.width = image.width;
				canvas.height = image.height;

				var context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );

				if ( image instanceof ImageData ) {

					context.putImageData( image, 0, 0 );

				} else {

					context.drawImage( image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height );



			if ( canvas.width > 2048 || canvas.height > 2048 ) {

				return canvas.toDataURL( 'image/jpeg', 0.6 );

			} else {

				return canvas.toDataURL( 'image/png' );



		var output = {
			metadata: {
				version: 4.5,
				type: 'Texture',
				generator: 'Texture.toJSON'

			uuid: this.uuid,
			name: this.name,

			mapping: this.mapping,

			repeat: [ this.repeat.x, this.repeat.y ],
			offset: [ this.offset.x, this.offset.y ],
			center: [ this.center.x, this.center.y ],
			rotation: this.rotation,

			wrap: [ this.wrapS, this.wrapT ],

			minFilter: this.minFilter,
			magFilter: this.magFilter,
			anisotropy: this.anisotropy,

			flipY: this.flipY

		if ( this.image !== undefined ) {

			// TODO: Move to THREE.Image

			var image = this.image;

			if ( image.uuid === undefined ) {

				image.uuid = _Math.generateUUID(); // UGH


			if ( ! isRootObject && meta.images[ image.uuid ] === undefined ) {

				meta.images[ image.uuid ] = {
					uuid: image.uuid,
					url: getDataURL( image )


			output.image = image.uuid;


		if ( ! isRootObject ) {

			meta.textures[ this.uuid ] = output;


		return output;


	dispose: function () {

		this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } );


	transformUv: function ( uv ) {

		if ( this.mapping !== UVMapping ) return;

		uv.applyMatrix3( this.matrix );

		if ( uv.x < 0 || uv.x > 1 ) {

			switch ( this.wrapS ) {

				case RepeatWrapping:

					uv.x = uv.x - Math.floor( uv.x );

				case ClampToEdgeWrapping:

					uv.x = uv.x < 0 ? 0 : 1;

				case MirroredRepeatWrapping:

					if ( Math.abs( Math.floor( uv.x ) % 2 ) === 1 ) {

						uv.x = Math.ceil( uv.x ) - uv.x;

					} else {

						uv.x = uv.x - Math.floor( uv.x );




		if ( uv.y < 0 || uv.y > 1 ) {

			switch ( this.wrapT ) {

				case RepeatWrapping:

					uv.y = uv.y - Math.floor( uv.y );

				case ClampToEdgeWrapping:

					uv.y = uv.y < 0 ? 0 : 1;

				case MirroredRepeatWrapping:

					if ( Math.abs( Math.floor( uv.y ) % 2 ) === 1 ) {

						uv.y = Math.ceil( uv.y ) - uv.y;

					} else {

						uv.y = uv.y - Math.floor( uv.y );




		if ( this.flipY ) {

			uv.y = 1 - uv.y;



} );

Object.defineProperty( Texture.prototype, "needsUpdate", {

	set: function ( value ) {

		if ( value === true ) this.version ++;


} );

 * @author supereggbert / http://www.paulbrunt.co.uk/
 * @author philogb / http://blog.thejit.org/
 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author egraether / http://egraether.com/
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley

function Vector4( x, y, z, w ) {

	this.x = x || 0;
	this.y = y || 0;
	this.z = z || 0;
	this.w = ( w !== undefined ) ? w : 1;


Object.assign( Vector4.prototype, {

	isVector4: true,

	set: function ( x, y, z, w ) {

		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
		this.z = z;
		this.w = w;

		return this;


	setScalar: function ( scalar ) {

		this.x = scalar;
		this.y = scalar;
		this.z = scalar;
		this.w = scalar;

		return this;


	setX: function ( x ) {

		this.x = x;

		return this;


	setY: function ( y ) {

		this.y = y;

		return this;


	setZ: function ( z ) {

		this.z = z;

		return this;


	setW: function ( w ) {

		this.w = w;

		return this;


	setComponent: function ( index, value ) {

		switch ( index ) {

			case 0: this.x = value; break;
			case 1: this.y = value; break;
			case 2: this.z = value; break;
			case 3: this.w = value; break;
			default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );


		return this;


	getComponent: function ( index ) {

		switch ( index ) {

			case 0: return this.x;
			case 1: return this.y;
			case 2: return this.z;
			case 3: return this.w;
			default: throw new Error( 'index is out of range: ' + index );



	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor( this.x, this.y, this.z, this.w );


	copy: function ( v ) {

		this.x = v.x;
		this.y = v.y;
		this.z = v.z;
		this.w = ( v.w !== undefined ) ? v.w : 1;

		return this;


	add: function ( v, w ) {

		if ( w !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Vector4: .add() now only accepts one argument. Use .addVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
			return this.addVectors( v, w );


		this.x += v.x;
		this.y += v.y;
		this.z += v.z;
		this.w += v.w;

		return this;


	addScalar: function ( s ) {

		this.x += s;
		this.y += s;
		this.z += s;
		this.w += s;

		return this;


	addVectors: function ( a, b ) {

		this.x = a.x + b.x;
		this.y = a.y + b.y;
		this.z = a.z + b.z;
		this.w = a.w + b.w;

		return this;


	addScaledVector: function ( v, s ) {

		this.x += v.x * s;
		this.y += v.y * s;
		this.z += v.z * s;
		this.w += v.w * s;

		return this;


	sub: function ( v, w ) {

		if ( w !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Vector4: .sub() now only accepts one argument. Use .subVectors( a, b ) instead.' );
			return this.subVectors( v, w );


		this.x -= v.x;
		this.y -= v.y;
		this.z -= v.z;
		this.w -= v.w;

		return this;


	subScalar: function ( s ) {

		this.x -= s;
		this.y -= s;
		this.z -= s;
		this.w -= s;

		return this;


	subVectors: function ( a, b ) {

		this.x = a.x - b.x;
		this.y = a.y - b.y;
		this.z = a.z - b.z;
		this.w = a.w - b.w;

		return this;


	multiplyScalar: function ( scalar ) {

		this.x *= scalar;
		this.y *= scalar;
		this.z *= scalar;
		this.w *= scalar;

		return this;


	applyMatrix4: function ( m ) {

		var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z, w = this.w;
		var e = m.elements;

		this.x = e[ 0 ] * x + e[ 4 ] * y + e[ 8 ] * z + e[ 12 ] * w;
		this.y = e[ 1 ] * x + e[ 5 ] * y + e[ 9 ] * z + e[ 13 ] * w;
		this.z = e[ 2 ] * x + e[ 6 ] * y + e[ 10 ] * z + e[ 14 ] * w;
		this.w = e[ 3 ] * x + e[ 7 ] * y + e[ 11 ] * z + e[ 15 ] * w;

		return this;


	divideScalar: function ( scalar ) {

		return this.multiplyScalar( 1 / scalar );


	setAxisAngleFromQuaternion: function ( q ) {

		// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/quaternionToAngle/index.htm

		// q is assumed to be normalized

		this.w = 2 * Math.acos( q.w );

		var s = Math.sqrt( 1 - q.w * q.w );

		if ( s < 0.0001 ) {

			this.x = 1;
			this.y = 0;
			this.z = 0;

		} else {

			this.x = q.x / s;
			this.y = q.y / s;
			this.z = q.z / s;


		return this;


	setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix: function ( m ) {

		// http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/matrixToAngle/index.htm

		// assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)

		var angle, x, y, z,		// variables for result
			epsilon = 0.01,		// margin to allow for rounding errors
			epsilon2 = 0.1,		// margin to distinguish between 0 and 180 degrees

			te = m.elements,

			m11 = te[ 0 ], m12 = te[ 4 ], m13 = te[ 8 ],
			m21 = te[ 1 ], m22 = te[ 5 ], m23 = te[ 9 ],
			m31 = te[ 2 ], m32 = te[ 6 ], m33 = te[ 10 ];

		if ( ( Math.abs( m12 - m21 ) < epsilon ) &&
		     ( Math.abs( m13 - m31 ) < epsilon ) &&
		     ( Math.abs( m23 - m32 ) < epsilon ) ) {

			// singularity found
			// first check for identity matrix which must have +1 for all terms
			// in leading diagonal and zero in other terms

			if ( ( Math.abs( m12 + m21 ) < epsilon2 ) &&
			     ( Math.abs( m13 + m31 ) < epsilon2 ) &&
			     ( Math.abs( m23 + m32 ) < epsilon2 ) &&
			     ( Math.abs( m11 + m22 + m33 - 3 ) < epsilon2 ) ) {

				// this singularity is identity matrix so angle = 0

				this.set( 1, 0, 0, 0 );

				return this; // zero angle, arbitrary axis


			// otherwise this singularity is angle = 180

			angle = Math.PI;

			var xx = ( m11 + 1 ) / 2;
			var yy = ( m22 + 1 ) / 2;
			var zz = ( m33 + 1 ) / 2;
			var xy = ( m12 + m21 ) / 4;
			var xz = ( m13 + m31 ) / 4;
			var yz = ( m23 + m32 ) / 4;

			if ( ( xx > yy ) && ( xx > zz ) ) {

				// m11 is the largest diagonal term

				if ( xx < epsilon ) {

					x = 0;
					y = 0.707106781;
					z = 0.707106781;

				} else {

					x = Math.sqrt( xx );
					y = xy / x;
					z = xz / x;


			} else if ( yy > zz ) {

				// m22 is the largest diagonal term

				if ( yy < epsilon ) {

					x = 0.707106781;
					y = 0;
					z = 0.707106781;

				} else {

					y = Math.sqrt( yy );
					x = xy / y;
					z = yz / y;


			} else {

				// m33 is the largest diagonal term so base result on this

				if ( zz < epsilon ) {

					x = 0.707106781;
					y = 0.707106781;
					z = 0;

				} else {

					z = Math.sqrt( zz );
					x = xz / z;
					y = yz / z;



			this.set( x, y, z, angle );

			return this; // return 180 deg rotation


		// as we have reached here there are no singularities so we can handle normally

		var s = Math.sqrt( ( m32 - m23 ) * ( m32 - m23 ) +
		                   ( m13 - m31 ) * ( m13 - m31 ) +
		                   ( m21 - m12 ) * ( m21 - m12 ) ); // used to normalize

		if ( Math.abs( s ) < 0.001 ) s = 1;

		// prevent divide by zero, should not happen if matrix is orthogonal and should be
		// caught by singularity test above, but I've left it in just in case

		this.x = ( m32 - m23 ) / s;
		this.y = ( m13 - m31 ) / s;
		this.z = ( m21 - m12 ) / s;
		this.w = Math.acos( ( m11 + m22 + m33 - 1 ) / 2 );

		return this;


	min: function ( v ) {

		this.x = Math.min( this.x, v.x );
		this.y = Math.min( this.y, v.y );
		this.z = Math.min( this.z, v.z );
		this.w = Math.min( this.w, v.w );

		return this;


	max: function ( v ) {

		this.x = Math.max( this.x, v.x );
		this.y = Math.max( this.y, v.y );
		this.z = Math.max( this.z, v.z );
		this.w = Math.max( this.w, v.w );

		return this;


	clamp: function ( min, max ) {

		// assumes min < max, componentwise

		this.x = Math.max( min.x, Math.min( max.x, this.x ) );
		this.y = Math.max( min.y, Math.min( max.y, this.y ) );
		this.z = Math.max( min.z, Math.min( max.z, this.z ) );
		this.w = Math.max( min.w, Math.min( max.w, this.w ) );

		return this;


	clampScalar: function () {

		var min, max;

		return function clampScalar( minVal, maxVal ) {

			if ( min === undefined ) {

				min = new Vector4();
				max = new Vector4();


			min.set( minVal, minVal, minVal, minVal );
			max.set( maxVal, maxVal, maxVal, maxVal );

			return this.clamp( min, max );



	clampLength: function ( min, max ) {

		var length = this.length();

		return this.divideScalar( length || 1 ).multiplyScalar( Math.max( min, Math.min( max, length ) ) );


	floor: function () {

		this.x = Math.floor( this.x );
		this.y = Math.floor( this.y );
		this.z = Math.floor( this.z );
		this.w = Math.floor( this.w );

		return this;


	ceil: function () {

		this.x = Math.ceil( this.x );
		this.y = Math.ceil( this.y );
		this.z = Math.ceil( this.z );
		this.w = Math.ceil( this.w );

		return this;


	round: function () {

		this.x = Math.round( this.x );
		this.y = Math.round( this.y );
		this.z = Math.round( this.z );
		this.w = Math.round( this.w );

		return this;


	roundToZero: function () {

		this.x = ( this.x < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.x ) : Math.floor( this.x );
		this.y = ( this.y < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.y ) : Math.floor( this.y );
		this.z = ( this.z < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.z ) : Math.floor( this.z );
		this.w = ( this.w < 0 ) ? Math.ceil( this.w ) : Math.floor( this.w );

		return this;


	negate: function () {

		this.x = - this.x;
		this.y = - this.y;
		this.z = - this.z;
		this.w = - this.w;

		return this;


	dot: function ( v ) {

		return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y + this.z * v.z + this.w * v.w;


	lengthSq: function () {

		return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w;


	length: function () {

		return Math.sqrt( this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w );


	manhattanLength: function () {

		return Math.abs( this.x ) + Math.abs( this.y ) + Math.abs( this.z ) + Math.abs( this.w );


	normalize: function () {

		return this.divideScalar( this.length() || 1 );


	setLength: function ( length ) {

		return this.normalize().multiplyScalar( length );


	lerp: function ( v, alpha ) {

		this.x += ( v.x - this.x ) * alpha;
		this.y += ( v.y - this.y ) * alpha;
		this.z += ( v.z - this.z ) * alpha;
		this.w += ( v.w - this.w ) * alpha;

		return this;


	lerpVectors: function ( v1, v2, alpha ) {

		return this.subVectors( v2, v1 ).multiplyScalar( alpha ).add( v1 );


	equals: function ( v ) {

		return ( ( v.x === this.x ) && ( v.y === this.y ) && ( v.z === this.z ) && ( v.w === this.w ) );


	fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		this.x = array[ offset ];
		this.y = array[ offset + 1 ];
		this.z = array[ offset + 2 ];
		this.w = array[ offset + 3 ];

		return this;


	toArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		array[ offset ] = this.x;
		array[ offset + 1 ] = this.y;
		array[ offset + 2 ] = this.z;
		array[ offset + 3 ] = this.w;

		return array;


	fromBufferAttribute: function ( attribute, index, offset ) {

		if ( offset !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Vector4: offset has been removed from .fromBufferAttribute().' );


		this.x = attribute.getX( index );
		this.y = attribute.getY( index );
		this.z = attribute.getZ( index );
		this.w = attribute.getW( index );

		return this;


} );

 * @author szimek / https://github.com/szimek/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author Marius Kintel / https://github.com/kintel

 In options, we can specify:
 * Texture parameters for an auto-generated target texture
 * depthBuffer/stencilBuffer: Booleans to indicate if we should generate these buffers
function WebGLRenderTarget( width, height, options ) {

	this.uuid = _Math.generateUUID();

	this.width = width;
	this.height = height;

	this.scissor = new Vector4( 0, 0, width, height );
	this.scissorTest = false;

	this.viewport = new Vector4( 0, 0, width, height );

	options = options || {};

	if ( options.minFilter === undefined ) options.minFilter = LinearFilter;

	this.texture = new Texture( undefined, undefined, options.wrapS, options.wrapT, options.magFilter, options.minFilter, options.format, options.type, options.anisotropy, options.encoding );

	this.depthBuffer = options.depthBuffer !== undefined ? options.depthBuffer : true;
	this.stencilBuffer = options.stencilBuffer !== undefined ? options.stencilBuffer : true;
	this.depthTexture = options.depthTexture !== undefined ? options.depthTexture : null;


WebGLRenderTarget.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( EventDispatcher.prototype ), {

	constructor: WebGLRenderTarget,

	isWebGLRenderTarget: true,

	setSize: function ( width, height ) {

		if ( this.width !== width || this.height !== height ) {

			this.width = width;
			this.height = height;



		this.viewport.set( 0, 0, width, height );
		this.scissor.set( 0, 0, width, height );


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( source ) {

		this.width = source.width;
		this.height = source.height;

		this.viewport.copy( source.viewport );

		this.texture = source.texture.clone();

		this.depthBuffer = source.depthBuffer;
		this.stencilBuffer = source.stencilBuffer;
		this.depthTexture = source.depthTexture;

		return this;


	dispose: function () {

		this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } );


} );

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com

function WebGLRenderTargetCube( width, height, options ) {

	WebGLRenderTarget.call( this, width, height, options );

	this.activeCubeFace = 0; // PX 0, NX 1, PY 2, NY 3, PZ 4, NZ 5
	this.activeMipMapLevel = 0;


WebGLRenderTargetCube.prototype = Object.create( WebGLRenderTarget.prototype );
WebGLRenderTargetCube.prototype.constructor = WebGLRenderTargetCube;

WebGLRenderTargetCube.prototype.isWebGLRenderTargetCube = true;

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function DataTexture( data, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding ) {

	Texture.call( this, null, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding );

	this.image = { data: data, width: width, height: height };

	this.magFilter = magFilter !== undefined ? magFilter : NearestFilter;
	this.minFilter = minFilter !== undefined ? minFilter : NearestFilter;

	this.generateMipmaps = false;
	this.flipY = false;
	this.unpackAlignment = 1;


DataTexture.prototype = Object.create( Texture.prototype );
DataTexture.prototype.constructor = DataTexture;

DataTexture.prototype.isDataTexture = true;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function CubeTexture( images, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding ) {

	images = images !== undefined ? images : [];
	mapping = mapping !== undefined ? mapping : CubeReflectionMapping;

	Texture.call( this, images, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding );

	this.flipY = false;


CubeTexture.prototype = Object.create( Texture.prototype );
CubeTexture.prototype.constructor = CubeTexture;

CubeTexture.prototype.isCubeTexture = true;

Object.defineProperty( CubeTexture.prototype, 'images', {

	get: function () {

		return this.image;


	set: function ( value ) {

		this.image = value;


} );

 * @author tschw
 * Uniforms of a program.
 * Those form a tree structure with a special top-level container for the root,
 * which you get by calling 'new WebGLUniforms( gl, program, renderer )'.
 * Properties of inner nodes including the top-level container:
 * .seq - array of nested uniforms
 * .map - nested uniforms by name
 * Methods of all nodes except the top-level container:
 * .setValue( gl, value, [renderer] )
 * 		uploads a uniform value(s)
 *  	the 'renderer' parameter is needed for sampler uniforms
 * Static methods of the top-level container (renderer factorizations):
 * .upload( gl, seq, values, renderer )
 * 		sets uniforms in 'seq' to 'values[id].value'
 * .seqWithValue( seq, values ) : filteredSeq
 * 		filters 'seq' entries with corresponding entry in values
 * Methods of the top-level container (renderer factorizations):
 * .setValue( gl, name, value )
 * 		sets uniform with  name 'name' to 'value'
 * .set( gl, obj, prop )
 * 		sets uniform from object and property with same name than uniform
 * .setOptional( gl, obj, prop )
 * 		like .set for an optional property of the object

var emptyTexture = new Texture();
var emptyCubeTexture = new CubeTexture();

// --- Base for inner nodes (including the root) ---

function UniformContainer() {

	this.seq = [];
	this.map = {};


// --- Utilities ---

// Array Caches (provide typed arrays for temporary by size)

var arrayCacheF32 = [];
var arrayCacheI32 = [];

// Float32Array caches used for uploading Matrix uniforms

var mat4array = new Float32Array( 16 );
var mat3array = new Float32Array( 9 );

// Flattening for arrays of vectors and matrices

function flatten( array, nBlocks, blockSize ) {

	var firstElem = array[ 0 ];

	if ( firstElem <= 0 || firstElem > 0 ) return array;
	// unoptimized: ! isNaN( firstElem )
	// see http://jacksondunstan.com/articles/983

	var n = nBlocks * blockSize,
		r = arrayCacheF32[ n ];

	if ( r === undefined ) {

		r = new Float32Array( n );
		arrayCacheF32[ n ] = r;


	if ( nBlocks !== 0 ) {

		firstElem.toArray( r, 0 );

		for ( var i = 1, offset = 0; i !== nBlocks; ++ i ) {

			offset += blockSize;
			array[ i ].toArray( r, offset );



	return r;


// Texture unit allocation

function allocTexUnits( renderer, n ) {

	var r = arrayCacheI32[ n ];

	if ( r === undefined ) {

		r = new Int32Array( n );
		arrayCacheI32[ n ] = r;


	for ( var i = 0; i !== n; ++ i )
		r[ i ] = renderer.allocTextureUnit();

	return r;


// --- Setters ---

// Note: Defining these methods externally, because they come in a bunch
// and this way their names minify.

// Single scalar

function setValue1f( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniform1f( this.addr, v );


function setValue1i( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniform1i( this.addr, v );


// Single float vector (from flat array or THREE.VectorN)

function setValue2fv( gl, v ) {

	if ( v.x === undefined ) {

		gl.uniform2fv( this.addr, v );

	} else {

		gl.uniform2f( this.addr, v.x, v.y );



function setValue3fv( gl, v ) {

	if ( v.x !== undefined ) {

		gl.uniform3f( this.addr, v.x, v.y, v.z );

	} else if ( v.r !== undefined ) {

		gl.uniform3f( this.addr, v.r, v.g, v.b );

	} else {

		gl.uniform3fv( this.addr, v );



function setValue4fv( gl, v ) {

	if ( v.x === undefined ) {

		gl.uniform4fv( this.addr, v );

	} else {

		 gl.uniform4f( this.addr, v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w );



// Single matrix (from flat array or MatrixN)

function setValue2fm( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniformMatrix2fv( this.addr, false, v.elements || v );


function setValue3fm( gl, v ) {

	if ( v.elements === undefined ) {

		gl.uniformMatrix3fv( this.addr, false, v );

	} else {

		mat3array.set( v.elements );
		gl.uniformMatrix3fv( this.addr, false, mat3array );



function setValue4fm( gl, v ) {

	if ( v.elements === undefined ) {

		gl.uniformMatrix4fv( this.addr, false, v );

	} else {

		mat4array.set( v.elements );
		gl.uniformMatrix4fv( this.addr, false, mat4array );



// Single texture (2D / Cube)

function setValueT1( gl, v, renderer ) {

	var unit = renderer.allocTextureUnit();
	gl.uniform1i( this.addr, unit );
	renderer.setTexture2D( v || emptyTexture, unit );


function setValueT6( gl, v, renderer ) {

	var unit = renderer.allocTextureUnit();
	gl.uniform1i( this.addr, unit );
	renderer.setTextureCube( v || emptyCubeTexture, unit );


// Integer / Boolean vectors or arrays thereof (always flat arrays)

function setValue2iv( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniform2iv( this.addr, v );


function setValue3iv( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniform3iv( this.addr, v );


function setValue4iv( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniform4iv( this.addr, v );


// Helper to pick the right setter for the singular case

function getSingularSetter( type ) {

	switch ( type ) {

		case 0x1406: return setValue1f; // FLOAT
		case 0x8b50: return setValue2fv; // _VEC2
		case 0x8b51: return setValue3fv; // _VEC3
		case 0x8b52: return setValue4fv; // _VEC4

		case 0x8b5a: return setValue2fm; // _MAT2
		case 0x8b5b: return setValue3fm; // _MAT3
		case 0x8b5c: return setValue4fm; // _MAT4

		case 0x8b5e: case 0x8d66: return setValueT1; // SAMPLER_2D, SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES
		case 0x8b60: return setValueT6; // SAMPLER_CUBE

		case 0x1404: case 0x8b56: return setValue1i; // INT, BOOL
		case 0x8b53: case 0x8b57: return setValue2iv; // _VEC2
		case 0x8b54: case 0x8b58: return setValue3iv; // _VEC3
		case 0x8b55: case 0x8b59: return setValue4iv; // _VEC4



// Array of scalars

function setValue1fv( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniform1fv( this.addr, v );

function setValue1iv( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniform1iv( this.addr, v );


// Array of vectors (flat or from THREE classes)

function setValueV2a( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniform2fv( this.addr, flatten( v, this.size, 2 ) );


function setValueV3a( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniform3fv( this.addr, flatten( v, this.size, 3 ) );


function setValueV4a( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniform4fv( this.addr, flatten( v, this.size, 4 ) );


// Array of matrices (flat or from THREE clases)

function setValueM2a( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniformMatrix2fv( this.addr, false, flatten( v, this.size, 4 ) );


function setValueM3a( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniformMatrix3fv( this.addr, false, flatten( v, this.size, 9 ) );


function setValueM4a( gl, v ) {

	gl.uniformMatrix4fv( this.addr, false, flatten( v, this.size, 16 ) );


// Array of textures (2D / Cube)

function setValueT1a( gl, v, renderer ) {

	var n = v.length,
		units = allocTexUnits( renderer, n );

	gl.uniform1iv( this.addr, units );

	for ( var i = 0; i !== n; ++ i ) {

		renderer.setTexture2D( v[ i ] || emptyTexture, units[ i ] );



function setValueT6a( gl, v, renderer ) {

	var n = v.length,
		units = allocTexUnits( renderer, n );

	gl.uniform1iv( this.addr, units );

	for ( var i = 0; i !== n; ++ i ) {

		renderer.setTextureCube( v[ i ] || emptyCubeTexture, units[ i ] );



// Helper to pick the right setter for a pure (bottom-level) array

function getPureArraySetter( type ) {

	switch ( type ) {

		case 0x1406: return setValue1fv; // FLOAT
		case 0x8b50: return setValueV2a; // _VEC2
		case 0x8b51: return setValueV3a; // _VEC3
		case 0x8b52: return setValueV4a; // _VEC4

		case 0x8b5a: return setValueM2a; // _MAT2
		case 0x8b5b: return setValueM3a; // _MAT3
		case 0x8b5c: return setValueM4a; // _MAT4

		case 0x8b5e: return setValueT1a; // SAMPLER_2D
		case 0x8b60: return setValueT6a; // SAMPLER_CUBE

		case 0x1404: case 0x8b56: return setValue1iv; // INT, BOOL
		case 0x8b53: case 0x8b57: return setValue2iv; // _VEC2
		case 0x8b54: case 0x8b58: return setValue3iv; // _VEC3
		case 0x8b55: case 0x8b59: return setValue4iv; // _VEC4



// --- Uniform Classes ---

function SingleUniform( id, activeInfo, addr ) {

	this.id = id;
	this.addr = addr;
	this.setValue = getSingularSetter( activeInfo.type );

	// this.path = activeInfo.name; // DEBUG


function PureArrayUniform( id, activeInfo, addr ) {

	this.id = id;
	this.addr = addr;
	this.size = activeInfo.size;
	this.setValue = getPureArraySetter( activeInfo.type );

	// this.path = activeInfo.name; // DEBUG


function StructuredUniform( id ) {

	this.id = id;

	UniformContainer.call( this ); // mix-in


StructuredUniform.prototype.setValue = function ( gl, value ) {

	// Note: Don't need an extra 'renderer' parameter, since samplers
	// are not allowed in structured uniforms.

	var seq = this.seq;

	for ( var i = 0, n = seq.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

		var u = seq[ i ];
		u.setValue( gl, value[ u.id ] );



// --- Top-level ---

// Parser - builds up the property tree from the path strings

var RePathPart = /([\w\d_]+)(\])?(\[|\.)?/g;

// extracts
// 	- the identifier (member name or array index)
//  - followed by an optional right bracket (found when array index)
//  - followed by an optional left bracket or dot (type of subscript)
// Note: These portions can be read in a non-overlapping fashion and
// allow straightforward parsing of the hierarchy that WebGL encodes
// in the uniform names.

function addUniform( container, uniformObject ) {

	container.seq.push( uniformObject );
	container.map[ uniformObject.id ] = uniformObject;


function parseUniform( activeInfo, addr, container ) {

	var path = activeInfo.name,
		pathLength = path.length;

	// reset RegExp object, because of the early exit of a previous run
	RePathPart.lastIndex = 0;

	for ( ; ; ) {

		var match = RePathPart.exec( path ),
			matchEnd = RePathPart.lastIndex,

			id = match[ 1 ],
			idIsIndex = match[ 2 ] === ']',
			subscript = match[ 3 ];

		if ( idIsIndex ) id = id | 0; // convert to integer

		if ( subscript === undefined || subscript === '[' && matchEnd + 2 === pathLength ) {

			// bare name or "pure" bottom-level array "[0]" suffix

			addUniform( container, subscript === undefined ?
				new SingleUniform( id, activeInfo, addr ) :
				new PureArrayUniform( id, activeInfo, addr ) );


		} else {

			// step into inner node / create it in case it doesn't exist

			var map = container.map, next = map[ id ];

			if ( next === undefined ) {

				next = new StructuredUniform( id );
				addUniform( container, next );


			container = next;




// Root Container

function WebGLUniforms( gl, program, renderer ) {

	UniformContainer.call( this );

	this.renderer = renderer;

	var n = gl.getProgramParameter( program, gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS );

	for ( var i = 0; i < n; ++ i ) {

		var info = gl.getActiveUniform( program, i ),
			path = info.name,
			addr = gl.getUniformLocation( program, path );

		parseUniform( info, addr, this );



WebGLUniforms.prototype.setValue = function ( gl, name, value ) {

	var u = this.map[ name ];

	if ( u !== undefined ) u.setValue( gl, value, this.renderer );


WebGLUniforms.prototype.setOptional = function ( gl, object, name ) {

	var v = object[ name ];

	if ( v !== undefined ) this.setValue( gl, name, v );


// Static interface

WebGLUniforms.upload = function ( gl, seq, values, renderer ) {

	for ( var i = 0, n = seq.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

		var u = seq[ i ],
			v = values[ u.id ];

		if ( v.needsUpdate !== false ) {

			// note: always updating when .needsUpdate is undefined
			u.setValue( gl, v.value, renderer );




WebGLUniforms.seqWithValue = function ( seq, values ) {

	var r = [];

	for ( var i = 0, n = seq.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

		var u = seq[ i ];
		if ( u.id in values ) r.push( u );


	return r;


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

var ColorKeywords = { 'aliceblue': 0xF0F8FF, 'antiquewhite': 0xFAEBD7, 'aqua': 0x00FFFF, 'aquamarine': 0x7FFFD4, 'azure': 0xF0FFFF,
	'beige': 0xF5F5DC, 'bisque': 0xFFE4C4, 'black': 0x000000, 'blanchedalmond': 0xFFEBCD, 'blue': 0x0000FF, 'blueviolet': 0x8A2BE2,
	'brown': 0xA52A2A, 'burlywood': 0xDEB887, 'cadetblue': 0x5F9EA0, 'chartreuse': 0x7FFF00, 'chocolate': 0xD2691E, 'coral': 0xFF7F50,
	'cornflowerblue': 0x6495ED, 'cornsilk': 0xFFF8DC, 'crimson': 0xDC143C, 'cyan': 0x00FFFF, 'darkblue': 0x00008B, 'darkcyan': 0x008B8B,
	'darkgoldenrod': 0xB8860B, 'darkgray': 0xA9A9A9, 'darkgreen': 0x006400, 'darkgrey': 0xA9A9A9, 'darkkhaki': 0xBDB76B, 'darkmagenta': 0x8B008B,
	'darkolivegreen': 0x556B2F, 'darkorange': 0xFF8C00, 'darkorchid': 0x9932CC, 'darkred': 0x8B0000, 'darksalmon': 0xE9967A, 'darkseagreen': 0x8FBC8F,
	'darkslateblue': 0x483D8B, 'darkslategray': 0x2F4F4F, 'darkslategrey': 0x2F4F4F, 'darkturquoise': 0x00CED1, 'darkviolet': 0x9400D3,
	'deeppink': 0xFF1493, 'deepskyblue': 0x00BFFF, 'dimgray': 0x696969, 'dimgrey': 0x696969, 'dodgerblue': 0x1E90FF, 'firebrick': 0xB22222,
	'floralwhite': 0xFFFAF0, 'forestgreen': 0x228B22, 'fuchsia': 0xFF00FF, 'gainsboro': 0xDCDCDC, 'ghostwhite': 0xF8F8FF, 'gold': 0xFFD700,
	'goldenrod': 0xDAA520, 'gray': 0x808080, 'green': 0x008000, 'greenyellow': 0xADFF2F, 'grey': 0x808080, 'honeydew': 0xF0FFF0, 'hotpink': 0xFF69B4,
	'indianred': 0xCD5C5C, 'indigo': 0x4B0082, 'ivory': 0xFFFFF0, 'khaki': 0xF0E68C, 'lavender': 0xE6E6FA, 'lavenderblush': 0xFFF0F5, 'lawngreen': 0x7CFC00,
	'lemonchiffon': 0xFFFACD, 'lightblue': 0xADD8E6, 'lightcoral': 0xF08080, 'lightcyan': 0xE0FFFF, 'lightgoldenrodyellow': 0xFAFAD2, 'lightgray': 0xD3D3D3,
	'lightgreen': 0x90EE90, 'lightgrey': 0xD3D3D3, 'lightpink': 0xFFB6C1, 'lightsalmon': 0xFFA07A, 'lightseagreen': 0x20B2AA, 'lightskyblue': 0x87CEFA,
	'lightslategray': 0x778899, 'lightslategrey': 0x778899, 'lightsteelblue': 0xB0C4DE, 'lightyellow': 0xFFFFE0, 'lime': 0x00FF00, 'limegreen': 0x32CD32,
	'linen': 0xFAF0E6, 'magenta': 0xFF00FF, 'maroon': 0x800000, 'mediumaquamarine': 0x66CDAA, 'mediumblue': 0x0000CD, 'mediumorchid': 0xBA55D3,
	'mediumpurple': 0x9370DB, 'mediumseagreen': 0x3CB371, 'mediumslateblue': 0x7B68EE, 'mediumspringgreen': 0x00FA9A, 'mediumturquoise': 0x48D1CC,
	'mediumvioletred': 0xC71585, 'midnightblue': 0x191970, 'mintcream': 0xF5FFFA, 'mistyrose': 0xFFE4E1, 'moccasin': 0xFFE4B5, 'navajowhite': 0xFFDEAD,
	'navy': 0x000080, 'oldlace': 0xFDF5E6, 'olive': 0x808000, 'olivedrab': 0x6B8E23, 'orange': 0xFFA500, 'orangered': 0xFF4500, 'orchid': 0xDA70D6,
	'palegoldenrod': 0xEEE8AA, 'palegreen': 0x98FB98, 'paleturquoise': 0xAFEEEE, 'palevioletred': 0xDB7093, 'papayawhip': 0xFFEFD5, 'peachpuff': 0xFFDAB9,
	'peru': 0xCD853F, 'pink': 0xFFC0CB, 'plum': 0xDDA0DD, 'powderblue': 0xB0E0E6, 'purple': 0x800080, 'rebeccapurple': 0x663399, 'red': 0xFF0000, 'rosybrown': 0xBC8F8F,
	'royalblue': 0x4169E1, 'saddlebrown': 0x8B4513, 'salmon': 0xFA8072, 'sandybrown': 0xF4A460, 'seagreen': 0x2E8B57, 'seashell': 0xFFF5EE,
	'sienna': 0xA0522D, 'silver': 0xC0C0C0, 'skyblue': 0x87CEEB, 'slateblue': 0x6A5ACD, 'slategray': 0x708090, 'slategrey': 0x708090, 'snow': 0xFFFAFA,
	'springgreen': 0x00FF7F, 'steelblue': 0x4682B4, 'tan': 0xD2B48C, 'teal': 0x008080, 'thistle': 0xD8BFD8, 'tomato': 0xFF6347, 'turquoise': 0x40E0D0,
	'violet': 0xEE82EE, 'wheat': 0xF5DEB3, 'white': 0xFFFFFF, 'whitesmoke': 0xF5F5F5, 'yellow': 0xFFFF00, 'yellowgreen': 0x9ACD32 };

function Color( r, g, b ) {

	if ( g === undefined && b === undefined ) {

		// r is THREE.Color, hex or string
		return this.set( r );


	return this.setRGB( r, g, b );


Object.assign( Color.prototype, {

	isColor: true,

	r: 1, g: 1, b: 1,

	set: function ( value ) {

		if ( value && value.isColor ) {

			this.copy( value );

		} else if ( typeof value === 'number' ) {

			this.setHex( value );

		} else if ( typeof value === 'string' ) {

			this.setStyle( value );


		return this;


	setScalar: function ( scalar ) {

		this.r = scalar;
		this.g = scalar;
		this.b = scalar;

		return this;


	setHex: function ( hex ) {

		hex = Math.floor( hex );

		this.r = ( hex >> 16 & 255 ) / 255;
		this.g = ( hex >> 8 & 255 ) / 255;
		this.b = ( hex & 255 ) / 255;

		return this;


	setRGB: function ( r, g, b ) {

		this.r = r;
		this.g = g;
		this.b = b;

		return this;


	setHSL: function () {

		function hue2rgb( p, q, t ) {

			if ( t < 0 ) t += 1;
			if ( t > 1 ) t -= 1;
			if ( t < 1 / 6 ) return p + ( q - p ) * 6 * t;
			if ( t < 1 / 2 ) return q;
			if ( t < 2 / 3 ) return p + ( q - p ) * 6 * ( 2 / 3 - t );
			return p;


		return function setHSL( h, s, l ) {

			// h,s,l ranges are in 0.0 - 1.0
			h = _Math.euclideanModulo( h, 1 );
			s = _Math.clamp( s, 0, 1 );
			l = _Math.clamp( l, 0, 1 );

			if ( s === 0 ) {

				this.r = this.g = this.b = l;

			} else {

				var p = l <= 0.5 ? l * ( 1 + s ) : l + s - ( l * s );
				var q = ( 2 * l ) - p;

				this.r = hue2rgb( q, p, h + 1 / 3 );
				this.g = hue2rgb( q, p, h );
				this.b = hue2rgb( q, p, h - 1 / 3 );


			return this;



	setStyle: function ( style ) {

		function handleAlpha( string ) {

			if ( string === undefined ) return;

			if ( parseFloat( string ) < 1 ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.Color: Alpha component of ' + style + ' will be ignored.' );



		var m;

		if ( m = /^((?:rgb|hsl)a?)\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/.exec( style ) ) {

			// rgb / hsl

			var color;
			var name = m[ 1 ];
			var components = m[ 2 ];

			switch ( name ) {

				case 'rgb':
				case 'rgba':

					if ( color = /^(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*(,\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\s*)?$/.exec( components ) ) {

						// rgb(255,0,0) rgba(255,0,0,0.5)
						this.r = Math.min( 255, parseInt( color[ 1 ], 10 ) ) / 255;
						this.g = Math.min( 255, parseInt( color[ 2 ], 10 ) ) / 255;
						this.b = Math.min( 255, parseInt( color[ 3 ], 10 ) ) / 255;

						handleAlpha( color[ 5 ] );

						return this;


					if ( color = /^(\d+)\%\s*,\s*(\d+)\%\s*,\s*(\d+)\%\s*(,\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\s*)?$/.exec( components ) ) {

						// rgb(100%,0%,0%) rgba(100%,0%,0%,0.5)
						this.r = Math.min( 100, parseInt( color[ 1 ], 10 ) ) / 100;
						this.g = Math.min( 100, parseInt( color[ 2 ], 10 ) ) / 100;
						this.b = Math.min( 100, parseInt( color[ 3 ], 10 ) ) / 100;

						handleAlpha( color[ 5 ] );

						return this;



				case 'hsl':
				case 'hsla':

					if ( color = /^([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\%\s*,\s*(\d+)\%\s*(,\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\s*)?$/.exec( components ) ) {

						// hsl(120,50%,50%) hsla(120,50%,50%,0.5)
						var h = parseFloat( color[ 1 ] ) / 360;
						var s = parseInt( color[ 2 ], 10 ) / 100;
						var l = parseInt( color[ 3 ], 10 ) / 100;

						handleAlpha( color[ 5 ] );

						return this.setHSL( h, s, l );




		} else if ( m = /^\#([A-Fa-f0-9]+)$/.exec( style ) ) {

			// hex color

			var hex = m[ 1 ];
			var size = hex.length;

			if ( size === 3 ) {

				// #ff0
				this.r = parseInt( hex.charAt( 0 ) + hex.charAt( 0 ), 16 ) / 255;
				this.g = parseInt( hex.charAt( 1 ) + hex.charAt( 1 ), 16 ) / 255;
				this.b = parseInt( hex.charAt( 2 ) + hex.charAt( 2 ), 16 ) / 255;

				return this;

			} else if ( size === 6 ) {

				// #ff0000
				this.r = parseInt( hex.charAt( 0 ) + hex.charAt( 1 ), 16 ) / 255;
				this.g = parseInt( hex.charAt( 2 ) + hex.charAt( 3 ), 16 ) / 255;
				this.b = parseInt( hex.charAt( 4 ) + hex.charAt( 5 ), 16 ) / 255;

				return this;



		if ( style && style.length > 0 ) {

			// color keywords
			var hex = ColorKeywords[ style ];

			if ( hex !== undefined ) {

				// red
				this.setHex( hex );

			} else {

				// unknown color
				console.warn( 'THREE.Color: Unknown color ' + style );



		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor( this.r, this.g, this.b );


	copy: function ( color ) {

		this.r = color.r;
		this.g = color.g;
		this.b = color.b;

		return this;


	copyGammaToLinear: function ( color, gammaFactor ) {

		if ( gammaFactor === undefined ) gammaFactor = 2.0;

		this.r = Math.pow( color.r, gammaFactor );
		this.g = Math.pow( color.g, gammaFactor );
		this.b = Math.pow( color.b, gammaFactor );

		return this;


	copyLinearToGamma: function ( color, gammaFactor ) {

		if ( gammaFactor === undefined ) gammaFactor = 2.0;

		var safeInverse = ( gammaFactor > 0 ) ? ( 1.0 / gammaFactor ) : 1.0;

		this.r = Math.pow( color.r, safeInverse );
		this.g = Math.pow( color.g, safeInverse );
		this.b = Math.pow( color.b, safeInverse );

		return this;


	convertGammaToLinear: function () {

		var r = this.r, g = this.g, b = this.b;

		this.r = r * r;
		this.g = g * g;
		this.b = b * b;

		return this;


	convertLinearToGamma: function () {

		this.r = Math.sqrt( this.r );
		this.g = Math.sqrt( this.g );
		this.b = Math.sqrt( this.b );

		return this;


	getHex: function () {

		return ( this.r * 255 ) << 16 ^ ( this.g * 255 ) << 8 ^ ( this.b * 255 ) << 0;


	getHexString: function () {

		return ( '000000' + this.getHex().toString( 16 ) ).slice( - 6 );


	getHSL: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		// h,s,l ranges are in 0.0 - 1.0

		var hsl = optionalTarget || { h: 0, s: 0, l: 0 };

		var r = this.r, g = this.g, b = this.b;

		var max = Math.max( r, g, b );
		var min = Math.min( r, g, b );

		var hue, saturation;
		var lightness = ( min + max ) / 2.0;

		if ( min === max ) {

			hue = 0;
			saturation = 0;

		} else {

			var delta = max - min;

			saturation = lightness <= 0.5 ? delta / ( max + min ) : delta / ( 2 - max - min );

			switch ( max ) {

				case r: hue = ( g - b ) / delta + ( g < b ? 6 : 0 ); break;
				case g: hue = ( b - r ) / delta + 2; break;
				case b: hue = ( r - g ) / delta + 4; break;


			hue /= 6;


		hsl.h = hue;
		hsl.s = saturation;
		hsl.l = lightness;

		return hsl;


	getStyle: function () {

		return 'rgb(' + ( ( this.r * 255 ) | 0 ) + ',' + ( ( this.g * 255 ) | 0 ) + ',' + ( ( this.b * 255 ) | 0 ) + ')';


	offsetHSL: function ( h, s, l ) {

		var hsl = this.getHSL();

		hsl.h += h; hsl.s += s; hsl.l += l;

		this.setHSL( hsl.h, hsl.s, hsl.l );

		return this;


	add: function ( color ) {

		this.r += color.r;
		this.g += color.g;
		this.b += color.b;

		return this;


	addColors: function ( color1, color2 ) {

		this.r = color1.r + color2.r;
		this.g = color1.g + color2.g;
		this.b = color1.b + color2.b;

		return this;


	addScalar: function ( s ) {

		this.r += s;
		this.g += s;
		this.b += s;

		return this;


	sub: function ( color ) {

		this.r = Math.max( 0, this.r - color.r );
		this.g = Math.max( 0, this.g - color.g );
		this.b = Math.max( 0, this.b - color.b );

		return this;


	multiply: function ( color ) {

		this.r *= color.r;
		this.g *= color.g;
		this.b *= color.b;

		return this;


	multiplyScalar: function ( s ) {

		this.r *= s;
		this.g *= s;
		this.b *= s;

		return this;


	lerp: function ( color, alpha ) {

		this.r += ( color.r - this.r ) * alpha;
		this.g += ( color.g - this.g ) * alpha;
		this.b += ( color.b - this.b ) * alpha;

		return this;


	equals: function ( c ) {

		return ( c.r === this.r ) && ( c.g === this.g ) && ( c.b === this.b );


	fromArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		this.r = array[ offset ];
		this.g = array[ offset + 1 ];
		this.b = array[ offset + 2 ];

		return this;


	toArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		array[ offset ] = this.r;
		array[ offset + 1 ] = this.g;
		array[ offset + 2 ] = this.b;

		return array;


	toJSON: function () {

		return this.getHex();


} );

 * Uniforms library for shared webgl shaders

var UniformsLib = {

	common: {

		diffuse: { value: new Color( 0xeeeeee ) },
		opacity: { value: 1.0 },

		map: { value: null },
		uvTransform: { value: new Matrix3() },

		alphaMap: { value: null },


	specularmap: {

		specularMap: { value: null },


	envmap: {

		envMap: { value: null },
		flipEnvMap: { value: - 1 },
		reflectivity: { value: 1.0 },
		refractionRatio: { value: 0.98 }


	aomap: {

		aoMap: { value: null },
		aoMapIntensity: { value: 1 }


	lightmap: {

		lightMap: { value: null },
		lightMapIntensity: { value: 1 }


	emissivemap: {

		emissiveMap: { value: null }


	bumpmap: {

		bumpMap: { value: null },
		bumpScale: { value: 1 }


	normalmap: {

		normalMap: { value: null },
		normalScale: { value: new Vector2( 1, 1 ) }


	displacementmap: {

		displacementMap: { value: null },
		displacementScale: { value: 1 },
		displacementBias: { value: 0 }


	roughnessmap: {

		roughnessMap: { value: null }


	metalnessmap: {

		metalnessMap: { value: null }


	gradientmap: {

		gradientMap: { value: null }


	fog: {

		fogDensity: { value: 0.00025 },
		fogNear: { value: 1 },
		fogFar: { value: 2000 },
		fogColor: { value: new Color( 0xffffff ) }


	lights: {

		ambientLightColor: { value: [] },

		directionalLights: { value: [], properties: {
			direction: {},
			color: {},

			shadow: {},
			shadowBias: {},
			shadowRadius: {},
			shadowMapSize: {}
		} },

		directionalShadowMap: { value: [] },
		directionalShadowMatrix: { value: [] },

		spotLights: { value: [], properties: {
			color: {},
			position: {},
			direction: {},
			distance: {},
			coneCos: {},
			penumbraCos: {},
			decay: {},

			shadow: {},
			shadowBias: {},
			shadowRadius: {},
			shadowMapSize: {}
		} },

		spotShadowMap: { value: [] },
		spotShadowMatrix: { value: [] },

		pointLights: { value: [], properties: {
			color: {},
			position: {},
			decay: {},
			distance: {},

			shadow: {},
			shadowBias: {},
			shadowRadius: {},
			shadowMapSize: {},
			shadowCameraNear: {},
			shadowCameraFar: {}
		} },

		pointShadowMap: { value: [] },
		pointShadowMatrix: { value: [] },

		hemisphereLights: { value: [], properties: {
			direction: {},
			skyColor: {},
			groundColor: {}
		} },

		// TODO (abelnation): RectAreaLight BRDF data needs to be moved from example to main src
		rectAreaLights: { value: [], properties: {
			color: {},
			position: {},
			width: {},
			height: {}
		} }


	points: {

		diffuse: { value: new Color( 0xeeeeee ) },
		opacity: { value: 1.0 },
		size: { value: 1.0 },
		scale: { value: 1.0 },
		map: { value: null },
		uvTransform: { value: new Matrix3() }



 * Uniform Utilities

var UniformsUtils = {

	merge: function ( uniforms ) {

		var merged = {};

		for ( var u = 0; u < uniforms.length; u ++ ) {

			var tmp = this.clone( uniforms[ u ] );

			for ( var p in tmp ) {

				merged[ p ] = tmp[ p ];



		return merged;


	clone: function ( uniforms_src ) {

		var uniforms_dst = {};

		for ( var u in uniforms_src ) {

			uniforms_dst[ u ] = {};

			for ( var p in uniforms_src[ u ] ) {

				var parameter_src = uniforms_src[ u ][ p ];

				if ( parameter_src && ( parameter_src.isColor ||
					parameter_src.isMatrix3 || parameter_src.isMatrix4 ||
					parameter_src.isVector2 || parameter_src.isVector3 || parameter_src.isVector4 ||
					parameter_src.isTexture ) ) {

					uniforms_dst[ u ][ p ] = parameter_src.clone();

				} else if ( Array.isArray( parameter_src ) ) {

					uniforms_dst[ u ][ p ] = parameter_src.slice();

				} else {

					uniforms_dst[ u ][ p ] = parameter_src;




		return uniforms_dst;



var alphamap_fragment = "#ifdef USE_ALPHAMAP\n\tdiffuseColor.a *= texture2D( alphaMap, vUv ).g;\n#endif\n";

var alphamap_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_ALPHAMAP\n\tuniform sampler2D alphaMap;\n#endif\n";

var alphatest_fragment = "#ifdef ALPHATEST\n\tif ( diffuseColor.a < ALPHATEST ) discard;\n#endif\n";

var aomap_fragment = "#ifdef USE_AOMAP\n\tfloat ambientOcclusion = ( texture2D( aoMap, vUv2 ).r - 1.0 ) * aoMapIntensity + 1.0;\n\treflectedLight.indirectDiffuse *= ambientOcclusion;\n\t#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) && defined( PHYSICAL )\n\t\tfloat dotNV = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, geometry.viewDir ) );\n\t\treflectedLight.indirectSpecular *= computeSpecularOcclusion( dotNV, ambientOcclusion, material.specularRoughness );\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var aomap_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_AOMAP\n\tuniform sampler2D aoMap;\n\tuniform float aoMapIntensity;\n#endif";

var begin_vertex = "\nvec3 transformed = vec3( position );\n";

var beginnormal_vertex = "\nvec3 objectNormal = vec3( normal );\n";

var bsdfs = "float punctualLightIntensityToIrradianceFactor( const in float lightDistance, const in float cutoffDistance, const in float decayExponent ) {\n\tif( decayExponent > 0.0 ) {\n#if defined ( PHYSICALLY_CORRECT_LIGHTS )\n\t\tfloat distanceFalloff = 1.0 / max( pow( lightDistance, decayExponent ), 0.01 );\n\t\tfloat maxDistanceCutoffFactor = pow2( saturate( 1.0 - pow4( lightDistance / cutoffDistance ) ) );\n\t\treturn distanceFalloff * maxDistanceCutoffFactor;\n#else\n\t\treturn pow( saturate( -lightDistance / cutoffDistance + 1.0 ), decayExponent );\n#endif\n\t}\n\treturn 1.0;\n}\nvec3 BRDF_Diffuse_Lambert( const in vec3 diffuseColor ) {\n\treturn RECIPROCAL_PI * diffuseColor;\n}\nvec3 F_Schlick( const in vec3 specularColor, const in float dotLH ) {\n\tfloat fresnel = exp2( ( -5.55473 * dotLH - 6.98316 ) * dotLH );\n\treturn ( 1.0 - specularColor ) * fresnel + specularColor;\n}\nfloat G_GGX_Smith( const in float alpha, const in float dotNL, const in float dotNV ) {\n\tfloat a2 = pow2( alpha );\n\tfloat gl = dotNL + sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * pow2( dotNL ) );\n\tfloat gv = dotNV + sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * pow2( dotNV ) );\n\treturn 1.0 / ( gl * gv );\n}\nfloat G_GGX_SmithCorrelated( const in float alpha, const in float dotNL, const in float dotNV ) {\n\tfloat a2 = pow2( alpha );\n\tfloat gv = dotNL * sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * pow2( dotNV ) );\n\tfloat gl = dotNV * sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * pow2( dotNL ) );\n\treturn 0.5 / max( gv + gl, EPSILON );\n}\nfloat D_GGX( const in float alpha, const in float dotNH ) {\n\tfloat a2 = pow2( alpha );\n\tfloat denom = pow2( dotNH ) * ( a2 - 1.0 ) + 1.0;\n\treturn RECIPROCAL_PI * a2 / pow2( denom );\n}\nvec3 BRDF_Specular_GGX( const in IncidentLight incidentLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, const in vec3 specularColor, const in float roughness ) {\n\tfloat alpha = pow2( roughness );\n\tvec3 halfDir = normalize( incidentLight.direction + geometry.viewDir );\n\tfloat dotNL = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, incidentLight.direction ) );\n\tfloat dotNV = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, geometry.viewDir ) );\n\tfloat dotNH = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, halfDir ) );\n\tfloat dotLH = saturate( dot( incidentLight.direction, halfDir ) );\n\tvec3 F = F_Schlick( specularColor, dotLH );\n\tfloat G = G_GGX_SmithCorrelated( alpha, dotNL, dotNV );\n\tfloat D = D_GGX( alpha, dotNH );\n\treturn F * ( G * D );\n}\nvec2 LTC_Uv( const in vec3 N, const in vec3 V, const in float roughness ) {\n\tconst float LUT_SIZE  = 64.0;\n\tconst float LUT_SCALE = ( LUT_SIZE - 1.0 ) / LUT_SIZE;\n\tconst float LUT_BIAS  = 0.5 / LUT_SIZE;\n\tfloat dotNV = saturate( dot( N, V ) );\n\tvec2 uv = vec2( roughness, sqrt( 1.0 - dotNV ) );\n\tuv = uv * LUT_SCALE + LUT_BIAS;\n\treturn uv;\n}\nfloat LTC_ClippedSphereFormFactor( const in vec3 f ) {\n\tfloat l = length( f );\n\treturn max( ( l * l + f.z ) / ( l + 1.0 ), 0.0 );\n}\nvec3 LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( const in vec3 v1, const in vec3 v2 ) {\n\tfloat x = dot( v1, v2 );\n\tfloat y = abs( x );\n\tfloat a = 0.8543985 + ( 0.4965155 + 0.0145206 * y ) * y;\n\tfloat b = 3.4175940 + ( 4.1616724 + y ) * y;\n\tfloat v = a / b;\n\tfloat theta_sintheta = ( x > 0.0 ) ? v : 0.5 * inversesqrt( max( 1.0 - x * x, 1e-7 ) ) - v;\n\treturn cross( v1, v2 ) * theta_sintheta;\n}\nvec3 LTC_Evaluate( const in vec3 N, const in vec3 V, const in vec3 P, const in mat3 mInv, const in vec3 rectCoords[ 4 ] ) {\n\tvec3 v1 = rectCoords[ 1 ] - rectCoords[ 0 ];\n\tvec3 v2 = rectCoords[ 3 ] - rectCoords[ 0 ];\n\tvec3 lightNormal = cross( v1, v2 );\n\tif( dot( lightNormal, P - rectCoords[ 0 ] ) < 0.0 ) return vec3( 0.0 );\n\tvec3 T1, T2;\n\tT1 = normalize( V - N * dot( V, N ) );\n\tT2 = - cross( N, T1 );\n\tmat3 mat = mInv * transposeMat3( mat3( T1, T2, N ) );\n\tvec3 coords[ 4 ];\n\tcoords[ 0 ] = mat * ( rectCoords[ 0 ] - P );\n\tcoords[ 1 ] = mat * ( rectCoords[ 1 ] - P );\n\tcoords[ 2 ] = mat * ( rectCoords[ 2 ] - P );\n\tcoords[ 3 ] = mat * ( rectCoords[ 3 ] - P );\n\tcoords[ 0 ] = normalize( coords[ 0 ] );\n\tcoords[ 1 ] = normalize( coords[ 1 ] );\n\tcoords[ 2 ] = normalize( coords[ 2 ] );\n\tcoords[ 3 ] = normalize( coords[ 3 ] );\n\tvec3 vectorFormFactor = vec3( 0.0 );\n\tvectorFormFactor += LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( coords[ 0 ], coords[ 1 ] );\n\tvectorFormFactor += LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( coords[ 1 ], coords[ 2 ] );\n\tvectorFormFactor += LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( coords[ 2 ], coords[ 3 ] );\n\tvectorFormFactor += LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( coords[ 3 ], coords[ 0 ] );\n\tfloat result = LTC_ClippedSphereFormFactor( vectorFormFactor );\n\treturn vec3( result );\n}\nvec3 BRDF_Specular_GGX_Environment( const in GeometricContext geometry, const in vec3 specularColor, const in float roughness ) {\n\tfloat dotNV = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, geometry.viewDir ) );\n\tconst vec4 c0 = vec4( - 1, - 0.0275, - 0.572, 0.022 );\n\tconst vec4 c1 = vec4( 1, 0.0425, 1.04, - 0.04 );\n\tvec4 r = roughness * c0 + c1;\n\tfloat a004 = min( r.x * r.x, exp2( - 9.28 * dotNV ) ) * r.x + r.y;\n\tvec2 AB = vec2( -1.04, 1.04 ) * a004 + r.zw;\n\treturn specularColor * AB.x + AB.y;\n}\nfloat G_BlinnPhong_Implicit( ) {\n\treturn 0.25;\n}\nfloat D_BlinnPhong( const in float shininess, const in float dotNH ) {\n\treturn RECIPROCAL_PI * ( shininess * 0.5 + 1.0 ) * pow( dotNH, shininess );\n}\nvec3 BRDF_Specular_BlinnPhong( const in IncidentLight incidentLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, const in vec3 specularColor, const in float shininess ) {\n\tvec3 halfDir = normalize( incidentLight.direction + geometry.viewDir );\n\tfloat dotNH = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, halfDir ) );\n\tfloat dotLH = saturate( dot( incidentLight.direction, halfDir ) );\n\tvec3 F = F_Schlick( specularColor, dotLH );\n\tfloat G = G_BlinnPhong_Implicit( );\n\tfloat D = D_BlinnPhong( shininess, dotNH );\n\treturn F * ( G * D );\n}\nfloat GGXRoughnessToBlinnExponent( const in float ggxRoughness ) {\n\treturn ( 2.0 / pow2( ggxRoughness + 0.0001 ) - 2.0 );\n}\nfloat BlinnExponentToGGXRoughness( const in float blinnExponent ) {\n\treturn sqrt( 2.0 / ( blinnExponent + 2.0 ) );\n}\n";

var bumpmap_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_BUMPMAP\n\tuniform sampler2D bumpMap;\n\tuniform float bumpScale;\n\tvec2 dHdxy_fwd() {\n\t\tvec2 dSTdx = dFdx( vUv );\n\t\tvec2 dSTdy = dFdy( vUv );\n\t\tfloat Hll = bumpScale * texture2D( bumpMap, vUv ).x;\n\t\tfloat dBx = bumpScale * texture2D( bumpMap, vUv + dSTdx ).x - Hll;\n\t\tfloat dBy = bumpScale * texture2D( bumpMap, vUv + dSTdy ).x - Hll;\n\t\treturn vec2( dBx, dBy );\n\t}\n\tvec3 perturbNormalArb( vec3 surf_pos, vec3 surf_norm, vec2 dHdxy ) {\n\t\tvec3 vSigmaX = vec3( dFdx( surf_pos.x ), dFdx( surf_pos.y ), dFdx( surf_pos.z ) );\n\t\tvec3 vSigmaY = vec3( dFdy( surf_pos.x ), dFdy( surf_pos.y ), dFdy( surf_pos.z ) );\n\t\tvec3 vN = surf_norm;\n\t\tvec3 R1 = cross( vSigmaY, vN );\n\t\tvec3 R2 = cross( vN, vSigmaX );\n\t\tfloat fDet = dot( vSigmaX, R1 );\n\t\tvec3 vGrad = sign( fDet ) * ( dHdxy.x * R1 + dHdxy.y * R2 );\n\t\treturn normalize( abs( fDet ) * surf_norm - vGrad );\n\t}\n#endif\n";

var clipping_planes_fragment = "#if NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES > 0\n\tvec4 plane;\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < UNION_CLIPPING_PLANES; i ++ ) {\n\t\tplane = clippingPlanes[ i ];\n\t\tif ( dot( vViewPosition, plane.xyz ) > plane.w ) discard;\n\t}\n\t#if UNION_CLIPPING_PLANES < NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES\n\t\tbool clipped = true;\n\t\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\t\tfor ( int i = UNION_CLIPPING_PLANES; i < NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES; i ++ ) {\n\t\t\tplane = clippingPlanes[ i ];\n\t\t\tclipped = ( dot( vViewPosition, plane.xyz ) > plane.w ) && clipped;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( clipped ) discard;\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var clipping_planes_pars_fragment = "#if NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES > 0\n\t#if ! defined( PHYSICAL ) && ! defined( PHONG )\n\t\tvarying vec3 vViewPosition;\n\t#endif\n\tuniform vec4 clippingPlanes[ NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES ];\n#endif\n";

var clipping_planes_pars_vertex = "#if NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES > 0 && ! defined( PHYSICAL ) && ! defined( PHONG )\n\tvarying vec3 vViewPosition;\n#endif\n";

var clipping_planes_vertex = "#if NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES > 0 && ! defined( PHYSICAL ) && ! defined( PHONG )\n\tvViewPosition = - mvPosition.xyz;\n#endif\n";

var color_fragment = "#ifdef USE_COLOR\n\tdiffuseColor.rgb *= vColor;\n#endif";

var color_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_COLOR\n\tvarying vec3 vColor;\n#endif\n";

var color_pars_vertex = "#ifdef USE_COLOR\n\tvarying vec3 vColor;\n#endif";

var color_vertex = "#ifdef USE_COLOR\n\tvColor.xyz = color.xyz;\n#endif";

var common = "#define PI 3.14159265359\n#define PI2 6.28318530718\n#define PI_HALF 1.5707963267949\n#define RECIPROCAL_PI 0.31830988618\n#define RECIPROCAL_PI2 0.15915494\n#define LOG2 1.442695\n#define EPSILON 1e-6\n#define saturate(a) clamp( a, 0.0, 1.0 )\n#define whiteCompliment(a) ( 1.0 - saturate( a ) )\nfloat pow2( const in float x ) { return x*x; }\nfloat pow3( const in float x ) { return x*x*x; }\nfloat pow4( const in float x ) { float x2 = x*x; return x2*x2; }\nfloat average( const in vec3 color ) { return dot( color, vec3( 0.3333 ) ); }\nhighp float rand( const in vec2 uv ) {\n\tconst highp float a = 12.9898, b = 78.233, c = 43758.5453;\n\thighp float dt = dot( uv.xy, vec2( a,b ) ), sn = mod( dt, PI );\n\treturn fract(sin(sn) * c);\n}\nstruct IncidentLight {\n\tvec3 color;\n\tvec3 direction;\n\tbool visible;\n};\nstruct ReflectedLight {\n\tvec3 directDiffuse;\n\tvec3 directSpecular;\n\tvec3 indirectDiffuse;\n\tvec3 indirectSpecular;\n};\nstruct GeometricContext {\n\tvec3 position;\n\tvec3 normal;\n\tvec3 viewDir;\n};\nvec3 transformDirection( in vec3 dir, in mat4 matrix ) {\n\treturn normalize( ( matrix * vec4( dir, 0.0 ) ).xyz );\n}\nvec3 inverseTransformDirection( in vec3 dir, in mat4 matrix ) {\n\treturn normalize( ( vec4( dir, 0.0 ) * matrix ).xyz );\n}\nvec3 projectOnPlane(in vec3 point, in vec3 pointOnPlane, in vec3 planeNormal ) {\n\tfloat distance = dot( planeNormal, point - pointOnPlane );\n\treturn - distance * planeNormal + point;\n}\nfloat sideOfPlane( in vec3 point, in vec3 pointOnPlane, in vec3 planeNormal ) {\n\treturn sign( dot( point - pointOnPlane, planeNormal ) );\n}\nvec3 linePlaneIntersect( in vec3 pointOnLine, in vec3 lineDirection, in vec3 pointOnPlane, in vec3 planeNormal ) {\n\treturn lineDirection * ( dot( planeNormal, pointOnPlane - pointOnLine ) / dot( planeNormal, lineDirection ) ) + pointOnLine;\n}\nmat3 transposeMat3( const in mat3 m ) {\n\tmat3 tmp;\n\ttmp[ 0 ] = vec3( m[ 0 ].x, m[ 1 ].x, m[ 2 ].x );\n\ttmp[ 1 ] = vec3( m[ 0 ].y, m[ 1 ].y, m[ 2 ].y );\n\ttmp[ 2 ] = vec3( m[ 0 ].z, m[ 1 ].z, m[ 2 ].z );\n\treturn tmp;\n}\nfloat linearToRelativeLuminance( const in vec3 color ) {\n\tvec3 weights = vec3( 0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722 );\n\treturn dot( weights, color.rgb );\n}\n";

var cube_uv_reflection_fragment = "#ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV\n#define cubeUV_textureSize (1024.0)\nint getFaceFromDirection(vec3 direction) {\n\tvec3 absDirection = abs(direction);\n\tint face = -1;\n\tif( absDirection.x > absDirection.z ) {\n\t\tif(absDirection.x > absDirection.y )\n\t\t\tface = direction.x > 0.0 ? 0 : 3;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tface = direction.y > 0.0 ? 1 : 4;\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\tif(absDirection.z > absDirection.y )\n\t\t\tface = direction.z > 0.0 ? 2 : 5;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tface = direction.y > 0.0 ? 1 : 4;\n\t}\n\treturn face;\n}\n#define cubeUV_maxLods1  (log2(cubeUV_textureSize*0.25) - 1.0)\n#define cubeUV_rangeClamp (exp2((6.0 - 1.0) * 2.0))\nvec2 MipLevelInfo( vec3 vec, float roughnessLevel, float roughness ) {\n\tfloat scale = exp2(cubeUV_maxLods1 - roughnessLevel);\n\tfloat dxRoughness = dFdx(roughness);\n\tfloat dyRoughness = dFdy(roughness);\n\tvec3 dx = dFdx( vec * scale * dxRoughness );\n\tvec3 dy = dFdy( vec * scale * dyRoughness );\n\tfloat d = max( dot( dx, dx ), dot( dy, dy ) );\n\td = clamp(d, 1.0, cubeUV_rangeClamp);\n\tfloat mipLevel = 0.5 * log2(d);\n\treturn vec2(floor(mipLevel), fract(mipLevel));\n}\n#define cubeUV_maxLods2 (log2(cubeUV_textureSize*0.25) - 2.0)\n#define cubeUV_rcpTextureSize (1.0 / cubeUV_textureSize)\nvec2 getCubeUV(vec3 direction, float roughnessLevel, float mipLevel) {\n\tmipLevel = roughnessLevel > cubeUV_maxLods2 - 3.0 ? 0.0 : mipLevel;\n\tfloat a = 16.0 * cubeUV_rcpTextureSize;\n\tvec2 exp2_packed = exp2( vec2( roughnessLevel, mipLevel ) );\n\tvec2 rcp_exp2_packed = vec2( 1.0 ) / exp2_packed;\n\tfloat powScale = exp2_packed.x * exp2_packed.y;\n\tfloat scale = rcp_exp2_packed.x * rcp_exp2_packed.y * 0.25;\n\tfloat mipOffset = 0.75*(1.0 - rcp_exp2_packed.y) * rcp_exp2_packed.x;\n\tbool bRes = mipLevel == 0.0;\n\tscale =  bRes && (scale < a) ? a : scale;\n\tvec3 r;\n\tvec2 offset;\n\tint face = getFaceFromDirection(direction);\n\tfloat rcpPowScale = 1.0 / powScale;\n\tif( face == 0) {\n\t\tr = vec3(direction.x, -direction.z, direction.y);\n\t\toffset = vec2(0.0+mipOffset,0.75 * rcpPowScale);\n\t\toffset.y = bRes && (offset.y < 2.0*a) ? a : offset.y;\n\t}\n\telse if( face == 1) {\n\t\tr = vec3(direction.y, direction.x, direction.z);\n\t\toffset = vec2(scale+mipOffset, 0.75 * rcpPowScale);\n\t\toffset.y = bRes && (offset.y < 2.0*a) ? a : offset.y;\n\t}\n\telse if( face == 2) {\n\t\tr = vec3(direction.z, direction.x, direction.y);\n\t\toffset = vec2(2.0*scale+mipOffset, 0.75 * rcpPowScale);\n\t\toffset.y = bRes && (offset.y < 2.0*a) ? a : offset.y;\n\t}\n\telse if( face == 3) {\n\t\tr = vec3(direction.x, direction.z, direction.y);\n\t\toffset = vec2(0.0+mipOffset,0.5 * rcpPowScale);\n\t\toffset.y = bRes && (offset.y < 2.0*a) ? 0.0 : offset.y;\n\t}\n\telse if( face == 4) {\n\t\tr = vec3(direction.y, direction.x, -direction.z);\n\t\toffset = vec2(scale+mipOffset, 0.5 * rcpPowScale);\n\t\toffset.y = bRes && (offset.y < 2.0*a) ? 0.0 : offset.y;\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\tr = vec3(direction.z, -direction.x, direction.y);\n\t\toffset = vec2(2.0*scale+mipOffset, 0.5 * rcpPowScale);\n\t\toffset.y = bRes && (offset.y < 2.0*a) ? 0.0 : offset.y;\n\t}\n\tr = normalize(r);\n\tfloat texelOffset = 0.5 * cubeUV_rcpTextureSize;\n\tvec2 s = ( r.yz / abs( r.x ) + vec2( 1.0 ) ) * 0.5;\n\tvec2 base = offset + vec2( texelOffset );\n\treturn base + s * ( scale - 2.0 * texelOffset );\n}\n#define cubeUV_maxLods3 (log2(cubeUV_textureSize*0.25) - 3.0)\nvec4 textureCubeUV(vec3 reflectedDirection, float roughness ) {\n\tfloat roughnessVal = roughness* cubeUV_maxLods3;\n\tfloat r1 = floor(roughnessVal);\n\tfloat r2 = r1 + 1.0;\n\tfloat t = fract(roughnessVal);\n\tvec2 mipInfo = MipLevelInfo(reflectedDirection, r1, roughness);\n\tfloat s = mipInfo.y;\n\tfloat level0 = mipInfo.x;\n\tfloat level1 = level0 + 1.0;\n\tlevel1 = level1 > 5.0 ? 5.0 : level1;\n\tlevel0 += min( floor( s + 0.5 ), 5.0 );\n\tvec2 uv_10 = getCubeUV(reflectedDirection, r1, level0);\n\tvec4 color10 = envMapTexelToLinear(texture2D(envMap, uv_10));\n\tvec2 uv_20 = getCubeUV(reflectedDirection, r2, level0);\n\tvec4 color20 = envMapTexelToLinear(texture2D(envMap, uv_20));\n\tvec4 result = mix(color10, color20, t);\n\treturn vec4(result.rgb, 1.0);\n}\n#endif\n";

var defaultnormal_vertex = "vec3 transformedNormal = normalMatrix * objectNormal;\n#ifdef FLIP_SIDED\n\ttransformedNormal = - transformedNormal;\n#endif\n";

var displacementmap_pars_vertex = "#ifdef USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP\n\tuniform sampler2D displacementMap;\n\tuniform float displacementScale;\n\tuniform float displacementBias;\n#endif\n";

var displacementmap_vertex = "#ifdef USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP\n\ttransformed += normalize( objectNormal ) * ( texture2D( displacementMap, uv ).x * displacementScale + displacementBias );\n#endif\n";

var emissivemap_fragment = "#ifdef USE_EMISSIVEMAP\n\tvec4 emissiveColor = texture2D( emissiveMap, vUv );\n\temissiveColor.rgb = emissiveMapTexelToLinear( emissiveColor ).rgb;\n\ttotalEmissiveRadiance *= emissiveColor.rgb;\n#endif\n";

var emissivemap_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_EMISSIVEMAP\n\tuniform sampler2D emissiveMap;\n#endif\n";

var encodings_fragment = "  gl_FragColor = linearToOutputTexel( gl_FragColor );\n";

var encodings_pars_fragment = "\nvec4 LinearToLinear( in vec4 value ) {\n\treturn value;\n}\nvec4 GammaToLinear( in vec4 value, in float gammaFactor ) {\n\treturn vec4( pow( value.xyz, vec3( gammaFactor ) ), value.w );\n}\nvec4 LinearToGamma( in vec4 value, in float gammaFactor ) {\n\treturn vec4( pow( value.xyz, vec3( 1.0 / gammaFactor ) ), value.w );\n}\nvec4 sRGBToLinear( in vec4 value ) {\n\treturn vec4( mix( pow( value.rgb * 0.9478672986 + vec3( 0.0521327014 ), vec3( 2.4 ) ), value.rgb * 0.0773993808, vec3( lessThanEqual( value.rgb, vec3( 0.04045 ) ) ) ), value.w );\n}\nvec4 LinearTosRGB( in vec4 value ) {\n\treturn vec4( mix( pow( value.rgb, vec3( 0.41666 ) ) * 1.055 - vec3( 0.055 ), value.rgb * 12.92, vec3( lessThanEqual( value.rgb, vec3( 0.0031308 ) ) ) ), value.w );\n}\nvec4 RGBEToLinear( in vec4 value ) {\n\treturn vec4( value.rgb * exp2( value.a * 255.0 - 128.0 ), 1.0 );\n}\nvec4 LinearToRGBE( in vec4 value ) {\n\tfloat maxComponent = max( max( value.r, value.g ), value.b );\n\tfloat fExp = clamp( ceil( log2( maxComponent ) ), -128.0, 127.0 );\n\treturn vec4( value.rgb / exp2( fExp ), ( fExp + 128.0 ) / 255.0 );\n}\nvec4 RGBMToLinear( in vec4 value, in float maxRange ) {\n\treturn vec4( value.xyz * value.w * maxRange, 1.0 );\n}\nvec4 LinearToRGBM( in vec4 value, in float maxRange ) {\n\tfloat maxRGB = max( value.x, max( value.g, value.b ) );\n\tfloat M      = clamp( maxRGB / maxRange, 0.0, 1.0 );\n\tM            = ceil( M * 255.0 ) / 255.0;\n\treturn vec4( value.rgb / ( M * maxRange ), M );\n}\nvec4 RGBDToLinear( in vec4 value, in float maxRange ) {\n\treturn vec4( value.rgb * ( ( maxRange / 255.0 ) / value.a ), 1.0 );\n}\nvec4 LinearToRGBD( in vec4 value, in float maxRange ) {\n\tfloat maxRGB = max( value.x, max( value.g, value.b ) );\n\tfloat D      = max( maxRange / maxRGB, 1.0 );\n\tD            = min( floor( D ) / 255.0, 1.0 );\n\treturn vec4( value.rgb * ( D * ( 255.0 / maxRange ) ), D );\n}\nconst mat3 cLogLuvM = mat3( 0.2209, 0.3390, 0.4184, 0.1138, 0.6780, 0.7319, 0.0102, 0.1130, 0.2969 );\nvec4 LinearToLogLuv( in vec4 value )  {\n\tvec3 Xp_Y_XYZp = value.rgb * cLogLuvM;\n\tXp_Y_XYZp = max(Xp_Y_XYZp, vec3(1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-6));\n\tvec4 vResult;\n\tvResult.xy = Xp_Y_XYZp.xy / Xp_Y_XYZp.z;\n\tfloat Le = 2.0 * log2(Xp_Y_XYZp.y) + 127.0;\n\tvResult.w = fract(Le);\n\tvResult.z = (Le - (floor(vResult.w*255.0))/255.0)/255.0;\n\treturn vResult;\n}\nconst mat3 cLogLuvInverseM = mat3( 6.0014, -2.7008, -1.7996, -1.3320, 3.1029, -5.7721, 0.3008, -1.0882, 5.6268 );\nvec4 LogLuvToLinear( in vec4 value ) {\n\tfloat Le = value.z * 255.0 + value.w;\n\tvec3 Xp_Y_XYZp;\n\tXp_Y_XYZp.y = exp2((Le - 127.0) / 2.0);\n\tXp_Y_XYZp.z = Xp_Y_XYZp.y / value.y;\n\tXp_Y_XYZp.x = value.x * Xp_Y_XYZp.z;\n\tvec3 vRGB = Xp_Y_XYZp.rgb * cLogLuvInverseM;\n\treturn vec4( max(vRGB, 0.0), 1.0 );\n}\n";

var envmap_fragment = "#ifdef USE_ENVMAP\n\t#if defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( PHONG )\n\t\tvec3 cameraToVertex = normalize( vWorldPosition - cameraPosition );\n\t\tvec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( normal, viewMatrix );\n\t\t#ifdef ENVMAP_MODE_REFLECTION\n\t\t\tvec3 reflectVec = reflect( cameraToVertex, worldNormal );\n\t\t#else\n\t\t\tvec3 reflectVec = refract( cameraToVertex, worldNormal, refractionRatio );\n\t\t#endif\n\t#else\n\t\tvec3 reflectVec = vReflect;\n\t#endif\n\t#ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE\n\t\tvec4 envColor = textureCube( envMap, vec3( flipEnvMap * reflectVec.x, reflectVec.yz ) );\n\t#elif defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_EQUIREC )\n\t\tvec2 sampleUV;\n\t\treflectVec = normalize( reflectVec );\n\t\tsampleUV.y = asin( clamp( reflectVec.y, - 1.0, 1.0 ) ) * RECIPROCAL_PI + 0.5;\n\t\tsampleUV.x = atan( reflectVec.z, reflectVec.x ) * RECIPROCAL_PI2 + 0.5;\n\t\tvec4 envColor = texture2D( envMap, sampleUV );\n\t#elif defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_SPHERE )\n\t\treflectVec = normalize( reflectVec );\n\t\tvec3 reflectView = normalize( ( viewMatrix * vec4( reflectVec, 0.0 ) ).xyz + vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );\n\t\tvec4 envColor = texture2D( envMap, reflectView.xy * 0.5 + 0.5 );\n\t#else\n\t\tvec4 envColor = vec4( 0.0 );\n\t#endif\n\tenvColor = envMapTexelToLinear( envColor );\n\t#ifdef ENVMAP_BLENDING_MULTIPLY\n\t\toutgoingLight = mix( outgoingLight, outgoingLight * envColor.xyz, specularStrength * reflectivity );\n\t#elif defined( ENVMAP_BLENDING_MIX )\n\t\toutgoingLight = mix( outgoingLight, envColor.xyz, specularStrength * reflectivity );\n\t#elif defined( ENVMAP_BLENDING_ADD )\n\t\toutgoingLight += envColor.xyz * specularStrength * reflectivity;\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var envmap_pars_fragment = "#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) || defined( PHYSICAL )\n\tuniform float reflectivity;\n\tuniform float envMapIntensity;\n#endif\n#ifdef USE_ENVMAP\n\t#if ! defined( PHYSICAL ) && ( defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( PHONG ) )\n\t\tvarying vec3 vWorldPosition;\n\t#endif\n\t#ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE\n\t\tuniform samplerCube envMap;\n\t#else\n\t\tuniform sampler2D envMap;\n\t#endif\n\tuniform float flipEnvMap;\n\t#if defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( PHONG ) || defined( PHYSICAL )\n\t\tuniform float refractionRatio;\n\t#else\n\t\tvarying vec3 vReflect;\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var envmap_pars_vertex = "#ifdef USE_ENVMAP\n\t#if defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( PHONG )\n\t\tvarying vec3 vWorldPosition;\n\t#else\n\t\tvarying vec3 vReflect;\n\t\tuniform float refractionRatio;\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var envmap_vertex = "#ifdef USE_ENVMAP\n\t#if defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( PHONG )\n\t\tvWorldPosition = worldPosition.xyz;\n\t#else\n\t\tvec3 cameraToVertex = normalize( worldPosition.xyz - cameraPosition );\n\t\tvec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( transformedNormal, viewMatrix );\n\t\t#ifdef ENVMAP_MODE_REFLECTION\n\t\t\tvReflect = reflect( cameraToVertex, worldNormal );\n\t\t#else\n\t\t\tvReflect = refract( cameraToVertex, worldNormal, refractionRatio );\n\t\t#endif\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var fog_vertex = "\n#ifdef USE_FOG\nfogDepth = -mvPosition.z;\n#endif";

var fog_pars_vertex = "#ifdef USE_FOG\n  varying float fogDepth;\n#endif\n";

var fog_fragment = "#ifdef USE_FOG\n\t#ifdef FOG_EXP2\n\t\tfloat fogFactor = whiteCompliment( exp2( - fogDensity * fogDensity * fogDepth * fogDepth * LOG2 ) );\n\t#else\n\t\tfloat fogFactor = smoothstep( fogNear, fogFar, fogDepth );\n\t#endif\n\tgl_FragColor.rgb = mix( gl_FragColor.rgb, fogColor, fogFactor );\n#endif\n";

var fog_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_FOG\n\tuniform vec3 fogColor;\n\tvarying float fogDepth;\n\t#ifdef FOG_EXP2\n\t\tuniform float fogDensity;\n\t#else\n\t\tuniform float fogNear;\n\t\tuniform float fogFar;\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var gradientmap_pars_fragment = "#ifdef TOON\n\tuniform sampler2D gradientMap;\n\tvec3 getGradientIrradiance( vec3 normal, vec3 lightDirection ) {\n\t\tfloat dotNL = dot( normal, lightDirection );\n\t\tvec2 coord = vec2( dotNL * 0.5 + 0.5, 0.0 );\n\t\t#ifdef USE_GRADIENTMAP\n\t\t\treturn texture2D( gradientMap, coord ).rgb;\n\t\t#else\n\t\t\treturn ( coord.x < 0.7 ) ? vec3( 0.7 ) : vec3( 1.0 );\n\t\t#endif\n\t}\n#endif\n";

var lightmap_fragment = "#ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP\n\treflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += PI * texture2D( lightMap, vUv2 ).xyz * lightMapIntensity;\n#endif\n";

var lightmap_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP\n\tuniform sampler2D lightMap;\n\tuniform float lightMapIntensity;\n#endif";

var lights_lambert_vertex = "vec3 diffuse = vec3( 1.0 );\nGeometricContext geometry;\ngeometry.position = mvPosition.xyz;\ngeometry.normal = normalize( transformedNormal );\ngeometry.viewDir = normalize( -mvPosition.xyz );\nGeometricContext backGeometry;\nbackGeometry.position = geometry.position;\nbackGeometry.normal = -geometry.normal;\nbackGeometry.viewDir = geometry.viewDir;\nvLightFront = vec3( 0.0 );\n#ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\tvLightBack = vec3( 0.0 );\n#endif\nIncidentLight directLight;\nfloat dotNL;\nvec3 directLightColor_Diffuse;\n#if NUM_POINT_LIGHTS > 0\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POINT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tgetPointDirectLightIrradiance( pointLights[ i ], geometry, directLight );\n\t\tdotNL = dot( geometry.normal, directLight.direction );\n\t\tdirectLightColor_Diffuse = PI * directLight.color;\n\t\tvLightFront += saturate( dotNL ) * directLightColor_Diffuse;\n\t\t#ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\t\t\tvLightBack += saturate( -dotNL ) * directLightColor_Diffuse;\n\t\t#endif\n\t}\n#endif\n#if NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tgetSpotDirectLightIrradiance( spotLights[ i ], geometry, directLight );\n\t\tdotNL = dot( geometry.normal, directLight.direction );\n\t\tdirectLightColor_Diffuse = PI * directLight.color;\n\t\tvLightFront += saturate( dotNL ) * directLightColor_Diffuse;\n\t\t#ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\t\t\tvLightBack += saturate( -dotNL ) * directLightColor_Diffuse;\n\t\t#endif\n\t}\n#endif\n#if NUM_DIR_LIGHTS > 0\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_DIR_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tgetDirectionalDirectLightIrradiance( directionalLights[ i ], geometry, directLight );\n\t\tdotNL = dot( geometry.normal, directLight.direction );\n\t\tdirectLightColor_Diffuse = PI * directLight.color;\n\t\tvLightFront += saturate( dotNL ) * directLightColor_Diffuse;\n\t\t#ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\t\t\tvLightBack += saturate( -dotNL ) * directLightColor_Diffuse;\n\t\t#endif\n\t}\n#endif\n#if NUM_HEMI_LIGHTS > 0\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_HEMI_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tvLightFront += getHemisphereLightIrradiance( hemisphereLights[ i ], geometry );\n\t\t#ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\t\t\tvLightBack += getHemisphereLightIrradiance( hemisphereLights[ i ], backGeometry );\n\t\t#endif\n\t}\n#endif\n";

var lights_pars = "uniform vec3 ambientLightColor;\nvec3 getAmbientLightIrradiance( const in vec3 ambientLightColor ) {\n\tvec3 irradiance = ambientLightColor;\n\t#ifndef PHYSICALLY_CORRECT_LIGHTS\n\t\tirradiance *= PI;\n\t#endif\n\treturn irradiance;\n}\n#if NUM_DIR_LIGHTS > 0\n\tstruct DirectionalLight {\n\t\tvec3 direction;\n\t\tvec3 color;\n\t\tint shadow;\n\t\tfloat shadowBias;\n\t\tfloat shadowRadius;\n\t\tvec2 shadowMapSize;\n\t};\n\tuniform DirectionalLight directionalLights[ NUM_DIR_LIGHTS ];\n\tvoid getDirectionalDirectLightIrradiance( const in DirectionalLight directionalLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, out IncidentLight directLight ) {\n\t\tdirectLight.color = directionalLight.color;\n\t\tdirectLight.direction = directionalLight.direction;\n\t\tdirectLight.visible = true;\n\t}\n#endif\n#if NUM_POINT_LIGHTS > 0\n\tstruct PointLight {\n\t\tvec3 position;\n\t\tvec3 color;\n\t\tfloat distance;\n\t\tfloat decay;\n\t\tint shadow;\n\t\tfloat shadowBias;\n\t\tfloat shadowRadius;\n\t\tvec2 shadowMapSize;\n\t\tfloat shadowCameraNear;\n\t\tfloat shadowCameraFar;\n\t};\n\tuniform PointLight pointLights[ NUM_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n\tvoid getPointDirectLightIrradiance( const in PointLight pointLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, out IncidentLight directLight ) {\n\t\tvec3 lVector = pointLight.position - geometry.position;\n\t\tdirectLight.direction = normalize( lVector );\n\t\tfloat lightDistance = length( lVector );\n\t\tdirectLight.color = pointLight.color;\n\t\tdirectLight.color *= punctualLightIntensityToIrradianceFactor( lightDistance, pointLight.distance, pointLight.decay );\n\t\tdirectLight.visible = ( directLight.color != vec3( 0.0 ) );\n\t}\n#endif\n#if NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0\n\tstruct SpotLight {\n\t\tvec3 position;\n\t\tvec3 direction;\n\t\tvec3 color;\n\t\tfloat distance;\n\t\tfloat decay;\n\t\tfloat coneCos;\n\t\tfloat penumbraCos;\n\t\tint shadow;\n\t\tfloat shadowBias;\n\t\tfloat shadowRadius;\n\t\tvec2 shadowMapSize;\n\t};\n\tuniform SpotLight spotLights[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n\tvoid getSpotDirectLightIrradiance( const in SpotLight spotLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, out IncidentLight directLight  ) {\n\t\tvec3 lVector = spotLight.position - geometry.position;\n\t\tdirectLight.direction = normalize( lVector );\n\t\tfloat lightDistance = length( lVector );\n\t\tfloat angleCos = dot( directLight.direction, spotLight.direction );\n\t\tif ( angleCos > spotLight.coneCos ) {\n\t\t\tfloat spotEffect = smoothstep( spotLight.coneCos, spotLight.penumbraCos, angleCos );\n\t\t\tdirectLight.color = spotLight.color;\n\t\t\tdirectLight.color *= spotEffect * punctualLightIntensityToIrradianceFactor( lightDistance, spotLight.distance, spotLight.decay );\n\t\t\tdirectLight.visible = true;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tdirectLight.color = vec3( 0.0 );\n\t\t\tdirectLight.visible = false;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n#endif\n#if NUM_RECT_AREA_LIGHTS > 0\n\tstruct RectAreaLight {\n\t\tvec3 color;\n\t\tvec3 position;\n\t\tvec3 halfWidth;\n\t\tvec3 halfHeight;\n\t};\n\tuniform sampler2D ltc_1;\tuniform sampler2D ltc_2;\n\tuniform RectAreaLight rectAreaLights[ NUM_RECT_AREA_LIGHTS ];\n#endif\n#if NUM_HEMI_LIGHTS > 0\n\tstruct HemisphereLight {\n\t\tvec3 direction;\n\t\tvec3 skyColor;\n\t\tvec3 groundColor;\n\t};\n\tuniform HemisphereLight hemisphereLights[ NUM_HEMI_LIGHTS ];\n\tvec3 getHemisphereLightIrradiance( const in HemisphereLight hemiLight, const in GeometricContext geometry ) {\n\t\tfloat dotNL = dot( geometry.normal, hemiLight.direction );\n\t\tfloat hemiDiffuseWeight = 0.5 * dotNL + 0.5;\n\t\tvec3 irradiance = mix( hemiLight.groundColor, hemiLight.skyColor, hemiDiffuseWeight );\n\t\t#ifndef PHYSICALLY_CORRECT_LIGHTS\n\t\t\tirradiance *= PI;\n\t\t#endif\n\t\treturn irradiance;\n\t}\n#endif\n#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) && defined( PHYSICAL )\n\tvec3 getLightProbeIndirectIrradiance( const in GeometricContext geometry, const in int maxMIPLevel ) {\n\t\tvec3 worldNormal = inverseTransformDirection( geometry.normal, viewMatrix );\n\t\t#ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE\n\t\t\tvec3 queryVec = vec3( flipEnvMap * worldNormal.x, worldNormal.yz );\n\t\t\t#ifdef TEXTURE_LOD_EXT\n\t\t\t\tvec4 envMapColor = textureCubeLodEXT( envMap, queryVec, float( maxMIPLevel ) );\n\t\t\t#else\n\t\t\t\tvec4 envMapColor = textureCube( envMap, queryVec, float( maxMIPLevel ) );\n\t\t\t#endif\n\t\t\tenvMapColor.rgb = envMapTexelToLinear( envMapColor ).rgb;\n\t\t#elif defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV )\n\t\t\tvec3 queryVec = vec3( flipEnvMap * worldNormal.x, worldNormal.yz );\n\t\t\tvec4 envMapColor = textureCubeUV( queryVec, 1.0 );\n\t\t#else\n\t\t\tvec4 envMapColor = vec4( 0.0 );\n\t\t#endif\n\t\treturn PI * envMapColor.rgb * envMapIntensity;\n\t}\n\tfloat getSpecularMIPLevel( const in float blinnShininessExponent, const in int maxMIPLevel ) {\n\t\tfloat maxMIPLevelScalar = float( maxMIPLevel );\n\t\tfloat desiredMIPLevel = maxMIPLevelScalar + 0.79248 - 0.5 * log2( pow2( blinnShininessExponent ) + 1.0 );\n\t\treturn clamp( desiredMIPLevel, 0.0, maxMIPLevelScalar );\n\t}\n\tvec3 getLightProbeIndirectRadiance( const in GeometricContext geometry, const in float blinnShininessExponent, const in int maxMIPLevel ) {\n\t\t#ifdef ENVMAP_MODE_REFLECTION\n\t\t\tvec3 reflectVec = reflect( -geometry.viewDir, geometry.normal );\n\t\t#else\n\t\t\tvec3 reflectVec = refract( -geometry.viewDir, geometry.normal, refractionRatio );\n\t\t#endif\n\t\treflectVec = inverseTransformDirection( reflectVec, viewMatrix );\n\t\tfloat specularMIPLevel = getSpecularMIPLevel( blinnShininessExponent, maxMIPLevel );\n\t\t#ifdef ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE\n\t\t\tvec3 queryReflectVec = vec3( flipEnvMap * reflectVec.x, reflectVec.yz );\n\t\t\t#ifdef TEXTURE_LOD_EXT\n\t\t\t\tvec4 envMapColor = textureCubeLodEXT( envMap, queryReflectVec, specularMIPLevel );\n\t\t\t#else\n\t\t\t\tvec4 envMapColor = textureCube( envMap, queryReflectVec, specularMIPLevel );\n\t\t\t#endif\n\t\t\tenvMapColor.rgb = envMapTexelToLinear( envMapColor ).rgb;\n\t\t#elif defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV )\n\t\t\tvec3 queryReflectVec = vec3( flipEnvMap * reflectVec.x, reflectVec.yz );\n\t\t\tvec4 envMapColor = textureCubeUV(queryReflectVec, BlinnExponentToGGXRoughness(blinnShininessExponent));\n\t\t#elif defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_EQUIREC )\n\t\t\tvec2 sampleUV;\n\t\t\tsampleUV.y = asin( clamp( reflectVec.y, - 1.0, 1.0 ) ) * RECIPROCAL_PI + 0.5;\n\t\t\tsampleUV.x = atan( reflectVec.z, reflectVec.x ) * RECIPROCAL_PI2 + 0.5;\n\t\t\t#ifdef TEXTURE_LOD_EXT\n\t\t\t\tvec4 envMapColor = texture2DLodEXT( envMap, sampleUV, specularMIPLevel );\n\t\t\t#else\n\t\t\t\tvec4 envMapColor = texture2D( envMap, sampleUV, specularMIPLevel );\n\t\t\t#endif\n\t\t\tenvMapColor.rgb = envMapTexelToLinear( envMapColor ).rgb;\n\t\t#elif defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_SPHERE )\n\t\t\tvec3 reflectView = normalize( ( viewMatrix * vec4( reflectVec, 0.0 ) ).xyz + vec3( 0.0,0.0,1.0 ) );\n\t\t\t#ifdef TEXTURE_LOD_EXT\n\t\t\t\tvec4 envMapColor = texture2DLodEXT( envMap, reflectView.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, specularMIPLevel );\n\t\t\t#else\n\t\t\t\tvec4 envMapColor = texture2D( envMap, reflectView.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, specularMIPLevel );\n\t\t\t#endif\n\t\t\tenvMapColor.rgb = envMapTexelToLinear( envMapColor ).rgb;\n\t\t#endif\n\t\treturn envMapColor.rgb * envMapIntensity;\n\t}\n#endif\n";

var lights_phong_fragment = "BlinnPhongMaterial material;\nmaterial.diffuseColor = diffuseColor.rgb;\nmaterial.specularColor = specular;\nmaterial.specularShininess = shininess;\nmaterial.specularStrength = specularStrength;\n";

var lights_phong_pars_fragment = "varying vec3 vViewPosition;\n#ifndef FLAT_SHADED\n\tvarying vec3 vNormal;\n#endif\nstruct BlinnPhongMaterial {\n\tvec3\tdiffuseColor;\n\tvec3\tspecularColor;\n\tfloat\tspecularShininess;\n\tfloat\tspecularStrength;\n};\nvoid RE_Direct_BlinnPhong( const in IncidentLight directLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, const in BlinnPhongMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {\n\t#ifdef TOON\n\t\tvec3 irradiance = getGradientIrradiance( geometry.normal, directLight.direction ) * directLight.color;\n\t#else\n\t\tfloat dotNL = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, directLight.direction ) );\n\t\tvec3 irradiance = dotNL * directLight.color;\n\t#endif\n\t#ifndef PHYSICALLY_CORRECT_LIGHTS\n\t\tirradiance *= PI;\n\t#endif\n\treflectedLight.directDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Diffuse_Lambert( material.diffuseColor );\n\treflectedLight.directSpecular += irradiance * BRDF_Specular_BlinnPhong( directLight, geometry, material.specularColor, material.specularShininess ) * material.specularStrength;\n}\nvoid RE_IndirectDiffuse_BlinnPhong( const in vec3 irradiance, const in GeometricContext geometry, const in BlinnPhongMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {\n\treflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Diffuse_Lambert( material.diffuseColor );\n}\n#define RE_Direct\t\t\t\tRE_Direct_BlinnPhong\n#define RE_IndirectDiffuse\t\tRE_IndirectDiffuse_BlinnPhong\n#define Material_LightProbeLOD( material )\t(0)\n";

var lights_physical_fragment = "PhysicalMaterial material;\nmaterial.diffuseColor = diffuseColor.rgb * ( 1.0 - metalnessFactor );\nmaterial.specularRoughness = clamp( roughnessFactor, 0.04, 1.0 );\n#ifdef STANDARD\n\tmaterial.specularColor = mix( vec3( DEFAULT_SPECULAR_COEFFICIENT ), diffuseColor.rgb, metalnessFactor );\n#else\n\tmaterial.specularColor = mix( vec3( MAXIMUM_SPECULAR_COEFFICIENT * pow2( reflectivity ) ), diffuseColor.rgb, metalnessFactor );\n\tmaterial.clearCoat = saturate( clearCoat );\tmaterial.clearCoatRoughness = clamp( clearCoatRoughness, 0.04, 1.0 );\n#endif\n";

var lights_physical_pars_fragment = "struct PhysicalMaterial {\n\tvec3\tdiffuseColor;\n\tfloat\tspecularRoughness;\n\tvec3\tspecularColor;\n\t#ifndef STANDARD\n\t\tfloat clearCoat;\n\t\tfloat clearCoatRoughness;\n\t#endif\n};\n#define MAXIMUM_SPECULAR_COEFFICIENT 0.16\n#define DEFAULT_SPECULAR_COEFFICIENT 0.04\nfloat clearCoatDHRApprox( const in float roughness, const in float dotNL ) {\n\treturn DEFAULT_SPECULAR_COEFFICIENT + ( 1.0 - DEFAULT_SPECULAR_COEFFICIENT ) * ( pow( 1.0 - dotNL, 5.0 ) * pow( 1.0 - roughness, 2.0 ) );\n}\n#if NUM_RECT_AREA_LIGHTS > 0\n\tvoid RE_Direct_RectArea_Physical( const in RectAreaLight rectAreaLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, const in PhysicalMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {\n\t\tvec3 normal = geometry.normal;\n\t\tvec3 viewDir = geometry.viewDir;\n\t\tvec3 position = geometry.position;\n\t\tvec3 lightPos = rectAreaLight.position;\n\t\tvec3 halfWidth = rectAreaLight.halfWidth;\n\t\tvec3 halfHeight = rectAreaLight.halfHeight;\n\t\tvec3 lightColor = rectAreaLight.color;\n\t\tfloat roughness = material.specularRoughness;\n\t\tvec3 rectCoords[ 4 ];\n\t\trectCoords[ 0 ] = lightPos - halfWidth - halfHeight;\t\trectCoords[ 1 ] = lightPos + halfWidth - halfHeight;\n\t\trectCoords[ 2 ] = lightPos + halfWidth + halfHeight;\n\t\trectCoords[ 3 ] = lightPos - halfWidth + halfHeight;\n\t\tvec2 uv = LTC_Uv( normal, viewDir, roughness );\n\t\tvec4 t1 = texture2D( ltc_1, uv );\n\t\tvec4 t2 = texture2D( ltc_2, uv );\n\t\tmat3 mInv = mat3(\n\t\t\tvec3( t1.x, 0, t1.y ),\n\t\t\tvec3(    0, 1,    0 ),\n\t\t\tvec3( t1.z, 0, t1.w )\n\t\t);\n\t\tvec3 fresnel = ( material.specularColor * t2.x + ( vec3( 1.0 ) - material.specularColor ) * t2.y );\n\t\treflectedLight.directSpecular += lightColor * fresnel * LTC_Evaluate( normal, viewDir, position, mInv, rectCoords );\n\t\treflectedLight.directDiffuse += lightColor * material.diffuseColor * LTC_Evaluate( normal, viewDir, position, mat3( 1.0 ), rectCoords );\n\t}\n#endif\nvoid RE_Direct_Physical( const in IncidentLight directLight, const in GeometricContext geometry, const in PhysicalMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {\n\tfloat dotNL = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, directLight.direction ) );\n\tvec3 irradiance = dotNL * directLight.color;\n\t#ifndef PHYSICALLY_CORRECT_LIGHTS\n\t\tirradiance *= PI;\n\t#endif\n\t#ifndef STANDARD\n\t\tfloat clearCoatDHR = material.clearCoat * clearCoatDHRApprox( material.clearCoatRoughness, dotNL );\n\t#else\n\t\tfloat clearCoatDHR = 0.0;\n\t#endif\n\treflectedLight.directSpecular += ( 1.0 - clearCoatDHR ) * irradiance * BRDF_Specular_GGX( directLight, geometry, material.specularColor, material.specularRoughness );\n\treflectedLight.directDiffuse += ( 1.0 - clearCoatDHR ) * irradiance * BRDF_Diffuse_Lambert( material.diffuseColor );\n\t#ifndef STANDARD\n\t\treflectedLight.directSpecular += irradiance * material.clearCoat * BRDF_Specular_GGX( directLight, geometry, vec3( DEFAULT_SPECULAR_COEFFICIENT ), material.clearCoatRoughness );\n\t#endif\n}\nvoid RE_IndirectDiffuse_Physical( const in vec3 irradiance, const in GeometricContext geometry, const in PhysicalMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {\n\treflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += irradiance * BRDF_Diffuse_Lambert( material.diffuseColor );\n}\nvoid RE_IndirectSpecular_Physical( const in vec3 radiance, const in vec3 clearCoatRadiance, const in GeometricContext geometry, const in PhysicalMaterial material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight ) {\n\t#ifndef STANDARD\n\t\tfloat dotNV = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, geometry.viewDir ) );\n\t\tfloat dotNL = dotNV;\n\t\tfloat clearCoatDHR = material.clearCoat * clearCoatDHRApprox( material.clearCoatRoughness, dotNL );\n\t#else\n\t\tfloat clearCoatDHR = 0.0;\n\t#endif\n\treflectedLight.indirectSpecular += ( 1.0 - clearCoatDHR ) * radiance * BRDF_Specular_GGX_Environment( geometry, material.specularColor, material.specularRoughness );\n\t#ifndef STANDARD\n\t\treflectedLight.indirectSpecular += clearCoatRadiance * material.clearCoat * BRDF_Specular_GGX_Environment( geometry, vec3( DEFAULT_SPECULAR_COEFFICIENT ), material.clearCoatRoughness );\n\t#endif\n}\n#define RE_Direct\t\t\t\tRE_Direct_Physical\n#define RE_Direct_RectArea\t\tRE_Direct_RectArea_Physical\n#define RE_IndirectDiffuse\t\tRE_IndirectDiffuse_Physical\n#define RE_IndirectSpecular\t\tRE_IndirectSpecular_Physical\n#define Material_BlinnShininessExponent( material )   GGXRoughnessToBlinnExponent( material.specularRoughness )\n#define Material_ClearCoat_BlinnShininessExponent( material )   GGXRoughnessToBlinnExponent( material.clearCoatRoughness )\nfloat computeSpecularOcclusion( const in float dotNV, const in float ambientOcclusion, const in float roughness ) {\n\treturn saturate( pow( dotNV + ambientOcclusion, exp2( - 16.0 * roughness - 1.0 ) ) - 1.0 + ambientOcclusion );\n}\n";

var lights_template = "\nGeometricContext geometry;\ngeometry.position = - vViewPosition;\ngeometry.normal = normal;\ngeometry.viewDir = normalize( vViewPosition );\nIncidentLight directLight;\n#if ( NUM_POINT_LIGHTS > 0 ) && defined( RE_Direct )\n\tPointLight pointLight;\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POINT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tpointLight = pointLights[ i ];\n\t\tgetPointDirectLightIrradiance( pointLight, geometry, directLight );\n\t\t#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP\n\t\tdirectLight.color *= all( bvec2( pointLight.shadow, directLight.visible ) ) ? getPointShadow( pointShadowMap[ i ], pointLight.shadowMapSize, pointLight.shadowBias, pointLight.shadowRadius, vPointShadowCoord[ i ], pointLight.shadowCameraNear, pointLight.shadowCameraFar ) : 1.0;\n\t\t#endif\n\t\tRE_Direct( directLight, geometry, material, reflectedLight );\n\t}\n#endif\n#if ( NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0 ) && defined( RE_Direct )\n\tSpotLight spotLight;\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tspotLight = spotLights[ i ];\n\t\tgetSpotDirectLightIrradiance( spotLight, geometry, directLight );\n\t\t#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP\n\t\tdirectLight.color *= all( bvec2( spotLight.shadow, directLight.visible ) ) ? getShadow( spotShadowMap[ i ], spotLight.shadowMapSize, spotLight.shadowBias, spotLight.shadowRadius, vSpotShadowCoord[ i ] ) : 1.0;\n\t\t#endif\n\t\tRE_Direct( directLight, geometry, material, reflectedLight );\n\t}\n#endif\n#if ( NUM_DIR_LIGHTS > 0 ) && defined( RE_Direct )\n\tDirectionalLight directionalLight;\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_DIR_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tdirectionalLight = directionalLights[ i ];\n\t\tgetDirectionalDirectLightIrradiance( directionalLight, geometry, directLight );\n\t\t#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP\n\t\tdirectLight.color *= all( bvec2( directionalLight.shadow, directLight.visible ) ) ? getShadow( directionalShadowMap[ i ], directionalLight.shadowMapSize, directionalLight.shadowBias, directionalLight.shadowRadius, vDirectionalShadowCoord[ i ] ) : 1.0;\n\t\t#endif\n\t\tRE_Direct( directLight, geometry, material, reflectedLight );\n\t}\n#endif\n#if ( NUM_RECT_AREA_LIGHTS > 0 ) && defined( RE_Direct_RectArea )\n\tRectAreaLight rectAreaLight;\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_RECT_AREA_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\trectAreaLight = rectAreaLights[ i ];\n\t\tRE_Direct_RectArea( rectAreaLight, geometry, material, reflectedLight );\n\t}\n#endif\n#if defined( RE_IndirectDiffuse )\n\tvec3 irradiance = getAmbientLightIrradiance( ambientLightColor );\n\t#ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP\n\t\tvec3 lightMapIrradiance = texture2D( lightMap, vUv2 ).xyz * lightMapIntensity;\n\t\t#ifndef PHYSICALLY_CORRECT_LIGHTS\n\t\t\tlightMapIrradiance *= PI;\n\t\t#endif\n\t\tirradiance += lightMapIrradiance;\n\t#endif\n\t#if ( NUM_HEMI_LIGHTS > 0 )\n\t\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\t\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_HEMI_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\t\tirradiance += getHemisphereLightIrradiance( hemisphereLights[ i ], geometry );\n\t\t}\n\t#endif\n\t#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) && defined( PHYSICAL ) && defined( ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV )\n\t\tirradiance += getLightProbeIndirectIrradiance( geometry, 8 );\n\t#endif\n\tRE_IndirectDiffuse( irradiance, geometry, material, reflectedLight );\n#endif\n#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) && defined( RE_IndirectSpecular )\n\tvec3 radiance = getLightProbeIndirectRadiance( geometry, Material_BlinnShininessExponent( material ), 8 );\n\t#ifndef STANDARD\n\t\tvec3 clearCoatRadiance = getLightProbeIndirectRadiance( geometry, Material_ClearCoat_BlinnShininessExponent( material ), 8 );\n\t#else\n\t\tvec3 clearCoatRadiance = vec3( 0.0 );\n\t#endif\n\tRE_IndirectSpecular( radiance, clearCoatRadiance, geometry, material, reflectedLight );\n#endif\n";

var logdepthbuf_fragment = "#if defined( USE_LOGDEPTHBUF ) && defined( USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT )\n\tgl_FragDepthEXT = log2( vFragDepth ) * logDepthBufFC * 0.5;\n#endif";

var logdepthbuf_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF\n\tuniform float logDepthBufFC;\n\t#ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT\n\t\tvarying float vFragDepth;\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var logdepthbuf_pars_vertex = "#ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF\n\t#ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT\n\t\tvarying float vFragDepth;\n\t#endif\n\tuniform float logDepthBufFC;\n#endif";

var logdepthbuf_vertex = "#ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF\n\t#ifdef USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT\n\t\tvFragDepth = 1.0 + gl_Position.w;\n\t#else\n\t\tgl_Position.z = log2( max( EPSILON, gl_Position.w + 1.0 ) ) * logDepthBufFC - 1.0;\n\t\tgl_Position.z *= gl_Position.w;\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var map_fragment = "#ifdef USE_MAP\n\tvec4 texelColor = texture2D( map, vUv );\n\ttexelColor = mapTexelToLinear( texelColor );\n\tdiffuseColor *= texelColor;\n#endif\n";

var map_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_MAP\n\tuniform sampler2D map;\n#endif\n";

var map_particle_fragment = "#ifdef USE_MAP\n\tvec2 uv = ( uvTransform * vec3( gl_PointCoord.x, 1.0 - gl_PointCoord.y, 1 ) ).xy;\n\tvec4 mapTexel = texture2D( map, uv );\n\tdiffuseColor *= mapTexelToLinear( mapTexel );\n#endif\n";

var map_particle_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_MAP\n\tuniform mat3 uvTransform;\n\tuniform sampler2D map;\n#endif\n";

var metalnessmap_fragment = "float metalnessFactor = metalness;\n#ifdef USE_METALNESSMAP\n\tvec4 texelMetalness = texture2D( metalnessMap, vUv );\n\tmetalnessFactor *= texelMetalness.b;\n#endif\n";

var metalnessmap_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_METALNESSMAP\n\tuniform sampler2D metalnessMap;\n#endif";

var morphnormal_vertex = "#ifdef USE_MORPHNORMALS\n\tobjectNormal += ( morphNormal0 - normal ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 0 ];\n\tobjectNormal += ( morphNormal1 - normal ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 1 ];\n\tobjectNormal += ( morphNormal2 - normal ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 2 ];\n\tobjectNormal += ( morphNormal3 - normal ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 3 ];\n#endif\n";

var morphtarget_pars_vertex = "#ifdef USE_MORPHTARGETS\n\t#ifndef USE_MORPHNORMALS\n\tuniform float morphTargetInfluences[ 8 ];\n\t#else\n\tuniform float morphTargetInfluences[ 4 ];\n\t#endif\n#endif";

var morphtarget_vertex = "#ifdef USE_MORPHTARGETS\n\ttransformed += ( morphTarget0 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 0 ];\n\ttransformed += ( morphTarget1 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 1 ];\n\ttransformed += ( morphTarget2 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 2 ];\n\ttransformed += ( morphTarget3 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 3 ];\n\t#ifndef USE_MORPHNORMALS\n\ttransformed += ( morphTarget4 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 4 ];\n\ttransformed += ( morphTarget5 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 5 ];\n\ttransformed += ( morphTarget6 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 6 ];\n\ttransformed += ( morphTarget7 - position ) * morphTargetInfluences[ 7 ];\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var normal_fragment = "#ifdef FLAT_SHADED\n\tvec3 fdx = vec3( dFdx( vViewPosition.x ), dFdx( vViewPosition.y ), dFdx( vViewPosition.z ) );\n\tvec3 fdy = vec3( dFdy( vViewPosition.x ), dFdy( vViewPosition.y ), dFdy( vViewPosition.z ) );\n\tvec3 normal = normalize( cross( fdx, fdy ) );\n#else\n\tvec3 normal = normalize( vNormal );\n\t#ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\t\tnormal = normal * ( float( gl_FrontFacing ) * 2.0 - 1.0 );\n\t#endif\n#endif\n#ifdef USE_NORMALMAP\n\tnormal = perturbNormal2Arb( -vViewPosition, normal );\n#elif defined( USE_BUMPMAP )\n\tnormal = perturbNormalArb( -vViewPosition, normal, dHdxy_fwd() );\n#endif\n";

var normalmap_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_NORMALMAP\n\tuniform sampler2D normalMap;\n\tuniform vec2 normalScale;\n\tvec3 perturbNormal2Arb( vec3 eye_pos, vec3 surf_norm ) {\n\t\tvec3 q0 = vec3( dFdx( eye_pos.x ), dFdx( eye_pos.y ), dFdx( eye_pos.z ) );\n\t\tvec3 q1 = vec3( dFdy( eye_pos.x ), dFdy( eye_pos.y ), dFdy( eye_pos.z ) );\n\t\tvec2 st0 = dFdx( vUv.st );\n\t\tvec2 st1 = dFdy( vUv.st );\n\t\tvec3 S = normalize( q0 * st1.t - q1 * st0.t );\n\t\tvec3 T = normalize( -q0 * st1.s + q1 * st0.s );\n\t\tvec3 N = normalize( surf_norm );\n\t\tvec3 mapN = texture2D( normalMap, vUv ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;\n\t\tmapN.xy = normalScale * mapN.xy;\n\t\tmat3 tsn = mat3( S, T, N );\n\t\treturn normalize( tsn * mapN );\n\t}\n#endif\n";

var packing = "vec3 packNormalToRGB( const in vec3 normal ) {\n\treturn normalize( normal ) * 0.5 + 0.5;\n}\nvec3 unpackRGBToNormal( const in vec3 rgb ) {\n\treturn 2.0 * rgb.xyz - 1.0;\n}\nconst float PackUpscale = 256. / 255.;const float UnpackDownscale = 255. / 256.;\nconst vec3 PackFactors = vec3( 256. * 256. * 256., 256. * 256.,  256. );\nconst vec4 UnpackFactors = UnpackDownscale / vec4( PackFactors, 1. );\nconst float ShiftRight8 = 1. / 256.;\nvec4 packDepthToRGBA( const in float v ) {\n\tvec4 r = vec4( fract( v * PackFactors ), v );\n\tr.yzw -= r.xyz * ShiftRight8;\treturn r * PackUpscale;\n}\nfloat unpackRGBAToDepth( const in vec4 v ) {\n\treturn dot( v, UnpackFactors );\n}\nfloat viewZToOrthographicDepth( const in float viewZ, const in float near, const in float far ) {\n\treturn ( viewZ + near ) / ( near - far );\n}\nfloat orthographicDepthToViewZ( const in float linearClipZ, const in float near, const in float far ) {\n\treturn linearClipZ * ( near - far ) - near;\n}\nfloat viewZToPerspectiveDepth( const in float viewZ, const in float near, const in float far ) {\n\treturn (( near + viewZ ) * far ) / (( far - near ) * viewZ );\n}\nfloat perspectiveDepthToViewZ( const in float invClipZ, const in float near, const in float far ) {\n\treturn ( near * far ) / ( ( far - near ) * invClipZ - far );\n}\n";

var premultiplied_alpha_fragment = "#ifdef PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA\n\tgl_FragColor.rgb *= gl_FragColor.a;\n#endif\n";

var project_vertex = "vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( transformed, 1.0 );\ngl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;\n";

var dithering_fragment = "#if defined( DITHERING )\n  gl_FragColor.rgb = dithering( gl_FragColor.rgb );\n#endif\n";

var dithering_pars_fragment = "#if defined( DITHERING )\n\tvec3 dithering( vec3 color ) {\n\t\tfloat grid_position = rand( gl_FragCoord.xy );\n\t\tvec3 dither_shift_RGB = vec3( 0.25 / 255.0, -0.25 / 255.0, 0.25 / 255.0 );\n\t\tdither_shift_RGB = mix( 2.0 * dither_shift_RGB, -2.0 * dither_shift_RGB, grid_position );\n\t\treturn color + dither_shift_RGB;\n\t}\n#endif\n";

var roughnessmap_fragment = "float roughnessFactor = roughness;\n#ifdef USE_ROUGHNESSMAP\n\tvec4 texelRoughness = texture2D( roughnessMap, vUv );\n\troughnessFactor *= texelRoughness.g;\n#endif\n";

var roughnessmap_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_ROUGHNESSMAP\n\tuniform sampler2D roughnessMap;\n#endif";

