/* * Copyright 2015 Async-IO.org * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Atmosphere.js * https://github.com/Atmosphere/atmosphere-javascript * * API reference * https://github.com/Atmosphere/atmosphere/wiki/jQuery.atmosphere.js-API * * Highly inspired by * - Portal by Donghwan Kim http://flowersinthesand.github.io/portal/ */ (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(factory); } else if(typeof exports !== 'undefined') { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(); } else { // Browser globals, Window root.atmosphere = factory(); } }(this, function () { "use strict"; var version = "2.2.12-javascript", atmosphere = {}, guid, offline = false, requests = [], callbacks = [], uuid = 0, hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; atmosphere = { onError: function (response) { }, onClose: function (response) { }, onOpen: function (response) { }, onReopen: function (response) { }, onMessage: function (response) { }, onReconnect: function (request, response) { }, onMessagePublished: function (response) { }, onTransportFailure: function (errorMessage, _request) { }, onLocalMessage: function (response) { }, onFailureToReconnect: function (request, response) { }, onClientTimeout: function (request) { }, onOpenAfterResume: function (request) { }, /** * Creates an object based on an atmosphere subscription that exposes functions defined by the Websocket interface. * * @class WebsocketApiAdapter * @param {Object} request the request object to build the underlying subscription * @constructor */ WebsocketApiAdapter: function (request) { var _socket, _adapter; /** * Overrides the onMessage callback in given request. * * @method onMessage * @param {Object} e the event object */ request.onMessage = function (e) { _adapter.onmessage({data: e.responseBody}); }; /** * Overrides the onMessagePublished callback in given request. * * @method onMessagePublished * @param {Object} e the event object */ request.onMessagePublished = function (e) { _adapter.onmessage({data: e.responseBody}); }; /** * Overrides the onOpen callback in given request to proxy the event to the adapter. * * @method onOpen * @param {Object} e the event object */ request.onOpen = function (e) { _adapter.onopen(e); }; _adapter = { close: function () { _socket.close(); }, send: function (data) { _socket.push(data); }, onmessage: function (e) { }, onopen: function (e) { }, onclose: function (e) { }, onerror: function (e) { } }; _socket = new atmosphere.subscribe(request); return _adapter; }, AtmosphereRequest: function (options) { /** * {Object} Request parameters. * * @private */ var _request = { timeout: 300000, method: 'GET', headers: {}, contentType: '', callback: null, url: '', data: '', suspend: true, maxRequest: -1, reconnect: true, maxStreamingLength: 10000000, lastIndex: 0, logLevel: 'info', requestCount: 0, fallbackMethod: 'GET', fallbackTransport: 'streaming', transport: 'long-polling', webSocketImpl: null, webSocketBinaryType: null, dispatchUrl: null, webSocketPathDelimiter: "@@", enableXDR: false, rewriteURL: false, attachHeadersAsQueryString: true, executeCallbackBeforeReconnect: false, readyState: 0, withCredentials: false, trackMessageLength: false, messageDelimiter: '|', connectTimeout: -1, reconnectInterval: 0, dropHeaders: true, uuid: 0, async: true, shared: false, readResponsesHeaders: false, maxReconnectOnClose: 5, enableProtocol: true, pollingInterval: 0, heartbeat: { client: null, server: null }, ackInterval: 0, closeAsync: false, reconnectOnServerError: true, onError: function (response) { }, onClose: function (response) { }, onOpen: function (response) { }, onMessage: function (response) { }, onReopen: function (request, response) { }, onReconnect: function (request, response) { }, onMessagePublished: function (response) { }, onTransportFailure: function (reason, request) { }, onLocalMessage: function (request) { }, onFailureToReconnect: function (request, response) { }, onClientTimeout: function (request) { }, onOpenAfterResume: function (request) { } }; /** * {Object} Request's last response. * * @private */ var _response = { status: 200, reasonPhrase: "OK", responseBody: '', messages: [], headers: [], state: "messageReceived", transport: "polling", error: null, request: null, partialMessage: "", errorHandled: false, closedByClientTimeout: false, ffTryingReconnect: false }; /** * {websocket} Opened web socket. * * @private */ var _websocket = null; /** * {SSE} Opened SSE. * * @private */ var _sse = null; /** * {XMLHttpRequest, ActiveXObject} Opened ajax request (in case of http-streaming or long-polling) * * @private */ var _activeRequest = null; /** * {Object} Object use for streaming with IE. * * @private */ var _ieStream = null; /** * {Object} Object use for jsonp transport. * * @private */ var _jqxhr = null; /** * {boolean} If request has been subscribed or not. * * @private */ var _subscribed = true; /** * {number} Number of test reconnection. * * @private */ var _requestCount = 0; /** * The Heartbeat interval send by the server. * @type {int} * @private */ var _heartbeatInterval = 0; /** * The Heartbeat bytes send by the server. * @type {string} * @private */ var _heartbeatPadding = 'X'; /** * {boolean} If request is currently aborted. * * @private */ var _abortingConnection = false; /** * A local "channel' of communication. * * @private */ var _localSocketF = null; /** * The storage used. * * @private */ var _storageService; /** * Local communication * * @private */ var _localStorageService = null; /** * A Unique ID * * @private */ var guid = atmosphere.util.now(); /** Trace time */ var _traceTimer; /** Key for connection sharing */ var _sharingKey; /** * {boolean} If window beforeUnload event has been called. * Flag will be reset after 5000 ms * * @private */ var _beforeUnloadState = false; // Automatic call to subscribe _subscribe(options); /** * Initialize atmosphere request object. * * @private */ function _init() { _subscribed = true; _abortingConnection = false; _requestCount = 0; _websocket = null; _sse = null; _activeRequest = null; _ieStream = null; } /** * Re-initialize atmosphere object. * * @private */ function _reinit() { _clearState(); _init(); } /** * Returns true if the given level is equal or above the configured log level. * * @private */ function _canLog(level) { if (level == 'debug') { return _request.logLevel === 'debug'; } else if (level == 'info') { return _request.logLevel === 'info' || _request.logLevel === 'debug'; } else if (level == 'warn') { return _request.logLevel === 'warn' || _request.logLevel === 'info' || _request.logLevel === 'debug'; } else if (level == 'error') { return _request.logLevel === 'error' || _request.logLevel === 'warn' || _request.logLevel === 'info' || _request.logLevel === 'debug'; } else { return false; } } function _debug(msg) { if (_canLog('debug')) { atmosphere.util.debug(new Date() + " Atmosphere: " + msg); } } /** * * @private */ function _verifyStreamingLength(ajaxRequest, rq) { // Wait to be sure we have the full message before closing. if (_response.partialMessage === "" && (rq.transport === 'streaming') && (ajaxRequest.responseText.length > rq.maxStreamingLength)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Disconnect * * @private */ function _disconnect() { if (_request.enableProtocol && !_request.firstMessage) { var query = "X-Atmosphere-Transport=close&X-Atmosphere-tracking-id=" + _request.uuid; atmosphere.util.each(_request.headers, function (name, value) { var h = atmosphere.util.isFunction(value) ? value.call(this, _request, _request, _response) : value; if (h != null) { query += "&" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(h); } }); var url = _request.url.replace(/([?&])_=[^&]*/, query); url = url + (url === _request.url ? (/\?/.test(_request.url) ? "&" : "?") + query : ""); var rq = { connected: false }; var closeR = new atmosphere.AtmosphereRequest(rq); closeR.connectTimeout = _request.connectTimeout; closeR.attachHeadersAsQueryString = false; closeR.dropHeaders = true; closeR.url = url; closeR.contentType = "text/plain"; closeR.transport = 'polling'; closeR.method = 'GET'; closeR.data = ''; closeR.heartbeat = null; if (_request.enableXDR) { closeR.enableXDR = _request.enableXDR } closeR.async = _request.closeAsync; _pushOnClose("", closeR); } } /** * Close request. * * @private */ function _close() { _debug("Closing (AtmosphereRequest._close() called)"); _abortingConnection = true; if (_request.reconnectId) { clearTimeout(_request.reconnectId); delete _request.reconnectId; } if (_request.heartbeatTimer) { clearTimeout(_request.heartbeatTimer); } _request.reconnect = false; _response.request = _request; _response.state = 'unsubscribe'; _response.responseBody = ""; _response.status = 408; _response.partialMessage = ""; _invokeCallback(); _disconnect(); _clearState(); } function _clearState() { _response.partialMessage = ""; if (_request.id) { clearTimeout(_request.id); } if (_request.heartbeatTimer) { clearTimeout(_request.heartbeatTimer); } // https://github.com/Atmosphere/atmosphere/issues/1860#issuecomment-74707226 if(_request.reconnectId) { clearTimeout(_request.reconnectId); delete _request.reconnectId; } if (_ieStream != null) { _ieStream.close(); _ieStream = null; } if (_jqxhr != null) { _jqxhr.abort(); _jqxhr = null; } if (_activeRequest != null) { _activeRequest.abort(); _activeRequest = null; } if (_websocket != null) { if (_websocket.canSendMessage) { _debug("invoking .close() on WebSocket object"); _websocket.close(); } _websocket = null; } if (_sse != null) { _sse.close(); _sse = null; } _clearStorage(); } function _clearStorage() { // Stop sharing a connection if (_storageService != null) { // Clears trace timer clearInterval(_traceTimer); // Removes the trace document.cookie = _sharingKey + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/"; // The heir is the parent unless unloading _storageService.signal("close", { reason: "", heir: !