var shadowmap_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP\n\t#if NUM_DIR_LIGHTS > 0\n\t\tuniform sampler2D directionalShadowMap[ NUM_DIR_LIGHTS ];\n\t\tvarying vec4 vDirectionalShadowCoord[ NUM_DIR_LIGHTS ];\n\t#endif\n\t#if NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0\n\t\tuniform sampler2D spotShadowMap[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n\t\tvarying vec4 vSpotShadowCoord[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n\t#endif\n\t#if NUM_POINT_LIGHTS > 0\n\t\tuniform sampler2D pointShadowMap[ NUM_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n\t\tvarying vec4 vPointShadowCoord[ NUM_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n\t#endif\n\tfloat texture2DCompare( sampler2D depths, vec2 uv, float compare ) {\n\t\treturn step( compare, unpackRGBAToDepth( texture2D( depths, uv ) ) );\n\t}\n\tfloat texture2DShadowLerp( sampler2D depths, vec2 size, vec2 uv, float compare ) {\n\t\tconst vec2 offset = vec2( 0.0, 1.0 );\n\t\tvec2 texelSize = vec2( 1.0 ) / size;\n\t\tvec2 centroidUV = floor( uv * size + 0.5 ) / size;\n\t\tfloat lb = texture2DCompare( depths, centroidUV + texelSize * offset.xx, compare );\n\t\tfloat lt = texture2DCompare( depths, centroidUV + texelSize * offset.xy, compare );\n\t\tfloat rb = texture2DCompare( depths, centroidUV + texelSize * offset.yx, compare );\n\t\tfloat rt = texture2DCompare( depths, centroidUV + texelSize * offset.yy, compare );\n\t\tvec2 f = fract( uv * size + 0.5 );\n\t\tfloat a = mix( lb, lt, f.y );\n\t\tfloat b = mix( rb, rt, f.y );\n\t\tfloat c = mix( a, b, f.x );\n\t\treturn c;\n\t}\n\tfloat getShadow( sampler2D shadowMap, vec2 shadowMapSize, float shadowBias, float shadowRadius, vec4 shadowCoord ) {\n\t\tfloat shadow = 1.0;\n\t\tshadowCoord.xyz /= shadowCoord.w;\n\t\tshadowCoord.z += shadowBias;\n\t\tbvec4 inFrustumVec = bvec4 ( shadowCoord.x >= 0.0, shadowCoord.x <= 1.0, shadowCoord.y >= 0.0, shadowCoord.y <= 1.0 );\n\t\tbool inFrustum = all( inFrustumVec );\n\t\tbvec2 frustumTestVec = bvec2( inFrustum, shadowCoord.z <= 1.0 );\n\t\tbool frustumTest = all( frustumTestVec );\n\t\tif ( frustumTest ) {\n\t\t#if defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF )\n\t\t\tvec2 texelSize = vec2( 1.0 ) / shadowMapSize;\n\t\t\tfloat dx0 = - texelSize.x * shadowRadius;\n\t\t\tfloat dy0 = - texelSize.y * shadowRadius;\n\t\t\tfloat dx1 = + texelSize.x * shadowRadius;\n\t\t\tfloat dy1 = + texelSize.y * shadowRadius;\n\t\t\tshadow = (\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, dy0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, dy0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy, shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, dy1 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy1 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, dy1 ), shadowCoord.z )\n\t\t\t) * ( 1.0 / 9.0 );\n\t\t#elif defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF_SOFT )\n\t\t\tvec2 texelSize = vec2( 1.0 ) / shadowMapSize;\n\t\t\tfloat dx0 = - texelSize.x * shadowRadius;\n\t\t\tfloat dy0 = - texelSize.y * shadowRadius;\n\t\t\tfloat dx1 = + texelSize.x * shadowRadius;\n\t\t\tfloat dy1 = + texelSize.y * shadowRadius;\n\t\t\tshadow = (\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DShadowLerp( shadowMap, shadowMapSize, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, dy0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DShadowLerp( shadowMap, shadowMapSize, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DShadowLerp( shadowMap, shadowMapSize, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, dy0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DShadowLerp( shadowMap, shadowMapSize, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DShadowLerp( shadowMap, shadowMapSize, shadowCoord.xy, shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DShadowLerp( shadowMap, shadowMapSize, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, 0.0 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DShadowLerp( shadowMap, shadowMapSize, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx0, dy1 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DShadowLerp( shadowMap, shadowMapSize, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.0, dy1 ), shadowCoord.z ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DShadowLerp( shadowMap, shadowMapSize, shadowCoord.xy + vec2( dx1, dy1 ), shadowCoord.z )\n\t\t\t) * ( 1.0 / 9.0 );\n\t\t#else\n\t\t\tshadow = texture2DCompare( shadowMap, shadowCoord.xy, shadowCoord.z );\n\t\t#endif\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn shadow;\n\t}\n\tvec2 cubeToUV( vec3 v, float texelSizeY ) {\n\t\tvec3 absV = abs( v );\n\t\tfloat scaleToCube = 1.0 / max( absV.x, max( absV.y, absV.z ) );\n\t\tabsV *= scaleToCube;\n\t\tv *= scaleToCube * ( 1.0 - 2.0 * texelSizeY );\n\t\tvec2 planar = v.xy;\n\t\tfloat almostATexel = 1.5 * texelSizeY;\n\t\tfloat almostOne = 1.0 - almostATexel;\n\t\tif ( absV.z >= almostOne ) {\n\t\t\tif ( v.z > 0.0 )\n\t\t\t\tplanar.x = 4.0 - v.x;\n\t\t} else if ( absV.x >= almostOne ) {\n\t\t\tfloat signX = sign( v.x );\n\t\t\tplanar.x = v.z * signX + 2.0 * signX;\n\t\t} else if ( absV.y >= almostOne ) {\n\t\t\tfloat signY = sign( v.y );\n\t\t\tplanar.x = v.x + 2.0 * signY + 2.0;\n\t\t\tplanar.y = v.z * signY - 2.0;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn vec2( 0.125, 0.25 ) * planar + vec2( 0.375, 0.75 );\n\t}\n\tfloat getPointShadow( sampler2D shadowMap, vec2 shadowMapSize, float shadowBias, float shadowRadius, vec4 shadowCoord, float shadowCameraNear, float shadowCameraFar ) {\n\t\tvec2 texelSize = vec2( 1.0 ) / ( shadowMapSize * vec2( 4.0, 2.0 ) );\n\t\tvec3 lightToPosition = shadowCoord.xyz;\n\t\tfloat dp = ( length( lightToPosition ) - shadowCameraNear ) / ( shadowCameraFar - shadowCameraNear );\t\tdp += shadowBias;\n\t\tvec3 bd3D = normalize( lightToPosition );\n\t\t#if defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF ) || defined( SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF_SOFT )\n\t\t\tvec2 offset = vec2( - 1, 1 ) * shadowRadius * texelSize.y;\n\t\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.xyy, texelSize.y ), dp ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.yyy, texelSize.y ), dp ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.xyx, texelSize.y ), dp ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.yyx, texelSize.y ), dp ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D, texelSize.y ), dp ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.xxy, texelSize.y ), dp ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.yxy, texelSize.y ), dp ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.xxx, texelSize.y ), dp ) +\n\t\t\t\ttexture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D + offset.yxx, texelSize.y ), dp )\n\t\t\t) * ( 1.0 / 9.0 );\n\t\t#else\n\t\t\treturn texture2DCompare( shadowMap, cubeToUV( bd3D, texelSize.y ), dp );\n\t\t#endif\n\t}\n#endif\n";

var shadowmap_pars_vertex = "#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP\n\t#if NUM_DIR_LIGHTS > 0\n\t\tuniform mat4 directionalShadowMatrix[ NUM_DIR_LIGHTS ];\n\t\tvarying vec4 vDirectionalShadowCoord[ NUM_DIR_LIGHTS ];\n\t#endif\n\t#if NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0\n\t\tuniform mat4 spotShadowMatrix[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n\t\tvarying vec4 vSpotShadowCoord[ NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS ];\n\t#endif\n\t#if NUM_POINT_LIGHTS > 0\n\t\tuniform mat4 pointShadowMatrix[ NUM_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n\t\tvarying vec4 vPointShadowCoord[ NUM_POINT_LIGHTS ];\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var shadowmap_vertex = "#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP\n\t#if NUM_DIR_LIGHTS > 0\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_DIR_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tvDirectionalShadowCoord[ i ] = directionalShadowMatrix[ i ] * worldPosition;\n\t}\n\t#endif\n\t#if NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tvSpotShadowCoord[ i ] = spotShadowMatrix[ i ] * worldPosition;\n\t}\n\t#endif\n\t#if NUM_POINT_LIGHTS > 0\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POINT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tvPointShadowCoord[ i ] = pointShadowMatrix[ i ] * worldPosition;\n\t}\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var shadowmask_pars_fragment = "float getShadowMask() {\n\tfloat shadow = 1.0;\n\t#ifdef USE_SHADOWMAP\n\t#if NUM_DIR_LIGHTS > 0\n\tDirectionalLight directionalLight;\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_DIR_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tdirectionalLight = directionalLights[ i ];\n\t\tshadow *= bool( directionalLight.shadow ) ? getShadow( directionalShadowMap[ i ], directionalLight.shadowMapSize, directionalLight.shadowBias, directionalLight.shadowRadius, vDirectionalShadowCoord[ i ] ) : 1.0;\n\t}\n\t#endif\n\t#if NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS > 0\n\tSpotLight spotLight;\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tspotLight = spotLights[ i ];\n\t\tshadow *= bool( spotLight.shadow ) ? getShadow( spotShadowMap[ i ], spotLight.shadowMapSize, spotLight.shadowBias, spotLight.shadowRadius, vSpotShadowCoord[ i ] ) : 1.0;\n\t}\n\t#endif\n\t#if NUM_POINT_LIGHTS > 0\n\tPointLight pointLight;\n\t#pragma unroll_loop\n\tfor ( int i = 0; i < NUM_POINT_LIGHTS; i ++ ) {\n\t\tpointLight = pointLights[ i ];\n\t\tshadow *= bool( pointLight.shadow ) ? getPointShadow( pointShadowMap[ i ], pointLight.shadowMapSize, pointLight.shadowBias, pointLight.shadowRadius, vPointShadowCoord[ i ], pointLight.shadowCameraNear, pointLight.shadowCameraFar ) : 1.0;\n\t}\n\t#endif\n\t#endif\n\treturn shadow;\n}\n";

var skinbase_vertex = "#ifdef USE_SKINNING\n\tmat4 boneMatX = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.x );\n\tmat4 boneMatY = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.y );\n\tmat4 boneMatZ = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.z );\n\tmat4 boneMatW = getBoneMatrix( skinIndex.w );\n#endif";

var skinning_pars_vertex = "#ifdef USE_SKINNING\n\tuniform mat4 bindMatrix;\n\tuniform mat4 bindMatrixInverse;\n\t#ifdef BONE_TEXTURE\n\t\tuniform sampler2D boneTexture;\n\t\tuniform int boneTextureSize;\n\t\tmat4 getBoneMatrix( const in float i ) {\n\t\t\tfloat j = i * 4.0;\n\t\t\tfloat x = mod( j, float( boneTextureSize ) );\n\t\t\tfloat y = floor( j / float( boneTextureSize ) );\n\t\t\tfloat dx = 1.0 / float( boneTextureSize );\n\t\t\tfloat dy = 1.0 / float( boneTextureSize );\n\t\t\ty = dy * ( y + 0.5 );\n\t\t\tvec4 v1 = texture2D( boneTexture, vec2( dx * ( x + 0.5 ), y ) );\n\t\t\tvec4 v2 = texture2D( boneTexture, vec2( dx * ( x + 1.5 ), y ) );\n\t\t\tvec4 v3 = texture2D( boneTexture, vec2( dx * ( x + 2.5 ), y ) );\n\t\t\tvec4 v4 = texture2D( boneTexture, vec2( dx * ( x + 3.5 ), y ) );\n\t\t\tmat4 bone = mat4( v1, v2, v3, v4 );\n\t\t\treturn bone;\n\t\t}\n\t#else\n\t\tuniform mat4 boneMatrices[ MAX_BONES ];\n\t\tmat4 getBoneMatrix( const in float i ) {\n\t\t\tmat4 bone = boneMatrices[ int(i) ];\n\t\t\treturn bone;\n\t\t}\n\t#endif\n#endif\n";

var skinning_vertex = "#ifdef USE_SKINNING\n\tvec4 skinVertex = bindMatrix * vec4( transformed, 1.0 );\n\tvec4 skinned = vec4( 0.0 );\n\tskinned += boneMatX * skinVertex * skinWeight.x;\n\tskinned += boneMatY * skinVertex * skinWeight.y;\n\tskinned += boneMatZ * skinVertex * skinWeight.z;\n\tskinned += boneMatW * skinVertex * skinWeight.w;\n\ttransformed = ( bindMatrixInverse * skinned ).xyz;\n#endif\n";

var skinnormal_vertex = "#ifdef USE_SKINNING\n\tmat4 skinMatrix = mat4( 0.0 );\n\tskinMatrix += skinWeight.x * boneMatX;\n\tskinMatrix += skinWeight.y * boneMatY;\n\tskinMatrix += skinWeight.z * boneMatZ;\n\tskinMatrix += skinWeight.w * boneMatW;\n\tskinMatrix  = bindMatrixInverse * skinMatrix * bindMatrix;\n\tobjectNormal = vec4( skinMatrix * vec4( objectNormal, 0.0 ) ).xyz;\n#endif\n";

var specularmap_fragment = "float specularStrength;\n#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP\n\tvec4 texelSpecular = texture2D( specularMap, vUv );\n\tspecularStrength = texelSpecular.r;\n#else\n\tspecularStrength = 1.0;\n#endif";

var specularmap_pars_fragment = "#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP\n\tuniform sampler2D specularMap;\n#endif";

var tonemapping_fragment = "#if defined( TONE_MAPPING )\n  gl_FragColor.rgb = toneMapping( gl_FragColor.rgb );\n#endif\n";

var tonemapping_pars_fragment = "#ifndef saturate\n\t#define saturate(a) clamp( a, 0.0, 1.0 )\n#endif\nuniform float toneMappingExposure;\nuniform float toneMappingWhitePoint;\nvec3 LinearToneMapping( vec3 color ) {\n\treturn toneMappingExposure * color;\n}\nvec3 ReinhardToneMapping( vec3 color ) {\n\tcolor *= toneMappingExposure;\n\treturn saturate( color / ( vec3( 1.0 ) + color ) );\n}\n#define Uncharted2Helper( x ) max( ( ( x * ( 0.15 * x + 0.10 * 0.50 ) + 0.20 * 0.02 ) / ( x * ( 0.15 * x + 0.50 ) + 0.20 * 0.30 ) ) - 0.02 / 0.30, vec3( 0.0 ) )\nvec3 Uncharted2ToneMapping( vec3 color ) {\n\tcolor *= toneMappingExposure;\n\treturn saturate( Uncharted2Helper( color ) / Uncharted2Helper( vec3( toneMappingWhitePoint ) ) );\n}\nvec3 OptimizedCineonToneMapping( vec3 color ) {\n\tcolor *= toneMappingExposure;\n\tcolor = max( vec3( 0.0 ), color - 0.004 );\n\treturn pow( ( color * ( 6.2 * color + 0.5 ) ) / ( color * ( 6.2 * color + 1.7 ) + 0.06 ), vec3( 2.2 ) );\n}\n";

var uv_pars_fragment = "#if defined( USE_MAP ) || defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( USE_SPECULARMAP ) || defined( USE_ALPHAMAP ) || defined( USE_EMISSIVEMAP ) || defined( USE_ROUGHNESSMAP ) || defined( USE_METALNESSMAP )\n\tvarying vec2 vUv;\n#endif";

var uv_pars_vertex = "#if defined( USE_MAP ) || defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( USE_SPECULARMAP ) || defined( USE_ALPHAMAP ) || defined( USE_EMISSIVEMAP ) || defined( USE_ROUGHNESSMAP ) || defined( USE_METALNESSMAP )\n\tvarying vec2 vUv;\n\tuniform mat3 uvTransform;\n#endif\n";

var uv_vertex = "#if defined( USE_MAP ) || defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP ) || defined( USE_SPECULARMAP ) || defined( USE_ALPHAMAP ) || defined( USE_EMISSIVEMAP ) || defined( USE_ROUGHNESSMAP ) || defined( USE_METALNESSMAP )\n\tvUv = ( uvTransform * vec3( uv, 1 ) ).xy;\n#endif";

var uv2_pars_fragment = "#if defined( USE_LIGHTMAP ) || defined( USE_AOMAP )\n\tvarying vec2 vUv2;\n#endif";

var uv2_pars_vertex = "#if defined( USE_LIGHTMAP ) || defined( USE_AOMAP )\n\tattribute vec2 uv2;\n\tvarying vec2 vUv2;\n#endif";

var uv2_vertex = "#if defined( USE_LIGHTMAP ) || defined( USE_AOMAP )\n\tvUv2 = uv2;\n#endif";

var worldpos_vertex = "#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) || defined( DISTANCE ) || defined ( USE_SHADOWMAP )\n\tvec4 worldPosition = modelMatrix * vec4( transformed, 1.0 );\n#endif\n";

var cube_frag = "uniform samplerCube tCube;\nuniform float tFlip;\nuniform float opacity;\nvarying vec3 vWorldPosition;\nvoid main() {\n\tgl_FragColor = textureCube( tCube, vec3( tFlip * vWorldPosition.x, vWorldPosition.yz ) );\n\tgl_FragColor.a *= opacity;\n}\n";

var cube_vert = "varying vec3 vWorldPosition;\n#include <common>\nvoid main() {\n\tvWorldPosition = transformDirection( position, modelMatrix );\n\t#include <begin_vertex>\n\t#include <project_vertex>\n\tgl_Position.z = gl_Position.w;\n}\n";

var depth_frag = "#if DEPTH_PACKING == 3200\n\tuniform float opacity;\n#endif\n#include <common>\n#include <packing>\n#include <uv_pars_fragment>\n#include <map_pars_fragment>\n#include <alphamap_pars_fragment>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_fragment>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_fragment>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <clipping_planes_fragment>\n\tvec4 diffuseColor = vec4( 1.0 );\n\t#if DEPTH_PACKING == 3200\n\t\tdiffuseColor.a = opacity;\n\t#endif\n\t#include <map_fragment>\n\t#include <alphamap_fragment>\n\t#include <alphatest_fragment>\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_fragment>\n\t#if DEPTH_PACKING == 3200\n\t\tgl_FragColor = vec4( vec3( gl_FragCoord.z ), opacity );\n\t#elif DEPTH_PACKING == 3201\n\t\tgl_FragColor = packDepthToRGBA( gl_FragCoord.z );\n\t#endif\n}\n";

var depth_vert = "#include <common>\n#include <uv_pars_vertex>\n#include <displacementmap_pars_vertex>\n#include <morphtarget_pars_vertex>\n#include <skinning_pars_vertex>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_vertex>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_vertex>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <uv_vertex>\n\t#include <skinbase_vertex>\n\t#ifdef USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP\n\t\t#include <beginnormal_vertex>\n\t\t#include <morphnormal_vertex>\n\t\t#include <skinnormal_vertex>\n\t#endif\n\t#include <begin_vertex>\n\t#include <morphtarget_vertex>\n\t#include <skinning_vertex>\n\t#include <displacementmap_vertex>\n\t#include <project_vertex>\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_vertex>\n\t#include <clipping_planes_vertex>\n}\n";

var distanceRGBA_frag = "#define DISTANCE\nuniform vec3 referencePosition;\nuniform float nearDistance;\nuniform float farDistance;\nvarying vec3 vWorldPosition;\n#include <common>\n#include <packing>\n#include <uv_pars_fragment>\n#include <map_pars_fragment>\n#include <alphamap_pars_fragment>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_fragment>\nvoid main () {\n\t#include <clipping_planes_fragment>\n\tvec4 diffuseColor = vec4( 1.0 );\n\t#include <map_fragment>\n\t#include <alphamap_fragment>\n\t#include <alphatest_fragment>\n\tfloat dist = length( vWorldPosition - referencePosition );\n\tdist = ( dist - nearDistance ) / ( farDistance - nearDistance );\n\tdist = saturate( dist );\n\tgl_FragColor = packDepthToRGBA( dist );\n}\n";

var distanceRGBA_vert = "#define DISTANCE\nvarying vec3 vWorldPosition;\n#include <common>\n#include <uv_pars_vertex>\n#include <displacementmap_pars_vertex>\n#include <morphtarget_pars_vertex>\n#include <skinning_pars_vertex>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_vertex>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <uv_vertex>\n\t#include <skinbase_vertex>\n\t#ifdef USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP\n\t\t#include <beginnormal_vertex>\n\t\t#include <morphnormal_vertex>\n\t\t#include <skinnormal_vertex>\n\t#endif\n\t#include <begin_vertex>\n\t#include <morphtarget_vertex>\n\t#include <skinning_vertex>\n\t#include <displacementmap_vertex>\n\t#include <project_vertex>\n\t#include <worldpos_vertex>\n\t#include <clipping_planes_vertex>\n\tvWorldPosition = worldPosition.xyz;\n}\n";

var equirect_frag = "uniform sampler2D tEquirect;\nvarying vec3 vWorldPosition;\n#include <common>\nvoid main() {\n\tvec3 direction = normalize( vWorldPosition );\n\tvec2 sampleUV;\n\tsampleUV.y = asin( clamp( direction.y, - 1.0, 1.0 ) ) * RECIPROCAL_PI + 0.5;\n\tsampleUV.x = atan( direction.z, direction.x ) * RECIPROCAL_PI2 + 0.5;\n\tgl_FragColor = texture2D( tEquirect, sampleUV );\n}\n";

var equirect_vert = "varying vec3 vWorldPosition;\n#include <common>\nvoid main() {\n\tvWorldPosition = transformDirection( position, modelMatrix );\n\t#include <begin_vertex>\n\t#include <project_vertex>\n}\n";

var linedashed_frag = "uniform vec3 diffuse;\nuniform float opacity;\nuniform float dashSize;\nuniform float totalSize;\nvarying float vLineDistance;\n#include <common>\n#include <color_pars_fragment>\n#include <fog_pars_fragment>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_fragment>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_fragment>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <clipping_planes_fragment>\n\tif ( mod( vLineDistance, totalSize ) > dashSize ) {\n\t\tdiscard;\n\t}\n\tvec3 outgoingLight = vec3( 0.0 );\n\tvec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_fragment>\n\t#include <color_fragment>\n\toutgoingLight = diffuseColor.rgb;\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );\n\t#include <premultiplied_alpha_fragment>\n\t#include <tonemapping_fragment>\n\t#include <encodings_fragment>\n\t#include <fog_fragment>\n}\n";

var linedashed_vert = "uniform float scale;\nattribute float lineDistance;\nvarying float vLineDistance;\n#include <common>\n#include <color_pars_vertex>\n#include <fog_pars_vertex>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_vertex>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_vertex>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <color_vertex>\n\tvLineDistance = scale * lineDistance;\n\tvec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );\n\tgl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_vertex>\n\t#include <clipping_planes_vertex>\n\t#include <fog_vertex>\n}\n";

var meshbasic_frag = "uniform vec3 diffuse;\nuniform float opacity;\n#ifndef FLAT_SHADED\n\tvarying vec3 vNormal;\n#endif\n#include <common>\n#include <color_pars_fragment>\n#include <uv_pars_fragment>\n#include <uv2_pars_fragment>\n#include <map_pars_fragment>\n#include <alphamap_pars_fragment>\n#include <aomap_pars_fragment>\n#include <lightmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <envmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <fog_pars_fragment>\n#include <specularmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_fragment>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_fragment>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <clipping_planes_fragment>\n\tvec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_fragment>\n\t#include <map_fragment>\n\t#include <color_fragment>\n\t#include <alphamap_fragment>\n\t#include <alphatest_fragment>\n\t#include <specularmap_fragment>\n\tReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight( vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ) );\n\t#ifdef USE_LIGHTMAP\n\t\treflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += texture2D( lightMap, vUv2 ).xyz * lightMapIntensity;\n\t#else\n\t\treflectedLight.indirectDiffuse += vec3( 1.0 );\n\t#endif\n\t#include <aomap_fragment>\n\treflectedLight.indirectDiffuse *= diffuseColor.rgb;\n\tvec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse;\n\t#include <envmap_fragment>\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );\n\t#include <premultiplied_alpha_fragment>\n\t#include <tonemapping_fragment>\n\t#include <encodings_fragment>\n\t#include <fog_fragment>\n}\n";

var meshbasic_vert = "#include <common>\n#include <uv_pars_vertex>\n#include <uv2_pars_vertex>\n#include <envmap_pars_vertex>\n#include <color_pars_vertex>\n#include <fog_pars_vertex>\n#include <morphtarget_pars_vertex>\n#include <skinning_pars_vertex>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_vertex>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_vertex>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <uv_vertex>\n\t#include <uv2_vertex>\n\t#include <color_vertex>\n\t#include <skinbase_vertex>\n\t#ifdef USE_ENVMAP\n\t#include <beginnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <morphnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <skinnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <defaultnormal_vertex>\n\t#endif\n\t#include <begin_vertex>\n\t#include <morphtarget_vertex>\n\t#include <skinning_vertex>\n\t#include <project_vertex>\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_vertex>\n\t#include <worldpos_vertex>\n\t#include <clipping_planes_vertex>\n\t#include <envmap_vertex>\n\t#include <fog_vertex>\n}\n";

var meshlambert_frag = "uniform vec3 diffuse;\nuniform vec3 emissive;\nuniform float opacity;\nvarying vec3 vLightFront;\n#ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\tvarying vec3 vLightBack;\n#endif\n#include <common>\n#include <packing>\n#include <dithering_pars_fragment>\n#include <color_pars_fragment>\n#include <uv_pars_fragment>\n#include <uv2_pars_fragment>\n#include <map_pars_fragment>\n#include <alphamap_pars_fragment>\n#include <aomap_pars_fragment>\n#include <lightmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <emissivemap_pars_fragment>\n#include <envmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <bsdfs>\n#include <lights_pars>\n#include <fog_pars_fragment>\n#include <shadowmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <shadowmask_pars_fragment>\n#include <specularmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_fragment>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_fragment>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <clipping_planes_fragment>\n\tvec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );\n\tReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight( vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ) );\n\tvec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive;\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_fragment>\n\t#include <map_fragment>\n\t#include <color_fragment>\n\t#include <alphamap_fragment>\n\t#include <alphatest_fragment>\n\t#include <specularmap_fragment>\n\t#include <emissivemap_fragment>\n\treflectedLight.indirectDiffuse = getAmbientLightIrradiance( ambientLightColor );\n\t#include <lightmap_fragment>\n\treflectedLight.indirectDiffuse *= BRDF_Diffuse_Lambert( diffuseColor.rgb );\n\t#ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\t\treflectedLight.directDiffuse = ( gl_FrontFacing ) ? vLightFront : vLightBack;\n\t#else\n\t\treflectedLight.directDiffuse = vLightFront;\n\t#endif\n\treflectedLight.directDiffuse *= BRDF_Diffuse_Lambert( diffuseColor.rgb ) * getShadowMask();\n\t#include <aomap_fragment>\n\tvec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight.directDiffuse + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse + totalEmissiveRadiance;\n\t#include <envmap_fragment>\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );\n\t#include <tonemapping_fragment>\n\t#include <encodings_fragment>\n\t#include <fog_fragment>\n\t#include <premultiplied_alpha_fragment>\n\t#include <dithering_fragment>\n}\n";

var meshlambert_vert = "#define LAMBERT\nvarying vec3 vLightFront;\n#ifdef DOUBLE_SIDED\n\tvarying vec3 vLightBack;\n#endif\n#include <common>\n#include <uv_pars_vertex>\n#include <uv2_pars_vertex>\n#include <envmap_pars_vertex>\n#include <bsdfs>\n#include <lights_pars>\n#include <color_pars_vertex>\n#include <fog_pars_vertex>\n#include <morphtarget_pars_vertex>\n#include <skinning_pars_vertex>\n#include <shadowmap_pars_vertex>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_vertex>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_vertex>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <uv_vertex>\n\t#include <uv2_vertex>\n\t#include <color_vertex>\n\t#include <beginnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <morphnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <skinbase_vertex>\n\t#include <skinnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <defaultnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <begin_vertex>\n\t#include <morphtarget_vertex>\n\t#include <skinning_vertex>\n\t#include <project_vertex>\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_vertex>\n\t#include <clipping_planes_vertex>\n\t#include <worldpos_vertex>\n\t#include <envmap_vertex>\n\t#include <lights_lambert_vertex>\n\t#include <shadowmap_vertex>\n\t#include <fog_vertex>\n}\n";

var meshphong_frag = "#define PHONG\nuniform vec3 diffuse;\nuniform vec3 emissive;\nuniform vec3 specular;\nuniform float shininess;\nuniform float opacity;\n#include <common>\n#include <packing>\n#include <dithering_pars_fragment>\n#include <color_pars_fragment>\n#include <uv_pars_fragment>\n#include <uv2_pars_fragment>\n#include <map_pars_fragment>\n#include <alphamap_pars_fragment>\n#include <aomap_pars_fragment>\n#include <lightmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <emissivemap_pars_fragment>\n#include <envmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <gradientmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <fog_pars_fragment>\n#include <bsdfs>\n#include <lights_pars>\n#include <lights_phong_pars_fragment>\n#include <shadowmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <bumpmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <normalmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <specularmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_fragment>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_fragment>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <clipping_planes_fragment>\n\tvec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );\n\tReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight( vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ) );\n\tvec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive;\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_fragment>\n\t#include <map_fragment>\n\t#include <color_fragment>\n\t#include <alphamap_fragment>\n\t#include <alphatest_fragment>\n\t#include <specularmap_fragment>\n\t#include <normal_fragment>\n\t#include <emissivemap_fragment>\n\t#include <lights_phong_fragment>\n\t#include <lights_template>\n\t#include <aomap_fragment>\n\tvec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight.directDiffuse + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse + reflectedLight.directSpecular + reflectedLight.indirectSpecular + totalEmissiveRadiance;\n\t#include <envmap_fragment>\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );\n\t#include <tonemapping_fragment>\n\t#include <encodings_fragment>\n\t#include <fog_fragment>\n\t#include <premultiplied_alpha_fragment>\n\t#include <dithering_fragment>\n}\n";

var meshphong_vert = "#define PHONG\nvarying vec3 vViewPosition;\n#ifndef FLAT_SHADED\n\tvarying vec3 vNormal;\n#endif\n#include <common>\n#include <uv_pars_vertex>\n#include <uv2_pars_vertex>\n#include <displacementmap_pars_vertex>\n#include <envmap_pars_vertex>\n#include <color_pars_vertex>\n#include <fog_pars_vertex>\n#include <morphtarget_pars_vertex>\n#include <skinning_pars_vertex>\n#include <shadowmap_pars_vertex>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_vertex>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_vertex>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <uv_vertex>\n\t#include <uv2_vertex>\n\t#include <color_vertex>\n\t#include <beginnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <morphnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <skinbase_vertex>\n\t#include <skinnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <defaultnormal_vertex>\n#ifndef FLAT_SHADED\n\tvNormal = normalize( transformedNormal );\n#endif\n\t#include <begin_vertex>\n\t#include <morphtarget_vertex>\n\t#include <skinning_vertex>\n\t#include <displacementmap_vertex>\n\t#include <project_vertex>\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_vertex>\n\t#include <clipping_planes_vertex>\n\tvViewPosition = - mvPosition.xyz;\n\t#include <worldpos_vertex>\n\t#include <envmap_vertex>\n\t#include <shadowmap_vertex>\n\t#include <fog_vertex>\n}\n";

var meshphysical_frag = "#define PHYSICAL\nuniform vec3 diffuse;\nuniform vec3 emissive;\nuniform float roughness;\nuniform float metalness;\nuniform float opacity;\n#ifndef STANDARD\n\tuniform float clearCoat;\n\tuniform float clearCoatRoughness;\n#endif\nvarying vec3 vViewPosition;\n#ifndef FLAT_SHADED\n\tvarying vec3 vNormal;\n#endif\n#include <common>\n#include <packing>\n#include <dithering_pars_fragment>\n#include <color_pars_fragment>\n#include <uv_pars_fragment>\n#include <uv2_pars_fragment>\n#include <map_pars_fragment>\n#include <alphamap_pars_fragment>\n#include <aomap_pars_fragment>\n#include <lightmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <emissivemap_pars_fragment>\n#include <envmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <fog_pars_fragment>\n#include <bsdfs>\n#include <cube_uv_reflection_fragment>\n#include <lights_pars>\n#include <lights_physical_pars_fragment>\n#include <shadowmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <bumpmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <normalmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <roughnessmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <metalnessmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_fragment>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_fragment>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <clipping_planes_fragment>\n\tvec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );\n\tReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight( vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0 ) );\n\tvec3 totalEmissiveRadiance = emissive;\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_fragment>\n\t#include <map_fragment>\n\t#include <color_fragment>\n\t#include <alphamap_fragment>\n\t#include <alphatest_fragment>\n\t#include <roughnessmap_fragment>\n\t#include <metalnessmap_fragment>\n\t#include <normal_fragment>\n\t#include <emissivemap_fragment>\n\t#include <lights_physical_fragment>\n\t#include <lights_template>\n\t#include <aomap_fragment>\n\tvec3 outgoingLight = reflectedLight.directDiffuse + reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse + reflectedLight.directSpecular + reflectedLight.indirectSpecular + totalEmissiveRadiance;\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );\n\t#include <tonemapping_fragment>\n\t#include <encodings_fragment>\n\t#include <fog_fragment>\n\t#include <premultiplied_alpha_fragment>\n\t#include <dithering_fragment>\n}\n";

var meshphysical_vert = "#define PHYSICAL\nvarying vec3 vViewPosition;\n#ifndef FLAT_SHADED\n\tvarying vec3 vNormal;\n#endif\n#include <common>\n#include <uv_pars_vertex>\n#include <uv2_pars_vertex>\n#include <displacementmap_pars_vertex>\n#include <color_pars_vertex>\n#include <fog_pars_vertex>\n#include <morphtarget_pars_vertex>\n#include <skinning_pars_vertex>\n#include <shadowmap_pars_vertex>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_vertex>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_vertex>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <uv_vertex>\n\t#include <uv2_vertex>\n\t#include <color_vertex>\n\t#include <beginnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <morphnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <skinbase_vertex>\n\t#include <skinnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <defaultnormal_vertex>\n#ifndef FLAT_SHADED\n\tvNormal = normalize( transformedNormal );\n#endif\n\t#include <begin_vertex>\n\t#include <morphtarget_vertex>\n\t#include <skinning_vertex>\n\t#include <displacementmap_vertex>\n\t#include <project_vertex>\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_vertex>\n\t#include <clipping_planes_vertex>\n\tvViewPosition = - mvPosition.xyz;\n\t#include <worldpos_vertex>\n\t#include <shadowmap_vertex>\n\t#include <fog_vertex>\n}\n";

var normal_frag = "#define NORMAL\nuniform float opacity;\n#if defined( FLAT_SHADED ) || defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP )\n\tvarying vec3 vViewPosition;\n#endif\n#ifndef FLAT_SHADED\n\tvarying vec3 vNormal;\n#endif\n#include <packing>\n#include <uv_pars_fragment>\n#include <bumpmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <normalmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_fragment>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_fragment>\n\t#include <normal_fragment>\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4( packNormalToRGB( normal ), opacity );\n}\n";

var normal_vert = "#define NORMAL\n#if defined( FLAT_SHADED ) || defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP )\n\tvarying vec3 vViewPosition;\n#endif\n#ifndef FLAT_SHADED\n\tvarying vec3 vNormal;\n#endif\n#include <uv_pars_vertex>\n#include <displacementmap_pars_vertex>\n#include <morphtarget_pars_vertex>\n#include <skinning_pars_vertex>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_vertex>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <uv_vertex>\n\t#include <beginnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <morphnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <skinbase_vertex>\n\t#include <skinnormal_vertex>\n\t#include <defaultnormal_vertex>\n#ifndef FLAT_SHADED\n\tvNormal = normalize( transformedNormal );\n#endif\n\t#include <begin_vertex>\n\t#include <morphtarget_vertex>\n\t#include <skinning_vertex>\n\t#include <displacementmap_vertex>\n\t#include <project_vertex>\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_vertex>\n#if defined( FLAT_SHADED ) || defined( USE_BUMPMAP ) || defined( USE_NORMALMAP )\n\tvViewPosition = - mvPosition.xyz;\n#endif\n}\n";

var points_frag = "uniform vec3 diffuse;\nuniform float opacity;\n#include <common>\n#include <packing>\n#include <color_pars_fragment>\n#include <map_particle_pars_fragment>\n#include <fog_pars_fragment>\n#include <shadowmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_fragment>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_fragment>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <clipping_planes_fragment>\n\tvec3 outgoingLight = vec3( 0.0 );\n\tvec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_fragment>\n\t#include <map_particle_fragment>\n\t#include <color_fragment>\n\t#include <alphatest_fragment>\n\toutgoingLight = diffuseColor.rgb;\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );\n\t#include <premultiplied_alpha_fragment>\n\t#include <tonemapping_fragment>\n\t#include <encodings_fragment>\n\t#include <fog_fragment>\n}\n";

var points_vert = "uniform float size;\nuniform float scale;\n#include <common>\n#include <color_pars_vertex>\n#include <fog_pars_vertex>\n#include <shadowmap_pars_vertex>\n#include <logdepthbuf_pars_vertex>\n#include <clipping_planes_pars_vertex>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <color_vertex>\n\t#include <begin_vertex>\n\t#include <project_vertex>\n\t#ifdef USE_SIZEATTENUATION\n\t\tgl_PointSize = size * ( scale / - mvPosition.z );\n\t#else\n\t\tgl_PointSize = size;\n\t#endif\n\t#include <logdepthbuf_vertex>\n\t#include <clipping_planes_vertex>\n\t#include <worldpos_vertex>\n\t#include <shadowmap_vertex>\n\t#include <fog_vertex>\n}\n";

var shadow_frag = "uniform vec3 color;\nuniform float opacity;\n#include <common>\n#include <packing>\n#include <fog_pars_fragment>\n#include <bsdfs>\n#include <lights_pars>\n#include <shadowmap_pars_fragment>\n#include <shadowmask_pars_fragment>\nvoid main() {\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4( color, opacity * ( 1.0 - getShadowMask() ) );\n\t#include <fog_fragment>\n}\n";

var shadow_vert = "#include <fog_pars_vertex>\n#include <shadowmap_pars_vertex>\nvoid main() {\n\t#include <begin_vertex>\n\t#include <project_vertex>\n\t#include <worldpos_vertex>\n\t#include <shadowmap_vertex>\n\t#include <fog_vertex>\n}\n";

var ShaderChunk = {
	alphamap_fragment: alphamap_fragment,
	alphamap_pars_fragment: alphamap_pars_fragment,
	alphatest_fragment: alphatest_fragment,
	aomap_fragment: aomap_fragment,
	aomap_pars_fragment: aomap_pars_fragment,
	begin_vertex: begin_vertex,
	beginnormal_vertex: beginnormal_vertex,
	bsdfs: bsdfs,
	bumpmap_pars_fragment: bumpmap_pars_fragment,
	clipping_planes_fragment: clipping_planes_fragment,
	clipping_planes_pars_fragment: clipping_planes_pars_fragment,
	clipping_planes_pars_vertex: clipping_planes_pars_vertex,
	clipping_planes_vertex: clipping_planes_vertex,
	color_fragment: color_fragment,
	color_pars_fragment: color_pars_fragment,
	color_pars_vertex: color_pars_vertex,
	color_vertex: color_vertex,
	common: common,
	cube_uv_reflection_fragment: cube_uv_reflection_fragment,
	defaultnormal_vertex: defaultnormal_vertex,
	displacementmap_pars_vertex: displacementmap_pars_vertex,
	displacementmap_vertex: displacementmap_vertex,
	emissivemap_fragment: emissivemap_fragment,
	emissivemap_pars_fragment: emissivemap_pars_fragment,
	encodings_fragment: encodings_fragment,
	encodings_pars_fragment: encodings_pars_fragment,
	envmap_fragment: envmap_fragment,
	envmap_pars_fragment: envmap_pars_fragment,
	envmap_pars_vertex: envmap_pars_vertex,
	envmap_vertex: envmap_vertex,
	fog_vertex: fog_vertex,
	fog_pars_vertex: fog_pars_vertex,
	fog_fragment: fog_fragment,
	fog_pars_fragment: fog_pars_fragment,
	gradientmap_pars_fragment: gradientmap_pars_fragment,
	lightmap_fragment: lightmap_fragment,
	lightmap_pars_fragment: lightmap_pars_fragment,
	lights_lambert_vertex: lights_lambert_vertex,
	lights_pars: lights_pars,
	lights_phong_fragment: lights_phong_fragment,
	lights_phong_pars_fragment: lights_phong_pars_fragment,
	lights_physical_fragment: lights_physical_fragment,
	lights_physical_pars_fragment: lights_physical_pars_fragment,
	lights_template: lights_template,
	logdepthbuf_fragment: logdepthbuf_fragment,
	logdepthbuf_pars_fragment: logdepthbuf_pars_fragment,
	logdepthbuf_pars_vertex: logdepthbuf_pars_vertex,
	logdepthbuf_vertex: logdepthbuf_vertex,
	map_fragment: map_fragment,
	map_pars_fragment: map_pars_fragment,
	map_particle_fragment: map_particle_fragment,
	map_particle_pars_fragment: map_particle_pars_fragment,
	metalnessmap_fragment: metalnessmap_fragment,
	metalnessmap_pars_fragment: metalnessmap_pars_fragment,
	morphnormal_vertex: morphnormal_vertex,
	morphtarget_pars_vertex: morphtarget_pars_vertex,
	morphtarget_vertex: morphtarget_vertex,
	normal_fragment: normal_fragment,
	normalmap_pars_fragment: normalmap_pars_fragment,
	packing: packing,
	premultiplied_alpha_fragment: premultiplied_alpha_fragment,
	project_vertex: project_vertex,
	dithering_fragment: dithering_fragment,
	dithering_pars_fragment: dithering_pars_fragment,
	roughnessmap_fragment: roughnessmap_fragment,
	roughnessmap_pars_fragment: roughnessmap_pars_fragment,
	shadowmap_pars_fragment: shadowmap_pars_fragment,
	shadowmap_pars_vertex: shadowmap_pars_vertex,
	shadowmap_vertex: shadowmap_vertex,
	shadowmask_pars_fragment: shadowmask_pars_fragment,
	skinbase_vertex: skinbase_vertex,
	skinning_pars_vertex: skinning_pars_vertex,
	skinning_vertex: skinning_vertex,
	skinnormal_vertex: skinnormal_vertex,
	specularmap_fragment: specularmap_fragment,
	specularmap_pars_fragment: specularmap_pars_fragment,
	tonemapping_fragment: tonemapping_fragment,
	tonemapping_pars_fragment: tonemapping_pars_fragment,
	uv_pars_fragment: uv_pars_fragment,
	uv_pars_vertex: uv_pars_vertex,
	uv_vertex: uv_vertex,
	uv2_pars_fragment: uv2_pars_fragment,
	uv2_pars_vertex: uv2_pars_vertex,
	uv2_vertex: uv2_vertex,
	worldpos_vertex: worldpos_vertex,

	cube_frag: cube_frag,
	cube_vert: cube_vert,
	depth_frag: depth_frag,
	depth_vert: depth_vert,
	distanceRGBA_frag: distanceRGBA_frag,
	distanceRGBA_vert: distanceRGBA_vert,
	equirect_frag: equirect_frag,
	equirect_vert: equirect_vert,
	linedashed_frag: linedashed_frag,
	linedashed_vert: linedashed_vert,
	meshbasic_frag: meshbasic_frag,
	meshbasic_vert: meshbasic_vert,
	meshlambert_frag: meshlambert_frag,
	meshlambert_vert: meshlambert_vert,
	meshphong_frag: meshphong_frag,
	meshphong_vert: meshphong_vert,
	meshphysical_frag: meshphysical_frag,
	meshphysical_vert: meshphysical_vert,
	normal_frag: normal_frag,
	normal_vert: normal_vert,
	points_frag: points_frag,
	points_vert: points_vert,
	shadow_frag: shadow_frag,
	shadow_vert: shadow_vert

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/

var ShaderLib = {

	basic: {

		uniforms: UniformsUtils.merge( [
		] ),

		vertexShader: ShaderChunk.meshbasic_vert,
		fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.meshbasic_frag


	lambert: {

		uniforms: UniformsUtils.merge( [
				emissive: { value: new Color( 0x000000 ) }
		] ),

		vertexShader: ShaderChunk.meshlambert_vert,
		fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.meshlambert_frag


	phong: {

		uniforms: UniformsUtils.merge( [
				emissive: { value: new Color( 0x000000 ) },
				specular: { value: new Color( 0x111111 ) },
				shininess: { value: 30 }
		] ),

		vertexShader: ShaderChunk.meshphong_vert,
		fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.meshphong_frag


	standard: {

		uniforms: UniformsUtils.merge( [
				emissive: { value: new Color( 0x000000 ) },
				roughness: { value: 0.5 },
				metalness: { value: 0.5 },
				envMapIntensity: { value: 1 } // temporary
		] ),

		vertexShader: ShaderChunk.meshphysical_vert,
		fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.meshphysical_frag


	points: {

		uniforms: UniformsUtils.merge( [
		] ),

		vertexShader: ShaderChunk.points_vert,
		fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.points_frag


	dashed: {

		uniforms: UniformsUtils.merge( [
				scale: { value: 1 },
				dashSize: { value: 1 },
				totalSize: { value: 2 }
		] ),

		vertexShader: ShaderChunk.linedashed_vert,
		fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.linedashed_frag


	depth: {

		uniforms: UniformsUtils.merge( [
		] ),

		vertexShader: ShaderChunk.depth_vert,
		fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.depth_frag


	normal: {

		uniforms: UniformsUtils.merge( [
				opacity: { value: 1.0 }
		] ),

		vertexShader: ShaderChunk.normal_vert,
		fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.normal_frag


	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	//	Cube map shader
	 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

	cube: {

		uniforms: {
			tCube: { value: null },
			tFlip: { value: - 1 },
			opacity: { value: 1.0 }

		vertexShader: ShaderChunk.cube_vert,
		fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.cube_frag


	equirect: {

		uniforms: {
			tEquirect: { value: null },

		vertexShader: ShaderChunk.equirect_vert,
		fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.equirect_frag


	distanceRGBA: {

		uniforms: UniformsUtils.merge( [
				referencePosition: { value: new Vector3() },
				nearDistance: { value: 1 },
				farDistance: { value: 1000 }
		] ),

		vertexShader: ShaderChunk.distanceRGBA_vert,
		fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.distanceRGBA_frag


	shadow: {

		uniforms: UniformsUtils.merge( [
				color: { value: new Color( 0x00000 ) },
				opacity: { value: 1.0 }
		] ),

		vertexShader: ShaderChunk.shadow_vert,
		fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.shadow_frag



ShaderLib.physical = {

	uniforms: UniformsUtils.merge( [
			clearCoat: { value: 0 },
			clearCoatRoughness: { value: 0 }
	] ),

	vertexShader: ShaderChunk.meshphysical_vert,
	fragmentShader: ShaderChunk.meshphysical_frag


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function CanvasTexture( canvas, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy ) {

	Texture.call( this, canvas, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy );

	this.needsUpdate = true;


CanvasTexture.prototype = Object.create( Texture.prototype );
CanvasTexture.prototype.constructor = CanvasTexture;

 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function WebGLSpriteRenderer( renderer, gl, state, textures, capabilities ) {

	var vertexBuffer, elementBuffer;
	var program, attributes, uniforms;

	var texture;

	// decompose matrixWorld

	var spritePosition = new Vector3();
	var spriteRotation = new Quaternion();
	var spriteScale = new Vector3();

	function init() {

		var vertices = new Float32Array( [
			- 0.5, - 0.5, 0, 0,
			  0.5, - 0.5, 1, 0,
			  0.5, 0.5, 1, 1,
			- 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1
		] );

		var faces = new Uint16Array( [
			0, 1, 2,
			0, 2, 3
		] );

		vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
		elementBuffer = gl.createBuffer();

		gl.bindBuffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer );
		gl.bufferData( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW );

		gl.bindBuffer( gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, elementBuffer );
		gl.bufferData( gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, faces, gl.STATIC_DRAW );

		program = createProgram();

		attributes = {
			position: gl.getAttribLocation( program, 'position' ),
			uv: gl.getAttribLocation( program, 'uv' )

		uniforms = {
			uvOffset: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'uvOffset' ),
			uvScale: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'uvScale' ),

			rotation: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'rotation' ),
			center: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'center' ),
			scale: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'scale' ),

			color: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'color' ),
			map: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'map' ),
			opacity: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'opacity' ),

			modelViewMatrix: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'modelViewMatrix' ),
			projectionMatrix: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'projectionMatrix' ),

			fogType: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'fogType' ),
			fogDensity: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'fogDensity' ),
			fogNear: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'fogNear' ),
			fogFar: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'fogFar' ),
			fogColor: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'fogColor' ),
			fogDepth: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'fogDepth' ),

			alphaTest: gl.getUniformLocation( program, 'alphaTest' )

		var canvas = document.createElementNS( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'canvas' );
		canvas.width = 8;
		canvas.height = 8;

		var context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
		context.fillStyle = 'white';
		context.fillRect( 0, 0, 8, 8 );

		texture = new CanvasTexture( canvas );


	this.render = function ( sprites, scene, camera ) {

		if ( sprites.length === 0 ) return;

		// setup gl

		if ( program === undefined ) {



		state.useProgram( program );

		state.enableAttribute( attributes.position );
		state.enableAttribute( attributes.uv );

		state.disable( gl.CULL_FACE );
		state.enable( gl.BLEND );

		gl.bindBuffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer );
		gl.vertexAttribPointer( attributes.position, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 2 * 8, 0 );
		gl.vertexAttribPointer( attributes.uv, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 2 * 8, 8 );

		gl.bindBuffer( gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, elementBuffer );

		gl.uniformMatrix4fv( uniforms.projectionMatrix, false, camera.projectionMatrix.elements );

		state.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE0 );
		gl.uniform1i( uniforms.map, 0 );

		var oldFogType = 0;
		var sceneFogType = 0;
		var fog = scene.fog;

		if ( fog ) {

			gl.uniform3f( uniforms.fogColor, fog.color.r, fog.color.g, fog.color.b );

			if ( fog.isFog ) {

				gl.uniform1f( uniforms.fogNear, fog.near );
				gl.uniform1f( uniforms.fogFar, fog.far );

				gl.uniform1i( uniforms.fogType, 1 );
				oldFogType = 1;
				sceneFogType = 1;

			} else if ( fog.isFogExp2 ) {

				gl.uniform1f( uniforms.fogDensity, fog.density );

				gl.uniform1i( uniforms.fogType, 2 );
				oldFogType = 2;
				sceneFogType = 2;


		} else {

			gl.uniform1i( uniforms.fogType, 0 );
			oldFogType = 0;
			sceneFogType = 0;


		// update positions and sort

		for ( var i = 0, l = sprites.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var sprite = sprites[ i ];

			sprite.modelViewMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.matrixWorldInverse, sprite.matrixWorld );
			sprite.z = - sprite.modelViewMatrix.elements[ 14 ];


		sprites.sort( painterSortStable );

		// render all sprites

		var scale = [];
		var center = [];

		for ( var i = 0, l = sprites.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var sprite = sprites[ i ];
			var material = sprite.material;

			if ( material.visible === false ) continue;

			sprite.onBeforeRender( renderer, scene, camera, undefined, material, undefined );

			gl.uniform1f( uniforms.alphaTest, material.alphaTest );
			gl.uniformMatrix4fv( uniforms.modelViewMatrix, false, sprite.modelViewMatrix.elements );

			sprite.matrixWorld.decompose( spritePosition, spriteRotation, spriteScale );

			scale[ 0 ] = spriteScale.x;
			scale[ 1 ] = spriteScale.y;

			center[ 0 ] = sprite.center.x - 0.5;
			center[ 1 ] = sprite.center.y - 0.5;

			var fogType = 0;

			if ( scene.fog && material.fog ) {

				fogType = sceneFogType;


			if ( oldFogType !== fogType ) {

				gl.uniform1i( uniforms.fogType, fogType );
				oldFogType = fogType;


			if ( material.map !== null ) {

				gl.uniform2f( uniforms.uvOffset, material.map.offset.x, material.map.offset.y );
				gl.uniform2f( uniforms.uvScale, material.map.repeat.x, material.map.repeat.y );

			} else {

				gl.uniform2f( uniforms.uvOffset, 0, 0 );
				gl.uniform2f( uniforms.uvScale, 1, 1 );


			gl.uniform1f( uniforms.opacity, material.opacity );
			gl.uniform3f( uniforms.color, material.color.r, material.color.g, material.color.b );

			gl.uniform1f( uniforms.rotation, material.rotation );
			gl.uniform2fv( uniforms.center, center );
			gl.uniform2fv( uniforms.scale, scale );

			state.setBlending( material.blending, material.blendEquation, material.blendSrc, material.blendDst, material.blendEquationAlpha, material.blendSrcAlpha, material.blendDstAlpha, material.premultipliedAlpha );
			state.buffers.depth.setTest( material.depthTest );
			state.buffers.depth.setMask( material.depthWrite );
			state.buffers.color.setMask( material.colorWrite );

			textures.setTexture2D( material.map || texture, 0 );

			gl.drawElements( gl.TRIANGLES, 6, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0 );

			sprite.onAfterRender( renderer, scene, camera, undefined, material, undefined );


		// restore gl

		state.enable( gl.CULL_FACE );



	function createProgram() {

		var program = gl.createProgram();

		var vertexShader = gl.createShader( gl.VERTEX_SHADER );
		var fragmentShader = gl.createShader( gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER );

		gl.shaderSource( vertexShader, [

			'precision ' + capabilities.precision + ' float;',

			'#define SHADER_NAME ' + 'SpriteMaterial',

			'uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;',
			'uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;',
			'uniform float rotation;',
			'uniform vec2 center;',
			'uniform vec2 scale;',
			'uniform vec2 uvOffset;',
			'uniform vec2 uvScale;',

			'attribute vec2 position;',
			'attribute vec2 uv;',

			'varying vec2 vUV;',
			'varying float fogDepth;',

			'void main() {',

			'	vUV = uvOffset + uv * uvScale;',

			'	vec2 alignedPosition = ( position - center ) * scale;',

			'	vec2 rotatedPosition;',
			'	rotatedPosition.x = cos( rotation ) * alignedPosition.x - sin( rotation ) * alignedPosition.y;',
			'	rotatedPosition.y = sin( rotation ) * alignedPosition.x + cos( rotation ) * alignedPosition.y;',

			'	vec4 mvPosition;',

			'	mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );',
			'	mvPosition.xy += rotatedPosition;',

			'	gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;',

			'	fogDepth = - mvPosition.z;',


		].join( '\n' ) );

		gl.shaderSource( fragmentShader, [

			'precision ' + capabilities.precision + ' float;',

			'#define SHADER_NAME ' + 'SpriteMaterial',

			'uniform vec3 color;',
			'uniform sampler2D map;',
			'uniform float opacity;',

			'uniform int fogType;',
			'uniform vec3 fogColor;',
			'uniform float fogDensity;',
			'uniform float fogNear;',
			'uniform float fogFar;',
			'uniform float alphaTest;',

			'varying vec2 vUV;',
			'varying float fogDepth;',

			'void main() {',

			'	vec4 texture = texture2D( map, vUV );',

			'	gl_FragColor = vec4( color * texture.xyz, texture.a * opacity );',

			'	if ( gl_FragColor.a < alphaTest ) discard;',

			'	if ( fogType > 0 ) {',

			'		float fogFactor = 0.0;',

			'		if ( fogType == 1 ) {',

			'			fogFactor = smoothstep( fogNear, fogFar, fogDepth );',

			'		} else {',

			'			const float LOG2 = 1.442695;',
			'			fogFactor = exp2( - fogDensity * fogDensity * fogDepth * fogDepth * LOG2 );',
			'			fogFactor = 1.0 - clamp( fogFactor, 0.0, 1.0 );',

			'		}',

			'		gl_FragColor.rgb = mix( gl_FragColor.rgb, fogColor, fogFactor );',

			'	}',


		].join( '\n' ) );

		gl.compileShader( vertexShader );
		gl.compileShader( fragmentShader );

		gl.attachShader( program, vertexShader );
		gl.attachShader( program, fragmentShader );

		gl.linkProgram( program );

		return program;


	function painterSortStable( a, b ) {

		if ( a.renderOrder !== b.renderOrder ) {

			return a.renderOrder - b.renderOrder;

		} else if ( a.z !== b.z ) {

			return b.z - a.z;

		} else {

			return b.id - a.id;




 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

var materialId = 0;

function Material() {

	Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', { value: materialId ++ } );

	this.uuid = _Math.generateUUID();

	this.name = '';
	this.type = 'Material';

	this.fog = true;
	this.lights = true;

	this.blending = NormalBlending;
	this.side = FrontSide;
	this.flatShading = false;
	this.vertexColors = NoColors; // THREE.NoColors, THREE.VertexColors, THREE.FaceColors

	this.opacity = 1;
	this.transparent = false;

	this.blendSrc = SrcAlphaFactor;
	this.blendDst = OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor;
	this.blendEquation = AddEquation;
	this.blendSrcAlpha = null;
	this.blendDstAlpha = null;
	this.blendEquationAlpha = null;

	this.depthFunc = LessEqualDepth;
	this.depthTest = true;
	this.depthWrite = true;

	this.clippingPlanes = null;
	this.clipIntersection = false;
	this.clipShadows = false;

	this.shadowSide = null;

	this.colorWrite = true;

	this.precision = null; // override the renderer's default precision for this material

	this.polygonOffset = false;
	this.polygonOffsetFactor = 0;
	this.polygonOffsetUnits = 0;

	this.dithering = false;

	this.alphaTest = 0;
	this.premultipliedAlpha = false;

	this.overdraw = 0; // Overdrawn pixels (typically between 0 and 1) for fixing antialiasing gaps in CanvasRenderer

	this.visible = true;

	this.userData = {};

	this.needsUpdate = true;


Material.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( EventDispatcher.prototype ), {

	constructor: Material,

	isMaterial: true,

	onBeforeCompile: function () {},

	setValues: function ( values ) {

		if ( values === undefined ) return;

		for ( var key in values ) {

			var newValue = values[ key ];

			if ( newValue === undefined ) {

				console.warn( "THREE.Material: '" + key + "' parameter is undefined." );


			// for backward compatability if shading is set in the constructor
			if ( key === 'shading' ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.' + this.type + ': .shading has been removed. Use the boolean .flatShading instead.' );
				this.flatShading = ( newValue === FlatShading ) ? true : false;


			var currentValue = this[ key ];

			if ( currentValue === undefined ) {

				console.warn( "THREE." + this.type + ": '" + key + "' is not a property of this material." );


			if ( currentValue && currentValue.isColor ) {

				currentValue.set( newValue );

			} else if ( ( currentValue && currentValue.isVector3 ) && ( newValue && newValue.isVector3 ) ) {

				currentValue.copy( newValue );

			} else if ( key === 'overdraw' ) {

				// ensure overdraw is backwards-compatible with legacy boolean type
				this[ key ] = Number( newValue );

			} else {

				this[ key ] = newValue;




	toJSON: function ( meta ) {

		var isRoot = ( meta === undefined || typeof meta === 'string' );

		if ( isRoot ) {

			meta = {
				textures: {},
				images: {}


		var data = {
			metadata: {
				version: 4.5,
				type: 'Material',
				generator: 'Material.toJSON'

		// standard Material serialization
		data.uuid = this.uuid;
		data.type = this.type;

		if ( this.name !== '' ) data.name = this.name;

		if ( this.color && this.color.isColor ) data.color = this.color.getHex();

		if ( this.roughness !== undefined ) data.roughness = this.roughness;
		if ( this.metalness !== undefined ) data.metalness = this.metalness;

		if ( this.emissive && this.emissive.isColor ) data.emissive = this.emissive.getHex();
		if ( this.emissiveIntensity !== 1 ) data.emissiveIntensity = this.emissiveIntensity;

		if ( this.specular && this.specular.isColor ) data.specular = this.specular.getHex();
		if ( this.shininess !== undefined ) data.shininess = this.shininess;
		if ( this.clearCoat !== undefined ) data.clearCoat = this.clearCoat;
		if ( this.clearCoatRoughness !== undefined ) data.clearCoatRoughness = this.clearCoatRoughness;

		if ( this.map && this.map.isTexture ) data.map = this.map.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
		if ( this.alphaMap && this.alphaMap.isTexture ) data.alphaMap = this.alphaMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
		if ( this.lightMap && this.lightMap.isTexture ) data.lightMap = this.lightMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
		if ( this.bumpMap && this.bumpMap.isTexture ) {

			data.bumpMap = this.bumpMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
			data.bumpScale = this.bumpScale;

		if ( this.normalMap && this.normalMap.isTexture ) {

			data.normalMap = this.normalMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
			data.normalScale = this.normalScale.toArray();

		if ( this.displacementMap && this.displacementMap.isTexture ) {

			data.displacementMap = this.displacementMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
			data.displacementScale = this.displacementScale;
			data.displacementBias = this.displacementBias;

		if ( this.roughnessMap && this.roughnessMap.isTexture ) data.roughnessMap = this.roughnessMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
		if ( this.metalnessMap && this.metalnessMap.isTexture ) data.metalnessMap = this.metalnessMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;

		if ( this.emissiveMap && this.emissiveMap.isTexture ) data.emissiveMap = this.emissiveMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
		if ( this.specularMap && this.specularMap.isTexture ) data.specularMap = this.specularMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;

		if ( this.envMap && this.envMap.isTexture ) {

			data.envMap = this.envMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
			data.reflectivity = this.reflectivity; // Scale behind envMap


		if ( this.gradientMap && this.gradientMap.isTexture ) {

			data.gradientMap = this.gradientMap.toJSON( meta ).uuid;


		if ( this.size !== undefined ) data.size = this.size;
		if ( this.sizeAttenuation !== undefined ) data.sizeAttenuation = this.sizeAttenuation;

		if ( this.blending !== NormalBlending ) data.blending = this.blending;
		if ( this.flatShading === true ) data.flatShading = this.flatShading;
		if ( this.side !== FrontSide ) data.side = this.side;
		if ( this.vertexColors !== NoColors ) data.vertexColors = this.vertexColors;

		if ( this.opacity < 1 ) data.opacity = this.opacity;
		if ( this.transparent === true ) data.transparent = this.transparent;

		data.depthFunc = this.depthFunc;
		data.depthTest = this.depthTest;
		data.depthWrite = this.depthWrite;

		// rotation (SpriteMaterial)
		if ( this.rotation !== 0 ) data.rotation = this.rotation;

		if ( this.linewidth !== 1 ) data.linewidth = this.linewidth;
		if ( this.dashSize !== undefined ) data.dashSize = this.dashSize;
		if ( this.gapSize !== undefined ) data.gapSize = this.gapSize;
		if ( this.scale !== undefined ) data.scale = this.scale;

		if ( this.dithering === true ) data.dithering = true;

		if ( this.alphaTest > 0 ) data.alphaTest = this.alphaTest;
		if ( this.premultipliedAlpha === true ) data.premultipliedAlpha = this.premultipliedAlpha;

		if ( this.wireframe === true ) data.wireframe = this.wireframe;
		if ( this.wireframeLinewidth > 1 ) data.wireframeLinewidth = this.wireframeLinewidth;
		if ( this.wireframeLinecap !== 'round' ) data.wireframeLinecap = this.wireframeLinecap;
		if ( this.wireframeLinejoin !== 'round' ) data.wireframeLinejoin = this.wireframeLinejoin;

		if ( this.morphTargets === true ) data.morphTargets = true;
		if ( this.skinning === true ) data.skinning = true;

		if ( this.visible === false ) data.visible = false;
		if ( JSON.stringify( this.userData ) !== '{}' ) data.userData = this.userData;

		// TODO: Copied from Object3D.toJSON

		function extractFromCache( cache ) {

			var values = [];

			for ( var key in cache ) {

				var data = cache[ key ];
				delete data.metadata;
				values.push( data );


			return values;


		if ( isRoot ) {

			var textures = extractFromCache( meta.textures );
			var images = extractFromCache( meta.images );

			if ( textures.length > 0 ) data.textures = textures;
			if ( images.length > 0 ) data.images = images;


		return data;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( source ) {

		this.name = source.name;

		this.fog = source.fog;
		this.lights = source.lights;

		this.blending = source.blending;
		this.side = source.side;
		this.flatShading = source.flatShading;
		this.vertexColors = source.vertexColors;

		this.opacity = source.opacity;
		this.transparent = source.transparent;

		this.blendSrc = source.blendSrc;
		this.blendDst = source.blendDst;
		this.blendEquation = source.blendEquation;
		this.blendSrcAlpha = source.blendSrcAlpha;
		this.blendDstAlpha = source.blendDstAlpha;
		this.blendEquationAlpha = source.blendEquationAlpha;

		this.depthFunc = source.depthFunc;
		this.depthTest = source.depthTest;
		this.depthWrite = source.depthWrite;

		this.colorWrite = source.colorWrite;

		this.precision = source.precision;

		this.polygonOffset = source.polygonOffset;
		this.polygonOffsetFactor = source.polygonOffsetFactor;
		this.polygonOffsetUnits = source.polygonOffsetUnits;

		this.dithering = source.dithering;

		this.alphaTest = source.alphaTest;
		this.premultipliedAlpha = source.premultipliedAlpha;

		this.overdraw = source.overdraw;

		this.visible = source.visible;
		this.userData = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( source.userData ) );

		this.clipShadows = source.clipShadows;
		this.clipIntersection = source.clipIntersection;

		var srcPlanes = source.clippingPlanes,
			dstPlanes = null;

		if ( srcPlanes !== null ) {

			var n = srcPlanes.length;
			dstPlanes = new Array( n );

			for ( var i = 0; i !== n; ++ i )
				dstPlanes[ i ] = srcPlanes[ i ].clone();


		this.clippingPlanes = dstPlanes;

		this.shadowSide = source.shadowSide;

		return this;


	dispose: function () {

		this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } );


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author bhouston / https://clara.io
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * parameters = {
 *  opacity: <float>,
 *  map: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  alphaMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  displacementMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  displacementScale: <float>,
 *  displacementBias: <float>,
 *  wireframe: <boolean>,
 *  wireframeLinewidth: <float>
 * }

function MeshDepthMaterial( parameters ) {

	Material.call( this );

	this.type = 'MeshDepthMaterial';

	this.depthPacking = BasicDepthPacking;

	this.skinning = false;
	this.morphTargets = false;

	this.map = null;

	this.alphaMap = null;

	this.displacementMap = null;
	this.displacementScale = 1;
	this.displacementBias = 0;

	this.wireframe = false;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;

	this.fog = false;
	this.lights = false;

	this.setValues( parameters );


MeshDepthMaterial.prototype = Object.create( Material.prototype );
MeshDepthMaterial.prototype.constructor = MeshDepthMaterial;

MeshDepthMaterial.prototype.isMeshDepthMaterial = true;

MeshDepthMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.depthPacking = source.depthPacking;

	this.skinning = source.skinning;
	this.morphTargets = source.morphTargets;

	this.map = source.map;

	this.alphaMap = source.alphaMap;

	this.displacementMap = source.displacementMap;
	this.displacementScale = source.displacementScale;
	this.displacementBias = source.displacementBias;

	this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;

	return this;


 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * parameters = {
 *  referencePosition: <float>,
 *  nearDistance: <float>,
 *  farDistance: <float>,
 *  skinning: <bool>,
 *  morphTargets: <bool>,
 *  map: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  alphaMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  displacementMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  displacementScale: <float>,
 *  displacementBias: <float>
 * }

function MeshDistanceMaterial( parameters ) {

	Material.call( this );

	this.type = 'MeshDistanceMaterial';

	this.referencePosition = new Vector3();
	this.nearDistance = 1;
	this.farDistance = 1000;

	this.skinning = false;
	this.morphTargets = false;

	this.map = null;

	this.alphaMap = null;

	this.displacementMap = null;
	this.displacementScale = 1;
	this.displacementBias = 0;

	this.fog = false;
	this.lights = false;

	this.setValues( parameters );


MeshDistanceMaterial.prototype = Object.create( Material.prototype );
MeshDistanceMaterial.prototype.constructor = MeshDistanceMaterial;

MeshDistanceMaterial.prototype.isMeshDistanceMaterial = true;

MeshDistanceMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.referencePosition.copy( source.referencePosition );
	this.nearDistance = source.nearDistance;
	this.farDistance = source.farDistance;

	this.skinning = source.skinning;
	this.morphTargets = source.morphTargets;

	this.map = source.map;

	this.alphaMap = source.alphaMap;

	this.displacementMap = source.displacementMap;
	this.displacementScale = source.displacementScale;
	this.displacementBias = source.displacementBias;

	return this;


 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley

function Box3( min, max ) {

	this.min = ( min !== undefined ) ? min : new Vector3( + Infinity, + Infinity, + Infinity );
	this.max = ( max !== undefined ) ? max : new Vector3( - Infinity, - Infinity, - Infinity );


Object.assign( Box3.prototype, {

	isBox3: true,

	set: function ( min, max ) {

		this.min.copy( min );
		this.max.copy( max );

		return this;


	setFromArray: function ( array ) {

		var minX = + Infinity;
		var minY = + Infinity;
		var minZ = + Infinity;

		var maxX = - Infinity;
		var maxY = - Infinity;
		var maxZ = - Infinity;

		for ( var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {

			var x = array[ i ];
			var y = array[ i + 1 ];
			var z = array[ i + 2 ];

			if ( x < minX ) minX = x;
			if ( y < minY ) minY = y;
			if ( z < minZ ) minZ = z;

			if ( x > maxX ) maxX = x;
			if ( y > maxY ) maxY = y;
			if ( z > maxZ ) maxZ = z;


		this.min.set( minX, minY, minZ );
		this.max.set( maxX, maxY, maxZ );

		return this;


	setFromBufferAttribute: function ( attribute ) {

		var minX = + Infinity;
		var minY = + Infinity;
		var minZ = + Infinity;

		var maxX = - Infinity;
		var maxY = - Infinity;
		var maxZ = - Infinity;

		for ( var i = 0, l = attribute.count; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var x = attribute.getX( i );
			var y = attribute.getY( i );
			var z = attribute.getZ( i );

			if ( x < minX ) minX = x;
			if ( y < minY ) minY = y;
			if ( z < minZ ) minZ = z;

			if ( x > maxX ) maxX = x;
			if ( y > maxY ) maxY = y;
			if ( z > maxZ ) maxZ = z;


		this.min.set( minX, minY, minZ );
		this.max.set( maxX, maxY, maxZ );

		return this;


	setFromPoints: function ( points ) {


		for ( var i = 0, il = points.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			this.expandByPoint( points[ i ] );


		return this;


	setFromCenterAndSize: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function setFromCenterAndSize( center, size ) {

			var halfSize = v1.copy( size ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );

			this.min.copy( center ).sub( halfSize );
			this.max.copy( center ).add( halfSize );

			return this;



	setFromObject: function ( object ) {


		return this.expandByObject( object );


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( box ) {

		this.min.copy( box.min );
		this.max.copy( box.max );

		return this;


	makeEmpty: function () {

		this.min.x = this.min.y = this.min.z = + Infinity;
		this.max.x = this.max.y = this.max.z = - Infinity;

		return this;


	isEmpty: function () {

		// this is a more robust check for empty than ( volume <= 0 ) because volume can get positive with two negative axes

		return ( this.max.x < this.min.x ) || ( this.max.y < this.min.y ) || ( this.max.z < this.min.z );


	getCenter: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();
		return this.isEmpty() ? result.set( 0, 0, 0 ) : result.addVectors( this.min, this.max ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );


	getSize: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();
		return this.isEmpty() ? result.set( 0, 0, 0 ) : result.subVectors( this.max, this.min );


	expandByPoint: function ( point ) {

		this.min.min( point );
		this.max.max( point );

		return this;


	expandByVector: function ( vector ) {

		this.min.sub( vector );
		this.max.add( vector );

		return this;


	expandByScalar: function ( scalar ) {

		this.min.addScalar( - scalar );
		this.max.addScalar( scalar );

		return this;


	expandByObject: function () {

		// Computes the world-axis-aligned bounding box of an object (including its children),
		// accounting for both the object's, and children's, world transforms

		var scope, i, l;

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		function traverse( node ) {

			var geometry = node.geometry;

			if ( geometry !== undefined ) {

				if ( geometry.isGeometry ) {

					var vertices = geometry.vertices;

					for ( i = 0, l = vertices.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

						v1.copy( vertices[ i ] );
						v1.applyMatrix4( node.matrixWorld );

						scope.expandByPoint( v1 );


				} else if ( geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

					var attribute = geometry.attributes.position;

					if ( attribute !== undefined ) {

						for ( i = 0, l = attribute.count; i < l; i ++ ) {

							v1.fromBufferAttribute( attribute, i ).applyMatrix4( node.matrixWorld );

							scope.expandByPoint( v1 );






		return function expandByObject( object ) {

			scope = this;

			object.updateMatrixWorld( true );

			object.traverse( traverse );

			return this;



	containsPoint: function ( point ) {

		return point.x < this.min.x || point.x > this.max.x ||
			point.y < this.min.y || point.y > this.max.y ||
			point.z < this.min.z || point.z > this.max.z ? false : true;


	containsBox: function ( box ) {

		return this.min.x <= box.min.x && box.max.x <= this.max.x &&
			this.min.y <= box.min.y && box.max.y <= this.max.y &&
			this.min.z <= box.min.z && box.max.z <= this.max.z;


	getParameter: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {

		// This can potentially have a divide by zero if the box
		// has a size dimension of 0.

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

		return result.set(
			( point.x - this.min.x ) / ( this.max.x - this.min.x ),
			( point.y - this.min.y ) / ( this.max.y - this.min.y ),
			( point.z - this.min.z ) / ( this.max.z - this.min.z )


	intersectsBox: function ( box ) {

		// using 6 splitting planes to rule out intersections.
		return box.max.x < this.min.x || box.min.x > this.max.x ||
			box.max.y < this.min.y || box.min.y > this.max.y ||
			box.max.z < this.min.z || box.min.z > this.max.z ? false : true;


	intersectsSphere: ( function () {

		var closestPoint = new Vector3();

		return function intersectsSphere( sphere ) {

			// Find the point on the AABB closest to the sphere center.
			this.clampPoint( sphere.center, closestPoint );

			// If that point is inside the sphere, the AABB and sphere intersect.
			return closestPoint.distanceToSquared( sphere.center ) <= ( sphere.radius * sphere.radius );


	} )(),

	intersectsPlane: function ( plane ) {

		// We compute the minimum and maximum dot product values. If those values
		// are on the same side (back or front) of the plane, then there is no intersection.

		var min, max;

		if ( plane.normal.x > 0 ) {

			min = plane.normal.x * this.min.x;
			max = plane.normal.x * this.max.x;

		} else {

			min = plane.normal.x * this.max.x;
			max = plane.normal.x * this.min.x;


		if ( plane.normal.y > 0 ) {

			min += plane.normal.y * this.min.y;
			max += plane.normal.y * this.max.y;

		} else {

			min += plane.normal.y * this.max.y;
			max += plane.normal.y * this.min.y;


		if ( plane.normal.z > 0 ) {

			min += plane.normal.z * this.min.z;
			max += plane.normal.z * this.max.z;

		} else {

			min += plane.normal.z * this.max.z;
			max += plane.normal.z * this.min.z;


		return ( min <= plane.constant && max >= plane.constant );


	intersectsTriangle: ( function () {

		// triangle centered vertices
		var v0 = new Vector3();
		var v1 = new Vector3();
		var v2 = new Vector3();

		// triangle edge vectors
		var f0 = new Vector3();
		var f1 = new Vector3();
		var f2 = new Vector3();

		var testAxis = new Vector3();

		var center = new Vector3();
		var extents = new Vector3();

		var triangleNormal = new Vector3();

		function satForAxes( axes ) {

			var i, j;

			for ( i = 0, j = axes.length - 3; i <= j; i += 3 ) {

				testAxis.fromArray( axes, i );
				// project the aabb onto the seperating axis
				var r = extents.x * Math.abs( testAxis.x ) + extents.y * Math.abs( testAxis.y ) + extents.z * Math.abs( testAxis.z );
				// project all 3 vertices of the triangle onto the seperating axis
				var p0 = v0.dot( testAxis );
				var p1 = v1.dot( testAxis );
				var p2 = v2.dot( testAxis );
				// actual test, basically see if either of the most extreme of the triangle points intersects r
				if ( Math.max( - Math.max( p0, p1, p2 ), Math.min( p0, p1, p2 ) ) > r ) {

					// points of the projected triangle are outside the projected half-length of the aabb
					// the axis is seperating and we can exit
					return false;



			return true;


		return function intersectsTriangle( triangle ) {

			if ( this.isEmpty() ) {

				return false;


			// compute box center and extents
			this.getCenter( center );
			extents.subVectors( this.max, center );

			// translate triangle to aabb origin
			v0.subVectors( triangle.a, center );
			v1.subVectors( triangle.b, center );
			v2.subVectors( triangle.c, center );

			// compute edge vectors for triangle
			f0.subVectors( v1, v0 );
			f1.subVectors( v2, v1 );
			f2.subVectors( v0, v2 );

			// test against axes that are given by cross product combinations of the edges of the triangle and the edges of the aabb
			// make an axis testing of each of the 3 sides of the aabb against each of the 3 sides of the triangle = 9 axis of separation
			// axis_ij = u_i x f_j (u0, u1, u2 = face normals of aabb = x,y,z axes vectors since aabb is axis aligned)
			var axes = [
				0, - f0.z, f0.y, 0, - f1.z, f1.y, 0, - f2.z, f2.y,
				f0.z, 0, - f0.x, f1.z, 0, - f1.x, f2.z, 0, - f2.x,
				- f0.y, f0.x, 0, - f1.y, f1.x, 0, - f2.y, f2.x, 0
			if ( ! satForAxes( axes ) ) {

				return false;


			// test 3 face normals from the aabb
			axes = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ];
			if ( ! satForAxes( axes ) ) {

				return false;


			// finally testing the face normal of the triangle
			// use already existing triangle edge vectors here
			triangleNormal.crossVectors( f0, f1 );
			axes = [ triangleNormal.x, triangleNormal.y, triangleNormal.z ];
			return satForAxes( axes );


	} )(),

	clampPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();
		return result.copy( point ).clamp( this.min, this.max );


	distanceToPoint: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function distanceToPoint( point ) {

			var clampedPoint = v1.copy( point ).clamp( this.min, this.max );
			return clampedPoint.sub( point ).length();



	getBoundingSphere: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function getBoundingSphere( optionalTarget ) {

			var result = optionalTarget || new Sphere();

			this.getCenter( result.center );

			result.radius = this.getSize( v1 ).length() * 0.5;

			return result;



	intersect: function ( box ) {

		this.min.max( box.min );
		this.max.min( box.max );

		// ensure that if there is no overlap, the result is fully empty, not slightly empty with non-inf/+inf values that will cause subsequence intersects to erroneously return valid values.
		if ( this.isEmpty() ) this.makeEmpty();

		return this;


	union: function ( box ) {

		this.min.min( box.min );
		this.max.max( box.max );

		return this;


	applyMatrix4: function () {

		var points = [
			new Vector3(),
			new Vector3(),
			new Vector3(),
			new Vector3(),
			new Vector3(),
			new Vector3(),
			new Vector3(),
			new Vector3()

		return function applyMatrix4( matrix ) {

			// transform of empty box is an empty box.
			if ( this.isEmpty() ) return this;

			// NOTE: I am using a binary pattern to specify all 2^3 combinations below
			points[ 0 ].set( this.min.x, this.min.y, this.min.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 000
			points[ 1 ].set( this.min.x, this.min.y, this.max.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 001
			points[ 2 ].set( this.min.x, this.max.y, this.min.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 010
			points[ 3 ].set( this.min.x, this.max.y, this.max.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 011
			points[ 4 ].set( this.max.x, this.min.y, this.min.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 100
			points[ 5 ].set( this.max.x, this.min.y, this.max.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 101
			points[ 6 ].set( this.max.x, this.max.y, this.min.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix ); // 110
			points[ 7 ].set( this.max.x, this.max.y, this.max.z ).applyMatrix4( matrix );	// 111

			this.setFromPoints( points );

			return this;



	translate: function ( offset ) {

		this.min.add( offset );
		this.max.add( offset );

		return this;


	equals: function ( box ) {

		return box.min.equals( this.min ) && box.max.equals( this.max );


} );

 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function Sphere( center, radius ) {

	this.center = ( center !== undefined ) ? center : new Vector3();
	this.radius = ( radius !== undefined ) ? radius : 0;


Object.assign( Sphere.prototype, {

	set: function ( center, radius ) {

		this.center.copy( center );
		this.radius = radius;

		return this;


	setFromPoints: function () {

		var box = new Box3();

		return function setFromPoints( points, optionalCenter ) {

			var center = this.center;

			if ( optionalCenter !== undefined ) {

				center.copy( optionalCenter );

			} else {

				box.setFromPoints( points ).getCenter( center );


			var maxRadiusSq = 0;

			for ( var i = 0, il = points.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				maxRadiusSq = Math.max( maxRadiusSq, center.distanceToSquared( points[ i ] ) );


			this.radius = Math.sqrt( maxRadiusSq );

			return this;



	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( sphere ) {

		this.center.copy( sphere.center );
		this.radius = sphere.radius;

		return this;


	empty: function () {

		return ( this.radius <= 0 );


	containsPoint: function ( point ) {

		return ( point.distanceToSquared( this.center ) <= ( this.radius * this.radius ) );


	distanceToPoint: function ( point ) {

		return ( point.distanceTo( this.center ) - this.radius );


	intersectsSphere: function ( sphere ) {

		var radiusSum = this.radius + sphere.radius;

		return sphere.center.distanceToSquared( this.center ) <= ( radiusSum * radiusSum );


	intersectsBox: function ( box ) {

		return box.intersectsSphere( this );


	intersectsPlane: function ( plane ) {

		return Math.abs( plane.distanceToPoint( this.center ) ) <= this.radius;


	clampPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {

		var deltaLengthSq = this.center.distanceToSquared( point );

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

		result.copy( point );

		if ( deltaLengthSq > ( this.radius * this.radius ) ) {

			result.sub( this.center ).normalize();
			result.multiplyScalar( this.radius ).add( this.center );


		return result;


	getBoundingBox: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		var box = optionalTarget || new Box3();

		box.set( this.center, this.center );
		box.expandByScalar( this.radius );

		return box;


	applyMatrix4: function ( matrix ) {

		this.center.applyMatrix4( matrix );
		this.radius = this.radius * matrix.getMaxScaleOnAxis();

		return this;


	translate: function ( offset ) {

		this.center.add( offset );

		return this;


	equals: function ( sphere ) {

		return sphere.center.equals( this.center ) && ( sphere.radius === this.radius );


} );

 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io

function Plane( normal, constant ) {

	// normal is assumed to be normalized

	this.normal = ( normal !== undefined ) ? normal : new Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
	this.constant = ( constant !== undefined ) ? constant : 0;


Object.assign( Plane.prototype, {

	set: function ( normal, constant ) {

		this.normal.copy( normal );
		this.constant = constant;

		return this;


	setComponents: function ( x, y, z, w ) {

		this.normal.set( x, y, z );
		this.constant = w;

		return this;


	setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint: function ( normal, point ) {

		this.normal.copy( normal );
		this.constant = - point.dot( this.normal );

		return this;


	setFromCoplanarPoints: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();
		var v2 = new Vector3();

		return function setFromCoplanarPoints( a, b, c ) {

			var normal = v1.subVectors( c, b ).cross( v2.subVectors( a, b ) ).normalize();

			// Q: should an error be thrown if normal is zero (e.g. degenerate plane)?

			this.setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint( normal, a );

			return this;



	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( plane ) {

		this.normal.copy( plane.normal );
		this.constant = plane.constant;

		return this;


	normalize: function () {

		// Note: will lead to a divide by zero if the plane is invalid.

		var inverseNormalLength = 1.0 / this.normal.length();
		this.normal.multiplyScalar( inverseNormalLength );
		this.constant *= inverseNormalLength;

		return this;


	negate: function () {

		this.constant *= - 1;

		return this;


	distanceToPoint: function ( point ) {

		return this.normal.dot( point ) + this.constant;


	distanceToSphere: function ( sphere ) {

		return this.distanceToPoint( sphere.center ) - sphere.radius;


	projectPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

		return result.copy( this.normal ).multiplyScalar( - this.distanceToPoint( point ) ).add( point );


	intersectLine: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function intersectLine( line, optionalTarget ) {

			var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

			var direction = line.delta( v1 );

			var denominator = this.normal.dot( direction );

			if ( denominator === 0 ) {

				// line is coplanar, return origin
				if ( this.distanceToPoint( line.start ) === 0 ) {

					return result.copy( line.start );


				// Unsure if this is the correct method to handle this case.
				return undefined;


			var t = - ( line.start.dot( this.normal ) + this.constant ) / denominator;

			if ( t < 0 || t > 1 ) {

				return undefined;


			return result.copy( direction ).multiplyScalar( t ).add( line.start );



	intersectsLine: function ( line ) {

		// Note: this tests if a line intersects the plane, not whether it (or its end-points) are coplanar with it.

		var startSign = this.distanceToPoint( line.start );
		var endSign = this.distanceToPoint( line.end );

		return ( startSign < 0 && endSign > 0 ) || ( endSign < 0 && startSign > 0 );


	intersectsBox: function ( box ) {

		return box.intersectsPlane( this );


	intersectsSphere: function ( sphere ) {

		return sphere.intersectsPlane( this );


	coplanarPoint: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

		return result.copy( this.normal ).multiplyScalar( - this.constant );


	applyMatrix4: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();
		var m1 = new Matrix3();

		return function applyMatrix4( matrix, optionalNormalMatrix ) {

			var normalMatrix = optionalNormalMatrix || m1.getNormalMatrix( matrix );

			var referencePoint = this.coplanarPoint( v1 ).applyMatrix4( matrix );

			var normal = this.normal.applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();

			this.constant = - referencePoint.dot( normal );

			return this;



	translate: function ( offset ) {

		this.constant -= offset.dot( this.normal );

		return this;


	equals: function ( plane ) {

		return plane.normal.equals( this.normal ) && ( plane.constant === this.constant );


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io

function Frustum( p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 ) {

	this.planes = [

		( p0 !== undefined ) ? p0 : new Plane(),
		( p1 !== undefined ) ? p1 : new Plane(),
		( p2 !== undefined ) ? p2 : new Plane(),
		( p3 !== undefined ) ? p3 : new Plane(),
		( p4 !== undefined ) ? p4 : new Plane(),
		( p5 !== undefined ) ? p5 : new Plane()



Object.assign( Frustum.prototype, {

	set: function ( p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 ) {

		var planes = this.planes;

		planes[ 0 ].copy( p0 );
		planes[ 1 ].copy( p1 );
		planes[ 2 ].copy( p2 );
		planes[ 3 ].copy( p3 );
		planes[ 4 ].copy( p4 );
		planes[ 5 ].copy( p5 );

		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( frustum ) {

		var planes = this.planes;

		for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {

			planes[ i ].copy( frustum.planes[ i ] );


		return this;


	setFromMatrix: function ( m ) {

		var planes = this.planes;
		var me = m.elements;
		var me0 = me[ 0 ], me1 = me[ 1 ], me2 = me[ 2 ], me3 = me[ 3 ];
		var me4 = me[ 4 ], me5 = me[ 5 ], me6 = me[ 6 ], me7 = me[ 7 ];
		var me8 = me[ 8 ], me9 = me[ 9 ], me10 = me[ 10 ], me11 = me[ 11 ];
		var me12 = me[ 12 ], me13 = me[ 13 ], me14 = me[ 14 ], me15 = me[ 15 ];

		planes[ 0 ].setComponents( me3 - me0, me7 - me4, me11 - me8, me15 - me12 ).normalize();
		planes[ 1 ].setComponents( me3 + me0, me7 + me4, me11 + me8, me15 + me12 ).normalize();
		planes[ 2 ].setComponents( me3 + me1, me7 + me5, me11 + me9, me15 + me13 ).normalize();
		planes[ 3 ].setComponents( me3 - me1, me7 - me5, me11 - me9, me15 - me13 ).normalize();
		planes[ 4 ].setComponents( me3 - me2, me7 - me6, me11 - me10, me15 - me14 ).normalize();
		planes[ 5 ].setComponents( me3 + me2, me7 + me6, me11 + me10, me15 + me14 ).normalize();

		return this;


	intersectsObject: function () {

		var sphere = new Sphere();

		return function intersectsObject( object ) {

			var geometry = object.geometry;

			if ( geometry.boundingSphere === null )

			sphere.copy( geometry.boundingSphere )
				.applyMatrix4( object.matrixWorld );

			return this.intersectsSphere( sphere );



	intersectsSprite: function () {

		var sphere = new Sphere();

		return function intersectsSprite( sprite ) {

			sphere.center.set( 0, 0, 0 );
			sphere.radius = 0.7071067811865476;
			sphere.applyMatrix4( sprite.matrixWorld );

			return this.intersectsSphere( sphere );



	intersectsSphere: function ( sphere ) {

		var planes = this.planes;
		var center = sphere.center;
		var negRadius = - sphere.radius;

		for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {

			var distance = planes[ i ].distanceToPoint( center );

			if ( distance < negRadius ) {

				return false;



		return true;


	intersectsBox: function () {

		var p1 = new Vector3(),
			p2 = new Vector3();

		return function intersectsBox( box ) {

			var planes = this.planes;

			for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {

				var plane = planes[ i ];

				p1.x = plane.normal.x > 0 ? box.min.x : box.max.x;
				p2.x = plane.normal.x > 0 ? box.max.x : box.min.x;
				p1.y = plane.normal.y > 0 ? box.min.y : box.max.y;
				p2.y = plane.normal.y > 0 ? box.max.y : box.min.y;
				p1.z = plane.normal.z > 0 ? box.min.z : box.max.z;
				p2.z = plane.normal.z > 0 ? box.max.z : box.min.z;

				var d1 = plane.distanceToPoint( p1 );
				var d2 = plane.distanceToPoint( p2 );

				// if both outside plane, no intersection

				if ( d1 < 0 && d2 < 0 ) {

					return false;



			return true;



	containsPoint: function ( point ) {

		var planes = this.planes;

		for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {

			if ( planes[ i ].distanceToPoint( point ) < 0 ) {

				return false;



		return true;


} );

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebGLShadowMap( _renderer, _objects, maxTextureSize ) {

	var _frustum = new Frustum(),
		_projScreenMatrix = new Matrix4(),

		_shadowMapSize = new Vector2(),
		_maxShadowMapSize = new Vector2( maxTextureSize, maxTextureSize ),

		_lookTarget = new Vector3(),
		_lightPositionWorld = new Vector3(),

		_MorphingFlag = 1,
		_SkinningFlag = 2,

		_NumberOfMaterialVariants = ( _MorphingFlag | _SkinningFlag ) + 1,

		_depthMaterials = new Array( _NumberOfMaterialVariants ),
		_distanceMaterials = new Array( _NumberOfMaterialVariants ),

		_materialCache = {};

	var shadowSide = { 0: BackSide, 1: FrontSide, 2: DoubleSide };

	var cubeDirections = [
		new Vector3( 1, 0, 0 ), new Vector3( - 1, 0, 0 ), new Vector3( 0, 0, 1 ),
		new Vector3( 0, 0, - 1 ), new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), new Vector3( 0, - 1, 0 )

	var cubeUps = [
		new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ),
		new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), new Vector3( 0, 0, 1 ),	new Vector3( 0, 0, - 1 )

	var cube2DViewPorts = [
		new Vector4(), new Vector4(), new Vector4(),
		new Vector4(), new Vector4(), new Vector4()

	// init

	for ( var i = 0; i !== _NumberOfMaterialVariants; ++ i ) {

		var useMorphing = ( i & _MorphingFlag ) !== 0;
		var useSkinning = ( i & _SkinningFlag ) !== 0;

		var depthMaterial = new MeshDepthMaterial( {

			depthPacking: RGBADepthPacking,

			morphTargets: useMorphing,
			skinning: useSkinning

		} );

		_depthMaterials[ i ] = depthMaterial;


		var distanceMaterial = new MeshDistanceMaterial( {

			morphTargets: useMorphing,
			skinning: useSkinning

		} );

		_distanceMaterials[ i ] = distanceMaterial;



	var scope = this;

	this.enabled = false;

	this.autoUpdate = true;
	this.needsUpdate = false;

	this.type = PCFShadowMap;

	this.render = function ( lights, scene, camera ) {

		if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
		if ( scope.autoUpdate === false && scope.needsUpdate === false ) return;

		if ( lights.length === 0 ) return;

		// TODO Clean up (needed in case of contextlost)
		var _gl = _renderer.context;
		var _state = _renderer.state;

		// Set GL state for depth map.
		_state.disable( _gl.BLEND );
		_state.buffers.color.setClear( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
		_state.buffers.depth.setTest( true );
		_state.setScissorTest( false );

		// render depth map

		var faceCount;

		for ( var i = 0, il = lights.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var light = lights[ i ];
			var shadow = light.shadow;
			var isPointLight = light && light.isPointLight;

			if ( shadow === undefined ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLShadowMap:', light, 'has no shadow.' );


			var shadowCamera = shadow.camera;

			_shadowMapSize.copy( shadow.mapSize );
			_shadowMapSize.min( _maxShadowMapSize );

			if ( isPointLight ) {

				var vpWidth = _shadowMapSize.x;
				var vpHeight = _shadowMapSize.y;

				// These viewports map a cube-map onto a 2D texture with the
				// following orientation:
				//  xzXZ
				//   y Y
				// X - Positive x direction
				// x - Negative x direction
				// Y - Positive y direction
				// y - Negative y direction
				// Z - Positive z direction
				// z - Negative z direction

				// positive X
				cube2DViewPorts[ 0 ].set( vpWidth * 2, vpHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight );
				// negative X
				cube2DViewPorts[ 1 ].set( 0, vpHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight );
				// positive Z
				cube2DViewPorts[ 2 ].set( vpWidth * 3, vpHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight );
				// negative Z
				cube2DViewPorts[ 3 ].set( vpWidth, vpHeight, vpWidth, vpHeight );
				// positive Y
				cube2DViewPorts[ 4 ].set( vpWidth * 3, 0, vpWidth, vpHeight );
				// negative Y
				cube2DViewPorts[ 5 ].set( vpWidth, 0, vpWidth, vpHeight );

				_shadowMapSize.x *= 4.0;
				_shadowMapSize.y *= 2.0;


			if ( shadow.map === null ) {

				var pars = { minFilter: NearestFilter, magFilter: NearestFilter, format: RGBAFormat };

				shadow.map = new WebGLRenderTarget( _shadowMapSize.x, _shadowMapSize.y, pars );
				shadow.map.texture.name = light.name + ".shadowMap";



			if ( shadow.isSpotLightShadow ) {

				shadow.update( light );


			var shadowMap = shadow.map;
			var shadowMatrix = shadow.matrix;

			_lightPositionWorld.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
			shadowCamera.position.copy( _lightPositionWorld );

			if ( isPointLight ) {

				faceCount = 6;

				// for point lights we set the shadow matrix to be a translation-only matrix
				// equal to inverse of the light's position

				shadowMatrix.makeTranslation( - _lightPositionWorld.x, - _lightPositionWorld.y, - _lightPositionWorld.z );

			} else {

				faceCount = 1;

				_lookTarget.setFromMatrixPosition( light.target.matrixWorld );
				shadowCamera.lookAt( _lookTarget );

				// compute shadow matrix

					0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5,
					0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5,
					0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5,
					0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0

				shadowMatrix.multiply( shadowCamera.projectionMatrix );
				shadowMatrix.multiply( shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse );


			_renderer.setRenderTarget( shadowMap );

			// render shadow map for each cube face (if omni-directional) or
			// run a single pass if not

			for ( var face = 0; face < faceCount; face ++ ) {

				if ( isPointLight ) {

					_lookTarget.copy( shadowCamera.position );
					_lookTarget.add( cubeDirections[ face ] );
					shadowCamera.up.copy( cubeUps[ face ] );
					shadowCamera.lookAt( _lookTarget );

					var vpDimensions = cube2DViewPorts[ face ];
					_state.viewport( vpDimensions );


				// update camera matrices and frustum

				_projScreenMatrix.multiplyMatrices( shadowCamera.projectionMatrix, shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse );
				_frustum.setFromMatrix( _projScreenMatrix );

				// set object matrices & frustum culling

				renderObject( scene, camera, shadowCamera, isPointLight );



		scope.needsUpdate = false;


	function getDepthMaterial( object, material, isPointLight, lightPositionWorld, shadowCameraNear, shadowCameraFar ) {

		var geometry = object.geometry;

		var result = null;

		var materialVariants = _depthMaterials;
		var customMaterial = object.customDepthMaterial;

		if ( isPointLight ) {

			materialVariants = _distanceMaterials;
			customMaterial = object.customDistanceMaterial;


		if ( ! customMaterial ) {

			var useMorphing = false;

			if ( material.morphTargets ) {

				if ( geometry && geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

					useMorphing = geometry.morphAttributes && geometry.morphAttributes.position && geometry.morphAttributes.position.length > 0;

				} else if ( geometry && geometry.isGeometry ) {

					useMorphing = geometry.morphTargets && geometry.morphTargets.length > 0;



			if ( object.isSkinnedMesh && material.skinning === false ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLShadowMap: THREE.SkinnedMesh with material.skinning set to false:', object );


			var useSkinning = object.isSkinnedMesh && material.skinning;

			var variantIndex = 0;

			if ( useMorphing ) variantIndex |= _MorphingFlag;
			if ( useSkinning ) variantIndex |= _SkinningFlag;

			result = materialVariants[ variantIndex ];

		} else {

			result = customMaterial;


		if ( _renderer.localClippingEnabled &&
				material.clipShadows === true &&
				material.clippingPlanes.length !== 0 ) {

			// in this case we need a unique material instance reflecting the
			// appropriate state

			var keyA = result.uuid, keyB = material.uuid;

			var materialsForVariant = _materialCache[ keyA ];

			if ( materialsForVariant === undefined ) {

				materialsForVariant = {};
				_materialCache[ keyA ] = materialsForVariant;


			var cachedMaterial = materialsForVariant[ keyB ];

			if ( cachedMaterial === undefined ) {

				cachedMaterial = result.clone();
				materialsForVariant[ keyB ] = cachedMaterial;


			result = cachedMaterial;


		result.visible = material.visible;
		result.wireframe = material.wireframe;

		result.side = ( material.shadowSide != null ) ? material.shadowSide : shadowSide[ material.side ];

		result.clipShadows = material.clipShadows;
		result.clippingPlanes = material.clippingPlanes;
		result.clipIntersection = material.clipIntersection;

		result.wireframeLinewidth = material.wireframeLinewidth;
		result.linewidth = material.linewidth;

		if ( isPointLight && result.isMeshDistanceMaterial ) {

			result.referencePosition.copy( lightPositionWorld );
			result.nearDistance = shadowCameraNear;
			result.farDistance = shadowCameraFar;


		return result;


	function renderObject( object, camera, shadowCamera, isPointLight ) {

		if ( object.visible === false ) return;

		var visible = object.layers.test( camera.layers );

		if ( visible && ( object.isMesh || object.isLine || object.isPoints ) ) {

			if ( object.castShadow && ( ! object.frustumCulled || _frustum.intersectsObject( object ) ) ) {

				object.modelViewMatrix.multiplyMatrices( shadowCamera.matrixWorldInverse, object.matrixWorld );

				var geometry = _objects.update( object );
				var material = object.material;

				if ( Array.isArray( material ) ) {

					var groups = geometry.groups;

					for ( var k = 0, kl = groups.length; k < kl; k ++ ) {

						var group = groups[ k ];
						var groupMaterial = material[ group.materialIndex ];

						if ( groupMaterial && groupMaterial.visible ) {

							var depthMaterial = getDepthMaterial( object, groupMaterial, isPointLight, _lightPositionWorld, shadowCamera.near, shadowCamera.far );
							_renderer.renderBufferDirect( shadowCamera, null, geometry, depthMaterial, object, group );



				} else if ( material.visible ) {

					var depthMaterial = getDepthMaterial( object, material, isPointLight, _lightPositionWorld, shadowCamera.near, shadowCamera.far );
					_renderer.renderBufferDirect( shadowCamera, null, geometry, depthMaterial, object, null );




		var children = object.children;

		for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			renderObject( children[ i ], camera, shadowCamera, isPointLight );




 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebGLAttributes( gl ) {

	var buffers = {};

	function createBuffer( attribute, bufferType ) {

		var array = attribute.array;
		var usage = attribute.dynamic ? gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW : gl.STATIC_DRAW;

		var buffer = gl.createBuffer();

		gl.bindBuffer( bufferType, buffer );
		gl.bufferData( bufferType, array, usage );


		var type = gl.FLOAT;

		if ( array instanceof Float32Array ) {

			type = gl.FLOAT;

		} else if ( array instanceof Float64Array ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLAttributes: Unsupported data buffer format: Float64Array.' );

		} else if ( array instanceof Uint16Array ) {

			type = gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT;

		} else if ( array instanceof Int16Array ) {

			type = gl.SHORT;

		} else if ( array instanceof Uint32Array ) {

			type = gl.UNSIGNED_INT;

		} else if ( array instanceof Int32Array ) {

			type = gl.INT;

		} else if ( array instanceof Int8Array ) {

			type = gl.BYTE;

		} else if ( array instanceof Uint8Array ) {

			type = gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE;


		return {
			buffer: buffer,
			type: type,
			bytesPerElement: array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
			version: attribute.version


	function updateBuffer( buffer, attribute, bufferType ) {

		var array = attribute.array;
		var updateRange = attribute.updateRange;

		gl.bindBuffer( bufferType, buffer );

		if ( attribute.dynamic === false ) {

			gl.bufferData( bufferType, array, gl.STATIC_DRAW );

		} else if ( updateRange.count === - 1 ) {

			// Not using update ranges

			gl.bufferSubData( bufferType, 0, array );

		} else if ( updateRange.count === 0 ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.WebGLObjects.updateBuffer: dynamic THREE.BufferAttribute marked as needsUpdate but updateRange.count is 0, ensure you are using set methods or updating manually.' );

		} else {

			gl.bufferSubData( bufferType, updateRange.offset * array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
				array.subarray( updateRange.offset, updateRange.offset + updateRange.count ) );

			updateRange.count = - 1; // reset range




	function get( attribute ) {

		if ( attribute.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ) attribute = attribute.data;

		return buffers[ attribute.uuid ];


	function remove( attribute ) {

		if ( attribute.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ) attribute = attribute.data;

		var data = buffers[ attribute.uuid ];

		if ( data ) {

			gl.deleteBuffer( data.buffer );

			delete buffers[ attribute.uuid ];



	function update( attribute, bufferType ) {

		if ( attribute.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ) attribute = attribute.data;

		var data = buffers[ attribute.uuid ];

		if ( data === undefined ) {

			buffers[ attribute.uuid ] = createBuffer( attribute, bufferType );

		} else if ( data.version < attribute.version ) {

			updateBuffer( data.buffer, attribute, bufferType );

			data.version = attribute.version;



	return {

		get: get,
		remove: remove,
		update: update



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io

function Euler( x, y, z, order ) {

	this._x = x || 0;
	this._y = y || 0;
	this._z = z || 0;
	this._order = order || Euler.DefaultOrder;


Euler.RotationOrders = [ 'XYZ', 'YZX', 'ZXY', 'XZY', 'YXZ', 'ZYX' ];

Euler.DefaultOrder = 'XYZ';

Object.defineProperties( Euler.prototype, {

	x: {

		get: function () {

			return this._x;


		set: function ( value ) {

			this._x = value;



	y: {

		get: function () {

			return this._y;


		set: function ( value ) {

			this._y = value;



	z: {

		get: function () {

			return this._z;


		set: function ( value ) {

			this._z = value;



	order: {

		get: function () {

			return this._order;


		set: function ( value ) {

			this._order = value;



} );

Object.assign( Euler.prototype, {

	isEuler: true,

	set: function ( x, y, z, order ) {

		this._x = x;
		this._y = y;
		this._z = z;
		this._order = order || this._order;


		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor( this._x, this._y, this._z, this._order );


	copy: function ( euler ) {

		this._x = euler._x;
		this._y = euler._y;
		this._z = euler._z;
		this._order = euler._order;


		return this;


	setFromRotationMatrix: function ( m, order, update ) {

		var clamp = _Math.clamp;

		// assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)

		var te = m.elements;
		var m11 = te[ 0 ], m12 = te[ 4 ], m13 = te[ 8 ];
		var m21 = te[ 1 ], m22 = te[ 5 ], m23 = te[ 9 ];
		var m31 = te[ 2 ], m32 = te[ 6 ], m33 = te[ 10 ];

		order = order || this._order;

		if ( order === 'XYZ' ) {

			this._y = Math.asin( clamp( m13, - 1, 1 ) );

			if ( Math.abs( m13 ) < 0.99999 ) {

				this._x = Math.atan2( - m23, m33 );
				this._z = Math.atan2( - m12, m11 );

			} else {

				this._x = Math.atan2( m32, m22 );
				this._z = 0;


		} else if ( order === 'YXZ' ) {

			this._x = Math.asin( - clamp( m23, - 1, 1 ) );

			if ( Math.abs( m23 ) < 0.99999 ) {

				this._y = Math.atan2( m13, m33 );
				this._z = Math.atan2( m21, m22 );

			} else {

				this._y = Math.atan2( - m31, m11 );
				this._z = 0;


		} else if ( order === 'ZXY' ) {

			this._x = Math.asin( clamp( m32, - 1, 1 ) );

			if ( Math.abs( m32 ) < 0.99999 ) {

				this._y = Math.atan2( - m31, m33 );
				this._z = Math.atan2( - m12, m22 );

			} else {

				this._y = 0;
				this._z = Math.atan2( m21, m11 );


		} else if ( order === 'ZYX' ) {

			this._y = Math.asin( - clamp( m31, - 1, 1 ) );

			if ( Math.abs( m31 ) < 0.99999 ) {

				this._x = Math.atan2( m32, m33 );
				this._z = Math.atan2( m21, m11 );

			} else {

				this._x = 0;
				this._z = Math.atan2( - m12, m22 );


		} else if ( order === 'YZX' ) {

			this._z = Math.asin( clamp( m21, - 1, 1 ) );

			if ( Math.abs( m21 ) < 0.99999 ) {

				this._x = Math.atan2( - m23, m22 );
				this._y = Math.atan2( - m31, m11 );

			} else {

				this._x = 0;
				this._y = Math.atan2( m13, m33 );


		} else if ( order === 'XZY' ) {

			this._z = Math.asin( - clamp( m12, - 1, 1 ) );

			if ( Math.abs( m12 ) < 0.99999 ) {

				this._x = Math.atan2( m32, m22 );
				this._y = Math.atan2( m13, m11 );

			} else {

				this._x = Math.atan2( - m23, m33 );
				this._y = 0;


		} else {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Euler: .setFromRotationMatrix() given unsupported order: ' + order );


		this._order = order;

		if ( update !== false ) this.onChangeCallback();

		return this;


	setFromQuaternion: function () {

		var matrix = new Matrix4();

		return function setFromQuaternion( q, order, update ) {

			matrix.makeRotationFromQuaternion( q );

			return this.setFromRotationMatrix( matrix, order, update );



	setFromVector3: function ( v, order ) {

		return this.set( v.x, v.y, v.z, order || this._order );


	reorder: function () {

		// WARNING: this discards revolution information -bhouston

		var q = new Quaternion();

		return function reorder( newOrder ) {

			q.setFromEuler( this );

			return this.setFromQuaternion( q, newOrder );



	equals: function ( euler ) {

		return ( euler._x === this._x ) && ( euler._y === this._y ) && ( euler._z === this._z ) && ( euler._order === this._order );


	fromArray: function ( array ) {

		this._x = array[ 0 ];
		this._y = array[ 1 ];
		this._z = array[ 2 ];
		if ( array[ 3 ] !== undefined ) this._order = array[ 3 ];


		return this;


	toArray: function ( array, offset ) {

		if ( array === undefined ) array = [];
		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		array[ offset ] = this._x;
		array[ offset + 1 ] = this._y;
		array[ offset + 2 ] = this._z;
		array[ offset + 3 ] = this._order;

		return array;


	toVector3: function ( optionalResult ) {

		if ( optionalResult ) {

			return optionalResult.set( this._x, this._y, this._z );

		} else {

			return new Vector3( this._x, this._y, this._z );



	onChange: function ( callback ) {

		this.onChangeCallback = callback;

		return this;


	onChangeCallback: function () {}

} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function Layers() {

	this.mask = 1 | 0;


Object.assign( Layers.prototype, {

	set: function ( channel ) {

		this.mask = 1 << channel | 0;


	enable: function ( channel ) {

		this.mask |= 1 << channel | 0;


	toggle: function ( channel ) {

		this.mask ^= 1 << channel | 0;


	disable: function ( channel ) {

		this.mask &= ~ ( 1 << channel | 0 );


	test: function ( layers ) {

		return ( this.mask & layers.mask ) !== 0;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * @author elephantatwork / www.elephantatwork.ch

var object3DId = 0;

function Object3D() {

	Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', { value: object3DId ++ } );

	this.uuid = _Math.generateUUID();

	this.name = '';
	this.type = 'Object3D';

	this.parent = null;
	this.children = [];

	this.up = Object3D.DefaultUp.clone();

	var position = new Vector3();
	var rotation = new Euler();
	var quaternion = new Quaternion();
	var scale = new Vector3( 1, 1, 1 );

	function onRotationChange() {

		quaternion.setFromEuler( rotation, false );


	function onQuaternionChange() {

		rotation.setFromQuaternion( quaternion, undefined, false );


	rotation.onChange( onRotationChange );
	quaternion.onChange( onQuaternionChange );

	Object.defineProperties( this, {
		position: {
			enumerable: true,
			value: position
		rotation: {
			enumerable: true,
			value: rotation
		quaternion: {
			enumerable: true,
			value: quaternion
		scale: {
			enumerable: true,
			value: scale
		modelViewMatrix: {
			value: new Matrix4()
		normalMatrix: {
			value: new Matrix3()
	} );

	this.matrix = new Matrix4();
	this.matrixWorld = new Matrix4();

	this.matrixAutoUpdate = Object3D.DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate;
	this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = false;

	this.layers = new Layers();
	this.visible = true;

	this.castShadow = false;
	this.receiveShadow = false;

	this.frustumCulled = true;
	this.renderOrder = 0;

	this.userData = {};


Object3D.DefaultUp = new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
Object3D.DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate = true;

Object3D.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( EventDispatcher.prototype ), {

	constructor: Object3D,

	isObject3D: true,

	onBeforeRender: function () {},
	onAfterRender: function () {},

	applyMatrix: function ( matrix ) {

		this.matrix.multiplyMatrices( matrix, this.matrix );

		this.matrix.decompose( this.position, this.quaternion, this.scale );


	applyQuaternion: function ( q ) {

		this.quaternion.premultiply( q );

		return this;


	setRotationFromAxisAngle: function ( axis, angle ) {

		// assumes axis is normalized

		this.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( axis, angle );


	setRotationFromEuler: function ( euler ) {

		this.quaternion.setFromEuler( euler, true );


	setRotationFromMatrix: function ( m ) {

		// assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)

		this.quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix( m );


	setRotationFromQuaternion: function ( q ) {

		// assumes q is normalized

		this.quaternion.copy( q );


	rotateOnAxis: function () {

		// rotate object on axis in object space
		// axis is assumed to be normalized

		var q1 = new Quaternion();

		return function rotateOnAxis( axis, angle ) {

			q1.setFromAxisAngle( axis, angle );

			this.quaternion.multiply( q1 );

			return this;



	rotateOnWorldAxis: function () {

		// rotate object on axis in world space
		// axis is assumed to be normalized
		// method assumes no rotated parent

		var q1 = new Quaternion();

		return function rotateOnWorldAxis( axis, angle ) {

			q1.setFromAxisAngle( axis, angle );

			this.quaternion.premultiply( q1 );

			return this;



	rotateX: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );

		return function rotateX( angle ) {

			return this.rotateOnAxis( v1, angle );



	rotateY: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );

		return function rotateY( angle ) {

			return this.rotateOnAxis( v1, angle );



	rotateZ: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3( 0, 0, 1 );

		return function rotateZ( angle ) {

			return this.rotateOnAxis( v1, angle );



	translateOnAxis: function () {

		// translate object by distance along axis in object space
		// axis is assumed to be normalized

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function translateOnAxis( axis, distance ) {

			v1.copy( axis ).applyQuaternion( this.quaternion );

			this.position.add( v1.multiplyScalar( distance ) );

			return this;



	translateX: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );

		return function translateX( distance ) {

			return this.translateOnAxis( v1, distance );



	translateY: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );

		return function translateY( distance ) {

			return this.translateOnAxis( v1, distance );



	translateZ: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3( 0, 0, 1 );

		return function translateZ( distance ) {

			return this.translateOnAxis( v1, distance );



	localToWorld: function ( vector ) {

		return vector.applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld );


	worldToLocal: function () {

		var m1 = new Matrix4();

		return function worldToLocal( vector ) {

			return vector.applyMatrix4( m1.getInverse( this.matrixWorld ) );



	lookAt: function () {

		// This method does not support objects with rotated and/or translated parent(s)

		var m1 = new Matrix4();
		var vector = new Vector3();

		return function lookAt( x, y, z ) {

			if ( x.isVector3 ) {

				vector.copy( x );

			} else {

				vector.set( x, y, z );


			if ( this.isCamera ) {

				m1.lookAt( this.position, vector, this.up );

			} else {

				m1.lookAt( vector, this.position, this.up );


			this.quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix( m1 );



	add: function ( object ) {

		if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {

			for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i ++ ) {

				this.add( arguments[ i ] );


			return this;


		if ( object === this ) {

			console.error( "THREE.Object3D.add: object can't be added as a child of itself.", object );
			return this;


		if ( ( object && object.isObject3D ) ) {

			if ( object.parent !== null ) {

				object.parent.remove( object );


			object.parent = this;
			object.dispatchEvent( { type: 'added' } );

			this.children.push( object );

		} else {

			console.error( "THREE.Object3D.add: object not an instance of THREE.Object3D.", object );


		return this;


	remove: function ( object ) {

		if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {

			for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i ++ ) {

				this.remove( arguments[ i ] );


			return this;


		var index = this.children.indexOf( object );

		if ( index !== - 1 ) {

			object.parent = null;

			object.dispatchEvent( { type: 'removed' } );

			this.children.splice( index, 1 );


		return this;


	getObjectById: function ( id ) {

		return this.getObjectByProperty( 'id', id );


	getObjectByName: function ( name ) {

		return this.getObjectByProperty( 'name', name );


	getObjectByProperty: function ( name, value ) {

		if ( this[ name ] === value ) return this;

		for ( var i = 0, l = this.children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var child = this.children[ i ];
			var object = child.getObjectByProperty( name, value );

			if ( object !== undefined ) {

				return object;



		return undefined;


	getWorldPosition: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

		this.updateMatrixWorld( true );

		return result.setFromMatrixPosition( this.matrixWorld );


	getWorldQuaternion: function () {

		var position = new Vector3();
		var scale = new Vector3();

		return function getWorldQuaternion( optionalTarget ) {

			var result = optionalTarget || new Quaternion();

			this.updateMatrixWorld( true );

			this.matrixWorld.decompose( position, result, scale );

			return result;



	getWorldRotation: function () {

		var quaternion = new Quaternion();

		return function getWorldRotation( optionalTarget ) {

			var result = optionalTarget || new Euler();

			this.getWorldQuaternion( quaternion );

			return result.setFromQuaternion( quaternion, this.rotation.order, false );



	getWorldScale: function () {

		var position = new Vector3();
		var quaternion = new Quaternion();

		return function getWorldScale( optionalTarget ) {

			var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

			this.updateMatrixWorld( true );

			this.matrixWorld.decompose( position, quaternion, result );

			return result;



	getWorldDirection: function () {

		var quaternion = new Quaternion();

		return function getWorldDirection( optionalTarget ) {

			var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

			this.getWorldQuaternion( quaternion );

			return result.set( 0, 0, 1 ).applyQuaternion( quaternion );



	raycast: function () {},

	traverse: function ( callback ) {

		callback( this );

		var children = this.children;

		for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			children[ i ].traverse( callback );



	traverseVisible: function ( callback ) {

		if ( this.visible === false ) return;

		callback( this );

		var children = this.children;

		for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			children[ i ].traverseVisible( callback );



	traverseAncestors: function ( callback ) {

		var parent = this.parent;

		if ( parent !== null ) {

			callback( parent );

			parent.traverseAncestors( callback );



	updateMatrix: function () {

		this.matrix.compose( this.position, this.quaternion, this.scale );

		this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;


	updateMatrixWorld: function ( force ) {

		if ( this.matrixAutoUpdate ) this.updateMatrix();

		if ( this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate || force ) {

			if ( this.parent === null ) {

				this.matrixWorld.copy( this.matrix );

			} else {

				this.matrixWorld.multiplyMatrices( this.parent.matrixWorld, this.matrix );


			this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = false;

			force = true;


		// update children

		var children = this.children;

		for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			children[ i ].updateMatrixWorld( force );



	toJSON: function ( meta ) {

		// meta is a string when called from JSON.stringify
		var isRootObject = ( meta === undefined || typeof meta === 'string' );

		var output = {};

		// meta is a hash used to collect geometries, materials.
		// not providing it implies that this is the root object
		// being serialized.
		if ( isRootObject ) {

			// initialize meta obj
			meta = {
				geometries: {},
				materials: {},
				textures: {},
				images: {},
				shapes: {}

			output.metadata = {
				version: 4.5,
				type: 'Object',
				generator: 'Object3D.toJSON'


		// standard Object3D serialization

		var object = {};

		object.uuid = this.uuid;
		object.type = this.type;

		if ( this.name !== '' ) object.name = this.name;
		if ( this.castShadow === true ) object.castShadow = true;
		if ( this.receiveShadow === true ) object.receiveShadow = true;
		if ( this.visible === false ) object.visible = false;
		if ( JSON.stringify( this.userData ) !== '{}' ) object.userData = this.userData;

		object.matrix = this.matrix.toArray();


		function serialize( library, element ) {

			if ( library[ element.uuid ] === undefined ) {

				library[ element.uuid ] = element.toJSON( meta );


			return element.uuid;


		if ( this.geometry !== undefined ) {

			object.geometry = serialize( meta.geometries, this.geometry );

			var parameters = this.geometry.parameters;

			if ( parameters !== undefined && parameters.shapes !== undefined ) {

				var shapes = parameters.shapes;

				if ( Array.isArray( shapes ) ) {

					for ( var i = 0, l = shapes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

						var shape = shapes[ i ];

						serialize( meta.shapes, shape );