_abortingConnection ? guid : (_storageService.get("children") || [])[0] }); _storageService.close(); } if (_localStorageService != null) { _localStorageService.close(); } } /** * Subscribe request using request transport. <br> * If request is currently opened, this one will be closed. * * @param {Object} Request parameters. * @private */ function _subscribe(options) { _reinit(); _request = atmosphere.util.extend(_request, options); // Allow at least 1 request _request.mrequest = _request.reconnect; if (!_request.reconnect) { _request.reconnect = true; } } /** * Check if web socket is supported (check for custom implementation provided by request object or browser implementation). * * @returns {boolean} True if web socket is supported, false otherwise. * @private */ function _supportWebsocket() { return _request.webSocketImpl != null || window.WebSocket || window.MozWebSocket; } /** * Check if server side events (SSE) is supported (check for custom implementation provided by request object or browser implementation). * * @returns {boolean} True if web socket is supported, false otherwise. * @private */ function _supportSSE() { // Origin parts var url = atmosphere.util.getAbsoluteURL(_request.url.toLowerCase()); var parts = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/.exec(url); var crossOrigin = !!(parts && ( // protocol parts[1] != window.location.protocol || // hostname parts[2] != window.location.hostname || // port (parts[3] || (parts[1] === "http:" ? 80 : 443)) != (window.location.port || (window.location.protocol === "http:" ? 80 : 443)) )); return window.EventSource && (!crossOrigin || !atmosphere.util.browser.safari || atmosphere.util.browser.vmajor >= 7); } /** * Open request using request transport. <br> * If request transport is 'websocket' but websocket can't be opened, request will automatically reconnect using fallback transport. * * @private */ function _execute() { // Shared across multiple tabs/windows. if (_request.shared) { _localStorageService = _local(_request); if (_localStorageService != null) { if (_canLog('debug')) { atmosphere.util.debug("Storage service available. All communication will be local"); } if (_localStorageService.open(_request)) { // Local connection. return; } } if (_canLog('debug')) { atmosphere.util.debug("No Storage service available."); } // Wasn't local or an error occurred _localStorageService = null; } // Protocol _request.firstMessage = uuid == 0 ? true : false; _request.isOpen = false; _request.ctime = atmosphere.util.now(); // We carry any UUID set by the user or from a previous connection. if (_request.uuid === 0) { _request.uuid = uuid; } _response.closedByClientTimeout = false; if (_request.transport !== 'websocket' && _request.transport !== 'sse') { _executeRequest(_request); } else if (_request.transport === 'websocket') { if (!_supportWebsocket()) { _reconnectWithFallbackTransport("Websocket is not supported, using request.fallbackTransport (" + _request.fallbackTransport + ")"); } else { _executeWebSocket(false); } } else if (_request.transport === 'sse') { if (!_supportSSE()) { _reconnectWithFallbackTransport("Server Side Events(SSE) is not supported, using request.fallbackTransport (" + _request.fallbackTransport + ")"); } else { _executeSSE(false); } } } function _local(request) { var trace, connector, orphan, name = "atmosphere-" + request.url, connectors = { storage: function () { function onstorage(event) { if (event.key === name && event.newValue) { listener(event.newValue); } } if (!atmosphere.util.storage) { return; } var storage = window.localStorage, get = function (key) { return atmosphere.util.parseJSON(storage.getItem(name + "-" + key)); }, set = function (key, value) { storage.setItem(name + "-" + key, atmosphere.util.stringifyJSON(value)); }; return { init: function () { set("children", get("children").concat([guid])); atmosphere.util.on(window, "storage", onstorage); return get("opened"); }, signal: function (type, data) { storage.setItem(name, atmosphere.util.stringifyJSON({ target: "p", type: type, data: data })); }, close: function () { var children = get("children"); atmosphere.util.off(window, "storage", onstorage); if (children) { if (removeFromArray(children, request.id)) { set("children", children); } } } }; }, windowref: function () { var win = window.open("", name.replace(/\W/g, "")); if (!win || win.closed || !win.callbacks) { return; } return { init: function () { win.callbacks.push(listener); win.children.push(guid); return win.opened; }, signal: function (type, data) { if (!win.closed && win.fire) { win.fire(atmosphere.util.stringifyJSON({ target: "p", type: type, data: data })); } }, close: function () { // Removes traces only if the parent is alive if (!orphan) { removeFromArray(win.callbacks, listener); removeFromArray(win.children, guid); } } }; } }; function removeFromArray(array, val) { var i, length = array.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (array[i] === val) { array.splice(i, 1); } } return length !== array.length; } // Receives open, close and message command from the parent function listener(string) { var command = atmosphere.util.parseJSON(string), data = command.data; if (command.target === "c") { switch (command.type) { case "open": _open("opening", 'local', _request); break; case "close": if (!orphan) { orphan = true; if (data.reason === "aborted") { _close(); } else { // Gives the heir some time to reconnect if (data.heir === guid) { _execute(); } else { setTimeout(function () { _execute(); }, 100); } } } break; case "message": _prepareCallback(data, "messageReceived", 200, request.transport); break; case "localMessage": _localMessage(data); break; } } } function findTrace() { var matcher = new RegExp("(?:^|; )(" + encodeURIComponent(name) + ")=([^;]*)").exec(document.cookie); if (matcher) { return atmosphere.util.parseJSON(decodeURIComponent(matcher[2])); } } // Finds and validates the parent socket's trace from the cookie trace = findTrace(); if (!trace || atmosphere.util.now() - trace.ts > 1000) { return; } // Chooses a connector connector = connectors.storage() || connectors.windowref(); if (!connector) { return; } return { open: function () { var parentOpened; // Checks the shared one is alive _traceTimer = setInterval(function () { var oldTrace = trace; trace = findTrace(); if (!trace || oldTrace.ts === trace.ts) { // Simulates a close signal listener(atmosphere.util.stringifyJSON({ target: "c", type: "close", data: { reason: "error", heir: oldTrace.heir } })); } }, 1000); parentOpened = connector.init(); if (parentOpened) { // Firing the open event without delay robs the user of the opportunity to bind connecting event handlers setTimeout(function () { _open("opening", 'local', request); }, 50); } return parentOpened; }, send: function (event) { connector.signal("send", event); }, localSend: function (event) { connector.signal("localSend", atmosphere.util.stringifyJSON({ id: guid, event: event })); }, close: function () { // Do not signal the parent if this method is executed by the unload event handler if (!