				} else {

					serialize( meta.shapes, shapes );




		if ( this.material !== undefined ) {

			if ( Array.isArray( this.material ) ) {

				var uuids = [];

				for ( var i = 0, l = this.material.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					uuids.push( serialize( meta.materials, this.material[ i ] ) );


				object.material = uuids;

			} else {

				object.material = serialize( meta.materials, this.material );




		if ( this.children.length > 0 ) {

			object.children = [];

			for ( var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i ++ ) {

				object.children.push( this.children[ i ].toJSON( meta ).object );



		if ( isRootObject ) {

			var geometries = extractFromCache( meta.geometries );
			var materials = extractFromCache( meta.materials );
			var textures = extractFromCache( meta.textures );
			var images = extractFromCache( meta.images );
			var shapes = extractFromCache( meta.shapes );

			if ( geometries.length > 0 ) output.geometries = geometries;
			if ( materials.length > 0 ) output.materials = materials;
			if ( textures.length > 0 ) output.textures = textures;
			if ( images.length > 0 ) output.images = images;
			if ( shapes.length > 0 ) output.shapes = shapes;


		output.object = object;

		return output;

		// extract data from the cache hash
		// remove metadata on each item
		// and return as array
		function extractFromCache( cache ) {

			var values = [];
			for ( var key in cache ) {

				var data = cache[ key ];
				delete data.metadata;
				values.push( data );

			return values;



	clone: function ( recursive ) {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this, recursive );


	copy: function ( source, recursive ) {

		if ( recursive === undefined ) recursive = true;

		this.name = source.name;

		this.up.copy( source.up );

		this.position.copy( source.position );
		this.quaternion.copy( source.quaternion );
		this.scale.copy( source.scale );

		this.matrix.copy( source.matrix );
		this.matrixWorld.copy( source.matrixWorld );

		this.matrixAutoUpdate = source.matrixAutoUpdate;
		this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = source.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate;

		this.layers.mask = source.layers.mask;
		this.visible = source.visible;

		this.castShadow = source.castShadow;
		this.receiveShadow = source.receiveShadow;

		this.frustumCulled = source.frustumCulled;
		this.renderOrder = source.renderOrder;

		this.userData = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( source.userData ) );

		if ( recursive === true ) {

			for ( var i = 0; i < source.children.length; i ++ ) {

				var child = source.children[ i ];
				this.add( child.clone() );



		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley

function Camera() {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'Camera';

	this.matrixWorldInverse = new Matrix4();
	this.projectionMatrix = new Matrix4();


Camera.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: Camera,

	isCamera: true,

	copy: function ( source, recursive ) {

		Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source, recursive );

		this.matrixWorldInverse.copy( source.matrixWorldInverse );
		this.projectionMatrix.copy( source.projectionMatrix );

		return this;


	getWorldDirection: function () {

		var quaternion = new Quaternion();

		return function getWorldDirection( optionalTarget ) {

			var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

			this.getWorldQuaternion( quaternion );

			return result.set( 0, 0, - 1 ).applyQuaternion( quaternion );



	updateMatrixWorld: function ( force ) {

		Object3D.prototype.updateMatrixWorld.call( this, force );

		this.matrixWorldInverse.getInverse( this.matrixWorld );


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


} );

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author arose / http://github.com/arose

function OrthographicCamera( left, right, top, bottom, near, far ) {

	Camera.call( this );

	this.type = 'OrthographicCamera';

	this.zoom = 1;
	this.view = null;

	this.left = left;
	this.right = right;
	this.top = top;
	this.bottom = bottom;

	this.near = ( near !== undefined ) ? near : 0.1;
	this.far = ( far !== undefined ) ? far : 2000;



OrthographicCamera.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Camera.prototype ), {

	constructor: OrthographicCamera,

	isOrthographicCamera: true,

	copy: function ( source, recursive ) {

		Camera.prototype.copy.call( this, source, recursive );

		this.left = source.left;
		this.right = source.right;
		this.top = source.top;
		this.bottom = source.bottom;
		this.near = source.near;
		this.far = source.far;

		this.zoom = source.zoom;
		this.view = source.view === null ? null : Object.assign( {}, source.view );

		return this;


	setViewOffset: function ( fullWidth, fullHeight, x, y, width, height ) {

		if ( this.view === null ) {

			this.view = {
				enabled: true,
				fullWidth: 1,
				fullHeight: 1,
				offsetX: 0,
				offsetY: 0,
				width: 1,
				height: 1


		this.view.enabled = true;
		this.view.fullWidth = fullWidth;
		this.view.fullHeight = fullHeight;
		this.view.offsetX = x;
		this.view.offsetY = y;
		this.view.width = width;
		this.view.height = height;



	clearViewOffset: function () {

		if ( this.view !== null ) {

			this.view.enabled = false;




	updateProjectionMatrix: function () {

		var dx = ( this.right - this.left ) / ( 2 * this.zoom );
		var dy = ( this.top - this.bottom ) / ( 2 * this.zoom );
		var cx = ( this.right + this.left ) / 2;
		var cy = ( this.top + this.bottom ) / 2;

		var left = cx - dx;
		var right = cx + dx;
		var top = cy + dy;
		var bottom = cy - dy;

		if ( this.view !== null && this.view.enabled ) {

			var zoomW = this.zoom / ( this.view.width / this.view.fullWidth );
			var zoomH = this.zoom / ( this.view.height / this.view.fullHeight );
			var scaleW = ( this.right - this.left ) / this.view.width;
			var scaleH = ( this.top - this.bottom ) / this.view.height;

			left += scaleW * ( this.view.offsetX / zoomW );
			right = left + scaleW * ( this.view.width / zoomW );
			top -= scaleH * ( this.view.offsetY / zoomH );
			bottom = top - scaleH * ( this.view.height / zoomH );


		this.projectionMatrix.makeOrthographic( left, right, top, bottom, this.near, this.far );


	toJSON: function ( meta ) {

		var data = Object3D.prototype.toJSON.call( this, meta );

		data.object.zoom = this.zoom;
		data.object.left = this.left;
		data.object.right = this.right;
		data.object.top = this.top;
		data.object.bottom = this.bottom;
		data.object.near = this.near;
		data.object.far = this.far;

		if ( this.view !== null ) data.object.view = Object.assign( {}, this.view );

		return data;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function Face3( a, b, c, normal, color, materialIndex ) {

	this.a = a;
	this.b = b;
	this.c = c;

	this.normal = ( normal && normal.isVector3 ) ? normal : new Vector3();
	this.vertexNormals = Array.isArray( normal ) ? normal : [];

	this.color = ( color && color.isColor ) ? color : new Color();
	this.vertexColors = Array.isArray( color ) ? color : [];

	this.materialIndex = materialIndex !== undefined ? materialIndex : 0;


Object.assign( Face3.prototype, {

	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( source ) {

		this.a = source.a;
		this.b = source.b;
		this.c = source.c;

		this.normal.copy( source.normal );
		this.color.copy( source.color );

		this.materialIndex = source.materialIndex;

		for ( var i = 0, il = source.vertexNormals.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			this.vertexNormals[ i ] = source.vertexNormals[ i ].clone();


		for ( var i = 0, il = source.vertexColors.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			this.vertexColors[ i ] = source.vertexColors[ i ].clone();


		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author kile / http://kile.stravaganza.org/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io

var geometryId = 0; // Geometry uses even numbers as Id

function Geometry() {

	Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', { value: geometryId += 2 } );

	this.uuid = _Math.generateUUID();

	this.name = '';
	this.type = 'Geometry';

	this.vertices = [];
	this.colors = [];
	this.faces = [];
	this.faceVertexUvs = [[]];

	this.morphTargets = [];
	this.morphNormals = [];

	this.skinWeights = [];
	this.skinIndices = [];

	this.lineDistances = [];

	this.boundingBox = null;
	this.boundingSphere = null;

	// update flags

	this.elementsNeedUpdate = false;
	this.verticesNeedUpdate = false;
	this.uvsNeedUpdate = false;
	this.normalsNeedUpdate = false;
	this.colorsNeedUpdate = false;
	this.lineDistancesNeedUpdate = false;
	this.groupsNeedUpdate = false;


Geometry.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( EventDispatcher.prototype ), {

	constructor: Geometry,

	isGeometry: true,

	applyMatrix: function ( matrix ) {

		var normalMatrix = new Matrix3().getNormalMatrix( matrix );

		for ( var i = 0, il = this.vertices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var vertex = this.vertices[ i ];
			vertex.applyMatrix4( matrix );


		for ( var i = 0, il = this.faces.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var face = this.faces[ i ];
			face.normal.applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();

			for ( var j = 0, jl = face.vertexNormals.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

				face.vertexNormals[ j ].applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();



		if ( this.boundingBox !== null ) {



		if ( this.boundingSphere !== null ) {



		this.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
		this.normalsNeedUpdate = true;

		return this;


	rotateX: function () {

		// rotate geometry around world x-axis

		var m1 = new Matrix4();

		return function rotateX( angle ) {

			m1.makeRotationX( angle );

			this.applyMatrix( m1 );

			return this;



	rotateY: function () {

		// rotate geometry around world y-axis

		var m1 = new Matrix4();

		return function rotateY( angle ) {

			m1.makeRotationY( angle );

			this.applyMatrix( m1 );

			return this;



	rotateZ: function () {

		// rotate geometry around world z-axis

		var m1 = new Matrix4();

		return function rotateZ( angle ) {

			m1.makeRotationZ( angle );

			this.applyMatrix( m1 );

			return this;



	translate: function () {

		// translate geometry

		var m1 = new Matrix4();

		return function translate( x, y, z ) {

			m1.makeTranslation( x, y, z );

			this.applyMatrix( m1 );

			return this;



	scale: function () {

		// scale geometry

		var m1 = new Matrix4();

		return function scale( x, y, z ) {

			m1.makeScale( x, y, z );

			this.applyMatrix( m1 );

			return this;



	lookAt: function () {

		var obj = new Object3D();

		return function lookAt( vector ) {

			obj.lookAt( vector );


			this.applyMatrix( obj.matrix );



	fromBufferGeometry: function ( geometry ) {

		var scope = this;

		var indices = geometry.index !== null ? geometry.index.array : undefined;
		var attributes = geometry.attributes;

		var positions = attributes.position.array;
		var normals = attributes.normal !== undefined ? attributes.normal.array : undefined;
		var colors = attributes.color !== undefined ? attributes.color.array : undefined;
		var uvs = attributes.uv !== undefined ? attributes.uv.array : undefined;
		var uvs2 = attributes.uv2 !== undefined ? attributes.uv2.array : undefined;

		if ( uvs2 !== undefined ) this.faceVertexUvs[ 1 ] = [];

		var tempNormals = [];
		var tempUVs = [];
		var tempUVs2 = [];

		for ( var i = 0, j = 0; i < positions.length; i += 3, j += 2 ) {

			scope.vertices.push( new Vector3( positions[ i ], positions[ i + 1 ], positions[ i + 2 ] ) );

			if ( normals !== undefined ) {

				tempNormals.push( new Vector3( normals[ i ], normals[ i + 1 ], normals[ i + 2 ] ) );


			if ( colors !== undefined ) {

				scope.colors.push( new Color( colors[ i ], colors[ i + 1 ], colors[ i + 2 ] ) );


			if ( uvs !== undefined ) {

				tempUVs.push( new Vector2( uvs[ j ], uvs[ j + 1 ] ) );


			if ( uvs2 !== undefined ) {

				tempUVs2.push( new Vector2( uvs2[ j ], uvs2[ j + 1 ] ) );



		function addFace( a, b, c, materialIndex ) {

			var vertexNormals = normals !== undefined ? [ tempNormals[ a ].clone(), tempNormals[ b ].clone(), tempNormals[ c ].clone() ] : [];
			var vertexColors = colors !== undefined ? [ scope.colors[ a ].clone(), scope.colors[ b ].clone(), scope.colors[ c ].clone() ] : [];

			var face = new Face3( a, b, c, vertexNormals, vertexColors, materialIndex );

			scope.faces.push( face );

			if ( uvs !== undefined ) {

				scope.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [ tempUVs[ a ].clone(), tempUVs[ b ].clone(), tempUVs[ c ].clone() ] );


			if ( uvs2 !== undefined ) {

				scope.faceVertexUvs[ 1 ].push( [ tempUVs2[ a ].clone(), tempUVs2[ b ].clone(), tempUVs2[ c ].clone() ] );



		var groups = geometry.groups;

		if ( groups.length > 0 ) {

			for ( var i = 0; i < groups.length; i ++ ) {

				var group = groups[ i ];

				var start = group.start;
				var count = group.count;

				for ( var j = start, jl = start + count; j < jl; j += 3 ) {

					if ( indices !== undefined ) {

						addFace( indices[ j ], indices[ j + 1 ], indices[ j + 2 ], group.materialIndex );

					} else {

						addFace( j, j + 1, j + 2, group.materialIndex );




		} else {

			if ( indices !== undefined ) {

				for ( var i = 0; i < indices.length; i += 3 ) {

					addFace( indices[ i ], indices[ i + 1 ], indices[ i + 2 ] );


			} else {

				for ( var i = 0; i < positions.length / 3; i += 3 ) {

					addFace( i, i + 1, i + 2 );





		if ( geometry.boundingBox !== null ) {

			this.boundingBox = geometry.boundingBox.clone();


		if ( geometry.boundingSphere !== null ) {

			this.boundingSphere = geometry.boundingSphere.clone();


		return this;


	center: function () {


		var offset = this.boundingBox.getCenter().negate();

		this.translate( offset.x, offset.y, offset.z );

		return offset;


	normalize: function () {


		var center = this.boundingSphere.center;
		var radius = this.boundingSphere.radius;

		var s = radius === 0 ? 1 : 1.0 / radius;

		var matrix = new Matrix4();
			s, 0, 0, - s * center.x,
			0, s, 0, - s * center.y,
			0, 0, s, - s * center.z,
			0, 0, 0, 1

		this.applyMatrix( matrix );

		return this;


	computeFaceNormals: function () {

		var cb = new Vector3(), ab = new Vector3();

		for ( var f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {

			var face = this.faces[ f ];

			var vA = this.vertices[ face.a ];
			var vB = this.vertices[ face.b ];
			var vC = this.vertices[ face.c ];

			cb.subVectors( vC, vB );
			ab.subVectors( vA, vB );
			cb.cross( ab );


			face.normal.copy( cb );



	computeVertexNormals: function ( areaWeighted ) {

		if ( areaWeighted === undefined ) areaWeighted = true;

		var v, vl, f, fl, face, vertices;

		vertices = new Array( this.vertices.length );

		for ( v = 0, vl = this.vertices.length; v < vl; v ++ ) {

			vertices[ v ] = new Vector3();


		if ( areaWeighted ) {

			// vertex normals weighted by triangle areas
			// http://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/normals/normals.htm

			var vA, vB, vC;
			var cb = new Vector3(), ab = new Vector3();

			for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {

				face = this.faces[ f ];

				vA = this.vertices[ face.a ];
				vB = this.vertices[ face.b ];
				vC = this.vertices[ face.c ];

				cb.subVectors( vC, vB );
				ab.subVectors( vA, vB );
				cb.cross( ab );

				vertices[ face.a ].add( cb );
				vertices[ face.b ].add( cb );
				vertices[ face.c ].add( cb );


		} else {


			for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {

				face = this.faces[ f ];

				vertices[ face.a ].add( face.normal );
				vertices[ face.b ].add( face.normal );
				vertices[ face.c ].add( face.normal );



		for ( v = 0, vl = this.vertices.length; v < vl; v ++ ) {

			vertices[ v ].normalize();


		for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {

			face = this.faces[ f ];

			var vertexNormals = face.vertexNormals;

			if ( vertexNormals.length === 3 ) {

				vertexNormals[ 0 ].copy( vertices[ face.a ] );
				vertexNormals[ 1 ].copy( vertices[ face.b ] );
				vertexNormals[ 2 ].copy( vertices[ face.c ] );

			} else {

				vertexNormals[ 0 ] = vertices[ face.a ].clone();
				vertexNormals[ 1 ] = vertices[ face.b ].clone();
				vertexNormals[ 2 ] = vertices[ face.c ].clone();



		if ( this.faces.length > 0 ) {

			this.normalsNeedUpdate = true;



	computeFlatVertexNormals: function () {

		var f, fl, face;


		for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {

			face = this.faces[ f ];

			var vertexNormals = face.vertexNormals;

			if ( vertexNormals.length === 3 ) {

				vertexNormals[ 0 ].copy( face.normal );
				vertexNormals[ 1 ].copy( face.normal );
				vertexNormals[ 2 ].copy( face.normal );

			} else {

				vertexNormals[ 0 ] = face.normal.clone();
				vertexNormals[ 1 ] = face.normal.clone();
				vertexNormals[ 2 ] = face.normal.clone();



		if ( this.faces.length > 0 ) {

			this.normalsNeedUpdate = true;



	computeMorphNormals: function () {

		var i, il, f, fl, face;

		// save original normals
		// - create temp variables on first access
		//   otherwise just copy (for faster repeated calls)

		for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {

			face = this.faces[ f ];

			if ( ! face.__originalFaceNormal ) {

				face.__originalFaceNormal = face.normal.clone();

			} else {

				face.__originalFaceNormal.copy( face.normal );


			if ( ! face.__originalVertexNormals ) face.__originalVertexNormals = [];

			for ( i = 0, il = face.vertexNormals.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				if ( ! face.__originalVertexNormals[ i ] ) {

					face.__originalVertexNormals[ i ] = face.vertexNormals[ i ].clone();

				} else {

					face.__originalVertexNormals[ i ].copy( face.vertexNormals[ i ] );




		// use temp geometry to compute face and vertex normals for each morph

		var tmpGeo = new Geometry();
		tmpGeo.faces = this.faces;

		for ( i = 0, il = this.morphTargets.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			// create on first access

			if ( ! this.morphNormals[ i ] ) {

				this.morphNormals[ i ] = {};
				this.morphNormals[ i ].faceNormals = [];
				this.morphNormals[ i ].vertexNormals = [];

				var dstNormalsFace = this.morphNormals[ i ].faceNormals;
				var dstNormalsVertex = this.morphNormals[ i ].vertexNormals;

				var faceNormal, vertexNormals;

				for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {

					faceNormal = new Vector3();
					vertexNormals = { a: new Vector3(), b: new Vector3(), c: new Vector3() };

					dstNormalsFace.push( faceNormal );
					dstNormalsVertex.push( vertexNormals );



			var morphNormals = this.morphNormals[ i ];

			// set vertices to morph target

			tmpGeo.vertices = this.morphTargets[ i ].vertices;

			// compute morph normals


			// store morph normals

			var faceNormal, vertexNormals;

			for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {

				face = this.faces[ f ];

				faceNormal = morphNormals.faceNormals[ f ];
				vertexNormals = morphNormals.vertexNormals[ f ];

				faceNormal.copy( face.normal );

				vertexNormals.a.copy( face.vertexNormals[ 0 ] );
				vertexNormals.b.copy( face.vertexNormals[ 1 ] );
				vertexNormals.c.copy( face.vertexNormals[ 2 ] );



		// restore original normals

		for ( f = 0, fl = this.faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {

			face = this.faces[ f ];

			face.normal = face.__originalFaceNormal;
			face.vertexNormals = face.__originalVertexNormals;



	computeBoundingBox: function () {

		if ( this.boundingBox === null ) {

			this.boundingBox = new Box3();


		this.boundingBox.setFromPoints( this.vertices );


	computeBoundingSphere: function () {

		if ( this.boundingSphere === null ) {

			this.boundingSphere = new Sphere();


		this.boundingSphere.setFromPoints( this.vertices );


	merge: function ( geometry, matrix, materialIndexOffset ) {

		if ( ! ( geometry && geometry.isGeometry ) ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.Geometry.merge(): geometry not an instance of THREE.Geometry.', geometry );


		var normalMatrix,
			vertexOffset = this.vertices.length,
			vertices1 = this.vertices,
			vertices2 = geometry.vertices,
			faces1 = this.faces,
			faces2 = geometry.faces,
			uvs1 = this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ],
			uvs2 = geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ],
			colors1 = this.colors,
			colors2 = geometry.colors;

		if ( materialIndexOffset === undefined ) materialIndexOffset = 0;

		if ( matrix !== undefined ) {

			normalMatrix = new Matrix3().getNormalMatrix( matrix );


		// vertices

		for ( var i = 0, il = vertices2.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var vertex = vertices2[ i ];

			var vertexCopy = vertex.clone();

			if ( matrix !== undefined ) vertexCopy.applyMatrix4( matrix );

			vertices1.push( vertexCopy );


		// colors

		for ( var i = 0, il = colors2.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			colors1.push( colors2[ i ].clone() );


		// faces

		for ( i = 0, il = faces2.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var face = faces2[ i ], faceCopy, normal, color,
				faceVertexNormals = face.vertexNormals,
				faceVertexColors = face.vertexColors;

			faceCopy = new Face3( face.a + vertexOffset, face.b + vertexOffset, face.c + vertexOffset );
			faceCopy.normal.copy( face.normal );

			if ( normalMatrix !== undefined ) {

				faceCopy.normal.applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();


			for ( var j = 0, jl = faceVertexNormals.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

				normal = faceVertexNormals[ j ].clone();

				if ( normalMatrix !== undefined ) {

					normal.applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize();


				faceCopy.vertexNormals.push( normal );


			faceCopy.color.copy( face.color );

			for ( var j = 0, jl = faceVertexColors.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

				color = faceVertexColors[ j ];
				faceCopy.vertexColors.push( color.clone() );


			faceCopy.materialIndex = face.materialIndex + materialIndexOffset;

			faces1.push( faceCopy );


		// uvs

		for ( i = 0, il = uvs2.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var uv = uvs2[ i ], uvCopy = [];

			if ( uv === undefined ) {



			for ( var j = 0, jl = uv.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

				uvCopy.push( uv[ j ].clone() );


			uvs1.push( uvCopy );



	mergeMesh: function ( mesh ) {

		if ( ! ( mesh && mesh.isMesh ) ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.Geometry.mergeMesh(): mesh not an instance of THREE.Mesh.', mesh );


		mesh.matrixAutoUpdate && mesh.updateMatrix();

		this.merge( mesh.geometry, mesh.matrix );


	 * Checks for duplicate vertices with hashmap.
	 * Duplicated vertices are removed
	 * and faces' vertices are updated.

	mergeVertices: function () {

		var verticesMap = {}; // Hashmap for looking up vertices by position coordinates (and making sure they are unique)
		var unique = [], changes = [];

		var v, key;
		var precisionPoints = 4; // number of decimal points, e.g. 4 for epsilon of 0.0001
		var precision = Math.pow( 10, precisionPoints );
		var i, il, face;
		var indices, j, jl;

		for ( i = 0, il = this.vertices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			v = this.vertices[ i ];
			key = Math.round( v.x * precision ) + '_' + Math.round( v.y * precision ) + '_' + Math.round( v.z * precision );

			if ( verticesMap[ key ] === undefined ) {

				verticesMap[ key ] = i;
				unique.push( this.vertices[ i ] );
				changes[ i ] = unique.length - 1;

			} else {

				//console.log('Duplicate vertex found. ', i, ' could be using ', verticesMap[key]);
				changes[ i ] = changes[ verticesMap[ key ] ];



		// if faces are completely degenerate after merging vertices, we
		// have to remove them from the geometry.
		var faceIndicesToRemove = [];

		for ( i = 0, il = this.faces.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			face = this.faces[ i ];

			face.a = changes[ face.a ];
			face.b = changes[ face.b ];
			face.c = changes[ face.c ];

			indices = [ face.a, face.b, face.c ];

			// if any duplicate vertices are found in a Face3
			// we have to remove the face as nothing can be saved
			for ( var n = 0; n < 3; n ++ ) {

				if ( indices[ n ] === indices[ ( n + 1 ) % 3 ] ) {

					faceIndicesToRemove.push( i );




		for ( i = faceIndicesToRemove.length - 1; i >= 0; i -- ) {

			var idx = faceIndicesToRemove[ i ];

			this.faces.splice( idx, 1 );

			for ( j = 0, jl = this.faceVertexUvs.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

				this.faceVertexUvs[ j ].splice( idx, 1 );



		// Use unique set of vertices

		var diff = this.vertices.length - unique.length;
		this.vertices = unique;
		return diff;


	setFromPoints: function ( points ) {

		this.vertices = [];

		for ( var i = 0, l = points.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var point = points[ i ];
			this.vertices.push( new Vector3( point.x, point.y, point.z || 0 ) );


		return this;


	sortFacesByMaterialIndex: function () {

		var faces = this.faces;
		var length = faces.length;

		// tag faces

		for ( var i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) {

			faces[ i ]._id = i;


		// sort faces

		function materialIndexSort( a, b ) {

			return a.materialIndex - b.materialIndex;


		faces.sort( materialIndexSort );

		// sort uvs

		var uvs1 = this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ];
		var uvs2 = this.faceVertexUvs[ 1 ];

		var newUvs1, newUvs2;

		if ( uvs1 && uvs1.length === length ) newUvs1 = [];
		if ( uvs2 && uvs2.length === length ) newUvs2 = [];

		for ( var i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) {

			var id = faces[ i ]._id;

			if ( newUvs1 ) newUvs1.push( uvs1[ id ] );
			if ( newUvs2 ) newUvs2.push( uvs2[ id ] );


		if ( newUvs1 ) this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ] = newUvs1;
		if ( newUvs2 ) this.faceVertexUvs[ 1 ] = newUvs2;


	toJSON: function () {

		var data = {
			metadata: {
				version: 4.5,
				type: 'Geometry',
				generator: 'Geometry.toJSON'

		// standard Geometry serialization

		data.uuid = this.uuid;
		data.type = this.type;
		if ( this.name !== '' ) data.name = this.name;

		if ( this.parameters !== undefined ) {

			var parameters = this.parameters;

			for ( var key in parameters ) {

				if ( parameters[ key ] !== undefined ) data[ key ] = parameters[ key ];


			return data;


		var vertices = [];

		for ( var i = 0; i < this.vertices.length; i ++ ) {

			var vertex = this.vertices[ i ];
			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );


		var faces = [];
		var normals = [];
		var normalsHash = {};
		var colors = [];
		var colorsHash = {};
		var uvs = [];
		var uvsHash = {};

		for ( var i = 0; i < this.faces.length; i ++ ) {

			var face = this.faces[ i ];

			var hasMaterial = true;
			var hasFaceUv = false; // deprecated
			var hasFaceVertexUv = this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ][ i ] !== undefined;
			var hasFaceNormal = face.normal.length() > 0;
			var hasFaceVertexNormal = face.vertexNormals.length > 0;
			var hasFaceColor = face.color.r !== 1 || face.color.g !== 1 || face.color.b !== 1;
			var hasFaceVertexColor = face.vertexColors.length > 0;

			var faceType = 0;

			faceType = setBit( faceType, 0, 0 ); // isQuad
			faceType = setBit( faceType, 1, hasMaterial );
			faceType = setBit( faceType, 2, hasFaceUv );
			faceType = setBit( faceType, 3, hasFaceVertexUv );
			faceType = setBit( faceType, 4, hasFaceNormal );
			faceType = setBit( faceType, 5, hasFaceVertexNormal );
			faceType = setBit( faceType, 6, hasFaceColor );
			faceType = setBit( faceType, 7, hasFaceVertexColor );

			faces.push( faceType );
			faces.push( face.a, face.b, face.c );
			faces.push( face.materialIndex );

			if ( hasFaceVertexUv ) {

				var faceVertexUvs = this.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ][ i ];

					getUvIndex( faceVertexUvs[ 0 ] ),
					getUvIndex( faceVertexUvs[ 1 ] ),
					getUvIndex( faceVertexUvs[ 2 ] )


			if ( hasFaceNormal ) {

				faces.push( getNormalIndex( face.normal ) );


			if ( hasFaceVertexNormal ) {

				var vertexNormals = face.vertexNormals;

					getNormalIndex( vertexNormals[ 0 ] ),
					getNormalIndex( vertexNormals[ 1 ] ),
					getNormalIndex( vertexNormals[ 2 ] )


			if ( hasFaceColor ) {

				faces.push( getColorIndex( face.color ) );


			if ( hasFaceVertexColor ) {

				var vertexColors = face.vertexColors;

					getColorIndex( vertexColors[ 0 ] ),
					getColorIndex( vertexColors[ 1 ] ),
					getColorIndex( vertexColors[ 2 ] )



		function setBit( value, position, enabled ) {

			return enabled ? value | ( 1 << position ) : value & ( ~ ( 1 << position ) );


		function getNormalIndex( normal ) {

			var hash = normal.x.toString() + normal.y.toString() + normal.z.toString();

			if ( normalsHash[ hash ] !== undefined ) {

				return normalsHash[ hash ];


			normalsHash[ hash ] = normals.length / 3;
			normals.push( normal.x, normal.y, normal.z );

			return normalsHash[ hash ];


		function getColorIndex( color ) {

			var hash = color.r.toString() + color.g.toString() + color.b.toString();

			if ( colorsHash[ hash ] !== undefined ) {

				return colorsHash[ hash ];


			colorsHash[ hash ] = colors.length;
			colors.push( color.getHex() );

			return colorsHash[ hash ];


		function getUvIndex( uv ) {

			var hash = uv.x.toString() + uv.y.toString();

			if ( uvsHash[ hash ] !== undefined ) {

				return uvsHash[ hash ];


			uvsHash[ hash ] = uvs.length / 2;
			uvs.push( uv.x, uv.y );

			return uvsHash[ hash ];


		data.data = {};

		data.data.vertices = vertices;
		data.data.normals = normals;
		if ( colors.length > 0 ) data.data.colors = colors;
		if ( uvs.length > 0 ) data.data.uvs = [ uvs ]; // temporal backward compatibility
		data.data.faces = faces;

		return data;


	clone: function () {

		 // Handle primitives

		 var parameters = this.parameters;

		 if ( parameters !== undefined ) {

		 var values = [];

		 for ( var key in parameters ) {

		 values.push( parameters[ key ] );


		 var geometry = Object.create( this.constructor.prototype );
		 this.constructor.apply( geometry, values );
		 return geometry;


		 return new this.constructor().copy( this );

		return new Geometry().copy( this );


	copy: function ( source ) {

		var i, il, j, jl, k, kl;

		// reset

		this.vertices = [];
		this.colors = [];
		this.faces = [];
		this.faceVertexUvs = [[]];
		this.morphTargets = [];
		this.morphNormals = [];
		this.skinWeights = [];
		this.skinIndices = [];
		this.lineDistances = [];
		this.boundingBox = null;
		this.boundingSphere = null;

		// name

		this.name = source.name;

		// vertices

		var vertices = source.vertices;

		for ( i = 0, il = vertices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			this.vertices.push( vertices[ i ].clone() );


		// colors

		var colors = source.colors;

		for ( i = 0, il = colors.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			this.colors.push( colors[ i ].clone() );


		// faces

		var faces = source.faces;

		for ( i = 0, il = faces.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			this.faces.push( faces[ i ].clone() );


		// face vertex uvs

		for ( i = 0, il = source.faceVertexUvs.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var faceVertexUvs = source.faceVertexUvs[ i ];

			if ( this.faceVertexUvs[ i ] === undefined ) {

				this.faceVertexUvs[ i ] = [];


			for ( j = 0, jl = faceVertexUvs.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

				var uvs = faceVertexUvs[ j ], uvsCopy = [];

				for ( k = 0, kl = uvs.length; k < kl; k ++ ) {

					var uv = uvs[ k ];

					uvsCopy.push( uv.clone() );


				this.faceVertexUvs[ i ].push( uvsCopy );



		// morph targets

		var morphTargets = source.morphTargets;

		for ( i = 0, il = morphTargets.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var morphTarget = {};
			morphTarget.name = morphTargets[ i ].name;

			// vertices

			if ( morphTargets[ i ].vertices !== undefined ) {

				morphTarget.vertices = [];

				for ( j = 0, jl = morphTargets[ i ].vertices.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					morphTarget.vertices.push( morphTargets[ i ].vertices[ j ].clone() );



			// normals

			if ( morphTargets[ i ].normals !== undefined ) {

				morphTarget.normals = [];

				for ( j = 0, jl = morphTargets[ i ].normals.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					morphTarget.normals.push( morphTargets[ i ].normals[ j ].clone() );



			this.morphTargets.push( morphTarget );


		// morph normals

		var morphNormals = source.morphNormals;

		for ( i = 0, il = morphNormals.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var morphNormal = {};

			// vertex normals

			if ( morphNormals[ i ].vertexNormals !== undefined ) {

				morphNormal.vertexNormals = [];

				for ( j = 0, jl = morphNormals[ i ].vertexNormals.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					var srcVertexNormal = morphNormals[ i ].vertexNormals[ j ];
					var destVertexNormal = {};

					destVertexNormal.a = srcVertexNormal.a.clone();
					destVertexNormal.b = srcVertexNormal.b.clone();
					destVertexNormal.c = srcVertexNormal.c.clone();

					morphNormal.vertexNormals.push( destVertexNormal );



			// face normals

			if ( morphNormals[ i ].faceNormals !== undefined ) {

				morphNormal.faceNormals = [];

				for ( j = 0, jl = morphNormals[ i ].faceNormals.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					morphNormal.faceNormals.push( morphNormals[ i ].faceNormals[ j ].clone() );



			this.morphNormals.push( morphNormal );


		// skin weights

		var skinWeights = source.skinWeights;

		for ( i = 0, il = skinWeights.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			this.skinWeights.push( skinWeights[ i ].clone() );


		// skin indices

		var skinIndices = source.skinIndices;

		for ( i = 0, il = skinIndices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			this.skinIndices.push( skinIndices[ i ].clone() );


		// line distances

		var lineDistances = source.lineDistances;

		for ( i = 0, il = lineDistances.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			this.lineDistances.push( lineDistances[ i ] );


		// bounding box

		var boundingBox = source.boundingBox;

		if ( boundingBox !== null ) {

			this.boundingBox = boundingBox.clone();


		// bounding sphere

		var boundingSphere = source.boundingSphere;

		if ( boundingSphere !== null ) {

			this.boundingSphere = boundingSphere.clone();


		// update flags

		this.elementsNeedUpdate = source.elementsNeedUpdate;
		this.verticesNeedUpdate = source.verticesNeedUpdate;
		this.uvsNeedUpdate = source.uvsNeedUpdate;
		this.normalsNeedUpdate = source.normalsNeedUpdate;
		this.colorsNeedUpdate = source.colorsNeedUpdate;
		this.lineDistancesNeedUpdate = source.lineDistancesNeedUpdate;
		this.groupsNeedUpdate = source.groupsNeedUpdate;

		return this;


	dispose: function () {

		this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } );


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {

	if ( Array.isArray( array ) ) {

		throw new TypeError( 'THREE.BufferAttribute: array should be a Typed Array.' );


	this.uuid = _Math.generateUUID();
	this.name = '';

	this.array = array;
	this.itemSize = itemSize;
	this.count = array !== undefined ? array.length / itemSize : 0;
	this.normalized = normalized === true;

	this.dynamic = false;
	this.updateRange = { offset: 0, count: - 1 };

	this.onUploadCallback = function () {};

	this.version = 0;


Object.defineProperty( BufferAttribute.prototype, 'needsUpdate', {

	set: function ( value ) {

		if ( value === true ) this.version ++;


} );

Object.assign( BufferAttribute.prototype, {

	isBufferAttribute: true,

	setArray: function ( array ) {

		if ( Array.isArray( array ) ) {

			throw new TypeError( 'THREE.BufferAttribute: array should be a Typed Array.' );


		this.count = array !== undefined ? array.length / this.itemSize : 0;
		this.array = array;


	setDynamic: function ( value ) {

		this.dynamic = value;

		return this;


	copy: function ( source ) {

		this.array = new source.array.constructor( source.array );
		this.itemSize = source.itemSize;
		this.count = source.count;
		this.normalized = source.normalized;

		this.dynamic = source.dynamic;

		return this;


	copyAt: function ( index1, attribute, index2 ) {

		index1 *= this.itemSize;
		index2 *= attribute.itemSize;

		for ( var i = 0, l = this.itemSize; i < l; i ++ ) {

			this.array[ index1 + i ] = attribute.array[ index2 + i ];


		return this;


	copyArray: function ( array ) {

		this.array.set( array );

		return this;


	copyColorsArray: function ( colors ) {

		var array = this.array, offset = 0;

		for ( var i = 0, l = colors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var color = colors[ i ];

			if ( color === undefined ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute.copyColorsArray(): color is undefined', i );
				color = new Color();


			array[ offset ++ ] = color.r;
			array[ offset ++ ] = color.g;
			array[ offset ++ ] = color.b;


		return this;


	copyIndicesArray: function ( indices ) {

		var array = this.array, offset = 0;

		for ( var i = 0, l = indices.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var index = indices[ i ];

			array[ offset ++ ] = index.a;
			array[ offset ++ ] = index.b;
			array[ offset ++ ] = index.c;


		return this;


	copyVector2sArray: function ( vectors ) {

		var array = this.array, offset = 0;

		for ( var i = 0, l = vectors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var vector = vectors[ i ];

			if ( vector === undefined ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute.copyVector2sArray(): vector is undefined', i );
				vector = new Vector2();


			array[ offset ++ ] = vector.x;
			array[ offset ++ ] = vector.y;


		return this;


	copyVector3sArray: function ( vectors ) {

		var array = this.array, offset = 0;

		for ( var i = 0, l = vectors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var vector = vectors[ i ];

			if ( vector === undefined ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute.copyVector3sArray(): vector is undefined', i );
				vector = new Vector3();


			array[ offset ++ ] = vector.x;
			array[ offset ++ ] = vector.y;
			array[ offset ++ ] = vector.z;


		return this;


	copyVector4sArray: function ( vectors ) {

		var array = this.array, offset = 0;

		for ( var i = 0, l = vectors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var vector = vectors[ i ];

			if ( vector === undefined ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute.copyVector4sArray(): vector is undefined', i );
				vector = new Vector4();


			array[ offset ++ ] = vector.x;
			array[ offset ++ ] = vector.y;
			array[ offset ++ ] = vector.z;
			array[ offset ++ ] = vector.w;


		return this;


	set: function ( value, offset ) {

		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		this.array.set( value, offset );

		return this;


	getX: function ( index ) {

		return this.array[ index * this.itemSize ];


	setX: function ( index, x ) {

		this.array[ index * this.itemSize ] = x;

		return this;


	getY: function ( index ) {

		return this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 1 ];


	setY: function ( index, y ) {

		this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 1 ] = y;

		return this;


	getZ: function ( index ) {

		return this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 2 ];


	setZ: function ( index, z ) {

		this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 2 ] = z;

		return this;


	getW: function ( index ) {

		return this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 3 ];


	setW: function ( index, w ) {

		this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 3 ] = w;

		return this;


	setXY: function ( index, x, y ) {

		index *= this.itemSize;

		this.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
		this.array[ index + 1 ] = y;

		return this;


	setXYZ: function ( index, x, y, z ) {

		index *= this.itemSize;

		this.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
		this.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
		this.array[ index + 2 ] = z;

		return this;


	setXYZW: function ( index, x, y, z, w ) {

		index *= this.itemSize;

		this.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
		this.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
		this.array[ index + 2 ] = z;
		this.array[ index + 3 ] = w;

		return this;


	onUpload: function ( callback ) {

		this.onUploadCallback = callback;

		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor( this.array, this.itemSize ).copy( this );


} );


function Int8BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {

	BufferAttribute.call( this, new Int8Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );


Int8BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Int8BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Int8BufferAttribute;

function Uint8BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {

	BufferAttribute.call( this, new Uint8Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );


Uint8BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Uint8BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Uint8BufferAttribute;

function Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {

	BufferAttribute.call( this, new Uint8ClampedArray( array ), itemSize, normalized );


Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute;

function Int16BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {

	BufferAttribute.call( this, new Int16Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );


Int16BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Int16BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Int16BufferAttribute;

function Uint16BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {

	BufferAttribute.call( this, new Uint16Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );


Uint16BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Uint16BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Uint16BufferAttribute;

function Int32BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {

	BufferAttribute.call( this, new Int32Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );


Int32BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Int32BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Int32BufferAttribute;

function Uint32BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {

	BufferAttribute.call( this, new Uint32Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );


Uint32BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Uint32BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Uint32BufferAttribute;

function Float32BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {

	BufferAttribute.call( this, new Float32Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );


Float32BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Float32BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Float32BufferAttribute;

function Float64BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {

	BufferAttribute.call( this, new Float64Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );


Float64BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Float64BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Float64BufferAttribute;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function DirectGeometry() {

	this.indices = [];
	this.vertices = [];
	this.normals = [];
	this.colors = [];
	this.uvs = [];
	this.uvs2 = [];

	this.groups = [];

	this.morphTargets = {};

	this.skinWeights = [];
	this.skinIndices = [];

	// this.lineDistances = [];

	this.boundingBox = null;
	this.boundingSphere = null;

	// update flags

	this.verticesNeedUpdate = false;
	this.normalsNeedUpdate = false;
	this.colorsNeedUpdate = false;
	this.uvsNeedUpdate = false;
	this.groupsNeedUpdate = false;


Object.assign( DirectGeometry.prototype, {

	computeGroups: function ( geometry ) {

		var group;
		var groups = [];
		var materialIndex = undefined;

		var faces = geometry.faces;

		for ( var i = 0; i < faces.length; i ++ ) {

			var face = faces[ i ];

			// materials

			if ( face.materialIndex !== materialIndex ) {

				materialIndex = face.materialIndex;

				if ( group !== undefined ) {

					group.count = ( i * 3 ) - group.start;
					groups.push( group );


				group = {
					start: i * 3,
					materialIndex: materialIndex



		if ( group !== undefined ) {

			group.count = ( i * 3 ) - group.start;
			groups.push( group );


		this.groups = groups;


	fromGeometry: function ( geometry ) {

		var faces = geometry.faces;
		var vertices = geometry.vertices;
		var faceVertexUvs = geometry.faceVertexUvs;

		var hasFaceVertexUv = faceVertexUvs[ 0 ] && faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].length > 0;
		var hasFaceVertexUv2 = faceVertexUvs[ 1 ] && faceVertexUvs[ 1 ].length > 0;

		// morphs

		var morphTargets = geometry.morphTargets;
		var morphTargetsLength = morphTargets.length;

		var morphTargetsPosition;

		if ( morphTargetsLength > 0 ) {

			morphTargetsPosition = [];

			for ( var i = 0; i < morphTargetsLength; i ++ ) {

				morphTargetsPosition[ i ] = [];


			this.morphTargets.position = morphTargetsPosition;


		var morphNormals = geometry.morphNormals;
		var morphNormalsLength = morphNormals.length;

		var morphTargetsNormal;

		if ( morphNormalsLength > 0 ) {

			morphTargetsNormal = [];

			for ( var i = 0; i < morphNormalsLength; i ++ ) {

				morphTargetsNormal[ i ] = [];


			this.morphTargets.normal = morphTargetsNormal;


		// skins

		var skinIndices = geometry.skinIndices;
		var skinWeights = geometry.skinWeights;

		var hasSkinIndices = skinIndices.length === vertices.length;
		var hasSkinWeights = skinWeights.length === vertices.length;


		for ( var i = 0; i < faces.length; i ++ ) {

			var face = faces[ i ];

			this.vertices.push( vertices[ face.a ], vertices[ face.b ], vertices[ face.c ] );

			var vertexNormals = face.vertexNormals;

			if ( vertexNormals.length === 3 ) {

				this.normals.push( vertexNormals[ 0 ], vertexNormals[ 1 ], vertexNormals[ 2 ] );

			} else {

				var normal = face.normal;

				this.normals.push( normal, normal, normal );


			var vertexColors = face.vertexColors;

			if ( vertexColors.length === 3 ) {

				this.colors.push( vertexColors[ 0 ], vertexColors[ 1 ], vertexColors[ 2 ] );

			} else {

				var color = face.color;

				this.colors.push( color, color, color );


			if ( hasFaceVertexUv === true ) {

				var vertexUvs = faceVertexUvs[ 0 ][ i ];

				if ( vertexUvs !== undefined ) {

					this.uvs.push( vertexUvs[ 0 ], vertexUvs[ 1 ], vertexUvs[ 2 ] );

				} else {

					console.warn( 'THREE.DirectGeometry.fromGeometry(): Undefined vertexUv ', i );

					this.uvs.push( new Vector2(), new Vector2(), new Vector2() );



			if ( hasFaceVertexUv2 === true ) {

				var vertexUvs = faceVertexUvs[ 1 ][ i ];

				if ( vertexUvs !== undefined ) {

					this.uvs2.push( vertexUvs[ 0 ], vertexUvs[ 1 ], vertexUvs[ 2 ] );

				} else {

					console.warn( 'THREE.DirectGeometry.fromGeometry(): Undefined vertexUv2 ', i );

					this.uvs2.push( new Vector2(), new Vector2(), new Vector2() );



			// morphs

			for ( var j = 0; j < morphTargetsLength; j ++ ) {

				var morphTarget = morphTargets[ j ].vertices;

				morphTargetsPosition[ j ].push( morphTarget[ face.a ], morphTarget[ face.b ], morphTarget[ face.c ] );


			for ( var j = 0; j < morphNormalsLength; j ++ ) {

				var morphNormal = morphNormals[ j ].vertexNormals[ i ];

				morphTargetsNormal[ j ].push( morphNormal.a, morphNormal.b, morphNormal.c );


			// skins

			if ( hasSkinIndices ) {

				this.skinIndices.push( skinIndices[ face.a ], skinIndices[ face.b ], skinIndices[ face.c ] );


			if ( hasSkinWeights ) {

				this.skinWeights.push( skinWeights[ face.a ], skinWeights[ face.b ], skinWeights[ face.c ] );



		this.computeGroups( geometry );

		this.verticesNeedUpdate = geometry.verticesNeedUpdate;
		this.normalsNeedUpdate = geometry.normalsNeedUpdate;
		this.colorsNeedUpdate = geometry.colorsNeedUpdate;
		this.uvsNeedUpdate = geometry.uvsNeedUpdate;
		this.groupsNeedUpdate = geometry.groupsNeedUpdate;

		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function arrayMax( array ) {

	if ( array.length === 0 ) return - Infinity;

	var max = array[ 0 ];

	for ( var i = 1, l = array.length; i < l; ++ i ) {

		if ( array[ i ] > max ) max = array[ i ];


	return max;


 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

var bufferGeometryId = 1; // BufferGeometry uses odd numbers as Id

function BufferGeometry() {

	Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', { value: bufferGeometryId += 2 } );

	this.uuid = _Math.generateUUID();

	this.name = '';
	this.type = 'BufferGeometry';

	this.index = null;
	this.attributes = {};

	this.morphAttributes = {};

	this.groups = [];

	this.boundingBox = null;
	this.boundingSphere = null;

	this.drawRange = { start: 0, count: Infinity };


BufferGeometry.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( EventDispatcher.prototype ), {

	constructor: BufferGeometry,

	isBufferGeometry: true,

	getIndex: function () {

		return this.index;


	setIndex: function ( index ) {

		if ( Array.isArray( index ) ) {

			this.index = new ( arrayMax( index ) > 65535 ? Uint32BufferAttribute : Uint16BufferAttribute )( index, 1 );

		} else {

			this.index = index;



	addAttribute: function ( name, attribute ) {

		if ( ! ( attribute && attribute.isBufferAttribute ) && ! ( attribute && attribute.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ) ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .addAttribute() now expects ( name, attribute ).' );

			this.addAttribute( name, new BufferAttribute( arguments[ 1 ], arguments[ 2 ] ) );



		if ( name === 'index' ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry.addAttribute: Use .setIndex() for index attribute.' );
			this.setIndex( attribute );



		this.attributes[ name ] = attribute;

		return this;


	getAttribute: function ( name ) {

		return this.attributes[ name ];


	removeAttribute: function ( name ) {

		delete this.attributes[ name ];

		return this;


	addGroup: function ( start, count, materialIndex ) {

		this.groups.push( {

			start: start,
			count: count,
			materialIndex: materialIndex !== undefined ? materialIndex : 0

		} );


	clearGroups: function () {

		this.groups = [];


	setDrawRange: function ( start, count ) {

		this.drawRange.start = start;
		this.drawRange.count = count;


	applyMatrix: function ( matrix ) {

		var position = this.attributes.position;

		if ( position !== undefined ) {

			matrix.applyToBufferAttribute( position );
			position.needsUpdate = true;


		var normal = this.attributes.normal;

		if ( normal !== undefined ) {

			var normalMatrix = new Matrix3().getNormalMatrix( matrix );

			normalMatrix.applyToBufferAttribute( normal );
			normal.needsUpdate = true;


		if ( this.boundingBox !== null ) {



		if ( this.boundingSphere !== null ) {



		return this;


	rotateX: function () {

		// rotate geometry around world x-axis

		var m1 = new Matrix4();

		return function rotateX( angle ) {

			m1.makeRotationX( angle );

			this.applyMatrix( m1 );

			return this;



	rotateY: function () {

		// rotate geometry around world y-axis

		var m1 = new Matrix4();

		return function rotateY( angle ) {

			m1.makeRotationY( angle );

			this.applyMatrix( m1 );

			return this;



	rotateZ: function () {

		// rotate geometry around world z-axis

		var m1 = new Matrix4();

		return function rotateZ( angle ) {

			m1.makeRotationZ( angle );

			this.applyMatrix( m1 );

			return this;



	translate: function () {

		// translate geometry

		var m1 = new Matrix4();

		return function translate( x, y, z ) {

			m1.makeTranslation( x, y, z );

			this.applyMatrix( m1 );

			return this;



	scale: function () {

		// scale geometry

		var m1 = new Matrix4();

		return function scale( x, y, z ) {

			m1.makeScale( x, y, z );

			this.applyMatrix( m1 );

			return this;



	lookAt: function () {

		var obj = new Object3D();

		return function lookAt( vector ) {

			obj.lookAt( vector );


			this.applyMatrix( obj.matrix );



	center: function () {


		var offset = this.boundingBox.getCenter().negate();

		this.translate( offset.x, offset.y, offset.z );

		return offset;


	setFromObject: function ( object ) {

		// console.log( 'THREE.BufferGeometry.setFromObject(). Converting', object, this );

		var geometry = object.geometry;

		if ( object.isPoints || object.isLine ) {

			var positions = new Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.vertices.length * 3, 3 );
			var colors = new Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.colors.length * 3, 3 );

			this.addAttribute( 'position', positions.copyVector3sArray( geometry.vertices ) );
			this.addAttribute( 'color', colors.copyColorsArray( geometry.colors ) );

			if ( geometry.lineDistances && geometry.lineDistances.length === geometry.vertices.length ) {

				var lineDistances = new Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.lineDistances.length, 1 );

				this.addAttribute( 'lineDistance', lineDistances.copyArray( geometry.lineDistances ) );


			if ( geometry.boundingSphere !== null ) {

				this.boundingSphere = geometry.boundingSphere.clone();


			if ( geometry.boundingBox !== null ) {

				this.boundingBox = geometry.boundingBox.clone();


		} else if ( object.isMesh ) {

			if ( geometry && geometry.isGeometry ) {

				this.fromGeometry( geometry );



		return this;


	setFromPoints: function ( points ) {

		var position = [];

		for ( var i = 0, l = points.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var point = points[ i ];
			position.push( point.x, point.y, point.z || 0 );


		this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( position, 3 ) );

		return this;


	updateFromObject: function ( object ) {

		var geometry = object.geometry;

		if ( object.isMesh ) {

			var direct = geometry.__directGeometry;

			if ( geometry.elementsNeedUpdate === true ) {

				direct = undefined;
				geometry.elementsNeedUpdate = false;


			if ( direct === undefined ) {

				return this.fromGeometry( geometry );


			direct.verticesNeedUpdate = geometry.verticesNeedUpdate;
			direct.normalsNeedUpdate = geometry.normalsNeedUpdate;
			direct.colorsNeedUpdate = geometry.colorsNeedUpdate;
			direct.uvsNeedUpdate = geometry.uvsNeedUpdate;
			direct.groupsNeedUpdate = geometry.groupsNeedUpdate;

			geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = false;
			geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = false;
			geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = false;
			geometry.uvsNeedUpdate = false;
			geometry.groupsNeedUpdate = false;

			geometry = direct;


		var attribute;

		if ( geometry.verticesNeedUpdate === true ) {

			attribute = this.attributes.position;

			if ( attribute !== undefined ) {

				attribute.copyVector3sArray( geometry.vertices );
				attribute.needsUpdate = true;


			geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = false;


		if ( geometry.normalsNeedUpdate === true ) {

			attribute = this.attributes.normal;

			if ( attribute !== undefined ) {

				attribute.copyVector3sArray( geometry.normals );
				attribute.needsUpdate = true;


			geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = false;


		if ( geometry.colorsNeedUpdate === true ) {

			attribute = this.attributes.color;

			if ( attribute !== undefined ) {

				attribute.copyColorsArray( geometry.colors );
				attribute.needsUpdate = true;


			geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = false;


		if ( geometry.uvsNeedUpdate ) {

			attribute = this.attributes.uv;

			if ( attribute !== undefined ) {

				attribute.copyVector2sArray( geometry.uvs );
				attribute.needsUpdate = true;


			geometry.uvsNeedUpdate = false;


		if ( geometry.lineDistancesNeedUpdate ) {

			attribute = this.attributes.lineDistance;

			if ( attribute !== undefined ) {

				attribute.copyArray( geometry.lineDistances );
				attribute.needsUpdate = true;


			geometry.lineDistancesNeedUpdate = false;


		if ( geometry.groupsNeedUpdate ) {

			geometry.computeGroups( object.geometry );
			this.groups = geometry.groups;

			geometry.groupsNeedUpdate = false;


		return this;


	fromGeometry: function ( geometry ) {

		geometry.__directGeometry = new DirectGeometry().fromGeometry( geometry );

		return this.fromDirectGeometry( geometry.__directGeometry );


	fromDirectGeometry: function ( geometry ) {

		var positions = new Float32Array( geometry.vertices.length * 3 );
		this.addAttribute( 'position', new BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ).copyVector3sArray( geometry.vertices ) );

		if ( geometry.normals.length > 0 ) {

			var normals = new Float32Array( geometry.normals.length * 3 );
			this.addAttribute( 'normal', new BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ).copyVector3sArray( geometry.normals ) );


		if ( geometry.colors.length > 0 ) {

			var colors = new Float32Array( geometry.colors.length * 3 );
			this.addAttribute( 'color', new BufferAttribute( colors, 3 ).copyColorsArray( geometry.colors ) );


		if ( geometry.uvs.length > 0 ) {

			var uvs = new Float32Array( geometry.uvs.length * 2 );
			this.addAttribute( 'uv', new BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ).copyVector2sArray( geometry.uvs ) );


		if ( geometry.uvs2.length > 0 ) {

			var uvs2 = new Float32Array( geometry.uvs2.length * 2 );
			this.addAttribute( 'uv2', new BufferAttribute( uvs2, 2 ).copyVector2sArray( geometry.uvs2 ) );


		if ( geometry.indices.length > 0 ) {

			var TypeArray = arrayMax( geometry.indices ) > 65535 ? Uint32Array : Uint16Array;
			var indices = new TypeArray( geometry.indices.length * 3 );
			this.setIndex( new BufferAttribute( indices, 1 ).copyIndicesArray( geometry.indices ) );


		// groups

		this.groups = geometry.groups;

		// morphs

		for ( var name in geometry.morphTargets ) {

			var array = [];
			var morphTargets = geometry.morphTargets[ name ];

			for ( var i = 0, l = morphTargets.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				var morphTarget = morphTargets[ i ];

				var attribute = new Float32BufferAttribute( morphTarget.length * 3, 3 );

				array.push( attribute.copyVector3sArray( morphTarget ) );


			this.morphAttributes[ name ] = array;


		// skinning

		if ( geometry.skinIndices.length > 0 ) {

			var skinIndices = new Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.skinIndices.length * 4, 4 );
			this.addAttribute( 'skinIndex', skinIndices.copyVector4sArray( geometry.skinIndices ) );


		if ( geometry.skinWeights.length > 0 ) {

			var skinWeights = new Float32BufferAttribute( geometry.skinWeights.length * 4, 4 );
			this.addAttribute( 'skinWeight', skinWeights.copyVector4sArray( geometry.skinWeights ) );



		if ( geometry.boundingSphere !== null ) {

			this.boundingSphere = geometry.boundingSphere.clone();


		if ( geometry.boundingBox !== null ) {

			this.boundingBox = geometry.boundingBox.clone();


		return this;


	computeBoundingBox: function () {

		if ( this.boundingBox === null ) {

			this.boundingBox = new Box3();


		var position = this.attributes.position;

		if ( position !== undefined ) {

			this.boundingBox.setFromBufferAttribute( position );

		} else {



		if ( isNaN( this.boundingBox.min.x ) || isNaN( this.boundingBox.min.y ) || isNaN( this.boundingBox.min.z ) ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.BufferGeometry.computeBoundingBox: Computed min/max have NaN values. The "position" attribute is likely to have NaN values.', this );



	computeBoundingSphere: function () {

		var box = new Box3();
		var vector = new Vector3();

		return function computeBoundingSphere() {

			if ( this.boundingSphere === null ) {

				this.boundingSphere = new Sphere();


			var position = this.attributes.position;

			if ( position ) {

				var center = this.boundingSphere.center;

				box.setFromBufferAttribute( position );
				box.getCenter( center );

				// hoping to find a boundingSphere with a radius smaller than the
				// boundingSphere of the boundingBox: sqrt(3) smaller in the best case

				var maxRadiusSq = 0;

				for ( var i = 0, il = position.count; i < il; i ++ ) {

					vector.x = position.getX( i );
					vector.y = position.getY( i );
					vector.z = position.getZ( i );
					maxRadiusSq = Math.max( maxRadiusSq, center.distanceToSquared( vector ) );


				this.boundingSphere.radius = Math.sqrt( maxRadiusSq );

				if ( isNaN( this.boundingSphere.radius ) ) {

					console.error( 'THREE.BufferGeometry.computeBoundingSphere(): Computed radius is NaN. The "position" attribute is likely to have NaN values.', this );





	computeFaceNormals: function () {

		// backwards compatibility


	computeVertexNormals: function () {

		var index = this.index;
		var attributes = this.attributes;
		var groups = this.groups;

		if ( attributes.position ) {

			var positions = attributes.position.array;

			if ( attributes.normal === undefined ) {

				this.addAttribute( 'normal', new BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( positions.length ), 3 ) );

			} else {

				// reset existing normals to zero

				var array = attributes.normal.array;

				for ( var i = 0, il = array.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					array[ i ] = 0;



			var normals = attributes.normal.array;

			var vA, vB, vC;
			var pA = new Vector3(), pB = new Vector3(), pC = new Vector3();
			var cb = new Vector3(), ab = new Vector3();

			// indexed elements

			if ( index ) {

				var indices = index.array;

				if ( groups.length === 0 ) {

					this.addGroup( 0, indices.length );


				for ( var j = 0, jl = groups.length; j < jl; ++ j ) {

					var group = groups[ j ];

					var start = group.start;
					var count = group.count;

					for ( var i = start, il = start + count; i < il; i += 3 ) {

						vA = indices[ i + 0 ] * 3;
						vB = indices[ i + 1 ] * 3;
						vC = indices[ i + 2 ] * 3;

						pA.fromArray( positions, vA );
						pB.fromArray( positions, vB );
						pC.fromArray( positions, vC );

						cb.subVectors( pC, pB );
						ab.subVectors( pA, pB );
						cb.cross( ab );

						normals[ vA ] += cb.x;
						normals[ vA + 1 ] += cb.y;
						normals[ vA + 2 ] += cb.z;

						normals[ vB ] += cb.x;
						normals[ vB + 1 ] += cb.y;
						normals[ vB + 2 ] += cb.z;

						normals[ vC ] += cb.x;
						normals[ vC + 1 ] += cb.y;
						normals[ vC + 2 ] += cb.z;



			} else {

				// non-indexed elements (unconnected triangle soup)

				for ( var i = 0, il = positions.length; i < il; i += 9 ) {

					pA.fromArray( positions, i );
					pB.fromArray( positions, i + 3 );
					pC.fromArray( positions, i + 6 );

					cb.subVectors( pC, pB );
					ab.subVectors( pA, pB );
					cb.cross( ab );

					normals[ i ] = cb.x;
					normals[ i + 1 ] = cb.y;
					normals[ i + 2 ] = cb.z;

					normals[ i + 3 ] = cb.x;
					normals[ i + 4 ] = cb.y;
					normals[ i + 5 ] = cb.z;

					normals[ i + 6 ] = cb.x;
					normals[ i + 7 ] = cb.y;
					normals[ i + 8 ] = cb.z;




			attributes.normal.needsUpdate = true;



	merge: function ( geometry, offset ) {

		if ( ! ( geometry && geometry.isBufferGeometry ) ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.BufferGeometry.merge(): geometry not an instance of THREE.BufferGeometry.', geometry );


		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		var attributes = this.attributes;

		for ( var key in attributes ) {

			if ( geometry.attributes[ key ] === undefined ) continue;

			var attribute1 = attributes[ key ];
			var attributeArray1 = attribute1.array;

			var attribute2 = geometry.attributes[ key ];
			var attributeArray2 = attribute2.array;

			var attributeSize = attribute2.itemSize;

			for ( var i = 0, j = attributeSize * offset; i < attributeArray2.length; i ++, j ++ ) {

				attributeArray1[ j ] = attributeArray2[ i ];



		return this;


	normalizeNormals: function () {

		var vector = new Vector3();

		return function normalizeNormals() {

			var normals = this.attributes.normal;

			for ( var i = 0, il = normals.count; i < il; i ++ ) {

				vector.x = normals.getX( i );
				vector.y = normals.getY( i );
				vector.z = normals.getZ( i );


				normals.setXYZ( i, vector.x, vector.y, vector.z );




	toNonIndexed: function () {

		if ( this.index === null ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry.toNonIndexed(): Geometry is already non-indexed.' );
			return this;


		var geometry2 = new BufferGeometry();

		var indices = this.index.array;
		var attributes = this.attributes;

		for ( var name in attributes ) {

			var attribute = attributes[ name ];

			var array = attribute.array;
			var itemSize = attribute.itemSize;

			var array2 = new array.constructor( indices.length * itemSize );

			var index = 0, index2 = 0;

			for ( var i = 0, l = indices.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				index = indices[ i ] * itemSize;

				for ( var j = 0; j < itemSize; j ++ ) {

					array2[ index2 ++ ] = array[ index ++ ];



			geometry2.addAttribute( name, new BufferAttribute( array2, itemSize ) );


		return geometry2;


	toJSON: function () {

		var data = {
			metadata: {
				version: 4.5,
				type: 'BufferGeometry',
				generator: 'BufferGeometry.toJSON'

		// standard BufferGeometry serialization

		data.uuid = this.uuid;
		data.type = this.type;
		if ( this.name !== '' ) data.name = this.name;

		if ( this.parameters !== undefined ) {

			var parameters = this.parameters;

			for ( var key in parameters ) {

				if ( parameters[ key ] !== undefined ) data[ key ] = parameters[ key ];


			return data;


		data.data = { attributes: {} };

		var index = this.index;

		if ( index !== null ) {

			var array = Array.prototype.slice.call( index.array );

			data.data.index = {
				type: index.array.constructor.name,
				array: array


		var attributes = this.attributes;

		for ( var key in attributes ) {

			var attribute = attributes[ key ];

			var array = Array.prototype.slice.call( attribute.array );

			data.data.attributes[ key ] = {
				itemSize: attribute.itemSize,
				type: attribute.array.constructor.name,
				array: array,
				normalized: attribute.normalized


		var groups = this.groups;

		if ( groups.length > 0 ) {

			data.data.groups = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( groups ) );


		var boundingSphere = this.boundingSphere;

		if ( boundingSphere !== null ) {

			data.data.boundingSphere = {
				center: boundingSphere.center.toArray(),
				radius: boundingSphere.radius


		return data;


	clone: function () {

		 // Handle primitives

		 var parameters = this.parameters;

		 if ( parameters !== undefined ) {

		 var values = [];

		 for ( var key in parameters ) {

		 values.push( parameters[ key ] );


		 var geometry = Object.create( this.constructor.prototype );
		 this.constructor.apply( geometry, values );
		 return geometry;


		 return new this.constructor().copy( this );

		return new BufferGeometry().copy( this );


	copy: function ( source ) {

		var name, i, l;

		// reset

		this.index = null;
		this.attributes = {};
		this.morphAttributes = {};
		this.groups = [];
		this.boundingBox = null;
		this.boundingSphere = null;

		// name

		this.name = source.name;

		// index

		var index = source.index;

		if ( index !== null ) {

			this.setIndex( index.clone() );


		// attributes

		var attributes = source.attributes;

		for ( name in attributes ) {

			var attribute = attributes[ name ];
			this.addAttribute( name, attribute.clone() );


		// morph attributes

		var morphAttributes = source.morphAttributes;

		for ( name in morphAttributes ) {

			var array = [];
			var morphAttribute = morphAttributes[ name ]; // morphAttribute: array of Float32BufferAttributes

			for ( i = 0, l = morphAttribute.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				array.push( morphAttribute[ i ].clone() );


			this.morphAttributes[ name ] = array;


		// groups

		var groups = source.groups;

		for ( i = 0, l = groups.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var group = groups[ i ];
			this.addGroup( group.start, group.count, group.materialIndex );


		// bounding box

		var boundingBox = source.boundingBox;

		if ( boundingBox !== null ) {

			this.boundingBox = boundingBox.clone();


		// bounding sphere

		var boundingSphere = source.boundingSphere;

		if ( boundingSphere !== null ) {

			this.boundingSphere = boundingSphere.clone();


		// draw range

		this.drawRange.start = source.drawRange.start;
		this.drawRange.count = source.drawRange.count;

		return this;


	dispose: function () {

		this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'dispose' } );


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// BoxGeometry

function BoxGeometry( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'BoxGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		width: width,
		height: height,
		depth: depth,
		widthSegments: widthSegments,
		heightSegments: heightSegments,
		depthSegments: depthSegments

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new BoxBufferGeometry( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments ) );


BoxGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
BoxGeometry.prototype.constructor = BoxGeometry;

// BoxBufferGeometry

function BoxBufferGeometry( width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, depthSegments ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'BoxBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		width: width,
		height: height,
		depth: depth,
		widthSegments: widthSegments,
		heightSegments: heightSegments,
		depthSegments: depthSegments

	var scope = this;

	width = width || 1;
	height = height || 1;
	depth = depth || 1;

	// segments

	widthSegments = Math.floor( widthSegments ) || 1;
	heightSegments = Math.floor( heightSegments ) || 1;
	depthSegments = Math.floor( depthSegments ) || 1;

	// buffers

	var indices = [];
	var vertices = [];
	var normals = [];
	var uvs = [];

	// helper variables

	var numberOfVertices = 0;
	var groupStart = 0;

	// build each side of the box geometry

	buildPlane( 'z', 'y', 'x', - 1, - 1, depth, height, width, depthSegments, heightSegments, 0 ); // px
	buildPlane( 'z', 'y', 'x', 1, - 1, depth, height, - width, depthSegments, heightSegments, 1 ); // nx
	buildPlane( 'x', 'z', 'y', 1, 1, width, depth, height, widthSegments, depthSegments, 2 ); // py
	buildPlane( 'x', 'z', 'y', 1, - 1, width, depth, - height, widthSegments, depthSegments, 3 ); // ny
	buildPlane( 'x', 'y', 'z', 1, - 1, width, height, depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, 4 ); // pz
	buildPlane( 'x', 'y', 'z', - 1, - 1, width, height, - depth, widthSegments, heightSegments, 5 ); // nz

	// build geometry

	this.setIndex( indices );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );

	function buildPlane( u, v, w, udir, vdir, width, height, depth, gridX, gridY, materialIndex ) {

		var segmentWidth = width / gridX;
		var segmentHeight = height / gridY;

		var widthHalf = width / 2;
		var heightHalf = height / 2;
		var depthHalf = depth / 2;

		var gridX1 = gridX + 1;
		var gridY1 = gridY + 1;

		var vertexCounter = 0;
		var groupCount = 0;

		var ix, iy;

		var vector = new Vector3();

		// generate vertices, normals and uvs

		for ( iy = 0; iy < gridY1; iy ++ ) {

			var y = iy * segmentHeight - heightHalf;

			for ( ix = 0; ix < gridX1; ix ++ ) {

				var x = ix * segmentWidth - widthHalf;

				// set values to correct vector component

				vector[ u ] = x * udir;
				vector[ v ] = y * vdir;
				vector[ w ] = depthHalf;

				// now apply vector to vertex buffer

				vertices.push( vector.x, vector.y, vector.z );

				// set values to correct vector component

				vector[ u ] = 0;
				vector[ v ] = 0;
				vector[ w ] = depth > 0 ? 1 : - 1;

				// now apply vector to normal buffer

				normals.push( vector.x, vector.y, vector.z );

				// uvs

				uvs.push( ix / gridX );
				uvs.push( 1 - ( iy / gridY ) );

				// counters

				vertexCounter += 1;



		// indices

		// 1. you need three indices to draw a single face
		// 2. a single segment consists of two faces
		// 3. so we need to generate six (2*3) indices per segment

		for ( iy = 0; iy < gridY; iy ++ ) {

			for ( ix = 0; ix < gridX; ix ++ ) {

				var a = numberOfVertices + ix + gridX1 * iy;
				var b = numberOfVertices + ix + gridX1 * ( iy + 1 );
				var c = numberOfVertices + ( ix + 1 ) + gridX1 * ( iy + 1 );
				var d = numberOfVertices + ( ix + 1 ) + gridX1 * iy;

				// faces

				indices.push( a, b, d );
				indices.push( b, c, d );

				// increase counter

				groupCount += 6;



		// add a group to the geometry. this will ensure multi material support

		scope.addGroup( groupStart, groupCount, materialIndex );

		// calculate new start value for groups

		groupStart += groupCount;

		// update total number of vertices

		numberOfVertices += vertexCounter;



BoxBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
BoxBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = BoxBufferGeometry;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// PlaneGeometry

function PlaneGeometry( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'PlaneGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		width: width,
		height: height,
		widthSegments: widthSegments,
		heightSegments: heightSegments

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new PlaneBufferGeometry( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments ) );


PlaneGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
PlaneGeometry.prototype.constructor = PlaneGeometry;

// PlaneBufferGeometry

function PlaneBufferGeometry( width, height, widthSegments, heightSegments ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'PlaneBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		width: width,
		height: height,
		widthSegments: widthSegments,
		heightSegments: heightSegments

	width = width || 1;
	height = height || 1;

	var width_half = width / 2;
	var height_half = height / 2;

	var gridX = Math.floor( widthSegments ) || 1;
	var gridY = Math.floor( heightSegments ) || 1;

	var gridX1 = gridX + 1;
	var gridY1 = gridY + 1;

	var segment_width = width / gridX;
	var segment_height = height / gridY;

	var ix, iy;

	// buffers

	var indices = [];
	var vertices = [];
	var normals = [];
	var uvs = [];

	// generate vertices, normals and uvs

	for ( iy = 0; iy < gridY1; iy ++ ) {

		var y = iy * segment_height - height_half;

		for ( ix = 0; ix < gridX1; ix ++ ) {

			var x = ix * segment_width - width_half;

			vertices.push( x, - y, 0 );

			normals.push( 0, 0, 1 );

			uvs.push( ix / gridX );
			uvs.push( 1 - ( iy / gridY ) );



	// indices

	for ( iy = 0; iy < gridY; iy ++ ) {

		for ( ix = 0; ix < gridX; ix ++ ) {

			var a = ix + gridX1 * iy;
			var b = ix + gridX1 * ( iy + 1 );
			var c = ( ix + 1 ) + gridX1 * ( iy + 1 );
			var d = ( ix + 1 ) + gridX1 * iy;

			// faces

			indices.push( a, b, d );
			indices.push( b, c, d );



	// build geometry

	this.setIndex( indices );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );


PlaneBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
PlaneBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = PlaneBufferGeometry;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * parameters = {
 *  color: <hex>,
 *  opacity: <float>,
 *  map: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  lightMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  lightMapIntensity: <float>
 *  aoMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  aoMapIntensity: <float>
 *  specularMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  alphaMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  envMap: new THREE.TextureCube( [posx, negx, posy, negy, posz, negz] ),
 *  combine: THREE.Multiply,
 *  reflectivity: <float>,
 *  refractionRatio: <float>,
 *  depthTest: <bool>,
 *  depthWrite: <bool>,
 *  wireframe: <boolean>,
 *  wireframeLinewidth: <float>,
 *  skinning: <bool>,
 *  morphTargets: <bool>
 * }

function MeshBasicMaterial( parameters ) {

	Material.call( this );

	this.type = 'MeshBasicMaterial';

	this.color = new Color( 0xffffff ); // emissive

	this.map = null;

	this.lightMap = null;
	this.lightMapIntensity = 1.0;

	this.aoMap = null;
	this.aoMapIntensity = 1.0;

	this.specularMap = null;

	this.alphaMap = null;

	this.envMap = null;
	this.combine = MultiplyOperation;
	this.reflectivity = 1;
	this.refractionRatio = 0.98;

	this.wireframe = false;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;
	this.wireframeLinecap = 'round';
	this.wireframeLinejoin = 'round';

	this.skinning = false;
	this.morphTargets = false;

	this.lights = false;

	this.setValues( parameters );


MeshBasicMaterial.prototype = Object.create( Material.prototype );
MeshBasicMaterial.prototype.constructor = MeshBasicMaterial;

MeshBasicMaterial.prototype.isMeshBasicMaterial = true;

MeshBasicMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.color.copy( source.color );

	this.map = source.map;

	this.lightMap = source.lightMap;
	this.lightMapIntensity = source.lightMapIntensity;

	this.aoMap = source.aoMap;
	this.aoMapIntensity = source.aoMapIntensity;

	this.specularMap = source.specularMap;

	this.alphaMap = source.alphaMap;

	this.envMap = source.envMap;
	this.combine = source.combine;
	this.reflectivity = source.reflectivity;
	this.refractionRatio = source.refractionRatio;

	this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;
	this.wireframeLinecap = source.wireframeLinecap;
	this.wireframeLinejoin = source.wireframeLinejoin;

	this.skinning = source.skinning;
	this.morphTargets = source.morphTargets;

	return this;


 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * parameters = {
 *  defines: { "label" : "value" },
 *  uniforms: { "parameter1": { value: 1.0 }, "parameter2": { value2: 2 } },
 *  fragmentShader: <string>,
 *  vertexShader: <string>,
 *  wireframe: <boolean>,
 *  wireframeLinewidth: <float>,
 *  lights: <bool>,
 *  skinning: <bool>,
 *  morphTargets: <bool>,
 *  morphNormals: <bool>
 * }

function ShaderMaterial( parameters ) {

	Material.call( this );

	this.type = 'ShaderMaterial';

	this.defines = {};
	this.uniforms = {};

	this.vertexShader = 'void main() {\n\tgl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );\n}';
	this.fragmentShader = 'void main() {\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );\n}';

	this.linewidth = 1;

	this.wireframe = false;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;

	this.fog = false; // set to use scene fog
	this.lights = false; // set to use scene lights
	this.clipping = false; // set to use user-defined clipping planes

	this.skinning = false; // set to use skinning attribute streams
	this.morphTargets = false; // set to use morph targets
	this.morphNormals = false; // set to use morph normals

	this.extensions = {
		derivatives: false, // set to use derivatives
		fragDepth: false, // set to use fragment depth values
		drawBuffers: false, // set to use draw buffers
		shaderTextureLOD: false // set to use shader texture LOD

	// When rendered geometry doesn't include these attributes but the material does,
	// use these default values in WebGL. This avoids errors when buffer data is missing.
	this.defaultAttributeValues = {
		'color': [ 1, 1, 1 ],
		'uv': [ 0, 0 ],
		'uv2': [ 0, 0 ]

	this.index0AttributeName = undefined;
	this.uniformsNeedUpdate = false;

	if ( parameters !== undefined ) {

		if ( parameters.attributes !== undefined ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.ShaderMaterial: attributes should now be defined in THREE.BufferGeometry instead.' );


		this.setValues( parameters );



ShaderMaterial.prototype = Object.create( Material.prototype );
ShaderMaterial.prototype.constructor = ShaderMaterial;

ShaderMaterial.prototype.isShaderMaterial = true;

ShaderMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.fragmentShader = source.fragmentShader;
	this.vertexShader = source.vertexShader;

	this.uniforms = UniformsUtils.clone( source.uniforms );

	this.defines = source.defines;

	this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;

	this.lights = source.lights;
	this.clipping = source.clipping;

	this.skinning = source.skinning;

	this.morphTargets = source.morphTargets;
	this.morphNormals = source.morphNormals;

	this.extensions = source.extensions;

	return this;


ShaderMaterial.prototype.toJSON = function ( meta ) {

	var data = Material.prototype.toJSON.call( this, meta );

	data.uniforms = this.uniforms;
	data.vertexShader = this.vertexShader;
	data.fragmentShader = this.fragmentShader;

	return data;


 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io

function Ray( origin, direction ) {

	this.origin = ( origin !== undefined ) ? origin : new Vector3();
	this.direction = ( direction !== undefined ) ? direction : new Vector3();


Object.assign( Ray.prototype, {

	set: function ( origin, direction ) {

		this.origin.copy( origin );
		this.direction.copy( direction );

		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( ray ) {

		this.origin.copy( ray.origin );
		this.direction.copy( ray.direction );

		return this;


	at: function ( t, optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

		return result.copy( this.direction ).multiplyScalar( t ).add( this.origin );


	lookAt: function ( v ) {

		this.direction.copy( v ).sub( this.origin ).normalize();

		return this;


	recast: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function recast( t ) {

			this.origin.copy( this.at( t, v1 ) );

			return this;



	closestPointToPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();
		result.subVectors( point, this.origin );
		var directionDistance = result.dot( this.direction );

		if ( directionDistance < 0 ) {

			return result.copy( this.origin );


		return result.copy( this.direction ).multiplyScalar( directionDistance ).add( this.origin );


	distanceToPoint: function ( point ) {

		return Math.sqrt( this.distanceSqToPoint( point ) );


	distanceSqToPoint: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function distanceSqToPoint( point ) {

			var directionDistance = v1.subVectors( point, this.origin ).dot( this.direction );

			// point behind the ray

			if ( directionDistance < 0 ) {

				return this.origin.distanceToSquared( point );


			v1.copy( this.direction ).multiplyScalar( directionDistance ).add( this.origin );

			return v1.distanceToSquared( point );



	distanceSqToSegment: function () {

		var segCenter = new Vector3();
		var segDir = new Vector3();
		var diff = new Vector3();

		return function distanceSqToSegment( v0, v1, optionalPointOnRay, optionalPointOnSegment ) {

			// from http://www.geometrictools.com/GTEngine/Include/Mathematics/GteDistRaySegment.h
			// It returns the min distance between the ray and the segment
			// defined by v0 and v1
			// It can also set two optional targets :
			// - The closest point on the ray
			// - The closest point on the segment

			segCenter.copy( v0 ).add( v1 ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );
			segDir.copy( v1 ).sub( v0 ).normalize();
			diff.copy( this.origin ).sub( segCenter );

			var segExtent = v0.distanceTo( v1 ) * 0.5;
			var a01 = - this.direction.dot( segDir );
			var b0 = diff.dot( this.direction );
			var b1 = - diff.dot( segDir );
			var c = diff.lengthSq();
			var det = Math.abs( 1 - a01 * a01 );
			var s0, s1, sqrDist, extDet;

			if ( det > 0 ) {

				// The ray and segment are not parallel.

				s0 = a01 * b1 - b0;
				s1 = a01 * b0 - b1;
				extDet = segExtent * det;

				if ( s0 >= 0 ) {

					if ( s1 >= - extDet ) {

						if ( s1 <= extDet ) {

							// region 0
							// Minimum at interior points of ray and segment.

							var invDet = 1 / det;
							s0 *= invDet;
							s1 *= invDet;
							sqrDist = s0 * ( s0 + a01 * s1 + 2 * b0 ) + s1 * ( a01 * s0 + s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;

						} else {

							// region 1

							s1 = segExtent;
							s0 = Math.max( 0, - ( a01 * s1 + b0 ) );
							sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;


					} else {

						// region 5

						s1 = - segExtent;
						s0 = Math.max( 0, - ( a01 * s1 + b0 ) );
						sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;


				} else {

					if ( s1 <= - extDet ) {

						// region 4

						s0 = Math.max( 0, - ( - a01 * segExtent + b0 ) );
						s1 = ( s0 > 0 ) ? - segExtent : Math.min( Math.max( - segExtent, - b1 ), segExtent );
						sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;

					} else if ( s1 <= extDet ) {

						// region 3

						s0 = 0;
						s1 = Math.min( Math.max( - segExtent, - b1 ), segExtent );
						sqrDist = s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;

					} else {

						// region 2

						s0 = Math.max( 0, - ( a01 * segExtent + b0 ) );
						s1 = ( s0 > 0 ) ? segExtent : Math.min( Math.max( - segExtent, - b1 ), segExtent );
						sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;



			} else {

				// Ray and segment are parallel.

				s1 = ( a01 > 0 ) ? - segExtent : segExtent;
				s0 = Math.max( 0, - ( a01 * s1 + b0 ) );
				sqrDist = - s0 * s0 + s1 * ( s1 + 2 * b1 ) + c;


			if ( optionalPointOnRay ) {

				optionalPointOnRay.copy( this.direction ).multiplyScalar( s0 ).add( this.origin );


			if ( optionalPointOnSegment ) {

				optionalPointOnSegment.copy( segDir ).multiplyScalar( s1 ).add( segCenter );


			return sqrDist;



	intersectSphere: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function intersectSphere( sphere, optionalTarget ) {

			v1.subVectors( sphere.center, this.origin );
			var tca = v1.dot( this.direction );
			var d2 = v1.dot( v1 ) - tca * tca;
			var radius2 = sphere.radius * sphere.radius;

			if ( d2 > radius2 ) return null;

			var thc = Math.sqrt( radius2 - d2 );

			// t0 = first intersect point - entrance on front of sphere
			var t0 = tca - thc;

			// t1 = second intersect point - exit point on back of sphere
			var t1 = tca + thc;

			// test to see if both t0 and t1 are behind the ray - if so, return null
			if ( t0 < 0 && t1 < 0 ) return null;

			// test to see if t0 is behind the ray:
			// if it is, the ray is inside the sphere, so return the second exit point scaled by t1,
			// in order to always return an intersect point that is in front of the ray.
			if ( t0 < 0 ) return this.at( t1, optionalTarget );

			// else t0 is in front of the ray, so return the first collision point scaled by t0
			return this.at( t0, optionalTarget );



	intersectsSphere: function ( sphere ) {

		return this.distanceToPoint( sphere.center ) <= sphere.radius;


	distanceToPlane: function ( plane ) {

		var denominator = plane.normal.dot( this.direction );

		if ( denominator === 0 ) {

			// line is coplanar, return origin
			if ( plane.distanceToPoint( this.origin ) === 0 ) {

				return 0;


			// Null is preferable to undefined since undefined means.... it is undefined

			return null;


		var t = - ( this.origin.dot( plane.normal ) + plane.constant ) / denominator;

		// Return if the ray never intersects the plane

		return t >= 0 ? t : null;


	intersectPlane: function ( plane, optionalTarget ) {

		var t = this.distanceToPlane( plane );

		if ( t === null ) {

			return null;


		return this.at( t, optionalTarget );


	intersectsPlane: function ( plane ) {

		// check if the ray lies on the plane first

		var distToPoint = plane.distanceToPoint( this.origin );

		if ( distToPoint === 0 ) {

			return true;


		var denominator = plane.normal.dot( this.direction );

		if ( denominator * distToPoint < 0 ) {

			return true;


		// ray origin is behind the plane (and is pointing behind it)

		return false;


	intersectBox: function ( box, optionalTarget ) {

		var tmin, tmax, tymin, tymax, tzmin, tzmax;

		var invdirx = 1 / this.direction.x,
			invdiry = 1 / this.direction.y,
			invdirz = 1 / this.direction.z;

		var origin = this.origin;

		if ( invdirx >= 0 ) {

			tmin = ( box.min.x - origin.x ) * invdirx;
			tmax = ( box.max.x - origin.x ) * invdirx;

		} else {

			tmin = ( box.max.x - origin.x ) * invdirx;
			tmax = ( box.min.x - origin.x ) * invdirx;


		if ( invdiry >= 0 ) {

			tymin = ( box.min.y - origin.y ) * invdiry;
			tymax = ( box.max.y - origin.y ) * invdiry;

		} else {

			tymin = ( box.max.y - origin.y ) * invdiry;
			tymax = ( box.min.y - origin.y ) * invdiry;


		if ( ( tmin > tymax ) || ( tymin > tmax ) ) return null;

		// These lines also handle the case where tmin or tmax is NaN
		// (result of 0 * Infinity). x !== x returns true if x is NaN

		if ( tymin > tmin || tmin !== tmin ) tmin = tymin;

		if ( tymax < tmax || tmax !== tmax ) tmax = tymax;

		if ( invdirz >= 0 ) {

			tzmin = ( box.min.z - origin.z ) * invdirz;
			tzmax = ( box.max.z - origin.z ) * invdirz;

		} else {

			tzmin = ( box.max.z - origin.z ) * invdirz;
			tzmax = ( box.min.z - origin.z ) * invdirz;


		if ( ( tmin > tzmax ) || ( tzmin > tmax ) ) return null;

		if ( tzmin > tmin || tmin !== tmin ) tmin = tzmin;

		if ( tzmax < tmax || tmax !== tmax ) tmax = tzmax;

		//return point closest to the ray (positive side)

		if ( tmax < 0 ) return null;

		return this.at( tmin >= 0 ? tmin : tmax, optionalTarget );


	intersectsBox: ( function () {

		var v = new Vector3();

		return function intersectsBox( box ) {

			return this.intersectBox( box, v ) !== null;


	} )(),

	intersectTriangle: function () {

		// Compute the offset origin, edges, and normal.
		var diff = new Vector3();
		var edge1 = new Vector3();
		var edge2 = new Vector3();
		var normal = new Vector3();

		return function intersectTriangle( a, b, c, backfaceCulling, optionalTarget ) {

			// from http://www.geometrictools.com/GTEngine/Include/Mathematics/GteIntrRay3Triangle3.h

			edge1.subVectors( b, a );
			edge2.subVectors( c, a );
			normal.crossVectors( edge1, edge2 );

			// Solve Q + t*D = b1*E1 + b2*E2 (Q = kDiff, D = ray direction,
			// E1 = kEdge1, E2 = kEdge2, N = Cross(E1,E2)) by
			//   |Dot(D,N)|*b1 = sign(Dot(D,N))*Dot(D,Cross(Q,E2))
			//   |Dot(D,N)|*b2 = sign(Dot(D,N))*Dot(D,Cross(E1,Q))
			//   |Dot(D,N)|*t = -sign(Dot(D,N))*Dot(Q,N)
			var DdN = this.direction.dot( normal );
			var sign;

			if ( DdN > 0 ) {

				if ( backfaceCulling ) return null;
				sign = 1;

			} else if ( DdN < 0 ) {

				sign = - 1;
				DdN = - DdN;

			} else {

				return null;


			diff.subVectors( this.origin, a );
			var DdQxE2 = sign * this.direction.dot( edge2.crossVectors( diff, edge2 ) );

			// b1 < 0, no intersection
			if ( DdQxE2 < 0 ) {

				return null;


			var DdE1xQ = sign * this.direction.dot( edge1.cross( diff ) );

			// b2 < 0, no intersection
			if ( DdE1xQ < 0 ) {

				return null;


			// b1+b2 > 1, no intersection
			if ( DdQxE2 + DdE1xQ > DdN ) {

				return null;


			// Line intersects triangle, check if ray does.
			var QdN = - sign * diff.dot( normal );

			// t < 0, no intersection
			if ( QdN < 0 ) {

				return null;


			// Ray intersects triangle.
			return this.at( QdN / DdN, optionalTarget );



	applyMatrix4: function ( matrix4 ) {

		this.origin.applyMatrix4( matrix4 );
		this.direction.transformDirection( matrix4 );

		return this;


	equals: function ( ray ) {

		return ray.origin.equals( this.origin ) && ray.direction.equals( this.direction );


} );

 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io

function Line3( start, end ) {

	this.start = ( start !== undefined ) ? start : new Vector3();
	this.end = ( end !== undefined ) ? end : new Vector3();


Object.assign( Line3.prototype, {

	set: function ( start, end ) {

		this.start.copy( start );
		this.end.copy( end );

		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( line ) {

		this.start.copy( line.start );
		this.end.copy( line.end );

		return this;


	getCenter: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();
		return result.addVectors( this.start, this.end ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );


	delta: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();
		return result.subVectors( this.end, this.start );


	distanceSq: function () {

		return this.start.distanceToSquared( this.end );


	distance: function () {

		return this.start.distanceTo( this.end );


	at: function ( t, optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

		return this.delta( result ).multiplyScalar( t ).add( this.start );


	closestPointToPointParameter: function () {

		var startP = new Vector3();
		var startEnd = new Vector3();

		return function closestPointToPointParameter( point, clampToLine ) {

			startP.subVectors( point, this.start );
			startEnd.subVectors( this.end, this.start );

			var startEnd2 = startEnd.dot( startEnd );
			var startEnd_startP = startEnd.dot( startP );

			var t = startEnd_startP / startEnd2;

			if ( clampToLine ) {

				t = _Math.clamp( t, 0, 1 );


			return t;



	closestPointToPoint: function ( point, clampToLine, optionalTarget ) {

		var t = this.closestPointToPointParameter( point, clampToLine );

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

		return this.delta( result ).multiplyScalar( t ).add( this.start );


	applyMatrix4: function ( matrix ) {

		this.start.applyMatrix4( matrix );
		this.end.applyMatrix4( matrix );

		return this;


	equals: function ( line ) {

		return line.start.equals( this.start ) && line.end.equals( this.end );


} );

 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function Triangle( a, b, c ) {

	this.a = ( a !== undefined ) ? a : new Vector3();
	this.b = ( b !== undefined ) ? b : new Vector3();
	this.c = ( c !== undefined ) ? c : new Vector3();


Object.assign( Triangle, {

	normal: function () {

		var v0 = new Vector3();

		return function normal( a, b, c, optionalTarget ) {

			var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

			result.subVectors( c, b );
			v0.subVectors( a, b );
			result.cross( v0 );

			var resultLengthSq = result.lengthSq();
			if ( resultLengthSq > 0 ) {

				return result.multiplyScalar( 1 / Math.sqrt( resultLengthSq ) );


			return result.set( 0, 0, 0 );



	// static/instance method to calculate barycentric coordinates
	// based on: http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/pointinpoly/default.html
	barycoordFromPoint: function () {

		var v0 = new Vector3();
		var v1 = new Vector3();
		var v2 = new Vector3();

		return function barycoordFromPoint( point, a, b, c, optionalTarget ) {

			v0.subVectors( c, a );
			v1.subVectors( b, a );
			v2.subVectors( point, a );

			var dot00 = v0.dot( v0 );
			var dot01 = v0.dot( v1 );
			var dot02 = v0.dot( v2 );
			var dot11 = v1.dot( v1 );
			var dot12 = v1.dot( v2 );

			var denom = ( dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01 );

			var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

			// collinear or singular triangle
			if ( denom === 0 ) {

				// arbitrary location outside of triangle?
				// not sure if this is the best idea, maybe should be returning undefined
				return result.set( - 2, - 1, - 1 );


			var invDenom = 1 / denom;
			var u = ( dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12 ) * invDenom;
			var v = ( dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02 ) * invDenom;

			// barycentric coordinates must always sum to 1
			return result.set( 1 - u - v, v, u );



	containsPoint: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function containsPoint( point, a, b, c ) {

			var result = Triangle.barycoordFromPoint( point, a, b, c, v1 );

			return ( result.x >= 0 ) && ( result.y >= 0 ) && ( ( result.x + result.y ) <= 1 );



} );

Object.assign( Triangle.prototype, {

	set: function ( a, b, c ) {

		this.a.copy( a );
		this.b.copy( b );
		this.c.copy( c );

		return this;


	setFromPointsAndIndices: function ( points, i0, i1, i2 ) {

		this.a.copy( points[ i0 ] );
		this.b.copy( points[ i1 ] );
		this.c.copy( points[ i2 ] );

		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( triangle ) {

		this.a.copy( triangle.a );
		this.b.copy( triangle.b );
		this.c.copy( triangle.c );

		return this;


	area: function () {

		var v0 = new Vector3();
		var v1 = new Vector3();

		return function area() {

			v0.subVectors( this.c, this.b );
			v1.subVectors( this.a, this.b );

			return v0.cross( v1 ).length() * 0.5;



	midpoint: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();
		return result.addVectors( this.a, this.b ).add( this.c ).multiplyScalar( 1 / 3 );


	normal: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		return Triangle.normal( this.a, this.b, this.c, optionalTarget );


	plane: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Plane();

		return result.setFromCoplanarPoints( this.a, this.b, this.c );


	barycoordFromPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {

		return Triangle.barycoordFromPoint( point, this.a, this.b, this.c, optionalTarget );


	containsPoint: function ( point ) {

		return Triangle.containsPoint( point, this.a, this.b, this.c );


	intersectsBox: function ( box ) {

		return box.intersectsTriangle( this );


	closestPointToPoint: function () {

		var plane = new Plane();
		var edgeList = [ new Line3(), new Line3(), new Line3() ];
		var projectedPoint = new Vector3();
		var closestPoint = new Vector3();

		return function closestPointToPoint( point, optionalTarget ) {

			var result = optionalTarget || new Vector3();
			var minDistance = Infinity;

			// project the point onto the plane of the triangle

			plane.setFromCoplanarPoints( this.a, this.b, this.c );
			plane.projectPoint( point, projectedPoint );

			// check if the projection lies within the triangle

			if ( this.containsPoint( projectedPoint ) === true ) {

				// if so, this is the closest point

				result.copy( projectedPoint );

			} else {

				// if not, the point falls outside the triangle. the result is the closest point to the triangle's edges or vertices

				edgeList[ 0 ].set( this.a, this.b );
				edgeList[ 1 ].set( this.b, this.c );
				edgeList[ 2 ].set( this.c, this.a );

				for ( var i = 0; i < edgeList.length; i ++ ) {

					edgeList[ i ].closestPointToPoint( projectedPoint, true, closestPoint );

					var distance = projectedPoint.distanceToSquared( closestPoint );

					if ( distance < minDistance ) {

						minDistance = distance;

						result.copy( closestPoint );




			return result;



	equals: function ( triangle ) {

		return triangle.a.equals( this.a ) && triangle.b.equals( this.b ) && triangle.c.equals( this.c );


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author jonobr1 / http://jonobr1.com/

function Mesh( geometry, material ) {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'Mesh';

	this.geometry = geometry !== undefined ? geometry : new BufferGeometry();
	this.material = material !== undefined ? material : new MeshBasicMaterial( { color: Math.random() * 0xffffff } );

	this.drawMode = TrianglesDrawMode;



Mesh.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: Mesh,

	isMesh: true,

	setDrawMode: function ( value ) {

		this.drawMode = value;


	copy: function ( source ) {

		Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.drawMode = source.drawMode;

		if ( source.morphTargetInfluences !== undefined ) {

			this.morphTargetInfluences = source.morphTargetInfluences.slice();


		if ( source.morphTargetDictionary !== undefined ) {

			this.morphTargetDictionary = Object.assign( {}, source.morphTargetDictionary );


		return this;


	updateMorphTargets: function () {

		var geometry = this.geometry;
		var m, ml, name;

		if ( geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

			var morphAttributes = geometry.morphAttributes;
			var keys = Object.keys( morphAttributes );

			if ( keys.length > 0 ) {

				var morphAttribute = morphAttributes[ keys[ 0 ] ];

				if ( morphAttribute !== undefined ) {

					this.morphTargetInfluences = [];
					this.morphTargetDictionary = {};

					for ( m = 0, ml = morphAttribute.length; m < ml; m ++ ) {

						name = morphAttribute[ m ].name || String( m );

						this.morphTargetInfluences.push( 0 );
						this.morphTargetDictionary[ name ] = m;




		} else {

			var morphTargets = geometry.morphTargets;

			if ( morphTargets !== undefined && morphTargets.length > 0 ) {

				this.morphTargetInfluences = [];
				this.morphTargetDictionary = {};

				for ( m = 0, ml = morphTargets.length; m < ml; m ++ ) {

					name = morphTargets[ m ].name || String( m );

					this.morphTargetInfluences.push( 0 );
					this.morphTargetDictionary[ name ] = m;





	raycast: ( function () {

		var inverseMatrix = new Matrix4();
		var ray = new Ray();
		var sphere = new Sphere();

		var vA = new Vector3();
		var vB = new Vector3();
		var vC = new Vector3();

		var tempA = new Vector3();
		var tempB = new Vector3();
		var tempC = new Vector3();

		var uvA = new Vector2();
		var uvB = new Vector2();
		var uvC = new Vector2();

		var barycoord = new Vector3();

		var intersectionPoint = new Vector3();
		var intersectionPointWorld = new Vector3();

		function uvIntersection( point, p1, p2, p3, uv1, uv2, uv3 ) {

			Triangle.barycoordFromPoint( point, p1, p2, p3, barycoord );

			uv1.multiplyScalar( barycoord.x );
			uv2.multiplyScalar( barycoord.y );
			uv3.multiplyScalar( barycoord.z );

			uv1.add( uv2 ).add( uv3 );

			return uv1.clone();


		function checkIntersection( object, material, raycaster, ray, pA, pB, pC, point ) {

			var intersect;

			if ( material.side === BackSide ) {

				intersect = ray.intersectTriangle( pC, pB, pA, true, point );

			} else {

				intersect = ray.intersectTriangle( pA, pB, pC, material.side !== DoubleSide, point );


			if ( intersect === null ) return null;

			intersectionPointWorld.copy( point );
			intersectionPointWorld.applyMatrix4( object.matrixWorld );

			var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( intersectionPointWorld );

			if ( distance < raycaster.near || distance > raycaster.far ) return null;

			return {
				distance: distance,
				point: intersectionPointWorld.clone(),
				object: object


		function checkBufferGeometryIntersection( object, raycaster, ray, position, uv, a, b, c ) {

			vA.fromBufferAttribute( position, a );
			vB.fromBufferAttribute( position, b );
			vC.fromBufferAttribute( position, c );

			var intersection = checkIntersection( object, object.material, raycaster, ray, vA, vB, vC, intersectionPoint );

			if ( intersection ) {

				if ( uv ) {

					uvA.fromBufferAttribute( uv, a );
					uvB.fromBufferAttribute( uv, b );
					uvC.fromBufferAttribute( uv, c );

					intersection.uv = uvIntersection( intersectionPoint, vA, vB, vC, uvA, uvB, uvC );


				intersection.face = new Face3( a, b, c, Triangle.normal( vA, vB, vC ) );
				intersection.faceIndex = a;


			return intersection;


		return function raycast( raycaster, intersects ) {

			var geometry = this.geometry;
			var material = this.material;
			var matrixWorld = this.matrixWorld;

			if ( material === undefined ) return;

			// Checking boundingSphere distance to ray

			if ( geometry.boundingSphere === null ) geometry.computeBoundingSphere();

			sphere.copy( geometry.boundingSphere );
			sphere.applyMatrix4( matrixWorld );

			if ( raycaster.ray.intersectsSphere( sphere ) === false ) return;


			inverseMatrix.getInverse( matrixWorld );
			ray.copy( raycaster.ray ).applyMatrix4( inverseMatrix );

			// Check boundingBox before continuing

			if ( geometry.boundingBox !== null ) {

				if ( ray.intersectsBox( geometry.boundingBox ) === false ) return;


			var intersection;

			if ( geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

				var a, b, c;
				var index = geometry.index;
				var position = geometry.attributes.position;
				var uv = geometry.attributes.uv;
				var i, l;

				if ( index !== null ) {

					// indexed buffer geometry

					for ( i = 0, l = index.count; i < l; i += 3 ) {

						a = index.getX( i );
						b = index.getX( i + 1 );
						c = index.getX( i + 2 );

						intersection = checkBufferGeometryIntersection( this, raycaster, ray, position, uv, a, b, c );

						if ( intersection ) {

							intersection.faceIndex = Math.floor( i / 3 ); // triangle number in indices buffer semantics
							intersects.push( intersection );



				} else if ( position !== undefined ) {

					// non-indexed buffer geometry

					for ( i = 0, l = position.count; i < l; i += 3 ) {

						a = i;
						b = i + 1;
						c = i + 2;

						intersection = checkBufferGeometryIntersection( this, raycaster, ray, position, uv, a, b, c );

						if ( intersection ) {

							intersection.index = a; // triangle number in positions buffer semantics
							intersects.push( intersection );




			} else if ( geometry.isGeometry ) {

				var fvA, fvB, fvC;
				var isMultiMaterial = Array.isArray( material );

				var vertices = geometry.vertices;
				var faces = geometry.faces;
				var uvs;

				var faceVertexUvs = geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ];
				if ( faceVertexUvs.length > 0 ) uvs = faceVertexUvs;

				for ( var f = 0, fl = faces.length; f < fl; f ++ ) {

					var face = faces[ f ];
					var faceMaterial = isMultiMaterial ? material[ face.materialIndex ] : material;

					if ( faceMaterial === undefined ) continue;

					fvA = vertices[ face.a ];
					fvB = vertices[ face.b ];
					fvC = vertices[ face.c ];

					if ( faceMaterial.morphTargets === true ) {

						var morphTargets = geometry.morphTargets;
						var morphInfluences = this.morphTargetInfluences;

						vA.set( 0, 0, 0 );
						vB.set( 0, 0, 0 );
						vC.set( 0, 0, 0 );

						for ( var t = 0, tl = morphTargets.length; t < tl; t ++ ) {

							var influence = morphInfluences[ t ];

							if ( influence === 0 ) continue;

							var targets = morphTargets[ t ].vertices;

							vA.addScaledVector( tempA.subVectors( targets[ face.a ], fvA ), influence );
							vB.addScaledVector( tempB.subVectors( targets[ face.b ], fvB ), influence );
							vC.addScaledVector( tempC.subVectors( targets[ face.c ], fvC ), influence );


						vA.add( fvA );
						vB.add( fvB );
						vC.add( fvC );

						fvA = vA;
						fvB = vB;
						fvC = vC;


					intersection = checkIntersection( this, faceMaterial, raycaster, ray, fvA, fvB, fvC, intersectionPoint );

					if ( intersection ) {

						if ( uvs && uvs[ f ] ) {

							var uvs_f = uvs[ f ];
							uvA.copy( uvs_f[ 0 ] );
							uvB.copy( uvs_f[ 1 ] );
							uvC.copy( uvs_f[ 2 ] );

							intersection.uv = uvIntersection( intersectionPoint, fvA, fvB, fvC, uvA, uvB, uvC );


						intersection.face = face;
						intersection.faceIndex = f;
						intersects.push( intersection );





	}() ),

	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor( this.geometry, this.material ).copy( this );


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebGLBackground( renderer, state, geometries, premultipliedAlpha ) {

	var clearColor = new Color( 0x000000 );
	var clearAlpha = 0;

	var planeCamera, planeMesh;
	var boxMesh;

	function render( renderList, scene, camera, forceClear ) {

		var background = scene.background;

		if ( background === null ) {

			setClear( clearColor, clearAlpha );

		} else if ( background && background.isColor ) {

			setClear( background, 1 );
			forceClear = true;


		if ( renderer.autoClear || forceClear ) {

			renderer.clear( renderer.autoClearColor, renderer.autoClearDepth, renderer.autoClearStencil );


		if ( background && background.isCubeTexture ) {

			if ( boxMesh === undefined ) {

				boxMesh = new Mesh(
					new BoxBufferGeometry( 1, 1, 1 ),
					new ShaderMaterial( {
						uniforms: ShaderLib.cube.uniforms,
						vertexShader: ShaderLib.cube.vertexShader,
						fragmentShader: ShaderLib.cube.fragmentShader,
						side: BackSide,
						depthTest: true,
						depthWrite: false,
						fog: false
					} )

				boxMesh.geometry.removeAttribute( 'normal' );
				boxMesh.geometry.removeAttribute( 'uv' );

				boxMesh.onBeforeRender = function ( renderer, scene, camera ) {

					this.matrixWorld.copyPosition( camera.matrixWorld );


				geometries.update( boxMesh.geometry );


			boxMesh.material.uniforms.tCube.value = background;

			renderList.push( boxMesh, boxMesh.geometry, boxMesh.material, 0, null );

		} else if ( background && background.isTexture ) {

			if ( planeCamera === undefined ) {

				planeCamera = new OrthographicCamera( - 1, 1, 1, - 1, 0, 1 );

				planeMesh = new Mesh(
					new PlaneBufferGeometry( 2, 2 ),
					new MeshBasicMaterial( { depthTest: false, depthWrite: false, fog: false } )

				geometries.update( planeMesh.geometry );


			planeMesh.material.map = background;

			// TODO Push this to renderList

			renderer.renderBufferDirect( planeCamera, null, planeMesh.geometry, planeMesh.material, planeMesh, null );



	function setClear( color, alpha ) {

		state.buffers.color.setClear( color.r, color.g, color.b, alpha, premultipliedAlpha );


	return {

		getClearColor: function () {

			return clearColor;

		setClearColor: function ( color, alpha ) {

			clearColor.set( color );
			clearAlpha = alpha !== undefined ? alpha : 1;
			setClear( clearColor, clearAlpha );

		getClearAlpha: function () {

			return clearAlpha;

		setClearAlpha: function ( alpha ) {

			clearAlpha = alpha;
			setClear( clearColor, clearAlpha );

		render: render



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function painterSortStable( a, b ) {

	if ( a.renderOrder !== b.renderOrder ) {

		return a.renderOrder - b.renderOrder;

	} else if ( a.program && b.program && a.program !== b.program ) {

		return a.program.id - b.program.id;

	} else if ( a.material.id !== b.material.id ) {

		return a.material.id - b.material.id;

	} else if ( a.z !== b.z ) {

		return a.z - b.z;

	} else {

		return a.id - b.id;



function reversePainterSortStable( a, b ) {

	if ( a.renderOrder !== b.renderOrder ) {

		return a.renderOrder - b.renderOrder;

	} if ( a.z !== b.z ) {

		return b.z - a.z;

	} else {

		return a.id - b.id;



function WebGLRenderList() {

	var renderItems = [];
	var renderItemsIndex = 0;

	var opaque = [];
	var transparent = [];

	function init() {

		renderItemsIndex = 0;

		opaque.length = 0;
		transparent.length = 0;


	function push( object, geometry, material, z, group ) {

		var renderItem = renderItems[ renderItemsIndex ];

		if ( renderItem === undefined ) {

			renderItem = {
				id: object.id,
				object: object,
				geometry: geometry,
				material: material,
				program: material.program,
				renderOrder: object.renderOrder,
				z: z,
				group: group

			renderItems[ renderItemsIndex ] = renderItem;

		} else {

			renderItem.id = object.id;
			renderItem.object = object;
			renderItem.geometry = geometry;
			renderItem.material = material;
			renderItem.program = material.program;
			renderItem.renderOrder = object.renderOrder;
			renderItem.z = z;
			renderItem.group = group;


		( material.transparent === true ? transparent : opaque ).push( renderItem );

		renderItemsIndex ++;


	function sort() {

		if ( opaque.length > 1 ) opaque.sort( painterSortStable );
		if ( transparent.length > 1 ) transparent.sort( reversePainterSortStable );


	return {
		opaque: opaque,
		transparent: transparent,

		init: init,
		push: push,

		sort: sort


function WebGLRenderLists() {

	var lists = {};

	function get( scene, camera ) {

		var hash = scene.id + ',' + camera.id;
		var list = lists[ hash ];

		if ( list === undefined ) {

			// console.log( 'THREE.WebGLRenderLists:', hash );

			list = new WebGLRenderList();
			lists[ hash ] = list;


		return list;


	function dispose() {

		lists = {};


	return {
		get: get,
		dispose: dispose


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function absNumericalSort( a, b ) {

	return Math.abs( b[ 1 ] ) - Math.abs( a[ 1 ] );


function WebGLMorphtargets( gl ) {

	var influencesList = {};
	var morphInfluences = new Float32Array( 8 );

	function update( object, geometry, material, program ) {

		var objectInfluences = object.morphTargetInfluences;

		var length = objectInfluences.length;

		var influences = influencesList[ geometry.id ];

		if ( influences === undefined ) {

			// initialise list

			influences = [];

			for ( var i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) {

				influences[ i ] = [ i, 0 ];


			influencesList[ geometry.id ] = influences;


		var morphTargets = material.morphTargets && geometry.morphAttributes.position;
		var morphNormals = material.morphNormals && geometry.morphAttributes.normal;

		// Remove current morphAttributes

		for ( var i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) {

			var influence = influences[ i ];

			if ( influence[ 1 ] !== 0 ) {

				if ( morphTargets ) geometry.removeAttribute( 'morphTarget' + i );
				if ( morphNormals ) geometry.removeAttribute( 'morphNormal' + i );



		// Collect influences

		for ( var i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) {

			var influence = influences[ i ];

			influence[ 0 ] = i;
			influence[ 1 ] = objectInfluences[ i ];


		influences.sort( absNumericalSort );

		// Add morphAttributes

		for ( var i = 0; i < 8; i ++ ) {

			var influence = influences[ i ];

			if ( influence ) {

				var index = influence[ 0 ];
				var value = influence[ 1 ];

				if ( value ) {

					if ( morphTargets ) geometry.addAttribute( 'morphTarget' + i, morphTargets[ index ] );
					if ( morphNormals ) geometry.addAttribute( 'morphNormal' + i, morphNormals[ index ] );

					morphInfluences[ i ] = value;



			morphInfluences[ i ] = 0;


		program.getUniforms().setValue( gl, 'morphTargetInfluences', morphInfluences );


	return {

		update: update



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer( gl, extensions, infoRender ) {

	var mode;

	function setMode( value ) {

		mode = value;


	var type, bytesPerElement;

	function setIndex( value ) {

		type = value.type;
		bytesPerElement = value.bytesPerElement;


	function render( start, count ) {

		gl.drawElements( mode, count, type, start * bytesPerElement );

		infoRender.calls ++;
		infoRender.vertices += count;

		if ( mode === gl.TRIANGLES ) infoRender.faces += count / 3;
		else if ( mode === gl.POINTS ) infoRender.points += count;


	function renderInstances( geometry, start, count ) {

		var extension = extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' );

		if ( extension === null ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer: using THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry but hardware does not support extension ANGLE_instanced_arrays.' );


		extension.drawElementsInstancedANGLE( mode, count, type, start * bytesPerElement, geometry.maxInstancedCount );

		infoRender.calls ++;
		infoRender.vertices += count * geometry.maxInstancedCount;

		if ( mode === gl.TRIANGLES ) infoRender.faces += geometry.maxInstancedCount * count / 3;
		else if ( mode === gl.POINTS ) infoRender.points += geometry.maxInstancedCount * count;



	this.setMode = setMode;
	this.setIndex = setIndex;
	this.render = render;
	this.renderInstances = renderInstances;


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebGLBufferRenderer( gl, extensions, infoRender ) {

	var mode;

	function setMode( value ) {

		mode = value;


	function render( start, count ) {

		gl.drawArrays( mode, start, count );

		infoRender.calls ++;
		infoRender.vertices += count;

		if ( mode === gl.TRIANGLES ) infoRender.faces += count / 3;
		else if ( mode === gl.POINTS ) infoRender.points += count;


	function renderInstances( geometry, start, count ) {

		var extension = extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' );

		if ( extension === null ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.WebGLBufferRenderer: using THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry but hardware does not support extension ANGLE_instanced_arrays.' );


		var position = geometry.attributes.position;

		if ( position.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ) {

			count = position.data.count;

			extension.drawArraysInstancedANGLE( mode, 0, count, geometry.maxInstancedCount );

		} else {

			extension.drawArraysInstancedANGLE( mode, start, count, geometry.maxInstancedCount );


		infoRender.calls ++;
		infoRender.vertices += count * geometry.maxInstancedCount;

		if ( mode === gl.TRIANGLES ) infoRender.faces += geometry.maxInstancedCount * count / 3;
		else if ( mode === gl.POINTS ) infoRender.points += geometry.maxInstancedCount * count;



	this.setMode = setMode;
	this.render = render;
	this.renderInstances = renderInstances;


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebGLGeometries( gl, attributes, infoMemory ) {

	var geometries = {};
	var wireframeAttributes = {};

	function onGeometryDispose( event ) {

		var geometry = event.target;
		var buffergeometry = geometries[ geometry.id ];

		if ( buffergeometry.index !== null ) {

			attributes.remove( buffergeometry.index );


		for ( var name in buffergeometry.attributes ) {

			attributes.remove( buffergeometry.attributes[ name ] );


		geometry.removeEventListener( 'dispose', onGeometryDispose );

		delete geometries[ geometry.id ];

		// TODO Remove duplicate code

		var attribute = wireframeAttributes[ geometry.id ];

		if ( attribute ) {

			attributes.remove( attribute );
			delete wireframeAttributes[ geometry.id ];


		attribute = wireframeAttributes[ buffergeometry.id ];

		if ( attribute ) {

			attributes.remove( attribute );
			delete wireframeAttributes[ buffergeometry.id ];



		infoMemory.geometries --;


	function get( object, geometry ) {

		var buffergeometry = geometries[ geometry.id ];

		if ( buffergeometry ) return buffergeometry;

		geometry.addEventListener( 'dispose', onGeometryDispose );

		if ( geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

			buffergeometry = geometry;

		} else if ( geometry.isGeometry ) {

			if ( geometry._bufferGeometry === undefined ) {

				geometry._bufferGeometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromObject( object );


			buffergeometry = geometry._bufferGeometry;


		geometries[ geometry.id ] = buffergeometry;

		infoMemory.geometries ++;

		return buffergeometry;


	function update( geometry ) {

		var index = geometry.index;
		var geometryAttributes = geometry.attributes;

		if ( index !== null ) {

			attributes.update( index, gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER );


		for ( var name in geometryAttributes ) {

			attributes.update( geometryAttributes[ name ], gl.ARRAY_BUFFER );


		// morph targets

		var morphAttributes = geometry.morphAttributes;

		for ( var name in morphAttributes ) {

			var array = morphAttributes[ name ];

			for ( var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				attributes.update( array[ i ], gl.ARRAY_BUFFER );




	function getWireframeAttribute( geometry ) {

		var attribute = wireframeAttributes[ geometry.id ];

		if ( attribute ) return attribute;

		var indices = [];

		var geometryIndex = geometry.index;
		var geometryAttributes = geometry.attributes;

		// console.time( 'wireframe' );

		if ( geometryIndex !== null ) {

			var array = geometryIndex.array;

			for ( var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {

				var a = array[ i + 0 ];
				var b = array[ i + 1 ];
				var c = array[ i + 2 ];

				indices.push( a, b, b, c, c, a );


		} else {

			var array = geometryAttributes.position.array;

			for ( var i = 0, l = ( array.length / 3 ) - 1; i < l; i += 3 ) {

				var a = i + 0;
				var b = i + 1;
				var c = i + 2;

				indices.push( a, b, b, c, c, a );



		// console.timeEnd( 'wireframe' );

		attribute = new ( arrayMax( indices ) > 65535 ? Uint32BufferAttribute : Uint16BufferAttribute )( indices, 1 );

		attributes.update( attribute, gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER );

		wireframeAttributes[ geometry.id ] = attribute;

		return attribute;


	return {

		get: get,
		update: update,

		getWireframeAttribute: getWireframeAttribute



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebGLObjects( geometries, infoRender ) {

	var updateList = {};

	function update( object ) {

		var frame = infoRender.frame;

		var geometry = object.geometry;
		var buffergeometry = geometries.get( object, geometry );

		// Update once per frame

		if ( updateList[ buffergeometry.id ] !== frame ) {

			if ( geometry.isGeometry ) {

				buffergeometry.updateFromObject( object );


			geometries.update( buffergeometry );

			updateList[ buffergeometry.id ] = frame;


		return buffergeometry;


	function dispose() {

		updateList = {};


	return {

		update: update,
		dispose: dispose



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function addLineNumbers( string ) {

	var lines = string.split( '\n' );

	for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i ++ ) {

		lines[ i ] = ( i + 1 ) + ': ' + lines[ i ];


	return lines.join( '\n' );


function WebGLShader( gl, type, string ) {

	var shader = gl.createShader( type );

	gl.shaderSource( shader, string );
	gl.compileShader( shader );

	if ( gl.getShaderParameter( shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS ) === false ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.WebGLShader: Shader couldn\'t compile.' );


	if ( gl.getShaderInfoLog( shader ) !== '' ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLShader: gl.getShaderInfoLog()', type === gl.VERTEX_SHADER ? 'vertex' : 'fragment', gl.getShaderInfoLog( shader ), addLineNumbers( string ) );


	// --enable-privileged-webgl-extension
	// console.log( type, gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_debug_shaders' ).getTranslatedShaderSource( shader ) );

	return shader;