_abortingConnection) { clearInterval(_traceTimer); connector.signal("close"); connector.close(); } } }; } function share() { var storageService, name = "atmosphere-" + _request.url, servers = { // Powered by the storage event and the localStorage // http://www.w3.org/TR/webstorage/#event-storage storage: function () { function onstorage(event) { // When a deletion, newValue initialized to null if (event.key === name && event.newValue) { listener(event.newValue); } } if (!atmosphere.util.storage) { return; } var storage = window.localStorage; return { init: function () { // Handles the storage event atmosphere.util.on(window, "storage", onstorage); }, signal: function (type, data) { storage.setItem(name, atmosphere.util.stringifyJSON({ target: "c", type: type, data: data })); }, get: function (key) { return atmosphere.util.parseJSON(storage.getItem(name + "-" + key)); }, set: function (key, value) { storage.setItem(name + "-" + key, atmosphere.util.stringifyJSON(value)); }, close: function () { atmosphere.util.off(window, "storage", onstorage); storage.removeItem(name); storage.removeItem(name + "-opened"); storage.removeItem(name + "-children"); } }; }, // Powered by the window.open method // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.open windowref: function () { // Internet Explorer raises an invalid argument error // when calling the window.open method with the name containing non-word characters var neim = name.replace(/\W/g, ""), container = document.getElementById(neim), win; if (!container) { container = document.createElement("div"); container.id = neim; container.style.display = "none"; container.innerHTML = '<iframe name="' + neim + '" />'; document.body.appendChild(container); } win = container.firstChild.contentWindow; return { init: function () { // Callbacks from different windows win.callbacks = [listener]; // In IE 8 and less, only string argument can be safely passed to the function in other window win.fire = function (string) { var i; for (i = 0; i < win.callbacks.length; i++) { win.callbacks[i](string); } }; }, signal: function (type, data) { if (!win.closed && win.fire) { win.fire(atmosphere.util.stringifyJSON({ target: "c", type: type, data: data })); } }, get: function (key) { return !win.closed ? win[key] : null; }, set: function (key, value) { if (!win.closed) { win[key] = value; } }, close: function () { } }; } }; // Receives send and close command from the children function listener(string) { var command = atmosphere.util.parseJSON(string), data = command.data; if (command.target === "p") { switch (command.type) { case "send": _push(data); break; case "localSend": _localMessage(data); break; case "close": _close(); break; } } } _localSocketF = function propagateMessageEvent(context) { storageService.signal("message", context); }; function leaveTrace() { document.cookie = _sharingKey + "=" + // Opera's JSON implementation ignores a number whose a last digit of 0 strangely // but has no problem with a number whose a last digit of 9 + 1 encodeURIComponent(atmosphere.util.stringifyJSON({ ts: atmosphere.util.now() + 1, heir: (storageService.get("children") || [])[0] })) + "; path=/"; } // Chooses a storageService storageService = servers.storage() || servers.windowref(); storageService.init(); if (_canLog('debug')) { atmosphere.util.debug("Installed StorageService " + storageService); } // List of children sockets storageService.set("children", []); if (storageService.get("opened") != null && !storageService.get("opened")) { // Flag indicating the parent socket is opened storageService.set("opened", false); } // Leaves traces _sharingKey = encodeURIComponent(name); leaveTrace(); _traceTimer = setInterval(leaveTrace, 1000); _storageService = storageService; } /** * @private */ function _open(state, transport, request) { if (_request.shared && transport !== 'local') { share(); } if (_storageService != null) { _storageService.set("opened", true); } request.close = function () { _close(); }; if (_requestCount > 0 && state === 're-connecting') { request.isReopen = true; _tryingToReconnect(_response); } else if (_response.error == null) { _response.request = request; var prevState = _response.state; _response.state = state; var prevTransport = _response.transport; _response.transport = transport; var _body = _response.responseBody; _invokeCallback(); _response.responseBody = _body; _response.state = prevState; _response.transport = prevTransport; } } /** * Execute request using jsonp transport. * * @param request {Object} request Request parameters, if undefined _request object will be used. * @private */ function _jsonp(request) { // When CORS is enabled, make sure we force the proper transport. request.transport = "jsonp"; var rq = _request, script; if ((request != null) && (typeof (request) !== 'undefined')) { rq = request; } _jqxhr = { open: function () { var callback = "atmosphere" + (++guid); function _reconnectOnFailure() { rq.lastIndex = 0; if (rq.openId) { clearTimeout(rq.openId); } if (rq.heartbeatTimer) { clearTimeout(rq.heartbeatTimer); } if (rq.reconnect && _requestCount++ < rq.maxReconnectOnClose) { _open('re-connecting', rq.transport, rq); _reconnect(_jqxhr, rq, request.reconnectInterval); rq.openId = setTimeout(function () { _triggerOpen(rq); }, rq.reconnectInterval + 1000); } else { _onError(0, "maxReconnectOnClose reached"); } } function poll() { var url = rq.url; if (rq.dispatchUrl != null) { url += rq.dispatchUrl; } var data = rq.data; if (rq.attachHeadersAsQueryString) { url = _attachHeaders(rq); if (data !== '') { url += "&X-Atmosphere-Post-Body=" + encodeURIComponent(data); } data = ''; } var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement; script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = url + "&jsonpTransport=" + callback; //script.async = rq.async; script.clean = function () { script.clean = script.onerror = script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; if (script.parentNode) { script.parentNode.removeChild(script); } if (++request.scriptCount === 2) { request.scriptCount = 1; _reconnectOnFailure(); } }; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function () { _debug("jsonp.onload"); if (!script.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(script.readyState)) { script.clean(); } }; script.onerror = function () { _debug("jsonp.onerror"); request.scriptCount = 1; script.clean(); }; head.insertBefore(script, head.firstChild); } // Attaches callback window[callback] = function (msg) { _debug("jsonp.window"); request.scriptCount = 0; if (rq.reconnect && rq.maxRequest === -1 || rq.requestCount++ < rq.maxRequest) { // _readHeaders(_jqxhr, rq); if (!rq.executeCallbackBeforeReconnect) { _reconnect(_jqxhr, rq, rq.pollingInterval); } if (msg != null && typeof msg !== 'string') { try { msg = msg.message; } catch (err) { // The message was partial } } var skipCallbackInvocation = _trackMessageSize(msg, rq, _response); if (!skipCallbackInvocation) { _prepareCallback(_response.responseBody, "messageReceived", 200, rq.transport); } if (rq.executeCallbackBeforeReconnect) { _reconnect(_jqxhr, rq, rq.pollingInterval); } _timeout(rq); } else { atmosphere.util.log(_request.logLevel, ["JSONP reconnect maximum try reached " + _request.requestCount]); _onError(0, "maxRequest reached"); } }; setTimeout(function () { poll(); }, 50); }, abort: function () { if (script && script.clean) { script.clean(); } } }; _jqxhr.open(); } /** * Build websocket object. * * @param location {string} Web socket url. * @returns {websocket} Web socket object. * @private */ function _getWebSocket(location) { if (_request.webSocketImpl != null) { return _request.webSocketImpl; } else { if (window.WebSocket) { return new WebSocket(location); } else { return new MozWebSocket(location); } } } /** * Build web socket url from request url. * * @return {string} Web socket url (start with "ws" or "wss" for secure web socket). * @private */ function _buildWebSocketUrl() { return _attachHeaders(_request, atmosphere.util.getAbsoluteURL(_request.webSocketUrl || _request.url)).replace(/^http/, "ws"); } /** * Build SSE url from request url. * * @return a url with Atmosphere's headers * @private */ function _buildSSEUrl() { var url = _attachHeaders(_request); return url; } /** * Open SSE. <br> * Automatically use fallback transport if SSE can't be opened. * * @private */ function _executeSSE(sseOpened) { _response.transport = "sse"; var location = _buildSSEUrl(); if (_canLog('debug')) { atmosphere.util.debug("Invoking executeSSE"); atmosphere.util.debug("Using URL: " + location); } if (sseOpened && !_request.reconnect) { if (_sse != null) { _clearState(); } return; } try { _sse = new EventSource(location, { withCredentials: _request.withCredentials }); } catch (e) { _onError(0, e); _reconnectWithFallbackTransport("SSE failed. Downgrading to fallback transport and resending"); return; } if (_request.connectTimeout > 0) { _request.id = setTimeout(function () { if (!sseOpened) { _clearState(); } }, _request.connectTimeout); } _sse.onopen = function (event) { _debug("sse.onopen"); _timeout(_request); if (_canLog('debug')) { atmosphere.util.debug("SSE successfully opened"); } if (!_request.enableProtocol) { if (!sseOpened) { _open('opening', "sse", _request); } else { _open('re-opening', "sse", _request); } } else if (_request.isReopen) { _request.isReopen = false; _open('re-opening', _request.transport, _request); } sseOpened = true; if (_request.method === 'POST') { _response.state = "messageReceived"; _sse.send(_request.data); } }; _sse.onmessage = function (message) { _debug("sse.onmessage"); _timeout(_request); if (!_request.enableXDR && message.origin && message.origin !