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

var programIdCount = 0;

function getEncodingComponents( encoding ) {

	switch ( encoding ) {

		case LinearEncoding:
			return [ 'Linear', '( value )' ];
		case sRGBEncoding:
			return [ 'sRGB', '( value )' ];
		case RGBEEncoding:
			return [ 'RGBE', '( value )' ];
		case RGBM7Encoding:
			return [ 'RGBM', '( value, 7.0 )' ];
		case RGBM16Encoding:
			return [ 'RGBM', '( value, 16.0 )' ];
		case RGBDEncoding:
			return [ 'RGBD', '( value, 256.0 )' ];
		case GammaEncoding:
			return [ 'Gamma', '( value, float( GAMMA_FACTOR ) )' ];
			throw new Error( 'unsupported encoding: ' + encoding );



function getTexelDecodingFunction( functionName, encoding ) {

	var components = getEncodingComponents( encoding );
	return 'vec4 ' + functionName + '( vec4 value ) { return ' + components[ 0 ] + 'ToLinear' + components[ 1 ] + '; }';


function getTexelEncodingFunction( functionName, encoding ) {

	var components = getEncodingComponents( encoding );
	return 'vec4 ' + functionName + '( vec4 value ) { return LinearTo' + components[ 0 ] + components[ 1 ] + '; }';


function getToneMappingFunction( functionName, toneMapping ) {

	var toneMappingName;

	switch ( toneMapping ) {

		case LinearToneMapping:
			toneMappingName = 'Linear';

		case ReinhardToneMapping:
			toneMappingName = 'Reinhard';

		case Uncharted2ToneMapping:
			toneMappingName = 'Uncharted2';

		case CineonToneMapping:
			toneMappingName = 'OptimizedCineon';

			throw new Error( 'unsupported toneMapping: ' + toneMapping );


	return 'vec3 ' + functionName + '( vec3 color ) { return ' + toneMappingName + 'ToneMapping( color ); }';


function generateExtensions( extensions, parameters, rendererExtensions ) {

	extensions = extensions || {};

	var chunks = [
		( extensions.derivatives || parameters.envMapCubeUV || parameters.bumpMap || parameters.normalMap || parameters.flatShading ) ? '#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable' : '',
		( extensions.fragDepth || parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer ) && rendererExtensions.get( 'EXT_frag_depth' ) ? '#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable' : '',
		( extensions.drawBuffers ) && rendererExtensions.get( 'WEBGL_draw_buffers' ) ? '#extension GL_EXT_draw_buffers : require' : '',
		( extensions.shaderTextureLOD || parameters.envMap ) && rendererExtensions.get( 'EXT_shader_texture_lod' ) ? '#extension GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod : enable' : ''

	return chunks.filter( filterEmptyLine ).join( '\n' );


function generateDefines( defines ) {

	var chunks = [];

	for ( var name in defines ) {

		var value = defines[ name ];

		if ( value === false ) continue;

		chunks.push( '#define ' + name + ' ' + value );


	return chunks.join( '\n' );


function fetchAttributeLocations( gl, program ) {

	var attributes = {};

	var n = gl.getProgramParameter( program, gl.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES );

	for ( var i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) {

		var info = gl.getActiveAttrib( program, i );
		var name = info.name;

		// console.log( 'THREE.WebGLProgram: ACTIVE VERTEX ATTRIBUTE:', name, i );

		attributes[ name ] = gl.getAttribLocation( program, name );


	return attributes;


function filterEmptyLine( string ) {

	return string !== '';


function replaceLightNums( string, parameters ) {

	return string
		.replace( /NUM_DIR_LIGHTS/g, parameters.numDirLights )
		.replace( /NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS/g, parameters.numSpotLights )
		.replace( /NUM_RECT_AREA_LIGHTS/g, parameters.numRectAreaLights )
		.replace( /NUM_POINT_LIGHTS/g, parameters.numPointLights )
		.replace( /NUM_HEMI_LIGHTS/g, parameters.numHemiLights );


function replaceClippingPlaneNums( string, parameters ) {

	return string
		.replace( /NUM_CLIPPING_PLANES/g, parameters.numClippingPlanes )
		.replace( /UNION_CLIPPING_PLANES/g, ( parameters.numClippingPlanes - parameters.numClipIntersection ) );


function parseIncludes( string ) {

	var pattern = /^[ \t]*#include +<([\w\d.]+)>/gm;

	function replace( match, include ) {

		var replace = ShaderChunk[ include ];

		if ( replace === undefined ) {

			throw new Error( 'Can not resolve #include <' + include + '>' );


		return parseIncludes( replace );


	return string.replace( pattern, replace );


function unrollLoops( string ) {

	var pattern = /#pragma unroll_loop[\s]+?for \( int i \= (\d+)\; i < (\d+)\; i \+\+ \) \{([\s\S]+?)(?=\})\}/g;

	function replace( match, start, end, snippet ) {

		var unroll = '';

		for ( var i = parseInt( start ); i < parseInt( end ); i ++ ) {

			unroll += snippet.replace( /\[ i \]/g, '[ ' + i + ' ]' );


		return unroll;


	return string.replace( pattern, replace );


function WebGLProgram( renderer, extensions, code, material, shader, parameters ) {

	var gl = renderer.context;

	var defines = material.defines;

	var vertexShader = shader.vertexShader;
	var fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader;

	var shadowMapTypeDefine = 'SHADOWMAP_TYPE_BASIC';

	if ( parameters.shadowMapType === PCFShadowMap ) {

		shadowMapTypeDefine = 'SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF';

	} else if ( parameters.shadowMapType === PCFSoftShadowMap ) {

		shadowMapTypeDefine = 'SHADOWMAP_TYPE_PCF_SOFT';


	var envMapTypeDefine = 'ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE';
	var envMapModeDefine = 'ENVMAP_MODE_REFLECTION';
	var envMapBlendingDefine = 'ENVMAP_BLENDING_MULTIPLY';

	if ( parameters.envMap ) {

		switch ( material.envMap.mapping ) {

			case CubeReflectionMapping:
			case CubeRefractionMapping:
				envMapTypeDefine = 'ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE';

			case CubeUVReflectionMapping:
			case CubeUVRefractionMapping:
				envMapTypeDefine = 'ENVMAP_TYPE_CUBE_UV';

			case EquirectangularReflectionMapping:
			case EquirectangularRefractionMapping:
				envMapTypeDefine = 'ENVMAP_TYPE_EQUIREC';

			case SphericalReflectionMapping:
				envMapTypeDefine = 'ENVMAP_TYPE_SPHERE';


		switch ( material.envMap.mapping ) {

			case CubeRefractionMapping:
			case EquirectangularRefractionMapping:
				envMapModeDefine = 'ENVMAP_MODE_REFRACTION';


		switch ( material.combine ) {

			case MultiplyOperation:
				envMapBlendingDefine = 'ENVMAP_BLENDING_MULTIPLY';

			case MixOperation:
				envMapBlendingDefine = 'ENVMAP_BLENDING_MIX';

			case AddOperation:
				envMapBlendingDefine = 'ENVMAP_BLENDING_ADD';



	var gammaFactorDefine = ( renderer.gammaFactor > 0 ) ? renderer.gammaFactor : 1.0;

	// console.log( 'building new program ' );


	var customExtensions = generateExtensions( material.extensions, parameters, extensions );

	var customDefines = generateDefines( defines );


	var program = gl.createProgram();

	var prefixVertex, prefixFragment;

	if ( material.isRawShaderMaterial ) {

		prefixVertex = [


		].filter( filterEmptyLine ).join( '\n' );

		if ( prefixVertex.length > 0 ) {

			prefixVertex += '\n';


		prefixFragment = [


		].filter( filterEmptyLine ).join( '\n' );

		if ( prefixFragment.length > 0 ) {

			prefixFragment += '\n';


	} else {

		prefixVertex = [

			'precision ' + parameters.precision + ' float;',
			'precision ' + parameters.precision + ' int;',

			'#define SHADER_NAME ' + shader.name,


			parameters.supportsVertexTextures ? '#define VERTEX_TEXTURES' : '',

			'#define GAMMA_FACTOR ' + gammaFactorDefine,

			'#define MAX_BONES ' + parameters.maxBones,
			( parameters.useFog && parameters.fog ) ? '#define USE_FOG' : '',
			( parameters.useFog && parameters.fogExp ) ? '#define FOG_EXP2' : '',

			parameters.map ? '#define USE_MAP' : '',
			parameters.envMap ? '#define USE_ENVMAP' : '',
			parameters.envMap ? '#define ' + envMapModeDefine : '',
			parameters.lightMap ? '#define USE_LIGHTMAP' : '',
			parameters.aoMap ? '#define USE_AOMAP' : '',
			parameters.emissiveMap ? '#define USE_EMISSIVEMAP' : '',
			parameters.bumpMap ? '#define USE_BUMPMAP' : '',
			parameters.normalMap ? '#define USE_NORMALMAP' : '',
			parameters.displacementMap && parameters.supportsVertexTextures ? '#define USE_DISPLACEMENTMAP' : '',
			parameters.specularMap ? '#define USE_SPECULARMAP' : '',
			parameters.roughnessMap ? '#define USE_ROUGHNESSMAP' : '',
			parameters.metalnessMap ? '#define USE_METALNESSMAP' : '',
			parameters.alphaMap ? '#define USE_ALPHAMAP' : '',
			parameters.vertexColors ? '#define USE_COLOR' : '',

			parameters.flatShading ? '#define FLAT_SHADED' : '',

			parameters.skinning ? '#define USE_SKINNING' : '',
			parameters.useVertexTexture ? '#define BONE_TEXTURE' : '',

			parameters.morphTargets ? '#define USE_MORPHTARGETS' : '',
			parameters.morphNormals && parameters.flatShading === false ? '#define USE_MORPHNORMALS' : '',
			parameters.doubleSided ? '#define DOUBLE_SIDED' : '',
			parameters.flipSided ? '#define FLIP_SIDED' : '',

			parameters.shadowMapEnabled ? '#define USE_SHADOWMAP' : '',
			parameters.shadowMapEnabled ? '#define ' + shadowMapTypeDefine : '',

			parameters.sizeAttenuation ? '#define USE_SIZEATTENUATION' : '',

			parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer ? '#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF' : '',
			parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer && extensions.get( 'EXT_frag_depth' ) ? '#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT' : '',

			'uniform mat4 modelMatrix;',
			'uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;',
			'uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;',
			'uniform mat4 viewMatrix;',
			'uniform mat3 normalMatrix;',
			'uniform vec3 cameraPosition;',

			'attribute vec3 position;',
			'attribute vec3 normal;',
			'attribute vec2 uv;',

			'#ifdef USE_COLOR',

			'	attribute vec3 color;',



			'	attribute vec3 morphTarget0;',
			'	attribute vec3 morphTarget1;',
			'	attribute vec3 morphTarget2;',
			'	attribute vec3 morphTarget3;',

			'	#ifdef USE_MORPHNORMALS',

			'		attribute vec3 morphNormal0;',
			'		attribute vec3 morphNormal1;',
			'		attribute vec3 morphNormal2;',
			'		attribute vec3 morphNormal3;',

			'	#else',

			'		attribute vec3 morphTarget4;',
			'		attribute vec3 morphTarget5;',
			'		attribute vec3 morphTarget6;',
			'		attribute vec3 morphTarget7;',

			'	#endif',


			'#ifdef USE_SKINNING',

			'	attribute vec4 skinIndex;',
			'	attribute vec4 skinWeight;',



		].filter( filterEmptyLine ).join( '\n' );

		prefixFragment = [


			'precision ' + parameters.precision + ' float;',
			'precision ' + parameters.precision + ' int;',

			'#define SHADER_NAME ' + shader.name,


			parameters.alphaTest ? '#define ALPHATEST ' + parameters.alphaTest : '',

			'#define GAMMA_FACTOR ' + gammaFactorDefine,

			( parameters.useFog && parameters.fog ) ? '#define USE_FOG' : '',
			( parameters.useFog && parameters.fogExp ) ? '#define FOG_EXP2' : '',

			parameters.map ? '#define USE_MAP' : '',
			parameters.envMap ? '#define USE_ENVMAP' : '',
			parameters.envMap ? '#define ' + envMapTypeDefine : '',
			parameters.envMap ? '#define ' + envMapModeDefine : '',
			parameters.envMap ? '#define ' + envMapBlendingDefine : '',
			parameters.lightMap ? '#define USE_LIGHTMAP' : '',
			parameters.aoMap ? '#define USE_AOMAP' : '',
			parameters.emissiveMap ? '#define USE_EMISSIVEMAP' : '',
			parameters.bumpMap ? '#define USE_BUMPMAP' : '',
			parameters.normalMap ? '#define USE_NORMALMAP' : '',
			parameters.specularMap ? '#define USE_SPECULARMAP' : '',
			parameters.roughnessMap ? '#define USE_ROUGHNESSMAP' : '',
			parameters.metalnessMap ? '#define USE_METALNESSMAP' : '',
			parameters.alphaMap ? '#define USE_ALPHAMAP' : '',
			parameters.vertexColors ? '#define USE_COLOR' : '',

			parameters.gradientMap ? '#define USE_GRADIENTMAP' : '',

			parameters.flatShading ? '#define FLAT_SHADED' : '',

			parameters.doubleSided ? '#define DOUBLE_SIDED' : '',
			parameters.flipSided ? '#define FLIP_SIDED' : '',

			parameters.shadowMapEnabled ? '#define USE_SHADOWMAP' : '',
			parameters.shadowMapEnabled ? '#define ' + shadowMapTypeDefine : '',

			parameters.premultipliedAlpha ? '#define PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA' : '',

			parameters.physicallyCorrectLights ? '#define PHYSICALLY_CORRECT_LIGHTS' : '',

			parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer ? '#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF' : '',
			parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer && extensions.get( 'EXT_frag_depth' ) ? '#define USE_LOGDEPTHBUF_EXT' : '',

			parameters.envMap && extensions.get( 'EXT_shader_texture_lod' ) ? '#define TEXTURE_LOD_EXT' : '',

			'uniform mat4 viewMatrix;',
			'uniform vec3 cameraPosition;',

			( parameters.toneMapping !== NoToneMapping ) ? '#define TONE_MAPPING' : '',
			( parameters.toneMapping !== NoToneMapping ) ? ShaderChunk[ 'tonemapping_pars_fragment' ] : '', // this code is required here because it is used by the toneMapping() function defined below
			( parameters.toneMapping !== NoToneMapping ) ? getToneMappingFunction( 'toneMapping', parameters.toneMapping ) : '',

			parameters.dithering ? '#define DITHERING' : '',

			( parameters.outputEncoding || parameters.mapEncoding || parameters.envMapEncoding || parameters.emissiveMapEncoding ) ? ShaderChunk[ 'encodings_pars_fragment' ] : '', // this code is required here because it is used by the various encoding/decoding function defined below
			parameters.mapEncoding ? getTexelDecodingFunction( 'mapTexelToLinear', parameters.mapEncoding ) : '',
			parameters.envMapEncoding ? getTexelDecodingFunction( 'envMapTexelToLinear', parameters.envMapEncoding ) : '',
			parameters.emissiveMapEncoding ? getTexelDecodingFunction( 'emissiveMapTexelToLinear', parameters.emissiveMapEncoding ) : '',
			parameters.outputEncoding ? getTexelEncodingFunction( 'linearToOutputTexel', parameters.outputEncoding ) : '',

			parameters.depthPacking ? '#define DEPTH_PACKING ' + material.depthPacking : '',


		].filter( filterEmptyLine ).join( '\n' );


	vertexShader = parseIncludes( vertexShader );
	vertexShader = replaceLightNums( vertexShader, parameters );
	vertexShader = replaceClippingPlaneNums( vertexShader, parameters );

	fragmentShader = parseIncludes( fragmentShader );
	fragmentShader = replaceLightNums( fragmentShader, parameters );
	fragmentShader = replaceClippingPlaneNums( fragmentShader, parameters );

	vertexShader = unrollLoops( vertexShader );
	fragmentShader = unrollLoops( fragmentShader );

	var vertexGlsl = prefixVertex + vertexShader;
	var fragmentGlsl = prefixFragment + fragmentShader;

	// console.log( '*VERTEX*', vertexGlsl );
	// console.log( '*FRAGMENT*', fragmentGlsl );

	var glVertexShader = WebGLShader( gl, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, vertexGlsl );
	var glFragmentShader = WebGLShader( gl, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentGlsl );

	gl.attachShader( program, glVertexShader );
	gl.attachShader( program, glFragmentShader );

	// Force a particular attribute to index 0.

	if ( material.index0AttributeName !== undefined ) {

		gl.bindAttribLocation( program, 0, material.index0AttributeName );

	} else if ( parameters.morphTargets === true ) {

		// programs with morphTargets displace position out of attribute 0
		gl.bindAttribLocation( program, 0, 'position' );


	gl.linkProgram( program );

	var programLog = gl.getProgramInfoLog( program ).trim();
	var vertexLog = gl.getShaderInfoLog( glVertexShader ).trim();
	var fragmentLog = gl.getShaderInfoLog( glFragmentShader ).trim();

	var runnable = true;
	var haveDiagnostics = true;

	// console.log( '**VERTEX**', gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_debug_shaders' ).getTranslatedShaderSource( glVertexShader ) );
	// console.log( '**FRAGMENT**', gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_debug_shaders' ).getTranslatedShaderSource( glFragmentShader ) );

	if ( gl.getProgramParameter( program, gl.LINK_STATUS ) === false ) {

		runnable = false;

		console.error( 'THREE.WebGLProgram: shader error: ', gl.getError(), 'gl.VALIDATE_STATUS', gl.getProgramParameter( program, gl.VALIDATE_STATUS ), 'gl.getProgramInfoLog', programLog, vertexLog, fragmentLog );

	} else if ( programLog !== '' ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLProgram: gl.getProgramInfoLog()', programLog );

	} else if ( vertexLog === '' || fragmentLog === '' ) {

		haveDiagnostics = false;


	if ( haveDiagnostics ) {

		this.diagnostics = {

			runnable: runnable,
			material: material,

			programLog: programLog,

			vertexShader: {

				log: vertexLog,
				prefix: prefixVertex


			fragmentShader: {

				log: fragmentLog,
				prefix: prefixFragment




	// clean up

	gl.deleteShader( glVertexShader );
	gl.deleteShader( glFragmentShader );

	// set up caching for uniform locations

	var cachedUniforms;

	this.getUniforms = function () {

		if ( cachedUniforms === undefined ) {

			cachedUniforms = new WebGLUniforms( gl, program, renderer );


		return cachedUniforms;


	// set up caching for attribute locations

	var cachedAttributes;

	this.getAttributes = function () {

		if ( cachedAttributes === undefined ) {

			cachedAttributes = fetchAttributeLocations( gl, program );


		return cachedAttributes;


	// free resource

	this.destroy = function () {

		gl.deleteProgram( program );
		this.program = undefined;



	Object.defineProperties( this, {

		uniforms: {
			get: function () {

				console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLProgram: .uniforms is now .getUniforms().' );
				return this.getUniforms();


		attributes: {
			get: function () {

				console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLProgram: .attributes is now .getAttributes().' );
				return this.getAttributes();


	} );


	this.id = programIdCount ++;
	this.code = code;
	this.usedTimes = 1;
	this.program = program;
	this.vertexShader = glVertexShader;
	this.fragmentShader = glFragmentShader;

	return this;


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebGLPrograms( renderer, extensions, capabilities ) {

	var programs = [];

	var shaderIDs = {
		MeshDepthMaterial: 'depth',
		MeshDistanceMaterial: 'distanceRGBA',
		MeshNormalMaterial: 'normal',
		MeshBasicMaterial: 'basic',
		MeshLambertMaterial: 'lambert',
		MeshPhongMaterial: 'phong',
		MeshToonMaterial: 'phong',
		MeshStandardMaterial: 'physical',
		MeshPhysicalMaterial: 'physical',
		LineBasicMaterial: 'basic',
		LineDashedMaterial: 'dashed',
		PointsMaterial: 'points',
		ShadowMaterial: 'shadow'

	var parameterNames = [
		"precision", "supportsVertexTextures", "map", "mapEncoding", "envMap", "envMapMode", "envMapEncoding",
		"lightMap", "aoMap", "emissiveMap", "emissiveMapEncoding", "bumpMap", "normalMap", "displacementMap", "specularMap",
		"roughnessMap", "metalnessMap", "gradientMap",
		"alphaMap", "combine", "vertexColors", "fog", "useFog", "fogExp",
		"flatShading", "sizeAttenuation", "logarithmicDepthBuffer", "skinning",
		"maxBones", "useVertexTexture", "morphTargets", "morphNormals",
		"maxMorphTargets", "maxMorphNormals", "premultipliedAlpha",
		"numDirLights", "numPointLights", "numSpotLights", "numHemiLights", "numRectAreaLights",
		"shadowMapEnabled", "shadowMapType", "toneMapping", 'physicallyCorrectLights',
		"alphaTest", "doubleSided", "flipSided", "numClippingPlanes", "numClipIntersection", "depthPacking", "dithering"

	function allocateBones( object ) {

		var skeleton = object.skeleton;
		var bones = skeleton.bones;

		if ( capabilities.floatVertexTextures ) {

			return 1024;

		} else {

			// default for when object is not specified
			// ( for example when prebuilding shader to be used with multiple objects )
			//  - leave some extra space for other uniforms
			//  - limit here is ANGLE's 254 max uniform vectors
			//    (up to 54 should be safe)

			var nVertexUniforms = capabilities.maxVertexUniforms;
			var nVertexMatrices = Math.floor( ( nVertexUniforms - 20 ) / 4 );

			var maxBones = Math.min( nVertexMatrices, bones.length );

			if ( maxBones < bones.length ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Skeleton has ' + bones.length + ' bones. This GPU supports ' + maxBones + '.' );
				return 0;


			return maxBones;



	function getTextureEncodingFromMap( map, gammaOverrideLinear ) {

		var encoding;

		if ( ! map ) {

			encoding = LinearEncoding;

		} else if ( map.isTexture ) {

			encoding = map.encoding;

		} else if ( map.isWebGLRenderTarget ) {

			console.warn( "THREE.WebGLPrograms.getTextureEncodingFromMap: don't use render targets as textures. Use their .texture property instead." );
			encoding = map.texture.encoding;


		// add backwards compatibility for WebGLRenderer.gammaInput/gammaOutput parameter, should probably be removed at some point.
		if ( encoding === LinearEncoding && gammaOverrideLinear ) {

			encoding = GammaEncoding;


		return encoding;


	this.getParameters = function ( material, lights, shadows, fog, nClipPlanes, nClipIntersection, object ) {

		var shaderID = shaderIDs[ material.type ];

		// heuristics to create shader parameters according to lights in the scene
		// (not to blow over maxLights budget)

		var maxBones = object.isSkinnedMesh ? allocateBones( object ) : 0;
		var precision = capabilities.precision;

		if ( material.precision !== null ) {

			precision = capabilities.getMaxPrecision( material.precision );

			if ( precision !== material.precision ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLProgram.getParameters:', material.precision, 'not supported, using', precision, 'instead.' );



		var currentRenderTarget = renderer.getRenderTarget();

		var parameters = {

			shaderID: shaderID,

			precision: precision,
			supportsVertexTextures: capabilities.vertexTextures,
			outputEncoding: getTextureEncodingFromMap( ( ! currentRenderTarget ) ? null : currentRenderTarget.texture, renderer.gammaOutput ),
			map: !! material.map,
			mapEncoding: getTextureEncodingFromMap( material.map, renderer.gammaInput ),
			envMap: !! material.envMap,
			envMapMode: material.envMap && material.envMap.mapping,
			envMapEncoding: getTextureEncodingFromMap( material.envMap, renderer.gammaInput ),
			envMapCubeUV: ( !! material.envMap ) && ( ( material.envMap.mapping === CubeUVReflectionMapping ) || ( material.envMap.mapping === CubeUVRefractionMapping ) ),
			lightMap: !! material.lightMap,
			aoMap: !! material.aoMap,
			emissiveMap: !! material.emissiveMap,
			emissiveMapEncoding: getTextureEncodingFromMap( material.emissiveMap, renderer.gammaInput ),
			bumpMap: !! material.bumpMap,
			normalMap: !! material.normalMap,
			displacementMap: !! material.displacementMap,
			roughnessMap: !! material.roughnessMap,
			metalnessMap: !! material.metalnessMap,
			specularMap: !! material.specularMap,
			alphaMap: !! material.alphaMap,

			gradientMap: !! material.gradientMap,

			combine: material.combine,

			vertexColors: material.vertexColors,

			fog: !! fog,
			useFog: material.fog,
			fogExp: ( fog && fog.isFogExp2 ),

			flatShading: material.flatShading,

			sizeAttenuation: material.sizeAttenuation,
			logarithmicDepthBuffer: capabilities.logarithmicDepthBuffer,

			skinning: material.skinning && maxBones > 0,
			maxBones: maxBones,
			useVertexTexture: capabilities.floatVertexTextures,

			morphTargets: material.morphTargets,
			morphNormals: material.morphNormals,
			maxMorphTargets: renderer.maxMorphTargets,
			maxMorphNormals: renderer.maxMorphNormals,

			numDirLights: lights.directional.length,
			numPointLights: lights.point.length,
			numSpotLights: lights.spot.length,
			numRectAreaLights: lights.rectArea.length,
			numHemiLights: lights.hemi.length,

			numClippingPlanes: nClipPlanes,
			numClipIntersection: nClipIntersection,

			dithering: material.dithering,

			shadowMapEnabled: renderer.shadowMap.enabled && object.receiveShadow && shadows.length > 0,
			shadowMapType: renderer.shadowMap.type,

			toneMapping: renderer.toneMapping,
			physicallyCorrectLights: renderer.physicallyCorrectLights,

			premultipliedAlpha: material.premultipliedAlpha,

			alphaTest: material.alphaTest,
			doubleSided: material.side === DoubleSide,
			flipSided: material.side === BackSide,

			depthPacking: ( material.depthPacking !== undefined ) ? material.depthPacking : false


		return parameters;


	this.getProgramCode = function ( material, parameters ) {

		var array = [];

		if ( parameters.shaderID ) {

			array.push( parameters.shaderID );

		} else {

			array.push( material.fragmentShader );
			array.push( material.vertexShader );


		if ( material.defines !== undefined ) {

			for ( var name in material.defines ) {

				array.push( name );
				array.push( material.defines[ name ] );



		for ( var i = 0; i < parameterNames.length; i ++ ) {

			array.push( parameters[ parameterNames[ i ] ] );


		array.push( material.onBeforeCompile.toString() );

		array.push( renderer.gammaOutput );

		return array.join();


	this.acquireProgram = function ( material, shader, parameters, code ) {

		var program;

		// Check if code has been already compiled
		for ( var p = 0, pl = programs.length; p < pl; p ++ ) {

			var programInfo = programs[ p ];

			if ( programInfo.code === code ) {

				program = programInfo;
				++ program.usedTimes;




		if ( program === undefined ) {

			program = new WebGLProgram( renderer, extensions, code, material, shader, parameters );
			programs.push( program );


		return program;


	this.releaseProgram = function ( program ) {

		if ( -- program.usedTimes === 0 ) {

			// Remove from unordered set
			var i = programs.indexOf( program );
			programs[ i ] = programs[ programs.length - 1 ];

			// Free WebGL resources



	// Exposed for resource monitoring & error feedback via renderer.info:
	this.programs = programs;


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebGLTextures( _gl, extensions, state, properties, capabilities, utils, infoMemory, infoRender ) {

	var _isWebGL2 = ( typeof WebGL2RenderingContext !== 'undefined' && _gl instanceof WebGL2RenderingContext );
	var _videoTextures = {};
	var _canvas;


	function clampToMaxSize( image, maxSize ) {

		if ( image.width > maxSize || image.height > maxSize ) {

			// Warning: Scaling through the canvas will only work with images that use
			// premultiplied alpha.

			var scale = maxSize / Math.max( image.width, image.height );

			var canvas = document.createElementNS( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'canvas' );
			canvas.width = Math.floor( image.width * scale );
			canvas.height = Math.floor( image.height * scale );

			var context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
			context.drawImage( image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: image is too big (' + image.width + 'x' + image.height + '). Resized to ' + canvas.width + 'x' + canvas.height, image );

			return canvas;


		return image;


	function isPowerOfTwo( image ) {

		return _Math.isPowerOfTwo( image.width ) && _Math.isPowerOfTwo( image.height );


	function makePowerOfTwo( image ) {

		if ( image instanceof HTMLImageElement || image instanceof HTMLCanvasElement || image instanceof ImageBitmap ) {

			if ( _canvas === undefined ) _canvas = document.createElementNS( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'canvas' );

			_canvas.width = _Math.floorPowerOfTwo( image.width );
			_canvas.height = _Math.floorPowerOfTwo( image.height );

			var context = _canvas.getContext( '2d' );
			context.drawImage( image, 0, 0, _canvas.width, _canvas.height );

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: image is not power of two (' + image.width + 'x' + image.height + '). Resized to ' + _canvas.width + 'x' + _canvas.height, image );

			return _canvas;


		return image;


	function textureNeedsPowerOfTwo( texture ) {

		return ( texture.wrapS !== ClampToEdgeWrapping || texture.wrapT !== ClampToEdgeWrapping ) ||
			( texture.minFilter !== NearestFilter && texture.minFilter !== LinearFilter );


	function textureNeedsGenerateMipmaps( texture, isPowerOfTwo ) {

		return texture.generateMipmaps && isPowerOfTwo &&
			texture.minFilter !== NearestFilter && texture.minFilter !== LinearFilter;


	// Fallback filters for non-power-of-2 textures

	function filterFallback( f ) {

		if ( f === NearestFilter || f === NearestMipMapNearestFilter || f === NearestMipMapLinearFilter ) {

			return _gl.NEAREST;


		return _gl.LINEAR;



	function onTextureDispose( event ) {

		var texture = event.target;

		texture.removeEventListener( 'dispose', onTextureDispose );

		deallocateTexture( texture );

		if ( texture.isVideoTexture ) {

			delete _videoTextures[ texture.id ];


		infoMemory.textures --;


	function onRenderTargetDispose( event ) {

		var renderTarget = event.target;

		renderTarget.removeEventListener( 'dispose', onRenderTargetDispose );

		deallocateRenderTarget( renderTarget );

		infoMemory.textures --;



	function deallocateTexture( texture ) {

		var textureProperties = properties.get( texture );

		if ( texture.image && textureProperties.__image__webglTextureCube ) {

			// cube texture

			_gl.deleteTexture( textureProperties.__image__webglTextureCube );

		} else {

			// 2D texture

			if ( textureProperties.__webglInit === undefined ) return;

			_gl.deleteTexture( textureProperties.__webglTexture );


		// remove all webgl properties
		properties.remove( texture );


	function deallocateRenderTarget( renderTarget ) {

		var renderTargetProperties = properties.get( renderTarget );
		var textureProperties = properties.get( renderTarget.texture );

		if ( ! renderTarget ) return;

		if ( textureProperties.__webglTexture !== undefined ) {

			_gl.deleteTexture( textureProperties.__webglTexture );


		if ( renderTarget.depthTexture ) {



		if ( renderTarget.isWebGLRenderTargetCube ) {

			for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {

				_gl.deleteFramebuffer( renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer[ i ] );
				if ( renderTargetProperties.__webglDepthbuffer ) _gl.deleteRenderbuffer( renderTargetProperties.__webglDepthbuffer[ i ] );


		} else {

			_gl.deleteFramebuffer( renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer );
			if ( renderTargetProperties.__webglDepthbuffer ) _gl.deleteRenderbuffer( renderTargetProperties.__webglDepthbuffer );


		properties.remove( renderTarget.texture );
		properties.remove( renderTarget );



	function setTexture2D( texture, slot ) {

		var textureProperties = properties.get( texture );

		if ( texture.isVideoTexture ) updateVideoTexture( texture );

		if ( texture.version > 0 && textureProperties.__version !== texture.version ) {

			var image = texture.image;

			if ( image === undefined ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture marked for update but image is undefined', texture );

			} else if ( image.complete === false ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture marked for update but image is incomplete', texture );

			} else {

				uploadTexture( textureProperties, texture, slot );



		state.activeTexture( _gl.TEXTURE0 + slot );
		state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, textureProperties.__webglTexture );


	function setTextureCube( texture, slot ) {

		var textureProperties = properties.get( texture );

		if ( texture.image.length === 6 ) {

			if ( texture.version > 0 && textureProperties.__version !== texture.version ) {

				if ( ! textureProperties.__image__webglTextureCube ) {

					texture.addEventListener( 'dispose', onTextureDispose );

					textureProperties.__image__webglTextureCube = _gl.createTexture();

					infoMemory.textures ++;


				state.activeTexture( _gl.TEXTURE0 + slot );
				state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, textureProperties.__image__webglTextureCube );

				_gl.pixelStorei( _gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, texture.flipY );

				var isCompressed = ( texture && texture.isCompressedTexture );
				var isDataTexture = ( texture.image[ 0 ] && texture.image[ 0 ].isDataTexture );

				var cubeImage = [];

				for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {

					if ( ! isCompressed && ! isDataTexture ) {

						cubeImage[ i ] = clampToMaxSize( texture.image[ i ], capabilities.maxCubemapSize );

					} else {

						cubeImage[ i ] = isDataTexture ? texture.image[ i ].image : texture.image[ i ];



				var image = cubeImage[ 0 ],
					isPowerOfTwoImage = isPowerOfTwo( image ),
					glFormat = utils.convert( texture.format ),
					glType = utils.convert( texture.type );

				setTextureParameters( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture, isPowerOfTwoImage );

				for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {

					if ( ! isCompressed ) {

						if ( isDataTexture ) {

							state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, glFormat, cubeImage[ i ].width, cubeImage[ i ].height, 0, glFormat, glType, cubeImage[ i ].data );

						} else {

							state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, glFormat, glFormat, glType, cubeImage[ i ] );


					} else {

						var mipmap, mipmaps = cubeImage[ i ].mipmaps;

						for ( var j = 0, jl = mipmaps.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

							mipmap = mipmaps[ j ];

							if ( texture.format !== RGBAFormat && texture.format !== RGBFormat ) {

								if ( state.getCompressedTextureFormats().indexOf( glFormat ) > - 1 ) {

									state.compressedTexImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, j, glFormat, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, mipmap.data );

								} else {

									console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Attempt to load unsupported compressed texture format in .setTextureCube()' );


							} else {

								state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, j, glFormat, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, glFormat, glType, mipmap.data );





				if ( textureNeedsGenerateMipmaps( texture, isPowerOfTwoImage ) ) {

					_gl.generateMipmap( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP );


				textureProperties.__version = texture.version;

				if ( texture.onUpdate ) texture.onUpdate( texture );

			} else {

				state.activeTexture( _gl.TEXTURE0 + slot );
				state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, textureProperties.__image__webglTextureCube );




	function setTextureCubeDynamic( texture, slot ) {

		state.activeTexture( _gl.TEXTURE0 + slot );
		state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, properties.get( texture ).__webglTexture );


	function setTextureParameters( textureType, texture, isPowerOfTwoImage ) {

		var extension;

		if ( isPowerOfTwoImage ) {

			_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, utils.convert( texture.wrapS ) );
			_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, utils.convert( texture.wrapT ) );

			_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, utils.convert( texture.magFilter ) );
			_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, utils.convert( texture.minFilter ) );

		} else {

			_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, _gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
			_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, _gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );

			if ( texture.wrapS !== ClampToEdgeWrapping || texture.wrapT !== ClampToEdgeWrapping ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture is not power of two. Texture.wrapS and Texture.wrapT should be set to THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping.', texture );


			_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, filterFallback( texture.magFilter ) );
			_gl.texParameteri( textureType, _gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filterFallback( texture.minFilter ) );

			if ( texture.minFilter !== NearestFilter && texture.minFilter !== LinearFilter ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture is not power of two. Texture.minFilter should be set to THREE.NearestFilter or THREE.LinearFilter.', texture );



		extension = extensions.get( 'EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' );

		if ( extension ) {

			if ( texture.type === FloatType && extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float_linear' ) === null ) return;
			if ( texture.type === HalfFloatType && extensions.get( 'OES_texture_half_float_linear' ) === null ) return;

			if ( texture.anisotropy > 1 || properties.get( texture ).__currentAnisotropy ) {

				_gl.texParameterf( textureType, extension.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, Math.min( texture.anisotropy, capabilities.getMaxAnisotropy() ) );
				properties.get( texture ).__currentAnisotropy = texture.anisotropy;




	function uploadTexture( textureProperties, texture, slot ) {

		if ( textureProperties.__webglInit === undefined ) {

			textureProperties.__webglInit = true;

			texture.addEventListener( 'dispose', onTextureDispose );

			textureProperties.__webglTexture = _gl.createTexture();

			infoMemory.textures ++;


		state.activeTexture( _gl.TEXTURE0 + slot );
		state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, textureProperties.__webglTexture );

		_gl.pixelStorei( _gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, texture.flipY );
		_gl.pixelStorei( _gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, texture.premultiplyAlpha );
		_gl.pixelStorei( _gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, texture.unpackAlignment );

		var image = clampToMaxSize( texture.image, capabilities.maxTextureSize );

		if ( textureNeedsPowerOfTwo( texture ) && isPowerOfTwo( image ) === false ) {

			image = makePowerOfTwo( image );


		var isPowerOfTwoImage = isPowerOfTwo( image ),
			glFormat = utils.convert( texture.format ),
			glType = utils.convert( texture.type );

		setTextureParameters( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture, isPowerOfTwoImage );

		var mipmap, mipmaps = texture.mipmaps;

		if ( texture.isDepthTexture ) {

			// populate depth texture with dummy data

			var internalFormat = _gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT;

			if ( texture.type === FloatType ) {

				if ( ! _isWebGL2 ) throw new Error( 'Float Depth Texture only supported in WebGL2.0' );
				internalFormat = _gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT32F;

			} else if ( _isWebGL2 ) {

				// WebGL 2.0 requires signed internalformat for glTexImage2D
				internalFormat = _gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16;


			if ( texture.format === DepthFormat && internalFormat === _gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT ) {

				// The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by texImage2D if format and internalformat are
				// (https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_depth_texture/)
				if ( texture.type !== UnsignedShortType && texture.type !== UnsignedIntType ) {

					console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Use UnsignedShortType or UnsignedIntType for DepthFormat DepthTexture.' );

					texture.type = UnsignedShortType;
					glType = utils.convert( texture.type );



			// Depth stencil textures need the DEPTH_STENCIL internal format
			// (https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_depth_texture/)
			if ( texture.format === DepthStencilFormat ) {

				internalFormat = _gl.DEPTH_STENCIL;

				// The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by texImage2D if format and internalformat are
				// DEPTH_STENCIL and type is not UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_WEBGL.
				// (https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_depth_texture/)
				if ( texture.type !== UnsignedInt248Type ) {

					console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Use UnsignedInt248Type for DepthStencilFormat DepthTexture.' );

					texture.type = UnsignedInt248Type;
					glType = utils.convert( texture.type );



			state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, internalFormat, image.width, image.height, 0, glFormat, glType, null );

		} else if ( texture.isDataTexture ) {

			// use manually created mipmaps if available
			// if there are no manual mipmaps
			// set 0 level mipmap and then use GL to generate other mipmap levels

			if ( mipmaps.length > 0 && isPowerOfTwoImage ) {

				for ( var i = 0, il = mipmaps.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					mipmap = mipmaps[ i ];
					state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, i, glFormat, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, glFormat, glType, mipmap.data );


				texture.generateMipmaps = false;

			} else {

				state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, glFormat, image.width, image.height, 0, glFormat, glType, image.data );


		} else if ( texture.isCompressedTexture ) {

			for ( var i = 0, il = mipmaps.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				mipmap = mipmaps[ i ];

				if ( texture.format !== RGBAFormat && texture.format !== RGBFormat ) {

					if ( state.getCompressedTextureFormats().indexOf( glFormat ) > - 1 ) {

						state.compressedTexImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, i, glFormat, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, mipmap.data );

					} else {

						console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Attempt to load unsupported compressed texture format in .uploadTexture()' );


				} else {

					state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, i, glFormat, mipmap.width, mipmap.height, 0, glFormat, glType, mipmap.data );



		} else {

			// regular Texture (image, video, canvas)

			// use manually created mipmaps if available
			// if there are no manual mipmaps
			// set 0 level mipmap and then use GL to generate other mipmap levels

			if ( mipmaps.length > 0 && isPowerOfTwoImage ) {

				for ( var i = 0, il = mipmaps.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					mipmap = mipmaps[ i ];
					state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, i, glFormat, glFormat, glType, mipmap );


				texture.generateMipmaps = false;

			} else {

				state.texImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, glFormat, glFormat, glType, image );



		if ( textureNeedsGenerateMipmaps( texture, isPowerOfTwoImage ) ) _gl.generateMipmap( _gl.TEXTURE_2D );

		textureProperties.__version = texture.version;

		if ( texture.onUpdate ) texture.onUpdate( texture );


	// Render targets

	// Setup storage for target texture and bind it to correct framebuffer
	function setupFrameBufferTexture( framebuffer, renderTarget, attachment, textureTarget ) {

		var glFormat = utils.convert( renderTarget.texture.format );
		var glType = utils.convert( renderTarget.texture.type );
		state.texImage2D( textureTarget, 0, glFormat, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height, 0, glFormat, glType, null );
		_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer );
		_gl.framebufferTexture2D( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachment, textureTarget, properties.get( renderTarget.texture ).__webglTexture, 0 );
		_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null );


	// Setup storage for internal depth/stencil buffers and bind to correct framebuffer
	function setupRenderBufferStorage( renderbuffer, renderTarget ) {

		_gl.bindRenderbuffer( _gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );

		if ( renderTarget.depthBuffer && ! renderTarget.stencilBuffer ) {

			_gl.renderbufferStorage( _gl.RENDERBUFFER, _gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height );
			_gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, _gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );

		} else if ( renderTarget.depthBuffer && renderTarget.stencilBuffer ) {

			_gl.renderbufferStorage( _gl.RENDERBUFFER, _gl.DEPTH_STENCIL, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height );
			_gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, _gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );

		} else {

			// FIXME: We don't support !depth !stencil
			_gl.renderbufferStorage( _gl.RENDERBUFFER, _gl.RGBA4, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height );


		_gl.bindRenderbuffer( _gl.RENDERBUFFER, null );


	// Setup resources for a Depth Texture for a FBO (needs an extension)
	function setupDepthTexture( framebuffer, renderTarget ) {

		var isCube = ( renderTarget && renderTarget.isWebGLRenderTargetCube );
		if ( isCube ) throw new Error( 'Depth Texture with cube render targets is not supported' );

		_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer );

		if ( ! ( renderTarget.depthTexture && renderTarget.depthTexture.isDepthTexture ) ) {

			throw new Error( 'renderTarget.depthTexture must be an instance of THREE.DepthTexture' );


		// upload an empty depth texture with framebuffer size
		if ( ! properties.get( renderTarget.depthTexture ).__webglTexture ||
				renderTarget.depthTexture.image.width !== renderTarget.width ||
				renderTarget.depthTexture.image.height !== renderTarget.height ) {

			renderTarget.depthTexture.image.width = renderTarget.width;
			renderTarget.depthTexture.image.height = renderTarget.height;
			renderTarget.depthTexture.needsUpdate = true;


		setTexture2D( renderTarget.depthTexture, 0 );

		var webglDepthTexture = properties.get( renderTarget.depthTexture ).__webglTexture;

		if ( renderTarget.depthTexture.format === DepthFormat ) {

			_gl.framebufferTexture2D( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, _gl.TEXTURE_2D, webglDepthTexture, 0 );

		} else if ( renderTarget.depthTexture.format === DepthStencilFormat ) {

			_gl.framebufferTexture2D( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, _gl.TEXTURE_2D, webglDepthTexture, 0 );

		} else {

			throw new Error( 'Unknown depthTexture format' );



	// Setup GL resources for a non-texture depth buffer
	function setupDepthRenderbuffer( renderTarget ) {

		var renderTargetProperties = properties.get( renderTarget );

		var isCube = ( renderTarget.isWebGLRenderTargetCube === true );

		if ( renderTarget.depthTexture ) {

			if ( isCube ) throw new Error( 'target.depthTexture not supported in Cube render targets' );

			setupDepthTexture( renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer, renderTarget );

		} else {

			if ( isCube ) {

				renderTargetProperties.__webglDepthbuffer = [];

				for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {

					_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer[ i ] );
					renderTargetProperties.__webglDepthbuffer[ i ] = _gl.createRenderbuffer();
					setupRenderBufferStorage( renderTargetProperties.__webglDepthbuffer[ i ], renderTarget );


			} else {

				_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer );
				renderTargetProperties.__webglDepthbuffer = _gl.createRenderbuffer();
				setupRenderBufferStorage( renderTargetProperties.__webglDepthbuffer, renderTarget );



		_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null );


	// Set up GL resources for the render target
	function setupRenderTarget( renderTarget ) {

		var renderTargetProperties = properties.get( renderTarget );
		var textureProperties = properties.get( renderTarget.texture );

		renderTarget.addEventListener( 'dispose', onRenderTargetDispose );

		textureProperties.__webglTexture = _gl.createTexture();

		infoMemory.textures ++;

		var isCube = ( renderTarget.isWebGLRenderTargetCube === true );
		var isTargetPowerOfTwo = isPowerOfTwo( renderTarget );

		// Setup framebuffer

		if ( isCube ) {

			renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer = [];

			for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {

				renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer[ i ] = _gl.createFramebuffer();


		} else {

			renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer = _gl.createFramebuffer();


		// Setup color buffer

		if ( isCube ) {

			state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, textureProperties.__webglTexture );
			setTextureParameters( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, renderTarget.texture, isTargetPowerOfTwo );

			for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {

				setupFrameBufferTexture( renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer[ i ], renderTarget, _gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i );


			if ( textureNeedsGenerateMipmaps( renderTarget.texture, isTargetPowerOfTwo ) ) _gl.generateMipmap( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP );
			state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null );

		} else {

			state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, textureProperties.__webglTexture );
			setTextureParameters( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, renderTarget.texture, isTargetPowerOfTwo );
			setupFrameBufferTexture( renderTargetProperties.__webglFramebuffer, renderTarget, _gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, _gl.TEXTURE_2D );

			if ( textureNeedsGenerateMipmaps( renderTarget.texture, isTargetPowerOfTwo ) ) _gl.generateMipmap( _gl.TEXTURE_2D );
			state.bindTexture( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, null );


		// Setup depth and stencil buffers

		if ( renderTarget.depthBuffer ) {

			setupDepthRenderbuffer( renderTarget );



	function updateRenderTargetMipmap( renderTarget ) {

		var texture = renderTarget.texture;
		var isTargetPowerOfTwo = isPowerOfTwo( renderTarget );

		if ( textureNeedsGenerateMipmaps( texture, isTargetPowerOfTwo ) ) {

			var target = renderTarget.isWebGLRenderTargetCube ? _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP : _gl.TEXTURE_2D;
			var webglTexture = properties.get( texture ).__webglTexture;

			state.bindTexture( target, webglTexture );
			_gl.generateMipmap( target );
			state.bindTexture( target, null );



	function updateVideoTexture( texture ) {

		var id = texture.id;
		var frame = infoRender.frame;

		// Check the last frame we updated the VideoTexture

		if ( _videoTextures[ id ] !== frame ) {

			_videoTextures[ id ] = frame;



	this.setTexture2D = setTexture2D;
	this.setTextureCube = setTextureCube;
	this.setTextureCubeDynamic = setTextureCubeDynamic;
	this.setupRenderTarget = setupRenderTarget;
	this.updateRenderTargetMipmap = updateRenderTargetMipmap;


 * @author fordacious / fordacious.github.io

function WebGLProperties() {

	var properties = {};

	function get( object ) {

		var uuid = object.uuid;
		var map = properties[ uuid ];

		if ( map === undefined ) {

			map = {};
			properties[ uuid ] = map;


		return map;


	function remove( object ) {

		delete properties[ object.uuid ];


	function update( object, key, value ) {

		var uuid = object.uuid;
		var map = properties[ uuid ];

		map[ key ] = value;


	function dispose() {

		properties = {};


	return {
		get: get,
		remove: remove,
		update: update,
		dispose: dispose


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebGLState( gl, extensions, utils ) {

	function ColorBuffer() {

		var locked = false;

		var color = new Vector4();
		var currentColorMask = null;
		var currentColorClear = new Vector4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

		return {

			setMask: function ( colorMask ) {

				if ( currentColorMask !== colorMask && ! locked ) {

					gl.colorMask( colorMask, colorMask, colorMask, colorMask );
					currentColorMask = colorMask;



			setLocked: function ( lock ) {

				locked = lock;


			setClear: function ( r, g, b, a, premultipliedAlpha ) {

				if ( premultipliedAlpha === true ) {

					r *= a; g *= a; b *= a;


				color.set( r, g, b, a );

				if ( currentColorClear.equals( color ) === false ) {

					gl.clearColor( r, g, b, a );
					currentColorClear.copy( color );



			reset: function () {

				locked = false;

				currentColorMask = null;
				currentColorClear.set( - 1, 0, 0, 0 ); // set to invalid state




	function DepthBuffer() {

		var locked = false;

		var currentDepthMask = null;
		var currentDepthFunc = null;
		var currentDepthClear = null;

		return {

			setTest: function ( depthTest ) {

				if ( depthTest ) {

					enable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );

				} else {

					disable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );



			setMask: function ( depthMask ) {

				if ( currentDepthMask !== depthMask && ! locked ) {

					gl.depthMask( depthMask );
					currentDepthMask = depthMask;



			setFunc: function ( depthFunc ) {

				if ( currentDepthFunc !== depthFunc ) {

					if ( depthFunc ) {

						switch ( depthFunc ) {

							case NeverDepth:

								gl.depthFunc( gl.NEVER );

							case AlwaysDepth:

								gl.depthFunc( gl.ALWAYS );

							case LessDepth:

								gl.depthFunc( gl.LESS );

							case LessEqualDepth:

								gl.depthFunc( gl.LEQUAL );

							case EqualDepth:

								gl.depthFunc( gl.EQUAL );

							case GreaterEqualDepth:

								gl.depthFunc( gl.GEQUAL );

							case GreaterDepth:

								gl.depthFunc( gl.GREATER );

							case NotEqualDepth:

								gl.depthFunc( gl.NOTEQUAL );


								gl.depthFunc( gl.LEQUAL );


					} else {

						gl.depthFunc( gl.LEQUAL );


					currentDepthFunc = depthFunc;



			setLocked: function ( lock ) {

				locked = lock;


			setClear: function ( depth ) {

				if ( currentDepthClear !== depth ) {

					gl.clearDepth( depth );
					currentDepthClear = depth;



			reset: function () {

				locked = false;

				currentDepthMask = null;
				currentDepthFunc = null;
				currentDepthClear = null;




	function StencilBuffer() {

		var locked = false;

		var currentStencilMask = null;
		var currentStencilFunc = null;
		var currentStencilRef = null;
		var currentStencilFuncMask = null;
		var currentStencilFail = null;
		var currentStencilZFail = null;
		var currentStencilZPass = null;
		var currentStencilClear = null;

		return {

			setTest: function ( stencilTest ) {

				if ( stencilTest ) {

					enable( gl.STENCIL_TEST );

				} else {

					disable( gl.STENCIL_TEST );



			setMask: function ( stencilMask ) {

				if ( currentStencilMask !== stencilMask && ! locked ) {

					gl.stencilMask( stencilMask );
					currentStencilMask = stencilMask;



			setFunc: function ( stencilFunc, stencilRef, stencilMask ) {

				if ( currentStencilFunc !== stencilFunc ||
				     currentStencilRef 	!== stencilRef 	||
				     currentStencilFuncMask !== stencilMask ) {

					gl.stencilFunc( stencilFunc, stencilRef, stencilMask );

					currentStencilFunc = stencilFunc;
					currentStencilRef = stencilRef;
					currentStencilFuncMask = stencilMask;



			setOp: function ( stencilFail, stencilZFail, stencilZPass ) {

				if ( currentStencilFail	 !== stencilFail 	||
				     currentStencilZFail !== stencilZFail ||
				     currentStencilZPass !== stencilZPass ) {

					gl.stencilOp( stencilFail, stencilZFail, stencilZPass );

					currentStencilFail = stencilFail;
					currentStencilZFail = stencilZFail;
					currentStencilZPass = stencilZPass;



			setLocked: function ( lock ) {

				locked = lock;


			setClear: function ( stencil ) {

				if ( currentStencilClear !== stencil ) {

					gl.clearStencil( stencil );
					currentStencilClear = stencil;



			reset: function () {

				locked = false;

				currentStencilMask = null;
				currentStencilFunc = null;
				currentStencilRef = null;
				currentStencilFuncMask = null;
				currentStencilFail = null;
				currentStencilZFail = null;
				currentStencilZPass = null;
				currentStencilClear = null;





	var colorBuffer = new ColorBuffer();
	var depthBuffer = new DepthBuffer();
	var stencilBuffer = new StencilBuffer();

	var maxVertexAttributes = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS );
	var newAttributes = new Uint8Array( maxVertexAttributes );
	var enabledAttributes = new Uint8Array( maxVertexAttributes );
	var attributeDivisors = new Uint8Array( maxVertexAttributes );

	var capabilities = {};

	var compressedTextureFormats = null;

	var currentProgram = null;

	var currentBlending = null;
	var currentBlendEquation = null;
	var currentBlendSrc = null;
	var currentBlendDst = null;
	var currentBlendEquationAlpha = null;
	var currentBlendSrcAlpha = null;
	var currentBlendDstAlpha = null;
	var currentPremultipledAlpha = false;

	var currentFlipSided = null;
	var currentCullFace = null;

	var currentLineWidth = null;

	var currentPolygonOffsetFactor = null;
	var currentPolygonOffsetUnits = null;

	var maxTextures = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS );

	var lineWidthAvailable = false;
	var version = 0;
	var glVersion = gl.getParameter( gl.VERSION );

	if ( glVersion.indexOf( 'WebGL' ) !== - 1 ) {

	   version = parseFloat( /^WebGL\ ([0-9])/.exec( glVersion )[ 1 ] );
	   lineWidthAvailable = ( version >= 1.0 );

	} else if ( glVersion.indexOf( 'OpenGL ES' ) !== - 1 ) {

	   version = parseFloat( /^OpenGL\ ES\ ([0-9])/.exec( glVersion )[ 1 ] );
	   lineWidthAvailable = ( version >= 2.0 );


	var currentTextureSlot = null;
	var currentBoundTextures = {};

	var currentScissor = new Vector4();
	var currentViewport = new Vector4();

	function createTexture( type, target, count ) {

		var data = new Uint8Array( 4 ); // 4 is required to match default unpack alignment of 4.
		var texture = gl.createTexture();

		gl.bindTexture( type, texture );
		gl.texParameteri( type, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST );
		gl.texParameteri( type, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST );

		for ( var i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) {

			gl.texImage2D( target + i, 0, gl.RGBA, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, data );


		return texture;


	var emptyTextures = {};
	emptyTextures[ gl.TEXTURE_2D ] = createTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_2D, 1 );
	emptyTextures[ gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP ] = createTexture( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, 6 );

	// init

	colorBuffer.setClear( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
	depthBuffer.setClear( 1 );
	stencilBuffer.setClear( 0 );

	enable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
	depthBuffer.setFunc( LessEqualDepth );

	setFlipSided( false );
	setCullFace( CullFaceBack );
	enable( gl.CULL_FACE );

	enable( gl.BLEND );
	setBlending( NormalBlending );


	function initAttributes() {

		for ( var i = 0, l = newAttributes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			newAttributes[ i ] = 0;



	function enableAttribute( attribute ) {

		newAttributes[ attribute ] = 1;

		if ( enabledAttributes[ attribute ] === 0 ) {

			gl.enableVertexAttribArray( attribute );
			enabledAttributes[ attribute ] = 1;


		if ( attributeDivisors[ attribute ] !== 0 ) {

			var extension = extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' );

			extension.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE( attribute, 0 );
			attributeDivisors[ attribute ] = 0;



	function enableAttributeAndDivisor( attribute, meshPerAttribute ) {

		newAttributes[ attribute ] = 1;

		if ( enabledAttributes[ attribute ] === 0 ) {

			gl.enableVertexAttribArray( attribute );
			enabledAttributes[ attribute ] = 1;


		if ( attributeDivisors[ attribute ] !== meshPerAttribute ) {

			var extension = extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' );

			extension.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE( attribute, meshPerAttribute );
			attributeDivisors[ attribute ] = meshPerAttribute;



	function disableUnusedAttributes() {

		for ( var i = 0, l = enabledAttributes.length; i !== l; ++ i ) {

			if ( enabledAttributes[ i ] !== newAttributes[ i ] ) {

				gl.disableVertexAttribArray( i );
				enabledAttributes[ i ] = 0;




	function enable( id ) {

		if ( capabilities[ id ] !== true ) {

			gl.enable( id );
			capabilities[ id ] = true;



	function disable( id ) {

		if ( capabilities[ id ] !== false ) {

			gl.disable( id );
			capabilities[ id ] = false;



	function getCompressedTextureFormats() {

		if ( compressedTextureFormats === null ) {

			compressedTextureFormats = [];

			if ( extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' ) ||
			     extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' ) ||
			     extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1' ) ||
			     extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc' ) ) {

				var formats = gl.getParameter( gl.COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS );

				for ( var i = 0; i < formats.length; i ++ ) {

					compressedTextureFormats.push( formats[ i ] );




		return compressedTextureFormats;


	function useProgram( program ) {

		if ( currentProgram !== program ) {

			gl.useProgram( program );

			currentProgram = program;

			return true;


		return false;


	function setBlending( blending, blendEquation, blendSrc, blendDst, blendEquationAlpha, blendSrcAlpha, blendDstAlpha, premultipliedAlpha ) {

		if ( blending !== NoBlending ) {

			enable( gl.BLEND );

		} else {

			disable( gl.BLEND );


		if ( blending !== CustomBlending ) {

			if ( blending !== currentBlending || premultipliedAlpha !== currentPremultipledAlpha ) {

				switch ( blending ) {

					case AdditiveBlending:

						if ( premultipliedAlpha ) {

							gl.blendEquationSeparate( gl.FUNC_ADD, gl.FUNC_ADD );
							gl.blendFuncSeparate( gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.ONE, gl.ONE );

						} else {

							gl.blendEquation( gl.FUNC_ADD );
							gl.blendFunc( gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE );


					case SubtractiveBlending:

						if ( premultipliedAlpha ) {

							gl.blendEquationSeparate( gl.FUNC_ADD, gl.FUNC_ADD );
							gl.blendFuncSeparate( gl.ZERO, gl.ZERO, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA );

						} else {

							gl.blendEquation( gl.FUNC_ADD );
							gl.blendFunc( gl.ZERO, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR );


					case MultiplyBlending:

						if ( premultipliedAlpha ) {

							gl.blendEquationSeparate( gl.FUNC_ADD, gl.FUNC_ADD );
							gl.blendFuncSeparate( gl.ZERO, gl.SRC_COLOR, gl.ZERO, gl.SRC_ALPHA );

						} else {

							gl.blendEquation( gl.FUNC_ADD );
							gl.blendFunc( gl.ZERO, gl.SRC_COLOR );



						if ( premultipliedAlpha ) {

							gl.blendEquationSeparate( gl.FUNC_ADD, gl.FUNC_ADD );
							gl.blendFuncSeparate( gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA );

						} else {

							gl.blendEquationSeparate( gl.FUNC_ADD, gl.FUNC_ADD );
							gl.blendFuncSeparate( gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA );




			currentBlendEquation = null;
			currentBlendSrc = null;
			currentBlendDst = null;
			currentBlendEquationAlpha = null;
			currentBlendSrcAlpha = null;
			currentBlendDstAlpha = null;

		} else {

			blendEquationAlpha = blendEquationAlpha || blendEquation;
			blendSrcAlpha = blendSrcAlpha || blendSrc;
			blendDstAlpha = blendDstAlpha || blendDst;

			if ( blendEquation !== currentBlendEquation || blendEquationAlpha !== currentBlendEquationAlpha ) {

				gl.blendEquationSeparate( utils.convert( blendEquation ), utils.convert( blendEquationAlpha ) );

				currentBlendEquation = blendEquation;
				currentBlendEquationAlpha = blendEquationAlpha;


			if ( blendSrc !== currentBlendSrc || blendDst !== currentBlendDst || blendSrcAlpha !== currentBlendSrcAlpha || blendDstAlpha !== currentBlendDstAlpha ) {

				gl.blendFuncSeparate( utils.convert( blendSrc ), utils.convert( blendDst ), utils.convert( blendSrcAlpha ), utils.convert( blendDstAlpha ) );

				currentBlendSrc = blendSrc;
				currentBlendDst = blendDst;
				currentBlendSrcAlpha = blendSrcAlpha;
				currentBlendDstAlpha = blendDstAlpha;



		currentBlending = blending;
		currentPremultipledAlpha = premultipliedAlpha;


	function setMaterial( material, frontFaceCW ) {

		material.side === DoubleSide
			? disable( gl.CULL_FACE )
			: enable( gl.CULL_FACE );

		var flipSided = ( material.side === BackSide );
		if ( frontFaceCW ) flipSided = ! flipSided;

		setFlipSided( flipSided );

		material.transparent === true
			? setBlending( material.blending, material.blendEquation, material.blendSrc, material.blendDst, material.blendEquationAlpha, material.blendSrcAlpha, material.blendDstAlpha, material.premultipliedAlpha )
			: setBlending( NoBlending );

		depthBuffer.setFunc( material.depthFunc );
		depthBuffer.setTest( material.depthTest );
		depthBuffer.setMask( material.depthWrite );
		colorBuffer.setMask( material.colorWrite );

		setPolygonOffset( material.polygonOffset, material.polygonOffsetFactor, material.polygonOffsetUnits );



	function setFlipSided( flipSided ) {

		if ( currentFlipSided !== flipSided ) {

			if ( flipSided ) {

				gl.frontFace( gl.CW );

			} else {

				gl.frontFace( gl.CCW );


			currentFlipSided = flipSided;



	function setCullFace( cullFace ) {

		if ( cullFace !== CullFaceNone ) {

			enable( gl.CULL_FACE );

			if ( cullFace !== currentCullFace ) {

				if ( cullFace === CullFaceBack ) {

					gl.cullFace( gl.BACK );

				} else if ( cullFace === CullFaceFront ) {

					gl.cullFace( gl.FRONT );

				} else {

					gl.cullFace( gl.FRONT_AND_BACK );



		} else {

			disable( gl.CULL_FACE );


		currentCullFace = cullFace;


	function setLineWidth( width ) {

		if ( width !== currentLineWidth ) {

			if ( lineWidthAvailable ) gl.lineWidth( width );

			currentLineWidth = width;



	function setPolygonOffset( polygonOffset, factor, units ) {

		if ( polygonOffset ) {

			enable( gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL );

			if ( currentPolygonOffsetFactor !== factor || currentPolygonOffsetUnits !== units ) {

				gl.polygonOffset( factor, units );

				currentPolygonOffsetFactor = factor;
				currentPolygonOffsetUnits = units;


		} else {

			disable( gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL );



	function setScissorTest( scissorTest ) {

		if ( scissorTest ) {

			enable( gl.SCISSOR_TEST );

		} else {

			disable( gl.SCISSOR_TEST );



	// texture

	function activeTexture( webglSlot ) {

		if ( webglSlot === undefined ) webglSlot = gl.TEXTURE0 + maxTextures - 1;

		if ( currentTextureSlot !== webglSlot ) {

			gl.activeTexture( webglSlot );
			currentTextureSlot = webglSlot;



	function bindTexture( webglType, webglTexture ) {

		if ( currentTextureSlot === null ) {



		var boundTexture = currentBoundTextures[ currentTextureSlot ];

		if ( boundTexture === undefined ) {

			boundTexture = { type: undefined, texture: undefined };
			currentBoundTextures[ currentTextureSlot ] = boundTexture;


		if ( boundTexture.type !== webglType || boundTexture.texture !== webglTexture ) {

			gl.bindTexture( webglType, webglTexture || emptyTextures[ webglType ] );

			boundTexture.type = webglType;
			boundTexture.texture = webglTexture;



	function compressedTexImage2D() {

		try {

			gl.compressedTexImage2D.apply( gl, arguments );

		} catch ( error ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.WebGLState:', error );



	function texImage2D() {

		try {

			gl.texImage2D.apply( gl, arguments );

		} catch ( error ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.WebGLState:', error );




	function scissor( scissor ) {

		if ( currentScissor.equals( scissor ) === false ) {

			gl.scissor( scissor.x, scissor.y, scissor.z, scissor.w );
			currentScissor.copy( scissor );



	function viewport( viewport ) {

		if ( currentViewport.equals( viewport ) === false ) {

			gl.viewport( viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.z, viewport.w );
			currentViewport.copy( viewport );




	function reset() {

		for ( var i = 0; i < enabledAttributes.length; i ++ ) {

			if ( enabledAttributes[ i ] === 1 ) {

				gl.disableVertexAttribArray( i );
				enabledAttributes[ i ] = 0;



		capabilities = {};

		compressedTextureFormats = null;

		currentTextureSlot = null;
		currentBoundTextures = {};

		currentProgram = null;

		currentBlending = null;

		currentFlipSided = null;
		currentCullFace = null;



	return {

		buffers: {
			color: colorBuffer,
			depth: depthBuffer,
			stencil: stencilBuffer

		initAttributes: initAttributes,
		enableAttribute: enableAttribute,
		enableAttributeAndDivisor: enableAttributeAndDivisor,
		disableUnusedAttributes: disableUnusedAttributes,
		enable: enable,
		disable: disable,
		getCompressedTextureFormats: getCompressedTextureFormats,

		useProgram: useProgram,

		setBlending: setBlending,
		setMaterial: setMaterial,

		setFlipSided: setFlipSided,
		setCullFace: setCullFace,

		setLineWidth: setLineWidth,
		setPolygonOffset: setPolygonOffset,

		setScissorTest: setScissorTest,

		activeTexture: activeTexture,
		bindTexture: bindTexture,
		compressedTexImage2D: compressedTexImage2D,
		texImage2D: texImage2D,

		scissor: scissor,
		viewport: viewport,

		reset: reset



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebGLCapabilities( gl, extensions, parameters ) {

	var maxAnisotropy;

	function getMaxAnisotropy() {

		if ( maxAnisotropy !== undefined ) return maxAnisotropy;

		var extension = extensions.get( 'EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' );

		if ( extension !== null ) {

			maxAnisotropy = gl.getParameter( extension.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT );

		} else {

			maxAnisotropy = 0;


		return maxAnisotropy;


	function getMaxPrecision( precision ) {

		if ( precision === 'highp' ) {

			if ( gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat( gl.VERTEX_SHADER, gl.HIGH_FLOAT ).precision > 0 &&
			     gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat( gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, gl.HIGH_FLOAT ).precision > 0 ) {

				return 'highp';


			precision = 'mediump';


		if ( precision === 'mediump' ) {

			if ( gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat( gl.VERTEX_SHADER, gl.MEDIUM_FLOAT ).precision > 0 &&
			     gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat( gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, gl.MEDIUM_FLOAT ).precision > 0 ) {

				return 'mediump';



		return 'lowp';


	var precision = parameters.precision !== undefined ? parameters.precision : 'highp';
	var maxPrecision = getMaxPrecision( precision );

	if ( maxPrecision !== precision ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer:', precision, 'not supported, using', maxPrecision, 'instead.' );
		precision = maxPrecision;


	var logarithmicDepthBuffer = parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer === true;

	var maxTextures = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS );
	var maxVertexTextures = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS );
	var maxTextureSize = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE );
	var maxCubemapSize = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE );

	var maxAttributes = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS );
	var maxVertexUniforms = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS );
	var maxVaryings = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_VARYING_VECTORS );
	var maxFragmentUniforms = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS );

	var vertexTextures = maxVertexTextures > 0;
	var floatFragmentTextures = !! extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float' );
	var floatVertexTextures = vertexTextures && floatFragmentTextures;

	return {

		getMaxAnisotropy: getMaxAnisotropy,
		getMaxPrecision: getMaxPrecision,

		precision: precision,
		logarithmicDepthBuffer: logarithmicDepthBuffer,

		maxTextures: maxTextures,
		maxVertexTextures: maxVertexTextures,
		maxTextureSize: maxTextureSize,
		maxCubemapSize: maxCubemapSize,

		maxAttributes: maxAttributes,
		maxVertexUniforms: maxVertexUniforms,
		maxVaryings: maxVaryings,
		maxFragmentUniforms: maxFragmentUniforms,

		vertexTextures: vertexTextures,
		floatFragmentTextures: floatFragmentTextures,
		floatVertexTextures: floatVertexTextures



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author greggman / http://games.greggman.com/
 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
 * @author tschw

function PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far ) {

	Camera.call( this );

	this.type = 'PerspectiveCamera';

	this.fov = fov !== undefined ? fov : 50;
	this.zoom = 1;

	this.near = near !== undefined ? near : 0.1;
	this.far = far !== undefined ? far : 2000;
	this.focus = 10;

	this.aspect = aspect !== undefined ? aspect : 1;
	this.view = null;

	this.filmGauge = 35;	// width of the film (default in millimeters)
	this.filmOffset = 0;	// horizontal film offset (same unit as gauge)



PerspectiveCamera.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Camera.prototype ), {

	constructor: PerspectiveCamera,

	isPerspectiveCamera: true,

	copy: function ( source, recursive ) {

		Camera.prototype.copy.call( this, source, recursive );

		this.fov = source.fov;
		this.zoom = source.zoom;

		this.near = source.near;
		this.far = source.far;
		this.focus = source.focus;

		this.aspect = source.aspect;
		this.view = source.view === null ? null : Object.assign( {}, source.view );

		this.filmGauge = source.filmGauge;
		this.filmOffset = source.filmOffset;

		return this;


	 * Sets the FOV by focal length in respect to the current .filmGauge.
	 * The default film gauge is 35, so that the focal length can be specified for
	 * a 35mm (full frame) camera.
	 * Values for focal length and film gauge must have the same unit.
	setFocalLength: function ( focalLength ) {

		// see http://www.bobatkins.com/photography/technical/field_of_view.html
		var vExtentSlope = 0.5 * this.getFilmHeight() / focalLength;

		this.fov = _Math.RAD2DEG * 2 * Math.atan( vExtentSlope );


	 * Calculates the focal length from the current .fov and .filmGauge.
	getFocalLength: function () {

		var vExtentSlope = Math.tan( _Math.DEG2RAD * 0.5 * this.fov );

		return 0.5 * this.getFilmHeight() / vExtentSlope;


	getEffectiveFOV: function () {

		return _Math.RAD2DEG * 2 * Math.atan(
			Math.tan( _Math.DEG2RAD * 0.5 * this.fov ) / this.zoom );


	getFilmWidth: function () {

		// film not completely covered in portrait format (aspect < 1)
		return this.filmGauge * Math.min( this.aspect, 1 );


	getFilmHeight: function () {

		// film not completely covered in landscape format (aspect > 1)
		return this.filmGauge / Math.max( this.aspect, 1 );


	 * Sets an offset in a larger frustum. This is useful for multi-window or
	 * multi-monitor/multi-machine setups.
	 * For example, if you have 3x2 monitors and each monitor is 1920x1080 and
	 * the monitors are in grid like this
	 *   +---+---+---+
	 *   | A | B | C |
	 *   +---+---+---+
	 *   | D | E | F |
	 *   +---+---+---+
	 * then for each monitor you would call it like this
	 *   var w = 1920;
	 *   var h = 1080;
	 *   var fullWidth = w * 3;
	 *   var fullHeight = h * 2;
	 *   --A--
	 *   camera.setOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 0, h * 0, w, h );
	 *   --B--
	 *   camera.setOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 1, h * 0, w, h );
	 *   --C--
	 *   camera.setOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 2, h * 0, w, h );
	 *   --D--
	 *   camera.setOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 0, h * 1, w, h );
	 *   --E--
	 *   camera.setOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 1, h * 1, w, h );
	 *   --F--
	 *   camera.setOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 2, h * 1, w, h );
	 *   Note there is no reason monitors have to be the same size or in a grid.
	setViewOffset: function ( fullWidth, fullHeight, x, y, width, height ) {

		this.aspect = fullWidth / fullHeight;

		if ( this.view === null ) {

			this.view = {
				enabled: true,
				fullWidth: 1,
				fullHeight: 1,
				offsetX: 0,
				offsetY: 0,
				width: 1,
				height: 1


		this.view.enabled = true;
		this.view.fullWidth = fullWidth;
		this.view.fullHeight = fullHeight;
		this.view.offsetX = x;
		this.view.offsetY = y;
		this.view.width = width;
		this.view.height = height;



	clearViewOffset: function () {

		if ( this.view !== null ) {

			this.view.enabled = false;




	updateProjectionMatrix: function () {

		var near = this.near,
			top = near * Math.tan(
				_Math.DEG2RAD * 0.5 * this.fov ) / this.zoom,
			height = 2 * top,
			width = this.aspect * height,
			left = - 0.5 * width,
			view = this.view;

		if ( this.view !== null && this.view.enabled ) {

			var fullWidth = view.fullWidth,
				fullHeight = view.fullHeight;

			left += view.offsetX * width / fullWidth;
			top -= view.offsetY * height / fullHeight;
			width *= view.width / fullWidth;
			height *= view.height / fullHeight;


		var skew = this.filmOffset;
		if ( skew !== 0 ) left += near * skew / this.getFilmWidth();

		this.projectionMatrix.makePerspective( left, left + width, top, top - height, near, this.far );


	toJSON: function ( meta ) {

		var data = Object3D.prototype.toJSON.call( this, meta );

		data.object.fov = this.fov;
		data.object.zoom = this.zoom;

		data.object.near = this.near;
		data.object.far = this.far;
		data.object.focus = this.focus;

		data.object.aspect = this.aspect;

		if ( this.view !== null ) data.object.view = Object.assign( {}, this.view );

		data.object.filmGauge = this.filmGauge;
		data.object.filmOffset = this.filmOffset;

		return data;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function ArrayCamera( array ) {

	PerspectiveCamera.call( this );

	this.cameras = array || [];


ArrayCamera.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( PerspectiveCamera.prototype ), {

	constructor: ArrayCamera,

	isArrayCamera: true

} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebVRManager( renderer ) {

	var scope = this;

	var device = null;
	var frameData = null;

	var poseTarget = null;

	var standingMatrix = new Matrix4();
	var standingMatrixInverse = new Matrix4();

	if ( typeof window !== 'undefined' && 'VRFrameData' in window ) {

		frameData = new window.VRFrameData();


	var matrixWorldInverse = new Matrix4();

	var cameraL = new PerspectiveCamera();
	cameraL.bounds = new Vector4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 );
	cameraL.layers.enable( 1 );

	var cameraR = new PerspectiveCamera();
	cameraR.bounds = new Vector4( 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 );
	cameraR.layers.enable( 2 );

	var cameraVR = new ArrayCamera( [ cameraL, cameraR ] );
	cameraVR.layers.enable( 1 );
	cameraVR.layers.enable( 2 );


	var currentSize, currentPixelRatio;

	function onVRDisplayPresentChange() {

		if ( device !== null && device.isPresenting ) {

			var eyeParameters = device.getEyeParameters( 'left' );
			var renderWidth = eyeParameters.renderWidth;
			var renderHeight = eyeParameters.renderHeight;

			currentPixelRatio = renderer.getPixelRatio();
			currentSize = renderer.getSize();

			renderer.setDrawingBufferSize( renderWidth * 2, renderHeight, 1 );

		} else if ( scope.enabled ) {

			renderer.setDrawingBufferSize( currentSize.width, currentSize.height, currentPixelRatio );



	if ( typeof window !== 'undefined' ) {

		window.addEventListener( 'vrdisplaypresentchange', onVRDisplayPresentChange, false );



	this.enabled = false;
	this.userHeight = 1.6;

	this.getDevice = function () {

		return device;


	this.setDevice = function ( value ) {

		if ( value !== undefined ) device = value;


	this.setPoseTarget = function ( object ) {

		if ( object !== undefined ) poseTarget = object;


	this.getCamera = function ( camera ) {

		if ( device === null ) return camera;

		device.depthNear = camera.near;
		device.depthFar = camera.far;

		device.getFrameData( frameData );


		var pose = frameData.pose;
		var poseObject = poseTarget !== null ? poseTarget : camera;

		if ( pose.position !== null ) {

			poseObject.position.fromArray( pose.position );

		} else {

			poseObject.position.set( 0, 0, 0 );


		if ( pose.orientation !== null ) {

			poseObject.quaternion.fromArray( pose.orientation );


		var stageParameters = device.stageParameters;

		if ( stageParameters ) {

			standingMatrix.fromArray( stageParameters.sittingToStandingTransform );

		} else {

			standingMatrix.makeTranslation( 0, scope.userHeight, 0 );


		poseObject.position.applyMatrix4( standingMatrix );

		if ( device.isPresenting === false ) return camera;


		cameraL.near = camera.near;
		cameraR.near = camera.near;

		cameraL.far = camera.far;
		cameraR.far = camera.far;

		cameraVR.matrixWorld.copy( camera.matrixWorld );
		cameraVR.matrixWorldInverse.copy( camera.matrixWorldInverse );

		cameraL.matrixWorldInverse.fromArray( frameData.leftViewMatrix );
		cameraR.matrixWorldInverse.fromArray( frameData.rightViewMatrix );

		// TODO (mrdoob) Double check this code

		standingMatrixInverse.getInverse( standingMatrix );

		cameraL.matrixWorldInverse.multiply( standingMatrixInverse );
		cameraR.matrixWorldInverse.multiply( standingMatrixInverse );

		var parent = poseObject.parent;

		if ( parent !== null ) {

			matrixWorldInverse.getInverse( parent.matrixWorld );

			cameraL.matrixWorldInverse.multiply( matrixWorldInverse );
			cameraR.matrixWorldInverse.multiply( matrixWorldInverse );


		// envMap and Mirror needs camera.matrixWorld

		cameraL.matrixWorld.getInverse( cameraL.matrixWorldInverse );
		cameraR.matrixWorld.getInverse( cameraR.matrixWorldInverse );

		cameraL.projectionMatrix.fromArray( frameData.leftProjectionMatrix );
		cameraR.projectionMatrix.fromArray( frameData.rightProjectionMatrix );

		// HACK (mrdoob)
		// https://github.com/w3c/webvr/issues/203

		cameraVR.projectionMatrix.copy( cameraL.projectionMatrix );


		var layers = device.getLayers();

		if ( layers.length ) {

			var layer = layers[ 0 ];

			if ( layer.leftBounds !== null && layer.leftBounds.length === 4 ) {

				cameraL.bounds.fromArray( layer.leftBounds );


			if ( layer.rightBounds !== null && layer.rightBounds.length === 4 ) {

				cameraR.bounds.fromArray( layer.rightBounds );



		return cameraVR;


	this.getStandingMatrix = function () {

		return standingMatrix;


	this.submitFrame = function () {

		if ( device && device.isPresenting ) device.submitFrame();


	this.dispose = function () {

		if ( typeof window !== 'undefined' ) {

			window.removeEventListener( 'vrdisplaypresentchange', onVRDisplayPresentChange );




 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function WebGLExtensions( gl ) {

	var extensions = {};

	return {

		get: function ( name ) {

			if ( extensions[ name ] !== undefined ) {

				return extensions[ name ];


			var extension;

			switch ( name ) {

				case 'WEBGL_depth_texture':
					extension = gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_depth_texture' ) || gl.getExtension( 'MOZ_WEBGL_depth_texture' ) || gl.getExtension( 'WEBKIT_WEBGL_depth_texture' );

				case 'EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic':
					extension = gl.getExtension( 'EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' ) || gl.getExtension( 'MOZ_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' ) || gl.getExtension( 'WEBKIT_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' );

				case 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc':
					extension = gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' ) || gl.getExtension( 'MOZ_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' ) || gl.getExtension( 'WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' );

				case 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc':
					extension = gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' ) || gl.getExtension( 'WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' );

				case 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1':
					extension = gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1' );

					extension = gl.getExtension( name );


			if ( extension === null ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: ' + name + ' extension not supported.' );


			extensions[ name ] = extension;

			return extension;




 * @author tschw

function WebGLClipping() {

	var scope = this,

		globalState = null,
		numGlobalPlanes = 0,
		localClippingEnabled = false,
		renderingShadows = false,

		plane = new Plane(),
		viewNormalMatrix = new Matrix3(),

		uniform = { value: null, needsUpdate: false };

	this.uniform = uniform;
	this.numPlanes = 0;
	this.numIntersection = 0;

	this.init = function ( planes, enableLocalClipping, camera ) {

		var enabled =
			planes.length !== 0 ||
			enableLocalClipping ||
			// enable state of previous frame - the clipping code has to
			// run another frame in order to reset the state:
			numGlobalPlanes !== 0 ||

		localClippingEnabled = enableLocalClipping;

		globalState = projectPlanes( planes, camera, 0 );
		numGlobalPlanes = planes.length;

		return enabled;


	this.beginShadows = function () {

		renderingShadows = true;
		projectPlanes( null );


	this.endShadows = function () {

		renderingShadows = false;


	this.setState = function ( planes, clipIntersection, clipShadows, camera, cache, fromCache ) {

		if ( ! localClippingEnabled || planes === null || planes.length === 0 || renderingShadows && ! clipShadows ) {

			// there's no local clipping

			if ( renderingShadows ) {

				// there's no global clipping

				projectPlanes( null );

			} else {



		} else {

			var nGlobal = renderingShadows ? 0 : numGlobalPlanes,
				lGlobal = nGlobal * 4,

				dstArray = cache.clippingState || null;

			uniform.value = dstArray; // ensure unique state

			dstArray = projectPlanes( planes, camera, lGlobal, fromCache );

			for ( var i = 0; i !== lGlobal; ++ i ) {

				dstArray[ i ] = globalState[ i ];


			cache.clippingState = dstArray;
			this.numIntersection = clipIntersection ? this.numPlanes : 0;
			this.numPlanes += nGlobal;



	function resetGlobalState() {

		if ( uniform.value !== globalState ) {

			uniform.value = globalState;
			uniform.needsUpdate = numGlobalPlanes > 0;


		scope.numPlanes = numGlobalPlanes;
		scope.numIntersection = 0;


	function projectPlanes( planes, camera, dstOffset, skipTransform ) {

		var nPlanes = planes !== null ? planes.length : 0,
			dstArray = null;

		if ( nPlanes !== 0 ) {

			dstArray = uniform.value;

			if ( skipTransform !== true || dstArray === null ) {

				var flatSize = dstOffset + nPlanes * 4,
					viewMatrix = camera.matrixWorldInverse;

				viewNormalMatrix.getNormalMatrix( viewMatrix );

				if ( dstArray === null || dstArray.length < flatSize ) {

					dstArray = new Float32Array( flatSize );


				for ( var i = 0, i4 = dstOffset; i !== nPlanes; ++ i, i4 += 4 ) {

					plane.copy( planes[ i ] ).applyMatrix4( viewMatrix, viewNormalMatrix );

					plane.normal.toArray( dstArray, i4 );
					dstArray[ i4 + 3 ] = plane.constant;



			uniform.value = dstArray;
			uniform.needsUpdate = true;


		scope.numPlanes = nPlanes;

		return dstArray;



 * @author thespite / http://www.twitter.com/thespite

function WebGLUtils( gl, extensions ) {

	function convert( p ) {

		var extension;

		if ( p === RepeatWrapping ) return gl.REPEAT;
		if ( p === ClampToEdgeWrapping ) return gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
		if ( p === MirroredRepeatWrapping ) return gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT;

		if ( p === NearestFilter ) return gl.NEAREST;
		if ( p === NearestMipMapNearestFilter ) return gl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST;
		if ( p === NearestMipMapLinearFilter ) return gl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR;

		if ( p === LinearFilter ) return gl.LINEAR;
		if ( p === LinearMipMapNearestFilter ) return gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST;
		if ( p === LinearMipMapLinearFilter ) return gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR;

		if ( p === UnsignedByteType ) return gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
		if ( p === UnsignedShort4444Type ) return gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
		if ( p === UnsignedShort5551Type ) return gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
		if ( p === UnsignedShort565Type ) return gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5;

		if ( p === ByteType ) return gl.BYTE;
		if ( p === ShortType ) return gl.SHORT;
		if ( p === UnsignedShortType ) return gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
		if ( p === IntType ) return gl.INT;
		if ( p === UnsignedIntType ) return gl.UNSIGNED_INT;
		if ( p === FloatType ) return gl.FLOAT;

		if ( p === HalfFloatType ) {

			extension = extensions.get( 'OES_texture_half_float' );

			if ( extension !== null ) return extension.HALF_FLOAT_OES;


		if ( p === AlphaFormat ) return gl.ALPHA;
		if ( p === RGBFormat ) return gl.RGB;
		if ( p === RGBAFormat ) return gl.RGBA;
		if ( p === LuminanceFormat ) return gl.LUMINANCE;
		if ( p === LuminanceAlphaFormat ) return gl.LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
		if ( p === DepthFormat ) return gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT;
		if ( p === DepthStencilFormat ) return gl.DEPTH_STENCIL;

		if ( p === AddEquation ) return gl.FUNC_ADD;
		if ( p === SubtractEquation ) return gl.FUNC_SUBTRACT;
		if ( p === ReverseSubtractEquation ) return gl.FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT;

		if ( p === ZeroFactor ) return gl.ZERO;
		if ( p === OneFactor ) return gl.ONE;
		if ( p === SrcColorFactor ) return gl.SRC_COLOR;
		if ( p === OneMinusSrcColorFactor ) return gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR;
		if ( p === SrcAlphaFactor ) return gl.SRC_ALPHA;
		if ( p === OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor ) return gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
		if ( p === DstAlphaFactor ) return gl.DST_ALPHA;
		if ( p === OneMinusDstAlphaFactor ) return gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA;

		if ( p === DstColorFactor ) return gl.DST_COLOR;
		if ( p === OneMinusDstColorFactor ) return gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR;
		if ( p === SrcAlphaSaturateFactor ) return gl.SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE;

		if ( p === RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format || p === RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format ||
			p === RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format || p === RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format ) {

			extension = extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' );

			if ( extension !== null ) {

				if ( p === RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
				if ( p === RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
				if ( p === RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT;
				if ( p === RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT;



		if ( p === RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format || p === RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format ||
			p === RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format || p === RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format ) {

			extension = extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' );

			if ( extension !== null ) {

				if ( p === RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG;
				if ( p === RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG;
				if ( p === RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG;
				if ( p === RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG;



		if ( p === RGB_ETC1_Format ) {

			extension = extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1' );

			if ( extension !== null ) return extension.COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL;


		if ( p === RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format || p === RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format || p === RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format ||
			p === RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format || p === RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format || p === RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format ||
			p === RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format || p === RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format || p === RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format ||
			p === RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format || p === RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format || p === RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format ||
			p === RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format || p === RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format ) {

			extension = extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc' );

			if ( extension !== null ) {

				return p;



		if ( p === MinEquation || p === MaxEquation ) {

			extension = extensions.get( 'EXT_blend_minmax' );

			if ( extension !== null ) {

				if ( p === MinEquation ) return extension.MIN_EXT;
				if ( p === MaxEquation ) return extension.MAX_EXT;



		if ( p === UnsignedInt248Type ) {

			extension = extensions.get( 'WEBGL_depth_texture' );

			if ( extension !== null ) return extension.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_WEBGL;


		return 0;


	return { convert: convert };


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function UniformsCache() {

	var lights = {};

	return {

		get: function ( light ) {

			if ( lights[ light.id ] !== undefined ) {

				return lights[ light.id ];


			var uniforms;

			switch ( light.type ) {

				case 'DirectionalLight':
					uniforms = {
						direction: new Vector3(),
						color: new Color(),

						shadow: false,
						shadowBias: 0,
						shadowRadius: 1,
						shadowMapSize: new Vector2()

				case 'SpotLight':
					uniforms = {
						position: new Vector3(),
						direction: new Vector3(),
						color: new Color(),
						distance: 0,
						coneCos: 0,
						penumbraCos: 0,
						decay: 0,

						shadow: false,
						shadowBias: 0,
						shadowRadius: 1,
						shadowMapSize: new Vector2()

				case 'PointLight':
					uniforms = {
						position: new Vector3(),
						color: new Color(),
						distance: 0,
						decay: 0,

						shadow: false,
						shadowBias: 0,
						shadowRadius: 1,
						shadowMapSize: new Vector2(),
						shadowCameraNear: 1,
						shadowCameraFar: 1000

				case 'HemisphereLight':
					uniforms = {
						direction: new Vector3(),
						skyColor: new Color(),
						groundColor: new Color()

				case 'RectAreaLight':
					uniforms = {
						color: new Color(),
						position: new Vector3(),
						halfWidth: new Vector3(),
						halfHeight: new Vector3()
						// TODO (abelnation): set RectAreaLight shadow uniforms


			lights[ light.id ] = uniforms;

			return uniforms;




var count = 0;

function WebGLLights() {

	var cache = new UniformsCache();

	var state = {

		id: count ++,

		hash: '',

		ambient: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
		directional: [],
		directionalShadowMap: [],
		directionalShadowMatrix: [],
		spot: [],
		spotShadowMap: [],
		spotShadowMatrix: [],
		rectArea: [],
		point: [],
		pointShadowMap: [],
		pointShadowMatrix: [],
		hemi: []


	var vector3 = new Vector3();
	var matrix4 = new Matrix4();
	var matrix42 = new Matrix4();

	function setup( lights, shadows, camera ) {

		var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;

		var directionalLength = 0;
		var pointLength = 0;
		var spotLength = 0;
		var rectAreaLength = 0;
		var hemiLength = 0;

		var viewMatrix = camera.matrixWorldInverse;

		for ( var i = 0, l = lights.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var light = lights[ i ];

			var color = light.color;
			var intensity = light.intensity;
			var distance = light.distance;

			var shadowMap = ( light.shadow && light.shadow.map ) ? light.shadow.map.texture : null;

			if ( light.isAmbientLight ) {

				r += color.r * intensity;
				g += color.g * intensity;
				b += color.b * intensity;

			} else if ( light.isDirectionalLight ) {

				var uniforms = cache.get( light );

				uniforms.color.copy( light.color ).multiplyScalar( light.intensity );
				uniforms.direction.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
				vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( light.target.matrixWorld );
				uniforms.direction.sub( vector3 );
				uniforms.direction.transformDirection( viewMatrix );

				uniforms.shadow = light.castShadow;

				if ( light.castShadow ) {

					var shadow = light.shadow;

					uniforms.shadowBias = shadow.bias;
					uniforms.shadowRadius = shadow.radius;
					uniforms.shadowMapSize = shadow.mapSize;


				state.directionalShadowMap[ directionalLength ] = shadowMap;
				state.directionalShadowMatrix[ directionalLength ] = light.shadow.matrix;
				state.directional[ directionalLength ] = uniforms;

				directionalLength ++;

			} else if ( light.isSpotLight ) {

				var uniforms = cache.get( light );

				uniforms.position.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
				uniforms.position.applyMatrix4( viewMatrix );

				uniforms.color.copy( color ).multiplyScalar( intensity );
				uniforms.distance = distance;

				uniforms.direction.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
				vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( light.target.matrixWorld );
				uniforms.direction.sub( vector3 );
				uniforms.direction.transformDirection( viewMatrix );

				uniforms.coneCos = Math.cos( light.angle );
				uniforms.penumbraCos = Math.cos( light.angle * ( 1 - light.penumbra ) );
				uniforms.decay = ( light.distance === 0 ) ? 0.0 : light.decay;

				uniforms.shadow = light.castShadow;

				if ( light.castShadow ) {

					var shadow = light.shadow;

					uniforms.shadowBias = shadow.bias;
					uniforms.shadowRadius = shadow.radius;
					uniforms.shadowMapSize = shadow.mapSize;


				state.spotShadowMap[ spotLength ] = shadowMap;
				state.spotShadowMatrix[ spotLength ] = light.shadow.matrix;
				state.spot[ spotLength ] = uniforms;

				spotLength ++;

			} else if ( light.isRectAreaLight ) {

				var uniforms = cache.get( light );

				// (a) intensity is the total visible light emitted
				//uniforms.color.copy( color ).multiplyScalar( intensity / ( light.width * light.height * Math.PI ) );

				// (b) intensity is the brightness of the light
				uniforms.color.copy( color ).multiplyScalar( intensity );

				uniforms.position.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
				uniforms.position.applyMatrix4( viewMatrix );

				// extract local rotation of light to derive width/height half vectors
				matrix4.copy( light.matrixWorld );
				matrix4.premultiply( viewMatrix );
				matrix42.extractRotation( matrix4 );

				uniforms.halfWidth.set( light.width * 0.5, 0.0, 0.0 );
				uniforms.halfHeight.set( 0.0, light.height * 0.5, 0.0 );

				uniforms.halfWidth.applyMatrix4( matrix42 );
				uniforms.halfHeight.applyMatrix4( matrix42 );

				// TODO (abelnation): RectAreaLight distance?
				// uniforms.distance = distance;

				state.rectArea[ rectAreaLength ] = uniforms;

				rectAreaLength ++;

			} else if ( light.isPointLight ) {

				var uniforms = cache.get( light );

				uniforms.position.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
				uniforms.position.applyMatrix4( viewMatrix );

				uniforms.color.copy( light.color ).multiplyScalar( light.intensity );
				uniforms.distance = light.distance;
				uniforms.decay = ( light.distance === 0 ) ? 0.0 : light.decay;

				uniforms.shadow = light.castShadow;

				if ( light.castShadow ) {

					var shadow = light.shadow;

					uniforms.shadowBias = shadow.bias;
					uniforms.shadowRadius = shadow.radius;
					uniforms.shadowMapSize = shadow.mapSize;
					uniforms.shadowCameraNear = shadow.camera.near;
					uniforms.shadowCameraFar = shadow.camera.far;


				state.pointShadowMap[ pointLength ] = shadowMap;
				state.pointShadowMatrix[ pointLength ] = light.shadow.matrix;
				state.point[ pointLength ] = uniforms;

				pointLength ++;

			} else if ( light.isHemisphereLight ) {

				var uniforms = cache.get( light );

				uniforms.direction.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld );
				uniforms.direction.transformDirection( viewMatrix );

				uniforms.skyColor.copy( light.color ).multiplyScalar( intensity );
				uniforms.groundColor.copy( light.groundColor ).multiplyScalar( intensity );

				state.hemi[ hemiLength ] = uniforms;

				hemiLength ++;



		state.ambient[ 0 ] = r;
		state.ambient[ 1 ] = g;
		state.ambient[ 2 ] = b;

		state.directional.length = directionalLength;
		state.spot.length = spotLength;
		state.rectArea.length = rectAreaLength;
		state.point.length = pointLength;
		state.hemi.length = hemiLength;

		state.hash = state.id + ',' + directionalLength + ',' + pointLength + ',' + spotLength + ',' + rectAreaLength + ',' + hemiLength + ',' + shadows.length;


	return {
		setup: setup,
		state: state


 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

function WebGLRenderState() {

	var lights = new WebGLLights();

	var lightsArray = [];
	var shadowsArray = [];
	var spritesArray = [];

	function init() {

		lightsArray.length = 0;
		shadowsArray.length = 0;
		spritesArray.length = 0;


	function pushLight( light ) {

		lightsArray.push( light );


	function pushShadow( shadowLight ) {

		shadowsArray.push( shadowLight );


	function pushSprite( shadowLight ) {

		spritesArray.push( shadowLight );


	function setupLights( camera ) {

		lights.setup( lightsArray, shadowsArray, camera );


	var state = {
		lightsArray: lightsArray,
		shadowsArray: shadowsArray,
		spritesArray: spritesArray,

		lights: lights

	return {
		init: init,
		state: state,
		setupLights: setupLights,

		pushLight: pushLight,
		pushShadow: pushShadow,
		pushSprite: pushSprite


function WebGLRenderStates() {

	var renderStates = {};

	function get( scene, camera ) {

		var hash = scene.id + ',' + camera.id;

		var renderState = renderStates[ hash ];

		if ( renderState === undefined ) {

			renderState = new WebGLRenderState();
			renderStates[ hash ] = renderState;


		return renderState;


	function dispose() {

		renderStates = {};


	return {
		get: get,
		dispose: dispose


 * @author supereggbert / http://www.paulbrunt.co.uk/
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author szimek / https://github.com/szimek/
 * @author tschw

function WebGLRenderer( parameters ) {

	console.log( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer', REVISION );

	parameters = parameters || {};

	var _canvas = parameters.canvas !== undefined ? parameters.canvas : document.createElementNS( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'canvas' ),
		_context = parameters.context !== undefined ? parameters.context : null,

		_alpha = parameters.alpha !== undefined ? parameters.alpha : false,
		_depth = parameters.depth !== undefined ? parameters.depth : true,
		_stencil = parameters.stencil !== undefined ? parameters.stencil : true,
		_antialias = parameters.antialias !== undefined ? parameters.antialias : false,
		_premultipliedAlpha = parameters.premultipliedAlpha !== undefined ? parameters.premultipliedAlpha : true,
		_preserveDrawingBuffer = parameters.preserveDrawingBuffer !== undefined ? parameters.preserveDrawingBuffer : false,
		_powerPreference = parameters.powerPreference !== undefined ? parameters.powerPreference : 'default';

	var currentRenderList = null;
	var currentRenderState = null;

	// public properties

	this.domElement = _canvas;
	this.context = null;

	// clearing

	this.autoClear = true;
	this.autoClearColor = true;
	this.autoClearDepth = true;
	this.autoClearStencil = true;

	// scene graph

	this.sortObjects = true;

	// user-defined clipping

	this.clippingPlanes = [];
	this.localClippingEnabled = false;

	// physically based shading

	this.gammaFactor = 2.0;	// for backwards compatibility
	this.gammaInput = false;
	this.gammaOutput = false;

	// physical lights

	this.physicallyCorrectLights = false;

	// tone mapping

	this.toneMapping = LinearToneMapping;
	this.toneMappingExposure = 1.0;
	this.toneMappingWhitePoint = 1.0;

	// morphs

	this.maxMorphTargets = 8;
	this.maxMorphNormals = 4;

	// internal properties

	var _this = this,

		_isContextLost = false,

		// internal state cache

		_currentRenderTarget = null,
		_currentFramebuffer = null,
		_currentMaterialId = - 1,
		_currentGeometryProgram = '',

		_currentCamera = null,
		_currentArrayCamera = null,

		_currentViewport = new Vector4(),
		_currentScissor = new Vector4(),
		_currentScissorTest = null,


		_usedTextureUnits = 0,


		_width = _canvas.width,
		_height = _canvas.height,

		_pixelRatio = 1,

		_viewport = new Vector4( 0, 0, _width, _height ),
		_scissor = new Vector4( 0, 0, _width, _height ),
		_scissorTest = false,

		// frustum

		_frustum = new Frustum(),

		// clipping

		_clipping = new WebGLClipping(),
		_clippingEnabled = false,
		_localClippingEnabled = false,

		// camera matrices cache

		_projScreenMatrix = new Matrix4(),

		_vector3 = new Vector3(),

		// info

		_infoMemory = {
			geometries: 0,
			textures: 0

		_infoRender = {

			frame: 0,
			calls: 0,
			vertices: 0,
			faces: 0,
			points: 0


	this.info = {

		render: _infoRender,
		memory: _infoMemory,
		programs: null,
		autoReset: true,
		reset: resetInfo


	function resetInfo() {

		_infoRender.frame ++;
		_infoRender.calls = 0;
		_infoRender.vertices = 0;
		_infoRender.faces = 0;
		_infoRender.points = 0;


	function getTargetPixelRatio() {

		return _currentRenderTarget === null ? _pixelRatio : 1;


	// initialize

	var _gl;

	try {

		var contextAttributes = {
			alpha: _alpha,
			depth: _depth,
			stencil: _stencil,
			antialias: _antialias,
			premultipliedAlpha: _premultipliedAlpha,
			preserveDrawingBuffer: _preserveDrawingBuffer,
			powerPreference: _powerPreference

		// event listeners must be registered before WebGL context is created, see #12753

		_canvas.addEventListener( 'webglcontextlost', onContextLost, false );
		_canvas.addEventListener( 'webglcontextrestored', onContextRestore, false );

		_gl = _context || _canvas.getContext( 'webgl', contextAttributes ) || _canvas.getContext( 'experimental-webgl', contextAttributes );

		if ( _gl === null ) {

			if ( _canvas.getContext( 'webgl' ) !== null ) {

				throw new Error( 'Error creating WebGL context with your selected attributes.' );

			} else {

				throw new Error( 'Error creating WebGL context.' );



		// Some experimental-webgl implementations do not have getShaderPrecisionFormat

		if ( _gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat === undefined ) {

			_gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat = function () {

				return { 'rangeMin': 1, 'rangeMax': 1, 'precision': 1 };



	} catch ( error ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: ' + error.message );


	var extensions, capabilities, state;
	var properties, textures, attributes, geometries, objects;
	var programCache, renderLists, renderStates;

	var background, morphtargets, bufferRenderer, indexedBufferRenderer;
	var spriteRenderer;

	var utils;

	function initGLContext() {

		extensions = new WebGLExtensions( _gl );
		extensions.get( 'WEBGL_depth_texture' );
		extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float' );
		extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float_linear' );
		extensions.get( 'OES_texture_half_float' );
		extensions.get( 'OES_texture_half_float_linear' );
		extensions.get( 'OES_standard_derivatives' );
		extensions.get( 'OES_element_index_uint' );
		extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' );

		utils = new WebGLUtils( _gl, extensions );

		capabilities = new WebGLCapabilities( _gl, extensions, parameters );

		state = new WebGLState( _gl, extensions, utils );
		state.scissor( _currentScissor.copy( _scissor ).multiplyScalar( _pixelRatio ) );
		state.viewport( _currentViewport.copy( _viewport ).multiplyScalar( _pixelRatio ) );

		properties = new WebGLProperties();
		textures = new WebGLTextures( _gl, extensions, state, properties, capabilities, utils, _infoMemory, _infoRender );
		attributes = new WebGLAttributes( _gl );
		geometries = new WebGLGeometries( _gl, attributes, _infoMemory );
		objects = new WebGLObjects( geometries, _infoRender );
		morphtargets = new WebGLMorphtargets( _gl );
		programCache = new WebGLPrograms( _this, extensions, capabilities );
		renderLists = new WebGLRenderLists();
		renderStates = new WebGLRenderStates();

		background = new WebGLBackground( _this, state, geometries, _premultipliedAlpha );

		bufferRenderer = new WebGLBufferRenderer( _gl, extensions, _infoRender );
		indexedBufferRenderer = new WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer( _gl, extensions, _infoRender );

		spriteRenderer = new WebGLSpriteRenderer( _this, _gl, state, textures, capabilities );

		_this.info.programs = programCache.programs;

		_this.context = _gl;
		_this.capabilities = capabilities;
		_this.extensions = extensions;
		_this.properties = properties;
		_this.renderLists = renderLists;
		_this.state = state;



	// vr

	var vr = new WebVRManager( _this );

	this.vr = vr;

	// shadow map

	var shadowMap = new WebGLShadowMap( _this, objects, capabilities.maxTextureSize );

	this.shadowMap = shadowMap;

	// API

	this.getContext = function () {

		return _gl;


	this.getContextAttributes = function () {

		return _gl.getContextAttributes();


	this.forceContextLoss = function () {

		var extension = extensions.get( 'WEBGL_lose_context' );
		if ( extension ) extension.loseContext();


	this.forceContextRestore = function () {

		var extension = extensions.get( 'WEBGL_lose_context' );
		if ( extension ) extension.restoreContext();


	this.getPixelRatio = function () {

		return _pixelRatio;


	this.setPixelRatio = function ( value ) {

		if ( value === undefined ) return;

		_pixelRatio = value;

		this.setSize( _width, _height, false );


	this.getSize = function () {

		return {
			width: _width,
			height: _height


	this.setSize = function ( width, height, updateStyle ) {

		var device = vr.getDevice();

		if ( device && device.isPresenting ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Can\'t change size while VR device is presenting.' );


		_width = width;
		_height = height;

		_canvas.width = width * _pixelRatio;
		_canvas.height = height * _pixelRatio;

		if ( updateStyle !== false ) {

			_canvas.style.width = width + 'px';
			_canvas.style.height = height + 'px';


		this.setViewport( 0, 0, width, height );


	this.getDrawingBufferSize = function () {

		return {
			width: _width * _pixelRatio,
			height: _height * _pixelRatio


	this.setDrawingBufferSize = function ( width, height, pixelRatio ) {

		_width = width;
		_height = height;

		_pixelRatio = pixelRatio;

		_canvas.width = width * pixelRatio;
		_canvas.height = height * pixelRatio;

		this.setViewport( 0, 0, width, height );


	this.getCurrentViewport = function () {

		return _currentViewport;


	this.setViewport = function ( x, y, width, height ) {

		_viewport.set( x, _height - y - height, width, height );
		state.viewport( _currentViewport.copy( _viewport ).multiplyScalar( _pixelRatio ) );


	this.setScissor = function ( x, y, width, height ) {

		_scissor.set( x, _height - y - height, width, height );
		state.scissor( _currentScissor.copy( _scissor ).multiplyScalar( _pixelRatio ) );


	this.setScissorTest = function ( boolean ) {

		state.setScissorTest( _scissorTest = boolean );


	// Clearing

	this.getClearColor = function () {

		return background.getClearColor();


	this.setClearColor = function () {

		background.setClearColor.apply( background, arguments );


	this.getClearAlpha = function () {

		return background.getClearAlpha();


	this.setClearAlpha = function () {

		background.setClearAlpha.apply( background, arguments );


	this.clear = function ( color, depth, stencil ) {

		var bits = 0;

		if ( color === undefined || color ) bits |= _gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
		if ( depth === undefined || depth ) bits |= _gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
		if ( stencil === undefined || stencil ) bits |= _gl.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT;

		_gl.clear( bits );


	this.clearColor = function () {

		this.clear( true, false, false );


	this.clearDepth = function () {

		this.clear( false, true, false );


	this.clearStencil = function () {

		this.clear( false, false, true );


	this.clearTarget = function ( renderTarget, color, depth, stencil ) {

		this.setRenderTarget( renderTarget );
		this.clear( color, depth, stencil );



	this.dispose = function () {

		_canvas.removeEventListener( 'webglcontextlost', onContextLost, false );
		_canvas.removeEventListener( 'webglcontextrestored', onContextRestore, false );





	// Events

	function onContextLost( event ) {


		console.log( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Context Lost.' );

		_isContextLost = true;


	function onContextRestore( /* event */ ) {

		console.log( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Context Restored.' );

		_isContextLost = false;



	function onMaterialDispose( event ) {

		var material = event.target;

		material.removeEventListener( 'dispose', onMaterialDispose );

		deallocateMaterial( material );


	// Buffer deallocation

	function deallocateMaterial( material ) {

		releaseMaterialProgramReference( material );

		properties.remove( material );


	function releaseMaterialProgramReference( material ) {

		var programInfo = properties.get( material ).program;

		material.program = undefined;

		if ( programInfo !== undefined ) {

			programCache.releaseProgram( programInfo );



	// Buffer rendering

	function renderObjectImmediate( object, program, material ) {

		object.render( function ( object ) {

			_this.renderBufferImmediate( object, program, material );

		} );


	this.renderBufferImmediate = function ( object, program, material ) {


		var buffers = properties.get( object );

		if ( object.hasPositions && ! buffers.position ) buffers.position = _gl.createBuffer();
		if ( object.hasNormals && ! buffers.normal ) buffers.normal = _gl.createBuffer();
		if ( object.hasUvs && ! buffers.uv ) buffers.uv = _gl.createBuffer();
		if ( object.hasColors && ! buffers.color ) buffers.color = _gl.createBuffer();

		var programAttributes = program.getAttributes();

		if ( object.hasPositions ) {

			_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers.position );
			_gl.bufferData( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, object.positionArray, _gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW );

			state.enableAttribute( programAttributes.position );
			_gl.vertexAttribPointer( programAttributes.position, 3, _gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0 );


		if ( object.hasNormals ) {

			_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers.normal );

			if ( ! material.isMeshPhongMaterial &&
				! material.isMeshStandardMaterial &&
				! material.isMeshNormalMaterial &&
				material.flatShading === true ) {

				for ( var i = 0, l = object.count * 3; i < l; i += 9 ) {

					var array = object.normalArray;

					var nx = ( array[ i + 0 ] + array[ i + 3 ] + array[ i + 6 ] ) / 3;
					var ny = ( array[ i + 1 ] + array[ i + 4 ] + array[ i + 7 ] ) / 3;
					var nz = ( array[ i + 2 ] + array[ i + 5 ] + array[ i + 8 ] ) / 3;

					array[ i + 0 ] = nx;
					array[ i + 1 ] = ny;
					array[ i + 2 ] = nz;

					array[ i + 3 ] = nx;
					array[ i + 4 ] = ny;
					array[ i + 5 ] = nz;

					array[ i + 6 ] = nx;
					array[ i + 7 ] = ny;
					array[ i + 8 ] = nz;



			_gl.bufferData( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, object.normalArray, _gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW );

			state.enableAttribute( programAttributes.normal );

			_gl.vertexAttribPointer( programAttributes.normal, 3, _gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0 );


		if ( object.hasUvs && material.map ) {

			_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers.uv );
			_gl.bufferData( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, object.uvArray, _gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW );

			state.enableAttribute( programAttributes.uv );

			_gl.vertexAttribPointer( programAttributes.uv, 2, _gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0 );


		if ( object.hasColors && material.vertexColors !== NoColors ) {

			_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffers.color );
			_gl.bufferData( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, object.colorArray, _gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW );

			state.enableAttribute( programAttributes.color );

			_gl.vertexAttribPointer( programAttributes.color, 3, _gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0 );



		_gl.drawArrays( _gl.TRIANGLES, 0, object.count );

		object.count = 0;


	this.renderBufferDirect = function ( camera, fog, geometry, material, object, group ) {

		var frontFaceCW = ( object.isMesh && object.matrixWorld.determinant() < 0 );

		state.setMaterial( material, frontFaceCW );

		var program = setProgram( camera, fog, material, object );
		var geometryProgram = geometry.id + '_' + program.id + '_' + ( material.wireframe === true );

		var updateBuffers = false;

		if ( geometryProgram !== _currentGeometryProgram ) {

			_currentGeometryProgram = geometryProgram;
			updateBuffers = true;


		if ( object.morphTargetInfluences ) {

			morphtargets.update( object, geometry, material, program );

			updateBuffers = true;



		var index = geometry.index;
		var position = geometry.attributes.position;
		var rangeFactor = 1;

		if ( material.wireframe === true ) {

			index = geometries.getWireframeAttribute( geometry );
			rangeFactor = 2;


		var attribute;
		var renderer = bufferRenderer;

		if ( index !== null ) {

			attribute = attributes.get( index );

			renderer = indexedBufferRenderer;
			renderer.setIndex( attribute );


		if ( updateBuffers ) {

			setupVertexAttributes( material, program, geometry );

			if ( index !== null ) {

				_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, attribute.buffer );




		var dataCount = Infinity;

		if ( index !== null ) {

			dataCount = index.count;

		} else if ( position !== undefined ) {

			dataCount = position.count;


		var rangeStart = geometry.drawRange.start * rangeFactor;
		var rangeCount = geometry.drawRange.count * rangeFactor;

		var groupStart = group !== null ? group.start * rangeFactor : 0;
		var groupCount = group !== null ? group.count * rangeFactor : Infinity;

		var drawStart = Math.max( rangeStart, groupStart );
		var drawEnd = Math.min( dataCount, rangeStart + rangeCount, groupStart + groupCount ) - 1;

		var drawCount = Math.max( 0, drawEnd - drawStart + 1 );

		if ( drawCount === 0 ) return;


		if ( object.isMesh ) {

			if ( material.wireframe === true ) {

				state.setLineWidth( material.wireframeLinewidth * getTargetPixelRatio() );
				renderer.setMode( _gl.LINES );

			} else {

				switch ( object.drawMode ) {

					case TrianglesDrawMode:
						renderer.setMode( _gl.TRIANGLES );

					case TriangleStripDrawMode:
						renderer.setMode( _gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP );

					case TriangleFanDrawMode:
						renderer.setMode( _gl.TRIANGLE_FAN );



		} else if ( object.isLine ) {

			var lineWidth = material.linewidth;

			if ( lineWidth === undefined ) lineWidth = 1; // Not using Line*Material

			state.setLineWidth( lineWidth * getTargetPixelRatio() );

			if ( object.isLineSegments ) {

				renderer.setMode( _gl.LINES );

			} else if ( object.isLineLoop ) {

				renderer.setMode( _gl.LINE_LOOP );

			} else {

				renderer.setMode( _gl.LINE_STRIP );


		} else if ( object.isPoints ) {

			renderer.setMode( _gl.POINTS );


		if ( geometry && geometry.isInstancedBufferGeometry ) {

			if ( geometry.maxInstancedCount > 0 ) {

				renderer.renderInstances( geometry, drawStart, drawCount );


		} else {

			renderer.render( drawStart, drawCount );



	function setupVertexAttributes( material, program, geometry, startIndex ) {

		if ( geometry && geometry.isInstancedBufferGeometry ) {

			if ( extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' ) === null ) {

				console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.setupVertexAttributes: using THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry but hardware does not support extension ANGLE_instanced_arrays.' );



		if ( startIndex === undefined ) startIndex = 0;


		var geometryAttributes = geometry.attributes;

		var programAttributes = program.getAttributes();

		var materialDefaultAttributeValues = material.defaultAttributeValues;

		for ( var name in programAttributes ) {

			var programAttribute = programAttributes[ name ];

			if ( programAttribute >= 0 ) {

				var geometryAttribute = geometryAttributes[ name ];

				if ( geometryAttribute !== undefined ) {

					var normalized = geometryAttribute.normalized;
					var size = geometryAttribute.itemSize;

					var attribute = attributes.get( geometryAttribute );

					// TODO Attribute may not be available on context restore

					if ( attribute === undefined ) continue;

					var buffer = attribute.buffer;
					var type = attribute.type;
					var bytesPerElement = attribute.bytesPerElement;

					if ( geometryAttribute.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ) {

						var data = geometryAttribute.data;
						var stride = data.stride;
						var offset = geometryAttribute.offset;

						if ( data && data.isInstancedInterleavedBuffer ) {

							state.enableAttributeAndDivisor( programAttribute, data.meshPerAttribute );

							if ( geometry.maxInstancedCount === undefined ) {

								geometry.maxInstancedCount = data.meshPerAttribute * data.count;


						} else {

							state.enableAttribute( programAttribute );


						_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer );
						_gl.vertexAttribPointer( programAttribute, size, type, normalized, stride * bytesPerElement, ( startIndex * stride + offset ) * bytesPerElement );

					} else {

						if ( geometryAttribute.isInstancedBufferAttribute ) {

							state.enableAttributeAndDivisor( programAttribute, geometryAttribute.meshPerAttribute );

							if ( geometry.maxInstancedCount === undefined ) {

								geometry.maxInstancedCount = geometryAttribute.meshPerAttribute * geometryAttribute.count;


						} else {

							state.enableAttribute( programAttribute );


						_gl.bindBuffer( _gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer );
						_gl.vertexAttribPointer( programAttribute, size, type, normalized, 0, startIndex * size * bytesPerElement );


				} else if ( materialDefaultAttributeValues !== undefined ) {

					var value = materialDefaultAttributeValues[ name ];

					if ( value !== undefined ) {

						switch ( value.length ) {

							case 2:
								_gl.vertexAttrib2fv( programAttribute, value );

							case 3:
								_gl.vertexAttrib3fv( programAttribute, value );

							case 4:
								_gl.vertexAttrib4fv( programAttribute, value );

								_gl.vertexAttrib1fv( programAttribute, value );








	// Compile

	this.compile = function ( scene, camera ) {

		currentRenderState = renderStates.get( scene, camera );

		scene.traverse( function ( object ) {

			if ( object.isLight ) {

				currentRenderState.pushLight( object );

				if ( object.castShadow ) {

					currentRenderState.pushShadow( object );



		} );

		currentRenderState.setupLights( camera );

		scene.traverse( function ( object ) {

			if ( object.material ) {

				if ( Array.isArray( object.material ) ) {

					for ( var i = 0; i < object.material.length; i ++ ) {

						initMaterial( object.material[ i ], scene.fog, object );


				} else {

					initMaterial( object.material, scene.fog, object );



		} );


	// Animation Loop

	var isAnimating = false;
	var onAnimationFrame = null;

	function startAnimation() {

		if ( isAnimating ) return;


		isAnimating = true;


	function stopAnimation() {

		isAnimating = false;


	function requestAnimationLoopFrame() {

		var device = vr.getDevice();

		if ( device && device.isPresenting ) {

			device.requestAnimationFrame( animationLoop );

		} else {

			window.requestAnimationFrame( animationLoop );



	function animationLoop( time ) {

		if ( isAnimating === false ) return;

		onAnimationFrame( time );



	this.animate = function ( callback ) {

		onAnimationFrame = callback;
		onAnimationFrame !== null ? startAnimation() : stopAnimation();


	// Rendering

	this.render = function ( scene, camera, renderTarget, forceClear ) {

		if ( ! ( camera && camera.isCamera ) ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.render: camera is not an instance of THREE.Camera.' );


		if ( _isContextLost ) return;

		// reset caching for this frame

		_currentGeometryProgram = '';
		_currentMaterialId = - 1;
		_currentCamera = null;

		// update scene graph

		if ( scene.autoUpdate === true ) scene.updateMatrixWorld();

		// update camera matrices and frustum

		if ( camera.parent === null ) camera.updateMatrixWorld();

		if ( vr.enabled ) {

			camera = vr.getCamera( camera );



		currentRenderState = renderStates.get( scene, camera );

		scene.onBeforeRender( _this, scene, camera, renderTarget );

		_projScreenMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse );
		_frustum.setFromMatrix( _projScreenMatrix );

		_localClippingEnabled = this.localClippingEnabled;
		_clippingEnabled = _clipping.init( this.clippingPlanes, _localClippingEnabled, camera );

		currentRenderList = renderLists.get( scene, camera );

		projectObject( scene, camera, _this.sortObjects );

		if ( _this.sortObjects === true ) {




		if ( _clippingEnabled ) _clipping.beginShadows();

		var shadowsArray = currentRenderState.state.shadowsArray;

		shadowMap.render( shadowsArray, scene, camera );

		currentRenderState.setupLights( camera );

		if ( _clippingEnabled ) _clipping.endShadows();


		if ( this.info.autoReset ) this.info.reset();

		if ( renderTarget === undefined ) {

			renderTarget = null;


		this.setRenderTarget( renderTarget );


		background.render( currentRenderList, scene, camera, forceClear );

		// render scene

		var opaqueObjects = currentRenderList.opaque;
		var transparentObjects = currentRenderList.transparent;

		if ( scene.overrideMaterial ) {

			var overrideMaterial = scene.overrideMaterial;

			if ( opaqueObjects.length ) renderObjects( opaqueObjects, scene, camera, overrideMaterial );
			if ( transparentObjects.length ) renderObjects( transparentObjects, scene, camera, overrideMaterial );

		} else {

			// opaque pass (front-to-back order)

			if ( opaqueObjects.length ) renderObjects( opaqueObjects, scene, camera );

			// transparent pass (back-to-front order)

			if ( transparentObjects.length ) renderObjects( transparentObjects, scene, camera );


		// custom renderers

		var spritesArray = currentRenderState.state.spritesArray;

		spriteRenderer.render( spritesArray, scene, camera );

		// Generate mipmap if we're using any kind of mipmap filtering

		if ( renderTarget ) {

			textures.updateRenderTargetMipmap( renderTarget );


		// Ensure depth buffer writing is enabled so it can be cleared on next render

		state.buffers.depth.setTest( true );
		state.buffers.depth.setMask( true );
		state.buffers.color.setMask( true );

		state.setPolygonOffset( false );

		scene.onAfterRender( _this, scene, camera );

		if ( vr.enabled ) {



		// _gl.finish();

		currentRenderList = null;
		currentRenderState = null;


	// TODO Duplicated code (Frustum)

	var _sphere = new Sphere();

	function isObjectViewable( object ) {

		var geometry = object.geometry;

		if ( geometry.boundingSphere === null )

		_sphere.copy( geometry.boundingSphere ).
		applyMatrix4( object.matrixWorld );

		return isSphereViewable( _sphere );


	function isSpriteViewable( sprite ) {

		_sphere.center.set( 0, 0, 0 );
		_sphere.radius = 0.7071067811865476;
		_sphere.applyMatrix4( sprite.matrixWorld );

		return isSphereViewable( _sphere );


	function isSphereViewable( sphere ) {

		if ( ! _frustum.intersectsSphere( sphere ) ) return false;

		var numPlanes = _clipping.numPlanes;

		if ( numPlanes === 0 ) return true;

		var planes = _this.clippingPlanes,

			center = sphere.center,
			negRad = - sphere.radius,
			i = 0;

		do {

			// out when deeper than radius in the negative halfspace
			if ( planes[ i ].distanceToPoint( center ) < negRad ) return false;

		} while ( ++ i !== numPlanes );

		return true;


	function projectObject( object, camera, sortObjects ) {

		if ( object.visible === false ) return;

		var visible = object.layers.test( camera.layers );

		if ( visible ) {

			if ( object.isLight ) {

				currentRenderState.pushLight( object );

				if ( object.castShadow ) {

					currentRenderState.pushShadow( object );


			} else if ( object.isSprite ) {

				if ( ! object.frustumCulled || _frustum.intersectsSprite( object ) ) {

					currentRenderState.pushSprite( object );


			} else if ( object.isImmediateRenderObject ) {

				if ( sortObjects ) {

					_vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( object.matrixWorld )
						.applyMatrix4( _projScreenMatrix );


				currentRenderList.push( object, null, object.material, _vector3.z, null );

			} else if ( object.isMesh || object.isLine || object.isPoints ) {

				if ( object.isSkinnedMesh ) {



				if ( ! object.frustumCulled || _frustum.intersectsObject( object ) ) {

					if ( sortObjects ) {

						_vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( object.matrixWorld )
							.applyMatrix4( _projScreenMatrix );


					var geometry = objects.update( object );
					var material = object.material;

					if ( Array.isArray( material ) ) {

						var groups = geometry.groups;

						for ( var i = 0, l = groups.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

							var group = groups[ i ];
							var groupMaterial = material[ group.materialIndex ];

							if ( groupMaterial && groupMaterial.visible ) {

								currentRenderList.push( object, geometry, groupMaterial, _vector3.z, group );



					} else if ( material.visible ) {

						currentRenderList.push( object, geometry, material, _vector3.z, null );





		var children = object.children;

		for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			projectObject( children[ i ], camera, sortObjects );



	function renderObjects( renderList, scene, camera, overrideMaterial ) {

		for ( var i = 0, l = renderList.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var renderItem = renderList[ i ];

			var object = renderItem.object;
			var geometry = renderItem.geometry;
			var material = overrideMaterial === undefined ? renderItem.material : overrideMaterial;
			var group = renderItem.group;

			if ( camera.isArrayCamera ) {

				_currentArrayCamera = camera;

				var cameras = camera.cameras;

				for ( var j = 0, jl = cameras.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					var camera2 = cameras[ j ];

					if ( object.layers.test( camera2.layers ) ) {

						var bounds = camera2.bounds;

						var x = bounds.x * _width;
						var y = bounds.y * _height;
						var width = bounds.z * _width;
						var height = bounds.w * _height;

						state.viewport( _currentViewport.set( x, y, width, height ).multiplyScalar( _pixelRatio ) );

						renderObject( object, scene, camera2, geometry, material, group );



			} else {

				_currentArrayCamera = null;

				renderObject( object, scene, camera, geometry, material, group );




	function renderObject( object, scene, camera, geometry, material, group ) {

		object.onBeforeRender( _this, scene, camera, geometry, material, group );
		currentRenderState = renderStates.get( scene, _currentArrayCamera || camera );

		object.modelViewMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.matrixWorldInverse, object.matrixWorld );
		object.normalMatrix.getNormalMatrix( object.modelViewMatrix );

		if ( object.isImmediateRenderObject ) {

			var frontFaceCW = ( object.isMesh && object.matrixWorld.determinant() < 0 );

			state.setMaterial( material, frontFaceCW );

			var program = setProgram( camera, scene.fog, material, object );

			_currentGeometryProgram = '';

			renderObjectImmediate( object, program, material );

		} else {

			_this.renderBufferDirect( camera, scene.fog, geometry, material, object, group );


		object.onAfterRender( _this, scene, camera, geometry, material, group );
		currentRenderState = renderStates.get( scene, _currentArrayCamera || camera );


	function initMaterial( material, fog, object ) {

		var materialProperties = properties.get( material );

		var lights = currentRenderState.state.lights;
		var shadowsArray = currentRenderState.state.shadowsArray;

		var parameters = programCache.getParameters(
			material, lights.state, shadowsArray, fog, _clipping.numPlanes, _clipping.numIntersection, object );

		var code = programCache.getProgramCode( material, parameters );

		var program = materialProperties.program;
		var programChange = true;

		if ( program === undefined ) {

			// new material
			material.addEventListener( 'dispose', onMaterialDispose );

		} else if ( program.code !== code ) {

			// changed glsl or parameters
			releaseMaterialProgramReference( material );

		} else if ( materialProperties.lightsHash !== lights.state.hash ) {

			properties.update( material, 'lightsHash', lights.state.hash );
			programChange = false;

		} else if ( parameters.shaderID !== undefined ) {

			// same glsl and uniform list

		} else {

			// only rebuild uniform list
			programChange = false;


		if ( programChange ) {

			if ( parameters.shaderID ) {

				var shader = ShaderLib[ parameters.shaderID ];

				materialProperties.shader = {
					name: material.type,
					uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( shader.uniforms ),
					vertexShader: shader.vertexShader,
					fragmentShader: shader.fragmentShader

			} else {

				materialProperties.shader = {
					name: material.type,
					uniforms: material.uniforms,
					vertexShader: material.vertexShader,
					fragmentShader: material.fragmentShader


			material.onBeforeCompile( materialProperties.shader );

			program = programCache.acquireProgram( material, materialProperties.shader, parameters, code );

			materialProperties.program = program;
			material.program = program;


		var programAttributes = program.getAttributes();

		if ( material.morphTargets ) {

			material.numSupportedMorphTargets = 0;

			for ( var i = 0; i < _this.maxMorphTargets; i ++ ) {

				if ( programAttributes[ 'morphTarget' + i ] >= 0 ) {

					material.numSupportedMorphTargets ++;




		if ( material.morphNormals ) {

			material.numSupportedMorphNormals = 0;

			for ( var i = 0; i < _this.maxMorphNormals; i ++ ) {

				if ( programAttributes[ 'morphNormal' + i ] >= 0 ) {

					material.numSupportedMorphNormals ++;




		var uniforms = materialProperties.shader.uniforms;

		if ( ! material.isShaderMaterial &&
			! material.isRawShaderMaterial ||
			material.clipping === true ) {

			materialProperties.numClippingPlanes = _clipping.numPlanes;
			materialProperties.numIntersection = _clipping.numIntersection;
			uniforms.clippingPlanes = _clipping.uniform;


		materialProperties.fog = fog;

		// store the light setup it was created for

		materialProperties.lightsHash = lights.state.hash;

		if ( material.lights ) {

			// wire up the material to this renderer's lighting state

			uniforms.ambientLightColor.value = lights.state.ambient;
			uniforms.directionalLights.value = lights.state.directional;
			uniforms.spotLights.value = lights.state.spot;
			uniforms.rectAreaLights.value = lights.state.rectArea;
			uniforms.pointLights.value = lights.state.point;
			uniforms.hemisphereLights.value = lights.state.hemi;

			uniforms.directionalShadowMap.value = lights.state.directionalShadowMap;
			uniforms.directionalShadowMatrix.value = lights.state.directionalShadowMatrix;
			uniforms.spotShadowMap.value = lights.state.spotShadowMap;
			uniforms.spotShadowMatrix.value = lights.state.spotShadowMatrix;
			uniforms.pointShadowMap.value = lights.state.pointShadowMap;
			uniforms.pointShadowMatrix.value = lights.state.pointShadowMatrix;
			// TODO (abelnation): add area lights shadow info to uniforms


		var progUniforms = materialProperties.program.getUniforms(),
			uniformsList =
				WebGLUniforms.seqWithValue( progUniforms.seq, uniforms );

		materialProperties.uniformsList = uniformsList;


	function setProgram( camera, fog, material, object ) {

		_usedTextureUnits = 0;

		var materialProperties = properties.get( material );
		var lights = currentRenderState.state.lights;

		if ( _clippingEnabled ) {

			if ( _localClippingEnabled || camera !== _currentCamera ) {

				var useCache =
					camera === _currentCamera &&
					material.id === _currentMaterialId;

				// we might want to call this function with some ClippingGroup
				// object instead of the material, once it becomes feasible
				// (#8465, #8379)
					material.clippingPlanes, material.clipIntersection, material.clipShadows,
					camera, materialProperties, useCache );



		if ( material.needsUpdate === false ) {

			if ( materialProperties.program === undefined ) {

				material.needsUpdate = true;

			} else if ( material.fog && materialProperties.fog !== fog ) {

				material.needsUpdate = true;

			} else if ( material.lights && materialProperties.lightsHash !== lights.state.hash ) {

				material.needsUpdate = true;

			} else if ( materialProperties.numClippingPlanes !== undefined &&
				( materialProperties.numClippingPlanes !== _clipping.numPlanes ||
				materialProperties.numIntersection !== _clipping.numIntersection ) ) {

				material.needsUpdate = true;



		if ( material.needsUpdate ) {

			initMaterial( material, fog, object );
			material.needsUpdate = false;


		var refreshProgram = false;
		var refreshMaterial = false;
		var refreshLights = false;

		var program = materialProperties.program,
			p_uniforms = program.getUniforms(),
			m_uniforms = materialProperties.shader.uniforms;

		if ( state.useProgram( program.program ) ) {

			refreshProgram = true;
			refreshMaterial = true;
			refreshLights = true;


		if ( material.id !== _currentMaterialId ) {

			_currentMaterialId = material.id;

			refreshMaterial = true;


		if ( refreshProgram || camera !== _currentCamera ) {

			p_uniforms.setValue( _gl, 'projectionMatrix', camera.projectionMatrix );

			if ( capabilities.logarithmicDepthBuffer ) {

				p_uniforms.setValue( _gl, 'logDepthBufFC',
					2.0 / ( Math.log( camera.far + 1.0 ) / Math.LN2 ) );


			// Avoid unneeded uniform updates per ArrayCamera's sub-camera

			if ( _currentCamera !== ( _currentArrayCamera || camera ) ) {

				_currentCamera = ( _currentArrayCamera || camera );

				// lighting uniforms depend on the camera so enforce an update
				// now, in case this material supports lights - or later, when
				// the next material that does gets activated:

				refreshMaterial = true;		// set to true on material change
				refreshLights = true;		// remains set until update done


			// load material specific uniforms
			// (shader material also gets them for the sake of genericity)

			if ( material.isShaderMaterial ||
				material.isMeshPhongMaterial ||
				material.isMeshStandardMaterial ||
				material.envMap ) {

				var uCamPos = p_uniforms.map.cameraPosition;

				if ( uCamPos !== undefined ) {

					uCamPos.setValue( _gl,
						_vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( camera.matrixWorld ) );



			if ( material.isMeshPhongMaterial ||
				material.isMeshLambertMaterial ||
				material.isMeshBasicMaterial ||
				material.isMeshStandardMaterial ||
				material.isShaderMaterial ||
				material.skinning ) {

				p_uniforms.setValue( _gl, 'viewMatrix', camera.matrixWorldInverse );



		// skinning uniforms must be set even if material didn't change
		// auto-setting of texture unit for bone texture must go before other textures
		// not sure why, but otherwise weird things happen

		if ( material.skinning ) {

			p_uniforms.setOptional( _gl, object, 'bindMatrix' );
			p_uniforms.setOptional( _gl, object, 'bindMatrixInverse' );

			var skeleton = object.skeleton;

			if ( skeleton ) {

				var bones = skeleton.bones;

				if ( capabilities.floatVertexTextures ) {

					if ( skeleton.boneTexture === undefined ) {

						// layout (1 matrix = 4 pixels)
						//      RGBA RGBA RGBA RGBA (=> column1, column2, column3, column4)
						//  with  8x8  pixel texture max   16 bones * 4 pixels =  (8 * 8)
						//       16x16 pixel texture max   64 bones * 4 pixels = (16 * 16)
						//       32x32 pixel texture max  256 bones * 4 pixels = (32 * 32)
						//       64x64 pixel texture max 1024 bones * 4 pixels = (64 * 64)

						var size = Math.sqrt( bones.length * 4 ); // 4 pixels needed for 1 matrix
						size = _Math.ceilPowerOfTwo( size );
						size = Math.max( size, 4 );

						var boneMatrices = new Float32Array( size * size * 4 ); // 4 floats per RGBA pixel
						boneMatrices.set( skeleton.boneMatrices ); // copy current values

						var boneTexture = new DataTexture( boneMatrices, size, size, RGBAFormat, FloatType );
						boneTexture.needsUpdate = true;

						skeleton.boneMatrices = boneMatrices;
						skeleton.boneTexture = boneTexture;
						skeleton.boneTextureSize = size;


					p_uniforms.setValue( _gl, 'boneTexture', skeleton.boneTexture );
					p_uniforms.setValue( _gl, 'boneTextureSize', skeleton.boneTextureSize );

				} else {

					p_uniforms.setOptional( _gl, skeleton, 'boneMatrices' );




		if ( refreshMaterial ) {

			p_uniforms.setValue( _gl, 'toneMappingExposure', _this.toneMappingExposure );
			p_uniforms.setValue( _gl, 'toneMappingWhitePoint', _this.toneMappingWhitePoint );

			if ( material.lights ) {

				// the current material requires lighting info

				// note: all lighting uniforms are always set correctly
				// they simply reference the renderer's state for their
				// values
				// use the current material's .needsUpdate flags to set
				// the GL state when required

				markUniformsLightsNeedsUpdate( m_uniforms, refreshLights );


			// refresh uniforms common to several materials

			if ( fog && material.fog ) {

				refreshUniformsFog( m_uniforms, fog );


			if ( material.isMeshBasicMaterial ) {

				refreshUniformsCommon( m_uniforms, material );

			} else if ( material.isMeshLambertMaterial ) {

				refreshUniformsCommon( m_uniforms, material );
				refreshUniformsLambert( m_uniforms, material );

			} else if ( material.isMeshPhongMaterial ) {

				refreshUniformsCommon( m_uniforms, material );

				if ( material.isMeshToonMaterial ) {

					refreshUniformsToon( m_uniforms, material );

				} else {

					refreshUniformsPhong( m_uniforms, material );


			} else if ( material.isMeshStandardMaterial ) {

				refreshUniformsCommon( m_uniforms, material );

				if ( material.isMeshPhysicalMaterial ) {

					refreshUniformsPhysical( m_uniforms, material );

				} else {

					refreshUniformsStandard( m_uniforms, material );


			} else if ( material.isMeshDepthMaterial ) {

				refreshUniformsCommon( m_uniforms, material );
				refreshUniformsDepth( m_uniforms, material );

			} else if ( material.isMeshDistanceMaterial ) {

				refreshUniformsCommon( m_uniforms, material );
				refreshUniformsDistance( m_uniforms, material );

			} else if ( material.isMeshNormalMaterial ) {

				refreshUniformsCommon( m_uniforms, material );
				refreshUniformsNormal( m_uniforms, material );

			} else if ( material.isLineBasicMaterial ) {

				refreshUniformsLine( m_uniforms, material );

				if ( material.isLineDashedMaterial ) {

					refreshUniformsDash( m_uniforms, material );


			} else if ( material.isPointsMaterial ) {

				refreshUniformsPoints( m_uniforms, material );

			} else if ( material.isShadowMaterial ) {

				m_uniforms.color.value = material.color;
				m_uniforms.opacity.value = material.opacity;


			// RectAreaLight Texture
			// TODO (mrdoob): Find a nicer implementation

			if ( m_uniforms.ltc_1 !== undefined ) m_uniforms.ltc_1.value = UniformsLib.LTC_1;
			if ( m_uniforms.ltc_2 !== undefined ) m_uniforms.ltc_2.value = UniformsLib.LTC_2;

			WebGLUniforms.upload( _gl, materialProperties.uniformsList, m_uniforms, _this );


		if ( material.isShaderMaterial && material.uniformsNeedUpdate === true ) {

			WebGLUniforms.upload( _gl, materialProperties.uniformsList, m_uniforms, _this );
			material.uniformsNeedUpdate = false;


		// common matrices

		p_uniforms.setValue( _gl, 'modelViewMatrix', object.modelViewMatrix );
		p_uniforms.setValue( _gl, 'normalMatrix', object.normalMatrix );
		p_uniforms.setValue( _gl, 'modelMatrix', object.matrixWorld );

		return program;


	// Uniforms (refresh uniforms objects)

	function refreshUniformsCommon( uniforms, material ) {

		uniforms.opacity.value = material.opacity;

		if ( material.color ) {

			uniforms.diffuse.value = material.color;


		if ( material.emissive ) {

			uniforms.emissive.value.copy( material.emissive ).multiplyScalar( material.emissiveIntensity );


		if ( material.map ) {

			uniforms.map.value = material.map;


		if ( material.alphaMap ) {

			uniforms.alphaMap.value = material.alphaMap;


		if ( material.specularMap ) {

			uniforms.specularMap.value = material.specularMap;


		if ( material.envMap ) {

			uniforms.envMap.value = material.envMap;

			// don't flip CubeTexture envMaps, flip everything else:
			//  WebGLRenderTargetCube will be flipped for backwards compatibility
			//  WebGLRenderTargetCube.texture will be flipped because it's a Texture and NOT a CubeTexture
			// this check must be handled differently, or removed entirely, if WebGLRenderTargetCube uses a CubeTexture in the future
			uniforms.flipEnvMap.value = ( ! ( material.envMap && material.envMap.isCubeTexture ) ) ? 1 : - 1;

			uniforms.reflectivity.value = material.reflectivity;
			uniforms.refractionRatio.value = material.refractionRatio;


		if ( material.lightMap ) {

			uniforms.lightMap.value = material.lightMap;
			uniforms.lightMapIntensity.value = material.lightMapIntensity;


		if ( material.aoMap ) {

			uniforms.aoMap.value = material.aoMap;
			uniforms.aoMapIntensity.value = material.aoMapIntensity;


		// uv repeat and offset setting priorities
		// 1. color map
		// 2. specular map
		// 3. normal map
		// 4. bump map
		// 5. alpha map
		// 6. emissive map

		var uvScaleMap;

		if ( material.map ) {

			uvScaleMap = material.map;

		} else if ( material.specularMap ) {

			uvScaleMap = material.specularMap;

		} else if ( material.displacementMap ) {

			uvScaleMap = material.displacementMap;

		} else if ( material.normalMap ) {

			uvScaleMap = material.normalMap;

		} else if ( material.bumpMap ) {

			uvScaleMap = material.bumpMap;

		} else if ( material.roughnessMap ) {

			uvScaleMap = material.roughnessMap;

		} else if ( material.metalnessMap ) {

			uvScaleMap = material.metalnessMap;

		} else if ( material.alphaMap ) {

			uvScaleMap = material.alphaMap;

		} else if ( material.emissiveMap ) {

			uvScaleMap = material.emissiveMap;


		if ( uvScaleMap !== undefined ) {

			// backwards compatibility
			if ( uvScaleMap.isWebGLRenderTarget ) {

				uvScaleMap = uvScaleMap.texture;


			if ( uvScaleMap.matrixAutoUpdate === true ) {

				var offset = uvScaleMap.offset;
				var repeat = uvScaleMap.repeat;
				var rotation = uvScaleMap.rotation;
				var center = uvScaleMap.center;

				uvScaleMap.matrix.setUvTransform( offset.x, offset.y, repeat.x, repeat.y, rotation, center.x, center.y );


			uniforms.uvTransform.value.copy( uvScaleMap.matrix );



	function refreshUniformsLine( uniforms, material ) {

		uniforms.diffuse.value = material.color;
		uniforms.opacity.value = material.opacity;


	function refreshUniformsDash( uniforms, material ) {

		uniforms.dashSize.value = material.dashSize;
		uniforms.totalSize.value = material.dashSize + material.gapSize;
		uniforms.scale.value = material.scale;


	function refreshUniformsPoints( uniforms, material ) {

		uniforms.diffuse.value = material.color;
		uniforms.opacity.value = material.opacity;
		uniforms.size.value = material.size * _pixelRatio;
		uniforms.scale.value = _height * 0.5;

		uniforms.map.value = material.map;

		if ( material.map !== null ) {

			if ( material.map.matrixAutoUpdate === true ) {

				var offset = material.map.offset;
				var repeat = material.map.repeat;
				var rotation = material.map.rotation;
				var center = material.map.center;

				material.map.matrix.setUvTransform( offset.x, offset.y, repeat.x, repeat.y, rotation, center.x, center.y );


			uniforms.uvTransform.value.copy( material.map.matrix );



	function refreshUniformsFog( uniforms, fog ) {

		uniforms.fogColor.value = fog.color;

		if ( fog.isFog ) {

			uniforms.fogNear.value = fog.near;
			uniforms.fogFar.value = fog.far;

		} else if ( fog.isFogExp2 ) {

			uniforms.fogDensity.value = fog.density;



	function refreshUniformsLambert( uniforms, material ) {

		if ( material.emissiveMap ) {

			uniforms.emissiveMap.value = material.emissiveMap;



	function refreshUniformsPhong( uniforms, material ) {

		uniforms.specular.value = material.specular;
		uniforms.shininess.value = Math.max( material.shininess, 1e-4 ); // to prevent pow( 0.0, 0.0 )

		if ( material.emissiveMap ) {

			uniforms.emissiveMap.value = material.emissiveMap;


		if ( material.bumpMap ) {

			uniforms.bumpMap.value = material.bumpMap;
			uniforms.bumpScale.value = material.bumpScale;


		if ( material.normalMap ) {

			uniforms.normalMap.value = material.normalMap;
			uniforms.normalScale.value.copy( material.normalScale );


		if ( material.displacementMap ) {

			uniforms.displacementMap.value = material.displacementMap;
			uniforms.displacementScale.value = material.displacementScale;
			uniforms.displacementBias.value = material.displacementBias;



	function refreshUniformsToon( uniforms, material ) {

		refreshUniformsPhong( uniforms, material );

		if ( material.gradientMap ) {

			uniforms.gradientMap.value = material.gradientMap;



	function refreshUniformsStandard( uniforms, material ) {

		uniforms.roughness.value = material.roughness;
		uniforms.metalness.value = material.metalness;

		if ( material.roughnessMap ) {

			uniforms.roughnessMap.value = material.roughnessMap;


		if ( material.metalnessMap ) {

			uniforms.metalnessMap.value = material.metalnessMap;


		if ( material.emissiveMap ) {

			uniforms.emissiveMap.value = material.emissiveMap;


		if ( material.bumpMap ) {

			uniforms.bumpMap.value = material.bumpMap;
			uniforms.bumpScale.value = material.bumpScale;


		if ( material.normalMap ) {

			uniforms.normalMap.value = material.normalMap;
			uniforms.normalScale.value.copy( material.normalScale );


		if ( material.displacementMap ) {

			uniforms.displacementMap.value = material.displacementMap;
			uniforms.displacementScale.value = material.displacementScale;
			uniforms.displacementBias.value = material.displacementBias;


		if ( material.envMap ) {

			//uniforms.envMap.value = material.envMap; // part of uniforms common
			uniforms.envMapIntensity.value = material.envMapIntensity;



	function refreshUniformsPhysical( uniforms, material ) {

		uniforms.clearCoat.value = material.clearCoat;
		uniforms.clearCoatRoughness.value = material.clearCoatRoughness;

		refreshUniformsStandard( uniforms, material );


	function refreshUniformsDepth( uniforms, material ) {

		if ( material.displacementMap ) {

			uniforms.displacementMap.value = material.displacementMap;
			uniforms.displacementScale.value = material.displacementScale;
			uniforms.displacementBias.value = material.displacementBias;



	function refreshUniformsDistance( uniforms, material ) {

		if ( material.displacementMap ) {

			uniforms.displacementMap.value = material.displacementMap;
			uniforms.displacementScale.value = material.displacementScale;
			uniforms.displacementBias.value = material.displacementBias;


		uniforms.referencePosition.value.copy( material.referencePosition );
		uniforms.nearDistance.value = material.nearDistance;
		uniforms.farDistance.value = material.farDistance;


	function refreshUniformsNormal( uniforms, material ) {

		if ( material.bumpMap ) {

			uniforms.bumpMap.value = material.bumpMap;
			uniforms.bumpScale.value = material.bumpScale;


		if ( material.normalMap ) {

			uniforms.normalMap.value = material.normalMap;
			uniforms.normalScale.value.copy( material.normalScale );


		if ( material.displacementMap ) {

			uniforms.displacementMap.value = material.displacementMap;
			uniforms.displacementScale.value = material.displacementScale;
			uniforms.displacementBias.value = material.displacementBias;



	// If uniforms are marked as clean, they don't need to be loaded to the GPU.

	function markUniformsLightsNeedsUpdate( uniforms, value ) {

		uniforms.ambientLightColor.needsUpdate = value;

		uniforms.directionalLights.needsUpdate = value;
		uniforms.pointLights.needsUpdate = value;
		uniforms.spotLights.needsUpdate = value;
		uniforms.rectAreaLights.needsUpdate = value;
		uniforms.hemisphereLights.needsUpdate = value;


	// Textures

	function allocTextureUnit() {

		var textureUnit = _usedTextureUnits;

		if ( textureUnit >= capabilities.maxTextures ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Trying to use ' + textureUnit + ' texture units while this GPU supports only ' + capabilities.maxTextures );


		_usedTextureUnits += 1;

		return textureUnit;


	this.allocTextureUnit = allocTextureUnit;

	// this.setTexture2D = setTexture2D;
	this.setTexture2D = ( function () {

		var warned = false;

		// backwards compatibility: peel texture.texture
		return function setTexture2D( texture, slot ) {

			if ( texture && texture.isWebGLRenderTarget ) {

				if ( ! warned ) {

					console.warn( "THREE.WebGLRenderer.setTexture2D: don't use render targets as textures. Use their .texture property instead." );
					warned = true;


				texture = texture.texture;


			textures.setTexture2D( texture, slot );


	}() );

	this.setTexture = ( function () {

		var warned = false;

		return function setTexture( texture, slot ) {

			if ( ! warned ) {

				console.warn( "THREE.WebGLRenderer: .setTexture is deprecated, use setTexture2D instead." );
				warned = true;


			textures.setTexture2D( texture, slot );


	}() );

	this.setTextureCube = ( function () {

		var warned = false;

		return function setTextureCube( texture, slot ) {

			// backwards compatibility: peel texture.texture
			if ( texture && texture.isWebGLRenderTargetCube ) {

				if ( ! warned ) {

					console.warn( "THREE.WebGLRenderer.setTextureCube: don't use cube render targets as textures. Use their .texture property instead." );
					warned = true;


				texture = texture.texture;


			// currently relying on the fact that WebGLRenderTargetCube.texture is a Texture and NOT a CubeTexture
			// TODO: unify these code paths
			if ( ( texture && texture.isCubeTexture ) ||
				( Array.isArray( texture.image ) && texture.image.length === 6 ) ) {

				// CompressedTexture can have Array in image :/

				// this function alone should take care of cube textures
				textures.setTextureCube( texture, slot );

			} else {

				// assumed: texture property of THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube

				textures.setTextureCubeDynamic( texture, slot );



	}() );

	this.getRenderTarget = function () {

		return _currentRenderTarget;


	this.setRenderTarget = function ( renderTarget ) {

		_currentRenderTarget = renderTarget;

		if ( renderTarget && properties.get( renderTarget ).__webglFramebuffer === undefined ) {

			textures.setupRenderTarget( renderTarget );


		var framebuffer = null;
		var isCube = false;

		if ( renderTarget ) {

			var __webglFramebuffer = properties.get( renderTarget ).__webglFramebuffer;

			if ( renderTarget.isWebGLRenderTargetCube ) {

				framebuffer = __webglFramebuffer[ renderTarget.activeCubeFace ];
				isCube = true;

			} else {

				framebuffer = __webglFramebuffer;


			_currentViewport.copy( renderTarget.viewport );
			_currentScissor.copy( renderTarget.scissor );
			_currentScissorTest = renderTarget.scissorTest;

		} else {

			_currentViewport.copy( _viewport ).multiplyScalar( _pixelRatio );
			_currentScissor.copy( _scissor ).multiplyScalar( _pixelRatio );
			_currentScissorTest = _scissorTest;


		if ( _currentFramebuffer !== framebuffer ) {

			_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer );
			_currentFramebuffer = framebuffer;


		state.viewport( _currentViewport );
		state.scissor( _currentScissor );
		state.setScissorTest( _currentScissorTest );

		if ( isCube ) {

			var textureProperties = properties.get( renderTarget.texture );
			_gl.framebufferTexture2D( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, _gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + renderTarget.activeCubeFace, textureProperties.__webglTexture, renderTarget.activeMipMapLevel );



	this.readRenderTargetPixels = function ( renderTarget, x, y, width, height, buffer ) {

		if ( ! ( renderTarget && renderTarget.isWebGLRenderTarget ) ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels: renderTarget is not THREE.WebGLRenderTarget.' );


		var framebuffer = properties.get( renderTarget ).__webglFramebuffer;

		if ( framebuffer ) {

			var restore = false;

			if ( framebuffer !== _currentFramebuffer ) {

				_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer );

				restore = true;


			try {

				var texture = renderTarget.texture;
				var textureFormat = texture.format;
				var textureType = texture.type;

				if ( textureFormat !== RGBAFormat && utils.convert( textureFormat ) !== _gl.getParameter( _gl.IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT ) ) {

					console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels: renderTarget is not in RGBA or implementation defined format.' );


				if ( textureType !== UnsignedByteType && utils.convert( textureType ) !== _gl.getParameter( _gl.IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE ) && // IE11, Edge and Chrome Mac < 52 (#9513)
					! ( textureType === FloatType && ( extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float' ) || extensions.get( 'WEBGL_color_buffer_float' ) ) ) && // Chrome Mac >= 52 and Firefox
					! ( textureType === HalfFloatType && extensions.get( 'EXT_color_buffer_half_float' ) ) ) {

					console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels: renderTarget is not in UnsignedByteType or implementation defined type.' );


				if ( _gl.checkFramebufferStatus( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER ) === _gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE ) {

					// the following if statement ensures valid read requests (no out-of-bounds pixels, see #8604)

					if ( ( x >= 0 && x <= ( renderTarget.width - width ) ) && ( y >= 0 && y <= ( renderTarget.height - height ) ) ) {

						_gl.readPixels( x, y, width, height, utils.convert( textureFormat ), utils.convert( textureType ), buffer );


				} else {

					console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer.readRenderTargetPixels: readPixels from renderTarget failed. Framebuffer not complete.' );


			} finally {

				if ( restore ) {

					_gl.bindFramebuffer( _gl.FRAMEBUFFER, _currentFramebuffer );





	this.copyFramebufferToTexture = function ( position, texture, level ) {

		var width = texture.image.width;
		var height = texture.image.height;
		var internalFormat = utils.convert( texture.format );

		this.setTexture2D( texture, 0 );

		_gl.copyTexImage2D( _gl.TEXTURE_2D, level || 0, internalFormat, position.x, position.y, width, height, 0 );



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function FogExp2( color, density ) {

	this.name = '';

	this.color = new Color( color );
	this.density = ( density !== undefined ) ? density : 0.00025;


FogExp2.prototype.isFogExp2 = true;

FogExp2.prototype.clone = function () {

	return new FogExp2( this.color.getHex(), this.density );


FogExp2.prototype.toJSON = function ( /* meta */ ) {

	return {
		type: 'FogExp2',
		color: this.color.getHex(),
		density: this.density


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function Fog( color, near, far ) {

	this.name = '';

	this.color = new Color( color );

	this.near = ( near !== undefined ) ? near : 1;
	this.far = ( far !== undefined ) ? far : 1000;


Fog.prototype.isFog = true;

Fog.prototype.clone = function () {

	return new Fog( this.color.getHex(), this.near, this.far );


Fog.prototype.toJSON = function ( /* meta */ ) {

	return {
		type: 'Fog',
		color: this.color.getHex(),
		near: this.near,
		far: this.far


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function Scene() {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'Scene';

	this.background = null;
	this.fog = null;
	this.overrideMaterial = null;

	this.autoUpdate = true; // checked by the renderer


Scene.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: Scene,

	copy: function ( source, recursive ) {

		Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source, recursive );

		if ( source.background !== null ) this.background = source.background.clone();
		if ( source.fog !== null ) this.fog = source.fog.clone();
		if ( source.overrideMaterial !== null ) this.overrideMaterial = source.overrideMaterial.clone();

		this.autoUpdate = source.autoUpdate;
		this.matrixAutoUpdate = source.matrixAutoUpdate;

		return this;


	toJSON: function ( meta ) {

		var data = Object3D.prototype.toJSON.call( this, meta );

		if ( this.background !== null ) data.object.background = this.background.toJSON( meta );
		if ( this.fog !== null ) data.object.fog = this.fog.toJSON();

		return data;


} );

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * parameters = {
 *  color: <hex>,
 *  opacity: <float>,
 *  map: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *	uvOffset: new THREE.Vector2(),
 *	uvScale: new THREE.Vector2()
 * }

function SpriteMaterial( parameters ) {

	Material.call( this );

	this.type = 'SpriteMaterial';

	this.color = new Color( 0xffffff );
	this.map = null;

	this.rotation = 0;

	this.fog = false;
	this.lights = false;

	this.setValues( parameters );


SpriteMaterial.prototype = Object.create( Material.prototype );
SpriteMaterial.prototype.constructor = SpriteMaterial;
SpriteMaterial.prototype.isSpriteMaterial = true;

SpriteMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.color.copy( source.color );
	this.map = source.map;

	this.rotation = source.rotation;

	return this;


 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function Sprite( material ) {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'Sprite';

	this.material = ( material !== undefined ) ? material : new SpriteMaterial();

	this.center = new Vector2( 0.5, 0.5 );


Sprite.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: Sprite,

	isSprite: true,

	raycast: ( function () {

		var intersectPoint = new Vector3();
		var worldPosition = new Vector3();
		var worldScale = new Vector3();

		return function raycast( raycaster, intersects ) {

			worldPosition.setFromMatrixPosition( this.matrixWorld );
			raycaster.ray.closestPointToPoint( worldPosition, intersectPoint );

			worldScale.setFromMatrixScale( this.matrixWorld );
			var guessSizeSq = worldScale.x * worldScale.y / 4;

			if ( worldPosition.distanceToSquared( intersectPoint ) > guessSizeSq ) return;

			var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( intersectPoint );

			if ( distance < raycaster.near || distance > raycaster.far ) return;

			intersects.push( {

				distance: distance,
				point: intersectPoint.clone(),
				face: null,
				object: this

			} );


	}() ),

	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor( this.material ).copy( this );


	copy: function ( source ) {

		Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		if ( source.center !== undefined ) this.center.copy( source.center );

		return this;


} );

 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function LOD() {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'LOD';

	Object.defineProperties( this, {
		levels: {
			enumerable: true,
			value: []
	} );


LOD.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: LOD,

	copy: function ( source ) {

		Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source, false );

		var levels = source.levels;

		for ( var i = 0, l = levels.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var level = levels[ i ];

			this.addLevel( level.object.clone(), level.distance );


		return this;


	addLevel: function ( object, distance ) {

		if ( distance === undefined ) distance = 0;

		distance = Math.abs( distance );

		var levels = this.levels;

		for ( var l = 0; l < levels.length; l ++ ) {

			if ( distance < levels[ l ].distance ) {




		levels.splice( l, 0, { distance: distance, object: object } );

		this.add( object );


	getObjectForDistance: function ( distance ) {

		var levels = this.levels;

		for ( var i = 1, l = levels.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			if ( distance < levels[ i ].distance ) {




		return levels[ i - 1 ].object;


	raycast: ( function () {

		var matrixPosition = new Vector3();

		return function raycast( raycaster, intersects ) {

			matrixPosition.setFromMatrixPosition( this.matrixWorld );

			var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( matrixPosition );

			this.getObjectForDistance( distance ).raycast( raycaster, intersects );


	}() ),

	update: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector3();
		var v2 = new Vector3();

		return function update( camera ) {

			var levels = this.levels;

			if ( levels.length > 1 ) {

				v1.setFromMatrixPosition( camera.matrixWorld );
				v2.setFromMatrixPosition( this.matrixWorld );

				var distance = v1.distanceTo( v2 );

				levels[ 0 ].object.visible = true;

				for ( var i = 1, l = levels.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					if ( distance >= levels[ i ].distance ) {

						levels[ i - 1 ].object.visible = false;
						levels[ i ].object.visible = true;

					} else {




				for ( ; i < l; i ++ ) {

					levels[ i ].object.visible = false;





	toJSON: function ( meta ) {

		var data = Object3D.prototype.toJSON.call( this, meta );

		data.object.levels = [];

		var levels = this.levels;

		for ( var i = 0, l = levels.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var level = levels[ i ];

			data.object.levels.push( {
				object: level.object.uuid,
				distance: level.distance
			} );


		return data;


} );

 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author michael guerrero / http://realitymeltdown.com
 * @author ikerr / http://verold.com

function Skeleton( bones, boneInverses ) {

	// copy the bone array

	bones = bones || [];

	this.bones = bones.slice( 0 );
	this.boneMatrices = new Float32Array( this.bones.length * 16 );

	// use the supplied bone inverses or calculate the inverses

	if ( boneInverses === undefined ) {


	} else {

		if ( this.bones.length === boneInverses.length ) {

			this.boneInverses = boneInverses.slice( 0 );

		} else {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Skeleton boneInverses is the wrong length.' );

			this.boneInverses = [];

			for ( var i = 0, il = this.bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				this.boneInverses.push( new Matrix4() );





Object.assign( Skeleton.prototype, {

	calculateInverses: function () {

		this.boneInverses = [];

		for ( var i = 0, il = this.bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var inverse = new Matrix4();

			if ( this.bones[ i ] ) {

				inverse.getInverse( this.bones[ i ].matrixWorld );


			this.boneInverses.push( inverse );



	pose: function () {

		var bone, i, il;

		// recover the bind-time world matrices

		for ( i = 0, il = this.bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			bone = this.bones[ i ];

			if ( bone ) {

				bone.matrixWorld.getInverse( this.boneInverses[ i ] );



		// compute the local matrices, positions, rotations and scales

		for ( i = 0, il = this.bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			bone = this.bones[ i ];

			if ( bone ) {

				if ( bone.parent && bone.parent.isBone ) {

					bone.matrix.getInverse( bone.parent.matrixWorld );
					bone.matrix.multiply( bone.matrixWorld );

				} else {

					bone.matrix.copy( bone.matrixWorld );


				bone.matrix.decompose( bone.position, bone.quaternion, bone.scale );




	update: ( function () {

		var offsetMatrix = new Matrix4();
		var identityMatrix = new Matrix4();

		return function update() {

			var bones = this.bones;
			var boneInverses = this.boneInverses;
			var boneMatrices = this.boneMatrices;
			var boneTexture = this.boneTexture;

			// flatten bone matrices to array

			for ( var i = 0, il = bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				// compute the offset between the current and the original transform

				var matrix = bones[ i ] ? bones[ i ].matrixWorld : identityMatrix;

				offsetMatrix.multiplyMatrices( matrix, boneInverses[ i ] );
				offsetMatrix.toArray( boneMatrices, i * 16 );


			if ( boneTexture !== undefined ) {

				boneTexture.needsUpdate = true;



	} )(),

	clone: function () {

		return new Skeleton( this.bones, this.boneInverses );


	getBoneByName: function ( name ) {

		for ( var i = 0, il = this.bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var bone = this.bones[ i ];

			if ( bone.name === name ) {

				return bone;



		return undefined;


} );

 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author ikerr / http://verold.com

function Bone() {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'Bone';


Bone.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: Bone,

	isBone: true

} );

 * @author mikael emtinger / http://gomo.se/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author ikerr / http://verold.com

function SkinnedMesh( geometry, material ) {

	Mesh.call( this, geometry, material );

	this.type = 'SkinnedMesh';

	this.bindMode = 'attached';
	this.bindMatrix = new Matrix4();
	this.bindMatrixInverse = new Matrix4();

	var bones = this.initBones();
	var skeleton = new Skeleton( bones );

	this.bind( skeleton, this.matrixWorld );



SkinnedMesh.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Mesh.prototype ), {

	constructor: SkinnedMesh,

	isSkinnedMesh: true,

	initBones: function () {

		var bones = [], bone, gbone;
		var i, il;

		if ( this.geometry && this.geometry.bones !== undefined ) {

			// first, create array of 'Bone' objects from geometry data

			for ( i = 0, il = this.geometry.bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				gbone = this.geometry.bones[ i ];

				// create new 'Bone' object

				bone = new Bone();
				bones.push( bone );

				// apply values

				bone.name = gbone.name;
				bone.position.fromArray( gbone.pos );
				bone.quaternion.fromArray( gbone.rotq );
				if ( gbone.scl !== undefined ) bone.scale.fromArray( gbone.scl );


			// second, create bone hierarchy

			for ( i = 0, il = this.geometry.bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				gbone = this.geometry.bones[ i ];

				if ( ( gbone.parent !== - 1 ) && ( gbone.parent !== null ) && ( bones[ gbone.parent ] !== undefined ) ) {

					// subsequent bones in the hierarchy

					bones[ gbone.parent ].add( bones[ i ] );

				} else {

					// topmost bone, immediate child of the skinned mesh

					this.add( bones[ i ] );




		// now the bones are part of the scene graph and children of the skinned mesh.
		// let's update the corresponding matrices

		this.updateMatrixWorld( true );

		return bones;


	bind: function ( skeleton, bindMatrix ) {

		this.skeleton = skeleton;

		if ( bindMatrix === undefined ) {

			this.updateMatrixWorld( true );


			bindMatrix = this.matrixWorld;


		this.bindMatrix.copy( bindMatrix );
		this.bindMatrixInverse.getInverse( bindMatrix );


	pose: function () {



	normalizeSkinWeights: function () {

		var scale, i;

		if ( this.geometry && this.geometry.isGeometry ) {

			for ( i = 0; i < this.geometry.skinWeights.length; i ++ ) {

				var sw = this.geometry.skinWeights[ i ];

				scale = 1.0 / sw.manhattanLength();

				if ( scale !== Infinity ) {

					sw.multiplyScalar( scale );

				} else {

					sw.set( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); // do something reasonable



		} else if ( this.geometry && this.geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

			var vec = new Vector4();

			var skinWeight = this.geometry.attributes.skinWeight;

			for ( i = 0; i < skinWeight.count; i ++ ) {

				vec.x = skinWeight.getX( i );
				vec.y = skinWeight.getY( i );
				vec.z = skinWeight.getZ( i );
				vec.w = skinWeight.getW( i );

				scale = 1.0 / vec.manhattanLength();

				if ( scale !== Infinity ) {

					vec.multiplyScalar( scale );

				} else {

					vec.set( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); // do something reasonable


				skinWeight.setXYZW( i, vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, vec.w );




	updateMatrixWorld: function ( force ) {

		Mesh.prototype.updateMatrixWorld.call( this, force );

		if ( this.bindMode === 'attached' ) {

			this.bindMatrixInverse.getInverse( this.matrixWorld );

		} else if ( this.bindMode === 'detached' ) {

			this.bindMatrixInverse.getInverse( this.bindMatrix );

		} else {

			console.warn( 'THREE.SkinnedMesh: Unrecognized bindMode: ' + this.bindMode );



	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor( this.geometry, this.material ).copy( this );


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * parameters = {
 *  color: <hex>,
 *  opacity: <float>,
 *  linewidth: <float>,
 *  linecap: "round",
 *  linejoin: "round"
 * }

function LineBasicMaterial( parameters ) {

	Material.call( this );

	this.type = 'LineBasicMaterial';

	this.color = new Color( 0xffffff );

	this.linewidth = 1;
	this.linecap = 'round';
	this.linejoin = 'round';

	this.lights = false;

	this.setValues( parameters );


LineBasicMaterial.prototype = Object.create( Material.prototype );
LineBasicMaterial.prototype.constructor = LineBasicMaterial;

LineBasicMaterial.prototype.isLineBasicMaterial = true;

LineBasicMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.color.copy( source.color );

	this.linewidth = source.linewidth;
	this.linecap = source.linecap;
	this.linejoin = source.linejoin;

	return this;


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function Line( geometry, material, mode ) {

	if ( mode === 1 ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Line: parameter THREE.LinePieces no longer supported. Created THREE.LineSegments instead.' );
		return new LineSegments( geometry, material );


	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'Line';

	this.geometry = geometry !== undefined ? geometry : new BufferGeometry();
	this.material = material !== undefined ? material : new LineBasicMaterial( { color: Math.random() * 0xffffff } );


Line.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: Line,

	isLine: true,

	computeLineDistances: ( function () {

		var start = new Vector3();
		var end = new Vector3();

		return function computeLineDistances() {

			var geometry = this.geometry;

			if ( geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

				// we assume non-indexed geometry

				if ( geometry.index === null ) {

					var positionAttribute = geometry.attributes.position;
					var lineDistances = [ 0 ];

					for ( var i = 1, l = positionAttribute.count; i < l; i ++ ) {

						start.fromBufferAttribute( positionAttribute, i - 1 );
						end.fromBufferAttribute( positionAttribute, i );

						lineDistances[ i ] = lineDistances[ i - 1 ];
						lineDistances[ i ] += start.distanceTo( end );


					geometry.addAttribute( 'lineDistance', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( lineDistances, 1 ) );

				} else {

					console.warn( 'THREE.Line.computeLineDistances(): Computation only possible with non-indexed BufferGeometry.' );


			} else if ( geometry.isGeometry ) {

				var vertices = geometry.vertices;
				var lineDistances = geometry.lineDistances;

				lineDistances[ 0 ] = 0;

				for ( var i = 1, l = vertices.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					lineDistances[ i ] = lineDistances[ i - 1 ];
					lineDistances[ i ] += vertices[ i - 1 ].distanceTo( vertices[ i ] );



			return this;


	}() ),

	raycast: ( function () {

		var inverseMatrix = new Matrix4();
		var ray = new Ray();
		var sphere = new Sphere();

		return function raycast( raycaster, intersects ) {

			var precision = raycaster.linePrecision;
			var precisionSq = precision * precision;

			var geometry = this.geometry;
			var matrixWorld = this.matrixWorld;

			// Checking boundingSphere distance to ray

			if ( geometry.boundingSphere === null ) geometry.computeBoundingSphere();

			sphere.copy( geometry.boundingSphere );
			sphere.applyMatrix4( matrixWorld );

			if ( raycaster.ray.intersectsSphere( sphere ) === false ) return;


			inverseMatrix.getInverse( matrixWorld );
			ray.copy( raycaster.ray ).applyMatrix4( inverseMatrix );

			var vStart = new Vector3();
			var vEnd = new Vector3();
			var interSegment = new Vector3();
			var interRay = new Vector3();
			var step = ( this && this.isLineSegments ) ? 2 : 1;

			if ( geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

				var index = geometry.index;
				var attributes = geometry.attributes;
				var positions = attributes.position.array;

				if ( index !== null ) {

					var indices = index.array;

					for ( var i = 0, l = indices.length - 1; i < l; i += step ) {

						var a = indices[ i ];
						var b = indices[ i + 1 ];

						vStart.fromArray( positions, a * 3 );
						vEnd.fromArray( positions, b * 3 );

						var distSq = ray.distanceSqToSegment( vStart, vEnd, interRay, interSegment );

						if ( distSq > precisionSq ) continue;

						interRay.applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld ); //Move back to world space for distance calculation

						var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( interRay );

						if ( distance < raycaster.near || distance > raycaster.far ) continue;

						intersects.push( {

							distance: distance,
							// What do we want? intersection point on the ray or on the segment??
							// point: raycaster.ray.at( distance ),
							point: interSegment.clone().applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld ),
							index: i,
							face: null,
							faceIndex: null,
							object: this

						} );


				} else {

					for ( var i = 0, l = positions.length / 3 - 1; i < l; i += step ) {

						vStart.fromArray( positions, 3 * i );
						vEnd.fromArray( positions, 3 * i + 3 );

						var distSq = ray.distanceSqToSegment( vStart, vEnd, interRay, interSegment );

						if ( distSq > precisionSq ) continue;

						interRay.applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld ); //Move back to world space for distance calculation

						var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( interRay );

						if ( distance < raycaster.near || distance > raycaster.far ) continue;

						intersects.push( {

							distance: distance,
							// What do we want? intersection point on the ray or on the segment??
							// point: raycaster.ray.at( distance ),
							point: interSegment.clone().applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld ),
							index: i,
							face: null,
							faceIndex: null,
							object: this

						} );



			} else if ( geometry.isGeometry ) {

				var vertices = geometry.vertices;
				var nbVertices = vertices.length;

				for ( var i = 0; i < nbVertices - 1; i += step ) {

					var distSq = ray.distanceSqToSegment( vertices[ i ], vertices[ i + 1 ], interRay, interSegment );

					if ( distSq > precisionSq ) continue;

					interRay.applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld ); //Move back to world space for distance calculation

					var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( interRay );

					if ( distance < raycaster.near || distance > raycaster.far ) continue;

					intersects.push( {

						distance: distance,
						// What do we want? intersection point on the ray or on the segment??
						// point: raycaster.ray.at( distance ),
						point: interSegment.clone().applyMatrix4( this.matrixWorld ),
						index: i,
						face: null,
						faceIndex: null,
						object: this

					} );




	}() ),

	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor( this.geometry, this.material ).copy( this );


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function LineSegments( geometry, material ) {

	Line.call( this, geometry, material );

	this.type = 'LineSegments';


LineSegments.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Line.prototype ), {

	constructor: LineSegments,

	isLineSegments: true,

	computeLineDistances: ( function () {

		var start = new Vector3();
		var end = new Vector3();

		return function computeLineDistances() {

			var geometry = this.geometry;

			if ( geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

				// we assume non-indexed geometry

				if ( geometry.index === null ) {

					var positionAttribute = geometry.attributes.position;
					var lineDistances = [];

					for ( var i = 0, l = positionAttribute.count; i < l; i += 2 ) {

						start.fromBufferAttribute( positionAttribute, i );
						end.fromBufferAttribute( positionAttribute, i + 1 );

						lineDistances[ i ] = ( i === 0 ) ? 0 : lineDistances[ i - 1 ];
						lineDistances[ i + 1 ] = lineDistances[ i ] + start.distanceTo( end );


					geometry.addAttribute( 'lineDistance', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( lineDistances, 1 ) );

				} else {

					console.warn( 'THREE.LineSegments.computeLineDistances(): Computation only possible with non-indexed BufferGeometry.' );


			} else if ( geometry.isGeometry ) {

				var vertices = geometry.vertices;
				var lineDistances = geometry.lineDistances;

				for ( var i = 0, l = vertices.length; i < l; i += 2 ) {

					start.copy( vertices[ i ] );
					end.copy( vertices[ i + 1 ] );

					lineDistances[ i ] = ( i === 0 ) ? 0 : lineDistances[ i - 1 ];
					lineDistances[ i + 1 ] = lineDistances[ i ] + start.distanceTo( end );



			return this;


	}() )

} );

 * @author mgreter / http://github.com/mgreter

function LineLoop( geometry, material ) {

	Line.call( this, geometry, material );

	this.type = 'LineLoop';


LineLoop.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Line.prototype ), {

	constructor: LineLoop,

	isLineLoop: true,

} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * parameters = {
 *  color: <hex>,
 *  opacity: <float>,
 *  map: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  size: <float>,
 *  sizeAttenuation: <bool>
 * }

function PointsMaterial( parameters ) {

	Material.call( this );

	this.type = 'PointsMaterial';

	this.color = new Color( 0xffffff );

	this.map = null;

	this.size = 1;
	this.sizeAttenuation = true;

	this.lights = false;

	this.setValues( parameters );


PointsMaterial.prototype = Object.create( Material.prototype );
PointsMaterial.prototype.constructor = PointsMaterial;

PointsMaterial.prototype.isPointsMaterial = true;

PointsMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.color.copy( source.color );

	this.map = source.map;

	this.size = source.size;
	this.sizeAttenuation = source.sizeAttenuation;

	return this;


 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function Points( geometry, material ) {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'Points';

	this.geometry = geometry !== undefined ? geometry : new BufferGeometry();
	this.material = material !== undefined ? material : new PointsMaterial( { color: Math.random() * 0xffffff } );


Points.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: Points,

	isPoints: true,

	raycast: ( function () {

		var inverseMatrix = new Matrix4();
		var ray = new Ray();
		var sphere = new Sphere();

		return function raycast( raycaster, intersects ) {

			var object = this;
			var geometry = this.geometry;
			var matrixWorld = this.matrixWorld;
			var threshold = raycaster.params.Points.threshold;

			// Checking boundingSphere distance to ray

			if ( geometry.boundingSphere === null ) geometry.computeBoundingSphere();

			sphere.copy( geometry.boundingSphere );
			sphere.applyMatrix4( matrixWorld );
			sphere.radius += threshold;

			if ( raycaster.ray.intersectsSphere( sphere ) === false ) return;


			inverseMatrix.getInverse( matrixWorld );
			ray.copy( raycaster.ray ).applyMatrix4( inverseMatrix );

			var localThreshold = threshold / ( ( this.scale.x + this.scale.y + this.scale.z ) / 3 );
			var localThresholdSq = localThreshold * localThreshold;
			var position = new Vector3();

			function testPoint( point, index ) {

				var rayPointDistanceSq = ray.distanceSqToPoint( point );

				if ( rayPointDistanceSq < localThresholdSq ) {

					var intersectPoint = ray.closestPointToPoint( point );
					intersectPoint.applyMatrix4( matrixWorld );

					var distance = raycaster.ray.origin.distanceTo( intersectPoint );

					if ( distance < raycaster.near || distance > raycaster.far ) return;

					intersects.push( {

						distance: distance,
						distanceToRay: Math.sqrt( rayPointDistanceSq ),
						point: intersectPoint.clone(),
						index: index,
						face: null,
						object: object

					} );



			if ( geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

				var index = geometry.index;
				var attributes = geometry.attributes;
				var positions = attributes.position.array;

				if ( index !== null ) {

					var indices = index.array;

					for ( var i = 0, il = indices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

						var a = indices[ i ];

						position.fromArray( positions, a * 3 );

						testPoint( position, a );


				} else {

					for ( var i = 0, l = positions.length / 3; i < l; i ++ ) {

						position.fromArray( positions, i * 3 );

						testPoint( position, i );



			} else {

				var vertices = geometry.vertices;

				for ( var i = 0, l = vertices.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					testPoint( vertices[ i ], i );




	}() ),

	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor( this.geometry, this.material ).copy( this );


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function Group() {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'Group';


Group.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: Group,

	isGroup: true

} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function VideoTexture( video, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy ) {

	Texture.call( this, video, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy );

	this.generateMipmaps = false;


VideoTexture.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Texture.prototype ), {

	constructor: VideoTexture,

	isVideoTexture: true,

	update: function () {

		var video = this.image;

		if ( video.readyState >= video.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA ) {

			this.needsUpdate = true;



} );

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function CompressedTexture( mipmaps, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, encoding ) {

	Texture.call( this, null, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding );

	this.image = { width: width, height: height };
	this.mipmaps = mipmaps;

	// no flipping for cube textures
	// (also flipping doesn't work for compressed textures )

	this.flipY = false;

	// can't generate mipmaps for compressed textures
	// mips must be embedded in DDS files

	this.generateMipmaps = false;


CompressedTexture.prototype = Object.create( Texture.prototype );
CompressedTexture.prototype.constructor = CompressedTexture;

CompressedTexture.prototype.isCompressedTexture = true;

 * @author Matt DesLauriers / @mattdesl
 * @author atix / arthursilber.de

function DepthTexture( width, height, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy, format ) {

	format = format !== undefined ? format : DepthFormat;

	if ( format !== DepthFormat && format !== DepthStencilFormat ) {

		throw new Error( 'DepthTexture format must be either THREE.DepthFormat or THREE.DepthStencilFormat' );


	if ( type === undefined && format === DepthFormat ) type = UnsignedShortType;
	if ( type === undefined && format === DepthStencilFormat ) type = UnsignedInt248Type;

	Texture.call( this, null, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy );

	this.image = { width: width, height: height };

	this.magFilter = magFilter !== undefined ? magFilter : NearestFilter;
	this.minFilter = minFilter !== undefined ? minFilter : NearestFilter;

	this.flipY = false;
	this.generateMipmaps	= false;


DepthTexture.prototype = Object.create( Texture.prototype );
DepthTexture.prototype.constructor = DepthTexture;
DepthTexture.prototype.isDepthTexture = true;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

function WireframeGeometry( geometry ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'WireframeGeometry';

	// buffer

	var vertices = [];

	// helper variables

	var i, j, l, o, ol;
	var edge = [ 0, 0 ], edges = {}, e, edge1, edge2;
	var key, keys = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ];
	var vertex;

	// different logic for Geometry and BufferGeometry

	if ( geometry && geometry.isGeometry ) {

		// create a data structure that contains all edges without duplicates

		var faces = geometry.faces;

		for ( i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var face = faces[ i ];

			for ( j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) {

				edge1 = face[ keys[ j ] ];
				edge2 = face[ keys[ ( j + 1 ) % 3 ] ];
				edge[ 0 ] = Math.min( edge1, edge2 ); // sorting prevents duplicates
				edge[ 1 ] = Math.max( edge1, edge2 );

				key = edge[ 0 ] + ',' + edge[ 1 ];

				if ( edges[ key ] === undefined ) {

					edges[ key ] = { index1: edge[ 0 ], index2: edge[ 1 ] };




		// generate vertices

		for ( key in edges ) {

			e = edges[ key ];

			vertex = geometry.vertices[ e.index1 ];
			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );

			vertex = geometry.vertices[ e.index2 ];
			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );


	} else if ( geometry && geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

		var position, indices, groups;
		var group, start, count;
		var index1, index2;

		vertex = new Vector3();

		if ( geometry.index !== null ) {

			// indexed BufferGeometry

			position = geometry.attributes.position;
			indices = geometry.index;
			groups = geometry.groups;

			if ( groups.length === 0 ) {

				groups = [ { start: 0, count: indices.count, materialIndex: 0 } ];


			// create a data structure that contains all eges without duplicates

			for ( o = 0, ol = groups.length; o < ol; ++ o ) {

				group = groups[ o ];

				start = group.start;
				count = group.count;

				for ( i = start, l = ( start + count ); i < l; i += 3 ) {

					for ( j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) {

						edge1 = indices.getX( i + j );
						edge2 = indices.getX( i + ( j + 1 ) % 3 );
						edge[ 0 ] = Math.min( edge1, edge2 ); // sorting prevents duplicates
						edge[ 1 ] = Math.max( edge1, edge2 );

						key = edge[ 0 ] + ',' + edge[ 1 ];

						if ( edges[ key ] === undefined ) {

							edges[ key ] = { index1: edge[ 0 ], index2: edge[ 1 ] };





			// generate vertices

			for ( key in edges ) {

				e = edges[ key ];

				vertex.fromBufferAttribute( position, e.index1 );
				vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );

				vertex.fromBufferAttribute( position, e.index2 );
				vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );


		} else {

			// non-indexed BufferGeometry

			position = geometry.attributes.position;

			for ( i = 0, l = ( position.count / 3 ); i < l; i ++ ) {

				for ( j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) {

					// three edges per triangle, an edge is represented as (index1, index2)
					// e.g. the first triangle has the following edges: (0,1),(1,2),(2,0)

					index1 = 3 * i + j;
					vertex.fromBufferAttribute( position, index1 );
					vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );

					index2 = 3 * i + ( ( j + 1 ) % 3 );
					vertex.fromBufferAttribute( position, index2 );
					vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );





	// build geometry

	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );


WireframeGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
WireframeGeometry.prototype.constructor = WireframeGeometry;

 * @author zz85 / https://github.com/zz85
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87
 * Parametric Surfaces Geometry
 * based on the brilliant article by @prideout http://prideout.net/blog/?p=44

// ParametricGeometry

function ParametricGeometry( func, slices, stacks ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'ParametricGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		func: func,
		slices: slices,
		stacks: stacks

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new ParametricBufferGeometry( func, slices, stacks ) );


ParametricGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
ParametricGeometry.prototype.constructor = ParametricGeometry;

// ParametricBufferGeometry

function ParametricBufferGeometry( func, slices, stacks ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'ParametricBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		func: func,
		slices: slices,
		stacks: stacks

	// buffers

	var indices = [];
	var vertices = [];
	var normals = [];
	var uvs = [];

	var EPS = 0.00001;

	var normal = new Vector3();

	var p0 = new Vector3(), p1 = new Vector3();
	var pu = new Vector3(), pv = new Vector3();

	var i, j;

	// generate vertices, normals and uvs

	var sliceCount = slices + 1;

	for ( i = 0; i <= stacks; i ++ ) {

		var v = i / stacks;

		for ( j = 0; j <= slices; j ++ ) {

			var u = j / slices;

			// vertex

			p0 = func( u, v, p0 );
			vertices.push( p0.x, p0.y, p0.z );

			// normal

			// approximate tangent vectors via finite differences

			if ( u - EPS >= 0 ) {

				p1 = func( u - EPS, v, p1 );
				pu.subVectors( p0, p1 );

			} else {

				p1 = func( u + EPS, v, p1 );
				pu.subVectors( p1, p0 );


			if ( v - EPS >= 0 ) {

				p1 = func( u, v - EPS, p1 );
				pv.subVectors( p0, p1 );

			} else {

				p1 = func( u, v + EPS, p1 );
				pv.subVectors( p1, p0 );


			// cross product of tangent vectors returns surface normal

			normal.crossVectors( pu, pv ).normalize();
			normals.push( normal.x, normal.y, normal.z );

			// uv

			uvs.push( u, v );



	// generate indices

	for ( i = 0; i < stacks; i ++ ) {

		for ( j = 0; j < slices; j ++ ) {

			var a = i * sliceCount + j;
			var b = i * sliceCount + j + 1;
			var c = ( i + 1 ) * sliceCount + j + 1;
			var d = ( i + 1 ) * sliceCount + j;

			// faces one and two

			indices.push( a, b, d );
			indices.push( b, c, d );



	// build geometry

	this.setIndex( indices );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );


ParametricBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
ParametricBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = ParametricBufferGeometry;

 * @author clockworkgeek / https://github.com/clockworkgeek
 * @author timothypratley / https://github.com/timothypratley
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// PolyhedronGeometry

function PolyhedronGeometry( vertices, indices, radius, detail ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'PolyhedronGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		vertices: vertices,
		indices: indices,
		radius: radius,
		detail: detail

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new PolyhedronBufferGeometry( vertices, indices, radius, detail ) );


PolyhedronGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
PolyhedronGeometry.prototype.constructor = PolyhedronGeometry;

// PolyhedronBufferGeometry

function PolyhedronBufferGeometry( vertices, indices, radius, detail ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'PolyhedronBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		vertices: vertices,
		indices: indices,
		radius: radius,
		detail: detail

	radius = radius || 1;
	detail = detail || 0;

	// default buffer data

	var vertexBuffer = [];
	var uvBuffer = [];

	// the subdivision creates the vertex buffer data

	subdivide( detail );

	// all vertices should lie on a conceptual sphere with a given radius

	appplyRadius( radius );

	// finally, create the uv data


	// build non-indexed geometry

	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertexBuffer, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertexBuffer.slice(), 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvBuffer, 2 ) );

	if ( detail === 0 ) {

		this.computeVertexNormals(); // flat normals

	} else {

		this.normalizeNormals(); // smooth normals


	// helper functions

	function subdivide( detail ) {

		var a = new Vector3();
		var b = new Vector3();
		var c = new Vector3();

		// iterate over all faces and apply a subdivison with the given detail value

		for ( var i = 0; i < indices.length; i += 3 ) {

			// get the vertices of the face

			getVertexByIndex( indices[ i + 0 ], a );
			getVertexByIndex( indices[ i + 1 ], b );
			getVertexByIndex( indices[ i + 2 ], c );

			// perform subdivision

			subdivideFace( a, b, c, detail );



	function subdivideFace( a, b, c, detail ) {

		var cols = Math.pow( 2, detail );

		// we use this multidimensional array as a data structure for creating the subdivision

		var v = [];

		var i, j;

		// construct all of the vertices for this subdivision

		for ( i = 0; i <= cols; i ++ ) {

			v[ i ] = [];

			var aj = a.clone().lerp( c, i / cols );
			var bj = b.clone().lerp( c, i / cols );

			var rows = cols - i;

			for ( j = 0; j <= rows; j ++ ) {

				if ( j === 0 && i === cols ) {

					v[ i ][ j ] = aj;

				} else {

					v[ i ][ j ] = aj.clone().lerp( bj, j / rows );




		// construct all of the faces

		for ( i = 0; i < cols; i ++ ) {

			for ( j = 0; j < 2 * ( cols - i ) - 1; j ++ ) {

				var k = Math.floor( j / 2 );

				if ( j % 2 === 0 ) {

					pushVertex( v[ i ][ k + 1 ] );
					pushVertex( v[ i + 1 ][ k ] );
					pushVertex( v[ i ][ k ] );

				} else {

					pushVertex( v[ i ][ k + 1 ] );
					pushVertex( v[ i + 1 ][ k + 1 ] );
					pushVertex( v[ i + 1 ][ k ] );





	function appplyRadius( radius ) {

		var vertex = new Vector3();

		// iterate over the entire buffer and apply the radius to each vertex

		for ( var i = 0; i < vertexBuffer.length; i += 3 ) {

			vertex.x = vertexBuffer[ i + 0 ];
			vertex.y = vertexBuffer[ i + 1 ];
			vertex.z = vertexBuffer[ i + 2 ];

			vertex.normalize().multiplyScalar( radius );

			vertexBuffer[ i + 0 ] = vertex.x;
			vertexBuffer[ i + 1 ] = vertex.y;
			vertexBuffer[ i + 2 ] = vertex.z;



	function generateUVs() {

		var vertex = new Vector3();

		for ( var i = 0; i < vertexBuffer.length; i += 3 ) {

			vertex.x = vertexBuffer[ i + 0 ];
			vertex.y = vertexBuffer[ i + 1 ];
			vertex.z = vertexBuffer[ i + 2 ];

			var u = azimuth( vertex ) / 2 / Math.PI + 0.5;
			var v = inclination( vertex ) / Math.PI + 0.5;
			uvBuffer.push( u, 1 - v );





	function correctSeam() {

		// handle case when face straddles the seam, see #3269

		for ( var i = 0; i < uvBuffer.length; i += 6 ) {

			// uv data of a single face

			var x0 = uvBuffer[ i + 0 ];
			var x1 = uvBuffer[ i + 2 ];
			var x2 = uvBuffer[ i + 4 ];

			var max = Math.max( x0, x1, x2 );
			var min = Math.min( x0, x1, x2 );

			// 0.9 is somewhat arbitrary

			if ( max > 0.9 && min < 0.1 ) {

				if ( x0 < 0.2 ) uvBuffer[ i + 0 ] += 1;
				if ( x1 < 0.2 ) uvBuffer[ i + 2 ] += 1;
				if ( x2 < 0.2 ) uvBuffer[ i + 4 ] += 1;




	function pushVertex( vertex ) {

		vertexBuffer.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );


	function getVertexByIndex( index, vertex ) {

		var stride = index * 3;

		vertex.x = vertices[ stride + 0 ];
		vertex.y = vertices[ stride + 1 ];
		vertex.z = vertices[ stride + 2 ];


	function correctUVs() {

		var a = new Vector3();
		var b = new Vector3();
		var c = new Vector3();

		var centroid = new Vector3();

		var uvA = new Vector2();
		var uvB = new Vector2();
		var uvC = new Vector2();

		for ( var i = 0, j = 0; i < vertexBuffer.length; i += 9, j += 6 ) {

			a.set( vertexBuffer[ i + 0 ], vertexBuffer[ i + 1 ], vertexBuffer[ i + 2 ] );
			b.set( vertexBuffer[ i + 3 ], vertexBuffer[ i + 4 ], vertexBuffer[ i + 5 ] );
			c.set( vertexBuffer[ i + 6 ], vertexBuffer[ i + 7 ], vertexBuffer[ i + 8 ] );

			uvA.set( uvBuffer[ j + 0 ], uvBuffer[ j + 1 ] );
			uvB.set( uvBuffer[ j + 2 ], uvBuffer[ j + 3 ] );
			uvC.set( uvBuffer[ j + 4 ], uvBuffer[ j + 5 ] );

			centroid.copy( a ).add( b ).add( c ).divideScalar( 3 );

			var azi = azimuth( centroid );

			correctUV( uvA, j + 0, a, azi );
			correctUV( uvB, j + 2, b, azi );
			correctUV( uvC, j + 4, c, azi );



	function correctUV( uv, stride, vector, azimuth ) {

		if ( ( azimuth < 0 ) && ( uv.x === 1 ) ) {

			uvBuffer[ stride ] = uv.x - 1;


		if ( ( vector.x === 0 ) && ( vector.z === 0 ) ) {

			uvBuffer[ stride ] = azimuth / 2 / Math.PI + 0.5;



	// Angle around the Y axis, counter-clockwise when looking from above.

	function azimuth( vector ) {

		return Math.atan2( vector.z, - vector.x );


	// Angle above the XZ plane.

	function inclination( vector ) {

		return Math.atan2( - vector.y, Math.sqrt( ( vector.x * vector.x ) + ( vector.z * vector.z ) ) );



PolyhedronBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
PolyhedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = PolyhedronBufferGeometry;

 * @author timothypratley / https://github.com/timothypratley
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// TetrahedronGeometry

function TetrahedronGeometry( radius, detail ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'TetrahedronGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		detail: detail

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new TetrahedronBufferGeometry( radius, detail ) );


TetrahedronGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
TetrahedronGeometry.prototype.constructor = TetrahedronGeometry;

// TetrahedronBufferGeometry

function TetrahedronBufferGeometry( radius, detail ) {

	var vertices = [
		1, 1, 1, 	- 1, - 1, 1, 	- 1, 1, - 1, 	1, - 1, - 1

	var indices = [
		2, 1, 0, 	0, 3, 2,	1, 3, 0,	2, 3, 1

	PolyhedronBufferGeometry.call( this, vertices, indices, radius, detail );

	this.type = 'TetrahedronBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		detail: detail


TetrahedronBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( PolyhedronBufferGeometry.prototype );
TetrahedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = TetrahedronBufferGeometry;

 * @author timothypratley / https://github.com/timothypratley
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// OctahedronGeometry

function OctahedronGeometry( radius, detail ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'OctahedronGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		detail: detail

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new OctahedronBufferGeometry( radius, detail ) );


OctahedronGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
OctahedronGeometry.prototype.constructor = OctahedronGeometry;

// OctahedronBufferGeometry

function OctahedronBufferGeometry( radius, detail ) {

	var vertices = [
		1, 0, 0, 	- 1, 0, 0,	0, 1, 0,
		0, - 1, 0, 	0, 0, 1,	0, 0, - 1

	var indices = [
		0, 2, 4,	0, 4, 3,	0, 3, 5,
		0, 5, 2,	1, 2, 5,	1, 5, 3,
		1, 3, 4,	1, 4, 2

	PolyhedronBufferGeometry.call( this, vertices, indices, radius, detail );

	this.type = 'OctahedronBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		detail: detail


OctahedronBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( PolyhedronBufferGeometry.prototype );
OctahedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = OctahedronBufferGeometry;

 * @author timothypratley / https://github.com/timothypratley
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// IcosahedronGeometry

function IcosahedronGeometry( radius, detail ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'IcosahedronGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		detail: detail

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new IcosahedronBufferGeometry( radius, detail ) );


IcosahedronGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
IcosahedronGeometry.prototype.constructor = IcosahedronGeometry;

// IcosahedronBufferGeometry

function IcosahedronBufferGeometry( radius, detail ) {

	var t = ( 1 + Math.sqrt( 5 ) ) / 2;

	var vertices = [
		- 1, t, 0, 	1, t, 0, 	- 1, - t, 0, 	1, - t, 0,
		 0, - 1, t, 	0, 1, t,	0, - 1, - t, 	0, 1, - t,
		 t, 0, - 1, 	t, 0, 1, 	- t, 0, - 1, 	- t, 0, 1

	var indices = [
		 0, 11, 5, 	0, 5, 1, 	0, 1, 7, 	0, 7, 10, 	0, 10, 11,
		 1, 5, 9, 	5, 11, 4,	11, 10, 2,	10, 7, 6,	7, 1, 8,
		 3, 9, 4, 	3, 4, 2,	3, 2, 6,	3, 6, 8,	3, 8, 9,
		 4, 9, 5, 	2, 4, 11,	6, 2, 10,	8, 6, 7,	9, 8, 1

	PolyhedronBufferGeometry.call( this, vertices, indices, radius, detail );

	this.type = 'IcosahedronBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		detail: detail


IcosahedronBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( PolyhedronBufferGeometry.prototype );
IcosahedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = IcosahedronBufferGeometry;

 * @author Abe Pazos / https://hamoid.com
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// DodecahedronGeometry

function DodecahedronGeometry( radius, detail ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'DodecahedronGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		detail: detail

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new DodecahedronBufferGeometry( radius, detail ) );


DodecahedronGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
DodecahedronGeometry.prototype.constructor = DodecahedronGeometry;

// DodecahedronBufferGeometry

function DodecahedronBufferGeometry( radius, detail ) {

	var t = ( 1 + Math.sqrt( 5 ) ) / 2;
	var r = 1 / t;

	var vertices = [

		// (±1, ±1, ±1)
		- 1, - 1, - 1,	- 1, - 1, 1,
		- 1, 1, - 1, - 1, 1, 1,
		1, - 1, - 1, 1, - 1, 1,
		1, 1, - 1, 1, 1, 1,

		// (0, ±1/φ, ±φ)
		 0, - r, - t, 0, - r, t,
		 0, r, - t, 0, r, t,

		// (±1/φ, ±φ, 0)
		- r, - t, 0, - r, t, 0,
		 r, - t, 0, r, t, 0,

		// (±φ, 0, ±1/φ)
		- t, 0, - r, t, 0, - r,
		- t, 0, r, t, 0, r

	var indices = [
		3, 11, 7, 	3, 7, 15, 	3, 15, 13,
		7, 19, 17, 	7, 17, 6, 	7, 6, 15,
		17, 4, 8, 	17, 8, 10, 	17, 10, 6,
		8, 0, 16, 	8, 16, 2, 	8, 2, 10,
		0, 12, 1, 	0, 1, 18, 	0, 18, 16,
		6, 10, 2, 	6, 2, 13, 	6, 13, 15,
		2, 16, 18, 	2, 18, 3, 	2, 3, 13,
		18, 1, 9, 	18, 9, 11, 	18, 11, 3,
		4, 14, 12, 	4, 12, 0, 	4, 0, 8,
		11, 9, 5, 	11, 5, 19, 	11, 19, 7,
		19, 5, 14, 	19, 14, 4, 	19, 4, 17,
		1, 12, 14, 	1, 14, 5, 	1, 5, 9

	PolyhedronBufferGeometry.call( this, vertices, indices, radius, detail );

	this.type = 'DodecahedronBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		detail: detail


DodecahedronBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( PolyhedronBufferGeometry.prototype );
DodecahedronBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = DodecahedronBufferGeometry;

 * @author oosmoxiecode / https://github.com/oosmoxiecode
 * @author WestLangley / https://github.com/WestLangley
 * @author zz85 / https://github.com/zz85
 * @author miningold / https://github.com/miningold
 * @author jonobr1 / https://github.com/jonobr1
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// TubeGeometry

function TubeGeometry( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed, taper ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'TubeGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		path: path,
		tubularSegments: tubularSegments,
		radius: radius,
		radialSegments: radialSegments,
		closed: closed

	if ( taper !== undefined ) console.warn( 'THREE.TubeGeometry: taper has been removed.' );

	var bufferGeometry = new TubeBufferGeometry( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed );

	// expose internals

	this.tangents = bufferGeometry.tangents;
	this.normals = bufferGeometry.normals;
	this.binormals = bufferGeometry.binormals;

	// create geometry

	this.fromBufferGeometry( bufferGeometry );


TubeGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
TubeGeometry.prototype.constructor = TubeGeometry;

// TubeBufferGeometry

function TubeBufferGeometry( path, tubularSegments, radius, radialSegments, closed ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'TubeBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		path: path,
		tubularSegments: tubularSegments,
		radius: radius,
		radialSegments: radialSegments,
		closed: closed

	tubularSegments = tubularSegments || 64;
	radius = radius || 1;
	radialSegments = radialSegments || 8;
	closed = closed || false;

	var frames = path.computeFrenetFrames( tubularSegments, closed );

	// expose internals

	this.tangents = frames.tangents;
	this.normals = frames.normals;
	this.binormals = frames.binormals;

	// helper variables

	var vertex = new Vector3();
	var normal = new Vector3();
	var uv = new Vector2();
	var P = new Vector3();

	var i, j;

	// buffer

	var vertices = [];
	var normals = [];
	var uvs = [];
	var indices = [];

	// create buffer data


	// build geometry

	this.setIndex( indices );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );

	// functions

	function generateBufferData() {

		for ( i = 0; i < tubularSegments; i ++ ) {

			generateSegment( i );


		// if the geometry is not closed, generate the last row of vertices and normals
		// at the regular position on the given path
		// if the geometry is closed, duplicate the first row of vertices and normals (uvs will differ)

		generateSegment( ( closed === false ) ? tubularSegments : 0 );

		// uvs are generated in a separate function.
		// this makes it easy compute correct values for closed geometries


		// finally create faces



	function generateSegment( i ) {

		// we use getPointAt to sample evenly distributed points from the given path

		P = path.getPointAt( i / tubularSegments, P );

		// retrieve corresponding normal and binormal

		var N = frames.normals[ i ];
		var B = frames.binormals[ i ];

		// generate normals and vertices for the current segment

		for ( j = 0; j <= radialSegments; j ++ ) {

			var v = j / radialSegments * Math.PI * 2;

			var sin = Math.sin( v );
			var cos = - Math.cos( v );

			// normal

			normal.x = ( cos * N.x + sin * B.x );
			normal.y = ( cos * N.y + sin * B.y );
			normal.z = ( cos * N.z + sin * B.z );

			normals.push( normal.x, normal.y, normal.z );

			// vertex

			vertex.x = P.x + radius * normal.x;
			vertex.y = P.y + radius * normal.y;
			vertex.z = P.z + radius * normal.z;

			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );



	function generateIndices() {

		for ( j = 1; j <= tubularSegments; j ++ ) {

			for ( i = 1; i <= radialSegments; i ++ ) {

				var a = ( radialSegments + 1 ) * ( j - 1 ) + ( i - 1 );
				var b = ( radialSegments + 1 ) * j + ( i - 1 );
				var c = ( radialSegments + 1 ) * j + i;
				var d = ( radialSegments + 1 ) * ( j - 1 ) + i;

				// faces

				indices.push( a, b, d );
				indices.push( b, c, d );




	function generateUVs() {

		for ( i = 0; i <= tubularSegments; i ++ ) {

			for ( j = 0; j <= radialSegments; j ++ ) {

				uv.x = i / tubularSegments;
				uv.y = j / radialSegments;

				uvs.push( uv.x, uv.y );





TubeBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
TubeBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = TubeBufferGeometry;

 * @author oosmoxiecode
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87
 * based on http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/pqtorus/

// TorusKnotGeometry

function TorusKnotGeometry( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q, heightScale ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'TorusKnotGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		tube: tube,
		tubularSegments: tubularSegments,
		radialSegments: radialSegments,
		p: p,
		q: q

	if ( heightScale !== undefined ) console.warn( 'THREE.TorusKnotGeometry: heightScale has been deprecated. Use .scale( x, y, z ) instead.' );

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new TorusKnotBufferGeometry( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q ) );


TorusKnotGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
TorusKnotGeometry.prototype.constructor = TorusKnotGeometry;

// TorusKnotBufferGeometry

function TorusKnotBufferGeometry( radius, tube, tubularSegments, radialSegments, p, q ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'TorusKnotBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		tube: tube,
		tubularSegments: tubularSegments,
		radialSegments: radialSegments,
		p: p,
		q: q

	radius = radius || 1;
	tube = tube || 0.4;
	tubularSegments = Math.floor( tubularSegments ) || 64;
	radialSegments = Math.floor( radialSegments ) || 8;
	p = p || 2;
	q = q || 3;

	// buffers

	var indices = [];
	var vertices = [];
	var normals = [];
	var uvs = [];

	// helper variables

	var i, j;

	var vertex = new Vector3();
	var normal = new Vector3();

	var P1 = new Vector3();
	var P2 = new Vector3();

	var B = new Vector3();
	var T = new Vector3();
	var N = new Vector3();

	// generate vertices, normals and uvs

	for ( i = 0; i <= tubularSegments; ++ i ) {

		// the radian "u" is used to calculate the position on the torus curve of the current tubular segement

		var u = i / tubularSegments * p * Math.PI * 2;

		// now we calculate two points. P1 is our current position on the curve, P2 is a little farther ahead.
		// these points are used to create a special "coordinate space", which is necessary to calculate the correct vertex positions

		calculatePositionOnCurve( u, p, q, radius, P1 );
		calculatePositionOnCurve( u + 0.01, p, q, radius, P2 );

		// calculate orthonormal basis

		T.subVectors( P2, P1 );
		N.addVectors( P2, P1 );
		B.crossVectors( T, N );
		N.crossVectors( B, T );

		// normalize B, N. T can be ignored, we don't use it


		for ( j = 0; j <= radialSegments; ++ j ) {

			// now calculate the vertices. they are nothing more than an extrusion of the torus curve.
			// because we extrude a shape in the xy-plane, there is no need to calculate a z-value.

			var v = j / radialSegments * Math.PI * 2;
			var cx = - tube * Math.cos( v );
			var cy = tube * Math.sin( v );

			// now calculate the final vertex position.
			// first we orient the extrusion with our basis vectos, then we add it to the current position on the curve

			vertex.x = P1.x + ( cx * N.x + cy * B.x );
			vertex.y = P1.y + ( cx * N.y + cy * B.y );
			vertex.z = P1.z + ( cx * N.z + cy * B.z );

			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );

			// normal (P1 is always the center/origin of the extrusion, thus we can use it to calculate the normal)

			normal.subVectors( vertex, P1 ).normalize();

			normals.push( normal.x, normal.y, normal.z );

			// uv

			uvs.push( i / tubularSegments );
			uvs.push( j / radialSegments );



	// generate indices

	for ( j = 1; j <= tubularSegments; j ++ ) {

		for ( i = 1; i <= radialSegments; i ++ ) {

			// indices

			var a = ( radialSegments + 1 ) * ( j - 1 ) + ( i - 1 );
			var b = ( radialSegments + 1 ) * j + ( i - 1 );
			var c = ( radialSegments + 1 ) * j + i;
			var d = ( radialSegments + 1 ) * ( j - 1 ) + i;

			// faces

			indices.push( a, b, d );
			indices.push( b, c, d );



	// build geometry

	this.setIndex( indices );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );

	// this function calculates the current position on the torus curve

	function calculatePositionOnCurve( u, p, q, radius, position ) {

		var cu = Math.cos( u );
		var su = Math.sin( u );
		var quOverP = q / p * u;
		var cs = Math.cos( quOverP );

		position.x = radius * ( 2 + cs ) * 0.5 * cu;
		position.y = radius * ( 2 + cs ) * su * 0.5;
		position.z = radius * Math.sin( quOverP ) * 0.5;



TorusKnotBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
TorusKnotBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = TorusKnotBufferGeometry;

 * @author oosmoxiecode
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// TorusGeometry

function TorusGeometry( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'TorusGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		tube: tube,
		radialSegments: radialSegments,
		tubularSegments: tubularSegments,
		arc: arc

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new TorusBufferGeometry( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc ) );


TorusGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
TorusGeometry.prototype.constructor = TorusGeometry;

// TorusBufferGeometry

function TorusBufferGeometry( radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, arc ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'TorusBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		tube: tube,
		radialSegments: radialSegments,
		tubularSegments: tubularSegments,
		arc: arc

	radius = radius || 1;
	tube = tube || 0.4;
	radialSegments = Math.floor( radialSegments ) || 8;
	tubularSegments = Math.floor( tubularSegments ) || 6;
	arc = arc || Math.PI * 2;

	// buffers

	var indices = [];
	var vertices = [];
	var normals = [];
	var uvs = [];

	// helper variables

	var center = new Vector3();
	var vertex = new Vector3();
	var normal = new Vector3();

	var j, i;

	// generate vertices, normals and uvs

	for ( j = 0; j <= radialSegments; j ++ ) {

		for ( i = 0; i <= tubularSegments; i ++ ) {

			var u = i / tubularSegments * arc;
			var v = j / radialSegments * Math.PI * 2;

			// vertex

			vertex.x = ( radius + tube * Math.cos( v ) ) * Math.cos( u );
			vertex.y = ( radius + tube * Math.cos( v ) ) * Math.sin( u );
			vertex.z = tube * Math.sin( v );

			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );

			// normal

			center.x = radius * Math.cos( u );
			center.y = radius * Math.sin( u );
			normal.subVectors( vertex, center ).normalize();

			normals.push( normal.x, normal.y, normal.z );

			// uv

			uvs.push( i / tubularSegments );
			uvs.push( j / radialSegments );



	// generate indices

	for ( j = 1; j <= radialSegments; j ++ ) {

		for ( i = 1; i <= tubularSegments; i ++ ) {

			// indices

			var a = ( tubularSegments + 1 ) * j + i - 1;
			var b = ( tubularSegments + 1 ) * ( j - 1 ) + i - 1;
			var c = ( tubularSegments + 1 ) * ( j - 1 ) + i;
			var d = ( tubularSegments + 1 ) * j + i;

			// faces

			indices.push( a, b, d );
			indices.push( b, c, d );



	// build geometry

	this.setIndex( indices );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );


TorusBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
TorusBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = TorusBufferGeometry;

 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87
 * Port from https://github.com/mapbox/earcut (v2.1.2)

var Earcut = {

	triangulate: function ( data, holeIndices, dim ) {

		dim = dim || 2;

		var hasHoles = holeIndices && holeIndices.length,
			outerLen = hasHoles ? holeIndices[ 0 ] * dim : data.length,
			outerNode = linkedList( data, 0, outerLen, dim, true ),
			triangles = [];

		if ( ! outerNode ) return triangles;

		var minX, minY, maxX, maxY, x, y, invSize;

		if ( hasHoles ) outerNode = eliminateHoles( data, holeIndices, outerNode, dim );

		// if the shape is not too simple, we'll use z-order curve hash later; calculate polygon bbox

		if ( data.length > 80 * dim ) {

			minX = maxX = data[ 0 ];
			minY = maxY = data[ 1 ];

			for ( var i = dim; i < outerLen; i += dim ) {

				x = data[ i ];
				y = data[ i + 1 ];
				if ( x < minX ) minX = x;
				if ( y < minY ) minY = y;
				if ( x > maxX ) maxX = x;
				if ( y > maxY ) maxY = y;


			// minX, minY and invSize are later used to transform coords into integers for z-order calculation

			invSize = Math.max( maxX - minX, maxY - minY );
			invSize = invSize !== 0 ? 1 / invSize : 0;


		earcutLinked( outerNode, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize );

		return triangles;



// create a circular doubly linked list from polygon points in the specified winding order

function linkedList( data, start, end, dim, clockwise ) {

	var i, last;

	if ( clockwise === ( signedArea( data, start, end, dim ) > 0 ) ) {

		for ( i = start; i < end; i += dim ) last = insertNode( i, data[ i ], data[ i + 1 ], last );

	} else {

		for ( i = end - dim; i >= start; i -= dim ) last = insertNode( i, data[ i ], data[ i + 1 ], last );


	if ( last && equals( last, last.next ) ) {

		removeNode( last );
		last = last.next;


	return last;


// eliminate colinear or duplicate points

function filterPoints( start, end ) {

	if ( ! start ) return start;
	if ( ! end ) end = start;

	var p = start, again;

	do {

		again = false;

		if ( ! p.steiner && ( equals( p, p.next ) || area( p.prev, p, p.next ) === 0 ) ) {

			removeNode( p );
			p = end = p.prev;
			if ( p === p.next ) break;
			again = true;

		} else {

			p = p.next;


	} while ( again || p !== end );

	return end;


// main ear slicing loop which triangulates a polygon (given as a linked list)

function earcutLinked( ear, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize, pass ) {

	if ( ! ear ) return;

	// interlink polygon nodes in z-order

	if ( ! pass && invSize ) indexCurve( ear, minX, minY, invSize );

	var stop = ear, prev, next;

	// iterate through ears, slicing them one by one

	while ( ear.prev !== ear.next ) {

		prev = ear.prev;
		next = ear.next;

		if ( invSize ? isEarHashed( ear, minX, minY, invSize ) : isEar( ear ) ) {

			// cut off the triangle
			triangles.push( prev.i / dim );
			triangles.push( ear.i / dim );
			triangles.push( next.i / dim );

			removeNode( ear );

			// skipping the next vertice leads to less sliver triangles
			ear = next.next;
			stop = next.next;



		ear = next;

		// if we looped through the whole remaining polygon and can't find any more ears

		if ( ear === stop ) {

			// try filtering points and slicing again

			if ( ! pass ) {

				earcutLinked( filterPoints( ear ), triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize, 1 );

				// if this didn't work, try curing all small self-intersections locally

			} else if ( pass === 1 ) {

				ear = cureLocalIntersections( ear, triangles, dim );
				earcutLinked( ear, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize, 2 );

			// as a last resort, try splitting the remaining polygon into two

			} else if ( pass === 2 ) {

				splitEarcut( ear, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize );






// check whether a polygon node forms a valid ear with adjacent nodes

function isEar( ear ) {

	var a = ear.prev,
		b = ear,
		c = ear.next;

	if ( area( a, b, c ) >= 0 ) return false; // reflex, can't be an ear

	// now make sure we don't have other points inside the potential ear
	var p = ear.next.next;

	while ( p !== ear.prev ) {

		if ( pointInTriangle( a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y, p.x, p.y ) && area( p.prev, p, p.next ) >= 0 ) {

			return false;


		p = p.next;


	return true;


function isEarHashed( ear, minX, minY, invSize ) {

	var a = ear.prev,
		b = ear,
		c = ear.next;

	if ( area( a, b, c ) >= 0 ) return false; // reflex, can't be an ear

	// triangle bbox; min & max are calculated like this for speed

	var minTX = a.x < b.x ? ( a.x < c.x ? a.x : c.x ) : ( b.x < c.x ? b.x : c.x ),
		minTY = a.y < b.y ? ( a.y < c.y ? a.y : c.y ) : ( b.y < c.y ? b.y : c.y ),
		maxTX = a.x > b.x ? ( a.x > c.x ? a.x : c.x ) : ( b.x > c.x ? b.x : c.x ),
		maxTY = a.y > b.y ? ( a.y > c.y ? a.y : c.y ) : ( b.y > c.y ? b.y : c.y );

	// z-order range for the current triangle bbox;

	var minZ = zOrder( minTX, minTY, minX, minY, invSize ),
		maxZ = zOrder( maxTX, maxTY, minX, minY, invSize );

	// first look for points inside the triangle in increasing z-order

	var p = ear.nextZ;

	while ( p && p.z <= maxZ ) {

		if ( p !== ear.prev && p !== ear.next &&
				pointInTriangle( a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y, p.x, p.y ) &&
				area( p.prev, p, p.next ) >= 0 ) return false;
		p = p.nextZ;


	// then look for points in decreasing z-order

	p = ear.prevZ;

	while ( p && p.z >= minZ ) {

		if ( p !== ear.prev && p !== ear.next &&
				pointInTriangle( a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y, p.x, p.y ) &&
				area( p.prev, p, p.next ) >= 0 ) return false;

		p = p.prevZ;


	return true;


// go through all polygon nodes and cure small local self-intersections

function cureLocalIntersections( start, triangles, dim ) {

	var p = start;

	do {

		var a = p.prev, b = p.next.next;

		if ( ! equals( a, b ) && intersects( a, p, p.next, b ) && locallyInside( a, b ) && locallyInside( b, a ) ) {

			triangles.push( a.i / dim );
			triangles.push( p.i / dim );
			triangles.push( b.i / dim );

			// remove two nodes involved

			removeNode( p );
			removeNode( p.next );

			p = start = b;


		p = p.next;

	} while ( p !== start );

	return p;


// try splitting polygon into two and triangulate them independently

function splitEarcut( start, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize ) {

	// look for a valid diagonal that divides the polygon into two

	var a = start;

	do {

		var b = a.next.next;

		while ( b !== a.prev ) {

			if ( a.i !== b.i && isValidDiagonal( a, b ) ) {

				// split the polygon in two by the diagonal

				var c = splitPolygon( a, b );

				// filter colinear points around the cuts

				a = filterPoints( a, a.next );
				c = filterPoints( c, c.next );

				// run earcut on each half

				earcutLinked( a, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize );
				earcutLinked( c, triangles, dim, minX, minY, invSize );


			b = b.next;


		a = a.next;

	} while ( a !== start );


// link every hole into the outer loop, producing a single-ring polygon without holes

function eliminateHoles( data, holeIndices, outerNode, dim ) {

	var queue = [], i, len, start, end, list;

	for ( i = 0, len = holeIndices.length; i < len; i ++ ) {

		start = holeIndices[ i ] * dim;
		end = i < len - 1 ? holeIndices[ i + 1 ] * dim : data.length;
		list = linkedList( data, start, end, dim, false );
		if ( list === list.next ) list.steiner = true;
		queue.push( getLeftmost( list ) );


	queue.sort( compareX );

	// process holes from left to right

	for ( i = 0; i < queue.length; i ++ ) {

		eliminateHole( queue[ i ], outerNode );
		outerNode = filterPoints( outerNode, outerNode.next );


	return outerNode;


function compareX( a, b ) {

	return a.x - b.x;


// find a bridge between vertices that connects hole with an outer ring and and link it

function eliminateHole( hole, outerNode ) {

	outerNode = findHoleBridge( hole, outerNode );

	if ( outerNode ) {

		var b = splitPolygon( outerNode, hole );

		filterPoints( b, b.next );



// David Eberly's algorithm for finding a bridge between hole and outer polygon

function findHoleBridge( hole, outerNode ) {

	var p = outerNode,
		hx = hole.x,
		hy = hole.y,
		qx = - Infinity,

	// find a segment intersected by a ray from the hole's leftmost point to the left;
	// segment's endpoint with lesser x will be potential connection point

	do {

		if ( hy <= p.y && hy >= p.next.y && p.next.y !== p.y ) {

			var x = p.x + ( hy - p.y ) * ( p.next.x - p.x ) / ( p.next.y - p.y );

			if ( x <= hx && x > qx ) {

				qx = x;

				if ( x === hx ) {

					if ( hy === p.y ) return p;
					if ( hy === p.next.y ) return p.next;


				m = p.x < p.next.x ? p : p.next;



		p = p.next;

	} while ( p !== outerNode );

	if ( ! m ) return null;

	if ( hx === qx ) return m.prev; // hole touches outer segment; pick lower endpoint

	// look for points inside the triangle of hole point, segment intersection and endpoint;
	// if there are no points found, we have a valid connection;
	// otherwise choose the point of the minimum angle with the ray as connection point

	var stop = m,
		mx = m.x,
		my = m.y,
		tanMin = Infinity,

	p = m.next;

	while ( p !== stop ) {

		if ( hx >= p.x && p.x >= mx && hx !== p.x &&
						pointInTriangle( hy < my ? hx : qx, hy, mx, my, hy < my ? qx : hx, hy, p.x, p.y ) ) {

			tan = Math.abs( hy - p.y ) / ( hx - p.x ); // tangential

			if ( ( tan < tanMin || ( tan === tanMin && p.x > m.x ) ) && locallyInside( p, hole ) ) {

				m = p;
				tanMin = tan;



		p = p.next;


	return m;


// interlink polygon nodes in z-order

function indexCurve( start, minX, minY, invSize ) {

	var p = start;

	do {

		if ( p.z === null ) p.z = zOrder( p.x, p.y, minX, minY, invSize );
		p.prevZ = p.prev;
		p.nextZ = p.next;
		p = p.next;

	} while ( p !== start );

	p.prevZ.nextZ = null;
	p.prevZ = null;

	sortLinked( p );


// Simon Tatham's linked list merge sort algorithm
// http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/algorithms/listsort.html

function sortLinked( list ) {

	var i, p, q, e, tail, numMerges, pSize, qSize, inSize = 1;

	do {

		p = list;
		list = null;
		tail = null;
		numMerges = 0;

		while ( p ) {

			numMerges ++;
			q = p;
			pSize = 0;

			for ( i = 0; i < inSize; i ++ ) {

				pSize ++;
				q = q.nextZ;
				if ( ! q ) break;


			qSize = inSize;

			while ( pSize > 0 || ( qSize > 0 && q ) ) {

				if ( pSize !== 0 && ( qSize === 0 || ! q || p.z <= q.z ) ) {

					e = p;
					p = p.nextZ;
					pSize --;

				} else {

					e = q;
					q = q.nextZ;
					qSize --;


				if ( tail ) tail.nextZ = e;
				else list = e;

				e.prevZ = tail;
				tail = e;


			p = q;


		tail.nextZ = null;
		inSize *= 2;

	} while ( numMerges > 1 );

	return list;


// z-order of a point given coords and inverse of the longer side of data bbox

function zOrder( x, y, minX, minY, invSize ) {

	// coords are transformed into non-negative 15-bit integer range

	x = 32767 * ( x - minX ) * invSize;
	y = 32767 * ( y - minY ) * invSize;

	x = ( x | ( x << 8 ) ) & 0x00FF00FF;
	x = ( x | ( x << 4 ) ) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
	x = ( x | ( x << 2 ) ) & 0x33333333;
	x = ( x | ( x << 1 ) ) & 0x55555555;

	y = ( y | ( y << 8 ) ) & 0x00FF00FF;
	y = ( y | ( y << 4 ) ) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
	y = ( y | ( y << 2 ) ) & 0x33333333;
	y = ( y | ( y << 1 ) ) & 0x55555555;

	return x | ( y << 1 );


// find the leftmost node of a polygon ring

function getLeftmost( start ) {

	var p = start, leftmost = start;

	do {

		if ( p.x < leftmost.x ) leftmost = p;
		p = p.next;

	} while ( p !== start );

	return leftmost;


// check if a point lies within a convex triangle

function pointInTriangle( ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, px, py ) {

	return ( cx - px ) * ( ay - py ) - ( ax - px ) * ( cy - py ) >= 0 &&
	 ( ax - px ) * ( by - py ) - ( bx - px ) * ( ay - py ) >= 0 &&
	 ( bx - px ) * ( cy - py ) - ( cx - px ) * ( by - py ) >= 0;


// check if a diagonal between two polygon nodes is valid (lies in polygon interior)

function isValidDiagonal( a, b ) {

	return a.next.i !== b.i && a.prev.i !== b.i && ! intersectsPolygon( a, b ) &&
		locallyInside( a, b ) && locallyInside( b, a ) && middleInside( a, b );


// signed area of a triangle

function area( p, q, r ) {

	return ( q.y - p.y ) * ( r.x - q.x ) - ( q.x - p.x ) * ( r.y - q.y );


// check if two points are equal

function equals( p1, p2 ) {

	return p1.x === p2.x && p1.y === p2.y;


// check if two segments intersect

function intersects( p1, q1, p2, q2 ) {

	if ( ( equals( p1, q1 ) && equals( p2, q2 ) ) ||
			( equals( p1, q2 ) && equals( p2, q1 ) ) ) return true;

	return area( p1, q1, p2 ) > 0 !== area( p1, q1, q2 ) > 0 &&
				 area( p2, q2, p1 ) > 0 !== area( p2, q2, q1 ) > 0;


// check if a polygon diagonal intersects any polygon segments

function intersectsPolygon( a, b ) {

	var p = a;

	do {

		if ( p.i !== a.i && p.next.i !== a.i && p.i !== b.i && p.next.i !== b.i &&
						intersects( p, p.next, a, b ) ) {

			return true;


		p = p.next;

	} while ( p !== a );

	return false;


// check if a polygon diagonal is locally inside the polygon

function locallyInside( a, b ) {

	return area( a.prev, a, a.next ) < 0 ?
		area( a, b, a.next ) >= 0 && area( a, a.prev, b ) >= 0 :
		area( a, b, a.prev ) < 0 || area( a, a.next, b ) < 0;


// check if the middle point of a polygon diagonal is inside the polygon

function middleInside( a, b ) {

	var p = a,
		inside = false,
		px = ( a.x + b.x ) / 2,
		py = ( a.y + b.y ) / 2;

	do {

		if ( ( ( p.y > py ) !== ( p.next.y > py ) ) && p.next.y !== p.y &&
						( px < ( p.next.x - p.x ) * ( py - p.y ) / ( p.next.y - p.y ) + p.x ) ) {

			inside = ! inside;


		p = p.next;

	} while ( p !== a );

	return inside;


// link two polygon vertices with a bridge; if the vertices belong to the same ring, it splits polygon into two;
// if one belongs to the outer ring and another to a hole, it merges it into a single ring

function splitPolygon( a, b ) {

	var a2 = new Node( a.i, a.x, a.y ),
		b2 = new Node( b.i, b.x, b.y ),
		an = a.next,
		bp = b.prev;

	a.next = b;
	b.prev = a;

	a2.next = an;
	an.prev = a2;

	b2.next = a2;
	a2.prev = b2;

	bp.next = b2;
	b2.prev = bp;

	return b2;


// create a node and optionally link it with previous one (in a circular doubly linked list)

function insertNode( i, x, y, last ) {

	var p = new Node( i, x, y );

	if ( ! last ) {

		p.prev = p;
		p.next = p;

	} else {

		p.next = last.next;
		p.prev = last;
		last.next.prev = p;
		last.next = p;


	return p;


function removeNode( p ) {

	p.next.prev = p.prev;
	p.prev.next = p.next;

	if ( p.prevZ ) p.prevZ.nextZ = p.nextZ;
	if ( p.nextZ ) p.nextZ.prevZ = p.prevZ;


function Node( i, x, y ) {

	// vertice index in coordinates array
	this.i = i;

	// vertex coordinates
	this.x = x;
	this.y = y;

	// previous and next vertice nodes in a polygon ring
	this.prev = null;
	this.next = null;

	// z-order curve value
	this.z = null;

	// previous and next nodes in z-order
	this.prevZ = null;
	this.nextZ = null;

	// indicates whether this is a steiner point
	this.steiner = false;


function signedArea( data, start, end, dim ) {

	var sum = 0;

	for ( var i = start, j = end - dim; i < end; i += dim ) {

		sum += ( data[ j ] - data[ i ] ) * ( data[ i + 1 ] + data[ j + 1 ] );
		j = i;


	return sum;


 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog

var ShapeUtils = {

	// calculate area of the contour polygon

	area: function ( contour ) {

		var n = contour.length;
		var a = 0.0;

		for ( var p = n - 1, q = 0; q < n; p = q ++ ) {

			a += contour[ p ].x * contour[ q ].y - contour[ q ].x * contour[ p ].y;


		return a * 0.5;


	isClockWise: function ( pts ) {

		return ShapeUtils.area( pts ) < 0;


	triangulateShape: function ( contour, holes ) {

		var vertices = []; // flat array of vertices like [ x0,y0, x1,y1, x2,y2, ... ]
		var holeIndices = []; // array of hole indices
		var faces = []; // final array of vertex indices like [ [ a,b,d ], [ b,c,d ] ]

		removeDupEndPts( contour );
		addContour( vertices, contour );


		var holeIndex = contour.length;

		holes.forEach( removeDupEndPts );

		for ( var i = 0; i < holes.length; i ++ ) {

			holeIndices.push( holeIndex );
			holeIndex += holes[ i ].length;
			addContour( vertices, holes[ i ] );



		var triangles = Earcut.triangulate( vertices, holeIndices );


		for ( var i = 0; i < triangles.length; i += 3 ) {

			faces.push( triangles.slice( i, i + 3 ) );


		return faces;



function removeDupEndPts( points ) {

	var l = points.length;

	if ( l > 2 && points[ l - 1 ].equals( points[ 0 ] ) ) {




function addContour( vertices, contour ) {

	for ( var i = 0; i < contour.length; i ++ ) {

		vertices.push( contour[ i ].x );
		vertices.push( contour[ i ].y );



 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
 * Creates extruded geometry from a path shape.
 * parameters = {
 *  curveSegments: <int>, // number of points on the curves
 *  steps: <int>, // number of points for z-side extrusions / used for subdividing segments of extrude spline too
 *  amount: <int>, // Depth to extrude the shape
 *  bevelEnabled: <bool>, // turn on bevel
 *  bevelThickness: <float>, // how deep into the original shape bevel goes
 *  bevelSize: <float>, // how far from shape outline is bevel
 *  bevelSegments: <int>, // number of bevel layers
 *  extrudePath: <THREE.Curve> // curve to extrude shape along
 *  frames: <Object> // containing arrays of tangents, normals, binormals
 *  UVGenerator: <Object> // object that provides UV generator functions
 * }

// ExtrudeGeometry

function ExtrudeGeometry( shapes, options ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'ExtrudeGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		shapes: shapes,
		options: options

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new ExtrudeBufferGeometry( shapes, options ) );


ExtrudeGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
ExtrudeGeometry.prototype.constructor = ExtrudeGeometry;

// ExtrudeBufferGeometry

function ExtrudeBufferGeometry( shapes, options ) {

	if ( typeof ( shapes ) === "undefined" ) {



	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'ExtrudeBufferGeometry';

	shapes = Array.isArray( shapes ) ? shapes : [ shapes ];

	this.addShapeList( shapes, options );


	// can't really use automatic vertex normals
	// as then front and back sides get smoothed too
	// should do separate smoothing just for sides


	//console.log( "took", ( Date.now() - startTime ) );


ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = ExtrudeBufferGeometry;

ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype.getArrays = function () {

	var positionAttribute = this.getAttribute( "position" );
	var verticesArray = positionAttribute ? Array.prototype.slice.call( positionAttribute.array ) : [];

	var uvAttribute = this.getAttribute( "uv" );
	var uvArray = uvAttribute ? Array.prototype.slice.call( uvAttribute.array ) : [];

	var IndexAttribute = this.index;
	var indicesArray = IndexAttribute ? Array.prototype.slice.call( IndexAttribute.array ) : [];

	return {
		position: verticesArray,
		uv: uvArray,
		index: indicesArray


ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype.addShapeList = function ( shapes, options ) {

	var sl = shapes.length;
	options.arrays = this.getArrays();

	for ( var s = 0; s < sl; s ++ ) {

		var shape = shapes[ s ];
		this.addShape( shape, options );


	this.setIndex( options.arrays.index );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( options.arrays.position, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( options.arrays.uv, 2 ) );


ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype.addShape = function ( shape, options ) {

	var arrays = options.arrays ? options.arrays : this.getArrays();
	var verticesArray = arrays.position;
	var indicesArray = arrays.index;
	var uvArray = arrays.uv;

	var placeholder = [];

	var amount = options.amount !== undefined ? options.amount : 100;

	var bevelThickness = options.bevelThickness !== undefined ? options.bevelThickness : 6; // 10
	var bevelSize = options.bevelSize !== undefined ? options.bevelSize : bevelThickness - 2; // 8
	var bevelSegments = options.bevelSegments !== undefined ? options.bevelSegments : 3;

	var bevelEnabled = options.bevelEnabled !== undefined ? options.bevelEnabled : true; // false

	var curveSegments = options.curveSegments !== undefined ? options.curveSegments : 12;

	var steps = options.steps !== undefined ? options.steps : 1;

	var extrudePath = options.extrudePath;
	var extrudePts, extrudeByPath = false;

	// Use default WorldUVGenerator if no UV generators are specified.
	var uvgen = options.UVGenerator !== undefined ? options.UVGenerator : ExtrudeGeometry.WorldUVGenerator;

	var splineTube, binormal, normal, position2;
	if ( extrudePath ) {

		extrudePts = extrudePath.getSpacedPoints( steps );

		extrudeByPath = true;
		bevelEnabled = false; // bevels not supported for path extrusion

		// SETUP TNB variables

		// TODO1 - have a .isClosed in spline?

		splineTube = options.frames !== undefined ? options.frames : extrudePath.computeFrenetFrames( steps, false );

		// console.log(splineTube, 'splineTube', splineTube.normals.length, 'steps', steps, 'extrudePts', extrudePts.length);

		binormal = new Vector3();
		normal = new Vector3();
		position2 = new Vector3();


	// Safeguards if bevels are not enabled

	if ( ! bevelEnabled ) {

		bevelSegments = 0;
		bevelThickness = 0;
		bevelSize = 0;


	// Variables initialization

	var ahole, h, hl; // looping of holes
	var scope = this;

	var shapePoints = shape.extractPoints( curveSegments );

	var vertices = shapePoints.shape;
	var holes = shapePoints.holes;

	var reverse = ! ShapeUtils.isClockWise( vertices );

	if ( reverse ) {

		vertices = vertices.reverse();

		// Maybe we should also check if holes are in the opposite direction, just to be safe ...

		for ( h = 0, hl = holes.length; h < hl; h ++ ) {

			ahole = holes[ h ];

			if ( ShapeUtils.isClockWise( ahole ) ) {

				holes[ h ] = ahole.reverse();




	var faces = ShapeUtils.triangulateShape( vertices, holes );

	/* Vertices */

	var contour = vertices; // vertices has all points but contour has only points of circumference

	for ( h = 0, hl = holes.length; h < hl; h ++ ) {

		ahole = holes[ h ];

		vertices = vertices.concat( ahole );


	function scalePt2( pt, vec, size ) {

		if ( ! vec ) console.error( "THREE.ExtrudeGeometry: vec does not exist" );

		return vec.clone().multiplyScalar( size ).add( pt );


	var b, bs, t, z,
		vert, vlen = vertices.length,
		face, flen = faces.length;

	// Find directions for point movement

	function getBevelVec( inPt, inPrev, inNext ) {

		// computes for inPt the corresponding point inPt' on a new contour
		//   shifted by 1 unit (length of normalized vector) to the left
		// if we walk along contour clockwise, this new contour is outside the old one
		// inPt' is the intersection of the two lines parallel to the two
		//  adjacent edges of inPt at a distance of 1 unit on the left side.

		var v_trans_x, v_trans_y, shrink_by; // resulting translation vector for inPt

		// good reading for geometry algorithms (here: line-line intersection)
		// http://geomalgorithms.com/a05-_intersect-1.html

		var v_prev_x = inPt.x - inPrev.x,
			v_prev_y = inPt.y - inPrev.y;
		var v_next_x = inNext.x - inPt.x,
			v_next_y = inNext.y - inPt.y;

		var v_prev_lensq = ( v_prev_x * v_prev_x + v_prev_y * v_prev_y );

		// check for collinear edges
		var collinear0 = ( v_prev_x * v_next_y - v_prev_y * v_next_x );

		if ( Math.abs( collinear0 ) > Number.EPSILON ) {

			// not collinear

			// length of vectors for normalizing

			var v_prev_len = Math.sqrt( v_prev_lensq );
			var v_next_len = Math.sqrt( v_next_x * v_next_x + v_next_y * v_next_y );

			// shift adjacent points by unit vectors to the left

			var ptPrevShift_x = ( inPrev.x - v_prev_y / v_prev_len );
			var ptPrevShift_y = ( inPrev.y + v_prev_x / v_prev_len );

			var ptNextShift_x = ( inNext.x - v_next_y / v_next_len );
			var ptNextShift_y = ( inNext.y + v_next_x / v_next_len );

			// scaling factor for v_prev to intersection point

			var sf = ( ( ptNextShift_x - ptPrevShift_x ) * v_next_y -
					( ptNextShift_y - ptPrevShift_y ) * v_next_x ) /
				( v_prev_x * v_next_y - v_prev_y * v_next_x );

			// vector from inPt to intersection point

			v_trans_x = ( ptPrevShift_x + v_prev_x * sf - inPt.x );
			v_trans_y = ( ptPrevShift_y + v_prev_y * sf - inPt.y );

			// Don't normalize!, otherwise sharp corners become ugly
			//  but prevent crazy spikes
			var v_trans_lensq = ( v_trans_x * v_trans_x + v_trans_y * v_trans_y );
			if ( v_trans_lensq <= 2 ) {

				return new Vector2( v_trans_x, v_trans_y );

			} else {

				shrink_by = Math.sqrt( v_trans_lensq / 2 );


		} else {

			// handle special case of collinear edges

			var direction_eq = false; // assumes: opposite
			if ( v_prev_x > Number.EPSILON ) {

				if ( v_next_x > Number.EPSILON ) {

					direction_eq = true;


			} else {

				if ( v_prev_x < - Number.EPSILON ) {

					if ( v_next_x < - Number.EPSILON ) {

						direction_eq = true;


				} else {

					if ( Math.sign( v_prev_y ) === Math.sign( v_next_y ) ) {

						direction_eq = true;




			if ( direction_eq ) {

				// console.log("Warning: lines are a straight sequence");
				v_trans_x = - v_prev_y;
				v_trans_y = v_prev_x;
				shrink_by = Math.sqrt( v_prev_lensq );

			} else {

				// console.log("Warning: lines are a straight spike");
				v_trans_x = v_prev_x;
				v_trans_y = v_prev_y;
				shrink_by = Math.sqrt( v_prev_lensq / 2 );



		return new Vector2( v_trans_x / shrink_by, v_trans_y / shrink_by );


	var contourMovements = [];

	for ( var i = 0, il = contour.length, j = il - 1, k = i + 1; i < il; i ++, j ++, k ++ ) {

		if ( j === il ) j = 0;
		if ( k === il ) k = 0;

		//  (j)---(i)---(k)
		// console.log('i,j,k', i, j , k)

		contourMovements[ i ] = getBevelVec( contour[ i ], contour[ j ], contour[ k ] );


	var holesMovements = [],
		oneHoleMovements, verticesMovements = contourMovements.concat();

	for ( h = 0, hl = holes.length; h < hl; h ++ ) {

		ahole = holes[ h ];

		oneHoleMovements = [];

		for ( i = 0, il = ahole.length, j = il - 1, k = i + 1; i < il; i ++, j ++, k ++ ) {

			if ( j === il ) j = 0;
			if ( k === il ) k = 0;

			//  (j)---(i)---(k)
			oneHoleMovements[ i ] = getBevelVec( ahole[ i ], ahole[ j ], ahole[ k ] );


		holesMovements.push( oneHoleMovements );
		verticesMovements = verticesMovements.concat( oneHoleMovements );


	// Loop bevelSegments, 1 for the front, 1 for the back

	for ( b = 0; b < bevelSegments; b ++ ) {

		//for ( b = bevelSegments; b > 0; b -- ) {

		t = b / bevelSegments;
		z = bevelThickness * Math.cos( t * Math.PI / 2 );
		bs = bevelSize * Math.sin( t * Math.PI / 2 );

		// contract shape

		for ( i = 0, il = contour.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			vert = scalePt2( contour[ i ], contourMovements[ i ], bs );

			v( vert.x, vert.y, - z );