== window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host) { atmosphere.util.log(_request.logLevel, ["Origin was not " + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host]); return; } _response.state = 'messageReceived'; _response.status = 200; message = message.data; var skipCallbackInvocation = _trackMessageSize(message, _request, _response); // https://github.com/remy/polyfills/blob/master/EventSource.js // Since we polling. /* if (_sse.URL) { _sse.interval = 100; _sse.URL = _buildSSEUrl(); } */ if (!skipCallbackInvocation) { _invokeCallback(); _response.responseBody = ''; _response.messages = []; } }; _sse.onerror = function (message) { _debug("sse.onerror"); clearTimeout(_request.id); if (_request.heartbeatTimer) { clearTimeout(_request.heartbeatTimer); } if (_response.closedByClientTimeout) { return; } _invokeClose(sseOpened); _clearState(); if (_abortingConnection) { atmosphere.util.log(_request.logLevel, ["SSE closed normally"]); } else if (!sseOpened) { _reconnectWithFallbackTransport("SSE failed. Downgrading to fallback transport and resending"); } else if (_request.reconnect && (_response.transport === 'sse')) { if (_requestCount++ < _request.maxReconnectOnClose) { _open('re-connecting', _request.transport, _request); if (_request.reconnectInterval > 0) { _request.reconnectId = setTimeout(function () { _executeSSE(true); }, _request.reconnectInterval); } else { _executeSSE(true); } _response.responseBody = ""; _response.messages = []; } else { atmosphere.util.log(_request.logLevel, ["SSE reconnect maximum try reached " + _requestCount]); _onError(0, "maxReconnectOnClose reached"); } } }; } /** * Open web socket. <br> * Automatically use fallback transport if web socket can't be opened. * * @private */ function _executeWebSocket(webSocketOpened) { _response.transport = "websocket"; var location = _buildWebSocketUrl(_request.url); if (_canLog('debug')) { atmosphere.util.debug("Invoking executeWebSocket, using URL: " + location); } if (webSocketOpened && !_request.reconnect) { if (_websocket != null) { _clearState(); } return; } _websocket = _getWebSocket(location); if (_request.webSocketBinaryType != null) { _websocket.binaryType = _request.webSocketBinaryType; } if (_request.connectTimeout > 0) { _request.id = setTimeout(function () { if (!webSocketOpened) { var _message = { code: 1002, reason: "", wasClean: false }; _websocket.onclose(_message); // Close it anyway try { _clearState(); } catch (e) { } return; } }, _request.connectTimeout); } _websocket.onopen = function (message) { console.log('websocket successfully opened'); console.log(_request); _timeout(_request); offline = false; debugger; if (_canLog('debug')) { atmosphere.util.debug("Websocket successfully opened"); } var reopening = webSocketOpened; if (_websocket != null) { _websocket.canSendMessage = true; } if (!_request.enableProtocol) { webSocketOpened = true; if (reopening) { _open('re-opening', "websocket", _request); } else { _open('opening', "websocket", _request); } } if (_websocket != null) { if (_request.method === 'POST') { _response.state = "messageReceived"; console.info('开始发送'); _websocket.send(_request.data); } } }; _websocket.onmessage = function (message) { console.log('开始接收'); _debug("websocket.onmessage"); _timeout(_request); // We only consider it opened if we get the handshake data // https://github.com/Atmosphere/atmosphere-javascript/issues/74 if (_request.enableProtocol) { webSocketOpened = true; } _response.state = 'messageReceived'; _response.status = 200; message = message.data; var isString = typeof (message) === 'string'; if (isString) { var skipCallbackInvocation = _trackMessageSize(message, _request, _response); if (!skipCallbackInvocation) { _invokeCallback(); _response.responseBody = ''; _response.messages = []; } } else { message = _handleProtocol(_request, message); if (message === "") return; _response.responseBody = message; _invokeCallback(); _response.responseBody = null; } }; _websocket.onerror = function (message) { _debug("websocket.onerror"); clearTimeout(_request.id); if (_request.heartbeatTimer) { clearTimeout(_request.heartbeatTimer); } }; _websocket.onclose = function (message) { _debug("websocket.onclose"); clearTimeout(_request.id); if (_response.state === 'closed') return; var reason = message.reason; if (reason === "") { switch (message.code) { case 1000: reason = "Normal closure; the connection successfully completed whatever purpose for which it was created."; break; case 1001: reason = "The endpoint is going away, either because of a server failure or because the " + "browser is navigating away from the page that opened the connection."; break; case 1002: reason = "The endpoint is terminating the connection due to a protocol error."; break; case 1003: reason = "The connection is being terminated because the endpoint received data of a type it " + "cannot accept (for example, a text-only endpoint received binary data)."; break; case 1004: reason = "The endpoint is terminating the connection because a data frame was received that is too large."; break; case 1005: reason = "Unknown: no status code was provided even though one was expected."; break; case 1006: reason = "Connection was closed abnormally (that is, with no close frame being sent)."; break; } } if (_canLog('warn')) { atmosphere.util.warn("Websocket closed, reason: " + reason + ' - wasClean: ' + message.wasClean); } if (_response.closedByClientTimeout || offline) { if (_request.reconnectId) { clearTimeout(_request.reconnectId); delete _request.reconnectId; } return; } _invokeClose(webSocketOpened); _response.state = 'closed'; if (_abortingConnection) { atmosphere.util.log(_request.logLevel, ["Websocket closed normally"]); } else if (!webSocketOpened) { _reconnectWithFallbackTransport("Websocket failed on first connection attempt. Downgrading to " + _request.fallbackTransport + " and resending"); } else if (_request.reconnect && _response.transport === 'websocket' ) { _clearState(); if (_requestCount++ < _request.maxReconnectOnClose) { _open('re-connecting', _request.transport, _request); if (_request.reconnectInterval > 0) { _request.reconnectId = setTimeout(function () { _response.responseBody = ""; _response.messages = []; _executeWebSocket(true); }, _request.reconnectInterval); } else { _response.responseBody = ""; _response.messages = []; _executeWebSocket(true); } } else { atmosphere.util.log(_request.logLevel, ["Websocket reconnect maximum try reached " + _request.requestCount]); if (_canLog('warn')) { atmosphere.util.warn("Websocket error, reason: " + message.reason); } _onError(0, "maxReconnectOnClose reached"); } } }; var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isAndroid = ua.indexOf("android") > -1; if (isAndroid && _websocket.url === undefined) { // Android 4.1 does not really support websockets and fails silently _websocket.onclose({ reason: "Android 4.1 does not support websockets.", wasClean: false }); } } function _handleProtocol(request, message) { var nMessage = message; if (request.transport === 'polling') return nMessage; if (request.enableProtocol && request.firstMessage && atmosphere.util.trim(message).length !== 0) { var pos = request.trackMessageLength ? 1 : 0; var messages = message.split(request.messageDelimiter); if (messages.length <= pos + 1) { // Something went wrong, normally with IE or when a message is written before the // handshake has been received. return nMessage; } request.firstMessage = false; request.uuid = atmosphere.util.trim(messages[pos]); if (messages.length <= pos + 2) { atmosphere.util.log('error', ["Protocol data not sent by the server. " + "If you enable protocol on client side, be sure to install JavascriptProtocol interceptor on server side." + "Also note that atmosphere-runtime 2.2+ should be used."]); } _heartbeatInterval = parseInt(atmosphere.util.trim(messages[pos + 1]), 10); _heartbeatPadding = messages[pos + 2]; if (request.transport !== 'long-polling') { _triggerOpen(request); } uuid = request.uuid; nMessage = ""; // We have trailing messages pos = request.trackMessageLength ? 4 : 3; if (messages.length > pos + 1) { for (var i = pos; i < messages.length; i++) { nMessage += messages[i]; if (i + 1 !== messages.length) { nMessage += request.messageDelimiter; } } } if (request.ackInterval !== 0) { setTimeout(function () { _push("...ACK..."); }, request.ackInterval); } } else if (request.enableProtocol && request.firstMessage && atmosphere.util.browser.msie && +atmosphere.util.browser.version.split(".")[0] < 10) { // In case we are getting some junk from IE atmosphere.util.log(_request.logLevel, ["Receiving unexpected data from IE"]); } else { _triggerOpen(request); } return nMessage; } function _timeout(_request) { clearTimeout(_request.id); if (_request.timeout > 0 && _request.transport !== 'polling') { _request.id = setTimeout(function () { _onClientTimeout(_request); _disconnect(); _clearState(); }, _request.timeout); } } function _onClientTimeout(_request) { _response.closedByClientTimeout = true; _response.state = 'closedByClient'; _response.responseBody = ""; _response.status = 408; _response.messages = []; _invokeCallback(); } function _onError(code, reason) { _clearState(); clearTimeout(_request.id); _response.state = 'error'; _response.reasonPhrase = reason; _response.responseBody = ""; _response.status = code; _response.messages = []; _invokeCallback(); } /** * Track received message and make sure callbacks/functions are only invoked when the complete message has been received. * * @param message * @param request * @param response */ function _trackMessageSize(message, request, response) { message = _handleProtocol(request, message); if (message.length === 0) return true; response.responseBody = message; if (request.trackMessageLength) { // prepend partialMessage if any message = response.partialMessage + message; var messages = []; var messageStart = message.indexOf(request.messageDelimiter); if (messageStart != -1) { while (messageStart !== -1) { var str = message.substring(0, messageStart); var messageLength = +str; if (isNaN(messageLength)) throw new Error('message length "' + str + '" is not a number'); messageStart += request.messageDelimiter.length; if (messageStart + messageLength > message.length) { // message not complete, so there is no trailing messageDelimiter messageStart = -1; } else { // message complete, so add it messages.push(message.substring(messageStart, messageStart + messageLength)); // remove consumed characters message = message.substring(messageStart + messageLength, message.length); messageStart = message.indexOf(request.messageDelimiter); } } /* keep any remaining data */ response.partialMessage = message; if (messages.length !== 0) { response.responseBody = messages.join(request.messageDelimiter); response.messages = messages; return false; } else { response.responseBody = ""; response.messages = []; return true; } } } response.responseBody = message; response.messages = [message]; return false; } /** * Reconnect request with fallback transport. <br> * Used in case websocket can't be opened. * * @private */ function _reconnectWithFallbackTransport(errorMessage) { atmosphere.util.log(_request.logLevel, [errorMessage]); if (typeof (_request.onTransportFailure) !== 'undefined') { _request.onTransportFailure(errorMessage, _request); } else if (typeof (atmosphere.util.onTransportFailure) !== 'undefined') { atmosphere.util.onTransportFailure(errorMessage, _request); } _request.transport = _request.fallbackTransport; var reconnectInterval = _request.connectTimeout === -1 ? 0 : _request.connectTimeout; if (_request.reconnect && _request.transport !== 'none' || _request.transport == null) { _request.method = _request.fallbackMethod; _response.transport = _request.fallbackTransport; _request.fallbackTransport = 'none'; if (reconnectInterval > 0) { _request.reconnectId = setTimeout(function () { _execute(); }, reconnectInterval); } else { _execute(); } } else { _onError(500, "Unable to reconnect with fallback transport"); } } /** * Get url from request and attach headers to it. * * @param request {Object} request Request parameters, if undefined _request object will be used. * * @returns {Object} Request object, if undefined, _request object will be used. * @private */ function _attachHeaders(request, url) { var rq = _request; if ((request != null) && (typeof (request) !== 'undefined')) { rq = request; } if (url == null) { url = rq.url; } // If not enabled if (!rq.attachHeadersAsQueryString) return url; // If already added if (url.indexOf("X-Atmosphere-Framework") !== -1) { return url; } url += (url.indexOf('?') !== -1) ? '&' : '?'; url += "X-Atmosphere-tracking-id=" + rq.uuid; url += "&X-Atmosphere-Framework=" + version; url += "&X-Atmosphere-Transport=" + rq.transport; if (rq.trackMessageLength) { url += "&X-Atmosphere-TrackMessageSize=" + "true"; } if (rq.heartbeat !== null && rq.heartbeat.server !== null) { url += "&X-Heartbeat-Server=" + rq.heartbeat.server; } if (rq.contentType !== '') { //Eurk! url += "&Content-Type=" + (rq.transport === 'websocket' ? rq.contentType : encodeURIComponent(rq.contentType)); } if (rq.enableProtocol) { url += "&X-atmo-protocol=true"; } atmosphere.util.each(rq.headers, function (name, value) { var h = atmosphere.util.isFunction(value) ? value.call(this, rq, request, _response) : value; if (h != null) { url += "&" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(h); } }); return url; } function _triggerOpen(rq) { if (!rq.isOpen) { rq.isOpen = true; _open('opening', rq.transport, rq); } else if (rq.isReopen) { rq.isReopen = false; _open('re-opening', rq.transport, rq); } else if (_response.state === 'messageReceived' && (rq.transport === 'jsonp' || rq.transport === 'long-polling')) { _openAfterResume(_response); } else { return; } _startHeartbeat(rq); } function _startHeartbeat(rq) { if (rq.heartbeatTimer != null) { clearTimeout(rq.heartbeatTimer); } if (!isNaN(_heartbeatInterval) && _heartbeatInterval > 0) { var _pushHeartbeat = function () { if (_canLog('debug')) { atmosphere.util.debug("Sending heartbeat"); } _push(_heartbeatPadding); rq.heartbeatTimer = setTimeout(_pushHeartbeat, _heartbeatInterval); }; rq.heartbeatTimer = setTimeout(_pushHeartbeat, _heartbeatInterval); } } /** * Execute ajax request. <br> * * @param request {Object} request Request parameters, if undefined _request object will be used. * @private */ function _executeRequest(request) { var rq = _request; if ((request != null) || (typeof (request) !== 'undefined')) { rq = request; } rq.lastIndex = 0; rq.readyState = 0; // CORS fake using JSONP if ((rq.transport === 'jsonp') || ((rq.enableXDR) && (atmosphere.util.checkCORSSupport()))) { _jsonp(rq); return; } if (atmosphere.util.browser.msie && +atmosphere.util.browser.version.split(".")[0] < 10) { if ((rq.transport === 'streaming')) { if (rq.enableXDR && window.XDomainRequest) { _ieXDR(rq); } else { _ieStreaming(rq); } return; } if ((rq.enableXDR) && (window.XDomainRequest)) { _ieXDR(rq); return; } } var reconnectFExec = function (force) { rq.lastIndex = 0; if (force || (rq.reconnect && _requestCount++ < rq.maxReconnectOnClose)) { _response.ffTryingReconnect = true; _open('re-connecting', request.transport, request); _reconnect(ajaxRequest, rq, request.reconnectInterval); } else { _onError(0, "maxReconnectOnClose reached"); } }; var reconnectF = function (force){ if(atmosphere._beforeUnloadState){ // ATMOSPHERE-JAVASCRIPT-143: Delay reconnect to avoid reconnect attempts before an actual unload (we don't know if an unload will happen, yet) atmosphere.util.debug(new Date() + " Atmosphere: reconnectF: execution delayed due to _beforeUnloadState flag"); setTimeout(function () { reconnectFExec(force); }, 5000); }else { reconnectFExec(force); } }; var disconnected = function () { // Prevent onerror callback to be called _response.errorHandled = true; _clearState(); reconnectF(false); }; if (rq.force || (rq.reconnect && (rq.maxRequest === -1 || rq.requestCount++ < rq.maxRequest))) { rq.force = false; var ajaxRequest = atmosphere.util.xhr(); ajaxRequest.hasData = false; _doRequest(ajaxRequest, rq, true); if (rq.suspend) { _activeRequest = ajaxRequest; } if (rq.transport !== 'polling') { _response.transport = rq.transport; ajaxRequest.onabort = function () { _debug("ajaxrequest.onabort") _invokeClose(true); }; ajaxRequest.onerror = function () { _debug("ajaxrequest.onerror") _response.error = true; _response.ffTryingReconnect = true; try { _response.status = XMLHttpRequest.status; } catch (e) { _response.status = 500; } if (!_response.status) { _response.status = 500; } if (!_response.errorHandled) { _clearState(); reconnectF(false); } }; } ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function () { _debug("ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange, new state: " + ajaxRequest.readyState); if (_abortingConnection) { _debug("onreadystatechange has been ignored due to _abortingConnection flag"); return; } _response.error = null; var skipCallbackInvocation = false; var update = false; if (rq.transport === 'streaming' && rq.readyState > 2 && ajaxRequest.readyState === 4) { _clearState(); reconnectF(false); return; } rq.readyState = ajaxRequest.readyState; if (rq.transport === 'streaming' && ajaxRequest.readyState >= 3) { update = true; } else if (rq.transport === 'long-polling' && ajaxRequest.readyState === 4) { update = true; } _timeout(_request); if (rq.transport !== 'polling') { // MSIE 9 and lower status can be higher than 1000, Chrome can be 0 var status = 200; if (ajaxRequest.readyState === 4) { status = ajaxRequest.status > 1000 ? 0 : ajaxRequest.status; } if (!rq.reconnectOnServerError && (status >= 300 && status < 600)) { _onError(status, ajaxRequest.statusText); return; } if (status >= 300 || status === 0) { disconnected(); return; } // Firefox incorrectly send statechange 0->2 when a reconnect attempt fails. The above checks ensure that onopen is not called for these if ((!rq.enableProtocol || !request.firstMessage) && ajaxRequest.readyState === 2) { // Firefox incorrectly send statechange 0->2 when a reconnect attempt fails. The above checks ensure that onopen is not called for these // In that case, ajaxRequest.onerror will be called just after onreadystatechange is called, so we delay the trigger until we are // guarantee the connection is well established. if (atmosphere.util.browser.mozilla && _response.ffTryingReconnect) { _response.ffTryingReconnect = false; setTimeout(function () { if (!