		// expand holes

		for ( h = 0, hl = holes.length; h < hl; h ++ ) {

			ahole = holes[ h ];
			oneHoleMovements = holesMovements[ h ];

			for ( i = 0, il = ahole.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				vert = scalePt2( ahole[ i ], oneHoleMovements[ i ], bs );

				v( vert.x, vert.y, - z );




	bs = bevelSize;

	// Back facing vertices

	for ( i = 0; i < vlen; i ++ ) {

		vert = bevelEnabled ? scalePt2( vertices[ i ], verticesMovements[ i ], bs ) : vertices[ i ];

		if ( ! extrudeByPath ) {

			v( vert.x, vert.y, 0 );

		} else {

			// v( vert.x, vert.y + extrudePts[ 0 ].y, extrudePts[ 0 ].x );

			normal.copy( splineTube.normals[ 0 ] ).multiplyScalar( vert.x );
			binormal.copy( splineTube.binormals[ 0 ] ).multiplyScalar( vert.y );

			position2.copy( extrudePts[ 0 ] ).add( normal ).add( binormal );

			v( position2.x, position2.y, position2.z );



	// Add stepped vertices...
	// Including front facing vertices

	var s;

	for ( s = 1; s <= steps; s ++ ) {

		for ( i = 0; i < vlen; i ++ ) {

			vert = bevelEnabled ? scalePt2( vertices[ i ], verticesMovements[ i ], bs ) : vertices[ i ];

			if ( ! extrudeByPath ) {

				v( vert.x, vert.y, amount / steps * s );

			} else {

				// v( vert.x, vert.y + extrudePts[ s - 1 ].y, extrudePts[ s - 1 ].x );

				normal.copy( splineTube.normals[ s ] ).multiplyScalar( vert.x );
				binormal.copy( splineTube.binormals[ s ] ).multiplyScalar( vert.y );

				position2.copy( extrudePts[ s ] ).add( normal ).add( binormal );

				v( position2.x, position2.y, position2.z );




	// Add bevel segments planes

	//for ( b = 1; b <= bevelSegments; b ++ ) {
	for ( b = bevelSegments - 1; b >= 0; b -- ) {

		t = b / bevelSegments;
		z = bevelThickness * Math.cos( t * Math.PI / 2 );
		bs = bevelSize * Math.sin( t * Math.PI / 2 );

		// contract shape

		for ( i = 0, il = contour.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			vert = scalePt2( contour[ i ], contourMovements[ i ], bs );
			v( vert.x, vert.y, amount + z );


		// expand holes

		for ( h = 0, hl = holes.length; h < hl; h ++ ) {

			ahole = holes[ h ];
			oneHoleMovements = holesMovements[ h ];

			for ( i = 0, il = ahole.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				vert = scalePt2( ahole[ i ], oneHoleMovements[ i ], bs );

				if ( ! extrudeByPath ) {

					v( vert.x, vert.y, amount + z );

				} else {

					v( vert.x, vert.y + extrudePts[ steps - 1 ].y, extrudePts[ steps - 1 ].x + z );





	/* Faces */

	// Top and bottom faces


	// Sides faces


	/////  Internal functions

	function buildLidFaces() {

		var start = verticesArray.length / 3;

		if ( bevelEnabled ) {

			var layer = 0; // steps + 1
			var offset = vlen * layer;

			// Bottom faces

			for ( i = 0; i < flen; i ++ ) {

				face = faces[ i ];
				f3( face[ 2 ] + offset, face[ 1 ] + offset, face[ 0 ] + offset );


			layer = steps + bevelSegments * 2;
			offset = vlen * layer;

			// Top faces

			for ( i = 0; i < flen; i ++ ) {

				face = faces[ i ];
				f3( face[ 0 ] + offset, face[ 1 ] + offset, face[ 2 ] + offset );


		} else {

			// Bottom faces

			for ( i = 0; i < flen; i ++ ) {

				face = faces[ i ];
				f3( face[ 2 ], face[ 1 ], face[ 0 ] );


			// Top faces

			for ( i = 0; i < flen; i ++ ) {

				face = faces[ i ];
				f3( face[ 0 ] + vlen * steps, face[ 1 ] + vlen * steps, face[ 2 ] + vlen * steps );



		scope.addGroup( start, verticesArray.length / 3 - start, options.material !== undefined ? options.material : 0 );


	// Create faces for the z-sides of the shape

	function buildSideFaces() {

		var start = verticesArray.length / 3;
		var layeroffset = 0;
		sidewalls( contour, layeroffset );
		layeroffset += contour.length;

		for ( h = 0, hl = holes.length; h < hl; h ++ ) {

			ahole = holes[ h ];
			sidewalls( ahole, layeroffset );

			//, true
			layeroffset += ahole.length;


		scope.addGroup( start, verticesArray.length / 3 - start, options.extrudeMaterial !== undefined ? options.extrudeMaterial : 1 );


	function sidewalls( contour, layeroffset ) {

		var j, k;
		i = contour.length;

		while ( -- i >= 0 ) {

			j = i;
			k = i - 1;
			if ( k < 0 ) k = contour.length - 1;

			//console.log('b', i,j, i-1, k,vertices.length);

			var s = 0,
				sl = steps + bevelSegments * 2;

			for ( s = 0; s < sl; s ++ ) {

				var slen1 = vlen * s;
				var slen2 = vlen * ( s + 1 );

				var a = layeroffset + j + slen1,
					b = layeroffset + k + slen1,
					c = layeroffset + k + slen2,
					d = layeroffset + j + slen2;

				f4( a, b, c, d );




	function v( x, y, z ) {

		placeholder.push( x );
		placeholder.push( y );
		placeholder.push( z );


	function f3( a, b, c ) {

		addVertex( a );
		addVertex( b );
		addVertex( c );

		var nextIndex = verticesArray.length / 3;
		var uvs = uvgen.generateTopUV( scope, verticesArray, nextIndex - 3, nextIndex - 2, nextIndex - 1 );

		addUV( uvs[ 0 ] );
		addUV( uvs[ 1 ] );
		addUV( uvs[ 2 ] );


	function f4( a, b, c, d ) {

		addVertex( a );
		addVertex( b );
		addVertex( d );

		addVertex( b );
		addVertex( c );
		addVertex( d );

		var nextIndex = verticesArray.length / 3;
		var uvs = uvgen.generateSideWallUV( scope, verticesArray, nextIndex - 6, nextIndex - 3, nextIndex - 2, nextIndex - 1 );

		addUV( uvs[ 0 ] );
		addUV( uvs[ 1 ] );
		addUV( uvs[ 3 ] );

		addUV( uvs[ 1 ] );
		addUV( uvs[ 2 ] );
		addUV( uvs[ 3 ] );


	function addVertex( index ) {

		indicesArray.push( verticesArray.length / 3 );
		verticesArray.push( placeholder[ index * 3 + 0 ] );
		verticesArray.push( placeholder[ index * 3 + 1 ] );
		verticesArray.push( placeholder[ index * 3 + 2 ] );


	function addUV( vector2 ) {

		uvArray.push( vector2.x );
		uvArray.push( vector2.y );


	if ( ! options.arrays ) {

		this.setIndex( indicesArray );
		this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( verticesArray, 3 ) );
		this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvArray, 2 ) );



ExtrudeGeometry.WorldUVGenerator = {

	generateTopUV: function ( geometry, vertices, indexA, indexB, indexC ) {

		var a_x = vertices[ indexA * 3 ];
		var a_y = vertices[ indexA * 3 + 1 ];
		var b_x = vertices[ indexB * 3 ];
		var b_y = vertices[ indexB * 3 + 1 ];
		var c_x = vertices[ indexC * 3 ];
		var c_y = vertices[ indexC * 3 + 1 ];

		return [
			new Vector2( a_x, a_y ),
			new Vector2( b_x, b_y ),
			new Vector2( c_x, c_y )


	generateSideWallUV: function ( geometry, vertices, indexA, indexB, indexC, indexD ) {

		var a_x = vertices[ indexA * 3 ];
		var a_y = vertices[ indexA * 3 + 1 ];
		var a_z = vertices[ indexA * 3 + 2 ];
		var b_x = vertices[ indexB * 3 ];
		var b_y = vertices[ indexB * 3 + 1 ];
		var b_z = vertices[ indexB * 3 + 2 ];
		var c_x = vertices[ indexC * 3 ];
		var c_y = vertices[ indexC * 3 + 1 ];
		var c_z = vertices[ indexC * 3 + 2 ];
		var d_x = vertices[ indexD * 3 ];
		var d_y = vertices[ indexD * 3 + 1 ];
		var d_z = vertices[ indexD * 3 + 2 ];

		if ( Math.abs( a_y - b_y ) < 0.01 ) {

			return [
				new Vector2( a_x, 1 - a_z ),
				new Vector2( b_x, 1 - b_z ),
				new Vector2( c_x, 1 - c_z ),
				new Vector2( d_x, 1 - d_z )

		} else {

			return [
				new Vector2( a_y, 1 - a_z ),
				new Vector2( b_y, 1 - b_z ),
				new Vector2( c_y, 1 - c_z ),
				new Vector2( d_y, 1 - d_z )



 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * Text = 3D Text
 * parameters = {
 *  font: <THREE.Font>, // font
 *  size: <float>, // size of the text
 *  height: <float>, // thickness to extrude text
 *  curveSegments: <int>, // number of points on the curves
 *  bevelEnabled: <bool>, // turn on bevel
 *  bevelThickness: <float>, // how deep into text bevel goes
 *  bevelSize: <float> // how far from text outline is bevel
 * }

// TextGeometry

function TextGeometry( text, parameters ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'TextGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		text: text,
		parameters: parameters

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new TextBufferGeometry( text, parameters ) );


TextGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
TextGeometry.prototype.constructor = TextGeometry;

// TextBufferGeometry

function TextBufferGeometry( text, parameters ) {

	parameters = parameters || {};

	var font = parameters.font;

	if ( ! ( font && font.isFont ) ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.TextGeometry: font parameter is not an instance of THREE.Font.' );
		return new Geometry();


	var shapes = font.generateShapes( text, parameters.size, parameters.curveSegments );

	// translate parameters to ExtrudeGeometry API

	parameters.amount = parameters.height !== undefined ? parameters.height : 50;

	// defaults

	if ( parameters.bevelThickness === undefined ) parameters.bevelThickness = 10;
	if ( parameters.bevelSize === undefined ) parameters.bevelSize = 8;
	if ( parameters.bevelEnabled === undefined ) parameters.bevelEnabled = false;

	ExtrudeBufferGeometry.call( this, shapes, parameters );

	this.type = 'TextBufferGeometry';


TextBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( ExtrudeBufferGeometry.prototype );
TextBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = TextBufferGeometry;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// SphereGeometry

function SphereGeometry( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'SphereGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		widthSegments: widthSegments,
		heightSegments: heightSegments,
		phiStart: phiStart,
		phiLength: phiLength,
		thetaStart: thetaStart,
		thetaLength: thetaLength

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new SphereBufferGeometry( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength ) );


SphereGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
SphereGeometry.prototype.constructor = SphereGeometry;

// SphereBufferGeometry

function SphereBufferGeometry( radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'SphereBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		widthSegments: widthSegments,
		heightSegments: heightSegments,
		phiStart: phiStart,
		phiLength: phiLength,
		thetaStart: thetaStart,
		thetaLength: thetaLength

	radius = radius || 1;

	widthSegments = Math.max( 3, Math.floor( widthSegments ) || 8 );
	heightSegments = Math.max( 2, Math.floor( heightSegments ) || 6 );

	phiStart = phiStart !== undefined ? phiStart : 0;
	phiLength = phiLength !== undefined ? phiLength : Math.PI * 2;

	thetaStart = thetaStart !== undefined ? thetaStart : 0;
	thetaLength = thetaLength !== undefined ? thetaLength : Math.PI;

	var thetaEnd = thetaStart + thetaLength;

	var ix, iy;

	var index = 0;
	var grid = [];

	var vertex = new Vector3();
	var normal = new Vector3();

	// buffers

	var indices = [];
	var vertices = [];
	var normals = [];
	var uvs = [];

	// generate vertices, normals and uvs

	for ( iy = 0; iy <= heightSegments; iy ++ ) {

		var verticesRow = [];

		var v = iy / heightSegments;

		for ( ix = 0; ix <= widthSegments; ix ++ ) {

			var u = ix / widthSegments;

			// vertex

			vertex.x = - radius * Math.cos( phiStart + u * phiLength ) * Math.sin( thetaStart + v * thetaLength );
			vertex.y = radius * Math.cos( thetaStart + v * thetaLength );
			vertex.z = radius * Math.sin( phiStart + u * phiLength ) * Math.sin( thetaStart + v * thetaLength );

			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );

			// normal

			normal.set( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z ).normalize();
			normals.push( normal.x, normal.y, normal.z );

			// uv

			uvs.push( u, 1 - v );

			verticesRow.push( index ++ );


		grid.push( verticesRow );


	// indices

	for ( iy = 0; iy < heightSegments; iy ++ ) {

		for ( ix = 0; ix < widthSegments; ix ++ ) {

			var a = grid[ iy ][ ix + 1 ];
			var b = grid[ iy ][ ix ];
			var c = grid[ iy + 1 ][ ix ];
			var d = grid[ iy + 1 ][ ix + 1 ];

			if ( iy !== 0 || thetaStart > 0 ) indices.push( a, b, d );
			if ( iy !== heightSegments - 1 || thetaEnd < Math.PI ) indices.push( b, c, d );



	// build geometry

	this.setIndex( indices );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );


SphereBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
SphereBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = SphereBufferGeometry;

 * @author Kaleb Murphy
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// RingGeometry

function RingGeometry( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'RingGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		innerRadius: innerRadius,
		outerRadius: outerRadius,
		thetaSegments: thetaSegments,
		phiSegments: phiSegments,
		thetaStart: thetaStart,
		thetaLength: thetaLength

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new RingBufferGeometry( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength ) );


RingGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
RingGeometry.prototype.constructor = RingGeometry;

// RingBufferGeometry

function RingBufferGeometry( innerRadius, outerRadius, thetaSegments, phiSegments, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'RingBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		innerRadius: innerRadius,
		outerRadius: outerRadius,
		thetaSegments: thetaSegments,
		phiSegments: phiSegments,
		thetaStart: thetaStart,
		thetaLength: thetaLength

	innerRadius = innerRadius || 0.5;
	outerRadius = outerRadius || 1;

	thetaStart = thetaStart !== undefined ? thetaStart : 0;
	thetaLength = thetaLength !== undefined ? thetaLength : Math.PI * 2;

	thetaSegments = thetaSegments !== undefined ? Math.max( 3, thetaSegments ) : 8;
	phiSegments = phiSegments !== undefined ? Math.max( 1, phiSegments ) : 1;

	// buffers

	var indices = [];
	var vertices = [];
	var normals = [];
	var uvs = [];

	// some helper variables

	var segment;
	var radius = innerRadius;
	var radiusStep = ( ( outerRadius - innerRadius ) / phiSegments );
	var vertex = new Vector3();
	var uv = new Vector2();
	var j, i;

	// generate vertices, normals and uvs

	for ( j = 0; j <= phiSegments; j ++ ) {

		for ( i = 0; i <= thetaSegments; i ++ ) {

			// values are generate from the inside of the ring to the outside

			segment = thetaStart + i / thetaSegments * thetaLength;

			// vertex

			vertex.x = radius * Math.cos( segment );
			vertex.y = radius * Math.sin( segment );

			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );

			// normal

			normals.push( 0, 0, 1 );

			// uv

			uv.x = ( vertex.x / outerRadius + 1 ) / 2;
			uv.y = ( vertex.y / outerRadius + 1 ) / 2;

			uvs.push( uv.x, uv.y );


		// increase the radius for next row of vertices

		radius += radiusStep;


	// indices

	for ( j = 0; j < phiSegments; j ++ ) {

		var thetaSegmentLevel = j * ( thetaSegments + 1 );

		for ( i = 0; i < thetaSegments; i ++ ) {

			segment = i + thetaSegmentLevel;

			var a = segment;
			var b = segment + thetaSegments + 1;
			var c = segment + thetaSegments + 2;
			var d = segment + 1;

			// faces

			indices.push( a, b, d );
			indices.push( b, c, d );



	// build geometry

	this.setIndex( indices );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );


RingBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
RingBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = RingBufferGeometry;

 * @author astrodud / http://astrodud.isgreat.org/
 * @author zz85 / https://github.com/zz85
 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// LatheGeometry

function LatheGeometry( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'LatheGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		points: points,
		segments: segments,
		phiStart: phiStart,
		phiLength: phiLength

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new LatheBufferGeometry( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength ) );


LatheGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
LatheGeometry.prototype.constructor = LatheGeometry;

// LatheBufferGeometry

function LatheBufferGeometry( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'LatheBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		points: points,
		segments: segments,
		phiStart: phiStart,
		phiLength: phiLength

	segments = Math.floor( segments ) || 12;
	phiStart = phiStart || 0;
	phiLength = phiLength || Math.PI * 2;

	// clamp phiLength so it's in range of [ 0, 2PI ]

	phiLength = _Math.clamp( phiLength, 0, Math.PI * 2 );

	// buffers

	var indices = [];
	var vertices = [];
	var uvs = [];

	// helper variables

	var base;
	var inverseSegments = 1.0 / segments;
	var vertex = new Vector3();
	var uv = new Vector2();
	var i, j;

	// generate vertices and uvs

	for ( i = 0; i <= segments; i ++ ) {

		var phi = phiStart + i * inverseSegments * phiLength;

		var sin = Math.sin( phi );
		var cos = Math.cos( phi );

		for ( j = 0; j <= ( points.length - 1 ); j ++ ) {

			// vertex

			vertex.x = points[ j ].x * sin;
			vertex.y = points[ j ].y;
			vertex.z = points[ j ].x * cos;

			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );

			// uv

			uv.x = i / segments;
			uv.y = j / ( points.length - 1 );

			uvs.push( uv.x, uv.y );



	// indices

	for ( i = 0; i < segments; i ++ ) {

		for ( j = 0; j < ( points.length - 1 ); j ++ ) {

			base = j + i * points.length;

			var a = base;
			var b = base + points.length;
			var c = base + points.length + 1;
			var d = base + 1;

			// faces

			indices.push( a, b, d );
			indices.push( b, c, d );



	// build geometry

	this.setIndex( indices );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );

	// generate normals


	// if the geometry is closed, we need to average the normals along the seam.
	// because the corresponding vertices are identical (but still have different UVs).

	if ( phiLength === Math.PI * 2 ) {

		var normals = this.attributes.normal.array;
		var n1 = new Vector3();
		var n2 = new Vector3();
		var n = new Vector3();

		// this is the buffer offset for the last line of vertices

		base = segments * points.length * 3;

		for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < points.length; i ++, j += 3 ) {

			// select the normal of the vertex in the first line

			n1.x = normals[ j + 0 ];
			n1.y = normals[ j + 1 ];
			n1.z = normals[ j + 2 ];

			// select the normal of the vertex in the last line

			n2.x = normals[ base + j + 0 ];
			n2.y = normals[ base + j + 1 ];
			n2.z = normals[ base + j + 2 ];

			// average normals

			n.addVectors( n1, n2 ).normalize();

			// assign the new values to both normals

			normals[ j + 0 ] = normals[ base + j + 0 ] = n.x;
			normals[ j + 1 ] = normals[ base + j + 1 ] = n.y;
			normals[ j + 2 ] = normals[ base + j + 2 ] = n.z;




LatheBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
LatheBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = LatheBufferGeometry;

 * @author jonobr1 / http://jonobr1.com
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// ShapeGeometry

function ShapeGeometry( shapes, curveSegments ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'ShapeGeometry';

	if ( typeof curveSegments === 'object' ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.ShapeGeometry: Options parameter has been removed.' );

		curveSegments = curveSegments.curveSegments;


	this.parameters = {
		shapes: shapes,
		curveSegments: curveSegments

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new ShapeBufferGeometry( shapes, curveSegments ) );


ShapeGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
ShapeGeometry.prototype.constructor = ShapeGeometry;

ShapeGeometry.prototype.toJSON = function () {

	var data = Geometry.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

	var shapes = this.parameters.shapes;

	return toJSON( shapes, data );


// ShapeBufferGeometry

function ShapeBufferGeometry( shapes, curveSegments ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'ShapeBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		shapes: shapes,
		curveSegments: curveSegments

	curveSegments = curveSegments || 12;

	// buffers

	var indices = [];
	var vertices = [];
	var normals = [];
	var uvs = [];

	// helper variables

	var groupStart = 0;
	var groupCount = 0;

	// allow single and array values for "shapes" parameter

	if ( Array.isArray( shapes ) === false ) {

		addShape( shapes );

	} else {

		for ( var i = 0; i < shapes.length; i ++ ) {

			addShape( shapes[ i ] );

			this.addGroup( groupStart, groupCount, i ); // enables MultiMaterial support

			groupStart += groupCount;
			groupCount = 0;



	// build geometry

	this.setIndex( indices );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );

	// helper functions

	function addShape( shape ) {

		var i, l, shapeHole;

		var indexOffset = vertices.length / 3;
		var points = shape.extractPoints( curveSegments );

		var shapeVertices = points.shape;
		var shapeHoles = points.holes;

		// check direction of vertices

		if ( ShapeUtils.isClockWise( shapeVertices ) === false ) {

			shapeVertices = shapeVertices.reverse();

			// also check if holes are in the opposite direction

			for ( i = 0, l = shapeHoles.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				shapeHole = shapeHoles[ i ];

				if ( ShapeUtils.isClockWise( shapeHole ) === true ) {

					shapeHoles[ i ] = shapeHole.reverse();




		var faces = ShapeUtils.triangulateShape( shapeVertices, shapeHoles );

		// join vertices of inner and outer paths to a single array

		for ( i = 0, l = shapeHoles.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			shapeHole = shapeHoles[ i ];
			shapeVertices = shapeVertices.concat( shapeHole );


		// vertices, normals, uvs

		for ( i = 0, l = shapeVertices.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var vertex = shapeVertices[ i ];

			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, 0 );
			normals.push( 0, 0, 1 );
			uvs.push( vertex.x, vertex.y ); // world uvs


		// incides

		for ( i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var face = faces[ i ];

			var a = face[ 0 ] + indexOffset;
			var b = face[ 1 ] + indexOffset;
			var c = face[ 2 ] + indexOffset;

			indices.push( a, b, c );
			groupCount += 3;




ShapeBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
ShapeBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = ShapeBufferGeometry;

ShapeBufferGeometry.prototype.toJSON = function () {

	var data = BufferGeometry.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

	var shapes = this.parameters.shapes;

	return toJSON( shapes, data );



function toJSON( shapes, data ) {

	data.shapes = [];

	if ( Array.isArray( shapes ) ) {

		for ( var i = 0, l = shapes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var shape = shapes[ i ];

			data.shapes.push( shape.uuid );


	} else {

		data.shapes.push( shapes.uuid );


	return data;


 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

function EdgesGeometry( geometry, thresholdAngle ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'EdgesGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		thresholdAngle: thresholdAngle

	thresholdAngle = ( thresholdAngle !== undefined ) ? thresholdAngle : 1;

	// buffer

	var vertices = [];

	// helper variables

	var thresholdDot = Math.cos( _Math.DEG2RAD * thresholdAngle );
	var edge = [ 0, 0 ], edges = {}, edge1, edge2;
	var key, keys = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ];

	// prepare source geometry

	var geometry2;

	if ( geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

		geometry2 = new Geometry();
		geometry2.fromBufferGeometry( geometry );

	} else {

		geometry2 = geometry.clone();



	var sourceVertices = geometry2.vertices;
	var faces = geometry2.faces;

	// now create a data structure where each entry represents an edge with its adjoining faces

	for ( var i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

		var face = faces[ i ];

		for ( var j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) {

			edge1 = face[ keys[ j ] ];
			edge2 = face[ keys[ ( j + 1 ) % 3 ] ];
			edge[ 0 ] = Math.min( edge1, edge2 );
			edge[ 1 ] = Math.max( edge1, edge2 );

			key = edge[ 0 ] + ',' + edge[ 1 ];

			if ( edges[ key ] === undefined ) {

				edges[ key ] = { index1: edge[ 0 ], index2: edge[ 1 ], face1: i, face2: undefined };

			} else {

				edges[ key ].face2 = i;




	// generate vertices

	for ( key in edges ) {

		var e = edges[ key ];

		// an edge is only rendered if the angle (in degrees) between the face normals of the adjoining faces exceeds this value. default = 1 degree.

		if ( e.face2 === undefined || faces[ e.face1 ].normal.dot( faces[ e.face2 ].normal ) <= thresholdDot ) {

			var vertex = sourceVertices[ e.index1 ];
			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );

			vertex = sourceVertices[ e.index2 ];
			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );



	// build geometry

	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );


EdgesGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
EdgesGeometry.prototype.constructor = EdgesGeometry;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

// CylinderGeometry

function CylinderGeometry( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'CylinderGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radiusTop: radiusTop,
		radiusBottom: radiusBottom,
		height: height,
		radialSegments: radialSegments,
		heightSegments: heightSegments,
		openEnded: openEnded,
		thetaStart: thetaStart,
		thetaLength: thetaLength

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new CylinderBufferGeometry( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength ) );


CylinderGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
CylinderGeometry.prototype.constructor = CylinderGeometry;

// CylinderBufferGeometry

function CylinderBufferGeometry( radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'CylinderBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radiusTop: radiusTop,
		radiusBottom: radiusBottom,
		height: height,
		radialSegments: radialSegments,
		heightSegments: heightSegments,
		openEnded: openEnded,
		thetaStart: thetaStart,
		thetaLength: thetaLength

	var scope = this;

	radiusTop = radiusTop !== undefined ? radiusTop : 1;
	radiusBottom = radiusBottom !== undefined ? radiusBottom : 1;
	height = height || 1;

	radialSegments = Math.floor( radialSegments ) || 8;
	heightSegments = Math.floor( heightSegments ) || 1;

	openEnded = openEnded !== undefined ? openEnded : false;
	thetaStart = thetaStart !== undefined ? thetaStart : 0.0;
	thetaLength = thetaLength !== undefined ? thetaLength : Math.PI * 2;

	// buffers

	var indices = [];
	var vertices = [];
	var normals = [];
	var uvs = [];

	// helper variables

	var index = 0;
	var indexArray = [];
	var halfHeight = height / 2;
	var groupStart = 0;

	// generate geometry


	if ( openEnded === false ) {

		if ( radiusTop > 0 ) generateCap( true );
		if ( radiusBottom > 0 ) generateCap( false );


	// build geometry

	this.setIndex( indices );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );

	function generateTorso() {

		var x, y;
		var normal = new Vector3();
		var vertex = new Vector3();

		var groupCount = 0;

		// this will be used to calculate the normal
		var slope = ( radiusBottom - radiusTop ) / height;

		// generate vertices, normals and uvs

		for ( y = 0; y <= heightSegments; y ++ ) {

			var indexRow = [];

			var v = y / heightSegments;

			// calculate the radius of the current row

			var radius = v * ( radiusBottom - radiusTop ) + radiusTop;

			for ( x = 0; x <= radialSegments; x ++ ) {

				var u = x / radialSegments;

				var theta = u * thetaLength + thetaStart;

				var sinTheta = Math.sin( theta );
				var cosTheta = Math.cos( theta );

				// vertex

				vertex.x = radius * sinTheta;
				vertex.y = - v * height + halfHeight;
				vertex.z = radius * cosTheta;
				vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );

				// normal

				normal.set( sinTheta, slope, cosTheta ).normalize();
				normals.push( normal.x, normal.y, normal.z );

				// uv

				uvs.push( u, 1 - v );

				// save index of vertex in respective row

				indexRow.push( index ++ );


			// now save vertices of the row in our index array

			indexArray.push( indexRow );


		// generate indices

		for ( x = 0; x < radialSegments; x ++ ) {

			for ( y = 0; y < heightSegments; y ++ ) {

				// we use the index array to access the correct indices

				var a = indexArray[ y ][ x ];
				var b = indexArray[ y + 1 ][ x ];
				var c = indexArray[ y + 1 ][ x + 1 ];
				var d = indexArray[ y ][ x + 1 ];

				// faces

				indices.push( a, b, d );
				indices.push( b, c, d );

				// update group counter

				groupCount += 6;



		// add a group to the geometry. this will ensure multi material support

		scope.addGroup( groupStart, groupCount, 0 );

		// calculate new start value for groups

		groupStart += groupCount;


	function generateCap( top ) {

		var x, centerIndexStart, centerIndexEnd;

		var uv = new Vector2();
		var vertex = new Vector3();

		var groupCount = 0;

		var radius = ( top === true ) ? radiusTop : radiusBottom;
		var sign = ( top === true ) ? 1 : - 1;

		// save the index of the first center vertex
		centerIndexStart = index;

		// first we generate the center vertex data of the cap.
		// because the geometry needs one set of uvs per face,
		// we must generate a center vertex per face/segment

		for ( x = 1; x <= radialSegments; x ++ ) {

			// vertex

			vertices.push( 0, halfHeight * sign, 0 );

			// normal

			normals.push( 0, sign, 0 );

			// uv

			uvs.push( 0.5, 0.5 );

			// increase index

			index ++;


		// save the index of the last center vertex

		centerIndexEnd = index;

		// now we generate the surrounding vertices, normals and uvs

		for ( x = 0; x <= radialSegments; x ++ ) {

			var u = x / radialSegments;
			var theta = u * thetaLength + thetaStart;

			var cosTheta = Math.cos( theta );
			var sinTheta = Math.sin( theta );

			// vertex

			vertex.x = radius * sinTheta;
			vertex.y = halfHeight * sign;
			vertex.z = radius * cosTheta;
			vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );

			// normal

			normals.push( 0, sign, 0 );

			// uv

			uv.x = ( cosTheta * 0.5 ) + 0.5;
			uv.y = ( sinTheta * 0.5 * sign ) + 0.5;
			uvs.push( uv.x, uv.y );

			// increase index

			index ++;


		// generate indices

		for ( x = 0; x < radialSegments; x ++ ) {

			var c = centerIndexStart + x;
			var i = centerIndexEnd + x;

			if ( top === true ) {

				// face top

				indices.push( i, i + 1, c );

			} else {

				// face bottom

				indices.push( i + 1, i, c );


			groupCount += 3;


		// add a group to the geometry. this will ensure multi material support

		scope.addGroup( groupStart, groupCount, top === true ? 1 : 2 );

		// calculate new start value for groups

		groupStart += groupCount;



CylinderBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
CylinderBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = CylinderBufferGeometry;

 * @author abelnation / http://github.com/abelnation

// ConeGeometry

function ConeGeometry( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {

	CylinderGeometry.call( this, 0, radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength );

	this.type = 'ConeGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		height: height,
		radialSegments: radialSegments,
		heightSegments: heightSegments,
		openEnded: openEnded,
		thetaStart: thetaStart,
		thetaLength: thetaLength


ConeGeometry.prototype = Object.create( CylinderGeometry.prototype );
ConeGeometry.prototype.constructor = ConeGeometry;

// ConeBufferGeometry

function ConeBufferGeometry( radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {

	CylinderBufferGeometry.call( this, 0, radius, height, radialSegments, heightSegments, openEnded, thetaStart, thetaLength );

	this.type = 'ConeBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		height: height,
		radialSegments: radialSegments,
		heightSegments: heightSegments,
		openEnded: openEnded,
		thetaStart: thetaStart,
		thetaLength: thetaLength


ConeBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( CylinderBufferGeometry.prototype );
ConeBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = ConeBufferGeometry;

 * @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87
 * @author hughes

// CircleGeometry

function CircleGeometry( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {

	Geometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'CircleGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		segments: segments,
		thetaStart: thetaStart,
		thetaLength: thetaLength

	this.fromBufferGeometry( new CircleBufferGeometry( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength ) );


CircleGeometry.prototype = Object.create( Geometry.prototype );
CircleGeometry.prototype.constructor = CircleGeometry;

// CircleBufferGeometry

function CircleBufferGeometry( radius, segments, thetaStart, thetaLength ) {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'CircleBufferGeometry';

	this.parameters = {
		radius: radius,
		segments: segments,
		thetaStart: thetaStart,
		thetaLength: thetaLength

	radius = radius || 1;
	segments = segments !== undefined ? Math.max( 3, segments ) : 8;

	thetaStart = thetaStart !== undefined ? thetaStart : 0;
	thetaLength = thetaLength !== undefined ? thetaLength : Math.PI * 2;

	// buffers

	var indices = [];
	var vertices = [];
	var normals = [];
	var uvs = [];

	// helper variables

	var i, s;
	var vertex = new Vector3();
	var uv = new Vector2();

	// center point

	vertices.push( 0, 0, 0 );
	normals.push( 0, 0, 1 );
	uvs.push( 0.5, 0.5 );

	for ( s = 0, i = 3; s <= segments; s ++, i += 3 ) {

		var segment = thetaStart + s / segments * thetaLength;

		// vertex

		vertex.x = radius * Math.cos( segment );
		vertex.y = radius * Math.sin( segment );

		vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );

		// normal

		normals.push( 0, 0, 1 );

		// uvs

		uv.x = ( vertices[ i ] / radius + 1 ) / 2;
		uv.y = ( vertices[ i + 1 ] / radius + 1 ) / 2;

		uvs.push( uv.x, uv.y );


	// indices

	for ( i = 1; i <= segments; i ++ ) {

		indices.push( i, i + 1, 0 );


	// build geometry

	this.setIndex( indices );
	this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
	this.addAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );


CircleBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype );
CircleBufferGeometry.prototype.constructor = CircleBufferGeometry;

var Geometries = Object.freeze({
	WireframeGeometry: WireframeGeometry,
	ParametricGeometry: ParametricGeometry,
	ParametricBufferGeometry: ParametricBufferGeometry,
	TetrahedronGeometry: TetrahedronGeometry,
	TetrahedronBufferGeometry: TetrahedronBufferGeometry,
	OctahedronGeometry: OctahedronGeometry,
	OctahedronBufferGeometry: OctahedronBufferGeometry,
	IcosahedronGeometry: IcosahedronGeometry,
	IcosahedronBufferGeometry: IcosahedronBufferGeometry,
	DodecahedronGeometry: DodecahedronGeometry,
	DodecahedronBufferGeometry: DodecahedronBufferGeometry,
	PolyhedronGeometry: PolyhedronGeometry,
	PolyhedronBufferGeometry: PolyhedronBufferGeometry,
	TubeGeometry: TubeGeometry,
	TubeBufferGeometry: TubeBufferGeometry,
	TorusKnotGeometry: TorusKnotGeometry,
	TorusKnotBufferGeometry: TorusKnotBufferGeometry,
	TorusGeometry: TorusGeometry,
	TorusBufferGeometry: TorusBufferGeometry,
	TextGeometry: TextGeometry,
	TextBufferGeometry: TextBufferGeometry,
	SphereGeometry: SphereGeometry,
	SphereBufferGeometry: SphereBufferGeometry,
	RingGeometry: RingGeometry,
	RingBufferGeometry: RingBufferGeometry,
	PlaneGeometry: PlaneGeometry,
	PlaneBufferGeometry: PlaneBufferGeometry,
	LatheGeometry: LatheGeometry,
	LatheBufferGeometry: LatheBufferGeometry,
	ShapeGeometry: ShapeGeometry,
	ShapeBufferGeometry: ShapeBufferGeometry,
	ExtrudeGeometry: ExtrudeGeometry,
	ExtrudeBufferGeometry: ExtrudeBufferGeometry,
	EdgesGeometry: EdgesGeometry,
	ConeGeometry: ConeGeometry,
	ConeBufferGeometry: ConeBufferGeometry,
	CylinderGeometry: CylinderGeometry,
	CylinderBufferGeometry: CylinderBufferGeometry,
	CircleGeometry: CircleGeometry,
	CircleBufferGeometry: CircleBufferGeometry,
	BoxGeometry: BoxGeometry,
	BoxBufferGeometry: BoxBufferGeometry

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * parameters = {
 *  color: <THREE.Color>,
 *  opacity: <float>
 * }

function ShadowMaterial( parameters ) {

	Material.call( this );

	this.type = 'ShadowMaterial';

	this.color = new Color( 0x000000 );
	this.opacity = 1.0;

	this.lights = true;
	this.transparent = true;

	this.setValues( parameters );


ShadowMaterial.prototype = Object.create( Material.prototype );
ShadowMaterial.prototype.constructor = ShadowMaterial;

ShadowMaterial.prototype.isShadowMaterial = true;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function RawShaderMaterial( parameters ) {

	ShaderMaterial.call( this, parameters );

	this.type = 'RawShaderMaterial';


RawShaderMaterial.prototype = Object.create( ShaderMaterial.prototype );
RawShaderMaterial.prototype.constructor = RawShaderMaterial;

RawShaderMaterial.prototype.isRawShaderMaterial = true;

 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * parameters = {
 *  color: <hex>,
 *  roughness: <float>,
 *  metalness: <float>,
 *  opacity: <float>,
 *  map: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  lightMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  lightMapIntensity: <float>
 *  aoMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  aoMapIntensity: <float>
 *  emissive: <hex>,
 *  emissiveIntensity: <float>
 *  emissiveMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  bumpMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  bumpScale: <float>,
 *  normalMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  normalScale: <Vector2>,
 *  displacementMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  displacementScale: <float>,
 *  displacementBias: <float>,
 *  roughnessMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  metalnessMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  alphaMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  envMap: new THREE.CubeTexture( [posx, negx, posy, negy, posz, negz] ),
 *  envMapIntensity: <float>
 *  refractionRatio: <float>,
 *  wireframe: <boolean>,
 *  wireframeLinewidth: <float>,
 *  skinning: <bool>,
 *  morphTargets: <bool>,
 *  morphNormals: <bool>
 * }

function MeshStandardMaterial( parameters ) {

	Material.call( this );

	this.defines = { 'STANDARD': '' };

	this.type = 'MeshStandardMaterial';

	this.color = new Color( 0xffffff ); // diffuse
	this.roughness = 0.5;
	this.metalness = 0.5;

	this.map = null;

	this.lightMap = null;
	this.lightMapIntensity = 1.0;

	this.aoMap = null;
	this.aoMapIntensity = 1.0;

	this.emissive = new Color( 0x000000 );
	this.emissiveIntensity = 1.0;
	this.emissiveMap = null;

	this.bumpMap = null;
	this.bumpScale = 1;

	this.normalMap = null;
	this.normalScale = new Vector2( 1, 1 );

	this.displacementMap = null;
	this.displacementScale = 1;
	this.displacementBias = 0;

	this.roughnessMap = null;

	this.metalnessMap = null;

	this.alphaMap = null;

	this.envMap = null;
	this.envMapIntensity = 1.0;

	this.refractionRatio = 0.98;

	this.wireframe = false;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;
	this.wireframeLinecap = 'round';
	this.wireframeLinejoin = 'round';

	this.skinning = false;
	this.morphTargets = false;
	this.morphNormals = false;

	this.setValues( parameters );


MeshStandardMaterial.prototype = Object.create( Material.prototype );
MeshStandardMaterial.prototype.constructor = MeshStandardMaterial;

MeshStandardMaterial.prototype.isMeshStandardMaterial = true;

MeshStandardMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.defines = { 'STANDARD': '' };

	this.color.copy( source.color );
	this.roughness = source.roughness;
	this.metalness = source.metalness;

	this.map = source.map;

	this.lightMap = source.lightMap;
	this.lightMapIntensity = source.lightMapIntensity;

	this.aoMap = source.aoMap;
	this.aoMapIntensity = source.aoMapIntensity;

	this.emissive.copy( source.emissive );
	this.emissiveMap = source.emissiveMap;
	this.emissiveIntensity = source.emissiveIntensity;

	this.bumpMap = source.bumpMap;
	this.bumpScale = source.bumpScale;

	this.normalMap = source.normalMap;
	this.normalScale.copy( source.normalScale );

	this.displacementMap = source.displacementMap;
	this.displacementScale = source.displacementScale;
	this.displacementBias = source.displacementBias;

	this.roughnessMap = source.roughnessMap;

	this.metalnessMap = source.metalnessMap;

	this.alphaMap = source.alphaMap;

	this.envMap = source.envMap;
	this.envMapIntensity = source.envMapIntensity;

	this.refractionRatio = source.refractionRatio;

	this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;
	this.wireframeLinecap = source.wireframeLinecap;
	this.wireframeLinejoin = source.wireframeLinejoin;

	this.skinning = source.skinning;
	this.morphTargets = source.morphTargets;
	this.morphNormals = source.morphNormals;

	return this;


 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * parameters = {
 *  reflectivity: <float>
 * }

function MeshPhysicalMaterial( parameters ) {

	MeshStandardMaterial.call( this );

	this.defines = { 'PHYSICAL': '' };

	this.type = 'MeshPhysicalMaterial';

	this.reflectivity = 0.5; // maps to F0 = 0.04

	this.clearCoat = 0.0;
	this.clearCoatRoughness = 0.0;

	this.setValues( parameters );


MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype = Object.create( MeshStandardMaterial.prototype );
MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype.constructor = MeshPhysicalMaterial;

MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype.isMeshPhysicalMaterial = true;

MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	MeshStandardMaterial.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.defines = { 'PHYSICAL': '' };

	this.reflectivity = source.reflectivity;

	this.clearCoat = source.clearCoat;
	this.clearCoatRoughness = source.clearCoatRoughness;

	return this;


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * parameters = {
 *  color: <hex>,
 *  specular: <hex>,
 *  shininess: <float>,
 *  opacity: <float>,
 *  map: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  lightMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  lightMapIntensity: <float>
 *  aoMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  aoMapIntensity: <float>
 *  emissive: <hex>,
 *  emissiveIntensity: <float>
 *  emissiveMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  bumpMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  bumpScale: <float>,
 *  normalMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  normalScale: <Vector2>,
 *  displacementMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  displacementScale: <float>,
 *  displacementBias: <float>,
 *  specularMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  alphaMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  envMap: new THREE.TextureCube( [posx, negx, posy, negy, posz, negz] ),
 *  combine: THREE.Multiply,
 *  reflectivity: <float>,
 *  refractionRatio: <float>,
 *  wireframe: <boolean>,
 *  wireframeLinewidth: <float>,
 *  skinning: <bool>,
 *  morphTargets: <bool>,
 *  morphNormals: <bool>
 * }

function MeshPhongMaterial( parameters ) {

	Material.call( this );

	this.type = 'MeshPhongMaterial';

	this.color = new Color( 0xffffff ); // diffuse
	this.specular = new Color( 0x111111 );
	this.shininess = 30;

	this.map = null;

	this.lightMap = null;
	this.lightMapIntensity = 1.0;

	this.aoMap = null;
	this.aoMapIntensity = 1.0;

	this.emissive = new Color( 0x000000 );
	this.emissiveIntensity = 1.0;
	this.emissiveMap = null;

	this.bumpMap = null;
	this.bumpScale = 1;

	this.normalMap = null;
	this.normalScale = new Vector2( 1, 1 );

	this.displacementMap = null;
	this.displacementScale = 1;
	this.displacementBias = 0;

	this.specularMap = null;

	this.alphaMap = null;

	this.envMap = null;
	this.combine = MultiplyOperation;
	this.reflectivity = 1;
	this.refractionRatio = 0.98;

	this.wireframe = false;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;
	this.wireframeLinecap = 'round';
	this.wireframeLinejoin = 'round';

	this.skinning = false;
	this.morphTargets = false;
	this.morphNormals = false;

	this.setValues( parameters );


MeshPhongMaterial.prototype = Object.create( Material.prototype );
MeshPhongMaterial.prototype.constructor = MeshPhongMaterial;

MeshPhongMaterial.prototype.isMeshPhongMaterial = true;

MeshPhongMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.color.copy( source.color );
	this.specular.copy( source.specular );
	this.shininess = source.shininess;

	this.map = source.map;

	this.lightMap = source.lightMap;
	this.lightMapIntensity = source.lightMapIntensity;

	this.aoMap = source.aoMap;
	this.aoMapIntensity = source.aoMapIntensity;

	this.emissive.copy( source.emissive );
	this.emissiveMap = source.emissiveMap;
	this.emissiveIntensity = source.emissiveIntensity;

	this.bumpMap = source.bumpMap;
	this.bumpScale = source.bumpScale;

	this.normalMap = source.normalMap;
	this.normalScale.copy( source.normalScale );

	this.displacementMap = source.displacementMap;
	this.displacementScale = source.displacementScale;
	this.displacementBias = source.displacementBias;

	this.specularMap = source.specularMap;

	this.alphaMap = source.alphaMap;

	this.envMap = source.envMap;
	this.combine = source.combine;
	this.reflectivity = source.reflectivity;
	this.refractionRatio = source.refractionRatio;

	this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;
	this.wireframeLinecap = source.wireframeLinecap;
	this.wireframeLinejoin = source.wireframeLinejoin;

	this.skinning = source.skinning;
	this.morphTargets = source.morphTargets;
	this.morphNormals = source.morphNormals;

	return this;


 * @author takahirox / http://github.com/takahirox
 * parameters = {
 *  gradientMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> )
 * }

function MeshToonMaterial( parameters ) {

	MeshPhongMaterial.call( this );

	this.defines = { 'TOON': '' };

	this.type = 'MeshToonMaterial';

	this.gradientMap = null;

	this.setValues( parameters );


MeshToonMaterial.prototype = Object.create( MeshPhongMaterial.prototype );
MeshToonMaterial.prototype.constructor = MeshToonMaterial;

MeshToonMaterial.prototype.isMeshToonMaterial = true;

MeshToonMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	MeshPhongMaterial.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.gradientMap = source.gradientMap;

	return this;


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * parameters = {
 *  opacity: <float>,
 *  bumpMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  bumpScale: <float>,
 *  normalMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  normalScale: <Vector2>,
 *  displacementMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  displacementScale: <float>,
 *  displacementBias: <float>,
 *  wireframe: <boolean>,
 *  wireframeLinewidth: <float>
 *  skinning: <bool>,
 *  morphTargets: <bool>,
 *  morphNormals: <bool>
 * }

function MeshNormalMaterial( parameters ) {

	Material.call( this );

	this.type = 'MeshNormalMaterial';

	this.bumpMap = null;
	this.bumpScale = 1;

	this.normalMap = null;
	this.normalScale = new Vector2( 1, 1 );

	this.displacementMap = null;
	this.displacementScale = 1;
	this.displacementBias = 0;

	this.wireframe = false;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;

	this.fog = false;
	this.lights = false;

	this.skinning = false;
	this.morphTargets = false;
	this.morphNormals = false;

	this.setValues( parameters );


MeshNormalMaterial.prototype = Object.create( Material.prototype );
MeshNormalMaterial.prototype.constructor = MeshNormalMaterial;

MeshNormalMaterial.prototype.isMeshNormalMaterial = true;

MeshNormalMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.bumpMap = source.bumpMap;
	this.bumpScale = source.bumpScale;

	this.normalMap = source.normalMap;
	this.normalScale.copy( source.normalScale );

	this.displacementMap = source.displacementMap;
	this.displacementScale = source.displacementScale;
	this.displacementBias = source.displacementBias;

	this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;

	this.skinning = source.skinning;
	this.morphTargets = source.morphTargets;
	this.morphNormals = source.morphNormals;

	return this;


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * parameters = {
 *  color: <hex>,
 *  opacity: <float>,
 *  map: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  lightMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  lightMapIntensity: <float>
 *  aoMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  aoMapIntensity: <float>
 *  emissive: <hex>,
 *  emissiveIntensity: <float>
 *  emissiveMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  specularMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  alphaMap: new THREE.Texture( <Image> ),
 *  envMap: new THREE.TextureCube( [posx, negx, posy, negy, posz, negz] ),
 *  combine: THREE.Multiply,
 *  reflectivity: <float>,
 *  refractionRatio: <float>,
 *  wireframe: <boolean>,
 *  wireframeLinewidth: <float>,
 *  skinning: <bool>,
 *  morphTargets: <bool>,
 *  morphNormals: <bool>
 * }

function MeshLambertMaterial( parameters ) {

	Material.call( this );

	this.type = 'MeshLambertMaterial';

	this.color = new Color( 0xffffff ); // diffuse

	this.map = null;

	this.lightMap = null;
	this.lightMapIntensity = 1.0;

	this.aoMap = null;
	this.aoMapIntensity = 1.0;

	this.emissive = new Color( 0x000000 );
	this.emissiveIntensity = 1.0;
	this.emissiveMap = null;

	this.specularMap = null;

	this.alphaMap = null;

	this.envMap = null;
	this.combine = MultiplyOperation;
	this.reflectivity = 1;
	this.refractionRatio = 0.98;

	this.wireframe = false;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = 1;
	this.wireframeLinecap = 'round';
	this.wireframeLinejoin = 'round';

	this.skinning = false;
	this.morphTargets = false;
	this.morphNormals = false;

	this.setValues( parameters );


MeshLambertMaterial.prototype = Object.create( Material.prototype );
MeshLambertMaterial.prototype.constructor = MeshLambertMaterial;

MeshLambertMaterial.prototype.isMeshLambertMaterial = true;

MeshLambertMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Material.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.color.copy( source.color );

	this.map = source.map;

	this.lightMap = source.lightMap;
	this.lightMapIntensity = source.lightMapIntensity;

	this.aoMap = source.aoMap;
	this.aoMapIntensity = source.aoMapIntensity;

	this.emissive.copy( source.emissive );
	this.emissiveMap = source.emissiveMap;
	this.emissiveIntensity = source.emissiveIntensity;

	this.specularMap = source.specularMap;

	this.alphaMap = source.alphaMap;

	this.envMap = source.envMap;
	this.combine = source.combine;
	this.reflectivity = source.reflectivity;
	this.refractionRatio = source.refractionRatio;

	this.wireframe = source.wireframe;
	this.wireframeLinewidth = source.wireframeLinewidth;
	this.wireframeLinecap = source.wireframeLinecap;
	this.wireframeLinejoin = source.wireframeLinejoin;

	this.skinning = source.skinning;
	this.morphTargets = source.morphTargets;
	this.morphNormals = source.morphNormals;

	return this;


 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * parameters = {
 *  color: <hex>,
 *  opacity: <float>,
 *  linewidth: <float>,
 *  scale: <float>,
 *  dashSize: <float>,
 *  gapSize: <float>
 * }

function LineDashedMaterial( parameters ) {

	LineBasicMaterial.call( this );

	this.type = 'LineDashedMaterial';

	this.scale = 1;
	this.dashSize = 3;
	this.gapSize = 1;

	this.setValues( parameters );


LineDashedMaterial.prototype = Object.create( LineBasicMaterial.prototype );
LineDashedMaterial.prototype.constructor = LineDashedMaterial;

LineDashedMaterial.prototype.isLineDashedMaterial = true;

LineDashedMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	LineBasicMaterial.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.scale = source.scale;
	this.dashSize = source.dashSize;
	this.gapSize = source.gapSize;

	return this;


var Materials = Object.freeze({
	ShadowMaterial: ShadowMaterial,
	SpriteMaterial: SpriteMaterial,
	RawShaderMaterial: RawShaderMaterial,
	ShaderMaterial: ShaderMaterial,
	PointsMaterial: PointsMaterial,
	MeshPhysicalMaterial: MeshPhysicalMaterial,
	MeshStandardMaterial: MeshStandardMaterial,
	MeshPhongMaterial: MeshPhongMaterial,
	MeshToonMaterial: MeshToonMaterial,
	MeshNormalMaterial: MeshNormalMaterial,
	MeshLambertMaterial: MeshLambertMaterial,
	MeshDepthMaterial: MeshDepthMaterial,
	MeshDistanceMaterial: MeshDistanceMaterial,
	MeshBasicMaterial: MeshBasicMaterial,
	LineDashedMaterial: LineDashedMaterial,
	LineBasicMaterial: LineBasicMaterial,
	Material: Material

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

var Cache = {

	enabled: false,

	files: {},

	add: function ( key, file ) {

		if ( this.enabled === false ) return;

		// console.log( 'THREE.Cache', 'Adding key:', key );

		this.files[ key ] = file;


	get: function ( key ) {

		if ( this.enabled === false ) return;

		// console.log( 'THREE.Cache', 'Checking key:', key );

		return this.files[ key ];


	remove: function ( key ) {

		delete this.files[ key ];


	clear: function () {

		this.files = {};



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function LoadingManager( onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

	var scope = this;

	var isLoading = false;
	var itemsLoaded = 0;
	var itemsTotal = 0;
	var urlModifier = undefined;

	this.onStart = undefined;
	this.onLoad = onLoad;
	this.onProgress = onProgress;
	this.onError = onError;

	this.itemStart = function ( url ) {

		itemsTotal ++;

		if ( isLoading === false ) {

			if ( scope.onStart !== undefined ) {

				scope.onStart( url, itemsLoaded, itemsTotal );



		isLoading = true;


	this.itemEnd = function ( url ) {

		itemsLoaded ++;

		if ( scope.onProgress !== undefined ) {

			scope.onProgress( url, itemsLoaded, itemsTotal );


		if ( itemsLoaded === itemsTotal ) {

			isLoading = false;

			if ( scope.onLoad !== undefined ) {





	this.itemError = function ( url ) {

		if ( scope.onError !== undefined ) {

			scope.onError( url );



	this.resolveURL = function ( url ) {

		if ( urlModifier ) {

			return urlModifier( url );


		return url;


	this.setURLModifier = function ( transform ) {

		urlModifier = transform;
		return this;



var DefaultLoadingManager = new LoadingManager();

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

var loading = {};

function FileLoader( manager ) {

	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;


Object.assign( FileLoader.prototype, {

	load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		if ( url === undefined ) url = '';

		if ( this.path !== undefined ) url = this.path + url;

		url = this.manager.resolveURL( url );

		var scope = this;

		var cached = Cache.get( url );

		if ( cached !== undefined ) {

			scope.manager.itemStart( url );

			setTimeout( function () {

				if ( onLoad ) onLoad( cached );

				scope.manager.itemEnd( url );

			}, 0 );

			return cached;


		// Check if request is duplicate

		if ( loading[ url ] !== undefined ) {

			loading[ url ].push( {

				onLoad: onLoad,
				onProgress: onProgress,
				onError: onError

			} );



		// Check for data: URI
		var dataUriRegex = /^data:(.*?)(;base64)?,(.*)$/;
		var dataUriRegexResult = url.match( dataUriRegex );

		// Safari can not handle Data URIs through XMLHttpRequest so process manually
		if ( dataUriRegexResult ) {

			var mimeType = dataUriRegexResult[ 1 ];
			var isBase64 = !! dataUriRegexResult[ 2 ];
			var data = dataUriRegexResult[ 3 ];

			data = window.decodeURIComponent( data );

			if ( isBase64 ) data = window.atob( data );

			try {

				var response;
				var responseType = ( this.responseType || '' ).toLowerCase();

				switch ( responseType ) {

					case 'arraybuffer':
					case 'blob':

						var view = new Uint8Array( data.length );

						for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i ++ ) {

							view[ i ] = data.charCodeAt( i );


						if ( responseType === 'blob' ) {

							response = new Blob( [ view.buffer ], { type: mimeType } );

						} else {

							response = view.buffer;



					case 'document':

						var parser = new DOMParser();
						response = parser.parseFromString( data, mimeType );


					case 'json':

						response = JSON.parse( data );


					default: // 'text' or other

						response = data;



				// Wait for next browser tick like standard XMLHttpRequest event dispatching does
				window.setTimeout( function () {

					if ( onLoad ) onLoad( response );

					scope.manager.itemEnd( url );

				}, 0 );

			} catch ( error ) {

				// Wait for next browser tick like standard XMLHttpRequest event dispatching does
				window.setTimeout( function () {

					if ( onError ) onError( error );

					scope.manager.itemEnd( url );
					scope.manager.itemError( url );

				}, 0 );


		} else {

			// Initialise array for duplicate requests

			loading[ url ] = [];

			loading[ url ].push( {

				onLoad: onLoad,
				onProgress: onProgress,
				onError: onError

			} );

			var request = new XMLHttpRequest();

			request.open( 'GET', url, true );

			request.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) {

				var response = this.response;

				Cache.add( url, response );

				var callbacks = loading[ url ];

				delete loading[ url ];

				if ( this.status === 200 ) {

					for ( var i = 0, il = callbacks.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

						var callback = callbacks[ i ];
						if ( callback.onLoad ) callback.onLoad( response );


					scope.manager.itemEnd( url );

				} else if ( this.status === 0 ) {

					// Some browsers return HTTP Status 0 when using non-http protocol
					// e.g. 'file://' or 'data://'. Handle as success.

					console.warn( 'THREE.FileLoader: HTTP Status 0 received.' );

					for ( var i = 0, il = callbacks.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

						var callback = callbacks[ i ];
						if ( callback.onLoad ) callback.onLoad( response );


					scope.manager.itemEnd( url );

				} else {

					for ( var i = 0, il = callbacks.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

						var callback = callbacks[ i ];
						if ( callback.onError ) callback.onError( event );


					scope.manager.itemEnd( url );
					scope.manager.itemError( url );


			}, false );

			request.addEventListener( 'progress', function ( event ) {

				var callbacks = loading[ url ];

				for ( var i = 0, il = callbacks.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					var callback = callbacks[ i ];
					if ( callback.onProgress ) callback.onProgress( event );


			}, false );

			request.addEventListener( 'error', function ( event ) {

				var callbacks = loading[ url ];

				delete loading[ url ];

				for ( var i = 0, il = callbacks.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					var callback = callbacks[ i ];
					if ( callback.onError ) callback.onError( event );


				scope.manager.itemEnd( url );
				scope.manager.itemError( url );

			}, false );

			if ( this.responseType !== undefined ) request.responseType = this.responseType;
			if ( this.withCredentials !== undefined ) request.withCredentials = this.withCredentials;

			if ( request.overrideMimeType ) request.overrideMimeType( this.mimeType !== undefined ? this.mimeType : 'text/plain' );

			for ( var header in this.requestHeader ) {

				request.setRequestHeader( header, this.requestHeader[ header ] );


			request.send( null );


		scope.manager.itemStart( url );

		return request;


	setPath: function ( value ) {

		this.path = value;
		return this;


	setResponseType: function ( value ) {

		this.responseType = value;
		return this;


	setWithCredentials: function ( value ) {

		this.withCredentials = value;
		return this;


	setMimeType: function ( value ) {

		this.mimeType = value;
		return this;


	setRequestHeader: function ( value ) {

		this.requestHeader = value;
		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * Abstract Base class to block based textures loader (dds, pvr, ...)

function CompressedTextureLoader( manager ) {

	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;

	// override in sub classes
	this._parser = null;


Object.assign( CompressedTextureLoader.prototype, {

	load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		var scope = this;

		var images = [];

		var texture = new CompressedTexture();
		texture.image = images;

		var loader = new FileLoader( this.manager );
		loader.setPath( this.path );
		loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' );

		function loadTexture( i ) {

			loader.load( url[ i ], function ( buffer ) {

				var texDatas = scope._parser( buffer, true );

				images[ i ] = {
					width: texDatas.width,
					height: texDatas.height,
					format: texDatas.format,
					mipmaps: texDatas.mipmaps

				loaded += 1;

				if ( loaded === 6 ) {

					if ( texDatas.mipmapCount === 1 )
						texture.minFilter = LinearFilter;

					texture.format = texDatas.format;
					texture.needsUpdate = true;

					if ( onLoad ) onLoad( texture );


			}, onProgress, onError );


		if ( Array.isArray( url ) ) {

			var loaded = 0;

			for ( var i = 0, il = url.length; i < il; ++ i ) {

				loadTexture( i );


		} else {

			// compressed cubemap texture stored in a single DDS file

			loader.load( url, function ( buffer ) {

				var texDatas = scope._parser( buffer, true );

				if ( texDatas.isCubemap ) {

					var faces = texDatas.mipmaps.length / texDatas.mipmapCount;

					for ( var f = 0; f < faces; f ++ ) {

						images[ f ] = { mipmaps: [] };

						for ( var i = 0; i < texDatas.mipmapCount; i ++ ) {

							images[ f ].mipmaps.push( texDatas.mipmaps[ f * texDatas.mipmapCount + i ] );
							images[ f ].format = texDatas.format;
							images[ f ].width = texDatas.width;
							images[ f ].height = texDatas.height;



				} else {

					texture.image.width = texDatas.width;
					texture.image.height = texDatas.height;
					texture.mipmaps = texDatas.mipmaps;


				if ( texDatas.mipmapCount === 1 ) {

					texture.minFilter = LinearFilter;


				texture.format = texDatas.format;
				texture.needsUpdate = true;

				if ( onLoad ) onLoad( texture );

			}, onProgress, onError );


		return texture;


	setPath: function ( value ) {

		this.path = value;
		return this;


} );

 * @author Nikos M. / https://github.com/foo123/
 * Abstract Base class to load generic binary textures formats (rgbe, hdr, ...)

function DataTextureLoader( manager ) {

	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;

	// override in sub classes
	this._parser = null;


Object.assign( DataTextureLoader.prototype, {

	load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		var scope = this;

		var texture = new DataTexture();

		var loader = new FileLoader( this.manager );
		loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' );

		loader.load( url, function ( buffer ) {

			var texData = scope._parser( buffer );

			if ( ! texData ) return;

			if ( undefined !== texData.image ) {

				texture.image = texData.image;

			} else if ( undefined !== texData.data ) {

				texture.image.width = texData.width;
				texture.image.height = texData.height;
				texture.image.data = texData.data;


			texture.wrapS = undefined !== texData.wrapS ? texData.wrapS : ClampToEdgeWrapping;
			texture.wrapT = undefined !== texData.wrapT ? texData.wrapT : ClampToEdgeWrapping;

			texture.magFilter = undefined !== texData.magFilter ? texData.magFilter : LinearFilter;
			texture.minFilter = undefined !== texData.minFilter ? texData.minFilter : LinearMipMapLinearFilter;

			texture.anisotropy = undefined !== texData.anisotropy ? texData.anisotropy : 1;

			if ( undefined !== texData.format ) {

				texture.format = texData.format;

			if ( undefined !== texData.type ) {

				texture.type = texData.type;


			if ( undefined !== texData.mipmaps ) {

				texture.mipmaps = texData.mipmaps;


			if ( 1 === texData.mipmapCount ) {

				texture.minFilter = LinearFilter;


			texture.needsUpdate = true;

			if ( onLoad ) onLoad( texture, texData );

		}, onProgress, onError );

		return texture;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function ImageLoader( manager ) {

	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;


Object.assign( ImageLoader.prototype, {

	crossOrigin: 'Anonymous',

	load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		if ( url === undefined ) url = '';

		if ( this.path !== undefined ) url = this.path + url;

		url = this.manager.resolveURL( url );

		var scope = this;

		var cached = Cache.get( url );

		if ( cached !== undefined ) {

			scope.manager.itemStart( url );

			setTimeout( function () {

				if ( onLoad ) onLoad( cached );

				scope.manager.itemEnd( url );

			}, 0 );

			return cached;


		var image = document.createElementNS( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'img' );

		image.addEventListener( 'load', function () {

			Cache.add( url, this );

			if ( onLoad ) onLoad( this );

			scope.manager.itemEnd( url );

		}, false );

		image.addEventListener( 'progress', function ( event ) {

			if ( onProgress ) onProgress( event );

		}, false );

		image.addEventListener( 'error', function ( event ) {

			if ( onError ) onError( event );

			scope.manager.itemEnd( url );
			scope.manager.itemError( url );

		}, false );

		if ( url.substr( 0, 5 ) !== 'data:' ) {

			if ( this.crossOrigin !== undefined ) image.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin;


		scope.manager.itemStart( url );

		image.src = url;

		return image;


	setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {

		this.crossOrigin = value;
		return this;


	setPath: function ( value ) {

		this.path = value;
		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function CubeTextureLoader( manager ) {

	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;


Object.assign( CubeTextureLoader.prototype, {

	crossOrigin: 'Anonymous',

	load: function ( urls, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		var texture = new CubeTexture();

		var loader = new ImageLoader( this.manager );
		loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
		loader.setPath( this.path );

		var loaded = 0;

		function loadTexture( i ) {

			loader.load( urls[ i ], function ( image ) {

				texture.images[ i ] = image;

				loaded ++;

				if ( loaded === 6 ) {

					texture.needsUpdate = true;

					if ( onLoad ) onLoad( texture );


			}, undefined, onError );


		for ( var i = 0; i < urls.length; ++ i ) {

			loadTexture( i );


		return texture;


	setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {

		this.crossOrigin = value;
		return this;


	setPath: function ( value ) {

		this.path = value;
		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function TextureLoader( manager ) {

	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;


Object.assign( TextureLoader.prototype, {

	crossOrigin: 'Anonymous',

	load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		var texture = new Texture();

		var loader = new ImageLoader( this.manager );
		loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
		loader.setPath( this.path );

		loader.load( url, function ( image ) {

			texture.image = image;

			// JPEGs can't have an alpha channel, so memory can be saved by storing them as RGB.
			var isJPEG = url.search( /\.(jpg|jpeg)$/ ) > 0 || url.search( /^data\:image\/jpeg/ ) === 0;

			texture.format = isJPEG ? RGBFormat : RGBAFormat;
			texture.needsUpdate = true;

			if ( onLoad !== undefined ) {

				onLoad( texture );


		}, onProgress, onError );

		return texture;


	setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {

		this.crossOrigin = value;
		return this;


	setPath: function ( value ) {

		this.path = value;
		return this;


} );

 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
 * Extensible curve object
 * Some common of curve methods:
 * .getPoint( t, optionalTarget ), .getTangent( t )
 * .getPointAt( u, optionalTarget ), .getTangentAt( u )
 * .getPoints(), .getSpacedPoints()
 * .getLength()
 * .updateArcLengths()
 * This following curves inherit from THREE.Curve:
 * -- 2D curves --
 * THREE.ArcCurve
 * THREE.CubicBezierCurve
 * THREE.EllipseCurve
 * THREE.LineCurve
 * THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve
 * THREE.SplineCurve
 * -- 3D curves --
 * THREE.CatmullRomCurve3
 * THREE.CubicBezierCurve3
 * THREE.LineCurve3
 * THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve3
 * A series of curves can be represented as a THREE.CurvePath.

 *	Abstract Curve base class

function Curve() {

	this.type = 'Curve';

	this.arcLengthDivisions = 200;


Object.assign( Curve.prototype, {

	// Virtual base class method to overwrite and implement in subclasses
	//	- t [0 .. 1]

	getPoint: function ( /* t, optionalTarget */ ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Curve: .getPoint() not implemented.' );
		return null;


	// Get point at relative position in curve according to arc length
	// - u [0 .. 1]

	getPointAt: function ( u, optionalTarget ) {

		var t = this.getUtoTmapping( u );
		return this.getPoint( t, optionalTarget );


	// Get sequence of points using getPoint( t )

	getPoints: function ( divisions ) {

		if ( divisions === undefined ) divisions = 5;

		var points = [];

		for ( var d = 0; d <= divisions; d ++ ) {

			points.push( this.getPoint( d / divisions ) );


		return points;


	// Get sequence of points using getPointAt( u )

	getSpacedPoints: function ( divisions ) {

		if ( divisions === undefined ) divisions = 5;

		var points = [];

		for ( var d = 0; d <= divisions; d ++ ) {

			points.push( this.getPointAt( d / divisions ) );


		return points;


	// Get total curve arc length

	getLength: function () {

		var lengths = this.getLengths();
		return lengths[ lengths.length - 1 ];


	// Get list of cumulative segment lengths

	getLengths: function ( divisions ) {

		if ( divisions === undefined ) divisions = this.arcLengthDivisions;

		if ( this.cacheArcLengths &&
			( this.cacheArcLengths.length === divisions + 1 ) &&
			! this.needsUpdate ) {

			return this.cacheArcLengths;


		this.needsUpdate = false;

		var cache = [];
		var current, last = this.getPoint( 0 );
		var p, sum = 0;

		cache.push( 0 );

		for ( p = 1; p <= divisions; p ++ ) {

			current = this.getPoint( p / divisions );
			sum += current.distanceTo( last );
			cache.push( sum );
			last = current;


		this.cacheArcLengths = cache;

		return cache; // { sums: cache, sum: sum }; Sum is in the last element.


	updateArcLengths: function () {

		this.needsUpdate = true;


	// Given u ( 0 .. 1 ), get a t to find p. This gives you points which are equidistant

	getUtoTmapping: function ( u, distance ) {

		var arcLengths = this.getLengths();

		var i = 0, il = arcLengths.length;

		var targetArcLength; // The targeted u distance value to get

		if ( distance ) {

			targetArcLength = distance;

		} else {

			targetArcLength = u * arcLengths[ il - 1 ];


		// binary search for the index with largest value smaller than target u distance

		var low = 0, high = il - 1, comparison;

		while ( low <= high ) {

			i = Math.floor( low + ( high - low ) / 2 ); // less likely to overflow, though probably not issue here, JS doesn't really have integers, all numbers are floats

			comparison = arcLengths[ i ] - targetArcLength;

			if ( comparison < 0 ) {

				low = i + 1;

			} else if ( comparison > 0 ) {

				high = i - 1;

			} else {

				high = i;

				// DONE



		i = high;

		if ( arcLengths[ i ] === targetArcLength ) {

			return i / ( il - 1 );


		// we could get finer grain at lengths, or use simple interpolation between two points

		var lengthBefore = arcLengths[ i ];
		var lengthAfter = arcLengths[ i + 1 ];

		var segmentLength = lengthAfter - lengthBefore;

		// determine where we are between the 'before' and 'after' points

		var segmentFraction = ( targetArcLength - lengthBefore ) / segmentLength;

		// add that fractional amount to t

		var t = ( i + segmentFraction ) / ( il - 1 );

		return t;


	// Returns a unit vector tangent at t
	// In case any sub curve does not implement its tangent derivation,
	// 2 points a small delta apart will be used to find its gradient
	// which seems to give a reasonable approximation

	getTangent: function ( t ) {

		var delta = 0.0001;
		var t1 = t - delta;
		var t2 = t + delta;

		// Capping in case of danger

		if ( t1 < 0 ) t1 = 0;
		if ( t2 > 1 ) t2 = 1;

		var pt1 = this.getPoint( t1 );
		var pt2 = this.getPoint( t2 );

		var vec = pt2.clone().sub( pt1 );
		return vec.normalize();


	getTangentAt: function ( u ) {

		var t = this.getUtoTmapping( u );
		return this.getTangent( t );


	computeFrenetFrames: function ( segments, closed ) {

		// see http://www.cs.indiana.edu/pub/techreports/TR425.pdf

		var normal = new Vector3();

		var tangents = [];
		var normals = [];
		var binormals = [];

		var vec = new Vector3();
		var mat = new Matrix4();

		var i, u, theta;

		// compute the tangent vectors for each segment on the curve

		for ( i = 0; i <= segments; i ++ ) {

			u = i / segments;

			tangents[ i ] = this.getTangentAt( u );
			tangents[ i ].normalize();


		// select an initial normal vector perpendicular to the first tangent vector,
		// and in the direction of the minimum tangent xyz component

		normals[ 0 ] = new Vector3();
		binormals[ 0 ] = new Vector3();
		var min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
		var tx = Math.abs( tangents[ 0 ].x );
		var ty = Math.abs( tangents[ 0 ].y );
		var tz = Math.abs( tangents[ 0 ].z );

		if ( tx <= min ) {

			min = tx;
			normal.set( 1, 0, 0 );


		if ( ty <= min ) {

			min = ty;
			normal.set( 0, 1, 0 );


		if ( tz <= min ) {

			normal.set( 0, 0, 1 );


		vec.crossVectors( tangents[ 0 ], normal ).normalize();

		normals[ 0 ].crossVectors( tangents[ 0 ], vec );
		binormals[ 0 ].crossVectors( tangents[ 0 ], normals[ 0 ] );

		// compute the slowly-varying normal and binormal vectors for each segment on the curve

		for ( i = 1; i <= segments; i ++ ) {

			normals[ i ] = normals[ i - 1 ].clone();

			binormals[ i ] = binormals[ i - 1 ].clone();

			vec.crossVectors( tangents[ i - 1 ], tangents[ i ] );

			if ( vec.length() > Number.EPSILON ) {


				theta = Math.acos( _Math.clamp( tangents[ i - 1 ].dot( tangents[ i ] ), - 1, 1 ) ); // clamp for floating pt errors

				normals[ i ].applyMatrix4( mat.makeRotationAxis( vec, theta ) );


			binormals[ i ].crossVectors( tangents[ i ], normals[ i ] );


		// if the curve is closed, postprocess the vectors so the first and last normal vectors are the same

		if ( closed === true ) {

			theta = Math.acos( _Math.clamp( normals[ 0 ].dot( normals[ segments ] ), - 1, 1 ) );
			theta /= segments;

			if ( tangents[ 0 ].dot( vec.crossVectors( normals[ 0 ], normals[ segments ] ) ) > 0 ) {

				theta = - theta;


			for ( i = 1; i <= segments; i ++ ) {

				// twist a little...
				normals[ i ].applyMatrix4( mat.makeRotationAxis( tangents[ i ], theta * i ) );
				binormals[ i ].crossVectors( tangents[ i ], normals[ i ] );



		return {
			tangents: tangents,
			normals: normals,
			binormals: binormals


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( source ) {

		this.arcLengthDivisions = source.arcLengthDivisions;

		return this;


	toJSON: function () {

		var data = {
			metadata: {
				version: 4.5,
				type: 'Curve',
				generator: 'Curve.toJSON'

		data.arcLengthDivisions = this.arcLengthDivisions;
		data.type = this.type;

		return data;


	fromJSON: function ( json ) {

		this.arcLengthDivisions = json.arcLengthDivisions;

		return this;


} );

function EllipseCurve( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation ) {

	Curve.call( this );

	this.type = 'EllipseCurve';

	this.aX = aX || 0;
	this.aY = aY || 0;

	this.xRadius = xRadius || 1;
	this.yRadius = yRadius || 1;

	this.aStartAngle = aStartAngle || 0;
	this.aEndAngle = aEndAngle || 2 * Math.PI;

	this.aClockwise = aClockwise || false;

	this.aRotation = aRotation || 0;


EllipseCurve.prototype = Object.create( Curve.prototype );
EllipseCurve.prototype.constructor = EllipseCurve;

EllipseCurve.prototype.isEllipseCurve = true;

EllipseCurve.prototype.getPoint = function ( t, optionalTarget ) {

	var point = optionalTarget || new Vector2();

	var twoPi = Math.PI * 2;
	var deltaAngle = this.aEndAngle - this.aStartAngle;
	var samePoints = Math.abs( deltaAngle ) < Number.EPSILON;

	// ensures that deltaAngle is 0 .. 2 PI
	while ( deltaAngle < 0 ) deltaAngle += twoPi;
	while ( deltaAngle > twoPi ) deltaAngle -= twoPi;

	if ( deltaAngle < Number.EPSILON ) {

		if ( samePoints ) {

			deltaAngle = 0;

		} else {

			deltaAngle = twoPi;



	if ( this.aClockwise === true && ! samePoints ) {

		if ( deltaAngle === twoPi ) {

			deltaAngle = - twoPi;

		} else {

			deltaAngle = deltaAngle - twoPi;



	var angle = this.aStartAngle + t * deltaAngle;
	var x = this.aX + this.xRadius * Math.cos( angle );
	var y = this.aY + this.yRadius * Math.sin( angle );

	if ( this.aRotation !== 0 ) {

		var cos = Math.cos( this.aRotation );
		var sin = Math.sin( this.aRotation );

		var tx = x - this.aX;
		var ty = y - this.aY;

		// Rotate the point about the center of the ellipse.
		x = tx * cos - ty * sin + this.aX;
		y = tx * sin + ty * cos + this.aY;


	return point.set( x, y );


EllipseCurve.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Curve.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.aX = source.aX;
	this.aY = source.aY;

	this.xRadius = source.xRadius;
	this.yRadius = source.yRadius;

	this.aStartAngle = source.aStartAngle;
	this.aEndAngle = source.aEndAngle;

	this.aClockwise = source.aClockwise;

	this.aRotation = source.aRotation;

	return this;


EllipseCurve.prototype.toJSON = function () {

	var data = Curve.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

	data.aX = this.aX;
	data.aY = this.aY;

	data.xRadius = this.xRadius;
	data.yRadius = this.yRadius;

	data.aStartAngle = this.aStartAngle;
	data.aEndAngle = this.aEndAngle;

	data.aClockwise = this.aClockwise;

	data.aRotation = this.aRotation;

	return data;


EllipseCurve.prototype.fromJSON = function ( json ) {

	Curve.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json );

	this.aX = json.aX;
	this.aY = json.aY;

	this.xRadius = json.xRadius;
	this.yRadius = json.yRadius;

	this.aStartAngle = json.aStartAngle;
	this.aEndAngle = json.aEndAngle;

	this.aClockwise = json.aClockwise;

	this.aRotation = json.aRotation;

	return this;


function ArcCurve( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise ) {

	EllipseCurve.call( this, aX, aY, aRadius, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise );

	this.type = 'ArcCurve';


ArcCurve.prototype = Object.create( EllipseCurve.prototype );
ArcCurve.prototype.constructor = ArcCurve;

ArcCurve.prototype.isArcCurve = true;

 * @author zz85 https://github.com/zz85
 * Centripetal CatmullRom Curve - which is useful for avoiding
 * cusps and self-intersections in non-uniform catmull rom curves.
 * http://www.cemyuksel.com/research/catmullrom_param/catmullrom.pdf
 * curve.type accepts centripetal(default), chordal and catmullrom
 * curve.tension is used for catmullrom which defaults to 0.5

Based on an optimized c++ solution in
 - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9489736/catmull-rom-curve-with-no-cusps-and-no-self-intersections/
 - http://ideone.com/NoEbVM

This CubicPoly class could be used for reusing some variables and calculations,
but for three.js curve use, it could be possible inlined and flatten into a single function call
which can be placed in CurveUtils.

function CubicPoly() {

	var c0 = 0, c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0;

	 * Compute coefficients for a cubic polynomial
	 *   p(s) = c0 + c1*s + c2*s^2 + c3*s^3
	 * such that
	 *   p(0) = x0, p(1) = x1
	 *  and
	 *   p'(0) = t0, p'(1) = t1.
	function init( x0, x1, t0, t1 ) {

		c0 = x0;
		c1 = t0;
		c2 = - 3 * x0 + 3 * x1 - 2 * t0 - t1;
		c3 = 2 * x0 - 2 * x1 + t0 + t1;


	return {

		initCatmullRom: function ( x0, x1, x2, x3, tension ) {

			init( x1, x2, tension * ( x2 - x0 ), tension * ( x3 - x1 ) );


		initNonuniformCatmullRom: function ( x0, x1, x2, x3, dt0, dt1, dt2 ) {

			// compute tangents when parameterized in [t1,t2]
			var t1 = ( x1 - x0 ) / dt0 - ( x2 - x0 ) / ( dt0 + dt1 ) + ( x2 - x1 ) / dt1;
			var t2 = ( x2 - x1 ) / dt1 - ( x3 - x1 ) / ( dt1 + dt2 ) + ( x3 - x2 ) / dt2;

			// rescale tangents for parametrization in [0,1]
			t1 *= dt1;
			t2 *= dt1;

			init( x1, x2, t1, t2 );


		calc: function ( t ) {

			var t2 = t * t;
			var t3 = t2 * t;
			return c0 + c1 * t + c2 * t2 + c3 * t3;





var tmp = new Vector3();
var px = new CubicPoly();
var py = new CubicPoly();
var pz = new CubicPoly();

function CatmullRomCurve3( points, closed, curveType, tension ) {

	Curve.call( this );

	this.type = 'CatmullRomCurve3';

	this.points = points || [];
	this.closed = closed || false;
	this.curveType = curveType || 'centripetal';
	this.tension = tension || 0.5;


CatmullRomCurve3.prototype = Object.create( Curve.prototype );
CatmullRomCurve3.prototype.constructor = CatmullRomCurve3;

CatmullRomCurve3.prototype.isCatmullRomCurve3 = true;

CatmullRomCurve3.prototype.getPoint = function ( t, optionalTarget ) {

	var point = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

	var points = this.points;
	var l = points.length;

	var p = ( l - ( this.closed ? 0 : 1 ) ) * t;
	var intPoint = Math.floor( p );
	var weight = p - intPoint;

	if ( this.closed ) {

		intPoint += intPoint > 0 ? 0 : ( Math.floor( Math.abs( intPoint ) / points.length ) + 1 ) * points.length;

	} else if ( weight === 0 && intPoint === l - 1 ) {

		intPoint = l - 2;
		weight = 1;


	var p0, p1, p2, p3; // 4 points

	if ( this.closed || intPoint > 0 ) {

		p0 = points[ ( intPoint - 1 ) % l ];

	} else {

		// extrapolate first point
		tmp.subVectors( points[ 0 ], points[ 1 ] ).add( points[ 0 ] );
		p0 = tmp;


	p1 = points[ intPoint % l ];
	p2 = points[ ( intPoint + 1 ) % l ];

	if ( this.closed || intPoint + 2 < l ) {

		p3 = points[ ( intPoint + 2 ) % l ];

	} else {

		// extrapolate last point
		tmp.subVectors( points[ l - 1 ], points[ l - 2 ] ).add( points[ l - 1 ] );
		p3 = tmp;


	if ( this.curveType === 'centripetal' || this.curveType === 'chordal' ) {

		// init Centripetal / Chordal Catmull-Rom
		var pow = this.curveType === 'chordal' ? 0.5 : 0.25;
		var dt0 = Math.pow( p0.distanceToSquared( p1 ), pow );
		var dt1 = Math.pow( p1.distanceToSquared( p2 ), pow );
		var dt2 = Math.pow( p2.distanceToSquared( p3 ), pow );

		// safety check for repeated points
		if ( dt1 < 1e-4 ) dt1 = 1.0;
		if ( dt0 < 1e-4 ) dt0 = dt1;
		if ( dt2 < 1e-4 ) dt2 = dt1;

		px.initNonuniformCatmullRom( p0.x, p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, dt0, dt1, dt2 );
		py.initNonuniformCatmullRom( p0.y, p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, dt0, dt1, dt2 );
		pz.initNonuniformCatmullRom( p0.z, p1.z, p2.z, p3.z, dt0, dt1, dt2 );

	} else if ( this.curveType === 'catmullrom' ) {

		px.initCatmullRom( p0.x, p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, this.tension );
		py.initCatmullRom( p0.y, p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, this.tension );
		pz.initCatmullRom( p0.z, p1.z, p2.z, p3.z, this.tension );


		px.calc( weight ),
		py.calc( weight ),
		pz.calc( weight )

	return point;


CatmullRomCurve3.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Curve.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.points = [];

	for ( var i = 0, l = source.points.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

		var point = source.points[ i ];

		this.points.push( point.clone() );


	this.closed = source.closed;
	this.curveType = source.curveType;
	this.tension = source.tension;

	return this;


CatmullRomCurve3.prototype.toJSON = function () {

	var data = Curve.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

	data.points = [];

	for ( var i = 0, l = this.points.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

		var point = this.points[ i ];
		data.points.push( point.toArray() );


	data.closed = this.closed;
	data.curveType = this.curveType;
	data.tension = this.tension;

	return data;


CatmullRomCurve3.prototype.fromJSON = function ( json ) {

	Curve.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json );

	this.points = [];

	for ( var i = 0, l = json.points.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

		var point = json.points[ i ];
		this.points.push( new Vector3().fromArray( point ) );


	this.closed = json.closed;
	this.curveType = json.curveType;
	this.tension = json.tension;

	return this;


 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
 * Bezier Curves formulas obtained from
 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bézier_curve

function CatmullRom( t, p0, p1, p2, p3 ) {

	var v0 = ( p2 - p0 ) * 0.5;
	var v1 = ( p3 - p1 ) * 0.5;
	var t2 = t * t;
	var t3 = t * t2;
	return ( 2 * p1 - 2 * p2 + v0 + v1 ) * t3 + ( - 3 * p1 + 3 * p2 - 2 * v0 - v1 ) * t2 + v0 * t + p1;



function QuadraticBezierP0( t, p ) {

	var k = 1 - t;
	return k * k * p;


function QuadraticBezierP1( t, p ) {

	return 2 * ( 1 - t ) * t * p;


function QuadraticBezierP2( t, p ) {

	return t * t * p;


function QuadraticBezier( t, p0, p1, p2 ) {

	return QuadraticBezierP0( t, p0 ) + QuadraticBezierP1( t, p1 ) +
		QuadraticBezierP2( t, p2 );



function CubicBezierP0( t, p ) {

	var k = 1 - t;
	return k * k * k * p;


function CubicBezierP1( t, p ) {

	var k = 1 - t;
	return 3 * k * k * t * p;


function CubicBezierP2( t, p ) {

	return 3 * ( 1 - t ) * t * t * p;


function CubicBezierP3( t, p ) {

	return t * t * t * p;


function CubicBezier( t, p0, p1, p2, p3 ) {

	return CubicBezierP0( t, p0 ) + CubicBezierP1( t, p1 ) + CubicBezierP2( t, p2 ) +
		CubicBezierP3( t, p3 );


function CubicBezierCurve( v0, v1, v2, v3 ) {

	Curve.call( this );

	this.type = 'CubicBezierCurve';

	this.v0 = v0 || new Vector2();
	this.v1 = v1 || new Vector2();
	this.v2 = v2 || new Vector2();
	this.v3 = v3 || new Vector2();


CubicBezierCurve.prototype = Object.create( Curve.prototype );
CubicBezierCurve.prototype.constructor = CubicBezierCurve;

CubicBezierCurve.prototype.isCubicBezierCurve = true;

CubicBezierCurve.prototype.getPoint = function ( t, optionalTarget ) {

	var point = optionalTarget || new Vector2();

	var v0 = this.v0, v1 = this.v1, v2 = this.v2, v3 = this.v3;

		CubicBezier( t, v0.x, v1.x, v2.x, v3.x ),
		CubicBezier( t, v0.y, v1.y, v2.y, v3.y )

	return point;


CubicBezierCurve.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Curve.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.v0.copy( source.v0 );
	this.v1.copy( source.v1 );
	this.v2.copy( source.v2 );
	this.v3.copy( source.v3 );

	return this;


CubicBezierCurve.prototype.toJSON = function () {

	var data = Curve.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

	data.v0 = this.v0.toArray();
	data.v1 = this.v1.toArray();
	data.v2 = this.v2.toArray();
	data.v3 = this.v3.toArray();

	return data;


CubicBezierCurve.prototype.fromJSON = function ( json ) {

	Curve.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json );

	this.v0.fromArray( json.v0 );
	this.v1.fromArray( json.v1 );
	this.v2.fromArray( json.v2 );
	this.v3.fromArray( json.v3 );

	return this;


function CubicBezierCurve3( v0, v1, v2, v3 ) {

	Curve.call( this );

	this.type = 'CubicBezierCurve3';

	this.v0 = v0 || new Vector3();
	this.v1 = v1 || new Vector3();
	this.v2 = v2 || new Vector3();
	this.v3 = v3 || new Vector3();


CubicBezierCurve3.prototype = Object.create( Curve.prototype );
CubicBezierCurve3.prototype.constructor = CubicBezierCurve3;

CubicBezierCurve3.prototype.isCubicBezierCurve3 = true;

CubicBezierCurve3.prototype.getPoint = function ( t, optionalTarget ) {

	var point = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

	var v0 = this.v0, v1 = this.v1, v2 = this.v2, v3 = this.v3;

		CubicBezier( t, v0.x, v1.x, v2.x, v3.x ),
		CubicBezier( t, v0.y, v1.y, v2.y, v3.y ),
		CubicBezier( t, v0.z, v1.z, v2.z, v3.z )

	return point;


CubicBezierCurve3.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Curve.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.v0.copy( source.v0 );
	this.v1.copy( source.v1 );
	this.v2.copy( source.v2 );
	this.v3.copy( source.v3 );

	return this;


CubicBezierCurve3.prototype.toJSON = function () {

	var data = Curve.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

	data.v0 = this.v0.toArray();
	data.v1 = this.v1.toArray();
	data.v2 = this.v2.toArray();
	data.v3 = this.v3.toArray();

	return data;


CubicBezierCurve3.prototype.fromJSON = function ( json ) {

	Curve.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json );

	this.v0.fromArray( json.v0 );
	this.v1.fromArray( json.v1 );
	this.v2.fromArray( json.v2 );
	this.v3.fromArray( json.v3 );

	return this;


function LineCurve( v1, v2 ) {

	Curve.call( this );

	this.type = 'LineCurve';

	this.v1 = v1 || new Vector2();
	this.v2 = v2 || new Vector2();


LineCurve.prototype = Object.create( Curve.prototype );
LineCurve.prototype.constructor = LineCurve;

LineCurve.prototype.isLineCurve = true;

LineCurve.prototype.getPoint = function ( t, optionalTarget ) {

	var point = optionalTarget || new Vector2();

	if ( t === 1 ) {

		point.copy( this.v2 );

	} else {

		point.copy( this.v2 ).sub( this.v1 );
		point.multiplyScalar( t ).add( this.v1 );


	return point;


// Line curve is linear, so we can overwrite default getPointAt

LineCurve.prototype.getPointAt = function ( u, optionalTarget ) {

	return this.getPoint( u, optionalTarget );


LineCurve.prototype.getTangent = function ( /* t */ ) {

	var tangent = this.v2.clone().sub( this.v1 );

	return tangent.normalize();


LineCurve.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Curve.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.v1.copy( source.v1 );
	this.v2.copy( source.v2 );

	return this;


LineCurve.prototype.toJSON = function () {

	var data = Curve.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

	data.v1 = this.v1.toArray();
	data.v2 = this.v2.toArray();

	return data;


LineCurve.prototype.fromJSON = function ( json ) {

	Curve.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json );

	this.v1.fromArray( json.v1 );
	this.v2.fromArray( json.v2 );

	return this;


function LineCurve3( v1, v2 ) {

	Curve.call( this );

	this.type = 'LineCurve3';

	this.v1 = v1 || new Vector3();
	this.v2 = v2 || new Vector3();


LineCurve3.prototype = Object.create( Curve.prototype );
LineCurve3.prototype.constructor = LineCurve3;

LineCurve3.prototype.isLineCurve3 = true;

LineCurve3.prototype.getPoint = function ( t, optionalTarget ) {

	var point = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

	if ( t === 1 ) {

		point.copy( this.v2 );

	} else {

		point.copy( this.v2 ).sub( this.v1 );
		point.multiplyScalar( t ).add( this.v1 );


	return point;


// Line curve is linear, so we can overwrite default getPointAt

LineCurve3.prototype.getPointAt = function ( u, optionalTarget ) {

	return this.getPoint( u, optionalTarget );


LineCurve3.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Curve.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.v1.copy( source.v1 );
	this.v2.copy( source.v2 );

	return this;


LineCurve3.prototype.toJSON = function () {

	var data = Curve.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

	data.v1 = this.v1.toArray();
	data.v2 = this.v2.toArray();

	return data;


LineCurve3.prototype.fromJSON = function ( json ) {

	Curve.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json );

	this.v1.fromArray( json.v1 );
	this.v2.fromArray( json.v2 );

	return this;


function QuadraticBezierCurve( v0, v1, v2 ) {

	Curve.call( this );

	this.type = 'QuadraticBezierCurve';

	this.v0 = v0 || new Vector2();
	this.v1 = v1 || new Vector2();
	this.v2 = v2 || new Vector2();


QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype = Object.create( Curve.prototype );
QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.constructor = QuadraticBezierCurve;

QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.isQuadraticBezierCurve = true;

QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.getPoint = function ( t, optionalTarget ) {

	var point = optionalTarget || new Vector2();

	var v0 = this.v0, v1 = this.v1, v2 = this.v2;

		QuadraticBezier( t, v0.x, v1.x, v2.x ),
		QuadraticBezier( t, v0.y, v1.y, v2.y )

	return point;


QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Curve.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.v0.copy( source.v0 );
	this.v1.copy( source.v1 );
	this.v2.copy( source.v2 );

	return this;


QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.toJSON = function () {

	var data = Curve.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

	data.v0 = this.v0.toArray();
	data.v1 = this.v1.toArray();
	data.v2 = this.v2.toArray();

	return data;


QuadraticBezierCurve.prototype.fromJSON = function ( json ) {

	Curve.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json );

	this.v0.fromArray( json.v0 );
	this.v1.fromArray( json.v1 );
	this.v2.fromArray( json.v2 );

	return this;


function QuadraticBezierCurve3( v0, v1, v2 ) {

	Curve.call( this );

	this.type = 'QuadraticBezierCurve3';

	this.v0 = v0 || new Vector3();
	this.v1 = v1 || new Vector3();
	this.v2 = v2 || new Vector3();


QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype = Object.create( Curve.prototype );
QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype.constructor = QuadraticBezierCurve3;

QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype.isQuadraticBezierCurve3 = true;

QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype.getPoint = function ( t, optionalTarget ) {

	var point = optionalTarget || new Vector3();

	var v0 = this.v0, v1 = this.v1, v2 = this.v2;

		QuadraticBezier( t, v0.x, v1.x, v2.x ),
		QuadraticBezier( t, v0.y, v1.y, v2.y ),
		QuadraticBezier( t, v0.z, v1.z, v2.z )

	return point;


QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Curve.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.v0.copy( source.v0 );
	this.v1.copy( source.v1 );
	this.v2.copy( source.v2 );

	return this;


QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype.toJSON = function () {

	var data = Curve.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

	data.v0 = this.v0.toArray();
	data.v1 = this.v1.toArray();
	data.v2 = this.v2.toArray();

	return data;


QuadraticBezierCurve3.prototype.fromJSON = function ( json ) {

	Curve.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json );

	this.v0.fromArray( json.v0 );
	this.v1.fromArray( json.v1 );
	this.v2.fromArray( json.v2 );

	return this;


function SplineCurve( points /* array of Vector2 */ ) {

	Curve.call( this );

	this.type = 'SplineCurve';

	this.points = points || [];


SplineCurve.prototype = Object.create( Curve.prototype );
SplineCurve.prototype.constructor = SplineCurve;

SplineCurve.prototype.isSplineCurve = true;

SplineCurve.prototype.getPoint = function ( t, optionalTarget ) {

	var point = optionalTarget || new Vector2();

	var points = this.points;
	var p = ( points.length - 1 ) * t;

	var intPoint = Math.floor( p );
	var weight = p - intPoint;

	var p0 = points[ intPoint === 0 ? intPoint : intPoint - 1 ];
	var p1 = points[ intPoint ];
	var p2 = points[ intPoint > points.length - 2 ? points.length - 1 : intPoint + 1 ];
	var p3 = points[ intPoint > points.length - 3 ? points.length - 1 : intPoint + 2 ];

		CatmullRom( weight, p0.x, p1.x, p2.x, p3.x ),
		CatmullRom( weight, p0.y, p1.y, p2.y, p3.y )

	return point;


SplineCurve.prototype.copy = function ( source ) {

	Curve.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

	this.points = [];

	for ( var i = 0, l = source.points.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

		var point = source.points[ i ];

		this.points.push( point.clone() );


	return this;


SplineCurve.prototype.toJSON = function () {

	var data = Curve.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

	data.points = [];

	for ( var i = 0, l = this.points.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

		var point = this.points[ i ];
		data.points.push( point.toArray() );


	return data;


SplineCurve.prototype.fromJSON = function ( json ) {

	Curve.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json );

	this.points = [];

	for ( var i = 0, l = json.points.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

		var point = json.points[ i ];
		this.points.push( new Vector2().fromArray( point ) );


	return this;


var Curves = Object.freeze({
	ArcCurve: ArcCurve,
	CatmullRomCurve3: CatmullRomCurve3,
	CubicBezierCurve: CubicBezierCurve,
	CubicBezierCurve3: CubicBezierCurve3,
	EllipseCurve: EllipseCurve,
	LineCurve: LineCurve,
	LineCurve3: LineCurve3,
	QuadraticBezierCurve: QuadraticBezierCurve,
	QuadraticBezierCurve3: QuadraticBezierCurve3,
	SplineCurve: SplineCurve

 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog

 *	Curved Path - a curve path is simply a array of connected
 *  curves, but retains the api of a curve

function CurvePath() {

	Curve.call( this );

	this.type = 'CurvePath';

	this.curves = [];
	this.autoClose = false; // Automatically closes the path


CurvePath.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Curve.prototype ), {

	constructor: CurvePath,

	add: function ( curve ) {

		this.curves.push( curve );


	closePath: function () {

		// Add a line curve if start and end of lines are not connected
		var startPoint = this.curves[ 0 ].getPoint( 0 );
		var endPoint = this.curves[ this.curves.length - 1 ].getPoint( 1 );

		if ( ! startPoint.equals( endPoint ) ) {

			this.curves.push( new LineCurve( endPoint, startPoint ) );



	// To get accurate point with reference to
	// entire path distance at time t,
	// following has to be done:

	// 1. Length of each sub path have to be known
	// 2. Locate and identify type of curve
	// 3. Get t for the curve
	// 4. Return curve.getPointAt(t')

	getPoint: function ( t ) {

		var d = t * this.getLength();
		var curveLengths = this.getCurveLengths();
		var i = 0;

		// To think about boundaries points.

		while ( i < curveLengths.length ) {

			if ( curveLengths[ i ] >= d ) {

				var diff = curveLengths[ i ] - d;
				var curve = this.curves[ i ];

				var segmentLength = curve.getLength();
				var u = segmentLength === 0 ? 0 : 1 - diff / segmentLength;

				return curve.getPointAt( u );


			i ++;


		return null;

		// loop where sum != 0, sum > d , sum+1 <d


	// We cannot use the default THREE.Curve getPoint() with getLength() because in
	// THREE.Curve, getLength() depends on getPoint() but in THREE.CurvePath
	// getPoint() depends on getLength

	getLength: function () {

		var lens = this.getCurveLengths();
		return lens[ lens.length - 1 ];


	// cacheLengths must be recalculated.
	updateArcLengths: function () {

		this.needsUpdate = true;
		this.cacheLengths = null;


	// Compute lengths and cache them
	// We cannot overwrite getLengths() because UtoT mapping uses it.

	getCurveLengths: function () {

		// We use cache values if curves and cache array are same length

		if ( this.cacheLengths && this.cacheLengths.length === this.curves.length ) {

			return this.cacheLengths;


		// Get length of sub-curve
		// Push sums into cached array

		var lengths = [], sums = 0;

		for ( var i = 0, l = this.curves.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			sums += this.curves[ i ].getLength();
			lengths.push( sums );


		this.cacheLengths = lengths;

		return lengths;


	getSpacedPoints: function ( divisions ) {

		if ( divisions === undefined ) divisions = 40;

		var points = [];

		for ( var i = 0; i <= divisions; i ++ ) {

			points.push( this.getPoint( i / divisions ) );


		if ( this.autoClose ) {

			points.push( points[ 0 ] );


		return points;


	getPoints: function ( divisions ) {

		divisions = divisions || 12;

		var points = [], last;

		for ( var i = 0, curves = this.curves; i < curves.length; i ++ ) {

			var curve = curves[ i ];
			var resolution = ( curve && curve.isEllipseCurve ) ? divisions * 2
				: ( curve && curve.isLineCurve ) ? 1
					: ( curve && curve.isSplineCurve ) ? divisions * curve.points.length
						: divisions;

			var pts = curve.getPoints( resolution );

			for ( var j = 0; j < pts.length; j ++ ) {

				var point = pts[ j ];

				if ( last && last.equals( point ) ) continue; // ensures no consecutive points are duplicates

				points.push( point );
				last = point;



		if ( this.autoClose && points.length > 1 && ! points[ points.length - 1 ].equals( points[ 0 ] ) ) {

			points.push( points[ 0 ] );


		return points;


	copy: function ( source ) {

		Curve.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.curves = [];

		for ( var i = 0, l = source.curves.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var curve = source.curves[ i ];

			this.curves.push( curve.clone() );


		this.autoClose = source.autoClose;

		return this;


	toJSON: function () {

		var data = Curve.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

		data.autoClose = this.autoClose;
		data.curves = [];

		for ( var i = 0, l = this.curves.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var curve = this.curves[ i ];
			data.curves.push( curve.toJSON() );


		return data;


	fromJSON: function ( json ) {

		Curve.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json );

		this.autoClose = json.autoClose;
		this.curves = [];

		for ( var i = 0, l = json.curves.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var curve = json.curves[ i ];
			this.curves.push( new Curves[ curve.type ]().fromJSON( curve ) );


		return this;


} );

 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
 * Creates free form 2d path using series of points, lines or curves.

function Path( points ) {

	CurvePath.call( this );

	this.type = 'Path';

	this.currentPoint = new Vector2();

	if ( points ) {

		this.setFromPoints( points );



Path.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( CurvePath.prototype ), {

	constructor: Path,

	setFromPoints: function ( points ) {

		this.moveTo( points[ 0 ].x, points[ 0 ].y );

		for ( var i = 1, l = points.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			this.lineTo( points[ i ].x, points[ i ].y );



	moveTo: function ( x, y ) {

		this.currentPoint.set( x, y ); // TODO consider referencing vectors instead of copying?


	lineTo: function ( x, y ) {

		var curve = new LineCurve( this.currentPoint.clone(), new Vector2( x, y ) );
		this.curves.push( curve );

		this.currentPoint.set( x, y );


	quadraticCurveTo: function ( aCPx, aCPy, aX, aY ) {

		var curve = new QuadraticBezierCurve(
			new Vector2( aCPx, aCPy ),
			new Vector2( aX, aY )

		this.curves.push( curve );

		this.currentPoint.set( aX, aY );


	bezierCurveTo: function ( aCP1x, aCP1y, aCP2x, aCP2y, aX, aY ) {

		var curve = new CubicBezierCurve(
			new Vector2( aCP1x, aCP1y ),
			new Vector2( aCP2x, aCP2y ),
			new Vector2( aX, aY )

		this.curves.push( curve );

		this.currentPoint.set( aX, aY );


	splineThru: function ( pts /*Array of Vector*/ ) {

		var npts = [ this.currentPoint.clone() ].concat( pts );

		var curve = new SplineCurve( npts );
		this.curves.push( curve );

		this.currentPoint.copy( pts[ pts.length - 1 ] );


	arc: function ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise ) {

		var x0 = this.currentPoint.x;
		var y0 = this.currentPoint.y;

		this.absarc( aX + x0, aY + y0, aRadius,
			aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise );


	absarc: function ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise ) {

		this.absellipse( aX, aY, aRadius, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise );


	ellipse: function ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation ) {

		var x0 = this.currentPoint.x;
		var y0 = this.currentPoint.y;

		this.absellipse( aX + x0, aY + y0, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation );


	absellipse: function ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation ) {

		var curve = new EllipseCurve( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation );

		if ( this.curves.length > 0 ) {

			// if a previous curve is present, attempt to join
			var firstPoint = curve.getPoint( 0 );

			if ( ! firstPoint.equals( this.currentPoint ) ) {

				this.lineTo( firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y );



		this.curves.push( curve );

		var lastPoint = curve.getPoint( 1 );
		this.currentPoint.copy( lastPoint );


	copy: function ( source ) {

		CurvePath.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.currentPoint.copy( source.currentPoint );

		return this;


	toJSON: function () {

		var data = CurvePath.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

		data.currentPoint = this.currentPoint.toArray();

		return data;


	fromJSON: function ( json ) {

		CurvePath.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json );

		this.currentPoint.fromArray( json.currentPoint );

		return this;


} );

 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
 * Defines a 2d shape plane using paths.

// STEP 1 Create a path.
// STEP 2 Turn path into shape.
// STEP 3 ExtrudeGeometry takes in Shape/Shapes
// STEP 3a - Extract points from each shape, turn to vertices
// STEP 3b - Triangulate each shape, add faces.

function Shape( points ) {

	Path.call( this, points );

	this.uuid = _Math.generateUUID();

	this.type = 'Shape';

	this.holes = [];


Shape.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Path.prototype ), {

	constructor: Shape,

	getPointsHoles: function ( divisions ) {

		var holesPts = [];

		for ( var i = 0, l = this.holes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			holesPts[ i ] = this.holes[ i ].getPoints( divisions );


		return holesPts;


	// get points of shape and holes (keypoints based on segments parameter)

	extractPoints: function ( divisions ) {

		return {

			shape: this.getPoints( divisions ),
			holes: this.getPointsHoles( divisions )



	copy: function ( source ) {

		Path.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.holes = [];

		for ( var i = 0, l = source.holes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var hole = source.holes[ i ];

			this.holes.push( hole.clone() );


		return this;


	toJSON: function () {

		var data = Path.prototype.toJSON.call( this );

		data.uuid = this.uuid;
		data.holes = [];

		for ( var i = 0, l = this.holes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var hole = this.holes[ i ];
			data.holes.push( hole.toJSON() );


		return data;


	fromJSON: function ( json ) {

		Path.prototype.fromJSON.call( this, json );

		this.uuid = json.uuid;
		this.holes = [];

		for ( var i = 0, l = json.holes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var hole = json.holes[ i ];
			this.holes.push( new Path().fromJSON( hole ) );


		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function Light( color, intensity ) {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'Light';

	this.color = new Color( color );
	this.intensity = intensity !== undefined ? intensity : 1;

	this.receiveShadow = undefined;


Light.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: Light,

	isLight: true,

	copy: function ( source ) {

		Object3D.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.color.copy( source.color );
		this.intensity = source.intensity;

		return this;


	toJSON: function ( meta ) {

		var data = Object3D.prototype.toJSON.call( this, meta );

		data.object.color = this.color.getHex();
		data.object.intensity = this.intensity;

		if ( this.groundColor !== undefined ) data.object.groundColor = this.groundColor.getHex();

		if ( this.distance !== undefined ) data.object.distance = this.distance;
		if ( this.angle !== undefined ) data.object.angle = this.angle;
		if ( this.decay !== undefined ) data.object.decay = this.decay;
		if ( this.penumbra !== undefined ) data.object.penumbra = this.penumbra;

		if ( this.shadow !== undefined ) data.object.shadow = this.shadow.toJSON();

		return data;


} );

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function HemisphereLight( skyColor, groundColor, intensity ) {

	Light.call( this, skyColor, intensity );

	this.type = 'HemisphereLight';

	this.castShadow = undefined;

	this.position.copy( Object3D.DefaultUp );

	this.groundColor = new Color( groundColor );


HemisphereLight.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Light.prototype ), {

	constructor: HemisphereLight,

	isHemisphereLight: true,

	copy: function ( source ) {

		Light.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.groundColor.copy( source.groundColor );

		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function LightShadow( camera ) {

	this.camera = camera;

	this.bias = 0;
	this.radius = 1;

	this.mapSize = new Vector2( 512, 512 );

	this.map = null;
	this.matrix = new Matrix4();


Object.assign( LightShadow.prototype, {

	copy: function ( source ) {

		this.camera = source.camera.clone();

		this.bias = source.bias;
		this.radius = source.radius;

		this.mapSize.copy( source.mapSize );

		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	toJSON: function () {

		var object = {};

		if ( this.bias !== 0 ) object.bias = this.bias;
		if ( this.radius !== 1 ) object.radius = this.radius;
		if ( this.mapSize.x !== 512 || this.mapSize.y !== 512 ) object.mapSize = this.mapSize.toArray();

		object.camera = this.camera.toJSON( false ).object;
		delete object.camera.matrix;

		return object;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function SpotLightShadow() {

	LightShadow.call( this, new PerspectiveCamera( 50, 1, 0.5, 500 ) );


SpotLightShadow.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( LightShadow.prototype ), {

	constructor: SpotLightShadow,

	isSpotLightShadow: true,

	update: function ( light ) {

		var camera = this.camera;

		var fov = _Math.RAD2DEG * 2 * light.angle;
		var aspect = this.mapSize.width / this.mapSize.height;
		var far = light.distance || camera.far;

		if ( fov !== camera.fov || aspect !== camera.aspect || far !== camera.far ) {

			camera.fov = fov;
			camera.aspect = aspect;
			camera.far = far;



} );

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function SpotLight( color, intensity, distance, angle, penumbra, decay ) {

	Light.call( this, color, intensity );

	this.type = 'SpotLight';

	this.position.copy( Object3D.DefaultUp );

	this.target = new Object3D();

	Object.defineProperty( this, 'power', {
		get: function () {

			// intensity = power per solid angle.
			// ref: equation (17) from https://seblagarde.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/course_notes_moving_frostbite_to_pbr_v32.pdf
			return this.intensity * Math.PI;

		set: function ( power ) {

			// intensity = power per solid angle.
			// ref: equation (17) from https://seblagarde.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/course_notes_moving_frostbite_to_pbr_v32.pdf
			this.intensity = power / Math.PI;

	} );

	this.distance = ( distance !== undefined ) ? distance : 0;
	this.angle = ( angle !== undefined ) ? angle : Math.PI / 3;
	this.penumbra = ( penumbra !== undefined ) ? penumbra : 0;
	this.decay = ( decay !== undefined ) ? decay : 1;	// for physically correct lights, should be 2.

	this.shadow = new SpotLightShadow();


SpotLight.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Light.prototype ), {

	constructor: SpotLight,

	isSpotLight: true,

	copy: function ( source ) {

		Light.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.distance = source.distance;
		this.angle = source.angle;
		this.penumbra = source.penumbra;
		this.decay = source.decay;

		this.target = source.target.clone();

		this.shadow = source.shadow.clone();

		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function PointLight( color, intensity, distance, decay ) {

	Light.call( this, color, intensity );

	this.type = 'PointLight';

	Object.defineProperty( this, 'power', {
		get: function () {

			// intensity = power per solid angle.
			// ref: equation (15) from https://seblagarde.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/course_notes_moving_frostbite_to_pbr_v32.pdf
			return this.intensity * 4 * Math.PI;

		set: function ( power ) {

			// intensity = power per solid angle.
			// ref: equation (15) from https://seblagarde.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/course_notes_moving_frostbite_to_pbr_v32.pdf
			this.intensity = power / ( 4 * Math.PI );

	} );

	this.distance = ( distance !== undefined ) ? distance : 0;
	this.decay = ( decay !== undefined ) ? decay : 1;	// for physically correct lights, should be 2.

	this.shadow = new LightShadow( new PerspectiveCamera( 90, 1, 0.5, 500 ) );


PointLight.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Light.prototype ), {

	constructor: PointLight,

	isPointLight: true,

	copy: function ( source ) {

		Light.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.distance = source.distance;
		this.decay = source.decay;

		this.shadow = source.shadow.clone();

		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function DirectionalLightShadow( ) {

	LightShadow.call( this, new OrthographicCamera( - 5, 5, 5, - 5, 0.5, 500 ) );


DirectionalLightShadow.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( LightShadow.prototype ), {

	constructor: DirectionalLightShadow

} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function DirectionalLight( color, intensity ) {

	Light.call( this, color, intensity );

	this.type = 'DirectionalLight';

	this.position.copy( Object3D.DefaultUp );

	this.target = new Object3D();

	this.shadow = new DirectionalLightShadow();


DirectionalLight.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Light.prototype ), {

	constructor: DirectionalLight,

	isDirectionalLight: true,

	copy: function ( source ) {

		Light.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.target = source.target.clone();

		this.shadow = source.shadow.clone();

		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function AmbientLight( color, intensity ) {

	Light.call( this, color, intensity );

	this.type = 'AmbientLight';

	this.castShadow = undefined;


AmbientLight.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Light.prototype ), {

	constructor: AmbientLight,

	isAmbientLight: true

} );

 * @author abelnation / http://github.com/abelnation

function RectAreaLight( color, intensity, width, height ) {

	Light.call( this, color, intensity );

	this.type = 'RectAreaLight';

	this.width = ( width !== undefined ) ? width : 10;
	this.height = ( height !== undefined ) ? height : 10;


RectAreaLight.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Light.prototype ), {

	constructor: RectAreaLight,

	isRectAreaLight: true,

	copy: function ( source ) {

		Light.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.width = source.width;
		this.height = source.height;

		return this;


	toJSON: function ( meta ) {

		var data = Light.prototype.toJSON.call( this, meta );

		data.object.width = this.width;
		data.object.height = this.height;

		return data;


} );

 * A Track that interpolates Strings
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
 * @author tschw

function StringKeyframeTrack( name, times, values, interpolation ) {

	KeyframeTrack.call( this, name, times, values, interpolation );


StringKeyframeTrack.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( KeyframeTrack.prototype ), {

	constructor: StringKeyframeTrack,

	ValueTypeName: 'string',
	ValueBufferType: Array,

	DefaultInterpolation: InterpolateDiscrete,

	InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear: undefined,

	InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth: undefined

} );

 * A Track of Boolean keyframe values.
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
 * @author tschw

function BooleanKeyframeTrack( name, times, values ) {

	KeyframeTrack.call( this, name, times, values );


BooleanKeyframeTrack.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( KeyframeTrack.prototype ), {

	constructor: BooleanKeyframeTrack,

	ValueTypeName: 'bool',
	ValueBufferType: Array,

	DefaultInterpolation: InterpolateDiscrete,

	InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear: undefined,
	InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth: undefined

	// Note: Actually this track could have a optimized / compressed
	// representation of a single value and a custom interpolant that
	// computes "firstValue ^ isOdd( index )".

} );

 * Abstract base class of interpolants over parametric samples.
 * The parameter domain is one dimensional, typically the time or a path
 * along a curve defined by the data.
 * The sample values can have any dimensionality and derived classes may
 * apply special interpretations to the data.
 * This class provides the interval seek in a Template Method, deferring
 * the actual interpolation to derived classes.
 * Time complexity is O(1) for linear access crossing at most two points
 * and O(log N) for random access, where N is the number of positions.
 * References:
 * 		http://www.oodesign.com/template-method-pattern.html
 * @author tschw

function Interpolant( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer ) {

	this.parameterPositions = parameterPositions;
	this._cachedIndex = 0;

	this.resultBuffer = resultBuffer !== undefined ?
		resultBuffer : new sampleValues.constructor( sampleSize );
	this.sampleValues = sampleValues;
	this.valueSize = sampleSize;


Object.assign( Interpolant.prototype, {

	evaluate: function ( t ) {

		var pp = this.parameterPositions,
			i1 = this._cachedIndex,

			t1 = pp[ i1 ],
			t0 = pp[ i1 - 1 ];

		validate_interval: {

			seek: {

				var right;

				linear_scan: {

					//- See http://jsperf.com/comparison-to-undefined/3
					//- slower code:
					//- 				if ( t >= t1 || t1 === undefined ) {
					forward_scan: if ( ! ( t < t1 ) ) {

						for ( var giveUpAt = i1 + 2; ; ) {

							if ( t1 === undefined ) {

								if ( t < t0 ) break forward_scan;

								// after end

								i1 = pp.length;
								this._cachedIndex = i1;
								return this.afterEnd_( i1 - 1, t, t0 );


							if ( i1 === giveUpAt ) break; // this loop

							t0 = t1;
							t1 = pp[ ++ i1 ];

							if ( t < t1 ) {

								// we have arrived at the sought interval
								break seek;



						// prepare binary search on the right side of the index
						right = pp.length;
						break linear_scan;


					//- slower code:
					//-					if ( t < t0 || t0 === undefined ) {
					if ( ! ( t >= t0 ) ) {

						// looping?

						var t1global = pp[ 1 ];

						if ( t < t1global ) {

							i1 = 2; // + 1, using the scan for the details
							t0 = t1global;


						// linear reverse scan

						for ( var giveUpAt = i1 - 2; ; ) {

							if ( t0 === undefined ) {

								// before start

								this._cachedIndex = 0;
								return this.beforeStart_( 0, t, t1 );


							if ( i1 === giveUpAt ) break; // this loop

							t1 = t0;
							t0 = pp[ -- i1 - 1 ];

							if ( t >= t0 ) {

								// we have arrived at the sought interval
								break seek;



						// prepare binary search on the left side of the index
						right = i1;
						i1 = 0;
						break linear_scan;


					// the interval is valid

					break validate_interval;

				} // linear scan

				// binary search

				while ( i1 < right ) {

					var mid = ( i1 + right ) >>> 1;

					if ( t < pp[ mid ] ) {

						right = mid;

					} else {

						i1 = mid + 1;



				t1 = pp[ i1 ];
				t0 = pp[ i1 - 1 ];

				// check boundary cases, again

				if ( t0 === undefined ) {

					this._cachedIndex = 0;
					return this.beforeStart_( 0, t, t1 );


				if ( t1 === undefined ) {

					i1 = pp.length;
					this._cachedIndex = i1;
					return this.afterEnd_( i1 - 1, t0, t );


			} // seek

			this._cachedIndex = i1;

			this.intervalChanged_( i1, t0, t1 );

		} // validate_interval

		return this.interpolate_( i1, t0, t, t1 );


	settings: null, // optional, subclass-specific settings structure
	// Note: The indirection allows central control of many interpolants.