_response.ffTryingReconnect) { _triggerOpen(rq); } }, 500); } else { _triggerOpen(rq); } } } else if (ajaxRequest.readyState === 4) { update = true; } if (update) { var responseText = ajaxRequest.responseText; _response.errorHandled = false; // IE behave the same way when resuming long-polling or when the server goes down. if (rq.transport === 'long-polling' && atmosphere.util.trim(responseText).length === 0) { // For browser that aren't support onabort if (!ajaxRequest.hasData) { reconnectF(true); } else { ajaxRequest.hasData = false; } return; } ajaxRequest.hasData = true; _readHeaders(ajaxRequest, _request); if (rq.transport === 'streaming') { if (!atmosphere.util.browser.opera) { var message = responseText.substring(rq.lastIndex, responseText.length); skipCallbackInvocation = _trackMessageSize(message, rq, _response); rq.lastIndex = responseText.length; if (skipCallbackInvocation) { return; } } else { atmosphere.util.iterate(function () { if (_response.status !== 500 && ajaxRequest.responseText.length > rq.lastIndex) { try { _response.status = ajaxRequest.status; _response.headers = atmosphere.util.parseHeaders(ajaxRequest.getAllResponseHeaders()); _readHeaders(ajaxRequest, _request); } catch (e) { _response.status = 404; } _timeout(_request); _response.state = "messageReceived"; var message = ajaxRequest.responseText.substring(rq.lastIndex); rq.lastIndex = ajaxRequest.responseText.length; skipCallbackInvocation = _trackMessageSize(message, rq, _response); if (!skipCallbackInvocation) { _invokeCallback(); } if (_verifyStreamingLength(ajaxRequest, rq)) { _reconnectOnMaxStreamingLength(ajaxRequest, rq); return; } } else if (_response.status > 400) { // Prevent replaying the last message. rq.lastIndex = ajaxRequest.responseText.length; return false; } }, 0); } } else { skipCallbackInvocation = _trackMessageSize(responseText, rq, _response); } var closeStream = _verifyStreamingLength(ajaxRequest, rq); try { _response.status = ajaxRequest.status; _response.headers = atmosphere.util.parseHeaders(ajaxRequest.getAllResponseHeaders()); _readHeaders(ajaxRequest, rq); } catch (e) { _response.status = 404; } if (rq.suspend) { _response.state = _response.status === 0 ? "closed" : "messageReceived"; } else { _response.state = "messagePublished"; } var isAllowedToReconnect = !closeStream && request.transport !== 'streaming' && request.transport !== 'polling'; if (isAllowedToReconnect && !rq.executeCallbackBeforeReconnect) { _reconnect(ajaxRequest, rq, rq.pollingInterval); } if (_response.responseBody.length !== 0 && !skipCallbackInvocation) _invokeCallback(); if (isAllowedToReconnect && rq.executeCallbackBeforeReconnect) { _reconnect(ajaxRequest, rq, rq.pollingInterval); } if (closeStream) { _reconnectOnMaxStreamingLength(ajaxRequest, rq); } } }; try { ajaxRequest.send(rq.data); _subscribed = true; } catch (e) { atmosphere.util.log(rq.logLevel, ["Unable to connect to " + rq.url]); _onError(0, e); } } else { if (rq.logLevel === 'debug') { atmosphere.util.log(rq.logLevel, ["Max re-connection reached."]); } _onError(0, "maxRequest reached"); } } function _reconnectOnMaxStreamingLength(ajaxRequest, rq) { _response.messages = []; rq.isReopen = true; _close(); _abortingConnection = false; _reconnect(ajaxRequest, rq, 500); } /** * Do ajax request. * * @param ajaxRequest Ajax request. * @param request Request parameters. * @param create If ajax request has to be open. */ function _doRequest(ajaxRequest, request, create) { // Prevent Android to cache request var url = request.url; if (request.dispatchUrl != null && request.method === 'POST') { url += request.dispatchUrl; } url = _attachHeaders(request, url); url = atmosphere.util.prepareURL(url); if (create) { ajaxRequest.open(request.method, url, request.async); if (request.connectTimeout > 0) { request.id = setTimeout(function () { if (request.requestCount === 0) { _clearState(); _prepareCallback("Connect timeout", "closed", 200, request.transport); } }, request.connectTimeout); } } if (_request.withCredentials && _request.transport !== 'websocket') { if ("withCredentials" in ajaxRequest) { ajaxRequest.withCredentials = true; } } if (!_request.dropHeaders) { ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("X-Atmosphere-Framework", version); ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("X-Atmosphere-Transport", request.transport); if (request.heartbeat !== null && request.heartbeat.server !== null) { ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("X-Heartbeat-Server", ajaxRequest.heartbeat.server); } if (request.trackMessageLength) { ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("X-Atmosphere-TrackMessageSize", "true"); } ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("X-Atmosphere-tracking-id", request.uuid); atmosphere.util.each(request.headers, function (name, value) { var h = atmosphere.util.isFunction(value) ? value.call(this, ajaxRequest, request, create, _response) : value; if (h != null) { ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader(name, h); } }); } if (request.contentType !== '') { ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", request.contentType); } } function _reconnect(ajaxRequest, request, reconnectInterval) { if (_response.closedByClientTimeout) { return; } if (request.reconnect || (request.suspend && _subscribed)) { var status = 0; if (ajaxRequest && ajaxRequest.readyState > 1) { status = ajaxRequest.status > 1000 ? 0 : ajaxRequest.status; } _response.status = status === 0 ? 204 : status; _response.reason = status === 0 ? "Server resumed the connection or down." : "OK"; clearTimeout(request.id); if (request.reconnectId) { clearTimeout(request.reconnectId); delete request.reconnectId; } if (reconnectInterval > 0) { // For whatever reason, never cancel a reconnect timeout as it is mandatory to reconnect. _request.reconnectId = setTimeout(function () { _executeRequest(request); }, reconnectInterval); } else { _executeRequest(request); } } } function _tryingToReconnect(response) { response.state = 're-connecting'; _invokeFunction(response); } function _openAfterResume(response) { response.state = 'openAfterResume'; _invokeFunction(response); response.state = 'messageReceived'; } function _ieXDR(request) { if (request.transport !== "polling") { _ieStream = _configureXDR(request); _ieStream.open(); } else { _configureXDR(request).open(); } } function _configureXDR(request) { var rq = _request; if ((request != null) && (typeof (request) !== 'undefined')) { rq = request; } var transport = rq.transport; var lastIndex = 0; var xdr = new window.XDomainRequest(); var reconnect = function () { if (rq.transport === "long-polling" && (rq.reconnect && (rq.maxRequest === -1 || rq.requestCount++ < rq.maxRequest))) { xdr.status = 200; _ieXDR(rq); } }; var rewriteURL = rq.rewriteURL || function (url) { // Maintaining session by rewriting URL // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6453779/maintaining-session-by-rewriting-url var match = /(?:^|;\s*)(JSESSIONID|PHPSESSID)=([^;]*)/.exec(document.cookie); switch (match && match[1]) { case "JSESSIONID": return url.replace(/;jsessionid=[^\?]*|(\?)|$/, ";jsessionid=" + match[2] + "$1"); case "PHPSESSID": return url.replace(/\?PHPSESSID=[^&]*&?|\?|$/, "?PHPSESSID=" + match[2] + "&").replace(/&$/, ""); } return url; }; // Handles open and message event xdr.onprogress = function () { handle(xdr); }; // Handles error event xdr.onerror = function () { // If the server doesn't send anything back to XDR will fail with polling if (rq.transport !== 'polling') { _clearState(); if (_requestCount++ < rq.maxReconnectOnClose) { if (rq.reconnectInterval > 0) { rq.reconnectId = setTimeout(function () { _open('re-connecting', request.transport, request); _ieXDR(rq); }, rq.reconnectInterval); } else { _open('re-connecting', request.transport, request); _ieXDR(rq); } } else { _onError(0, "maxReconnectOnClose reached"); } } }; // Handles close event xdr.onload = function () { }; var handle = function (xdr) { clearTimeout(rq.id); var message = xdr.responseText; message = message.substring(lastIndex); lastIndex += message.length; if (transport !== 'polling') { _timeout(rq); var skipCallbackInvocation = _trackMessageSize(message, rq, _response); if (transport === 'long-polling' && atmosphere.util.trim(message).length === 0) return; if (rq.executeCallbackBeforeReconnect) { reconnect(); } if (!skipCallbackInvocation) { _prepareCallback(_response.responseBody, "messageReceived", 200, transport); } if (!rq.executeCallbackBeforeReconnect) { reconnect(); } } }; return { open: function () { var url = rq.url; if (rq.dispatchUrl != null) { url += rq.dispatchUrl; } url = _attachHeaders(rq, url); xdr.open(rq.method, rewriteURL(url)); if (rq.method === 'GET') { xdr.send(); } else { xdr.send(rq.data); } if (rq.connectTimeout > 0) { rq.id = setTimeout(function () { if (rq.requestCount === 0) { _clearState(); _prepareCallback("Connect timeout", "closed", 200, rq.transport); } }, rq.connectTimeout); } }, close: function () { xdr.abort(); } }; } function _ieStreaming(request) { _ieStream = _configureIE(request); _ieStream.open(); } function _configureIE(request) { var rq = _request; if ((request != null) && (typeof (request) !== 'undefined')) { rq = request; } var stop; var doc = new window.ActiveXObject("htmlfile"); doc.open(); doc.close(); var url = rq.url; if (rq.dispatchUrl != null) { url += rq.dispatchUrl; } if (rq.transport !== 'polling') { _response.transport = rq.transport; } return { open: function () { var iframe = doc.createElement("iframe"); url = _attachHeaders(rq); if (rq.data !== '') { url += "&X-Atmosphere-Post-Body=" + encodeURIComponent(rq.data); } // Finally attach a timestamp to prevent Android and IE caching. url = atmosphere.util.prepareURL(url); iframe.src = url; doc.body.appendChild(iframe); // For the server to respond in a consistent format regardless of user agent, we polls response text var cdoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; stop = atmosphere.util.iterate(function () { try { if (!cdoc.firstChild) { return; } var res = cdoc.body ? cdoc.body.lastChild : cdoc; var readResponse = function () { // Clones the element not to disturb the original one var clone = res.cloneNode(true); // If the last character is a carriage return or a line feed, IE ignores it in the innerText property // therefore, we add another non-newline character to preserve it clone.appendChild(cdoc.createTextNode(".")); var text = clone.innerText; text = text.substring(0, text.length - 1); return text; }; // To support text/html content type if (!cdoc.body || !cdoc.body.firstChild || cdoc.body.firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "pre") { // Injects a plaintext element which renders text without interpreting the HTML and cannot be stopped // it is deprecated in HTML5, but still works var head = cdoc.head || cdoc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || cdoc.documentElement || cdoc; var script = cdoc.createElement("script"); script.text = "document.write('<plaintext>')"; head.insertBefore(script, head.firstChild); head.removeChild(script); // The plaintext element will be the response container res = cdoc.body.lastChild; } if (rq.closed) { rq.isReopen = true; } // Handles message and close event stop = atmosphere.util.iterate(function () { var text = readResponse(); if (text.length > rq.lastIndex) { _timeout(_request); _response.status = 200; _response.error = null; // Empties response every time that it is handled res.innerText = ""; var skipCallbackInvocation = _trackMessageSize(text, rq, _response); if (skipCallbackInvocation) { return ""; } _prepareCallback(_response.responseBody, "messageReceived", 200, rq.transport); } rq.lastIndex = 0; if (cdoc.readyState === "complete") { _invokeClose(true); _open('re-connecting', rq.transport, rq); if (rq.reconnectInterval > 0) { rq.reconnectId = setTimeout(function () { _ieStreaming(rq); }, rq.reconnectInterval); } else { _ieStreaming(rq); } return false; } }, null); return false; } catch (err) { _response.error = true; _open('re-connecting', rq.transport, rq); if (_requestCount++ < rq.maxReconnectOnClose) { if (rq.reconnectInterval > 0) { rq.reconnectId = setTimeout(function () { _ieStreaming(rq); }, rq.reconnectInterval); } else { _ieStreaming(rq); } } else { _onError(0, "maxReconnectOnClose reached"); } doc.execCommand("Stop"); doc.close(); return false; } }); }, close: function () { if (stop) { stop(); } doc.execCommand("Stop"); _invokeClose(true); } }; } /** * Send message. <br> * Will be automatically dispatch to other connected. * * @param {Object, string} Message to send. * @private */ function _push(message) { if (_localStorageService != null) { _pushLocal(message); } else if (_activeRequest != null || _sse != null) { _pushAjaxMessage(message); } else if (_ieStream != null) { _pushIE(message); } else if (_jqxhr != null) { _pushJsonp(message); } else if (_websocket != null) { _pushWebSocket(message); } else { _onError(0, "No suspended connection available"); atmosphere.util.error("No suspended connection available. Make sure atmosphere.subscribe has been called and request.onOpen invoked before trying to push data"); } } function _pushOnClose(message, rq) { if (!rq) { rq = _getPushRequest(message); } rq.transport = "polling"; rq.method = "GET"; rq.withCredentials = false; rq.reconnect = false; rq.force = true; rq.suspend = false; rq.timeout = 1000; _executeRequest(rq); } function _pushLocal(message) { _localStorageService.send(message); } function _intraPush(message) { // IE 9 will crash if not. if (message.length === 0) return; try { if (_localStorageService) { _localStorageService.localSend(message); } else if (_storageService) { _storageService.signal("localMessage", atmosphere.util.stringifyJSON({ id: guid, event: message })); } } catch (err) { atmosphere.util.error(err); } } /** * Send a message using currently opened ajax request (using http-streaming or long-polling). <br> * * @param {string, Object} Message to send. This is an object, string message is saved in data member. * @private */ function _pushAjaxMessage(message) { var rq = _getPushRequest(message); _executeRequest(rq); } /** * Send a message using currently opened ie streaming (using http-streaming or long-polling). <br> * * @param {string, Object} Message to send. This is an object, string message is saved in data member. * @private */ function _pushIE(message) { if (_request.enableXDR && atmosphere.util.checkCORSSupport()) { var rq = _getPushRequest(message); // Do not reconnect since we are pushing. rq.reconnect = false; _jsonp(rq); } else { _pushAjaxMessage(message); } } /** * Send a message using jsonp transport. <br> * * @param {string, Object} Message to send. This is an object, string message is saved in data member. * @private */ function _pushJsonp(message) { _pushAjaxMessage(message); } function _getStringMessage(message) { var msg = message; if (typeof (msg) === 'object') { msg = message.data; } return msg; } /** * Build request use to push message using method 'POST' <br>. Transport is defined as 'polling' and 'suspend' is set to false. * * @return {Object} Request object use to push message. * @private */ function _getPushRequest(message) { var msg = _getStringMessage(message); var rq = { connected: false, timeout: 60000, method: 'POST', url: _request.url, contentType: _request.contentType, headers: _request.headers, reconnect: true, callback: null, data: msg, suspend: false, maxRequest: -1, logLevel: 'info', requestCount: 0, withCredentials: _request.withCredentials, async: _request.async, transport: 'polling', isOpen: true, attachHeadersAsQueryString: true, enableXDR: _request.enableXDR, uuid: _request.uuid, dispatchUrl: _request.dispatchUrl, enableProtocol: false, messageDelimiter: '|', trackMessageLength: _request.trackMessageLength, maxReconnectOnClose: _request.maxReconnectOnClose, heartbeatTimer: _request.heartbeatTimer, heartbeat: _request.heartbeat }; if (typeof (message) === 'object') { rq = atmosphere.util.extend(rq, message); } return rq; } /** * Send a message using currently opened websocket. <br> * */ function _pushWebSocket(message) { var msg = atmosphere.util.isBinary(message) ? message : _getStringMessage(message); var data; try { if (_request.dispatchUrl != null) { data = _request.webSocketPathDelimiter + _request.dispatchUrl + _request.webSocketPathDelimiter + msg; } else { data = msg; } if (!_websocket.canSendMessage) { atmosphere.util.error("WebSocket not connected."); return; } _websocket.send(data); } catch (e) { _websocket.onclose = function (message) { }; _clearState(); _reconnectWithFallbackTransport("Websocket failed. Downgrading to " + _request.fallbackTransport + " and resending " + message); _pushAjaxMessage(message); } } function _localMessage(message) { var m = atmosphere.util.parseJSON(message); if (m.id !== guid) { if (typeof (_request.onLocalMessage) !== 'undefined') { _request.onLocalMessage(m.event); } else if (typeof (atmosphere.util.onLocalMessage) !== 'undefined') { atmosphere.util.onLocalMessage(m.event); } } } function _prepareCallback(messageBody, state, errorCode, transport) { _response.responseBody = messageBody; _response.transport = transport; _response.status = errorCode; _response.state = state; _invokeCallback(); } function _readHeaders(xdr, request) { if (!request.readResponsesHeaders) { if (!request.enableProtocol) { request.uuid = guid; } } else { try { var tempUUID = xdr.getResponseHeader('X-Atmosphere-tracking-id'); if (tempUUID && tempUUID != null) { request.uuid = tempUUID.split(" ").pop(); } } catch (e) { } } } function _invokeFunction(response) { _f(response, _request); // Global _f(response, atmosphere.util); } function _f(response, f) { switch (response.state) { case "messageReceived": _debug("Firing onMessage"); _requestCount = 0; if (typeof (f.onMessage) !== 'undefined') f.onMessage(response); if (typeof (f.onmessage) !== 'undefined') f.onmessage(response); break; case "error": var dbgReasonPhrase = (typeof(response.reasonPhrase) != 'undefined') ? response.reasonPhrase : 'n/a'; _debug("Firing onError, reasonPhrase: " + dbgReasonPhrase); if (typeof (f.onError) !== 'undefined') f.onError(response); if (typeof (f.onerror) !