	// --- Protected interface

	DefaultSettings_: {},

	getSettings_: function () {

		return this.settings || this.DefaultSettings_;


	copySampleValue_: function ( index ) {

		// copies a sample value to the result buffer

		var result = this.resultBuffer,
			values = this.sampleValues,
			stride = this.valueSize,
			offset = index * stride;

		for ( var i = 0; i !== stride; ++ i ) {

			result[ i ] = values[ offset + i ];


		return result;


	// Template methods for derived classes:

	interpolate_: function ( /* i1, t0, t, t1 */ ) {

		throw new Error( 'call to abstract method' );
		// implementations shall return this.resultBuffer


	intervalChanged_: function ( /* i1, t0, t1 */ ) {

		// empty


} );

//!\ DECLARE ALIAS AFTER assign prototype !
Object.assign( Interpolant.prototype, {

	//( 0, t, t0 ), returns this.resultBuffer
	beforeStart_: Interpolant.prototype.copySampleValue_,

	//( N-1, tN-1, t ), returns this.resultBuffer
	afterEnd_: Interpolant.prototype.copySampleValue_,

} );

 * Spherical linear unit quaternion interpolant.
 * @author tschw

function QuaternionLinearInterpolant( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer ) {

	Interpolant.call( this, parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer );


QuaternionLinearInterpolant.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Interpolant.prototype ), {

	constructor: QuaternionLinearInterpolant,

	interpolate_: function ( i1, t0, t, t1 ) {

		var result = this.resultBuffer,
			values = this.sampleValues,
			stride = this.valueSize,

			offset = i1 * stride,

			alpha = ( t - t0 ) / ( t1 - t0 );

		for ( var end = offset + stride; offset !== end; offset += 4 ) {

			Quaternion.slerpFlat( result, 0, values, offset - stride, values, offset, alpha );


		return result;


} );

 * A Track of quaternion keyframe values.
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
 * @author tschw

function QuaternionKeyframeTrack( name, times, values, interpolation ) {

	KeyframeTrack.call( this, name, times, values, interpolation );


QuaternionKeyframeTrack.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( KeyframeTrack.prototype ), {

	constructor: QuaternionKeyframeTrack,

	ValueTypeName: 'quaternion',

	// ValueBufferType is inherited

	DefaultInterpolation: InterpolateLinear,

	InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear: function ( result ) {

		return new QuaternionLinearInterpolant( this.times, this.values, this.getValueSize(), result );


	InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth: undefined // not yet implemented

} );

 * A Track of keyframe values that represent color.
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
 * @author tschw

function ColorKeyframeTrack( name, times, values, interpolation ) {

	KeyframeTrack.call( this, name, times, values, interpolation );


ColorKeyframeTrack.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( KeyframeTrack.prototype ), {

	constructor: ColorKeyframeTrack,

	ValueTypeName: 'color'

	// ValueBufferType is inherited

	// DefaultInterpolation is inherited

	// Note: Very basic implementation and nothing special yet.
	// However, this is the place for color space parameterization.

} );

 * A Track of numeric keyframe values.
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
 * @author tschw

function NumberKeyframeTrack( name, times, values, interpolation ) {

	KeyframeTrack.call( this, name, times, values, interpolation );


NumberKeyframeTrack.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( KeyframeTrack.prototype ), {

	constructor: NumberKeyframeTrack,

	ValueTypeName: 'number'

	// ValueBufferType is inherited

	// DefaultInterpolation is inherited

} );

 * Fast and simple cubic spline interpolant.
 * It was derived from a Hermitian construction setting the first derivative
 * at each sample position to the linear slope between neighboring positions
 * over their parameter interval.
 * @author tschw

function CubicInterpolant( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer ) {

	Interpolant.call( this, parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer );

	this._weightPrev = - 0;
	this._offsetPrev = - 0;
	this._weightNext = - 0;
	this._offsetNext = - 0;


CubicInterpolant.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Interpolant.prototype ), {

	constructor: CubicInterpolant,

	DefaultSettings_: {

		endingStart: ZeroCurvatureEnding,
		endingEnd: ZeroCurvatureEnding


	intervalChanged_: function ( i1, t0, t1 ) {

		var pp = this.parameterPositions,
			iPrev = i1 - 2,
			iNext = i1 + 1,

			tPrev = pp[ iPrev ],
			tNext = pp[ iNext ];

		if ( tPrev === undefined ) {

			switch ( this.getSettings_().endingStart ) {

				case ZeroSlopeEnding:

					// f'(t0) = 0
					iPrev = i1;
					tPrev = 2 * t0 - t1;


				case WrapAroundEnding:

					// use the other end of the curve
					iPrev = pp.length - 2;
					tPrev = t0 + pp[ iPrev ] - pp[ iPrev + 1 ];


				default: // ZeroCurvatureEnding

					// f''(t0) = 0 a.k.a. Natural Spline
					iPrev = i1;
					tPrev = t1;



		if ( tNext === undefined ) {

			switch ( this.getSettings_().endingEnd ) {

				case ZeroSlopeEnding:

					// f'(tN) = 0
					iNext = i1;
					tNext = 2 * t1 - t0;


				case WrapAroundEnding:

					// use the other end of the curve
					iNext = 1;
					tNext = t1 + pp[ 1 ] - pp[ 0 ];


				default: // ZeroCurvatureEnding

					// f''(tN) = 0, a.k.a. Natural Spline
					iNext = i1 - 1;
					tNext = t0;



		var halfDt = ( t1 - t0 ) * 0.5,
			stride = this.valueSize;

		this._weightPrev = halfDt / ( t0 - tPrev );
		this._weightNext = halfDt / ( tNext - t1 );
		this._offsetPrev = iPrev * stride;
		this._offsetNext = iNext * stride;


	interpolate_: function ( i1, t0, t, t1 ) {

		var result = this.resultBuffer,
			values = this.sampleValues,
			stride = this.valueSize,

			o1 = i1 * stride,		o0 = o1 - stride,
			oP = this._offsetPrev, 	oN = this._offsetNext,
			wP = this._weightPrev,	wN = this._weightNext,

			p = ( t - t0 ) / ( t1 - t0 ),
			pp = p * p,
			ppp = pp * p;

		// evaluate polynomials

		var sP = - wP * ppp + 2 * wP * pp - wP * p;
		var s0 = ( 1 + wP ) * ppp + ( - 1.5 - 2 * wP ) * pp + ( - 0.5 + wP ) * p + 1;
		var s1 = ( - 1 - wN ) * ppp + ( 1.5 + wN ) * pp + 0.5 * p;
		var sN = wN * ppp - wN * pp;

		// combine data linearly

		for ( var i = 0; i !== stride; ++ i ) {

			result[ i ] =
					sP * values[ oP + i ] +
					s0 * values[ o0 + i ] +
					s1 * values[ o1 + i ] +
					sN * values[ oN + i ];


		return result;


} );

 * @author tschw

function LinearInterpolant( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer ) {

	Interpolant.call( this, parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer );


LinearInterpolant.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Interpolant.prototype ), {

	constructor: LinearInterpolant,

	interpolate_: function ( i1, t0, t, t1 ) {

		var result = this.resultBuffer,
			values = this.sampleValues,
			stride = this.valueSize,

			offset1 = i1 * stride,
			offset0 = offset1 - stride,

			weight1 = ( t - t0 ) / ( t1 - t0 ),
			weight0 = 1 - weight1;

		for ( var i = 0; i !== stride; ++ i ) {

			result[ i ] =
					values[ offset0 + i ] * weight0 +
					values[ offset1 + i ] * weight1;


		return result;


} );

 * Interpolant that evaluates to the sample value at the position preceeding
 * the parameter.
 * @author tschw

function DiscreteInterpolant( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer ) {

	Interpolant.call( this, parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer );


DiscreteInterpolant.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Interpolant.prototype ), {

	constructor: DiscreteInterpolant,

	interpolate_: function ( i1 /*, t0, t, t1 */ ) {

		return this.copySampleValue_( i1 - 1 );


} );

 * @author tschw
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/

var AnimationUtils = {

	// same as Array.prototype.slice, but also works on typed arrays
	arraySlice: function ( array, from, to ) {

		if ( AnimationUtils.isTypedArray( array ) ) {

			// in ios9 array.subarray(from, undefined) will return empty array
			// but array.subarray(from) or array.subarray(from, len) is correct
			return new array.constructor( array.subarray( from, to !== undefined ? to : array.length ) );


		return array.slice( from, to );


	// converts an array to a specific type
	convertArray: function ( array, type, forceClone ) {

		if ( ! array || // let 'undefined' and 'null' pass
				! forceClone && array.constructor === type ) return array;

		if ( typeof type.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 'number' ) {

			return new type( array ); // create typed array


		return Array.prototype.slice.call( array ); // create Array


	isTypedArray: function ( object ) {

		return ArrayBuffer.isView( object ) &&
				! ( object instanceof DataView );


	// returns an array by which times and values can be sorted
	getKeyframeOrder: function ( times ) {

		function compareTime( i, j ) {

			return times[ i ] - times[ j ];


		var n = times.length;
		var result = new Array( n );
		for ( var i = 0; i !== n; ++ i ) result[ i ] = i;

		result.sort( compareTime );

		return result;


	// uses the array previously returned by 'getKeyframeOrder' to sort data
	sortedArray: function ( values, stride, order ) {

		var nValues = values.length;
		var result = new values.constructor( nValues );

		for ( var i = 0, dstOffset = 0; dstOffset !== nValues; ++ i ) {

			var srcOffset = order[ i ] * stride;

			for ( var j = 0; j !== stride; ++ j ) {

				result[ dstOffset ++ ] = values[ srcOffset + j ];



		return result;


	// function for parsing AOS keyframe formats
	flattenJSON: function ( jsonKeys, times, values, valuePropertyName ) {

		var i = 1, key = jsonKeys[ 0 ];

		while ( key !== undefined && key[ valuePropertyName ] === undefined ) {

			key = jsonKeys[ i ++ ];


		if ( key === undefined ) return; // no data

		var value = key[ valuePropertyName ];
		if ( value === undefined ) return; // no data

		if ( Array.isArray( value ) ) {

			do {

				value = key[ valuePropertyName ];

				if ( value !== undefined ) {

					times.push( key.time );
					values.push.apply( values, value ); // push all elements


				key = jsonKeys[ i ++ ];

			} while ( key !== undefined );

		} else if ( value.toArray !== undefined ) {

			// ...assume THREE.Math-ish

			do {

				value = key[ valuePropertyName ];

				if ( value !== undefined ) {

					times.push( key.time );
					value.toArray( values, values.length );


				key = jsonKeys[ i ++ ];

			} while ( key !== undefined );

		} else {

			// otherwise push as-is

			do {

				value = key[ valuePropertyName ];

				if ( value !== undefined ) {

					times.push( key.time );
					values.push( value );


				key = jsonKeys[ i ++ ];

			} while ( key !== undefined );




 * A timed sequence of keyframes for a specific property.
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
 * @author tschw

function KeyframeTrack( name, times, values, interpolation ) {

	if ( name === undefined ) throw new Error( 'THREE.KeyframeTrack: track name is undefined' );
	if ( times === undefined || times.length === 0 ) throw new Error( 'THREE.KeyframeTrack: no keyframes in track named ' + name );

	this.name = name;

	this.times = AnimationUtils.convertArray( times, this.TimeBufferType );
	this.values = AnimationUtils.convertArray( values, this.ValueBufferType );

	this.setInterpolation( interpolation || this.DefaultInterpolation );



// Static methods:

Object.assign( KeyframeTrack, {

	// Serialization (in static context, because of constructor invocation
	// and automatic invocation of .toJSON):

	parse: function ( json ) {

		if ( json.type === undefined ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.KeyframeTrack: track type undefined, can not parse' );


		var trackType = KeyframeTrack._getTrackTypeForValueTypeName( json.type );

		if ( json.times === undefined ) {

			var times = [], values = [];

			AnimationUtils.flattenJSON( json.keys, times, values, 'value' );

			json.times = times;
			json.values = values;


		// derived classes can define a static parse method
		if ( trackType.parse !== undefined ) {

			return trackType.parse( json );

		} else {

			// by default, we assume a constructor compatible with the base
			return new trackType( json.name, json.times, json.values, json.interpolation );



	toJSON: function ( track ) {

		var trackType = track.constructor;

		var json;

		// derived classes can define a static toJSON method
		if ( trackType.toJSON !== undefined ) {

			json = trackType.toJSON( track );

		} else {

			// by default, we assume the data can be serialized as-is
			json = {

				'name': track.name,
				'times': AnimationUtils.convertArray( track.times, Array ),
				'values': AnimationUtils.convertArray( track.values, Array )


			var interpolation = track.getInterpolation();

			if ( interpolation !== track.DefaultInterpolation ) {

				json.interpolation = interpolation;



		json.type = track.ValueTypeName; // mandatory

		return json;


	_getTrackTypeForValueTypeName: function ( typeName ) {

		switch ( typeName.toLowerCase() ) {

			case 'scalar':
			case 'double':
			case 'float':
			case 'number':
			case 'integer':

				return NumberKeyframeTrack;

			case 'vector':
			case 'vector2':
			case 'vector3':
			case 'vector4':

				return VectorKeyframeTrack;

			case 'color':

				return ColorKeyframeTrack;

			case 'quaternion':

				return QuaternionKeyframeTrack;

			case 'bool':
			case 'boolean':

				return BooleanKeyframeTrack;

			case 'string':

				return StringKeyframeTrack;


		throw new Error( 'THREE.KeyframeTrack: Unsupported typeName: ' + typeName );


} );

Object.assign( KeyframeTrack.prototype, {

	constructor: KeyframeTrack,

	TimeBufferType: Float32Array,

	ValueBufferType: Float32Array,

	DefaultInterpolation: InterpolateLinear,

	InterpolantFactoryMethodDiscrete: function ( result ) {

		return new DiscreteInterpolant( this.times, this.values, this.getValueSize(), result );


	InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear: function ( result ) {

		return new LinearInterpolant( this.times, this.values, this.getValueSize(), result );


	InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth: function ( result ) {

		return new CubicInterpolant( this.times, this.values, this.getValueSize(), result );


	setInterpolation: function ( interpolation ) {

		var factoryMethod;

		switch ( interpolation ) {

			case InterpolateDiscrete:

				factoryMethod = this.InterpolantFactoryMethodDiscrete;


			case InterpolateLinear:

				factoryMethod = this.InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear;


			case InterpolateSmooth:

				factoryMethod = this.InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth;



		if ( factoryMethod === undefined ) {

			var message = "unsupported interpolation for " +
				this.ValueTypeName + " keyframe track named " + this.name;

			if ( this.createInterpolant === undefined ) {

				// fall back to default, unless the default itself is messed up
				if ( interpolation !== this.DefaultInterpolation ) {

					this.setInterpolation( this.DefaultInterpolation );

				} else {

					throw new Error( message ); // fatal, in this case



			console.warn( 'THREE.KeyframeTrack:', message );


		this.createInterpolant = factoryMethod;


	getInterpolation: function () {

		switch ( this.createInterpolant ) {

			case this.InterpolantFactoryMethodDiscrete:

				return InterpolateDiscrete;

			case this.InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear:

				return InterpolateLinear;

			case this.InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth:

				return InterpolateSmooth;



	getValueSize: function () {

		return this.values.length / this.times.length;


	// move all keyframes either forwards or backwards in time
	shift: function ( timeOffset ) {

		if ( timeOffset !== 0.0 ) {

			var times = this.times;

			for ( var i = 0, n = times.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

				times[ i ] += timeOffset;



		return this;


	// scale all keyframe times by a factor (useful for frame <-> seconds conversions)
	scale: function ( timeScale ) {

		if ( timeScale !== 1.0 ) {

			var times = this.times;

			for ( var i = 0, n = times.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

				times[ i ] *= timeScale;



		return this;


	// removes keyframes before and after animation without changing any values within the range [startTime, endTime].
	// IMPORTANT: We do not shift around keys to the start of the track time, because for interpolated keys this will change their values
	trim: function ( startTime, endTime ) {

		var times = this.times,
			nKeys = times.length,
			from = 0,
			to = nKeys - 1;

		while ( from !== nKeys && times[ from ] < startTime ) {

			++ from;


		while ( to !== - 1 && times[ to ] > endTime ) {

			-- to;


		++ to; // inclusive -> exclusive bound

		if ( from !== 0 || to !== nKeys ) {

			// empty tracks are forbidden, so keep at least one keyframe
			if ( from >= to ) to = Math.max( to, 1 ), from = to - 1;

			var stride = this.getValueSize();
			this.times = AnimationUtils.arraySlice( times, from, to );
			this.values = AnimationUtils.arraySlice( this.values, from * stride, to * stride );


		return this;


	// ensure we do not get a GarbageInGarbageOut situation, make sure tracks are at least minimally viable
	validate: function () {

		var valid = true;

		var valueSize = this.getValueSize();
		if ( valueSize - Math.floor( valueSize ) !== 0 ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.KeyframeTrack: Invalid value size in track.', this );
			valid = false;


		var times = this.times,
			values = this.values,

			nKeys = times.length;

		if ( nKeys === 0 ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.KeyframeTrack: Track is empty.', this );
			valid = false;


		var prevTime = null;

		for ( var i = 0; i !== nKeys; i ++ ) {

			var currTime = times[ i ];

			if ( typeof currTime === 'number' && isNaN( currTime ) ) {

				console.error( 'THREE.KeyframeTrack: Time is not a valid number.', this, i, currTime );
				valid = false;


			if ( prevTime !== null && prevTime > currTime ) {

				console.error( 'THREE.KeyframeTrack: Out of order keys.', this, i, currTime, prevTime );
				valid = false;


			prevTime = currTime;


		if ( values !== undefined ) {

			if ( AnimationUtils.isTypedArray( values ) ) {

				for ( var i = 0, n = values.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

					var value = values[ i ];

					if ( isNaN( value ) ) {

						console.error( 'THREE.KeyframeTrack: Value is not a valid number.', this, i, value );
						valid = false;





		return valid;


	// removes equivalent sequential keys as common in morph target sequences
	// (0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) --> (0,0,1,1,0,0)
	optimize: function () {

		var times = this.times,
			values = this.values,
			stride = this.getValueSize(),

			smoothInterpolation = this.getInterpolation() === InterpolateSmooth,

			writeIndex = 1,
			lastIndex = times.length - 1;

		for ( var i = 1; i < lastIndex; ++ i ) {

			var keep = false;

			var time = times[ i ];
			var timeNext = times[ i + 1 ];

			// remove adjacent keyframes scheduled at the same time

			if ( time !== timeNext && ( i !== 1 || time !== time[ 0 ] ) ) {

				if ( ! smoothInterpolation ) {

					// remove unnecessary keyframes same as their neighbors

					var offset = i * stride,
						offsetP = offset - stride,
						offsetN = offset + stride;

					for ( var j = 0; j !== stride; ++ j ) {

						var value = values[ offset + j ];

						if ( value !== values[ offsetP + j ] ||
							value !== values[ offsetN + j ] ) {

							keep = true;



				} else {

					keep = true;



			// in-place compaction

			if ( keep ) {

				if ( i !== writeIndex ) {

					times[ writeIndex ] = times[ i ];

					var readOffset = i * stride,
						writeOffset = writeIndex * stride;

					for ( var j = 0; j !== stride; ++ j ) {

						values[ writeOffset + j ] = values[ readOffset + j ];



				++ writeIndex;



		// flush last keyframe (compaction looks ahead)

		if ( lastIndex > 0 ) {

			times[ writeIndex ] = times[ lastIndex ];

			for ( var readOffset = lastIndex * stride, writeOffset = writeIndex * stride, j = 0; j !== stride; ++ j ) {

				values[ writeOffset + j ] = values[ readOffset + j ];


			++ writeIndex;


		if ( writeIndex !== times.length ) {

			this.times = AnimationUtils.arraySlice( times, 0, writeIndex );
			this.values = AnimationUtils.arraySlice( values, 0, writeIndex * stride );


		return this;


} );

 * A Track of vectored keyframe values.
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
 * @author tschw

function VectorKeyframeTrack( name, times, values, interpolation ) {

	KeyframeTrack.call( this, name, times, values, interpolation );


VectorKeyframeTrack.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( KeyframeTrack.prototype ), {

	constructor: VectorKeyframeTrack,

	ValueTypeName: 'vector'

	// ValueBufferType is inherited

	// DefaultInterpolation is inherited

} );

 * Reusable set of Tracks that represent an animation.
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/

function AnimationClip( name, duration, tracks ) {

	this.name = name;
	this.tracks = tracks;
	this.duration = ( duration !== undefined ) ? duration : - 1;

	this.uuid = _Math.generateUUID();

	// this means it should figure out its duration by scanning the tracks
	if ( this.duration < 0 ) {





Object.assign( AnimationClip, {

	parse: function ( json ) {

		var tracks = [],
			jsonTracks = json.tracks,
			frameTime = 1.0 / ( json.fps || 1.0 );

		for ( var i = 0, n = jsonTracks.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			tracks.push( KeyframeTrack.parse( jsonTracks[ i ] ).scale( frameTime ) );


		return new AnimationClip( json.name, json.duration, tracks );


	toJSON: function ( clip ) {

		var tracks = [],
			clipTracks = clip.tracks;

		var json = {

			'name': clip.name,
			'duration': clip.duration,
			'tracks': tracks


		for ( var i = 0, n = clipTracks.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			tracks.push( KeyframeTrack.toJSON( clipTracks[ i ] ) );


		return json;


	CreateFromMorphTargetSequence: function ( name, morphTargetSequence, fps, noLoop ) {

		var numMorphTargets = morphTargetSequence.length;
		var tracks = [];

		for ( var i = 0; i < numMorphTargets; i ++ ) {

			var times = [];
			var values = [];

				( i + numMorphTargets - 1 ) % numMorphTargets,
				( i + 1 ) % numMorphTargets );

			values.push( 0, 1, 0 );

			var order = AnimationUtils.getKeyframeOrder( times );
			times = AnimationUtils.sortedArray( times, 1, order );
			values = AnimationUtils.sortedArray( values, 1, order );

			// if there is a key at the first frame, duplicate it as the
			// last frame as well for perfect loop.
			if ( ! noLoop && times[ 0 ] === 0 ) {

				times.push( numMorphTargets );
				values.push( values[ 0 ] );


				new NumberKeyframeTrack(
					'.morphTargetInfluences[' + morphTargetSequence[ i ].name + ']',
					times, values
				).scale( 1.0 / fps ) );


		return new AnimationClip( name, - 1, tracks );


	findByName: function ( objectOrClipArray, name ) {

		var clipArray = objectOrClipArray;

		if ( ! Array.isArray( objectOrClipArray ) ) {

			var o = objectOrClipArray;
			clipArray = o.geometry && o.geometry.animations || o.animations;


		for ( var i = 0; i < clipArray.length; i ++ ) {

			if ( clipArray[ i ].name === name ) {

				return clipArray[ i ];



		return null;


	CreateClipsFromMorphTargetSequences: function ( morphTargets, fps, noLoop ) {

		var animationToMorphTargets = {};

		// tested with https://regex101.com/ on trick sequences
		// such flamingo_flyA_003, flamingo_run1_003, crdeath0059
		var pattern = /^([\w-]*?)([\d]+)$/;

		// sort morph target names into animation groups based
		// patterns like Walk_001, Walk_002, Run_001, Run_002
		for ( var i = 0, il = morphTargets.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var morphTarget = morphTargets[ i ];
			var parts = morphTarget.name.match( pattern );

			if ( parts && parts.length > 1 ) {

				var name = parts[ 1 ];

				var animationMorphTargets = animationToMorphTargets[ name ];
				if ( ! animationMorphTargets ) {

					animationToMorphTargets[ name ] = animationMorphTargets = [];


				animationMorphTargets.push( morphTarget );



		var clips = [];

		for ( var name in animationToMorphTargets ) {

			clips.push( AnimationClip.CreateFromMorphTargetSequence( name, animationToMorphTargets[ name ], fps, noLoop ) );


		return clips;


	// parse the animation.hierarchy format
	parseAnimation: function ( animation, bones ) {

		if ( ! animation ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.AnimationClip: No animation in JSONLoader data.' );
			return null;


		var addNonemptyTrack = function ( trackType, trackName, animationKeys, propertyName, destTracks ) {

			// only return track if there are actually keys.
			if ( animationKeys.length !== 0 ) {

				var times = [];
				var values = [];

				AnimationUtils.flattenJSON( animationKeys, times, values, propertyName );

				// empty keys are filtered out, so check again
				if ( times.length !== 0 ) {

					destTracks.push( new trackType( trackName, times, values ) );




		var tracks = [];

		var clipName = animation.name || 'default';
		// automatic length determination in AnimationClip.
		var duration = animation.length || - 1;
		var fps = animation.fps || 30;

		var hierarchyTracks = animation.hierarchy || [];

		for ( var h = 0; h < hierarchyTracks.length; h ++ ) {

			var animationKeys = hierarchyTracks[ h ].keys;

			// skip empty tracks
			if ( ! animationKeys || animationKeys.length === 0 ) continue;

			// process morph targets
			if ( animationKeys[ 0 ].morphTargets ) {

				// figure out all morph targets used in this track
				var morphTargetNames = {};

				for ( var k = 0; k < animationKeys.length; k ++ ) {

					if ( animationKeys[ k ].morphTargets ) {

						for ( var m = 0; m < animationKeys[ k ].morphTargets.length; m ++ ) {

							morphTargetNames[ animationKeys[ k ].morphTargets[ m ] ] = - 1;




				// create a track for each morph target with all zero
				// morphTargetInfluences except for the keys in which
				// the morphTarget is named.
				for ( var morphTargetName in morphTargetNames ) {

					var times = [];
					var values = [];

					for ( var m = 0; m !== animationKeys[ k ].morphTargets.length; ++ m ) {

						var animationKey = animationKeys[ k ];

						times.push( animationKey.time );
						values.push( ( animationKey.morphTarget === morphTargetName ) ? 1 : 0 );


					tracks.push( new NumberKeyframeTrack( '.morphTargetInfluence[' + morphTargetName + ']', times, values ) );


				duration = morphTargetNames.length * ( fps || 1.0 );

			} else {

				// ...assume skeletal animation

				var boneName = '.bones[' + bones[ h ].name + ']';

					VectorKeyframeTrack, boneName + '.position',
					animationKeys, 'pos', tracks );

					QuaternionKeyframeTrack, boneName + '.quaternion',
					animationKeys, 'rot', tracks );

					VectorKeyframeTrack, boneName + '.scale',
					animationKeys, 'scl', tracks );



		if ( tracks.length === 0 ) {

			return null;


		var clip = new AnimationClip( clipName, duration, tracks );

		return clip;


} );

Object.assign( AnimationClip.prototype, {

	resetDuration: function () {

		var tracks = this.tracks, duration = 0;

		for ( var i = 0, n = tracks.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			var track = this.tracks[ i ];

			duration = Math.max( duration, track.times[ track.times.length - 1 ] );


		this.duration = duration;


	trim: function () {

		for ( var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; i ++ ) {

			this.tracks[ i ].trim( 0, this.duration );


		return this;


	optimize: function () {

		for ( var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; i ++ ) {

			this.tracks[ i ].optimize();


		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function MaterialLoader( manager ) {

	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;
	this.textures = {};


Object.assign( MaterialLoader.prototype, {

	load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		var scope = this;

		var loader = new FileLoader( scope.manager );
		loader.load( url, function ( text ) {

			onLoad( scope.parse( JSON.parse( text ) ) );

		}, onProgress, onError );


	setTextures: function ( value ) {

		this.textures = value;


	parse: function ( json ) {

		var textures = this.textures;

		function getTexture( name ) {

			if ( textures[ name ] === undefined ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.MaterialLoader: Undefined texture', name );


			return textures[ name ];


		var material = new Materials[ json.type ]();

		if ( json.uuid !== undefined ) material.uuid = json.uuid;
		if ( json.name !== undefined ) material.name = json.name;
		if ( json.color !== undefined ) material.color.setHex( json.color );
		if ( json.roughness !== undefined ) material.roughness = json.roughness;
		if ( json.metalness !== undefined ) material.metalness = json.metalness;
		if ( json.emissive !== undefined ) material.emissive.setHex( json.emissive );
		if ( json.specular !== undefined ) material.specular.setHex( json.specular );
		if ( json.shininess !== undefined ) material.shininess = json.shininess;
		if ( json.clearCoat !== undefined ) material.clearCoat = json.clearCoat;
		if ( json.clearCoatRoughness !== undefined ) material.clearCoatRoughness = json.clearCoatRoughness;
		if ( json.uniforms !== undefined ) material.uniforms = json.uniforms;
		if ( json.vertexShader !== undefined ) material.vertexShader = json.vertexShader;
		if ( json.fragmentShader !== undefined ) material.fragmentShader = json.fragmentShader;
		if ( json.vertexColors !== undefined ) material.vertexColors = json.vertexColors;
		if ( json.fog !== undefined ) material.fog = json.fog;
		if ( json.flatShading !== undefined ) material.flatShading = json.flatShading;
		if ( json.blending !== undefined ) material.blending = json.blending;
		if ( json.side !== undefined ) material.side = json.side;
		if ( json.opacity !== undefined ) material.opacity = json.opacity;
		if ( json.transparent !== undefined ) material.transparent = json.transparent;
		if ( json.alphaTest !== undefined ) material.alphaTest = json.alphaTest;
		if ( json.depthTest !== undefined ) material.depthTest = json.depthTest;
		if ( json.depthWrite !== undefined ) material.depthWrite = json.depthWrite;
		if ( json.colorWrite !== undefined ) material.colorWrite = json.colorWrite;
		if ( json.wireframe !== undefined ) material.wireframe = json.wireframe;
		if ( json.wireframeLinewidth !== undefined ) material.wireframeLinewidth = json.wireframeLinewidth;
		if ( json.wireframeLinecap !== undefined ) material.wireframeLinecap = json.wireframeLinecap;
		if ( json.wireframeLinejoin !== undefined ) material.wireframeLinejoin = json.wireframeLinejoin;

		if ( json.rotation !== undefined ) material.rotation = json.rotation;

		if ( json.linewidth !== 1 ) material.linewidth = json.linewidth;
		if ( json.dashSize !== undefined ) material.dashSize = json.dashSize;
		if ( json.gapSize !== undefined ) material.gapSize = json.gapSize;
		if ( json.scale !== undefined ) material.scale = json.scale;

		if ( json.skinning !== undefined ) material.skinning = json.skinning;
		if ( json.morphTargets !== undefined ) material.morphTargets = json.morphTargets;
		if ( json.dithering !== undefined ) material.dithering = json.dithering;

		if ( json.visible !== undefined ) material.visible = json.visible;
		if ( json.userData !== undefined ) material.userData = json.userData;

		// Deprecated

		if ( json.shading !== undefined ) material.flatShading = json.shading === 1; // THREE.FlatShading

		// for PointsMaterial

		if ( json.size !== undefined ) material.size = json.size;
		if ( json.sizeAttenuation !== undefined ) material.sizeAttenuation = json.sizeAttenuation;

		// maps

		if ( json.map !== undefined ) material.map = getTexture( json.map );

		if ( json.alphaMap !== undefined ) {

			material.alphaMap = getTexture( json.alphaMap );
			material.transparent = true;


		if ( json.bumpMap !== undefined ) material.bumpMap = getTexture( json.bumpMap );
		if ( json.bumpScale !== undefined ) material.bumpScale = json.bumpScale;

		if ( json.normalMap !== undefined ) material.normalMap = getTexture( json.normalMap );
		if ( json.normalScale !== undefined ) {

			var normalScale = json.normalScale;

			if ( Array.isArray( normalScale ) === false ) {

				// Blender exporter used to export a scalar. See #7459

				normalScale = [ normalScale, normalScale ];


			material.normalScale = new Vector2().fromArray( normalScale );


		if ( json.displacementMap !== undefined ) material.displacementMap = getTexture( json.displacementMap );
		if ( json.displacementScale !== undefined ) material.displacementScale = json.displacementScale;
		if ( json.displacementBias !== undefined ) material.displacementBias = json.displacementBias;

		if ( json.roughnessMap !== undefined ) material.roughnessMap = getTexture( json.roughnessMap );
		if ( json.metalnessMap !== undefined ) material.metalnessMap = getTexture( json.metalnessMap );

		if ( json.emissiveMap !== undefined ) material.emissiveMap = getTexture( json.emissiveMap );
		if ( json.emissiveIntensity !== undefined ) material.emissiveIntensity = json.emissiveIntensity;

		if ( json.specularMap !== undefined ) material.specularMap = getTexture( json.specularMap );

		if ( json.envMap !== undefined ) material.envMap = getTexture( json.envMap );

		if ( json.reflectivity !== undefined ) material.reflectivity = json.reflectivity;

		if ( json.lightMap !== undefined ) material.lightMap = getTexture( json.lightMap );
		if ( json.lightMapIntensity !== undefined ) material.lightMapIntensity = json.lightMapIntensity;

		if ( json.aoMap !== undefined ) material.aoMap = getTexture( json.aoMap );
		if ( json.aoMapIntensity !== undefined ) material.aoMapIntensity = json.aoMapIntensity;

		if ( json.gradientMap !== undefined ) material.gradientMap = getTexture( json.gradientMap );

		return material;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function BufferGeometryLoader( manager ) {

	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;


Object.assign( BufferGeometryLoader.prototype, {

	load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		var scope = this;

		var loader = new FileLoader( scope.manager );
		loader.load( url, function ( text ) {

			onLoad( scope.parse( JSON.parse( text ) ) );

		}, onProgress, onError );


	parse: function ( json ) {

		var geometry = new BufferGeometry();

		var index = json.data.index;

		if ( index !== undefined ) {

			var typedArray = new TYPED_ARRAYS[ index.type ]( index.array );
			geometry.setIndex( new BufferAttribute( typedArray, 1 ) );


		var attributes = json.data.attributes;

		for ( var key in attributes ) {

			var attribute = attributes[ key ];
			var typedArray = new TYPED_ARRAYS[ attribute.type ]( attribute.array );

			geometry.addAttribute( key, new BufferAttribute( typedArray, attribute.itemSize, attribute.normalized ) );


		var groups = json.data.groups || json.data.drawcalls || json.data.offsets;

		if ( groups !== undefined ) {

			for ( var i = 0, n = groups.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

				var group = groups[ i ];

				geometry.addGroup( group.start, group.count, group.materialIndex );



		var boundingSphere = json.data.boundingSphere;

		if ( boundingSphere !== undefined ) {

			var center = new Vector3();

			if ( boundingSphere.center !== undefined ) {

				center.fromArray( boundingSphere.center );


			geometry.boundingSphere = new Sphere( center, boundingSphere.radius );


		return geometry;


} );

	Int8Array: Int8Array,
	Uint8Array: Uint8Array,
	// Workaround for IE11 pre KB2929437. See #11440
	Uint8ClampedArray: typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== 'undefined' ? Uint8ClampedArray : Uint8Array,
	Int16Array: Int16Array,
	Uint16Array: Uint16Array,
	Int32Array: Int32Array,
	Uint32Array: Uint32Array,
	Float32Array: Float32Array,
	Float64Array: Float64Array

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function Loader() {

	this.onLoadStart = function () {};
	this.onLoadProgress = function () {};
	this.onLoadComplete = function () {};


Loader.Handlers = {

	handlers: [],

	add: function ( regex, loader ) {

		this.handlers.push( regex, loader );


	get: function ( file ) {

		var handlers = this.handlers;

		for ( var i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i += 2 ) {

			var regex = handlers[ i ];
			var loader = handlers[ i + 1 ];

			if ( regex.test( file ) ) {

				return loader;



		return null;



Object.assign( Loader.prototype, {

	crossOrigin: undefined,

	initMaterials: function ( materials, texturePath, crossOrigin ) {

		var array = [];

		for ( var i = 0; i < materials.length; ++ i ) {

			array[ i ] = this.createMaterial( materials[ i ], texturePath, crossOrigin );


		return array;


	createMaterial: ( function () {

		var BlendingMode = {
			NoBlending: NoBlending,
			NormalBlending: NormalBlending,
			AdditiveBlending: AdditiveBlending,
			SubtractiveBlending: SubtractiveBlending,
			MultiplyBlending: MultiplyBlending,
			CustomBlending: CustomBlending

		var color = new Color();
		var textureLoader = new TextureLoader();
		var materialLoader = new MaterialLoader();

		return function createMaterial( m, texturePath, crossOrigin ) {

			// convert from old material format

			var textures = {};

			function loadTexture( path, repeat, offset, wrap, anisotropy ) {

				var fullPath = texturePath + path;
				var loader = Loader.Handlers.get( fullPath );

				var texture;

				if ( loader !== null ) {

					texture = loader.load( fullPath );

				} else {

					textureLoader.setCrossOrigin( crossOrigin );
					texture = textureLoader.load( fullPath );


				if ( repeat !== undefined ) {

					texture.repeat.fromArray( repeat );

					if ( repeat[ 0 ] !== 1 ) texture.wrapS = RepeatWrapping;
					if ( repeat[ 1 ] !== 1 ) texture.wrapT = RepeatWrapping;


				if ( offset !== undefined ) {

					texture.offset.fromArray( offset );


				if ( wrap !== undefined ) {

					if ( wrap[ 0 ] === 'repeat' ) texture.wrapS = RepeatWrapping;
					if ( wrap[ 0 ] === 'mirror' ) texture.wrapS = MirroredRepeatWrapping;

					if ( wrap[ 1 ] === 'repeat' ) texture.wrapT = RepeatWrapping;
					if ( wrap[ 1 ] === 'mirror' ) texture.wrapT = MirroredRepeatWrapping;


				if ( anisotropy !== undefined ) {

					texture.anisotropy = anisotropy;


				var uuid = _Math.generateUUID();

				textures[ uuid ] = texture;

				return uuid;



			var json = {
				uuid: _Math.generateUUID(),
				type: 'MeshLambertMaterial'

			for ( var name in m ) {

				var value = m[ name ];

				switch ( name ) {

					case 'DbgColor':
					case 'DbgIndex':
					case 'opticalDensity':
					case 'illumination':
					case 'DbgName':
						json.name = value;
					case 'blending':
						json.blending = BlendingMode[ value ];
					case 'colorAmbient':
					case 'mapAmbient':
						console.warn( 'THREE.Loader.createMaterial:', name, 'is no longer supported.' );
					case 'colorDiffuse':
						json.color = color.fromArray( value ).getHex();
					case 'colorSpecular':
						json.specular = color.fromArray( value ).getHex();
					case 'colorEmissive':
						json.emissive = color.fromArray( value ).getHex();
					case 'specularCoef':
						json.shininess = value;
					case 'shading':
						if ( value.toLowerCase() === 'basic' ) json.type = 'MeshBasicMaterial';
						if ( value.toLowerCase() === 'phong' ) json.type = 'MeshPhongMaterial';
						if ( value.toLowerCase() === 'standard' ) json.type = 'MeshStandardMaterial';
					case 'mapDiffuse':
						json.map = loadTexture( value, m.mapDiffuseRepeat, m.mapDiffuseOffset, m.mapDiffuseWrap, m.mapDiffuseAnisotropy );
					case 'mapDiffuseRepeat':
					case 'mapDiffuseOffset':
					case 'mapDiffuseWrap':
					case 'mapDiffuseAnisotropy':
					case 'mapEmissive':
						json.emissiveMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapEmissiveRepeat, m.mapEmissiveOffset, m.mapEmissiveWrap, m.mapEmissiveAnisotropy );
					case 'mapEmissiveRepeat':
					case 'mapEmissiveOffset':
					case 'mapEmissiveWrap':
					case 'mapEmissiveAnisotropy':
					case 'mapLight':
						json.lightMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapLightRepeat, m.mapLightOffset, m.mapLightWrap, m.mapLightAnisotropy );
					case 'mapLightRepeat':
					case 'mapLightOffset':
					case 'mapLightWrap':
					case 'mapLightAnisotropy':
					case 'mapAO':
						json.aoMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapAORepeat, m.mapAOOffset, m.mapAOWrap, m.mapAOAnisotropy );
					case 'mapAORepeat':
					case 'mapAOOffset':
					case 'mapAOWrap':
					case 'mapAOAnisotropy':
					case 'mapBump':
						json.bumpMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapBumpRepeat, m.mapBumpOffset, m.mapBumpWrap, m.mapBumpAnisotropy );
					case 'mapBumpScale':
						json.bumpScale = value;
					case 'mapBumpRepeat':
					case 'mapBumpOffset':
					case 'mapBumpWrap':
					case 'mapBumpAnisotropy':
					case 'mapNormal':
						json.normalMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapNormalRepeat, m.mapNormalOffset, m.mapNormalWrap, m.mapNormalAnisotropy );
					case 'mapNormalFactor':
						json.normalScale = [ value, value ];
					case 'mapNormalRepeat':
					case 'mapNormalOffset':
					case 'mapNormalWrap':
					case 'mapNormalAnisotropy':
					case 'mapSpecular':
						json.specularMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapSpecularRepeat, m.mapSpecularOffset, m.mapSpecularWrap, m.mapSpecularAnisotropy );
					case 'mapSpecularRepeat':
					case 'mapSpecularOffset':
					case 'mapSpecularWrap':
					case 'mapSpecularAnisotropy':
					case 'mapMetalness':
						json.metalnessMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapMetalnessRepeat, m.mapMetalnessOffset, m.mapMetalnessWrap, m.mapMetalnessAnisotropy );
					case 'mapMetalnessRepeat':
					case 'mapMetalnessOffset':
					case 'mapMetalnessWrap':
					case 'mapMetalnessAnisotropy':
					case 'mapRoughness':
						json.roughnessMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapRoughnessRepeat, m.mapRoughnessOffset, m.mapRoughnessWrap, m.mapRoughnessAnisotropy );
					case 'mapRoughnessRepeat':
					case 'mapRoughnessOffset':
					case 'mapRoughnessWrap':
					case 'mapRoughnessAnisotropy':
					case 'mapAlpha':
						json.alphaMap = loadTexture( value, m.mapAlphaRepeat, m.mapAlphaOffset, m.mapAlphaWrap, m.mapAlphaAnisotropy );
					case 'mapAlphaRepeat':
					case 'mapAlphaOffset':
					case 'mapAlphaWrap':
					case 'mapAlphaAnisotropy':
					case 'flipSided':
						json.side = BackSide;
					case 'doubleSided':
						json.side = DoubleSide;
					case 'transparency':
						console.warn( 'THREE.Loader.createMaterial: transparency has been renamed to opacity' );
						json.opacity = value;
					case 'depthTest':
					case 'depthWrite':
					case 'colorWrite':
					case 'opacity':
					case 'reflectivity':
					case 'transparent':
					case 'visible':
					case 'wireframe':
						json[ name ] = value;
					case 'vertexColors':
						if ( value === true ) json.vertexColors = VertexColors;
						if ( value === 'face' ) json.vertexColors = FaceColors;
						console.error( 'THREE.Loader.createMaterial: Unsupported', name, value );



			if ( json.type === 'MeshBasicMaterial' ) delete json.emissive;
			if ( json.type !== 'MeshPhongMaterial' ) delete json.specular;

			if ( json.opacity < 1 ) json.transparent = true;

			materialLoader.setTextures( textures );

			return materialLoader.parse( json );


	} )()

} );

 * @author Don McCurdy / https://www.donmccurdy.com

var LoaderUtils = {

	decodeText: function ( array ) {

		if ( typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined' ) {

			return new TextDecoder().decode( array );


		// Avoid the String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array) shortcut, which
		// throws a "maximum call stack size exceeded" error for large arrays.

		var s = '';

		for ( var i = 0, il = array.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			// Implicitly assumes little-endian.
			s += String.fromCharCode( array[ i ] );


		// Merges multi-byte utf-8 characters.
		return decodeURIComponent( escape( s ) );


	extractUrlBase: function ( url ) {

		var parts = url.split( '/' );

		if ( parts.length === 1 ) return './';


		return parts.join( '/' ) + '/';



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function JSONLoader( manager ) {

	if ( typeof manager === 'boolean' ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.JSONLoader: showStatus parameter has been removed from constructor.' );
		manager = undefined;


	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;

	this.withCredentials = false;


Object.assign( JSONLoader.prototype, {

	load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		var scope = this;

		var texturePath = this.texturePath && ( typeof this.texturePath === 'string' ) ? this.texturePath : LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase( url );

		var loader = new FileLoader( this.manager );
		loader.setWithCredentials( this.withCredentials );
		loader.load( url, function ( text ) {

			var json = JSON.parse( text );
			var metadata = json.metadata;

			if ( metadata !== undefined ) {

				var type = metadata.type;

				if ( type !== undefined ) {

					if ( type.toLowerCase() === 'object' ) {

						console.error( 'THREE.JSONLoader: ' + url + ' should be loaded with THREE.ObjectLoader instead.' );


					if ( type.toLowerCase() === 'scene' ) {

						console.error( 'THREE.JSONLoader: ' + url + ' should be loaded with THREE.SceneLoader instead.' );




			var object = scope.parse( json, texturePath );
			onLoad( object.geometry, object.materials );

		}, onProgress, onError );


	setTexturePath: function ( value ) {

		this.texturePath = value;


	parse: ( function () {

		function parseModel( json, geometry ) {

			function isBitSet( value, position ) {

				return value & ( 1 << position );


			var i, j, fi,

				offset, zLength,

				colorIndex, normalIndex, uvIndex, materialIndex,

				hasFaceNormal, hasFaceVertexNormal,
				hasFaceColor, hasFaceVertexColor,

				vertex, face, faceA, faceB, hex, normal,

				uvLayer, uv, u, v,

				faces = json.faces,
				vertices = json.vertices,
				normals = json.normals,
				colors = json.colors,

				scale = json.scale,

				nUvLayers = 0;

			if ( json.uvs !== undefined ) {

				// disregard empty arrays

				for ( i = 0; i < json.uvs.length; i ++ ) {

					if ( json.uvs[ i ].length ) nUvLayers ++;


				for ( i = 0; i < nUvLayers; i ++ ) {

					geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ] = [];



			offset = 0;
			zLength = vertices.length;

			while ( offset < zLength ) {

				vertex = new Vector3();

				vertex.x = vertices[ offset ++ ] * scale;
				vertex.y = vertices[ offset ++ ] * scale;
				vertex.z = vertices[ offset ++ ] * scale;

				geometry.vertices.push( vertex );


			offset = 0;
			zLength = faces.length;

			while ( offset < zLength ) {

				type = faces[ offset ++ ];

				isQuad = isBitSet( type, 0 );
				hasMaterial = isBitSet( type, 1 );
				hasFaceVertexUv = isBitSet( type, 3 );
				hasFaceNormal = isBitSet( type, 4 );
				hasFaceVertexNormal = isBitSet( type, 5 );
				hasFaceColor = isBitSet( type, 6 );
				hasFaceVertexColor = isBitSet( type, 7 );

				// console.log("type", type, "bits", isQuad, hasMaterial, hasFaceVertexUv, hasFaceNormal, hasFaceVertexNormal, hasFaceColor, hasFaceVertexColor);

				if ( isQuad ) {

					faceA = new Face3();
					faceA.a = faces[ offset ];
					faceA.b = faces[ offset + 1 ];
					faceA.c = faces[ offset + 3 ];

					faceB = new Face3();
					faceB.a = faces[ offset + 1 ];
					faceB.b = faces[ offset + 2 ];
					faceB.c = faces[ offset + 3 ];

					offset += 4;

					if ( hasMaterial ) {

						materialIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
						faceA.materialIndex = materialIndex;
						faceB.materialIndex = materialIndex;


					// to get face <=> uv index correspondence

					fi = geometry.faces.length;

					if ( hasFaceVertexUv ) {

						for ( i = 0; i < nUvLayers; i ++ ) {

							uvLayer = json.uvs[ i ];

							geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ][ fi ] = [];
							geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ][ fi + 1 ] = [];

							for ( j = 0; j < 4; j ++ ) {

								uvIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];

								u = uvLayer[ uvIndex * 2 ];
								v = uvLayer[ uvIndex * 2 + 1 ];

								uv = new Vector2( u, v );

								if ( j !== 2 ) geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ][ fi ].push( uv );
								if ( j !== 0 ) geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ][ fi + 1 ].push( uv );




					if ( hasFaceNormal ) {

						normalIndex = faces[ offset ++ ] * 3;

							normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
							normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
							normals[ normalIndex ]

						faceB.normal.copy( faceA.normal );


					if ( hasFaceVertexNormal ) {

						for ( i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) {

							normalIndex = faces[ offset ++ ] * 3;

							normal = new Vector3(
								normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
								normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
								normals[ normalIndex ]

							if ( i !== 2 ) faceA.vertexNormals.push( normal );
							if ( i !== 0 ) faceB.vertexNormals.push( normal );



					if ( hasFaceColor ) {

						colorIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
						hex = colors[ colorIndex ];

						faceA.color.setHex( hex );
						faceB.color.setHex( hex );


					if ( hasFaceVertexColor ) {

						for ( i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) {

							colorIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
							hex = colors[ colorIndex ];

							if ( i !== 2 ) faceA.vertexColors.push( new Color( hex ) );
							if ( i !== 0 ) faceB.vertexColors.push( new Color( hex ) );



					geometry.faces.push( faceA );
					geometry.faces.push( faceB );

				} else {

					face = new Face3();
					face.a = faces[ offset ++ ];
					face.b = faces[ offset ++ ];
					face.c = faces[ offset ++ ];

					if ( hasMaterial ) {

						materialIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
						face.materialIndex = materialIndex;


					// to get face <=> uv index correspondence

					fi = geometry.faces.length;

					if ( hasFaceVertexUv ) {

						for ( i = 0; i < nUvLayers; i ++ ) {

							uvLayer = json.uvs[ i ];

							geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ][ fi ] = [];

							for ( j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) {

								uvIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];

								u = uvLayer[ uvIndex * 2 ];
								v = uvLayer[ uvIndex * 2 + 1 ];

								uv = new Vector2( u, v );

								geometry.faceVertexUvs[ i ][ fi ].push( uv );




					if ( hasFaceNormal ) {

						normalIndex = faces[ offset ++ ] * 3;

							normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
							normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
							normals[ normalIndex ]


					if ( hasFaceVertexNormal ) {

						for ( i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) {

							normalIndex = faces[ offset ++ ] * 3;

							normal = new Vector3(
								normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
								normals[ normalIndex ++ ],
								normals[ normalIndex ]

							face.vertexNormals.push( normal );



					if ( hasFaceColor ) {

						colorIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
						face.color.setHex( colors[ colorIndex ] );


					if ( hasFaceVertexColor ) {

						for ( i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) {

							colorIndex = faces[ offset ++ ];
							face.vertexColors.push( new Color( colors[ colorIndex ] ) );



					geometry.faces.push( face );




		function parseSkin( json, geometry ) {

			var influencesPerVertex = ( json.influencesPerVertex !== undefined ) ? json.influencesPerVertex : 2;

			if ( json.skinWeights ) {

				for ( var i = 0, l = json.skinWeights.length; i < l; i += influencesPerVertex ) {

					var x = json.skinWeights[ i ];
					var y = ( influencesPerVertex > 1 ) ? json.skinWeights[ i + 1 ] : 0;
					var z = ( influencesPerVertex > 2 ) ? json.skinWeights[ i + 2 ] : 0;
					var w = ( influencesPerVertex > 3 ) ? json.skinWeights[ i + 3 ] : 0;

					geometry.skinWeights.push( new Vector4( x, y, z, w ) );



			if ( json.skinIndices ) {

				for ( var i = 0, l = json.skinIndices.length; i < l; i += influencesPerVertex ) {

					var a = json.skinIndices[ i ];
					var b = ( influencesPerVertex > 1 ) ? json.skinIndices[ i + 1 ] : 0;
					var c = ( influencesPerVertex > 2 ) ? json.skinIndices[ i + 2 ] : 0;
					var d = ( influencesPerVertex > 3 ) ? json.skinIndices[ i + 3 ] : 0;

					geometry.skinIndices.push( new Vector4( a, b, c, d ) );



			geometry.bones = json.bones;

			if ( geometry.bones && geometry.bones.length > 0 && ( geometry.skinWeights.length !== geometry.skinIndices.length || geometry.skinIndices.length !== geometry.vertices.length ) ) {

				console.warn( 'When skinning, number of vertices (' + geometry.vertices.length + '), skinIndices (' +
					geometry.skinIndices.length + '), and skinWeights (' + geometry.skinWeights.length + ') should match.' );



		function parseMorphing( json, geometry ) {

			var scale = json.scale;

			if ( json.morphTargets !== undefined ) {

				for ( var i = 0, l = json.morphTargets.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					geometry.morphTargets[ i ] = {};
					geometry.morphTargets[ i ].name = json.morphTargets[ i ].name;
					geometry.morphTargets[ i ].vertices = [];

					var dstVertices = geometry.morphTargets[ i ].vertices;
					var srcVertices = json.morphTargets[ i ].vertices;

					for ( var v = 0, vl = srcVertices.length; v < vl; v += 3 ) {

						var vertex = new Vector3();
						vertex.x = srcVertices[ v ] * scale;
						vertex.y = srcVertices[ v + 1 ] * scale;
						vertex.z = srcVertices[ v + 2 ] * scale;

						dstVertices.push( vertex );




			if ( json.morphColors !== undefined && json.morphColors.length > 0 ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.JSONLoader: "morphColors" no longer supported. Using them as face colors.' );

				var faces = geometry.faces;
				var morphColors = json.morphColors[ 0 ].colors;

				for ( var i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					faces[ i ].color.fromArray( morphColors, i * 3 );




		function parseAnimations( json, geometry ) {

			var outputAnimations = [];

			// parse old style Bone/Hierarchy animations
			var animations = [];

			if ( json.animation !== undefined ) {

				animations.push( json.animation );


			if ( json.animations !== undefined ) {

				if ( json.animations.length ) {

					animations = animations.concat( json.animations );

				} else {

					animations.push( json.animations );



			for ( var i = 0; i < animations.length; i ++ ) {

				var clip = AnimationClip.parseAnimation( animations[ i ], geometry.bones );
				if ( clip ) outputAnimations.push( clip );


			// parse implicit morph animations
			if ( geometry.morphTargets ) {

				// TODO: Figure out what an appropraite FPS is for morph target animations -- defaulting to 10, but really it is completely arbitrary.
				var morphAnimationClips = AnimationClip.CreateClipsFromMorphTargetSequences( geometry.morphTargets, 10 );
				outputAnimations = outputAnimations.concat( morphAnimationClips );


			if ( outputAnimations.length > 0 ) geometry.animations = outputAnimations;


		return function parse( json, texturePath ) {

			if ( json.data !== undefined ) {

				// Geometry 4.0 spec
				json = json.data;


			if ( json.scale !== undefined ) {

				json.scale = 1.0 / json.scale;

			} else {

				json.scale = 1.0;


			var geometry = new Geometry();

			parseModel( json, geometry );
			parseSkin( json, geometry );
			parseMorphing( json, geometry );
			parseAnimations( json, geometry );


			if ( json.materials === undefined || json.materials.length === 0 ) {

				return { geometry: geometry };

			} else {

				var materials = Loader.prototype.initMaterials( json.materials, texturePath, this.crossOrigin );

				return { geometry: geometry, materials: materials };



	} )()

} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function ObjectLoader( manager ) {

	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;
	this.texturePath = '';


Object.assign( ObjectLoader.prototype, {

	load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		if ( this.texturePath === '' ) {

			this.texturePath = url.substring( 0, url.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 );


		var scope = this;

		var loader = new FileLoader( scope.manager );
		loader.load( url, function ( text ) {

			var json = null;

			try {

				json = JSON.parse( text );

			} catch ( error ) {

				if ( onError !== undefined ) onError( error );

				console.error( 'THREE:ObjectLoader: Can\'t parse ' + url + '.', error.message );



			var metadata = json.metadata;

			if ( metadata === undefined || metadata.type === undefined || metadata.type.toLowerCase() === 'geometry' ) {

				console.error( 'THREE.ObjectLoader: Can\'t load ' + url + '. Use THREE.JSONLoader instead.' );


			scope.parse( json, onLoad );

		}, onProgress, onError );


	setTexturePath: function ( value ) {

		this.texturePath = value;


	setCrossOrigin: function ( value ) {

		this.crossOrigin = value;


	parse: function ( json, onLoad ) {

		var shapes = this.parseShape( json.shapes );
		var geometries = this.parseGeometries( json.geometries, shapes );

		var images = this.parseImages( json.images, function () {

			if ( onLoad !== undefined ) onLoad( object );

		} );

		var textures = this.parseTextures( json.textures, images );
		var materials = this.parseMaterials( json.materials, textures );

		var object = this.parseObject( json.object, geometries, materials );

		if ( json.animations ) {

			object.animations = this.parseAnimations( json.animations );


		if ( json.images === undefined || json.images.length === 0 ) {

			if ( onLoad !== undefined ) onLoad( object );


		return object;


	parseShape: function ( json ) {

		var shapes = {};

		if ( json !== undefined ) {

			for ( var i = 0, l = json.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				var shape = new Shape().fromJSON( json[ i ] );

				shapes[ shape.uuid ] = shape;



		return shapes;


	parseGeometries: function ( json, shapes ) {

		var geometries = {};

		if ( json !== undefined ) {

			var geometryLoader = new JSONLoader();
			var bufferGeometryLoader = new BufferGeometryLoader();

			for ( var i = 0, l = json.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				var geometry;
				var data = json[ i ];

				switch ( data.type ) {

					case 'PlaneGeometry':
					case 'PlaneBufferGeometry':

						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'BoxGeometry':
					case 'BoxBufferGeometry':
					case 'CubeGeometry': // backwards compatible

						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'CircleGeometry':
					case 'CircleBufferGeometry':

						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'CylinderGeometry':
					case 'CylinderBufferGeometry':

						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'ConeGeometry':
					case 'ConeBufferGeometry':

						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'SphereGeometry':
					case 'SphereBufferGeometry':

						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'DodecahedronGeometry':
					case 'DodecahedronBufferGeometry':
					case 'IcosahedronGeometry':
					case 'IcosahedronBufferGeometry':
					case 'OctahedronGeometry':
					case 'OctahedronBufferGeometry':
					case 'TetrahedronGeometry':
					case 'TetrahedronBufferGeometry':

						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'RingGeometry':
					case 'RingBufferGeometry':

						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'TorusGeometry':
					case 'TorusBufferGeometry':

						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'TorusKnotGeometry':
					case 'TorusKnotBufferGeometry':

						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'LatheGeometry':
					case 'LatheBufferGeometry':

						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'PolyhedronGeometry':
					case 'PolyhedronBufferGeometry':

						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'ShapeGeometry':
					case 'ShapeBufferGeometry':

						var geometryShapes = [];

						for ( var i = 0, l = data.shapes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

							var shape = shapes[ data.shapes[ i ] ];

							geometryShapes.push( shape );


						geometry = new Geometries[ data.type ](


					case 'BufferGeometry':

						geometry = bufferGeometryLoader.parse( data );


					case 'Geometry':

						geometry = geometryLoader.parse( data, this.texturePath ).geometry;



						console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader: Unsupported geometry type "' + data.type + '"' );



				geometry.uuid = data.uuid;

				if ( data.name !== undefined ) geometry.name = data.name;

				geometries[ data.uuid ] = geometry;



		return geometries;


	parseMaterials: function ( json, textures ) {

		var materials = {};

		if ( json !== undefined ) {

			var loader = new MaterialLoader();
			loader.setTextures( textures );

			for ( var i = 0, l = json.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				var data = json[ i ];

				if ( data.type === 'MultiMaterial' ) {

					// Deprecated

					var array = [];

					for ( var j = 0; j < data.materials.length; j ++ ) {

						array.push( loader.parse( data.materials[ j ] ) );


					materials[ data.uuid ] = array;

				} else {

					materials[ data.uuid ] = loader.parse( data );




		return materials;


	parseAnimations: function ( json ) {

		var animations = [];

		for ( var i = 0; i < json.length; i ++ ) {

			var clip = AnimationClip.parse( json[ i ] );

			animations.push( clip );


		return animations;


	parseImages: function ( json, onLoad ) {

		var scope = this;
		var images = {};

		function loadImage( url ) {

			scope.manager.itemStart( url );

			return loader.load( url, function () {

				scope.manager.itemEnd( url );

			}, undefined, function () {

				scope.manager.itemEnd( url );
				scope.manager.itemError( url );

			} );


		if ( json !== undefined && json.length > 0 ) {

			var manager = new LoadingManager( onLoad );

			var loader = new ImageLoader( manager );
			loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );

			for ( var i = 0, l = json.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				var image = json[ i ];
				var path = /^(\/\/)|([a-z]+:(\/\/)?)/i.test( image.url ) ? image.url : scope.texturePath + image.url;

				images[ image.uuid ] = loadImage( path );



		return images;


	parseTextures: function ( json, images ) {

		function parseConstant( value, type ) {

			if ( typeof value === 'number' ) return value;

			console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader.parseTexture: Constant should be in numeric form.', value );

			return type[ value ];


		var textures = {};

		if ( json !== undefined ) {

			for ( var i = 0, l = json.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				var data = json[ i ];

				if ( data.image === undefined ) {

					console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader: No "image" specified for', data.uuid );


				if ( images[ data.image ] === undefined ) {

					console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader: Undefined image', data.image );


				var texture = new Texture( images[ data.image ] );
				texture.needsUpdate = true;

				texture.uuid = data.uuid;

				if ( data.name !== undefined ) texture.name = data.name;

				if ( data.mapping !== undefined ) texture.mapping = parseConstant( data.mapping, TEXTURE_MAPPING );

				if ( data.offset !== undefined ) texture.offset.fromArray( data.offset );
				if ( data.repeat !== undefined ) texture.repeat.fromArray( data.repeat );
				if ( data.center !== undefined ) texture.center.fromArray( data.center );
				if ( data.rotation !== undefined ) texture.rotation = data.rotation;

				if ( data.wrap !== undefined ) {

					texture.wrapS = parseConstant( data.wrap[ 0 ], TEXTURE_WRAPPING );
					texture.wrapT = parseConstant( data.wrap[ 1 ], TEXTURE_WRAPPING );


				if ( data.minFilter !== undefined ) texture.minFilter = parseConstant( data.minFilter, TEXTURE_FILTER );
				if ( data.magFilter !== undefined ) texture.magFilter = parseConstant( data.magFilter, TEXTURE_FILTER );
				if ( data.anisotropy !== undefined ) texture.anisotropy = data.anisotropy;

				if ( data.flipY !== undefined ) texture.flipY = data.flipY;

				textures[ data.uuid ] = texture;



		return textures;


	parseObject: function ( data, geometries, materials ) {

		var object;

		function getGeometry( name ) {

			if ( geometries[ name ] === undefined ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader: Undefined geometry', name );


			return geometries[ name ];


		function getMaterial( name ) {

			if ( name === undefined ) return undefined;

			if ( Array.isArray( name ) ) {

				var array = [];

				for ( var i = 0, l = name.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					var uuid = name[ i ];

					if ( materials[ uuid ] === undefined ) {

						console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader: Undefined material', uuid );


					array.push( materials[ uuid ] );


				return array;


			if ( materials[ name ] === undefined ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader: Undefined material', name );


			return materials[ name ];


		switch ( data.type ) {

			case 'Scene':

				object = new Scene();

				if ( data.background !== undefined ) {

					if ( Number.isInteger( data.background ) ) {

						object.background = new Color( data.background );



				if ( data.fog !== undefined ) {

					if ( data.fog.type === 'Fog' ) {

						object.fog = new Fog( data.fog.color, data.fog.near, data.fog.far );

					} else if ( data.fog.type === 'FogExp2' ) {

						object.fog = new FogExp2( data.fog.color, data.fog.density );




			case 'PerspectiveCamera':

				object = new PerspectiveCamera( data.fov, data.aspect, data.near, data.far );

				if ( data.focus !== undefined ) object.focus = data.focus;
				if ( data.zoom !== undefined ) object.zoom = data.zoom;
				if ( data.filmGauge !== undefined ) object.filmGauge = data.filmGauge;
				if ( data.filmOffset !== undefined ) object.filmOffset = data.filmOffset;
				if ( data.view !== undefined ) object.view = Object.assign( {}, data.view );


			case 'OrthographicCamera':

				object = new OrthographicCamera( data.left, data.right, data.top, data.bottom, data.near, data.far );


			case 'AmbientLight':

				object = new AmbientLight( data.color, data.intensity );


			case 'DirectionalLight':

				object = new DirectionalLight( data.color, data.intensity );


			case 'PointLight':

				object = new PointLight( data.color, data.intensity, data.distance, data.decay );


			case 'RectAreaLight':

				object = new RectAreaLight( data.color, data.intensity, data.width, data.height );


			case 'SpotLight':

				object = new SpotLight( data.color, data.intensity, data.distance, data.angle, data.penumbra, data.decay );


			case 'HemisphereLight':

				object = new HemisphereLight( data.color, data.groundColor, data.intensity );


			case 'SkinnedMesh':

				console.warn( 'THREE.ObjectLoader.parseObject() does not support SkinnedMesh yet.' );

			case 'Mesh':

				var geometry = getGeometry( data.geometry );
				var material = getMaterial( data.material );

				if ( geometry.bones && geometry.bones.length > 0 ) {

					object = new SkinnedMesh( geometry, material );

				} else {

					object = new Mesh( geometry, material );



			case 'LOD':

				object = new LOD();


			case 'Line':

				object = new Line( getGeometry( data.geometry ), getMaterial( data.material ), data.mode );


			case 'LineLoop':

				object = new LineLoop( getGeometry( data.geometry ), getMaterial( data.material ) );


			case 'LineSegments':

				object = new LineSegments( getGeometry( data.geometry ), getMaterial( data.material ) );


			case 'PointCloud':
			case 'Points':

				object = new Points( getGeometry( data.geometry ), getMaterial( data.material ) );


			case 'Sprite':

				object = new Sprite( getMaterial( data.material ) );


			case 'Group':

				object = new Group();



				object = new Object3D();


		object.uuid = data.uuid;

		if ( data.name !== undefined ) object.name = data.name;
		if ( data.matrix !== undefined ) {

			object.matrix.fromArray( data.matrix );
			object.matrix.decompose( object.position, object.quaternion, object.scale );

		} else {

			if ( data.position !== undefined ) object.position.fromArray( data.position );
			if ( data.rotation !== undefined ) object.rotation.fromArray( data.rotation );
			if ( data.quaternion !== undefined ) object.quaternion.fromArray( data.quaternion );
			if ( data.scale !== undefined ) object.scale.fromArray( data.scale );


		if ( data.castShadow !== undefined ) object.castShadow = data.castShadow;
		if ( data.receiveShadow !== undefined ) object.receiveShadow = data.receiveShadow;

		if ( data.shadow ) {

			if ( data.shadow.bias !== undefined ) object.shadow.bias = data.shadow.bias;
			if ( data.shadow.radius !== undefined ) object.shadow.radius = data.shadow.radius;
			if ( data.shadow.mapSize !== undefined ) object.shadow.mapSize.fromArray( data.shadow.mapSize );
			if ( data.shadow.camera !== undefined ) object.shadow.camera = this.parseObject( data.shadow.camera );


		if ( data.visible !== undefined ) object.visible = data.visible;
		if ( data.userData !== undefined ) object.userData = data.userData;

		if ( data.children !== undefined ) {

			var children = data.children;

			for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i ++ ) {

				object.add( this.parseObject( children[ i ], geometries, materials ) );



		if ( data.type === 'LOD' ) {

			var levels = data.levels;

			for ( var l = 0; l < levels.length; l ++ ) {

				var level = levels[ l ];
				var child = object.getObjectByProperty( 'uuid', level.object );

				if ( child !== undefined ) {

					object.addLevel( child, level.distance );




		return object;


} );

	UVMapping: UVMapping,
	CubeReflectionMapping: CubeReflectionMapping,
	CubeRefractionMapping: CubeRefractionMapping,
	EquirectangularReflectionMapping: EquirectangularReflectionMapping,
	EquirectangularRefractionMapping: EquirectangularRefractionMapping,
	SphericalReflectionMapping: SphericalReflectionMapping,
	CubeUVReflectionMapping: CubeUVReflectionMapping,
	CubeUVRefractionMapping: CubeUVRefractionMapping

	RepeatWrapping: RepeatWrapping,
	ClampToEdgeWrapping: ClampToEdgeWrapping,
	MirroredRepeatWrapping: MirroredRepeatWrapping

	NearestFilter: NearestFilter,
	NearestMipMapNearestFilter: NearestMipMapNearestFilter,
	NearestMipMapLinearFilter: NearestMipMapLinearFilter,
	LinearFilter: LinearFilter,
	LinearMipMapNearestFilter: LinearMipMapNearestFilter,
	LinearMipMapLinearFilter: LinearMipMapLinearFilter

 * @author thespite / http://clicktorelease.com/

function ImageBitmapLoader( manager ) {

	if ( typeof createImageBitmap === 'undefined' ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.ImageBitmapLoader: createImageBitmap() not supported.' );


	if ( typeof fetch === 'undefined' ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.ImageBitmapLoader: fetch() not supported.' );


	this.manager = manager !== undefined ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;
	this.options = undefined;


ImageBitmapLoader.prototype = {

	constructor: ImageBitmapLoader,

	setOptions: function setOptions( options ) {

		this.options = options;

		return this;


	load: function load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		if ( url === undefined ) url = '';

		if ( this.path !== undefined ) url = this.path + url;

		var scope = this;

		var cached = Cache.get( url );

		if ( cached !== undefined ) {

			scope.manager.itemStart( url );

			setTimeout( function () {

				if ( onLoad ) onLoad( cached );

				scope.manager.itemEnd( url );

			}, 0 );

			return cached;


		fetch( url ).then( function ( res ) {

			return res.blob();

		} ).then( function ( blob ) {

			return createImageBitmap( blob, scope.options );

		} ).then( function ( imageBitmap ) {

			Cache.add( url, imageBitmap );

			if ( onLoad ) onLoad( imageBitmap );

			scope.manager.itemEnd( url );

		} ).catch( function ( e ) {

			if ( onError ) onError( e );

			scope.manager.itemEnd( url );
			scope.manager.itemError( url );

		} );


	setCrossOrigin: function ( /* value */ ) {

		return this;


	setPath: function ( value ) {

		this.path = value;
		return this;



 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
 * minimal class for proxing functions to Path. Replaces old "extractSubpaths()"

function ShapePath() {

	this.type = 'ShapePath';

	this.subPaths = [];
	this.currentPath = null;


Object.assign( ShapePath.prototype, {

	moveTo: function ( x, y ) {

		this.currentPath = new Path();
		this.subPaths.push( this.currentPath );
		this.currentPath.moveTo( x, y );


	lineTo: function ( x, y ) {

		this.currentPath.lineTo( x, y );


	quadraticCurveTo: function ( aCPx, aCPy, aX, aY ) {

		this.currentPath.quadraticCurveTo( aCPx, aCPy, aX, aY );


	bezierCurveTo: function ( aCP1x, aCP1y, aCP2x, aCP2y, aX, aY ) {

		this.currentPath.bezierCurveTo( aCP1x, aCP1y, aCP2x, aCP2y, aX, aY );


	splineThru: function ( pts ) {

		this.currentPath.splineThru( pts );


	toShapes: function ( isCCW, noHoles ) {

		function toShapesNoHoles( inSubpaths ) {

			var shapes = [];

			for ( var i = 0, l = inSubpaths.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				var tmpPath = inSubpaths[ i ];

				var tmpShape = new Shape();
				tmpShape.curves = tmpPath.curves;

				shapes.push( tmpShape );


			return shapes;


		function isPointInsidePolygon( inPt, inPolygon ) {

			var polyLen = inPolygon.length;

			// inPt on polygon contour => immediate success    or
			// toggling of inside/outside at every single! intersection point of an edge
			//  with the horizontal line through inPt, left of inPt
			//  not counting lowerY endpoints of edges and whole edges on that line
			var inside = false;
			for ( var p = polyLen - 1, q = 0; q < polyLen; p = q ++ ) {

				var edgeLowPt = inPolygon[ p ];
				var edgeHighPt = inPolygon[ q ];

				var edgeDx = edgeHighPt.x - edgeLowPt.x;
				var edgeDy = edgeHighPt.y - edgeLowPt.y;

				if ( Math.abs( edgeDy ) > Number.EPSILON ) {

					// not parallel
					if ( edgeDy < 0 ) {

						edgeLowPt = inPolygon[ q ]; edgeDx = - edgeDx;
						edgeHighPt = inPolygon[ p ]; edgeDy = - edgeDy;

					if ( ( inPt.y < edgeLowPt.y ) || ( inPt.y > edgeHighPt.y ) ) 		continue;

					if ( inPt.y === edgeLowPt.y ) {

						if ( inPt.x === edgeLowPt.x )		return	true;		// inPt is on contour ?
						// continue;				// no intersection or edgeLowPt => doesn't count !!!

					} else {

						var perpEdge = edgeDy * ( inPt.x - edgeLowPt.x ) - edgeDx * ( inPt.y - edgeLowPt.y );
						if ( perpEdge === 0 )				return	true;		// inPt is on contour ?
						if ( perpEdge < 0 ) 				continue;
						inside = ! inside;		// true intersection left of inPt


				} else {

					// parallel or collinear
					if ( inPt.y !== edgeLowPt.y ) 		continue;			// parallel
					// edge lies on the same horizontal line as inPt
					if ( ( ( edgeHighPt.x <= inPt.x ) && ( inPt.x <= edgeLowPt.x ) ) ||
						 ( ( edgeLowPt.x <= inPt.x ) && ( inPt.x <= edgeHighPt.x ) ) )		return	true;	// inPt: Point on contour !
					// continue;



			return	inside;


		var isClockWise = ShapeUtils.isClockWise;

		var subPaths = this.subPaths;
		if ( subPaths.length === 0 ) return [];

		if ( noHoles === true )	return	toShapesNoHoles( subPaths );

		var solid, tmpPath, tmpShape, shapes = [];

		if ( subPaths.length === 1 ) {

			tmpPath = subPaths[ 0 ];
			tmpShape = new Shape();
			tmpShape.curves = tmpPath.curves;
			shapes.push( tmpShape );
			return shapes;


		var holesFirst = ! isClockWise( subPaths[ 0 ].getPoints() );
		holesFirst = isCCW ? ! holesFirst : holesFirst;

		// console.log("Holes first", holesFirst);

		var betterShapeHoles = [];
		var newShapes = [];
		var newShapeHoles = [];
		var mainIdx = 0;
		var tmpPoints;

		newShapes[ mainIdx ] = undefined;
		newShapeHoles[ mainIdx ] = [];

		for ( var i = 0, l = subPaths.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			tmpPath = subPaths[ i ];
			tmpPoints = tmpPath.getPoints();
			solid = isClockWise( tmpPoints );
			solid = isCCW ? ! solid : solid;

			if ( solid ) {

				if ( ( ! holesFirst ) && ( newShapes[ mainIdx ] ) )	mainIdx ++;

				newShapes[ mainIdx ] = { s: new Shape(), p: tmpPoints };
				newShapes[ mainIdx ].s.curves = tmpPath.curves;

				if ( holesFirst )	mainIdx ++;
				newShapeHoles[ mainIdx ] = [];

				//console.log('cw', i);

			} else {

				newShapeHoles[ mainIdx ].push( { h: tmpPath, p: tmpPoints[ 0 ] } );

				//console.log('ccw', i);



		// only Holes? -> probably all Shapes with wrong orientation
		if ( ! newShapes[ 0 ] )	return	toShapesNoHoles( subPaths );

		if ( newShapes.length > 1 ) {

			var ambiguous = false;
			var toChange = [];

			for ( var sIdx = 0, sLen = newShapes.length; sIdx < sLen; sIdx ++ ) {

				betterShapeHoles[ sIdx ] = [];


			for ( var sIdx = 0, sLen = newShapes.length; sIdx < sLen; sIdx ++ ) {

				var sho = newShapeHoles[ sIdx ];

				for ( var hIdx = 0; hIdx < sho.length; hIdx ++ ) {

					var ho = sho[ hIdx ];
					var hole_unassigned = true;

					for ( var s2Idx = 0; s2Idx < newShapes.length; s2Idx ++ ) {

						if ( isPointInsidePolygon( ho.p, newShapes[ s2Idx ].p ) ) {

							if ( sIdx !== s2Idx )	toChange.push( { froms: sIdx, tos: s2Idx, hole: hIdx } );
							if ( hole_unassigned ) {

								hole_unassigned = false;
								betterShapeHoles[ s2Idx ].push( ho );

							} else {

								ambiguous = true;



					if ( hole_unassigned ) {

						betterShapeHoles[ sIdx ].push( ho );



			// console.log("ambiguous: ", ambiguous);
			if ( toChange.length > 0 ) {

				// console.log("to change: ", toChange);
				if ( ! ambiguous )	newShapeHoles = betterShapeHoles;



		var tmpHoles;

		for ( var i = 0, il = newShapes.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			tmpShape = newShapes[ i ].s;
			shapes.push( tmpShape );
			tmpHoles = newShapeHoles[ i ];

			for ( var j = 0, jl = tmpHoles.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

				tmpShape.holes.push( tmpHoles[ j ].h );



		//console.log("shape", shapes);

		return shapes;


} );

 * @author zz85 / http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function Font( data ) {

	this.type = 'Font';

	this.data = data;


Object.assign( Font.prototype, {

	isFont: true,

	generateShapes: function ( text, size, divisions ) {

		if ( size === undefined ) size = 100;
		if ( divisions === undefined ) divisions = 4;

		var shapes = [];
		var paths = createPaths( text, size, divisions, this.data );

		for ( var p = 0, pl = paths.length; p < pl; p ++ ) {

			Array.prototype.push.apply( shapes, paths[ p ].toShapes() );


		return shapes;


} );

function createPaths( text, size, divisions, data ) {

	var chars = String( text ).split( '' );
	var scale = size / data.resolution;
	var line_height = ( data.boundingBox.yMax - data.boundingBox.yMin + data.underlineThickness ) * scale;

	var paths = [];

	var offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0;

	for ( var i = 0; i < chars.length; i ++ ) {

		var char = chars[ i ];

		if ( char === '\n' ) {

			offsetX = 0;
			offsetY -= line_height;

		} else {

			var ret = createPath( char, divisions, scale, offsetX, offsetY, data );
			offsetX += ret.offsetX;
			paths.push( ret.path );



	return paths;


function createPath( char, divisions, scale, offsetX, offsetY, data ) {

	var glyph = data.glyphs[ char ] || data.glyphs[ '?' ];

	if ( ! glyph ) return;

	var path = new ShapePath();

	var x, y, cpx, cpy, cpx1, cpy1, cpx2, cpy2;

	if ( glyph.o ) {

		var outline = glyph._cachedOutline || ( glyph._cachedOutline = glyph.o.split( ' ' ) );

		for ( var i = 0, l = outline.length; i < l; ) {

			var action = outline[ i ++ ];

			switch ( action ) {

				case 'm': // moveTo

					x = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetX;
					y = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetY;

					path.moveTo( x, y );


				case 'l': // lineTo

					x = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetX;
					y = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetY;

					path.lineTo( x, y );


				case 'q': // quadraticCurveTo

					cpx = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetX;
					cpy = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetY;
					cpx1 = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetX;
					cpy1 = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetY;

					path.quadraticCurveTo( cpx1, cpy1, cpx, cpy );


				case 'b': // bezierCurveTo

					cpx = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetX;
					cpy = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetY;
					cpx1 = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetX;
					cpy1 = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetY;
					cpx2 = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetX;
					cpy2 = outline[ i ++ ] * scale + offsetY;

					path.bezierCurveTo( cpx1, cpy1, cpx2, cpy2, cpx, cpy );





	return { offsetX: glyph.ha * scale, path: path };


 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function FontLoader( manager ) {

	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;


Object.assign( FontLoader.prototype, {

	load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		var scope = this;

		var loader = new FileLoader( this.manager );
		loader.setPath( this.path );
		loader.load( url, function ( text ) {

			var json;

			try {

				json = JSON.parse( text );

			} catch ( e ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.FontLoader: typeface.js support is being deprecated. Use typeface.json instead.' );
				json = JSON.parse( text.substring( 65, text.length - 2 ) );


			var font = scope.parse( json );

			if ( onLoad ) onLoad( font );

		}, onProgress, onError );


	parse: function ( json ) {

		return new Font( json );


	setPath: function ( value ) {

		this.path = value;
		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

var context;

var AudioContext = {

	getContext: function () {

		if ( context === undefined ) {

			context = new ( window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext )();


		return context;


	setContext: function ( value ) {

		context = value;



 * @author Reece Aaron Lecrivain / http://reecenotes.com/

function AudioLoader( manager ) {

	this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : DefaultLoadingManager;


Object.assign( AudioLoader.prototype, {

	load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

		var loader = new FileLoader( this.manager );
		loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' );
		loader.load( url, function ( buffer ) {

			var context = AudioContext.getContext();

			context.decodeAudioData( buffer, function ( audioBuffer ) {

				onLoad( audioBuffer );

			} );

		}, onProgress, onError );


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function StereoCamera() {

	this.type = 'StereoCamera';

	this.aspect = 1;

	this.eyeSep = 0.064;

	this.cameraL = new PerspectiveCamera();
	this.cameraL.layers.enable( 1 );
	this.cameraL.matrixAutoUpdate = false;

	this.cameraR = new PerspectiveCamera();
	this.cameraR.layers.enable( 2 );
	this.cameraR.matrixAutoUpdate = false;


Object.assign( StereoCamera.prototype, {

	update: ( function () {

		var instance, focus, fov, aspect, near, far, zoom, eyeSep;

		var eyeRight = new Matrix4();
		var eyeLeft = new Matrix4();

		return function update( camera ) {

			var needsUpdate = instance !== this || focus !== camera.focus || fov !== camera.fov ||
												aspect !== camera.aspect * this.aspect || near !== camera.near ||
												far !== camera.far || zoom !== camera.zoom || eyeSep !== this.eyeSep;

			if ( needsUpdate ) {

				instance = this;
				focus = camera.focus;
				fov = camera.fov;
				aspect = camera.aspect * this.aspect;
				near = camera.near;
				far = camera.far;
				zoom = camera.zoom;

				// Off-axis stereoscopic effect based on
				// http://paulbourke.net/stereographics/stereorender/

				var projectionMatrix = camera.projectionMatrix.clone();
				eyeSep = this.eyeSep / 2;
				var eyeSepOnProjection = eyeSep * near / focus;
				var ymax = ( near * Math.tan( _Math.DEG2RAD * fov * 0.5 ) ) / zoom;
				var xmin, xmax;

				// translate xOffset

				eyeLeft.elements[ 12 ] = - eyeSep;
				eyeRight.elements[ 12 ] = eyeSep;

				// for left eye

				xmin = - ymax * aspect + eyeSepOnProjection;
				xmax = ymax * aspect + eyeSepOnProjection;

				projectionMatrix.elements[ 0 ] = 2 * near / ( xmax - xmin );
				projectionMatrix.elements[ 8 ] = ( xmax + xmin ) / ( xmax - xmin );

				this.cameraL.projectionMatrix.copy( projectionMatrix );

				// for right eye

				xmin = - ymax * aspect - eyeSepOnProjection;
				xmax = ymax * aspect - eyeSepOnProjection;

				projectionMatrix.elements[ 0 ] = 2 * near / ( xmax - xmin );
				projectionMatrix.elements[ 8 ] = ( xmax + xmin ) / ( xmax - xmin );

				this.cameraR.projectionMatrix.copy( projectionMatrix );


			this.cameraL.matrixWorld.copy( camera.matrixWorld ).multiply( eyeLeft );
			this.cameraR.matrixWorld.copy( camera.matrixWorld ).multiply( eyeRight );


	} )()

} );

 * Camera for rendering cube maps
 *	- renders scene into axis-aligned cube
 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function CubeCamera( near, far, cubeResolution ) {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'CubeCamera';

	var fov = 90, aspect = 1;

	var cameraPX = new PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
	cameraPX.up.set( 0, - 1, 0 );
	cameraPX.lookAt( new Vector3( 1, 0, 0 ) );
	this.add( cameraPX );

	var cameraNX = new PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
	cameraNX.up.set( 0, - 1, 0 );
	cameraNX.lookAt( new Vector3( - 1, 0, 0 ) );
	this.add( cameraNX );

	var cameraPY = new PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
	cameraPY.up.set( 0, 0, 1 );
	cameraPY.lookAt( new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ) );
	this.add( cameraPY );

	var cameraNY = new PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
	cameraNY.up.set( 0, 0, - 1 );
	cameraNY.lookAt( new Vector3( 0, - 1, 0 ) );
	this.add( cameraNY );

	var cameraPZ = new PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
	cameraPZ.up.set( 0, - 1, 0 );
	cameraPZ.lookAt( new Vector3( 0, 0, 1 ) );
	this.add( cameraPZ );

	var cameraNZ = new PerspectiveCamera( fov, aspect, near, far );
	cameraNZ.up.set( 0, - 1, 0 );
	cameraNZ.lookAt( new Vector3( 0, 0, - 1 ) );
	this.add( cameraNZ );

	var options = { format: RGBFormat, magFilter: LinearFilter, minFilter: LinearFilter };

	this.renderTarget = new WebGLRenderTargetCube( cubeResolution, cubeResolution, options );
	this.renderTarget.texture.name = "CubeCamera";

	this.update = function ( renderer, scene ) {

		if ( this.parent === null ) this.updateMatrixWorld();

		var renderTarget = this.renderTarget;
		var generateMipmaps = renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps;

		renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = false;

		renderTarget.activeCubeFace = 0;
		renderer.render( scene, cameraPX, renderTarget );

		renderTarget.activeCubeFace = 1;
		renderer.render( scene, cameraNX, renderTarget );

		renderTarget.activeCubeFace = 2;
		renderer.render( scene, cameraPY, renderTarget );

		renderTarget.activeCubeFace = 3;
		renderer.render( scene, cameraNY, renderTarget );

		renderTarget.activeCubeFace = 4;
		renderer.render( scene, cameraPZ, renderTarget );

		renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = generateMipmaps;

		renderTarget.activeCubeFace = 5;
		renderer.render( scene, cameraNZ, renderTarget );

		renderer.setRenderTarget( null );


	this.clear = function ( renderer, color, depth, stencil ) {

		var renderTarget = this.renderTarget;

		for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) {

			renderTarget.activeCubeFace = i;
			renderer.setRenderTarget( renderTarget );

			renderer.clear( color, depth, stencil );


		renderer.setRenderTarget( null );



CubeCamera.prototype = Object.create( Object3D.prototype );
CubeCamera.prototype.constructor = CubeCamera;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function AudioListener() {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'AudioListener';

	this.context = AudioContext.getContext();

	this.gain = this.context.createGain();
	this.gain.connect( this.context.destination );

	this.filter = null;


AudioListener.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: AudioListener,

	getInput: function () {

		return this.gain;


	removeFilter: function ( ) {

		if ( this.filter !== null ) {

			this.gain.disconnect( this.filter );
			this.filter.disconnect( this.context.destination );
			this.gain.connect( this.context.destination );
			this.filter = null;



	getFilter: function () {

		return this.filter;


	setFilter: function ( value ) {

		if ( this.filter !== null ) {

			this.gain.disconnect( this.filter );
			this.filter.disconnect( this.context.destination );

		} else {

			this.gain.disconnect( this.context.destination );


		this.filter = value;
		this.gain.connect( this.filter );
		this.filter.connect( this.context.destination );


	getMasterVolume: function () {

		return this.gain.gain.value;


	setMasterVolume: function ( value ) {

		this.gain.gain.value = value;


	updateMatrixWorld: ( function () {

		var position = new Vector3();
		var quaternion = new Quaternion();
		var scale = new Vector3();

		var orientation = new Vector3();

		return function updateMatrixWorld( force ) {

			Object3D.prototype.updateMatrixWorld.call( this, force );

			var listener = this.context.listener;
			var up = this.up;

			this.matrixWorld.decompose( position, quaternion, scale );

			orientation.set( 0, 0, - 1 ).applyQuaternion( quaternion );

			if ( listener.positionX ) {

				listener.positionX.setValueAtTime( position.x, this.context.currentTime );
				listener.positionY.setValueAtTime( position.y, this.context.currentTime );
				listener.positionZ.setValueAtTime( position.z, this.context.currentTime );
				listener.forwardX.setValueAtTime( orientation.x, this.context.currentTime );
				listener.forwardY.setValueAtTime( orientation.y, this.context.currentTime );
				listener.forwardZ.setValueAtTime( orientation.z, this.context.currentTime );
				listener.upX.setValueAtTime( up.x, this.context.currentTime );
				listener.upY.setValueAtTime( up.y, this.context.currentTime );
				listener.upZ.setValueAtTime( up.z, this.context.currentTime );

			} else {

				listener.setPosition( position.x, position.y, position.z );
				listener.setOrientation( orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z, up.x, up.y, up.z );



	} )()

} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author Reece Aaron Lecrivain / http://reecenotes.com/

function Audio( listener ) {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.type = 'Audio';

	this.context = listener.context;

	this.gain = this.context.createGain();
	this.gain.connect( listener.getInput() );

	this.autoplay = false;

	this.buffer = null;
	this.loop = false;
	this.startTime = 0;
	this.offset = 0;
	this.playbackRate = 1;
	this.isPlaying = false;
	this.hasPlaybackControl = true;
	this.sourceType = 'empty';

	this.filters = [];


Audio.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: Audio,

	getOutput: function () {

		return this.gain;


	setNodeSource: function ( audioNode ) {

		this.hasPlaybackControl = false;
		this.sourceType = 'audioNode';
		this.source = audioNode;

		return this;


	setBuffer: function ( audioBuffer ) {

		this.buffer = audioBuffer;
		this.sourceType = 'buffer';

		if ( this.autoplay ) this.play();

		return this;


	play: function () {

		if ( this.isPlaying === true ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Audio: Audio is already playing.' );


		if ( this.hasPlaybackControl === false ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Audio: this Audio has no playback control.' );


		var source = this.context.createBufferSource();

		source.buffer = this.buffer;
		source.loop = this.loop;
		source.onended = this.onEnded.bind( this );
		source.playbackRate.setValueAtTime( this.playbackRate, this.startTime );
		this.startTime = this.context.currentTime;
		source.start( this.startTime, this.offset );

		this.isPlaying = true;

		this.source = source;

		return this.connect();


	pause: function () {

		if ( this.hasPlaybackControl === false ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Audio: this Audio has no playback control.' );


		if ( this.isPlaying === true ) {

			this.offset += ( this.context.currentTime - this.startTime ) * this.playbackRate;
			this.isPlaying = false;


		return this;


	stop: function () {

		if ( this.hasPlaybackControl === false ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Audio: this Audio has no playback control.' );


		this.offset = 0;
		this.isPlaying = false;

		return this;


	connect: function () {

		if ( this.filters.length > 0 ) {

			this.source.connect( this.filters[ 0 ] );

			for ( var i = 1, l = this.filters.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				this.filters[ i - 1 ].connect( this.filters[ i ] );


			this.filters[ this.filters.length - 1 ].connect( this.getOutput() );

		} else {

			this.source.connect( this.getOutput() );


		return this;


	disconnect: function () {

		if ( this.filters.length > 0 ) {

			this.source.disconnect( this.filters[ 0 ] );

			for ( var i = 1, l = this.filters.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				this.filters[ i - 1 ].disconnect( this.filters[ i ] );


			this.filters[ this.filters.length - 1 ].disconnect( this.getOutput() );

		} else {

			this.source.disconnect( this.getOutput() );


		return this;


	getFilters: function () {

		return this.filters;


	setFilters: function ( value ) {

		if ( ! value ) value = [];

		if ( this.isPlaying === true ) {

			this.filters = value;

		} else {

			this.filters = value;


		return this;


	getFilter: function () {

		return this.getFilters()[ 0 ];


	setFilter: function ( filter ) {

		return this.setFilters( filter ? [ filter ] : [] );


	setPlaybackRate: function ( value ) {

		if ( this.hasPlaybackControl === false ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Audio: this Audio has no playback control.' );


		this.playbackRate = value;

		if ( this.isPlaying === true ) {

			this.source.playbackRate.setValueAtTime( this.playbackRate, this.context.currentTime );


		return this;


	getPlaybackRate: function () {

		return this.playbackRate;


	onEnded: function () {

		this.isPlaying = false;


	getLoop: function () {

		if ( this.hasPlaybackControl === false ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Audio: this Audio has no playback control.' );
			return false;


		return this.loop;


	setLoop: function ( value ) {

		if ( this.hasPlaybackControl === false ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Audio: this Audio has no playback control.' );


		this.loop = value;

		if ( this.isPlaying === true ) {

			this.source.loop = this.loop;


		return this;


	getVolume: function () {

		return this.gain.gain.value;


	setVolume: function ( value ) {

		this.gain.gain.value = value;

		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function PositionalAudio( listener ) {

	Audio.call( this, listener );

	this.panner = this.context.createPanner();
	this.panner.connect( this.gain );


PositionalAudio.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Audio.prototype ), {

	constructor: PositionalAudio,

	getOutput: function () {

		return this.panner;


	getRefDistance: function () {

		return this.panner.refDistance;


	setRefDistance: function ( value ) {

		this.panner.refDistance = value;


	getRolloffFactor: function () {

		return this.panner.rolloffFactor;


	setRolloffFactor: function ( value ) {

		this.panner.rolloffFactor = value;


	getDistanceModel: function () {

		return this.panner.distanceModel;


	setDistanceModel: function ( value ) {

		this.panner.distanceModel = value;


	getMaxDistance: function () {

		return this.panner.maxDistance;


	setMaxDistance: function ( value ) {

		this.panner.maxDistance = value;


	updateMatrixWorld: ( function () {

		var position = new Vector3();

		return function updateMatrixWorld( force ) {

			Object3D.prototype.updateMatrixWorld.call( this, force );

			position.setFromMatrixPosition( this.matrixWorld );

			this.panner.setPosition( position.x, position.y, position.z );


	} )()

} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function AudioAnalyser( audio, fftSize ) {

	this.analyser = audio.context.createAnalyser();
	this.analyser.fftSize = fftSize !== undefined ? fftSize : 2048;

	this.data = new Uint8Array( this.analyser.frequencyBinCount );

	audio.getOutput().connect( this.analyser );


Object.assign( AudioAnalyser.prototype, {

	getFrequencyData: function () {

		this.analyser.getByteFrequencyData( this.data );

		return this.data;


	getAverageFrequency: function () {

		var value = 0, data = this.getFrequencyData();

		for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i ++ ) {

			value += data[ i ];


		return value / data.length;


} );

 * Buffered scene graph property that allows weighted accumulation.
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
 * @author tschw

function PropertyMixer( binding, typeName, valueSize ) {

	this.binding = binding;
	this.valueSize = valueSize;

	var bufferType = Float64Array,

	switch ( typeName ) {

		case 'quaternion':
			mixFunction = this._slerp;

		case 'string':
		case 'bool':
			bufferType = Array;
			mixFunction = this._select;

			mixFunction = this._lerp;


	this.buffer = new bufferType( valueSize * 4 );
	// layout: [ incoming | accu0 | accu1 | orig ]
	// interpolators can use .buffer as their .result
	// the data then goes to 'incoming'
	// 'accu0' and 'accu1' are used frame-interleaved for
	// the cumulative result and are compared to detect
	// changes
	// 'orig' stores the original state of the property

	this._mixBufferRegion = mixFunction;

	this.cumulativeWeight = 0;

	this.useCount = 0;
	this.referenceCount = 0;


Object.assign( PropertyMixer.prototype, {

	// accumulate data in the 'incoming' region into 'accu<i>'
	accumulate: function ( accuIndex, weight ) {

		// note: happily accumulating nothing when weight = 0, the caller knows
		// the weight and shouldn't have made the call in the first place

		var buffer = this.buffer,
			stride = this.valueSize,
			offset = accuIndex * stride + stride,

			currentWeight = this.cumulativeWeight;

		if ( currentWeight === 0 ) {

			// accuN := incoming * weight

			for ( var i = 0; i !== stride; ++ i ) {

				buffer[ offset + i ] = buffer[ i ];


			currentWeight = weight;

		} else {

			// accuN := accuN + incoming * weight

			currentWeight += weight;
			var mix = weight / currentWeight;
			this._mixBufferRegion( buffer, offset, 0, mix, stride );


		this.cumulativeWeight = currentWeight;


	// apply the state of 'accu<i>' to the binding when accus differ
	apply: function ( accuIndex ) {

		var stride = this.valueSize,
			buffer = this.buffer,
			offset = accuIndex * stride + stride,

			weight = this.cumulativeWeight,

			binding = this.binding;

		this.cumulativeWeight = 0;

		if ( weight < 1 ) {

			// accuN := accuN + original * ( 1 - cumulativeWeight )

			var originalValueOffset = stride * 3;

				buffer, offset, originalValueOffset, 1 - weight, stride );


		for ( var i = stride, e = stride + stride; i !== e; ++ i ) {

			if ( buffer[ i ] !== buffer[ i + stride ] ) {

				// value has changed -> update scene graph

				binding.setValue( buffer, offset );




	// remember the state of the bound property and copy it to both accus
	saveOriginalState: function () {

		var binding = this.binding;

		var buffer = this.buffer,
			stride = this.valueSize,

			originalValueOffset = stride * 3;

		binding.getValue( buffer, originalValueOffset );

		// accu[0..1] := orig -- initially detect changes against the original
		for ( var i = stride, e = originalValueOffset; i !== e; ++ i ) {

			buffer[ i ] = buffer[ originalValueOffset + ( i % stride ) ];


		this.cumulativeWeight = 0;


	// apply the state previously taken via 'saveOriginalState' to the binding
	restoreOriginalState: function () {

		var originalValueOffset = this.valueSize * 3;
		this.binding.setValue( this.buffer, originalValueOffset );


	// mix functions

	_select: function ( buffer, dstOffset, srcOffset, t, stride ) {

		if ( t >= 0.5 ) {

			for ( var i = 0; i !== stride; ++ i ) {

				buffer[ dstOffset + i ] = buffer[ srcOffset + i ];




	_slerp: function ( buffer, dstOffset, srcOffset, t ) {

		Quaternion.slerpFlat( buffer, dstOffset, buffer, dstOffset, buffer, srcOffset, t );


	_lerp: function ( buffer, dstOffset, srcOffset, t, stride ) {

		var s = 1 - t;

		for ( var i = 0; i !== stride; ++ i ) {

			var j = dstOffset + i;

			buffer[ j ] = buffer[ j ] * s + buffer[ srcOffset + i ] * t;



} );

 * A reference to a real property in the scene graph.
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
 * @author tschw

// Characters [].:/ are reserved for track binding syntax.
var RESERVED_CHARS_RE = '\\[\\]\\.:\\/';

function Composite( targetGroup, path, optionalParsedPath ) {

	var parsedPath = optionalParsedPath || PropertyBinding.parseTrackName( path );

	this._targetGroup = targetGroup;
	this._bindings = targetGroup.subscribe_( path, parsedPath );


Object.assign( Composite.prototype, {

	getValue: function ( array, offset ) {

		this.bind(); // bind all binding

		var firstValidIndex = this._targetGroup.nCachedObjects_,
			binding = this._bindings[ firstValidIndex ];

		// and only call .getValue on the first
		if ( binding !== undefined ) binding.getValue( array, offset );


	setValue: function ( array, offset ) {

		var bindings = this._bindings;

		for ( var i = this._targetGroup.nCachedObjects_,
				  n = bindings.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			bindings[ i ].setValue( array, offset );



	bind: function () {

		var bindings = this._bindings;

		for ( var i = this._targetGroup.nCachedObjects_,
				  n = bindings.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			bindings[ i ].bind();



	unbind: function () {

		var bindings = this._bindings;

		for ( var i = this._targetGroup.nCachedObjects_,
				  n = bindings.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			bindings[ i ].unbind();



} );

function PropertyBinding( rootNode, path, parsedPath ) {

	this.path = path;
	this.parsedPath = parsedPath || PropertyBinding.parseTrackName( path );

	this.node = PropertyBinding.findNode( rootNode, this.parsedPath.nodeName ) || rootNode;

	this.rootNode = rootNode;


Object.assign( PropertyBinding, {

	Composite: Composite,

	create: function ( root, path, parsedPath ) {

		if ( ! ( root && root.isAnimationObjectGroup ) ) {

			return new PropertyBinding( root, path, parsedPath );

		} else {

			return new PropertyBinding.Composite( root, path, parsedPath );



	 * Replaces spaces with underscores and removes unsupported characters from
	 * node names, to ensure compatibility with parseTrackName().
	 * @param  {string} name Node name to be sanitized.
	 * @return {string}
	sanitizeNodeName: ( function () {

		var reservedRe = new RegExp( '[' + RESERVED_CHARS_RE + ']', 'g' );

		return function sanitizeNodeName( name ) {

			return name.replace( /\s/g, '_' ).replace( reservedRe, '' );


	}() ),

	parseTrackName: function () {

		// Attempts to allow node names from any language. ES5's `\w` regexp matches
		// only latin characters, and the unicode \p{L} is not yet supported. So
		// instead, we exclude reserved characters and match everything else.
		var wordChar = '[^' + RESERVED_CHARS_RE + ']';
		var wordCharOrDot = '[^' + RESERVED_CHARS_RE.replace( '\\.', '' ) + ']';

		// Parent directories, delimited by '/' or ':'. Currently unused, but must
		// be matched to parse the rest of the track name.
		var directoryRe = /((?:WC+[\/:])*)/.source.replace( 'WC', wordChar );

		// Target node. May contain word characters (a-zA-Z0-9_) and '.' or '-'.
		var nodeRe = /(WCOD+)?/.source.replace( 'WCOD', wordCharOrDot );

		// Object on target node, and accessor. May not contain reserved
		// characters. Accessor may contain any character except closing bracket.
		var objectRe = /(?:\.(WC+)(?:\[(.+)\])?)?/.source.replace( 'WC', wordChar );

		// Property and accessor. May not contain reserved characters. Accessor may
		// contain any non-bracket characters.
		var propertyRe = /\.(WC+)(?:\[(.+)\])?/.source.replace( 'WC', wordChar );

		var trackRe = new RegExp( ''
			+ '^'
			+ directoryRe
			+ nodeRe
			+ objectRe
			+ propertyRe
			+ '$'

		var supportedObjectNames = [ 'material', 'materials', 'bones' ];

		return function parseTrackName( trackName ) {

			var matches = trackRe.exec( trackName );

			if ( ! matches ) {

				throw new Error( 'PropertyBinding: Cannot parse trackName: ' + trackName );


			var results = {
				// directoryName: matches[ 1 ], // (tschw) currently unused
				nodeName: matches[ 2 ],
				objectName: matches[ 3 ],
				objectIndex: matches[ 4 ],
				propertyName: matches[ 5 ], // required
				propertyIndex: matches[ 6 ]

			var lastDot = results.nodeName && results.nodeName.lastIndexOf( '.' );

			if ( lastDot !== undefined && lastDot !== - 1 ) {

				var objectName = results.nodeName.substring( lastDot + 1 );

				// Object names must be checked against a whitelist. Otherwise, there
				// is no way to parse 'foo.bar.baz': 'baz' must be a property, but
				// 'bar' could be the objectName, or part of a nodeName (which can
				// include '.' characters).
				if ( supportedObjectNames.indexOf( objectName ) !== - 1 ) {

					results.nodeName = results.nodeName.substring( 0, lastDot );
					results.objectName = objectName;



			if ( results.propertyName === null || results.propertyName.length === 0 ) {

				throw new Error( 'PropertyBinding: can not parse propertyName from trackName: ' + trackName );


			return results;



	findNode: function ( root, nodeName ) {

		if ( ! nodeName || nodeName === "" || nodeName === "root" || nodeName === "." || nodeName === - 1 || nodeName === root.name || nodeName === root.uuid ) {

			return root;


		// search into skeleton bones.
		if ( root.skeleton ) {

			var bone = root.skeleton.getBoneByName( nodeName );

			if ( bone !== undefined ) {

				return bone;



		// search into node subtree.
		if ( root.children ) {

			var searchNodeSubtree = function ( children ) {

				for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i ++ ) {

					var childNode = children[ i ];

					if ( childNode.name === nodeName || childNode.uuid === nodeName ) {

						return childNode;


					var result = searchNodeSubtree( childNode.children );

					if ( result ) return result;


				return null;


			var subTreeNode = searchNodeSubtree( root.children );

			if ( subTreeNode ) {

				return subTreeNode;



		return null;


} );

Object.assign( PropertyBinding.prototype, { // prototype, continued

	// these are used to "bind" a nonexistent property
	_getValue_unavailable: function () {},
	_setValue_unavailable: function () {},

	BindingType: {
		Direct: 0,
		EntireArray: 1,
		ArrayElement: 2,
		HasFromToArray: 3

	Versioning: {
		None: 0,
		NeedsUpdate: 1,
		MatrixWorldNeedsUpdate: 2

	GetterByBindingType: [

		function getValue_direct( buffer, offset ) {

			buffer[ offset ] = this.node[ this.propertyName ];


		function getValue_array( buffer, offset ) {

			var source = this.resolvedProperty;

			for ( var i = 0, n = source.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

				buffer[ offset ++ ] = source[ i ];



		function getValue_arrayElement( buffer, offset ) {

			buffer[ offset ] = this.resolvedProperty[ this.propertyIndex ];


		function getValue_toArray( buffer, offset ) {

			this.resolvedProperty.toArray( buffer, offset );



	SetterByBindingTypeAndVersioning: [

			// Direct

			function setValue_direct( buffer, offset ) {

				this.targetObject[ this.propertyName ] = buffer[ offset ];


			function setValue_direct_setNeedsUpdate( buffer, offset ) {

				this.targetObject[ this.propertyName ] = buffer[ offset ];
				this.targetObject.needsUpdate = true;


			function setValue_direct_setMatrixWorldNeedsUpdate( buffer, offset ) {

				this.targetObject[ this.propertyName ] = buffer[ offset ];
				this.targetObject.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;


		], [

			// EntireArray

			function setValue_array( buffer, offset ) {

				var dest = this.resolvedProperty;

				for ( var i = 0, n = dest.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

					dest[ i ] = buffer[ offset ++ ];



			function setValue_array_setNeedsUpdate( buffer, offset ) {

				var dest = this.resolvedProperty;

				for ( var i = 0, n = dest.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

					dest[ i ] = buffer[ offset ++ ];


				this.targetObject.needsUpdate = true;


			function setValue_array_setMatrixWorldNeedsUpdate( buffer, offset ) {

				var dest = this.resolvedProperty;

				for ( var i = 0, n = dest.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

					dest[ i ] = buffer[ offset ++ ];


				this.targetObject.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;


		], [

			// ArrayElement

			function setValue_arrayElement( buffer, offset ) {

				this.resolvedProperty[ this.propertyIndex ] = buffer[ offset ];


			function setValue_arrayElement_setNeedsUpdate( buffer, offset ) {

				this.resolvedProperty[ this.propertyIndex ] = buffer[ offset ];
				this.targetObject.needsUpdate = true;


			function setValue_arrayElement_setMatrixWorldNeedsUpdate( buffer, offset ) {

				this.resolvedProperty[ this.propertyIndex ] = buffer[ offset ];
				this.targetObject.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;


		], [

			// HasToFromArray

			function setValue_fromArray( buffer, offset ) {

				this.resolvedProperty.fromArray( buffer, offset );


			function setValue_fromArray_setNeedsUpdate( buffer, offset ) {

				this.resolvedProperty.fromArray( buffer, offset );
				this.targetObject.needsUpdate = true;


			function setValue_fromArray_setMatrixWorldNeedsUpdate( buffer, offset ) {

				this.resolvedProperty.fromArray( buffer, offset );
				this.targetObject.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true;




	getValue: function getValue_unbound( targetArray, offset ) {

		this.getValue( targetArray, offset );

		// Note: This class uses a State pattern on a per-method basis:
		// 'bind' sets 'this.getValue' / 'setValue' and shadows the
		// prototype version of these methods with one that represents
		// the bound state. When the property is not found, the methods
		// become no-ops.


	setValue: function getValue_unbound( sourceArray, offset ) {

		this.setValue( sourceArray, offset );


	// create getter / setter pair for a property in the scene graph
	bind: function () {

		var targetObject = this.node,
			parsedPath = this.parsedPath,

			objectName = parsedPath.objectName,
			propertyName = parsedPath.propertyName,
			propertyIndex = parsedPath.propertyIndex;

		if ( ! targetObject ) {

			targetObject = PropertyBinding.findNode( this.rootNode, parsedPath.nodeName ) || this.rootNode;

			this.node = targetObject;


		// set fail state so we can just 'return' on error
		this.getValue = this._getValue_unavailable;
		this.setValue = this._setValue_unavailable;

		// ensure there is a value node
		if ( ! targetObject ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.PropertyBinding: Trying to update node for track: ' + this.path + ' but it wasn\'t found.' );


		if ( objectName ) {

			var objectIndex = parsedPath.objectIndex;

			// special cases were we need to reach deeper into the hierarchy to get the face materials....
			switch ( objectName ) {

				case 'materials':

					if ( ! targetObject.material ) {

						console.error( 'THREE.PropertyBinding: Can not bind to material as node does not have a material.', this );


					if ( ! targetObject.material.materials ) {

						console.error( 'THREE.PropertyBinding: Can not bind to material.materials as node.material does not have a materials array.', this );


					targetObject = targetObject.material.materials;


				case 'bones':

					if ( ! targetObject.skeleton ) {

						console.error( 'THREE.PropertyBinding: Can not bind to bones as node does not have a skeleton.', this );


					// potential future optimization: skip this if propertyIndex is already an integer
					// and convert the integer string to a true integer.

					targetObject = targetObject.skeleton.bones;

					// support resolving morphTarget names into indices.
					for ( var i = 0; i < targetObject.length; i ++ ) {

						if ( targetObject[ i ].name === objectIndex ) {

							objectIndex = i;





					if ( targetObject[ objectName ] === undefined ) {

						console.error( 'THREE.PropertyBinding: Can not bind to objectName of node undefined.', this );


					targetObject = targetObject[ objectName ];


			if ( objectIndex !== undefined ) {

				if ( targetObject[ objectIndex ] === undefined ) {

					console.error( 'THREE.PropertyBinding: Trying to bind to objectIndex of objectName, but is undefined.', this, targetObject );


				targetObject = targetObject[ objectIndex ];



		// resolve property
		var nodeProperty = targetObject[ propertyName ];

		if ( nodeProperty === undefined ) {

			var nodeName = parsedPath.nodeName;

			console.error( 'THREE.PropertyBinding: Trying to update property for track: ' + nodeName +
				'.' + propertyName + ' but it wasn\'t found.', targetObject );


		// determine versioning scheme
		var versioning = this.Versioning.None;

		if ( targetObject.needsUpdate !== undefined ) { // material

			versioning = this.Versioning.NeedsUpdate;
			this.targetObject = targetObject;

		} else if ( targetObject.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate !== undefined ) { // node transform

			versioning = this.Versioning.MatrixWorldNeedsUpdate;
			this.targetObject = targetObject;


		// determine how the property gets bound
		var bindingType = this.BindingType.Direct;

		if ( propertyIndex !== undefined ) {

			// access a sub element of the property array (only primitives are supported right now)

			if ( propertyName === "morphTargetInfluences" ) {

				// potential optimization, skip this if propertyIndex is already an integer, and convert the integer string to a true integer.

				// support resolving morphTarget names into indices.
				if ( ! targetObject.geometry ) {

					console.error( 'THREE.PropertyBinding: Can not bind to morphTargetInfluences because node does not have a geometry.', this );


				if ( targetObject.geometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

					if ( ! targetObject.geometry.morphAttributes ) {

						console.error( 'THREE.PropertyBinding: Can not bind to morphTargetInfluences because node does not have a geometry.morphAttributes.', this );


					for ( var i = 0; i < this.node.geometry.morphAttributes.position.length; i ++ ) {

						if ( targetObject.geometry.morphAttributes.position[ i ].name === propertyIndex ) {

							propertyIndex = i;



				} else {

					if ( ! targetObject.geometry.morphTargets ) {

						console.error( 'THREE.PropertyBinding: Can not bind to morphTargetInfluences because node does not have a geometry.morphTargets.', this );


					for ( var i = 0; i < this.node.geometry.morphTargets.length; i ++ ) {

						if ( targetObject.geometry.morphTargets[ i ].name === propertyIndex ) {

							propertyIndex = i;





			bindingType = this.BindingType.ArrayElement;

			this.resolvedProperty = nodeProperty;
			this.propertyIndex = propertyIndex;

		} else if ( nodeProperty.fromArray !== undefined && nodeProperty.toArray !== undefined ) {

			// must use copy for Object3D.Euler/Quaternion

			bindingType = this.BindingType.HasFromToArray;

			this.resolvedProperty = nodeProperty;

		} else if ( Array.isArray( nodeProperty ) ) {

			bindingType = this.BindingType.EntireArray;

			this.resolvedProperty = nodeProperty;

		} else {

			this.propertyName = propertyName;


		// select getter / setter
		this.getValue = this.GetterByBindingType[ bindingType ];
		this.setValue = this.SetterByBindingTypeAndVersioning[ bindingType ][ versioning ];


	unbind: function () {

		this.node = null;

		// back to the prototype version of getValue / setValue
		// note: avoiding to mutate the shape of 'this' via 'delete'
		this.getValue = this._getValue_unbound;
		this.setValue = this._setValue_unbound;


} );

//!\ DECLARE ALIAS AFTER assign prototype !
Object.assign( PropertyBinding.prototype, {

	// initial state of these methods that calls 'bind'
	_getValue_unbound: PropertyBinding.prototype.getValue,
	_setValue_unbound: PropertyBinding.prototype.setValue,

} );

 * A group of objects that receives a shared animation state.
 * Usage:
 * 	-	Add objects you would otherwise pass as 'root' to the
 * 		constructor or the .clipAction method of AnimationMixer.
 * 	-	Instead pass this object as 'root'.
 * 	-	You can also add and remove objects later when the mixer
 * 		is running.
 * Note:
 *  	Objects of this class appear as one object to the mixer,
 *  	so cache control of the individual objects must be done
 *  	on the group.
 * Limitation:
 * 	- 	The animated properties must be compatible among the
 * 		all objects in the group.
 *  -	A single property can either be controlled through a
 *  	target group or directly, but not both.
 * @author tschw

function AnimationObjectGroup() {

	this.uuid = _Math.generateUUID();

	// cached objects followed by the active ones
	this._objects = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments );

	this.nCachedObjects_ = 0;			// threshold
	// note: read by PropertyBinding.Composite

	var indices = {};
	this._indicesByUUID = indices;		// for bookkeeping

	for ( var i = 0, n = arguments.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

		indices[ arguments[ i ].uuid ] = i;


	this._paths = [];					// inside: string
	this._parsedPaths = [];				// inside: { we don't care, here }
	this._bindings = []; 				// inside: Array< PropertyBinding >
	this._bindingsIndicesByPath = {}; 	// inside: indices in these arrays

	var scope = this;

	this.stats = {

		objects: {
			get total() {

				return scope._objects.length;

			get inUse() {

				return this.total - scope.nCachedObjects_;

		get bindingsPerObject() {

			return scope._bindings.length;




Object.assign( AnimationObjectGroup.prototype, {

	isAnimationObjectGroup: true,

	add: function () {

		var objects = this._objects,
			nObjects = objects.length,
			nCachedObjects = this.nCachedObjects_,
			indicesByUUID = this._indicesByUUID,
			paths = this._paths,
			parsedPaths = this._parsedPaths,
			bindings = this._bindings,
			nBindings = bindings.length,
			knownObject = undefined;

		for ( var i = 0, n = arguments.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			var object = arguments[ i ],
				uuid = object.uuid,
				index = indicesByUUID[ uuid ];

			if ( index === undefined ) {

				// unknown object -> add it to the ACTIVE region

				index = nObjects ++;
				indicesByUUID[ uuid ] = index;
				objects.push( object );

				// accounting is done, now do the same for all bindings

				for ( var j = 0, m = nBindings; j !== m; ++ j ) {

					bindings[ j ].push( new PropertyBinding( object, paths[ j ], parsedPaths[ j ] ) );


			} else if ( index < nCachedObjects ) {

				knownObject = objects[ index ];

				// move existing object to the ACTIVE region

				var firstActiveIndex = -- nCachedObjects,
					lastCachedObject = objects[ firstActiveIndex ];

				indicesByUUID[ lastCachedObject.uuid ] = index;
				objects[ index ] = lastCachedObject;

				indicesByUUID[ uuid ] = firstActiveIndex;
				objects[ firstActiveIndex ] = object;

				// accounting is done, now do the same for all bindings

				for ( var j = 0, m = nBindings; j !== m; ++ j ) {

					var bindingsForPath = bindings[ j ],
						lastCached = bindingsForPath[ firstActiveIndex ],
						binding = bindingsForPath[ index ];

					bindingsForPath[ index ] = lastCached;

					if ( binding === undefined ) {

						// since we do not bother to create new bindings
						// for objects that are cached, the binding may
						// or may not exist

						binding = new PropertyBinding( object, paths[ j ], parsedPaths[ j ] );


					bindingsForPath[ firstActiveIndex ] = binding;


			} else if ( objects[ index ] !== knownObject ) {

				console.error( 'THREE.AnimationObjectGroup: Different objects with the same UUID ' +
						'detected. Clean the caches or recreate your infrastructure when reloading scenes.' );

			} // else the object is already where we want it to be

		} // for arguments

		this.nCachedObjects_ = nCachedObjects;


	remove: function () {

		var objects = this._objects,
			nCachedObjects = this.nCachedObjects_,
			indicesByUUID = this._indicesByUUID,
			bindings = this._bindings,
			nBindings = bindings.length;

		for ( var i = 0, n = arguments.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			var object = arguments[ i ],
				uuid = object.uuid,
				index = indicesByUUID[ uuid ];

			if ( index !== undefined && index >= nCachedObjects ) {

				// move existing object into the CACHED region

				var lastCachedIndex = nCachedObjects ++,
					firstActiveObject = objects[ lastCachedIndex ];

				indicesByUUID[ firstActiveObject.uuid ] = index;
				objects[ index ] = firstActiveObject;

				indicesByUUID[ uuid ] = lastCachedIndex;
				objects[ lastCachedIndex ] = object;

				// accounting is done, now do the same for all bindings

				for ( var j = 0, m = nBindings; j !== m; ++ j ) {

					var bindingsForPath = bindings[ j ],
						firstActive = bindingsForPath[ lastCachedIndex ],
						binding = bindingsForPath[ index ];

					bindingsForPath[ index ] = firstActive;
					bindingsForPath[ lastCachedIndex ] = binding;



		} // for arguments

		this.nCachedObjects_ = nCachedObjects;


	// remove & forget
	uncache: function () {

		var objects = this._objects,
			nObjects = objects.length,
			nCachedObjects = this.nCachedObjects_,
			indicesByUUID = this._indicesByUUID,
			bindings = this._bindings,
			nBindings = bindings.length;

		for ( var i = 0, n = arguments.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			var object = arguments[ i ],
				uuid = object.uuid,
				index = indicesByUUID[ uuid ];

			if ( index !== undefined ) {

				delete indicesByUUID[ uuid ];

				if ( index < nCachedObjects ) {

					// object is cached, shrink the CACHED region

					var firstActiveIndex = -- nCachedObjects,
						lastCachedObject = objects[ firstActiveIndex ],
						lastIndex = -- nObjects,
						lastObject = objects[ lastIndex ];

					// last cached object takes this object's place
					indicesByUUID[ lastCachedObject.uuid ] = index;
					objects[ index ] = lastCachedObject;

					// last object goes to the activated slot and pop
					indicesByUUID[ lastObject.uuid ] = firstActiveIndex;
					objects[ firstActiveIndex ] = lastObject;

					// accounting is done, now do the same for all bindings

					for ( var j = 0, m = nBindings; j !== m; ++ j ) {

						var bindingsForPath = bindings[ j ],
							lastCached = bindingsForPath[ firstActiveIndex ],
							last = bindingsForPath[ lastIndex ];

						bindingsForPath[ index ] = lastCached;
						bindingsForPath[ firstActiveIndex ] = last;


				} else {

					// object is active, just swap with the last and pop

					var lastIndex = -- nObjects,
						lastObject = objects[ lastIndex ];

					indicesByUUID[ lastObject.uuid ] = index;
					objects[ index ] = lastObject;

					// accounting is done, now do the same for all bindings

					for ( var j = 0, m = nBindings; j !== m; ++ j ) {

						var bindingsForPath = bindings[ j ];

						bindingsForPath[ index ] = bindingsForPath[ lastIndex ];


				} // cached or active

			} // if object is known

		} // for arguments

		this.nCachedObjects_ = nCachedObjects;


	// Internal interface used by befriended PropertyBinding.Composite:

	subscribe_: function ( path, parsedPath ) {

		// returns an array of bindings for the given path that is changed
		// according to the contained objects in the group

		var indicesByPath = this._bindingsIndicesByPath,
			index = indicesByPath[ path ],
			bindings = this._bindings;

		if ( index !== undefined ) return bindings[ index ];

		var paths = this._paths,
			parsedPaths = this._parsedPaths,
			objects = this._objects,
			nObjects = objects.length,
			nCachedObjects = this.nCachedObjects_,
			bindingsForPath = new Array( nObjects );

		index = bindings.length;

		indicesByPath[ path ] = index;

		paths.push( path );
		parsedPaths.push( parsedPath );
		bindings.push( bindingsForPath );

		for ( var i = nCachedObjects, n = objects.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			var object = objects[ i ];
			bindingsForPath[ i ] = new PropertyBinding( object, path, parsedPath );


		return bindingsForPath;


	unsubscribe_: function ( path ) {

		// tells the group to forget about a property path and no longer
		// update the array previously obtained with 'subscribe_'

		var indicesByPath = this._bindingsIndicesByPath,
			index = indicesByPath[ path ];

		if ( index !== undefined ) {

			var paths = this._paths,
				parsedPaths = this._parsedPaths,
				bindings = this._bindings,
				lastBindingsIndex = bindings.length - 1,
				lastBindings = bindings[ lastBindingsIndex ],
				lastBindingsPath = path[ lastBindingsIndex ];

			indicesByPath[ lastBindingsPath ] = index;

			bindings[ index ] = lastBindings;

			parsedPaths[ index ] = parsedPaths[ lastBindingsIndex ];

			paths[ index ] = paths[ lastBindingsIndex ];



} );

 * Action provided by AnimationMixer for scheduling clip playback on specific
 * objects.
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
 * @author tschw

function AnimationAction( mixer, clip, localRoot ) {

	this._mixer = mixer;
	this._clip = clip;
	this._localRoot = localRoot || null;

	var tracks = clip.tracks,
		nTracks = tracks.length,
		interpolants = new Array( nTracks );

	var interpolantSettings = {
		endingStart: ZeroCurvatureEnding,
		endingEnd: ZeroCurvatureEnding

	for ( var i = 0; i !== nTracks; ++ i ) {

		var interpolant = tracks[ i ].createInterpolant( null );
		interpolants[ i ] = interpolant;
		interpolant.settings = interpolantSettings;


	this._interpolantSettings = interpolantSettings;

	this._interpolants = interpolants;	// bound by the mixer

	// inside: PropertyMixer (managed by the mixer)
	this._propertyBindings = new Array( nTracks );

	this._cacheIndex = null;			// for the memory manager
	this._byClipCacheIndex = null;		// for the memory manager

	this._timeScaleInterpolant = null;
	this._weightInterpolant = null;

	this.loop = LoopRepeat;
	this._loopCount = - 1;

	// global mixer time when the action is to be started
	// it's set back to 'null' upon start of the action
	this._startTime = null;

	// scaled local time of the action
	// gets clamped or wrapped to 0..clip.duration according to loop
	this.time = 0;

	this.timeScale = 1;
	this._effectiveTimeScale = 1;

	this.weight = 1;
	this._effectiveWeight = 1;

	this.repetitions = Infinity; 		// no. of repetitions when looping

	this.paused = false;				// true -> zero effective time scale
	this.enabled = true;				// false -> zero effective weight

	this.clampWhenFinished 	= false;	// keep feeding the last frame?

	this.zeroSlopeAtStart 	= true;		// for smooth interpolation w/o separate
	this.zeroSlopeAtEnd		= true;		// clips for start, loop and end


Object.assign( AnimationAction.prototype, {

	// State & Scheduling

	play: function () {

		this._mixer._activateAction( this );

		return this;


	stop: function () {

		this._mixer._deactivateAction( this );

		return this.reset();


	reset: function () {

		this.paused = false;
		this.enabled = true;

		this.time = 0;			// restart clip
		this._loopCount = - 1;	// forget previous loops
		this._startTime = null;	// forget scheduling

		return this.stopFading().stopWarping();


	isRunning: function () {

		return this.enabled && ! this.paused && this.timeScale !== 0 &&
				this._startTime === null && this._mixer._isActiveAction( this );


	// return true when play has been called
	isScheduled: function () {

		return this._mixer._isActiveAction( this );


	startAt: function ( time ) {

		this._startTime = time;

		return this;


	setLoop: function ( mode, repetitions ) {

		this.loop = mode;
		this.repetitions = repetitions;

		return this;


	// Weight

	// set the weight stopping any scheduled fading
	// although .enabled = false yields an effective weight of zero, this
	// method does *not* change .enabled, because it would be confusing
	setEffectiveWeight: function ( weight ) {

		this.weight = weight;

		// note: same logic as when updated at runtime
		this._effectiveWeight = this.enabled ? weight : 0;

		return this.stopFading();


	// return the weight considering fading and .enabled
	getEffectiveWeight: function () {

		return this._effectiveWeight;


	fadeIn: function ( duration ) {

		return this._scheduleFading( duration, 0, 1 );


	fadeOut: function ( duration ) {

		return this._scheduleFading( duration, 1, 0 );


	crossFadeFrom: function ( fadeOutAction, duration, warp ) {

		fadeOutAction.fadeOut( duration );
		this.fadeIn( duration );

		if ( warp ) {

			var fadeInDuration = this._clip.duration,
				fadeOutDuration = fadeOutAction._clip.duration,

				startEndRatio = fadeOutDuration / fadeInDuration,
				endStartRatio = fadeInDuration / fadeOutDuration;

			fadeOutAction.warp( 1.0, startEndRatio, duration );
			this.warp( endStartRatio, 1.0, duration );


		return this;


	crossFadeTo: function ( fadeInAction, duration, warp ) {

		return fadeInAction.crossFadeFrom( this, duration, warp );


	stopFading: function () {

		var weightInterpolant = this._weightInterpolant;

		if ( weightInterpolant !== null ) {

			this._weightInterpolant = null;
			this._mixer._takeBackControlInterpolant( weightInterpolant );


		return this;


	// Time Scale Control

	// set the time scale stopping any scheduled warping
	// although .paused = true yields an effective time scale of zero, this
	// method does *not* change .paused, because it would be confusing
	setEffectiveTimeScale: function ( timeScale ) {

		this.timeScale = timeScale;
		this._effectiveTimeScale = this.paused ? 0 : timeScale;

		return this.stopWarping();


	// return the time scale considering warping and .paused
	getEffectiveTimeScale: function () {

		return this._effectiveTimeScale;


	setDuration: function ( duration ) {

		this.timeScale = this._clip.duration / duration;

		return this.stopWarping();


	syncWith: function ( action ) {

		this.time = action.time;
		this.timeScale = action.timeScale;

		return this.stopWarping();


	halt: function ( duration ) {

		return this.warp( this._effectiveTimeScale, 0, duration );


	warp: function ( startTimeScale, endTimeScale, duration ) {

		var mixer = this._mixer, now = mixer.time,
			interpolant = this._timeScaleInterpolant,

			timeScale = this.timeScale;

		if ( interpolant === null ) {

			interpolant = mixer._lendControlInterpolant();
			this._timeScaleInterpolant = interpolant;


		var times = interpolant.parameterPositions,
			values = interpolant.sampleValues;

		times[ 0 ] = now;
		times[ 1 ] = now + duration;

		values[ 0 ] = startTimeScale / timeScale;
		values[ 1 ] = endTimeScale / timeScale;

		return this;


	stopWarping: function () {

		var timeScaleInterpolant = this._timeScaleInterpolant;

		if ( timeScaleInterpolant !== null ) {

			this._timeScaleInterpolant = null;
			this._mixer._takeBackControlInterpolant( timeScaleInterpolant );


		return this;


	// Object Accessors

	getMixer: function () {

		return this._mixer;


	getClip: function () {

		return this._clip;


	getRoot: function () {

		return this._localRoot || this._mixer._root;


	// Interna

	_update: function ( time, deltaTime, timeDirection, accuIndex ) {

		// called by the mixer

		if ( ! this.enabled ) {

			// call ._updateWeight() to update ._effectiveWeight

			this._updateWeight( time );


		var startTime = this._startTime;

		if ( startTime !== null ) {

			// check for scheduled start of action

			var timeRunning = ( time - startTime ) * timeDirection;
			if ( timeRunning < 0 || timeDirection === 0 ) {

				return; // yet to come / don't decide when delta = 0


			// start

			this._startTime = null; // unschedule
			deltaTime = timeDirection * timeRunning;


		// apply time scale and advance time

		deltaTime *= this._updateTimeScale( time );
		var clipTime = this._updateTime( deltaTime );

		// note: _updateTime may disable the action resulting in
		// an effective weight of 0

		var weight = this._updateWeight( time );

		if ( weight > 0 ) {

			var interpolants = this._interpolants;
			var propertyMixers = this._propertyBindings;

			for ( var j = 0, m = interpolants.length; j !== m; ++ j ) {

				interpolants[ j ].evaluate( clipTime );
				propertyMixers[ j ].accumulate( accuIndex, weight );




	_updateWeight: function ( time ) {

		var weight = 0;

		if ( this.enabled ) {

			weight = this.weight;
			var interpolant = this._weightInterpolant;

			if ( interpolant !== null ) {

				var interpolantValue = interpolant.evaluate( time )[ 0 ];

				weight *= interpolantValue;

				if ( time > interpolant.parameterPositions[ 1 ] ) {


					if ( interpolantValue === 0 ) {

						// faded out, disable
						this.enabled = false;





		this._effectiveWeight = weight;
		return weight;


	_updateTimeScale: function ( time ) {

		var timeScale = 0;

		if ( ! this.paused ) {

			timeScale = this.timeScale;

			var interpolant = this._timeScaleInterpolant;

			if ( interpolant !== null ) {

				var interpolantValue = interpolant.evaluate( time )[ 0 ];

				timeScale *= interpolantValue;

				if ( time > interpolant.parameterPositions[ 1 ] ) {


					if ( timeScale === 0 ) {

						// motion has halted, pause
						this.paused = true;

					} else {

						// warp done - apply final time scale
						this.timeScale = timeScale;





		this._effectiveTimeScale = timeScale;
		return timeScale;


	_updateTime: function ( deltaTime ) {

		var time = this.time + deltaTime;

		if ( deltaTime === 0 ) return time;

		var duration = this._clip.duration,

			loop = this.loop,
			loopCount = this._loopCount;

		if ( loop === LoopOnce ) {

			if ( loopCount === - 1 ) {

				// just started

				this._loopCount = 0;
				this._setEndings( true, true, false );


			handle_stop: {

				if ( time >= duration ) {

					time = duration;

				} else if ( time < 0 ) {

					time = 0;

				} else break handle_stop;

				if ( this.clampWhenFinished ) this.paused = true;
				else this.enabled = false;

				this._mixer.dispatchEvent( {
					type: 'finished', action: this,
					direction: deltaTime < 0 ? - 1 : 1
				} );


		} else { // repetitive Repeat or PingPong

			var pingPong = ( loop === LoopPingPong );

			if ( loopCount === - 1 ) {

				// just started

				if ( deltaTime >= 0 ) {

					loopCount = 0;

					this._setEndings( true, this.repetitions === 0, pingPong );

				} else {

					// when looping in reverse direction, the initial
					// transition through zero counts as a repetition,
					// so leave loopCount at -1

					this._setEndings( this.repetitions === 0, true, pingPong );



			if ( time >= duration || time < 0 ) {

				// wrap around

				var loopDelta = Math.floor( time / duration ); // signed
				time -= duration * loopDelta;

				loopCount += Math.abs( loopDelta );

				var pending = this.repetitions - loopCount;

				if ( pending < 0 ) {

					// have to stop (switch state, clamp time, fire event)

					if ( this.clampWhenFinished ) this.paused = true;
					else this.enabled = false;

					time = deltaTime > 0 ? duration : 0;

					this._mixer.dispatchEvent( {
						type: 'finished', action: this,
						direction: deltaTime > 0 ? 1 : - 1
					} );

				} else {

					// keep running

					if ( pending === 0 ) {

						// entering the last round

						var atStart = deltaTime < 0;
						this._setEndings( atStart, ! atStart, pingPong );

					} else {

						this._setEndings( false, false, pingPong );


					this._loopCount = loopCount;

					this._mixer.dispatchEvent( {
						type: 'loop', action: this, loopDelta: loopDelta
					} );



			if ( pingPong && ( loopCount & 1 ) === 1 ) {

				// invert time for the "pong round"

				this.time = time;
				return duration - time;



		this.time = time;
		return time;


	_setEndings: function ( atStart, atEnd, pingPong ) {

		var settings = this._interpolantSettings;

		if ( pingPong ) {

			settings.endingStart 	= ZeroSlopeEnding;
			settings.endingEnd		= ZeroSlopeEnding;

		} else {

			// assuming for LoopOnce atStart == atEnd == true

			if ( atStart ) {

				settings.endingStart = this.zeroSlopeAtStart ? ZeroSlopeEnding : ZeroCurvatureEnding;

			} else {

				settings.endingStart = WrapAroundEnding;


			if ( atEnd ) {

				settings.endingEnd = this.zeroSlopeAtEnd ? ZeroSlopeEnding : ZeroCurvatureEnding;

			} else {

				settings.endingEnd 	 = WrapAroundEnding;




	_scheduleFading: function ( duration, weightNow, weightThen ) {

		var mixer = this._mixer, now = mixer.time,
			interpolant = this._weightInterpolant;

		if ( interpolant === null ) {

			interpolant = mixer._lendControlInterpolant();
			this._weightInterpolant = interpolant;


		var times = interpolant.parameterPositions,
			values = interpolant.sampleValues;

		times[ 0 ] = now; 				values[ 0 ] = weightNow;
		times[ 1 ] = now + duration;	values[ 1 ] = weightThen;

		return this;


} );

 * Player for AnimationClips.
 * @author Ben Houston / http://clara.io/
 * @author David Sarno / http://lighthaus.us/
 * @author tschw

function AnimationMixer( root ) {

	this._root = root;
	this._accuIndex = 0;

	this.time = 0;

	this.timeScale = 1.0;


AnimationMixer.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( EventDispatcher.prototype ), {

	constructor: AnimationMixer,

	_bindAction: function ( action, prototypeAction ) {

		var root = action._localRoot || this._root,
			tracks = action._clip.tracks,
			nTracks = tracks.length,
			bindings = action._propertyBindings,
			interpolants = action._interpolants,
			rootUuid = root.uuid,
			bindingsByRoot = this._bindingsByRootAndName,
			bindingsByName = bindingsByRoot[ rootUuid ];

		if ( bindingsByName === undefined ) {

			bindingsByName = {};
			bindingsByRoot[ rootUuid ] = bindingsByName;


		for ( var i = 0; i !== nTracks; ++ i ) {

			var track = tracks[ i ],
				trackName = track.name,
				binding = bindingsByName[ trackName ];

			if ( binding !== undefined ) {

				bindings[ i ] = binding;

			} else {

				binding = bindings[ i ];

				if ( binding !== undefined ) {

					// existing binding, make sure the cache knows

					if ( binding._cacheIndex === null ) {

						++ binding.referenceCount;
						this._addInactiveBinding( binding, rootUuid, trackName );




				var path = prototypeAction && prototypeAction.
					_propertyBindings[ i ].binding.parsedPath;

				binding = new PropertyMixer(
					PropertyBinding.create( root, trackName, path ),
					track.ValueTypeName, track.getValueSize() );

				++ binding.referenceCount;
				this._addInactiveBinding( binding, rootUuid, trackName );

				bindings[ i ] = binding;


			interpolants[ i ].resultBuffer = binding.buffer;



	_activateAction: function ( action ) {

		if ( ! this._isActiveAction( action ) ) {

			if ( action._cacheIndex === null ) {

				// this action has been forgotten by the cache, but the user
				// appears to be still using it -> rebind

				var rootUuid = ( action._localRoot || this._root ).uuid,
					clipUuid = action._clip.uuid,
					actionsForClip = this._actionsByClip[ clipUuid ];

				this._bindAction( action,
					actionsForClip && actionsForClip.knownActions[ 0 ] );

				this._addInactiveAction( action, clipUuid, rootUuid );


			var bindings = action._propertyBindings;

			// increment reference counts / sort out state
			for ( var i = 0, n = bindings.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

				var binding = bindings[ i ];

				if ( binding.useCount ++ === 0 ) {

					this._lendBinding( binding );



			this._lendAction( action );



	_deactivateAction: function ( action ) {

		if ( this._isActiveAction( action ) ) {

			var bindings = action._propertyBindings;

			// decrement reference counts / sort out state
			for ( var i = 0, n = bindings.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

				var binding = bindings[ i ];

				if ( -- binding.useCount === 0 ) {

					this._takeBackBinding( binding );



			this._takeBackAction( action );



	// Memory manager

	_initMemoryManager: function () {

		this._actions = []; // 'nActiveActions' followed by inactive ones
		this._nActiveActions = 0;

		this._actionsByClip = {};
		// inside:
		// {
		// 		knownActions: Array< AnimationAction >	- used as prototypes
		// 		actionByRoot: AnimationAction			- lookup
		// }

		this._bindings = []; // 'nActiveBindings' followed by inactive ones
		this._nActiveBindings = 0;

		this._bindingsByRootAndName = {}; // inside: Map< name, PropertyMixer >

		this._controlInterpolants = []; // same game as above
		this._nActiveControlInterpolants = 0;

		var scope = this;

		this.stats = {

			actions: {
				get total() {

					return scope._actions.length;

				get inUse() {

					return scope._nActiveActions;

			bindings: {
				get total() {

					return scope._bindings.length;

				get inUse() {

					return scope._nActiveBindings;

			controlInterpolants: {
				get total() {

					return scope._controlInterpolants.length;

				get inUse() {

					return scope._nActiveControlInterpolants;




	// Memory management for AnimationAction objects

	_isActiveAction: function ( action ) {

		var index = action._cacheIndex;
		return index !== null && index < this._nActiveActions;


	_addInactiveAction: function ( action, clipUuid, rootUuid ) {

		var actions = this._actions,
			actionsByClip = this._actionsByClip,
			actionsForClip = actionsByClip[ clipUuid ];

		if ( actionsForClip === undefined ) {

			actionsForClip = {

				knownActions: [ action ],
				actionByRoot: {}


			action._byClipCacheIndex = 0;

			actionsByClip[ clipUuid ] = actionsForClip;

		} else {

			var knownActions = actionsForClip.knownActions;

			action._byClipCacheIndex = knownActions.length;
			knownActions.push( action );


		action._cacheIndex = actions.length;
		actions.push( action );

		actionsForClip.actionByRoot[ rootUuid ] = action;


	_removeInactiveAction: function ( action ) {

		var actions = this._actions,
			lastInactiveAction = actions[ actions.length - 1 ],
			cacheIndex = action._cacheIndex;

		lastInactiveAction._cacheIndex = cacheIndex;
		actions[ cacheIndex ] = lastInactiveAction;

		action._cacheIndex = null;

		var clipUuid = action._clip.uuid,
			actionsByClip = this._actionsByClip,
			actionsForClip = actionsByClip[ clipUuid ],
			knownActionsForClip = actionsForClip.knownActions,

			lastKnownAction =
				knownActionsForClip[ knownActionsForClip.length - 1 ],

			byClipCacheIndex = action._byClipCacheIndex;

		lastKnownAction._byClipCacheIndex = byClipCacheIndex;
		knownActionsForClip[ byClipCacheIndex ] = lastKnownAction;

		action._byClipCacheIndex = null;

		var actionByRoot = actionsForClip.actionByRoot,
			rootUuid = ( action._localRoot || this._root ).uuid;

		delete actionByRoot[ rootUuid ];

		if ( knownActionsForClip.length === 0 ) {

			delete actionsByClip[ clipUuid ];


		this._removeInactiveBindingsForAction( action );


	_removeInactiveBindingsForAction: function ( action ) {

		var bindings = action._propertyBindings;
		for ( var i = 0, n = bindings.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			var binding = bindings[ i ];

			if ( -- binding.referenceCount === 0 ) {

				this._removeInactiveBinding( binding );




	_lendAction: function ( action ) {

		// [ active actions |  inactive actions  ]
		// [  active actions >| inactive actions ]
		//                 s        a
		//                  <-swap->
		//                 a        s

		var actions = this._actions,
			prevIndex = action._cacheIndex,

			lastActiveIndex = this._nActiveActions ++,

			firstInactiveAction = actions[ lastActiveIndex ];

		action._cacheIndex = lastActiveIndex;
		actions[ lastActiveIndex ] = action;

		firstInactiveAction._cacheIndex = prevIndex;
		actions[ prevIndex ] = firstInactiveAction;


	_takeBackAction: function ( action ) {

		// [  active actions  | inactive actions ]
		// [ active actions |< inactive actions  ]
		//        a        s
		//         <-swap->
		//        s        a

		var actions = this._actions,
			prevIndex = action._cacheIndex,

			firstInactiveIndex = -- this._nActiveActions,

			lastActiveAction = actions[ firstInactiveIndex ];

		action._cacheIndex = firstInactiveIndex;
		actions[ firstInactiveIndex ] = action;

		lastActiveAction._cacheIndex = prevIndex;
		actions[ prevIndex ] = lastActiveAction;


	// Memory management for PropertyMixer objects

	_addInactiveBinding: function ( binding, rootUuid, trackName ) {

		var bindingsByRoot = this._bindingsByRootAndName,
			bindingByName = bindingsByRoot[ rootUuid ],

			bindings = this._bindings;

		if ( bindingByName === undefined ) {

			bindingByName = {};
			bindingsByRoot[ rootUuid ] = bindingByName;


		bindingByName[ trackName ] = binding;

		binding._cacheIndex = bindings.length;
		bindings.push( binding );


	_removeInactiveBinding: function ( binding ) {

		var bindings = this._bindings,
			propBinding = binding.binding,
			rootUuid = propBinding.rootNode.uuid,
			trackName = propBinding.path,
			bindingsByRoot = this._bindingsByRootAndName,
			bindingByName = bindingsByRoot[ rootUuid ],

			lastInactiveBinding = bindings[ bindings.length - 1 ],
			cacheIndex = binding._cacheIndex;

		lastInactiveBinding._cacheIndex = cacheIndex;
		bindings[ cacheIndex ] = lastInactiveBinding;

		delete bindingByName[ trackName ];

		remove_empty_map: {

			for ( var _ in bindingByName ) break remove_empty_map; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars

			delete bindingsByRoot[ rootUuid ];



	_lendBinding: function ( binding ) {

		var bindings = this._bindings,
			prevIndex = binding._cacheIndex,

			lastActiveIndex = this._nActiveBindings ++,

			firstInactiveBinding = bindings[ lastActiveIndex ];

		binding._cacheIndex = lastActiveIndex;
		bindings[ lastActiveIndex ] = binding;

		firstInactiveBinding._cacheIndex = prevIndex;
		bindings[ prevIndex ] = firstInactiveBinding;


	_takeBackBinding: function ( binding ) {

		var bindings = this._bindings,
			prevIndex = binding._cacheIndex,

			firstInactiveIndex = -- this._nActiveBindings,

			lastActiveBinding = bindings[ firstInactiveIndex ];

		binding._cacheIndex = firstInactiveIndex;
		bindings[ firstInactiveIndex ] = binding;

		lastActiveBinding._cacheIndex = prevIndex;
		bindings[ prevIndex ] = lastActiveBinding;


	// Memory management of Interpolants for weight and time scale

	_lendControlInterpolant: function () {

		var interpolants = this._controlInterpolants,
			lastActiveIndex = this._nActiveControlInterpolants ++,
			interpolant = interpolants[ lastActiveIndex ];

		if ( interpolant === undefined ) {

			interpolant = new LinearInterpolant(
				new Float32Array( 2 ), new Float32Array( 2 ),
				1, this._controlInterpolantsResultBuffer );

			interpolant.__cacheIndex = lastActiveIndex;
			interpolants[ lastActiveIndex ] = interpolant;


		return interpolant;


	_takeBackControlInterpolant: function ( interpolant ) {

		var interpolants = this._controlInterpolants,
			prevIndex = interpolant.__cacheIndex,

			firstInactiveIndex = -- this._nActiveControlInterpolants,

			lastActiveInterpolant = interpolants[ firstInactiveIndex ];

		interpolant.__cacheIndex = firstInactiveIndex;
		interpolants[ firstInactiveIndex ] = interpolant;

		lastActiveInterpolant.__cacheIndex = prevIndex;
		interpolants[ prevIndex ] = lastActiveInterpolant;


	_controlInterpolantsResultBuffer: new Float32Array( 1 ),

	// return an action for a clip optionally using a custom root target
	// object (this method allocates a lot of dynamic memory in case a
	// previously unknown clip/root combination is specified)
	clipAction: function ( clip, optionalRoot ) {

		var root = optionalRoot || this._root,
			rootUuid = root.uuid,

			clipObject = typeof clip === 'string' ?
				AnimationClip.findByName( root, clip ) : clip,

			clipUuid = clipObject !== null ? clipObject.uuid : clip,

			actionsForClip = this._actionsByClip[ clipUuid ],
			prototypeAction = null;

		if ( actionsForClip !== undefined ) {

			var existingAction =
					actionsForClip.actionByRoot[ rootUuid ];

			if ( existingAction !== undefined ) {

				return existingAction;


			// we know the clip, so we don't have to parse all
			// the bindings again but can just copy
			prototypeAction = actionsForClip.knownActions[ 0 ];

			// also, take the clip from the prototype action
			if ( clipObject === null )
				clipObject = prototypeAction._clip;


		// clip must be known when specified via string
		if ( clipObject === null ) return null;

		// allocate all resources required to run it
		var newAction = new AnimationAction( this, clipObject, optionalRoot );

		this._bindAction( newAction, prototypeAction );

		// and make the action known to the memory manager
		this._addInactiveAction( newAction, clipUuid, rootUuid );

		return newAction;


	// get an existing action
	existingAction: function ( clip, optionalRoot ) {

		var root = optionalRoot || this._root,
			rootUuid = root.uuid,

			clipObject = typeof clip === 'string' ?
				AnimationClip.findByName( root, clip ) : clip,

			clipUuid = clipObject ? clipObject.uuid : clip,

			actionsForClip = this._actionsByClip[ clipUuid ];

		if ( actionsForClip !== undefined ) {

			return actionsForClip.actionByRoot[ rootUuid ] || null;


		return null;


	// deactivates all previously scheduled actions
	stopAllAction: function () {

		var actions = this._actions,
			nActions = this._nActiveActions,
			bindings = this._bindings,
			nBindings = this._nActiveBindings;

		this._nActiveActions = 0;
		this._nActiveBindings = 0;

		for ( var i = 0; i !== nActions; ++ i ) {

			actions[ i ].reset();


		for ( var i = 0; i !== nBindings; ++ i ) {

			bindings[ i ].useCount = 0;


		return this;


	// advance the time and update apply the animation
	update: function ( deltaTime ) {

		deltaTime *= this.timeScale;

		var actions = this._actions,
			nActions = this._nActiveActions,

			time = this.time += deltaTime,
			timeDirection = Math.sign( deltaTime ),

			accuIndex = this._accuIndex ^= 1;

		// run active actions

		for ( var i = 0; i !== nActions; ++ i ) {

			var action = actions[ i ];

			action._update( time, deltaTime, timeDirection, accuIndex );


		// update scene graph

		var bindings = this._bindings,
			nBindings = this._nActiveBindings;

		for ( var i = 0; i !== nBindings; ++ i ) {

			bindings[ i ].apply( accuIndex );


		return this;


	// return this mixer's root target object
	getRoot: function () {

		return this._root;


	// free all resources specific to a particular clip
	uncacheClip: function ( clip ) {

		var actions = this._actions,
			clipUuid = clip.uuid,
			actionsByClip = this._actionsByClip,
			actionsForClip = actionsByClip[ clipUuid ];

		if ( actionsForClip !== undefined ) {

			// note: just calling _removeInactiveAction would mess up the
			// iteration state and also require updating the state we can
			// just throw away

			var actionsToRemove = actionsForClip.knownActions;

			for ( var i = 0, n = actionsToRemove.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

				var action = actionsToRemove[ i ];

				this._deactivateAction( action );

				var cacheIndex = action._cacheIndex,
					lastInactiveAction = actions[ actions.length - 1 ];

				action._cacheIndex = null;
				action._byClipCacheIndex = null;

				lastInactiveAction._cacheIndex = cacheIndex;
				actions[ cacheIndex ] = lastInactiveAction;

				this._removeInactiveBindingsForAction( action );


			delete actionsByClip[ clipUuid ];



	// free all resources specific to a particular root target object
	uncacheRoot: function ( root ) {

		var rootUuid = root.uuid,
			actionsByClip = this._actionsByClip;

		for ( var clipUuid in actionsByClip ) {

			var actionByRoot = actionsByClip[ clipUuid ].actionByRoot,
				action = actionByRoot[ rootUuid ];

			if ( action !== undefined ) {

				this._deactivateAction( action );
				this._removeInactiveAction( action );



		var bindingsByRoot = this._bindingsByRootAndName,
			bindingByName = bindingsByRoot[ rootUuid ];

		if ( bindingByName !== undefined ) {

			for ( var trackName in bindingByName ) {

				var binding = bindingByName[ trackName ];
				this._removeInactiveBinding( binding );




	// remove a targeted clip from the cache
	uncacheAction: function ( clip, optionalRoot ) {

		var action = this.existingAction( clip, optionalRoot );

		if ( action !== null ) {

			this._deactivateAction( action );
			this._removeInactiveAction( action );



} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function Uniform( value ) {

	if ( typeof value === 'string' ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Uniform: Type parameter is no longer needed.' );
		value = arguments[ 1 ];


	this.value = value;


Uniform.prototype.clone = function () {

	return new Uniform( this.value.clone === undefined ? this.value : this.value.clone() );


 * @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams

function InstancedBufferGeometry() {

	BufferGeometry.call( this );

	this.type = 'InstancedBufferGeometry';
	this.maxInstancedCount = undefined;


InstancedBufferGeometry.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype ), {

	constructor: InstancedBufferGeometry,

	isInstancedBufferGeometry: true,

	copy: function ( source ) {

		BufferGeometry.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.maxInstancedCount = source.maxInstancedCount;

		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


} );

 * @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams

function InterleavedBufferAttribute( interleavedBuffer, itemSize, offset, normalized ) {

	this.uuid = _Math.generateUUID();

	this.data = interleavedBuffer;
	this.itemSize = itemSize;
	this.offset = offset;

	this.normalized = normalized === true;


Object.defineProperties( InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype, {

	count: {

		get: function () {

			return this.data.count;



	array: {

		get: function () {

			return this.data.array;



} );

Object.assign( InterleavedBufferAttribute.prototype, {

	isInterleavedBufferAttribute: true,

	setX: function ( index, x ) {

		this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset ] = x;

		return this;


	setY: function ( index, y ) {

		this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset + 1 ] = y;

		return this;


	setZ: function ( index, z ) {

		this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset + 2 ] = z;

		return this;


	setW: function ( index, w ) {

		this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset + 3 ] = w;

		return this;


	getX: function ( index ) {

		return this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset ];


	getY: function ( index ) {

		return this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset + 1 ];


	getZ: function ( index ) {

		return this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset + 2 ];


	getW: function ( index ) {

		return this.data.array[ index * this.data.stride + this.offset + 3 ];


	setXY: function ( index, x, y ) {

		index = index * this.data.stride + this.offset;

		this.data.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
		this.data.array[ index + 1 ] = y;

		return this;


	setXYZ: function ( index, x, y, z ) {

		index = index * this.data.stride + this.offset;

		this.data.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
		this.data.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
		this.data.array[ index + 2 ] = z;

		return this;


	setXYZW: function ( index, x, y, z, w ) {

		index = index * this.data.stride + this.offset;

		this.data.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
		this.data.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
		this.data.array[ index + 2 ] = z;
		this.data.array[ index + 3 ] = w;

		return this;


} );

 * @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams

function InterleavedBuffer( array, stride ) {

	this.uuid = _Math.generateUUID();

	this.array = array;
	this.stride = stride;
	this.count = array !== undefined ? array.length / stride : 0;

	this.dynamic = false;
	this.updateRange = { offset: 0, count: - 1 };

	this.onUploadCallback = function () {};

	this.version = 0;


Object.defineProperty( InterleavedBuffer.prototype, 'needsUpdate', {

	set: function ( value ) {

		if ( value === true ) this.version ++;


} );

Object.assign( InterleavedBuffer.prototype, {

	isInterleavedBuffer: true,

	setArray: function ( array ) {

		if ( Array.isArray( array ) ) {

			throw new TypeError( 'THREE.BufferAttribute: array should be a Typed Array.' );


		this.count = array !== undefined ? array.length / this.stride : 0;
		this.array = array;


	setDynamic: function ( value ) {

		this.dynamic = value;

		return this;


	copy: function ( source ) {

		this.array = new source.array.constructor( source.array );
		this.count = source.count;
		this.stride = source.stride;
		this.dynamic = source.dynamic;

		return this;


	copyAt: function ( index1, attribute, index2 ) {

		index1 *= this.stride;
		index2 *= attribute.stride;

		for ( var i = 0, l = this.stride; i < l; i ++ ) {

			this.array[ index1 + i ] = attribute.array[ index2 + i ];


		return this;


	set: function ( value, offset ) {

		if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;

		this.array.set( value, offset );

		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	onUpload: function ( callback ) {

		this.onUploadCallback = callback;

		return this;


} );

 * @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams

function InstancedInterleavedBuffer( array, stride, meshPerAttribute ) {

	InterleavedBuffer.call( this, array, stride );

	this.meshPerAttribute = meshPerAttribute || 1;


InstancedInterleavedBuffer.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( InterleavedBuffer.prototype ), {

	constructor: InstancedInterleavedBuffer,

	isInstancedInterleavedBuffer: true,

	copy: function ( source ) {

		InterleavedBuffer.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.meshPerAttribute = source.meshPerAttribute;

		return this;


} );

 * @author benaadams / https://twitter.com/ben_a_adams

function InstancedBufferAttribute( array, itemSize, meshPerAttribute ) {

	BufferAttribute.call( this, array, itemSize );

	this.meshPerAttribute = meshPerAttribute || 1;


InstancedBufferAttribute.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype ), {

	constructor: InstancedBufferAttribute,

	isInstancedBufferAttribute: true,

	copy: function ( source ) {

		BufferAttribute.prototype.copy.call( this, source );

		this.meshPerAttribute = source.meshPerAttribute;

		return this;


} );

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io/
 * @author stephomi / http://stephaneginier.com/

function Raycaster( origin, direction, near, far ) {

	this.ray = new Ray( origin, direction );
	// direction is assumed to be normalized (for accurate distance calculations)

	this.near = near || 0;
	this.far = far || Infinity;

	this.params = {
		Mesh: {},
		Line: {},
		LOD: {},
		Points: { threshold: 1 },
		Sprite: {}

	Object.defineProperties( this.params, {
		PointCloud: {
			get: function () {

				console.warn( 'THREE.Raycaster: params.PointCloud has been renamed to params.Points.' );
				return this.Points;

	} );


function ascSort( a, b ) {

	return a.distance - b.distance;


function intersectObject( object, raycaster, intersects, recursive ) {

	if ( object.visible === false ) return;

	object.raycast( raycaster, intersects );

	if ( recursive === true ) {

		var children = object.children;

		for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			intersectObject( children[ i ], raycaster, intersects, true );




Object.assign( Raycaster.prototype, {

	linePrecision: 1,

	set: function ( origin, direction ) {

		// direction is assumed to be normalized (for accurate distance calculations)

		this.ray.set( origin, direction );


	setFromCamera: function ( coords, camera ) {

		if ( ( camera && camera.isPerspectiveCamera ) ) {

			this.ray.origin.setFromMatrixPosition( camera.matrixWorld );
			this.ray.direction.set( coords.x, coords.y, 0.5 ).unproject( camera ).sub( this.ray.origin ).normalize();

		} else if ( ( camera && camera.isOrthographicCamera ) ) {

			this.ray.origin.set( coords.x, coords.y, ( camera.near + camera.far ) / ( camera.near - camera.far ) ).unproject( camera ); // set origin in plane of camera
			this.ray.direction.set( 0, 0, - 1 ).transformDirection( camera.matrixWorld );

		} else {

			console.error( 'THREE.Raycaster: Unsupported camera type.' );



	intersectObject: function ( object, recursive ) {

		var intersects = [];

		intersectObject( object, this, intersects, recursive );

		intersects.sort( ascSort );

		return intersects;


	intersectObjects: function ( objects, recursive ) {

		var intersects = [];

		if ( Array.isArray( objects ) === false ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Raycaster.intersectObjects: objects is not an Array.' );
			return intersects;


		for ( var i = 0, l = objects.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			intersectObject( objects[ i ], this, intersects, recursive );


		intersects.sort( ascSort );

		return intersects;


} );

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function Clock( autoStart ) {

	this.autoStart = ( autoStart !== undefined ) ? autoStart : true;

	this.startTime = 0;
	this.oldTime = 0;
	this.elapsedTime = 0;

	this.running = false;


Object.assign( Clock.prototype, {

	start: function () {

		this.startTime = ( typeof performance === 'undefined' ? Date : performance ).now(); // see #10732

		this.oldTime = this.startTime;
		this.elapsedTime = 0;
		this.running = true;


	stop: function () {

		this.running = false;
		this.autoStart = false;


	getElapsedTime: function () {

		return this.elapsedTime;


	getDelta: function () {

		var diff = 0;

		if ( this.autoStart && ! this.running ) {

			return 0;


		if ( this.running ) {

			var newTime = ( typeof performance === 'undefined' ? Date : performance ).now();

			diff = ( newTime - this.oldTime ) / 1000;
			this.oldTime = newTime;

			this.elapsedTime += diff;


		return diff;


} );

 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_coordinate_system
 * The poles (phi) are at the positive and negative y axis.
 * The equator starts at positive z.

function Spherical( radius, phi, theta ) {

	this.radius = ( radius !== undefined ) ? radius : 1.0;
	this.phi = ( phi !== undefined ) ? phi : 0; // up / down towards top and bottom pole
	this.theta = ( theta !== undefined ) ? theta : 0; // around the equator of the sphere

	return this;


Object.assign( Spherical.prototype, {

	set: function ( radius, phi, theta ) {

		this.radius = radius;
		this.phi = phi;
		this.theta = theta;

		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( other ) {

		this.radius = other.radius;
		this.phi = other.phi;
		this.theta = other.theta;

		return this;


	// restrict phi to be betwee EPS and PI-EPS
	makeSafe: function () {

		var EPS = 0.000001;
		this.phi = Math.max( EPS, Math.min( Math.PI - EPS, this.phi ) );

		return this;


	setFromVector3: function ( vec3 ) {

		this.radius = vec3.length();

		if ( this.radius === 0 ) {

			this.theta = 0;
			this.phi = 0;

		} else {

			this.theta = Math.atan2( vec3.x, vec3.z ); // equator angle around y-up axis
			this.phi = Math.acos( _Math.clamp( vec3.y / this.radius, - 1, 1 ) ); // polar angle


		return this;


} );

 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87
 * Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cylindrical_coordinate_system

function Cylindrical( radius, theta, y ) {

	this.radius = ( radius !== undefined ) ? radius : 1.0; // distance from the origin to a point in the x-z plane
	this.theta = ( theta !== undefined ) ? theta : 0; // counterclockwise angle in the x-z plane measured in radians from the positive z-axis
	this.y = ( y !== undefined ) ? y : 0; // height above the x-z plane

	return this;


Object.assign( Cylindrical.prototype, {

	set: function ( radius, theta, y ) {

		this.radius = radius;
		this.theta = theta;
		this.y = y;

		return this;


	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( other ) {

		this.radius = other.radius;
		this.theta = other.theta;
		this.y = other.y;

		return this;


	setFromVector3: function ( vec3 ) {

		this.radius = Math.sqrt( vec3.x * vec3.x + vec3.z * vec3.z );
		this.theta = Math.atan2( vec3.x, vec3.z );
		this.y = vec3.y;

		return this;


} );

 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io

function Box2( min, max ) {

	this.min = ( min !== undefined ) ? min : new Vector2( + Infinity, + Infinity );
	this.max = ( max !== undefined ) ? max : new Vector2( - Infinity, - Infinity );


Object.assign( Box2.prototype, {

	set: function ( min, max ) {

		this.min.copy( min );
		this.max.copy( max );

		return this;


	setFromPoints: function ( points ) {


		for ( var i = 0, il = points.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			this.expandByPoint( points[ i ] );


		return this;


	setFromCenterAndSize: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector2();

		return function setFromCenterAndSize( center, size ) {

			var halfSize = v1.copy( size ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );
			this.min.copy( center ).sub( halfSize );
			this.max.copy( center ).add( halfSize );

			return this;



	clone: function () {

		return new this.constructor().copy( this );


	copy: function ( box ) {

		this.min.copy( box.min );
		this.max.copy( box.max );

		return this;


	makeEmpty: function () {

		this.min.x = this.min.y = + Infinity;
		this.max.x = this.max.y = - Infinity;

		return this;


	isEmpty: function () {

		// this is a more robust check for empty than ( volume <= 0 ) because volume can get positive with two negative axes

		return ( this.max.x < this.min.x ) || ( this.max.y < this.min.y );


	getCenter: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector2();
		return this.isEmpty() ? result.set( 0, 0 ) : result.addVectors( this.min, this.max ).multiplyScalar( 0.5 );


	getSize: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector2();
		return this.isEmpty() ? result.set( 0, 0 ) : result.subVectors( this.max, this.min );


	expandByPoint: function ( point ) {

		this.min.min( point );
		this.max.max( point );

		return this;


	expandByVector: function ( vector ) {

		this.min.sub( vector );
		this.max.add( vector );

		return this;


	expandByScalar: function ( scalar ) {

		this.min.addScalar( - scalar );
		this.max.addScalar( scalar );

		return this;


	containsPoint: function ( point ) {

		return point.x < this.min.x || point.x > this.max.x ||
			point.y < this.min.y || point.y > this.max.y ? false : true;


	containsBox: function ( box ) {

		return this.min.x <= box.min.x && box.max.x <= this.max.x &&
			this.min.y <= box.min.y && box.max.y <= this.max.y;


	getParameter: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {

		// This can potentially have a divide by zero if the box
		// has a size dimension of 0.

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector2();

		return result.set(
			( point.x - this.min.x ) / ( this.max.x - this.min.x ),
			( point.y - this.min.y ) / ( this.max.y - this.min.y )


	intersectsBox: function ( box ) {

		// using 4 splitting planes to rule out intersections

		return box.max.x < this.min.x || box.min.x > this.max.x ||
			box.max.y < this.min.y || box.min.y > this.max.y ? false : true;


	clampPoint: function ( point, optionalTarget ) {

		var result = optionalTarget || new Vector2();
		return result.copy( point ).clamp( this.min, this.max );


	distanceToPoint: function () {

		var v1 = new Vector2();

		return function distanceToPoint( point ) {

			var clampedPoint = v1.copy( point ).clamp( this.min, this.max );
			return clampedPoint.sub( point ).length();



	intersect: function ( box ) {

		this.min.max( box.min );
		this.max.min( box.max );

		return this;


	union: function ( box ) {

		this.min.min( box.min );
		this.max.max( box.max );

		return this;


	translate: function ( offset ) {

		this.min.add( offset );
		this.max.add( offset );

		return this;


	equals: function ( box ) {

		return box.min.equals( this.min ) && box.max.equals( this.max );


} );

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/

function ImmediateRenderObject( material ) {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.material = material;
	this.render = function ( /* renderCallback */ ) {};


ImmediateRenderObject.prototype = Object.create( Object3D.prototype );
ImmediateRenderObject.prototype.constructor = ImmediateRenderObject;

ImmediateRenderObject.prototype.isImmediateRenderObject = true;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley

function VertexNormalsHelper( object, size, hex, linewidth ) {

	this.object = object;

	this.size = ( size !== undefined ) ? size : 1;

	var color = ( hex !== undefined ) ? hex : 0xff0000;

	var width = ( linewidth !== undefined ) ? linewidth : 1;


	var nNormals = 0;

	var objGeometry = this.object.geometry;

	if ( objGeometry && objGeometry.isGeometry ) {

		nNormals = objGeometry.faces.length * 3;

	} else if ( objGeometry && objGeometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

		nNormals = objGeometry.attributes.normal.count;



	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();

	var positions = new Float32BufferAttribute( nNormals * 2 * 3, 3 );

	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', positions );

	LineSegments.call( this, geometry, new LineBasicMaterial( { color: color, linewidth: width } ) );


	this.matrixAutoUpdate = false;



VertexNormalsHelper.prototype = Object.create( LineSegments.prototype );
VertexNormalsHelper.prototype.constructor = VertexNormalsHelper;

VertexNormalsHelper.prototype.update = ( function () {

	var v1 = new Vector3();
	var v2 = new Vector3();
	var normalMatrix = new Matrix3();

	return function update() {

		var keys = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ];

		this.object.updateMatrixWorld( true );

		normalMatrix.getNormalMatrix( this.object.matrixWorld );

		var matrixWorld = this.object.matrixWorld;

		var position = this.geometry.attributes.position;


		var objGeometry = this.object.geometry;

		if ( objGeometry && objGeometry.isGeometry ) {

			var vertices = objGeometry.vertices;

			var faces = objGeometry.faces;

			var idx = 0;

			for ( var i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				var face = faces[ i ];

				for ( var j = 0, jl = face.vertexNormals.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					var vertex = vertices[ face[ keys[ j ] ] ];

					var normal = face.vertexNormals[ j ];

					v1.copy( vertex ).applyMatrix4( matrixWorld );

					v2.copy( normal ).applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize().multiplyScalar( this.size ).add( v1 );

					position.setXYZ( idx, v1.x, v1.y, v1.z );

					idx = idx + 1;

					position.setXYZ( idx, v2.x, v2.y, v2.z );

					idx = idx + 1;



		} else if ( objGeometry && objGeometry.isBufferGeometry ) {

			var objPos = objGeometry.attributes.position;

			var objNorm = objGeometry.attributes.normal;

			var idx = 0;

			// for simplicity, ignore index and drawcalls, and render every normal

			for ( var j = 0, jl = objPos.count; j < jl; j ++ ) {

				v1.set( objPos.getX( j ), objPos.getY( j ), objPos.getZ( j ) ).applyMatrix4( matrixWorld );

				v2.set( objNorm.getX( j ), objNorm.getY( j ), objNorm.getZ( j ) );

				v2.applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize().multiplyScalar( this.size ).add( v1 );

				position.setXYZ( idx, v1.x, v1.y, v1.z );

				idx = idx + 1;

				position.setXYZ( idx, v2.x, v2.y, v2.z );

				idx = idx + 1;



		position.needsUpdate = true;


}() );

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley

function SpotLightHelper( light, color ) {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.light = light;

	this.matrix = light.matrixWorld;
	this.matrixAutoUpdate = false;

	this.color = color;

	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();

	var positions = [
		0, 0, 0, 	0, 0, 1,
		0, 0, 0, 	1, 0, 1,
		0, 0, 0,	- 1, 0, 1,
		0, 0, 0, 	0, 1, 1,
		0, 0, 0, 	0, - 1, 1

	for ( var i = 0, j = 1, l = 32; i < l; i ++, j ++ ) {

		var p1 = ( i / l ) * Math.PI * 2;
		var p2 = ( j / l ) * Math.PI * 2;

			Math.cos( p1 ), Math.sin( p1 ), 1,
			Math.cos( p2 ), Math.sin( p2 ), 1


	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ) );

	var material = new LineBasicMaterial( { fog: false } );

	this.cone = new LineSegments( geometry, material );
	this.add( this.cone );



SpotLightHelper.prototype = Object.create( Object3D.prototype );
SpotLightHelper.prototype.constructor = SpotLightHelper;

SpotLightHelper.prototype.dispose = function () {



SpotLightHelper.prototype.update = function () {

	var vector = new Vector3();
	var vector2 = new Vector3();

	return function update() {


		var coneLength = this.light.distance ? this.light.distance : 1000;
		var coneWidth = coneLength * Math.tan( this.light.angle );

		this.cone.scale.set( coneWidth, coneWidth, coneLength );

		vector.setFromMatrixPosition( this.light.matrixWorld );
		vector2.setFromMatrixPosition( this.light.target.matrixWorld );

		this.cone.lookAt( vector2.sub( vector ) );

		if ( this.color !== undefined ) {

			this.cone.material.color.set( this.color );

		} else {

			this.cone.material.color.copy( this.light.color );




 * @author Sean Griffin / http://twitter.com/sgrif
 * @author Michael Guerrero / http://realitymeltdown.com
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author ikerr / http://verold.com
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

function getBoneList( object ) {

	var boneList = [];

	if ( object && object.isBone ) {

		boneList.push( object );


	for ( var i = 0; i < object.children.length; i ++ ) {

		boneList.push.apply( boneList, getBoneList( object.children[ i ] ) );


	return boneList;


function SkeletonHelper( object ) {

	var bones = getBoneList( object );

	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();

	var vertices = [];
	var colors = [];

	var color1 = new Color( 0, 0, 1 );
	var color2 = new Color( 0, 1, 0 );

	for ( var i = 0; i < bones.length; i ++ ) {

		var bone = bones[ i ];

		if ( bone.parent && bone.parent.isBone ) {

			vertices.push( 0, 0, 0 );
			vertices.push( 0, 0, 0 );
			colors.push( color1.r, color1.g, color1.b );
			colors.push( color2.r, color2.g, color2.b );



	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	geometry.addAttribute( 'color', new Float32BufferAttribute( colors, 3 ) );

	var material = new LineBasicMaterial( { vertexColors: VertexColors, depthTest: false, depthWrite: false, transparent: true } );

	LineSegments.call( this, geometry, material );

	this.root = object;
	this.bones = bones;

	this.matrix = object.matrixWorld;
	this.matrixAutoUpdate = false;


SkeletonHelper.prototype = Object.create( LineSegments.prototype );
SkeletonHelper.prototype.constructor = SkeletonHelper;

SkeletonHelper.prototype.updateMatrixWorld = function () {

	var vector = new Vector3();

	var boneMatrix = new Matrix4();
	var matrixWorldInv = new Matrix4();

	return function updateMatrixWorld( force ) {

		var bones = this.bones;

		var geometry = this.geometry;
		var position = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' );

		matrixWorldInv.getInverse( this.root.matrixWorld );

		for ( var i = 0, j = 0; i < bones.length; i ++ ) {

			var bone = bones[ i ];

			if ( bone.parent && bone.parent.isBone ) {

				boneMatrix.multiplyMatrices( matrixWorldInv, bone.matrixWorld );
				vector.setFromMatrixPosition( boneMatrix );
				position.setXYZ( j, vector.x, vector.y, vector.z );

				boneMatrix.multiplyMatrices( matrixWorldInv, bone.parent.matrixWorld );
				vector.setFromMatrixPosition( boneMatrix );
				position.setXYZ( j + 1, vector.x, vector.y, vector.z );

				j += 2;



		geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ).needsUpdate = true;

		Object3D.prototype.updateMatrixWorld.call( this, force );



 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function PointLightHelper( light, sphereSize, color ) {

	this.light = light;

	this.color = color;

	var geometry = new SphereBufferGeometry( sphereSize, 4, 2 );
	var material = new MeshBasicMaterial( { wireframe: true, fog: false } );

	Mesh.call( this, geometry, material );

	this.matrix = this.light.matrixWorld;
	this.matrixAutoUpdate = false;


	var distanceGeometry = new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry( 1, 2 );
	var distanceMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: hexColor, fog: false, wireframe: true, opacity: 0.1, transparent: true } );

	this.lightSphere = new THREE.Mesh( bulbGeometry, bulbMaterial );
	this.lightDistance = new THREE.Mesh( distanceGeometry, distanceMaterial );

	var d = light.distance;

	if ( d === 0.0 ) {

		this.lightDistance.visible = false;

	} else {

		this.lightDistance.scale.set( d, d, d );


	this.add( this.lightDistance );


PointLightHelper.prototype = Object.create( Mesh.prototype );
PointLightHelper.prototype.constructor = PointLightHelper;

PointLightHelper.prototype.dispose = function () {



PointLightHelper.prototype.update = function () {

	if ( this.color !== undefined ) {

		this.material.color.set( this.color );

	} else {

		this.material.color.copy( this.light.color );


	var d = this.light.distance;

	if ( d === 0.0 ) {

		this.lightDistance.visible = false;

	} else {

		this.lightDistance.visible = true;
		this.lightDistance.scale.set( d, d, d );



 * @author abelnation / http://github.com/abelnation
 * @author Mugen87 / http://github.com/Mugen87
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley

function RectAreaLightHelper( light, color ) {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.light = light;

	this.matrix = light.matrixWorld;
	this.matrixAutoUpdate = false;

	this.color = color;

	var material = new LineBasicMaterial( { fog: false } );

	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();

	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( 5 * 3 ), 3 ) );

	this.line = new Line( geometry, material );
	this.add( this.line );



RectAreaLightHelper.prototype = Object.create( Object3D.prototype );
RectAreaLightHelper.prototype.constructor = RectAreaLightHelper;

RectAreaLightHelper.prototype.dispose = function () {

	this.children[ 0 ].geometry.dispose();
	this.children[ 0 ].material.dispose();


RectAreaLightHelper.prototype.update = function () {

	// calculate new dimensions of the helper

	var hx = this.light.width * 0.5;
	var hy = this.light.height * 0.5;

	var position = this.line.geometry.attributes.position;
	var array = position.array;

	// update vertices

	array[ 0 ] = hx; array[ 1 ] = - hy; array[ 2 ] = 0;
	array[ 3 ] = hx; array[ 4 ] = hy; array[ 5 ] = 0;
	array[ 6 ] = - hx; array[ 7 ] = hy; array[ 8 ] = 0;
	array[ 9 ] = - hx; array[ 10 ] = - hy; array[ 11 ] = 0;
	array[ 12 ] = hx; array[ 13 ] = - hy; array[ 14 ] = 0;

	position.needsUpdate = true;

	if ( this.color !== undefined ) {

		this.line.material.color.set( this.color );

	} else {

		this.line.material.color.copy( this.light.color );



 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87

function HemisphereLightHelper( light, size, color ) {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.light = light;

	this.matrix = light.matrixWorld;
	this.matrixAutoUpdate = false;

	this.color = color;

	var geometry = new OctahedronBufferGeometry( size );
	geometry.rotateY( Math.PI * 0.5 );

	this.material = new MeshBasicMaterial( { wireframe: true, fog: false } );
	if ( this.color === undefined ) this.material.vertexColors = VertexColors;

	var position = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' );
	var colors = new Float32Array( position.count * 3 );

	geometry.addAttribute( 'color', new BufferAttribute( colors, 3 ) );

	this.add( new Mesh( geometry, this.material ) );



HemisphereLightHelper.prototype = Object.create( Object3D.prototype );
HemisphereLightHelper.prototype.constructor = HemisphereLightHelper;

HemisphereLightHelper.prototype.dispose = function () {

	this.children[ 0 ].geometry.dispose();
	this.children[ 0 ].material.dispose();


HemisphereLightHelper.prototype.update = function () {

	var vector = new Vector3();

	var color1 = new Color();
	var color2 = new Color();

	return function update() {

		var mesh = this.children[ 0 ];

		if ( this.color !== undefined ) {

			this.material.color.set( this.color );

		} else {

			var colors = mesh.geometry.getAttribute( 'color' );

			color1.copy( this.light.color );
			color2.copy( this.light.groundColor );

			for ( var i = 0, l = colors.count; i < l; i ++ ) {

				var color = ( i < ( l / 2 ) ) ? color1 : color2;

				colors.setXYZ( i, color.r, color.g, color.b );


			colors.needsUpdate = true;


		mesh.lookAt( vector.setFromMatrixPosition( this.light.matrixWorld ).negate() );



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function GridHelper( size, divisions, color1, color2 ) {

	size = size || 10;
	divisions = divisions || 10;
	color1 = new Color( color1 !== undefined ? color1 : 0x444444 );
	color2 = new Color( color2 !== undefined ? color2 : 0x888888 );

	var center = divisions / 2;
	var step = size / divisions;
	var halfSize = size / 2;

	var vertices = [], colors = [];

	for ( var i = 0, j = 0, k = - halfSize; i <= divisions; i ++, k += step ) {

		vertices.push( - halfSize, 0, k, halfSize, 0, k );
		vertices.push( k, 0, - halfSize, k, 0, halfSize );

		var color = i === center ? color1 : color2;

		color.toArray( colors, j ); j += 3;
		color.toArray( colors, j ); j += 3;
		color.toArray( colors, j ); j += 3;
		color.toArray( colors, j ); j += 3;


	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();
	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	geometry.addAttribute( 'color', new Float32BufferAttribute( colors, 3 ) );

	var material = new LineBasicMaterial( { vertexColors: VertexColors } );

	LineSegments.call( this, geometry, material );


GridHelper.prototype = Object.create( LineSegments.prototype );
GridHelper.prototype.constructor = GridHelper;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author Mugen87 / http://github.com/Mugen87
 * @author Hectate / http://www.github.com/Hectate

function PolarGridHelper( radius, radials, circles, divisions, color1, color2 ) {

	radius = radius || 10;
	radials = radials || 16;
	circles = circles || 8;
	divisions = divisions || 64;
	color1 = new Color( color1 !== undefined ? color1 : 0x444444 );
	color2 = new Color( color2 !== undefined ? color2 : 0x888888 );

	var vertices = [];
	var colors = [];

	var x, z;
	var v, i, j, r, color;

	// create the radials

	for ( i = 0; i <= radials; i ++ ) {

		v = ( i / radials ) * ( Math.PI * 2 );

		x = Math.sin( v ) * radius;
		z = Math.cos( v ) * radius;

		vertices.push( 0, 0, 0 );
		vertices.push( x, 0, z );

		color = ( i & 1 ) ? color1 : color2;

		colors.push( color.r, color.g, color.b );
		colors.push( color.r, color.g, color.b );


	// create the circles

	for ( i = 0; i <= circles; i ++ ) {

		color = ( i & 1 ) ? color1 : color2;

		r = radius - ( radius / circles * i );

		for ( j = 0; j < divisions; j ++ ) {

			// first vertex

			v = ( j / divisions ) * ( Math.PI * 2 );

			x = Math.sin( v ) * r;
			z = Math.cos( v ) * r;

			vertices.push( x, 0, z );
			colors.push( color.r, color.g, color.b );

			// second vertex

			v = ( ( j + 1 ) / divisions ) * ( Math.PI * 2 );

			x = Math.sin( v ) * r;
			z = Math.cos( v ) * r;

			vertices.push( x, 0, z );
			colors.push( color.r, color.g, color.b );



	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();
	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	geometry.addAttribute( 'color', new Float32BufferAttribute( colors, 3 ) );

	var material = new LineBasicMaterial( { vertexColors: VertexColors } );

	LineSegments.call( this, geometry, material );


PolarGridHelper.prototype = Object.create( LineSegments.prototype );
PolarGridHelper.prototype.constructor = PolarGridHelper;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley

function FaceNormalsHelper( object, size, hex, linewidth ) {

	// FaceNormalsHelper only supports THREE.Geometry

	this.object = object;

	this.size = ( size !== undefined ) ? size : 1;

	var color = ( hex !== undefined ) ? hex : 0xffff00;

	var width = ( linewidth !== undefined ) ? linewidth : 1;


	var nNormals = 0;

	var objGeometry = this.object.geometry;

	if ( objGeometry && objGeometry.isGeometry ) {

		nNormals = objGeometry.faces.length;

	} else {

		console.warn( 'THREE.FaceNormalsHelper: only THREE.Geometry is supported. Use THREE.VertexNormalsHelper, instead.' );



	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();

	var positions = new Float32BufferAttribute( nNormals * 2 * 3, 3 );

	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', positions );

	LineSegments.call( this, geometry, new LineBasicMaterial( { color: color, linewidth: width } ) );


	this.matrixAutoUpdate = false;


FaceNormalsHelper.prototype = Object.create( LineSegments.prototype );
FaceNormalsHelper.prototype.constructor = FaceNormalsHelper;

FaceNormalsHelper.prototype.update = ( function () {

	var v1 = new Vector3();
	var v2 = new Vector3();
	var normalMatrix = new Matrix3();

	return function update() {

		this.object.updateMatrixWorld( true );

		normalMatrix.getNormalMatrix( this.object.matrixWorld );

		var matrixWorld = this.object.matrixWorld;

		var position = this.geometry.attributes.position;


		var objGeometry = this.object.geometry;

		var vertices = objGeometry.vertices;

		var faces = objGeometry.faces;

		var idx = 0;

		for ( var i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var face = faces[ i ];

			var normal = face.normal;

			v1.copy( vertices[ face.a ] )
				.add( vertices[ face.b ] )
				.add( vertices[ face.c ] )
				.divideScalar( 3 )
				.applyMatrix4( matrixWorld );

			v2.copy( normal ).applyMatrix3( normalMatrix ).normalize().multiplyScalar( this.size ).add( v1 );

			position.setXYZ( idx, v1.x, v1.y, v1.z );

			idx = idx + 1;

			position.setXYZ( idx, v2.x, v2.y, v2.z );

			idx = idx + 1;


		position.needsUpdate = true;


}() );

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley

function DirectionalLightHelper( light, size, color ) {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.light = light;

	this.matrix = light.matrixWorld;
	this.matrixAutoUpdate = false;

	this.color = color;

	if ( size === undefined ) size = 1;

	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();
	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( [
		- size, size, 0,
		size, size, 0,
		size, - size, 0,
		- size, - size, 0,
		- size, size, 0
	], 3 ) );

	var material = new LineBasicMaterial( { fog: false } );

	this.lightPlane = new Line( geometry, material );
	this.add( this.lightPlane );

	geometry = new BufferGeometry();
	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], 3 ) );

	this.targetLine = new Line( geometry, material );
	this.add( this.targetLine );



DirectionalLightHelper.prototype = Object.create( Object3D.prototype );
DirectionalLightHelper.prototype.constructor = DirectionalLightHelper;

DirectionalLightHelper.prototype.dispose = function () {



DirectionalLightHelper.prototype.update = function () {

	var v1 = new Vector3();
	var v2 = new Vector3();
	var v3 = new Vector3();

	return function update() {

		v1.setFromMatrixPosition( this.light.matrixWorld );
		v2.setFromMatrixPosition( this.light.target.matrixWorld );
		v3.subVectors( v2, v1 );

		this.lightPlane.lookAt( v3 );

		if ( this.color !== undefined ) {

			this.lightPlane.material.color.set( this.color );
			this.targetLine.material.color.set( this.color );

		} else {

			this.lightPlane.material.color.copy( this.light.color );
			this.targetLine.material.color.copy( this.light.color );


		this.targetLine.lookAt( v3 );
		this.targetLine.scale.z = v3.length();



 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * @author Mugen87 / https://github.com/Mugen87
 *	- shows frustum, line of sight and up of the camera
 *	- suitable for fast updates
 * 	- based on frustum visualization in lightgl.js shadowmap example
 *		http://evanw.github.com/lightgl.js/tests/shadowmap.html

function CameraHelper( camera ) {

	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();
	var material = new LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0xffffff, vertexColors: FaceColors } );

	var vertices = [];
	var colors = [];

	var pointMap = {};

	// colors

	var colorFrustum = new Color( 0xffaa00 );
	var colorCone = new Color( 0xff0000 );
	var colorUp = new Color( 0x00aaff );
	var colorTarget = new Color( 0xffffff );
	var colorCross = new Color( 0x333333 );

	// near

	addLine( 'n1', 'n2', colorFrustum );
	addLine( 'n2', 'n4', colorFrustum );
	addLine( 'n4', 'n3', colorFrustum );
	addLine( 'n3', 'n1', colorFrustum );

	// far

	addLine( 'f1', 'f2', colorFrustum );
	addLine( 'f2', 'f4', colorFrustum );
	addLine( 'f4', 'f3', colorFrustum );
	addLine( 'f3', 'f1', colorFrustum );

	// sides

	addLine( 'n1', 'f1', colorFrustum );
	addLine( 'n2', 'f2', colorFrustum );
	addLine( 'n3', 'f3', colorFrustum );
	addLine( 'n4', 'f4', colorFrustum );

	// cone

	addLine( 'p', 'n1', colorCone );
	addLine( 'p', 'n2', colorCone );
	addLine( 'p', 'n3', colorCone );
	addLine( 'p', 'n4', colorCone );

	// up

	addLine( 'u1', 'u2', colorUp );
	addLine( 'u2', 'u3', colorUp );
	addLine( 'u3', 'u1', colorUp );

	// target

	addLine( 'c', 't', colorTarget );
	addLine( 'p', 'c', colorCross );

	// cross

	addLine( 'cn1', 'cn2', colorCross );
	addLine( 'cn3', 'cn4', colorCross );

	addLine( 'cf1', 'cf2', colorCross );
	addLine( 'cf3', 'cf4', colorCross );

	function addLine( a, b, color ) {

		addPoint( a, color );
		addPoint( b, color );


	function addPoint( id, color ) {

		vertices.push( 0, 0, 0 );
		colors.push( color.r, color.g, color.b );

		if ( pointMap[ id ] === undefined ) {

			pointMap[ id ] = [];


		pointMap[ id ].push( ( vertices.length / 3 ) - 1 );


	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	geometry.addAttribute( 'color', new Float32BufferAttribute( colors, 3 ) );

	LineSegments.call( this, geometry, material );

	this.camera = camera;
	if ( this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix ) this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix();

	this.matrix = camera.matrixWorld;
	this.matrixAutoUpdate = false;

	this.pointMap = pointMap;



CameraHelper.prototype = Object.create( LineSegments.prototype );
CameraHelper.prototype.constructor = CameraHelper;

CameraHelper.prototype.update = function () {

	var geometry, pointMap;

	var vector = new Vector3();
	var camera = new Camera();

	function setPoint( point, x, y, z ) {

		vector.set( x, y, z ).unproject( camera );

		var points = pointMap[ point ];

		if ( points !== undefined ) {

			var position = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' );

			for ( var i = 0, l = points.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				position.setXYZ( points[ i ], vector.x, vector.y, vector.z );




	return function update() {

		geometry = this.geometry;
		pointMap = this.pointMap;

		var w = 1, h = 1;

		// we need just camera projection matrix
		// world matrix must be identity

		camera.projectionMatrix.copy( this.camera.projectionMatrix );

		// center / target

		setPoint( 'c', 0, 0, - 1 );
		setPoint( 't', 0, 0, 1 );

		// near

		setPoint( 'n1', - w, - h, - 1 );
		setPoint( 'n2', w, - h, - 1 );
		setPoint( 'n3', - w, h, - 1 );
		setPoint( 'n4', w, h, - 1 );

		// far

		setPoint( 'f1', - w, - h, 1 );
		setPoint( 'f2', w, - h, 1 );
		setPoint( 'f3', - w, h, 1 );
		setPoint( 'f4', w, h, 1 );

		// up

		setPoint( 'u1', w * 0.7, h * 1.1, - 1 );
		setPoint( 'u2', - w * 0.7, h * 1.1, - 1 );
		setPoint( 'u3', 0, h * 2, - 1 );

		// cross

		setPoint( 'cf1', - w, 0, 1 );
		setPoint( 'cf2', w, 0, 1 );
		setPoint( 'cf3', 0, - h, 1 );
		setPoint( 'cf4', 0, h, 1 );

		setPoint( 'cn1', - w, 0, - 1 );
		setPoint( 'cn2', w, 0, - 1 );
		setPoint( 'cn3', 0, - h, - 1 );
		setPoint( 'cn4', 0, h, - 1 );

		geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ).needsUpdate = true;



 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
 * @author Mugen87 / http://github.com/Mugen87

function BoxHelper( object, color ) {

	this.object = object;

	if ( color === undefined ) color = 0xffff00;

	var indices = new Uint16Array( [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4, 0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7 ] );
	var positions = new Float32Array( 8 * 3 );

	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();
	geometry.setIndex( new BufferAttribute( indices, 1 ) );
	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ) );

	LineSegments.call( this, geometry, new LineBasicMaterial( { color: color } ) );

	this.matrixAutoUpdate = false;



BoxHelper.prototype = Object.create( LineSegments.prototype );
BoxHelper.prototype.constructor = BoxHelper;

BoxHelper.prototype.update = ( function () {

	var box = new Box3();

	return function update( object ) {

		if ( object !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.BoxHelper: .update() has no longer arguments.' );


		if ( this.object !== undefined ) {

			box.setFromObject( this.object );


		if ( box.isEmpty() ) return;

		var min = box.min;
		var max = box.max;

		| 6__|_7

		0: max.x, max.y, max.z
		1: min.x, max.y, max.z
		2: min.x, min.y, max.z
		3: max.x, min.y, max.z
		4: max.x, max.y, min.z
		5: min.x, max.y, min.z
		6: min.x, min.y, min.z
		7: max.x, min.y, min.z

		var position = this.geometry.attributes.position;
		var array = position.array;

		array[ 0 ] = max.x; array[ 1 ] = max.y; array[ 2 ] = max.z;
		array[ 3 ] = min.x; array[ 4 ] = max.y; array[ 5 ] = max.z;
		array[ 6 ] = min.x; array[ 7 ] = min.y; array[ 8 ] = max.z;
		array[ 9 ] = max.x; array[ 10 ] = min.y; array[ 11 ] = max.z;
		array[ 12 ] = max.x; array[ 13 ] = max.y; array[ 14 ] = min.z;
		array[ 15 ] = min.x; array[ 16 ] = max.y; array[ 17 ] = min.z;
		array[ 18 ] = min.x; array[ 19 ] = min.y; array[ 20 ] = min.z;
		array[ 21 ] = max.x; array[ 22 ] = min.y; array[ 23 ] = min.z;

		position.needsUpdate = true;



} )();

BoxHelper.prototype.setFromObject = function ( object ) {

	this.object = object;

	return this;


 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley

function Box3Helper( box, hex ) {

	this.type = 'Box3Helper';

	this.box = box;

	var color = ( hex !== undefined ) ? hex : 0xffff00;

	var indices = new Uint16Array( [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4, 0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7 ] );

	var positions = [ 1, 1, 1, - 1, 1, 1, - 1, - 1, 1, 1, - 1, 1, 1, 1, - 1, - 1, 1, - 1, - 1, - 1, - 1, 1, - 1, - 1 ];

	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();

	geometry.setIndex( new BufferAttribute( indices, 1 ) );

	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ) );

	LineSegments.call( this, geometry, new LineBasicMaterial( { color: color } ) );



Box3Helper.prototype = Object.create( LineSegments.prototype );
Box3Helper.prototype.constructor = Box3Helper;

Box3Helper.prototype.updateMatrixWorld = function ( force ) {

	var box = this.box;

	if ( box.isEmpty() ) return;

	box.getCenter( this.position );

	box.getSize( this.scale );

	this.scale.multiplyScalar( 0.5 );

	Object3D.prototype.updateMatrixWorld.call( this, force );


 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley

function PlaneHelper( plane, size, hex ) {

	this.type = 'PlaneHelper';

	this.plane = plane;

	this.size = ( size === undefined ) ? 1 : size;

	var color = ( hex !== undefined ) ? hex : 0xffff00;

	var positions = [ 1, - 1, 1, - 1, 1, 1, - 1, - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, - 1, 1, 1, - 1, - 1, 1, 1, - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ];

	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();
	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ) );

	Line.call( this, geometry, new LineBasicMaterial( { color: color } ) );


	var positions2 = [ 1, 1, 1, - 1, 1, 1, - 1, - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, - 1, - 1, 1, 1, - 1, 1 ];

	var geometry2 = new BufferGeometry();
	geometry2.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( positions2, 3 ) );

	this.add( new Mesh( geometry2, new MeshBasicMaterial( { color: color, opacity: 0.2, transparent: true, depthWrite: false } ) ) );


PlaneHelper.prototype = Object.create( Line.prototype );
PlaneHelper.prototype.constructor = PlaneHelper;

PlaneHelper.prototype.updateMatrixWorld = function ( force ) {

	var scale = - this.plane.constant;

	if ( Math.abs( scale ) < 1e-8 ) scale = 1e-8; // sign does not matter

	this.scale.set( 0.5 * this.size, 0.5 * this.size, scale );

	this.lookAt( this.plane.normal );

	Object3D.prototype.updateMatrixWorld.call( this, force );


 * @author WestLangley / http://github.com/WestLangley
 * @author zz85 / http://github.com/zz85
 * @author bhouston / http://clara.io
 * Creates an arrow for visualizing directions
 * Parameters:
 *  dir - Vector3
 *  origin - Vector3
 *  length - Number
 *  color - color in hex value
 *  headLength - Number
 *  headWidth - Number

var lineGeometry;
var coneGeometry;

function ArrowHelper( dir, origin, length, color, headLength, headWidth ) {

	// dir is assumed to be normalized

	Object3D.call( this );

	if ( color === undefined ) color = 0xffff00;
	if ( length === undefined ) length = 1;
	if ( headLength === undefined ) headLength = 0.2 * length;
	if ( headWidth === undefined ) headWidth = 0.2 * headLength;

	if ( lineGeometry === undefined ) {

		lineGeometry = new BufferGeometry();
		lineGeometry.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], 3 ) );

		coneGeometry = new CylinderBufferGeometry( 0, 0.5, 1, 5, 1 );
		coneGeometry.translate( 0, - 0.5, 0 );


	this.position.copy( origin );

	this.line = new Line( lineGeometry, new LineBasicMaterial( { color: color } ) );
	this.line.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
	this.add( this.line );

	this.cone = new Mesh( coneGeometry, new MeshBasicMaterial( { color: color } ) );
	this.cone.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
	this.add( this.cone );

	this.setDirection( dir );
	this.setLength( length, headLength, headWidth );


ArrowHelper.prototype = Object.create( Object3D.prototype );
ArrowHelper.prototype.constructor = ArrowHelper;

ArrowHelper.prototype.setDirection = ( function () {

	var axis = new Vector3();
	var radians;

	return function setDirection( dir ) {

		// dir is assumed to be normalized

		if ( dir.y > 0.99999 ) {

			this.quaternion.set( 0, 0, 0, 1 );

		} else if ( dir.y < - 0.99999 ) {

			this.quaternion.set( 1, 0, 0, 0 );

		} else {

			axis.set( dir.z, 0, - dir.x ).normalize();

			radians = Math.acos( dir.y );

			this.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( axis, radians );



}() );

ArrowHelper.prototype.setLength = function ( length, headLength, headWidth ) {

	if ( headLength === undefined ) headLength = 0.2 * length;
	if ( headWidth === undefined ) headWidth = 0.2 * headLength;

	this.line.scale.set( 1, Math.max( 0, length - headLength ), 1 );

	this.cone.scale.set( headWidth, headLength, headWidth );
	this.cone.position.y = length;


ArrowHelper.prototype.setColor = function ( color ) {

	this.line.material.color.copy( color );
	this.cone.material.color.copy( color );


 * @author sroucheray / http://sroucheray.org/
 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function AxesHelper( size ) {

	size = size || 1;

	var vertices = [
		0, 0, 0,	size, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0,	0, size, 0,
		0, 0, 0,	0, 0, size

	var colors = [
		1, 0, 0,	1, 0.6, 0,
		0, 1, 0,	0.6, 1, 0,
		0, 0, 1,	0, 0.6, 1

	var geometry = new BufferGeometry();
	geometry.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
	geometry.addAttribute( 'color', new Float32BufferAttribute( colors, 3 ) );

	var material = new LineBasicMaterial( { vertexColors: VertexColors } );

	LineSegments.call( this, geometry, material );


AxesHelper.prototype = Object.create( LineSegments.prototype );
AxesHelper.prototype.constructor = AxesHelper;

 * @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/

function Face4( a, b, c, d, normal, color, materialIndex ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Face4 has been removed. A THREE.Face3 will be created instead.' );
	return new Face3( a, b, c, normal, color, materialIndex );


var LineStrip = 0;

var LinePieces = 1;

function MeshFaceMaterial( materials ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.MeshFaceMaterial has been removed. Use an Array instead.' );
	return materials;


function MultiMaterial( materials ) {

	if ( materials === undefined ) materials = [];

	console.warn( 'THREE.MultiMaterial has been removed. Use an Array instead.' );
	materials.isMultiMaterial = true;
	materials.materials = materials;
	materials.clone = function () {

		return materials.slice();

	return materials;


function PointCloud( geometry, material ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.PointCloud has been renamed to THREE.Points.' );
	return new Points( geometry, material );


function Particle( material ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Particle has been renamed to THREE.Sprite.' );
	return new Sprite( material );


function ParticleSystem( geometry, material ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.ParticleSystem has been renamed to THREE.Points.' );
	return new Points( geometry, material );


function PointCloudMaterial( parameters ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.PointCloudMaterial has been renamed to THREE.PointsMaterial.' );
	return new PointsMaterial( parameters );


function ParticleBasicMaterial( parameters ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial has been renamed to THREE.PointsMaterial.' );
	return new PointsMaterial( parameters );


function ParticleSystemMaterial( parameters ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.ParticleSystemMaterial has been renamed to THREE.PointsMaterial.' );
	return new PointsMaterial( parameters );


function Vertex( x, y, z ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Vertex has been removed. Use THREE.Vector3 instead.' );
	return new Vector3( x, y, z );



function DynamicBufferAttribute( array, itemSize ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.DynamicBufferAttribute has been removed. Use new THREE.BufferAttribute().setDynamic( true ) instead.' );
	return new BufferAttribute( array, itemSize ).setDynamic( true );


function Int8Attribute( array, itemSize ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Int8Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Int8BufferAttribute() instead.' );
	return new Int8BufferAttribute( array, itemSize );


function Uint8Attribute( array, itemSize ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Uint8Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint8BufferAttribute() instead.' );
	return new Uint8BufferAttribute( array, itemSize );


function Uint8ClampedAttribute( array, itemSize ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Uint8ClampedAttribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute() instead.' );
	return new Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute( array, itemSize );


function Int16Attribute( array, itemSize ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Int16Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Int16BufferAttribute() instead.' );
	return new Int16BufferAttribute( array, itemSize );


function Uint16Attribute( array, itemSize ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Uint16Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint16BufferAttribute() instead.' );
	return new Uint16BufferAttribute( array, itemSize );


function Int32Attribute( array, itemSize ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Int32Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Int32BufferAttribute() instead.' );
	return new Int32BufferAttribute( array, itemSize );


function Uint32Attribute( array, itemSize ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Uint32Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Uint32BufferAttribute() instead.' );
	return new Uint32BufferAttribute( array, itemSize );


function Float32Attribute( array, itemSize ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Float32Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute() instead.' );
	return new Float32BufferAttribute( array, itemSize );


function Float64Attribute( array, itemSize ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Float64Attribute has been removed. Use new THREE.Float64BufferAttribute() instead.' );
	return new Float64BufferAttribute( array, itemSize );



Curve.create = function ( construct, getPoint ) {

	console.log( 'THREE.Curve.create() has been deprecated' );

	construct.prototype = Object.create( Curve.prototype );
	construct.prototype.constructor = construct;
	construct.prototype.getPoint = getPoint;

	return construct;



Object.assign( CurvePath.prototype, {

	createPointsGeometry: function ( divisions ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.CurvePath: .createPointsGeometry() has been removed. Use new THREE.Geometry().setFromPoints( points ) instead.' );

		// generate geometry from path points (for Line or Points objects)

		var pts = this.getPoints( divisions );
		return this.createGeometry( pts );


	createSpacedPointsGeometry: function ( divisions ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.CurvePath: .createSpacedPointsGeometry() has been removed. Use new THREE.Geometry().setFromPoints( points ) instead.' );

		// generate geometry from equidistant sampling along the path

		var pts = this.getSpacedPoints( divisions );
		return this.createGeometry( pts );


	createGeometry: function ( points ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.CurvePath: .createGeometry() has been removed. Use new THREE.Geometry().setFromPoints( points ) instead.' );

		var geometry = new Geometry();

		for ( var i = 0, l = points.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			var point = points[ i ];
			geometry.vertices.push( new Vector3( point.x, point.y, point.z || 0 ) );


		return geometry;


} );


Object.assign( Path.prototype, {

	fromPoints: function ( points ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Path: .fromPoints() has been renamed to .setFromPoints().' );
		this.setFromPoints( points );


} );


function ClosedSplineCurve3( points ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.ClosedSplineCurve3 has been deprecated. Use THREE.CatmullRomCurve3 instead.' );

	CatmullRomCurve3.call( this, points );
	this.type = 'catmullrom';
	this.closed = true;


ClosedSplineCurve3.prototype = Object.create( CatmullRomCurve3.prototype );


function SplineCurve3( points ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.SplineCurve3 has been deprecated. Use THREE.CatmullRomCurve3 instead.' );

	CatmullRomCurve3.call( this, points );
	this.type = 'catmullrom';


SplineCurve3.prototype = Object.create( CatmullRomCurve3.prototype );


function Spline( points ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Spline has been removed. Use THREE.CatmullRomCurve3 instead.' );

	CatmullRomCurve3.call( this, points );
	this.type = 'catmullrom';


Spline.prototype = Object.create( CatmullRomCurve3.prototype );

Object.assign( Spline.prototype, {

	initFromArray: function ( /* a */ ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.Spline: .initFromArray() has been removed.' );

	getControlPointsArray: function ( /* optionalTarget */ ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.Spline: .getControlPointsArray() has been removed.' );

	reparametrizeByArcLength: function ( /* samplingCoef */ ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.Spline: .reparametrizeByArcLength() has been removed.' );


} );


function AxisHelper( size ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.AxisHelper has been renamed to THREE.AxesHelper.' );
	return new AxesHelper( size );


function BoundingBoxHelper( object, color ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.BoundingBoxHelper has been deprecated. Creating a THREE.BoxHelper instead.' );
	return new BoxHelper( object, color );


function EdgesHelper( object, hex ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.EdgesHelper has been removed. Use THREE.EdgesGeometry instead.' );
	return new LineSegments( new EdgesGeometry( object.geometry ), new LineBasicMaterial( { color: hex !== undefined ? hex : 0xffffff } ) );


GridHelper.prototype.setColors = function () {

	console.error( 'THREE.GridHelper: setColors() has been deprecated, pass them in the constructor instead.' );


SkeletonHelper.prototype.update = function () {

	console.error( 'THREE.SkeletonHelper: update() no longer needs to be called.' );


function WireframeHelper( object, hex ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.WireframeHelper has been removed. Use THREE.WireframeGeometry instead.' );
	return new LineSegments( new WireframeGeometry( object.geometry ), new LineBasicMaterial( { color: hex !== undefined ? hex : 0xffffff } ) );



Object.assign( Loader.prototype, {

	extractUrlBase: function ( url ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Loader: .extractUrlBase() has been deprecated. Use THREE.LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase() instead.' );
		return LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase( url );


} );

function XHRLoader( manager ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.XHRLoader has been renamed to THREE.FileLoader.' );
	return new FileLoader( manager );


function BinaryTextureLoader( manager ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.BinaryTextureLoader has been renamed to THREE.DataTextureLoader.' );
	return new DataTextureLoader( manager );



Object.assign( Box2.prototype, {

	center: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Box2: .center() has been renamed to .getCenter().' );
		return this.getCenter( optionalTarget );

	empty: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Box2: .empty() has been renamed to .isEmpty().' );
		return this.isEmpty();

	isIntersectionBox: function ( box ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Box2: .isIntersectionBox() has been renamed to .intersectsBox().' );
		return this.intersectsBox( box );

	size: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Box2: .size() has been renamed to .getSize().' );
		return this.getSize( optionalTarget );

} );

Object.assign( Box3.prototype, {

	center: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Box3: .center() has been renamed to .getCenter().' );
		return this.getCenter( optionalTarget );

	empty: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Box3: .empty() has been renamed to .isEmpty().' );
		return this.isEmpty();

	isIntersectionBox: function ( box ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Box3: .isIntersectionBox() has been renamed to .intersectsBox().' );
		return this.intersectsBox( box );

	isIntersectionSphere: function ( sphere ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Box3: .isIntersectionSphere() has been renamed to .intersectsSphere().' );
		return this.intersectsSphere( sphere );

	size: function ( optionalTarget ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Box3: .size() has been renamed to .getSize().' );
		return this.getSize( optionalTarget );

} );

Line3.prototype.center = function ( optionalTarget ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Line3: .center() has been renamed to .getCenter().' );
	return this.getCenter( optionalTarget );


Object.assign( _Math, {

	random16: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Math: .random16() has been deprecated. Use Math.random() instead.' );
		return Math.random();


	nearestPowerOfTwo: function ( value ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Math: .nearestPowerOfTwo() has been renamed to .floorPowerOfTwo().' );
		return _Math.floorPowerOfTwo( value );


	nextPowerOfTwo: function ( value ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Math: .nextPowerOfTwo() has been renamed to .ceilPowerOfTwo().' );
		return _Math.ceilPowerOfTwo( value );


} );

Object.assign( Matrix3.prototype, {

	flattenToArrayOffset: function ( array, offset ) {

		console.warn( "THREE.Matrix3: .flattenToArrayOffset() has been deprecated. Use .toArray() instead." );
		return this.toArray( array, offset );

	multiplyVector3: function ( vector ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix3: .multiplyVector3() has been removed. Use vector.applyMatrix3( matrix ) instead.' );
		return vector.applyMatrix3( this );

	multiplyVector3Array: function ( /* a */ ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.Matrix3: .multiplyVector3Array() has been removed.' );

	applyToBuffer: function ( buffer /*, offset, length */ ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix3: .applyToBuffer() has been removed. Use matrix.applyToBufferAttribute( attribute ) instead.' );
		return this.applyToBufferAttribute( buffer );

	applyToVector3Array: function ( /* array, offset, length */ ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.Matrix3: .applyToVector3Array() has been removed.' );


} );

Object.assign( Matrix4.prototype, {

	extractPosition: function ( m ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .extractPosition() has been renamed to .copyPosition().' );
		return this.copyPosition( m );

	flattenToArrayOffset: function ( array, offset ) {

		console.warn( "THREE.Matrix4: .flattenToArrayOffset() has been deprecated. Use .toArray() instead." );
		return this.toArray( array, offset );

	getPosition: function () {

		var v1;

		return function getPosition() {

			if ( v1 === undefined ) v1 = new Vector3();
			console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .getPosition() has been removed. Use Vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( matrix ) instead.' );
			return v1.setFromMatrixColumn( this, 3 );


	setRotationFromQuaternion: function ( q ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .setRotationFromQuaternion() has been renamed to .makeRotationFromQuaternion().' );
		return this.makeRotationFromQuaternion( q );

	multiplyToArray: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .multiplyToArray() has been removed.' );

	multiplyVector3: function ( vector ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .multiplyVector3() has been removed. Use vector.applyMatrix4( matrix ) instead.' );
		return vector.applyMatrix4( this );

	multiplyVector4: function ( vector ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .multiplyVector4() has been removed. Use vector.applyMatrix4( matrix ) instead.' );
		return vector.applyMatrix4( this );

	multiplyVector3Array: function ( /* a */ ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .multiplyVector3Array() has been removed.' );

	rotateAxis: function ( v ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .rotateAxis() has been removed. Use Vector3.transformDirection( matrix ) instead.' );
		v.transformDirection( this );

	crossVector: function ( vector ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .crossVector() has been removed. Use vector.applyMatrix4( matrix ) instead.' );
		return vector.applyMatrix4( this );

	translate: function () {

		console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .translate() has been removed.' );

	rotateX: function () {

		console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .rotateX() has been removed.' );

	rotateY: function () {

		console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .rotateY() has been removed.' );

	rotateZ: function () {

		console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .rotateZ() has been removed.' );

	rotateByAxis: function () {

		console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .rotateByAxis() has been removed.' );

	applyToBuffer: function ( buffer /*, offset, length */ ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .applyToBuffer() has been removed. Use matrix.applyToBufferAttribute( attribute ) instead.' );
		return this.applyToBufferAttribute( buffer );

	applyToVector3Array: function ( /* array, offset, length */ ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.Matrix4: .applyToVector3Array() has been removed.' );

	makeFrustum: function ( left, right, bottom, top, near, far ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Matrix4: .makeFrustum() has been removed. Use .makePerspective( left, right, top, bottom, near, far ) instead.' );
		return this.makePerspective( left, right, top, bottom, near, far );


} );

Plane.prototype.isIntersectionLine = function ( line ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Plane: .isIntersectionLine() has been renamed to .intersectsLine().' );
	return this.intersectsLine( line );


Quaternion.prototype.multiplyVector3 = function ( vector ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Quaternion: .multiplyVector3() has been removed. Use is now vector.applyQuaternion( quaternion ) instead.' );
	return vector.applyQuaternion( this );


Object.assign( Ray.prototype, {

	isIntersectionBox: function ( box ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Ray: .isIntersectionBox() has been renamed to .intersectsBox().' );
		return this.intersectsBox( box );

	isIntersectionPlane: function ( plane ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Ray: .isIntersectionPlane() has been renamed to .intersectsPlane().' );
		return this.intersectsPlane( plane );

	isIntersectionSphere: function ( sphere ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Ray: .isIntersectionSphere() has been renamed to .intersectsSphere().' );
		return this.intersectsSphere( sphere );


} );

Object.assign( Shape.prototype, {

	extractAllPoints: function ( divisions ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Shape: .extractAllPoints() has been removed. Use .extractPoints() instead.' );
		return this.extractPoints( divisions );

	extrude: function ( options ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Shape: .extrude() has been removed. Use ExtrudeGeometry() instead.' );
		return new ExtrudeGeometry( this, options );

	makeGeometry: function ( options ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Shape: .makeGeometry() has been removed. Use ShapeGeometry() instead.' );
		return new ShapeGeometry( this, options );


} );

Object.assign( Vector2.prototype, {

	fromAttribute: function ( attribute, index, offset ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Vector2: .fromAttribute() has been renamed to .fromBufferAttribute().' );
		return this.fromBufferAttribute( attribute, index, offset );

	distanceToManhattan: function ( v ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Vector2: .distanceToManhattan() has been renamed to .manhattanDistanceTo().' );
		return this.manhattanDistanceTo( v );

	lengthManhattan: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Vector2: .lengthManhattan() has been renamed to .manhattanLength().' );
		return this.manhattanLength();


} );

Object.assign( Vector3.prototype, {

	setEulerFromRotationMatrix: function () {

		console.error( 'THREE.Vector3: .setEulerFromRotationMatrix() has been removed. Use Euler.setFromRotationMatrix() instead.' );

	setEulerFromQuaternion: function () {

		console.error( 'THREE.Vector3: .setEulerFromQuaternion() has been removed. Use Euler.setFromQuaternion() instead.' );

	getPositionFromMatrix: function ( m ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .getPositionFromMatrix() has been renamed to .setFromMatrixPosition().' );
		return this.setFromMatrixPosition( m );

	getScaleFromMatrix: function ( m ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .getScaleFromMatrix() has been renamed to .setFromMatrixScale().' );
		return this.setFromMatrixScale( m );

	getColumnFromMatrix: function ( index, matrix ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .getColumnFromMatrix() has been renamed to .setFromMatrixColumn().' );
		return this.setFromMatrixColumn( matrix, index );

	applyProjection: function ( m ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .applyProjection() has been removed. Use .applyMatrix4( m ) instead.' );
		return this.applyMatrix4( m );

	fromAttribute: function ( attribute, index, offset ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .fromAttribute() has been renamed to .fromBufferAttribute().' );
		return this.fromBufferAttribute( attribute, index, offset );

	distanceToManhattan: function ( v ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .distanceToManhattan() has been renamed to .manhattanDistanceTo().' );
		return this.manhattanDistanceTo( v );

	lengthManhattan: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Vector3: .lengthManhattan() has been renamed to .manhattanLength().' );
		return this.manhattanLength();


} );

Object.assign( Vector4.prototype, {

	fromAttribute: function ( attribute, index, offset ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Vector4: .fromAttribute() has been renamed to .fromBufferAttribute().' );
		return this.fromBufferAttribute( attribute, index, offset );

	lengthManhattan: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Vector4: .lengthManhattan() has been renamed to .manhattanLength().' );
		return this.manhattanLength();


} );


Object.assign( Geometry.prototype, {

	computeTangents: function () {

		console.error( 'THREE.Geometry: .computeTangents() has been removed.' );

	computeLineDistances: function () {

		console.error( 'THREE.Geometry: .computeLineDistances() has been removed. Use THREE.Line.computeLineDistances() instead.' );


} );

Object.assign( Object3D.prototype, {

	getChildByName: function ( name ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .getChildByName() has been renamed to .getObjectByName().' );
		return this.getObjectByName( name );

	renderDepth: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .renderDepth has been removed. Use .renderOrder, instead.' );

	translate: function ( distance, axis ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .translate() has been removed. Use .translateOnAxis( axis, distance ) instead.' );
		return this.translateOnAxis( axis, distance );


} );

Object.defineProperties( Object3D.prototype, {

	eulerOrder: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .eulerOrder is now .rotation.order.' );
			return this.rotation.order;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .eulerOrder is now .rotation.order.' );
			this.rotation.order = value;

	useQuaternion: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .useQuaternion has been removed. The library now uses quaternions by default.' );

		set: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Object3D: .useQuaternion has been removed. The library now uses quaternions by default.' );


} );

Object.defineProperties( LOD.prototype, {

	objects: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.LOD: .objects has been renamed to .levels.' );
			return this.levels;


} );

Object.defineProperty( Skeleton.prototype, 'useVertexTexture', {

	get: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Skeleton: useVertexTexture has been removed.' );

	set: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Skeleton: useVertexTexture has been removed.' );


} );

Object.defineProperty( Curve.prototype, '__arcLengthDivisions', {

	get: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Curve: .__arcLengthDivisions is now .arcLengthDivisions.' );
		return this.arcLengthDivisions;

	set: function ( value ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Curve: .__arcLengthDivisions is now .arcLengthDivisions.' );
		this.arcLengthDivisions = value;


} );


PerspectiveCamera.prototype.setLens = function ( focalLength, filmGauge ) {

	console.warn( "THREE.PerspectiveCamera.setLens is deprecated. " +
			"Use .setFocalLength and .filmGauge for a photographic setup." );

	if ( filmGauge !== undefined ) this.filmGauge = filmGauge;
	this.setFocalLength( focalLength );



Object.defineProperties( Light.prototype, {
	onlyShadow: {
		set: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .onlyShadow has been removed.' );

	shadowCameraFov: {
		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowCameraFov is now .shadow.camera.fov.' );
			this.shadow.camera.fov = value;

	shadowCameraLeft: {
		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowCameraLeft is now .shadow.camera.left.' );
			this.shadow.camera.left = value;

	shadowCameraRight: {
		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowCameraRight is now .shadow.camera.right.' );
			this.shadow.camera.right = value;

	shadowCameraTop: {
		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowCameraTop is now .shadow.camera.top.' );
			this.shadow.camera.top = value;

	shadowCameraBottom: {
		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowCameraBottom is now .shadow.camera.bottom.' );
			this.shadow.camera.bottom = value;

	shadowCameraNear: {
		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowCameraNear is now .shadow.camera.near.' );
			this.shadow.camera.near = value;

	shadowCameraFar: {
		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowCameraFar is now .shadow.camera.far.' );
			this.shadow.camera.far = value;

	shadowCameraVisible: {
		set: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowCameraVisible has been removed. Use new THREE.CameraHelper( light.shadow.camera ) instead.' );

	shadowBias: {
		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowBias is now .shadow.bias.' );
			this.shadow.bias = value;

	shadowDarkness: {
		set: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowDarkness has been removed.' );

	shadowMapWidth: {
		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowMapWidth is now .shadow.mapSize.width.' );
			this.shadow.mapSize.width = value;

	shadowMapHeight: {
		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Light: .shadowMapHeight is now .shadow.mapSize.height.' );
			this.shadow.mapSize.height = value;

} );


Object.defineProperties( BufferAttribute.prototype, {

	length: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute: .length has been deprecated. Use .count instead.' );
			return this.array.length;


} );

Object.assign( BufferGeometry.prototype, {

	addIndex: function ( index ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .addIndex() has been renamed to .setIndex().' );
		this.setIndex( index );

	addDrawCall: function ( start, count, indexOffset ) {

		if ( indexOffset !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .addDrawCall() no longer supports indexOffset.' );

		console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .addDrawCall() is now .addGroup().' );
		this.addGroup( start, count );

	clearDrawCalls: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .clearDrawCalls() is now .clearGroups().' );

	computeTangents: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .computeTangents() has been removed.' );

	computeOffsets: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .computeOffsets() has been removed.' );


} );

Object.defineProperties( BufferGeometry.prototype, {

	drawcalls: {
		get: function () {

			console.error( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .drawcalls has been renamed to .groups.' );
			return this.groups;

	offsets: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.BufferGeometry: .offsets has been renamed to .groups.' );
			return this.groups;


} );


Object.defineProperties( Uniform.prototype, {

	dynamic: {
		set: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Uniform: .dynamic has been removed. Use object.onBeforeRender() instead.' );

	onUpdate: {
		value: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Uniform: .onUpdate() has been removed. Use object.onBeforeRender() instead.' );
			return this;


} );


Object.defineProperties( Material.prototype, {

	wrapAround: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Material: .wrapAround has been removed.' );

		set: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Material: .wrapAround has been removed.' );

	wrapRGB: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.Material: .wrapRGB has been removed.' );
			return new Color();


	shading: {
		get: function () {

			console.error( 'THREE.' + this.type + ': .shading has been removed. Use the boolean .flatShading instead.' );

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.' + this.type + ': .shading has been removed. Use the boolean .flatShading instead.' );
			this.flatShading = ( value === FlatShading );


} );

Object.defineProperties( MeshPhongMaterial.prototype, {

	metal: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.MeshPhongMaterial: .metal has been removed. Use THREE.MeshStandardMaterial instead.' );
			return false;

		set: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.MeshPhongMaterial: .metal has been removed. Use THREE.MeshStandardMaterial instead' );


} );

Object.defineProperties( ShaderMaterial.prototype, {

	derivatives: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.ShaderMaterial: .derivatives has been moved to .extensions.derivatives.' );
			return this.extensions.derivatives;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE. ShaderMaterial: .derivatives has been moved to .extensions.derivatives.' );
			this.extensions.derivatives = value;


} );


Object.assign( WebGLRenderer.prototype, {

	getCurrentRenderTarget: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .getCurrentRenderTarget() is now .getRenderTarget().' );
		return this.getRenderTarget();


	getMaxAnisotropy: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .getMaxAnisotropy() is now .capabilities.getMaxAnisotropy().' );
		return this.capabilities.getMaxAnisotropy();


	getPrecision: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .getPrecision() is now .capabilities.precision.' );
		return this.capabilities.precision;


	resetGLState: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .resetGLState() is now .state.reset().' );
		return this.state.reset();


	supportsFloatTextures: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsFloatTextures() is now .extensions.get( \'OES_texture_float\' ).' );
		return this.extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float' );

	supportsHalfFloatTextures: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsHalfFloatTextures() is now .extensions.get( \'OES_texture_half_float\' ).' );
		return this.extensions.get( 'OES_texture_half_float' );

	supportsStandardDerivatives: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsStandardDerivatives() is now .extensions.get( \'OES_standard_derivatives\' ).' );
		return this.extensions.get( 'OES_standard_derivatives' );

	supportsCompressedTextureS3TC: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsCompressedTextureS3TC() is now .extensions.get( \'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc\' ).' );
		return this.extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' );

	supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC() is now .extensions.get( \'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc\' ).' );
		return this.extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' );

	supportsBlendMinMax: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsBlendMinMax() is now .extensions.get( \'EXT_blend_minmax\' ).' );
		return this.extensions.get( 'EXT_blend_minmax' );

	supportsVertexTextures: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsVertexTextures() is now .capabilities.vertexTextures.' );
		return this.capabilities.vertexTextures;

	supportsInstancedArrays: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .supportsInstancedArrays() is now .extensions.get( \'ANGLE_instanced_arrays\' ).' );
		return this.extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' );

	enableScissorTest: function ( boolean ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .enableScissorTest() is now .setScissorTest().' );
		this.setScissorTest( boolean );

	initMaterial: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .initMaterial() has been removed.' );

	addPrePlugin: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .addPrePlugin() has been removed.' );

	addPostPlugin: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .addPostPlugin() has been removed.' );

	updateShadowMap: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .updateShadowMap() has been removed.' );

	setFaceCulling: function () {

		console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .setFaceCulling() has been removed.' );


} );

Object.defineProperties( WebGLRenderer.prototype, {

	shadowMapEnabled: {
		get: function () {

			return this.shadowMap.enabled;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMapEnabled is now .shadowMap.enabled.' );
			this.shadowMap.enabled = value;

	shadowMapType: {
		get: function () {

			return this.shadowMap.type;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMapType is now .shadowMap.type.' );
			this.shadowMap.type = value;

	shadowMapCullFace: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMapCullFace has been removed. Set Material.shadowSide instead.' );
			return undefined;

		set: function ( /* value */ ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMapCullFace has been removed. Set Material.shadowSide instead.' );

} );

Object.defineProperties( WebGLShadowMap.prototype, {

	cullFace: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMap.cullFace has been removed. Set Material.shadowSide instead.' );
			return undefined;

		set: function ( /* cullFace */ ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMap.cullFace has been removed. Set Material.shadowSide instead.' );

	renderReverseSided: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMap.renderReverseSided has been removed. Set Material.shadowSide instead.' );
			return undefined;

		set: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMap.renderReverseSided has been removed. Set Material.shadowSide instead.' );

	renderSingleSided: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMap.renderSingleSided has been removed. Set Material.shadowSide instead.' );
			return undefined;

		set: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: .shadowMap.renderSingleSided has been removed. Set Material.shadowSide instead.' );


} );


Object.defineProperties( WebGLRenderTarget.prototype, {

	wrapS: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .wrapS is now .texture.wrapS.' );
			return this.texture.wrapS;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .wrapS is now .texture.wrapS.' );
			this.texture.wrapS = value;

	wrapT: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .wrapT is now .texture.wrapT.' );
			return this.texture.wrapT;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .wrapT is now .texture.wrapT.' );
			this.texture.wrapT = value;

	magFilter: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .magFilter is now .texture.magFilter.' );
			return this.texture.magFilter;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .magFilter is now .texture.magFilter.' );
			this.texture.magFilter = value;

	minFilter: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .minFilter is now .texture.minFilter.' );
			return this.texture.minFilter;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .minFilter is now .texture.minFilter.' );
			this.texture.minFilter = value;

	anisotropy: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .anisotropy is now .texture.anisotropy.' );
			return this.texture.anisotropy;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .anisotropy is now .texture.anisotropy.' );
			this.texture.anisotropy = value;

	offset: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .offset is now .texture.offset.' );
			return this.texture.offset;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .offset is now .texture.offset.' );
			this.texture.offset = value;

	repeat: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .repeat is now .texture.repeat.' );
			return this.texture.repeat;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .repeat is now .texture.repeat.' );
			this.texture.repeat = value;

	format: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .format is now .texture.format.' );
			return this.texture.format;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .format is now .texture.format.' );
			this.texture.format = value;

	type: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .type is now .texture.type.' );
			return this.texture.type;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .type is now .texture.type.' );
			this.texture.type = value;

	generateMipmaps: {
		get: function () {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .generateMipmaps is now .texture.generateMipmaps.' );
			return this.texture.generateMipmaps;

		set: function ( value ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderTarget: .generateMipmaps is now .texture.generateMipmaps.' );
			this.texture.generateMipmaps = value;


} );


Object.defineProperties( WebVRManager.prototype, {

	standing: {
		set: function ( /* value */ ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.WebVRManager: .standing has been removed.' );


} );


Audio.prototype.load = function ( file ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.Audio: .load has been deprecated. Use THREE.AudioLoader instead.' );
	var scope = this;
	var audioLoader = new AudioLoader();
	audioLoader.load( file, function ( buffer ) {

		scope.setBuffer( buffer );

	} );
	return this;


AudioAnalyser.prototype.getData = function () {

	console.warn( 'THREE.AudioAnalyser: .getData() is now .getFrequencyData().' );
	return this.getFrequencyData();



CubeCamera.prototype.updateCubeMap = function ( renderer, scene ) {

	console.warn( 'THREE.CubeCamera: .updateCubeMap() is now .update().' );
	return this.update( renderer, scene );



var GeometryUtils = {

	merge: function ( geometry1, geometry2, materialIndexOffset ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.GeometryUtils: .merge() has been moved to Geometry. Use geometry.merge( geometry2, matrix, materialIndexOffset ) instead.' );
		var matrix;

		if ( geometry2.isMesh ) {

			geometry2.matrixAutoUpdate && geometry2.updateMatrix();

			matrix = geometry2.matrix;
			geometry2 = geometry2.geometry;


		geometry1.merge( geometry2, matrix, materialIndexOffset );


	center: function ( geometry ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.GeometryUtils: .center() has been moved to Geometry. Use geometry.center() instead.' );
		return geometry.center();



var ImageUtils = {

	crossOrigin: undefined,

	loadTexture: function ( url, mapping, onLoad, onError ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture has been deprecated. Use THREE.TextureLoader() instead.' );

		var loader = new TextureLoader();
		loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );

		var texture = loader.load( url, onLoad, undefined, onError );

		if ( mapping ) texture.mapping = mapping;

		return texture;


	loadTextureCube: function ( urls, mapping, onLoad, onError ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.ImageUtils.loadTextureCube has been deprecated. Use THREE.CubeTextureLoader() instead.' );

		var loader = new CubeTextureLoader();
		loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );

		var texture = loader.load( urls, onLoad, undefined, onError );

		if ( mapping ) texture.mapping = mapping;

		return texture;


	loadCompressedTexture: function () {

		console.error( 'THREE.ImageUtils.loadCompressedTexture has been removed. Use THREE.DDSLoader instead.' );


	loadCompressedTextureCube: function () {

		console.error( 'THREE.ImageUtils.loadCompressedTextureCube has been removed. Use THREE.DDSLoader instead.' );




function Projector() {

	console.error( 'THREE.Projector has been moved to /examples/js/renderers/Projector.js.' );

	this.projectVector = function ( vector, camera ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Projector: .projectVector() is now vector.project().' );
		vector.project( camera );


	this.unprojectVector = function ( vector, camera ) {

		console.warn( 'THREE.Projector: .unprojectVector() is now vector.unproject().' );
		vector.unproject( camera );


	this.pickingRay = function () {

		console.error( 'THREE.Projector: .pickingRay() is now raycaster.setFromCamera().' );




function CanvasRenderer() {

	console.error( 'THREE.CanvasRenderer has been moved to /examples/js/renderers/CanvasRenderer.js' );

	this.domElement = document.createElementNS( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'canvas' );
	this.clear = function () {};
	this.render = function () {};
	this.setClearColor = function () {};
	this.setSize = function () {};



var SceneUtils = {

	createMultiMaterialObject: function ( /* geometry, materials */ ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.SceneUtils has been moved to /examples/js/utils/SceneUtils.js' );


	detach: function ( /* child, parent, scene */ ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.SceneUtils has been moved to /examples/js/utils/SceneUtils.js' );


	attach: function ( /* child, scene, parent */ ) {

		console.error( 'THREE.SceneUtils has been moved to /examples/js/utils/SceneUtils.js' );




function LensFlare() {

	console.error( 'THREE.LensFlare has been moved to /examples/js/objects/Lensflare.js' );


export { WebGLRenderTargetCube, WebGLRenderTarget, WebGLRenderer, ShaderLib, UniformsLib, UniformsUtils, ShaderChunk, FogExp2, Fog, Scene, Sprite, LOD, SkinnedMesh, Skeleton, Bone, Mesh, LineSegments, LineLoop, Line, Points, Group, VideoTexture, DataTexture, CompressedTexture, CubeTexture, CanvasTexture, DepthTexture, Texture, CompressedTextureLoader, DataTextureLoader, CubeTextureLoader, TextureLoader, ObjectLoader, MaterialLoader, BufferGeometryLoader, DefaultLoadingManager, LoadingManager, JSONLoader, ImageLoader, ImageBitmapLoader, FontLoader, FileLoader, Loader, LoaderUtils, Cache, AudioLoader, SpotLightShadow, SpotLight, PointLight, RectAreaLight, HemisphereLight, DirectionalLightShadow, DirectionalLight, AmbientLight, LightShadow, Light, StereoCamera, PerspectiveCamera, OrthographicCamera, CubeCamera, ArrayCamera, Camera, AudioListener, PositionalAudio, AudioContext, AudioAnalyser, Audio, VectorKeyframeTrack, StringKeyframeTrack, QuaternionKeyframeTrack, NumberKeyframeTrack, ColorKeyframeTrack, BooleanKeyframeTrack, PropertyMixer, PropertyBinding, KeyframeTrack, AnimationUtils, AnimationObjectGroup, AnimationMixer, AnimationClip, Uniform, InstancedBufferGeometry, BufferGeometry, Geometry, InterleavedBufferAttribute, InstancedInterleavedBuffer, InterleavedBuffer, InstancedBufferAttribute, Face3, Object3D, Raycaster, Layers, EventDispatcher, Clock, QuaternionLinearInterpolant, LinearInterpolant, DiscreteInterpolant, CubicInterpolant, Interpolant, Triangle, _Math as Math, Spherical, Cylindrical, Plane, Frustum, Sphere, Ray, Matrix4, Matrix3, Box3, Box2, Line3, Euler, Vector4, Vector3, Vector2, Quaternion, Color, ImmediateRenderObject, VertexNormalsHelper, SpotLightHelper, SkeletonHelper, PointLightHelper, RectAreaLightHelper, HemisphereLightHelper, GridHelper, PolarGridHelper, FaceNormalsHelper, DirectionalLightHelper, CameraHelper, BoxHelper, Box3Helper, PlaneHelper, ArrowHelper, AxesHelper, Shape, Path, ShapePath, Font, CurvePath, Curve, ShapeUtils, WebGLUtils, WireframeGeometry, ParametricGeometry, ParametricBufferGeometry, TetrahedronGeometry, TetrahedronBufferGeometry, OctahedronGeometry, OctahedronBufferGeometry, IcosahedronGeometry, IcosahedronBufferGeometry, DodecahedronGeometry, DodecahedronBufferGeometry, PolyhedronGeometry, PolyhedronBufferGeometry, TubeGeometry, TubeBufferGeometry, TorusKnotGeometry, TorusKnotBufferGeometry, TorusGeometry, TorusBufferGeometry, TextGeometry, TextBufferGeometry, SphereGeometry, SphereBufferGeometry, RingGeometry, RingBufferGeometry, PlaneGeometry, PlaneBufferGeometry, LatheGeometry, LatheBufferGeometry, ShapeGeometry, ShapeBufferGeometry, ExtrudeGeometry, ExtrudeBufferGeometry, EdgesGeometry, ConeGeometry, ConeBufferGeometry, CylinderGeometry, CylinderBufferGeometry, CircleGeometry, CircleBufferGeometry, BoxGeometry, BoxBufferGeometry, ShadowMaterial, SpriteMaterial, RawShaderMaterial, ShaderMaterial, PointsMaterial, MeshPhysicalMaterial, MeshStandardMaterial, MeshPhongMaterial, MeshToonMaterial, MeshNormalMaterial, MeshLambertMaterial, MeshDepthMaterial, MeshDistanceMaterial, MeshBasicMaterial, LineDashedMaterial, LineBasicMaterial, Material, Float64BufferAttribute, Float32BufferAttribute, Uint32BufferAttribute, Int32BufferAttribute, Uint16BufferAttribute, Int16BufferAttribute, Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute, Uint8BufferAttribute, Int8BufferAttribute, BufferAttribute, ArcCurve, CatmullRomCurve3, CubicBezierCurve, CubicBezierCurve3, EllipseCurve, LineCurve, LineCurve3, QuadraticBezierCurve, QuadraticBezierCurve3, SplineCurve, REVISION, MOUSE, CullFaceNone, CullFaceBack, CullFaceFront, CullFaceFrontBack, FrontFaceDirectionCW, FrontFaceDirectionCCW, BasicShadowMap, PCFShadowMap, PCFSoftShadowMap, FrontSide, BackSide, DoubleSide, FlatShading, SmoothShading, NoColors, FaceColors, VertexColors, NoBlending, NormalBlending, AdditiveBlending, SubtractiveBlending, MultiplyBlending, CustomBlending, AddEquation, SubtractEquation, ReverseSubtractEquation, MinEquation, MaxEquation, ZeroFactor, OneFactor, SrcColorFactor, OneMinusSrcColorFactor, SrcAlphaFactor, OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor, DstAlphaFactor, OneMinusDstAlphaFactor, DstColorFactor, OneMinusDstColorFactor, SrcAlphaSaturateFactor, NeverDepth, AlwaysDepth, LessDepth, LessEqualDepth, EqualDepth, GreaterEqualDepth, GreaterDepth, NotEqualDepth, MultiplyOperation, MixOperation, AddOperation, NoToneMapping, LinearToneMapping, ReinhardToneMapping, Uncharted2ToneMapping, CineonToneMapping, UVMapping, CubeReflectionMapping, CubeRefractionMapping, EquirectangularReflectionMapping, EquirectangularRefractionMapping, SphericalReflectionMapping, CubeUVReflectionMapping, CubeUVRefractionMapping, RepeatWrapping, ClampToEdgeWrapping, MirroredRepeatWrapping, NearestFilter, NearestMipMapNearestFilter, NearestMipMapLinearFilter, LinearFilter, LinearMipMapNearestFilter, LinearMipMapLinearFilter, UnsignedByteType, ByteType, ShortType, UnsignedShortType, IntType, UnsignedIntType, FloatType, HalfFloatType, UnsignedShort4444Type, UnsignedShort5551Type, UnsignedShort565Type, UnsignedInt248Type, AlphaFormat, RGBFormat, RGBAFormat, LuminanceFormat, LuminanceAlphaFormat, RGBEFormat, DepthFormat, DepthStencilFormat, RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format, RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format, RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format, RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format, RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format, RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format, RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format, RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format, RGB_ETC1_Format, RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format, RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format, RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format, RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format, RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format, RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format, RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format, RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format, RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format, RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format, RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format, RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format, RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format, RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format, LoopOnce, LoopRepeat, LoopPingPong, InterpolateDiscrete, InterpolateLinear, InterpolateSmooth, ZeroCurvatureEnding, ZeroSlopeEnding, WrapAroundEnding, TrianglesDrawMode, TriangleStripDrawMode, TriangleFanDrawMode, LinearEncoding, sRGBEncoding, GammaEncoding, RGBEEncoding, LogLuvEncoding, RGBM7Encoding, RGBM16Encoding, RGBDEncoding, BasicDepthPacking, RGBADepthPacking, BoxGeometry as CubeGeometry, Face4, LineStrip, LinePieces, MeshFaceMaterial, MultiMaterial, PointCloud, Particle, ParticleSystem, PointCloudMaterial, ParticleBasicMaterial, ParticleSystemMaterial, Vertex, DynamicBufferAttribute, Int8Attribute, Uint8Attribute, Uint8ClampedAttribute, Int16Attribute, Uint16Attribute, Int32Attribute, Uint32Attribute, Float32Attribute, Float64Attribute, ClosedSplineCurve3, SplineCurve3, Spline, AxisHelper, BoundingBoxHelper, EdgesHelper, WireframeHelper, XHRLoader, BinaryTextureLoader, GeometryUtils, ImageUtils, Projector, CanvasRenderer, SceneUtils, LensFlare };