== 'undefined') f.onerror(response); break; case "opening": delete _request.closed; _debug("Firing onOpen"); if (typeof (f.onOpen) !== 'undefined') f.onOpen(response); if (typeof (f.onopen) !== 'undefined') f.onopen(response); break; case "messagePublished": _debug("Firing messagePublished"); if (typeof (f.onMessagePublished) !== 'undefined') f.onMessagePublished(response); break; case "re-connecting": _debug("Firing onReconnect"); if (typeof (f.onReconnect) !== 'undefined') f.onReconnect(_request, response); break; case "closedByClient": _debug("Firing closedByClient"); if (typeof (f.onClientTimeout) !== 'undefined') f.onClientTimeout(_request); break; case "re-opening": delete _request.closed; _debug("Firing onReopen"); if (typeof (f.onReopen) !== 'undefined') f.onReopen(_request, response); break; case "fail-to-reconnect": _debug("Firing onFailureToReconnect"); if (typeof (f.onFailureToReconnect) !== 'undefined') f.onFailureToReconnect(_request, response); break; case "unsubscribe": case "closed": var closed = typeof (_request.closed) !== 'undefined' ? _request.closed : false; if (!closed) { _debug("Firing onClose (" + response.state + " case)"); if (typeof (f.onClose) !== 'undefined') { f.onClose(response); } if (typeof (f.onclose) !== 'undefined') { f.onclose(response); } } else { _debug("Request already closed, not firing onClose (" + response.state + " case)"); } _request.closed = true; break; case "openAfterResume": if (typeof (f.onOpenAfterResume) !== 'undefined') f.onOpenAfterResume(_request); break; } } function _invokeClose(wasOpen) { if (_response.state !== 'closed') { _response.state = 'closed'; _response.responseBody = ""; _response.messages = []; _response.status = !wasOpen ? 501 : 200; _invokeCallback(); } } /** * Invoke request callbacks. * * @private */ function _invokeCallback() { var call = function (index, func) { func(_response); }; if (_localStorageService == null && _localSocketF != null) { _localSocketF(_response.responseBody); } _request.reconnect = _request.mrequest; var isString = typeof (_response.responseBody) === 'string'; var messages = (isString && _request.trackMessageLength) ? (_response.messages.length > 0 ? _response.messages : ['']) : new Array( _response.responseBody); for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { if (messages.length > 1 && messages[i].length === 0) { continue; } _response.responseBody = (isString) ? atmosphere.util.trim(messages[i]) : messages[i]; if (_localStorageService == null && _localSocketF != null) { _localSocketF(_response.responseBody); } if ((_response.responseBody.length === 0 || (isString && _heartbeatPadding === _response.responseBody)) && _response.state === "messageReceived") { continue; } _invokeFunction(_response); // Invoke global callbacks if (callbacks.length > 0) { if (_canLog('debug')) { atmosphere.util.debug("Invoking " + callbacks.length + " global callbacks: " + _response.state); } try { atmosphere.util.each(callbacks, call); } catch (e) { atmosphere.util.log(_request.logLevel, ["Callback exception" + e]); } } // Invoke request callback if (typeof (_request.callback) === 'function') { if (_canLog('debug')) { atmosphere.util.debug("Invoking request callbacks"); } try { _request.callback(_response); } catch (e) { atmosphere.util.log(_request.logLevel, ["Callback exception" + e]); } } } } this.subscribe = function (options) { _subscribe(options); _execute(); }; this.execute = function () { _execute(); }; this.close = function () { _close(); }; this.disconnect = function () { _disconnect(); }; this.getUrl = function () { return _request.url; }; this.push = function (message, dispatchUrl) { if (dispatchUrl != null) { var originalDispatchUrl = _request.dispatchUrl; _request.dispatchUrl = dispatchUrl; _push(message); _request.dispatchUrl = originalDispatchUrl; } else { _push(message); } }; this.getUUID = function () { return _request.uuid; }; this.pushLocal = function (message) { _intraPush(message); }; this.enableProtocol = function (message) { return _request.enableProtocol; }; this.init = function () { _init(); }; this.request = _request; this.response = _response; } }; atmosphere.subscribe = function (url, callback, request) { debugger; if (typeof (callback) === 'function') { atmosphere.addCallback(callback); } if (typeof (url) !== "string") { request = url; } else { request.url = url; } // https://github.com/Atmosphere/atmosphere-javascript/issues/58 uuid = ((typeof (request) !== 'undefined') && typeof (request.uuid) !== 'undefined') ? request.uuid : 0; var rq = new atmosphere.AtmosphereRequest(request); rq.execute(); requests[requests.length] = rq; return rq; }; atmosphere.unsubscribe = function () { if (requests.length > 0) { var requestsClone = [].concat(requests); for (var i = 0; i < requestsClone.length; i++) { var rq = requestsClone[i]; rq.close(); clearTimeout(rq.response.request.id); if (rq.heartbeatTimer) { clearTimeout(rq.heartbeatTimer); } } } requests = []; callbacks = []; }; atmosphere.unsubscribeUrl = function (url) { var idx = -1; if (requests.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) { var rq = requests[i]; // Suppose you can subscribe once to an url if (rq.getUrl() === url) { rq.close(); clearTimeout(rq.response.request.id); if (rq.heartbeatTimer) { clearTimeout(rq.heartbeatTimer); } idx = i; break; } } } if (idx >= 0) { requests.splice(idx, 1); } }; atmosphere.addCallback = function (func) { if (atmosphere.util.inArray(func, callbacks) === -1) { callbacks.push(func); } }; atmosphere.removeCallback = function (func) { var index = atmosphere.util.inArray(func, callbacks); if (index !== -1) { callbacks.splice(index, 1); } }; atmosphere.util = { browser: {}, parseHeaders: function (headerString) { var match, rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, headers = {}; while (match = rheaders.exec(headerString)) { headers[match[1]] = match[2]; } return headers; }, now: function () { return new Date().getTime(); }, isArray: function (array) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(array) === "[object Array]"; }, inArray: function (elem, array) { if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { var len = array.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (array[i] === elem) { return i; } } return -1; } return array.indexOf(elem); }, isBinary: function (data) { // True if data is an instance of Blob, ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView return /^\[object\s(?:Blob|ArrayBuffer|.+Array)\]$/.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(data)); }, isFunction: function (fn) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(fn) === "[object Function]"; }, getAbsoluteURL: function (url) { var div = document.createElement("div"); // Uses an innerHTML property to obtain an absolute URL div.innerHTML = '<a href="' + url + '"/>'; // encodeURI and decodeURI are needed to normalize URL between IE and non-IE, // since IE doesn't encode the href property value and return it - http://jsfiddle.net/Yq9M8/1/ // return encodeURI(decodeURI(div.firstChild.href)); return `${_mapConfig.config.ATMOSPHERE_URL}${url}`; }, prepareURL: function (url) { // Attaches a time stamp to prevent caching var ts = atmosphere.util.now(); var ret = url.replace(/([?&])_=[^&]*/, "$1_=" + ts); return ret + (ret === url ? (/\?/.test(url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + ts : ""); }, trim: function (str) { if (!String.prototype.trim) { return str.toString().replace(/(?:(?:^|\n)\s+|\s+(?:$|\n))/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, " "); } else { return str.toString().trim(); } }, param: function (params) { var prefix, s = []; function add(key, value) { value = atmosphere.util.isFunction(value) ? value() : (value == null ? "" : value); s.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value)); } function buildParams(prefix, obj) { var name; if (atmosphere.util.isArray(obj)) { atmosphere.util.each(obj, function (i, v) { if (/\[\]$/.test(prefix)) { add(prefix, v); } else { buildParams(prefix + "[" + (typeof v === "object" ? i : "") + "]", v); } }); } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Object]") { for (name in obj) { buildParams(prefix + "[" + name + "]", obj[name]); } } else { add(prefix, obj); } } for (prefix in params) { buildParams(prefix, params[prefix]); } return s.join("&").replace(/%20/g, "+"); }, storage: function () { try { return !!(window.localStorage && window.StorageEvent); } catch (e) { //Firefox throws an exception here, see //https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=748620 return false; } }, iterate: function (fn, interval) { var timeoutId; // Though the interval is 0 for real-time application, there is a delay between setTimeout calls // For detail, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/window.setTimeout#Minimum_delay_and_timeout_nesting interval = interval || 0; (function loop() { timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { if (fn() === false) { return; } loop(); }, interval); })(); return function () { clearTimeout(timeoutId); }; }, each: function (obj, callback, args) { if (!obj) return; var value, i = 0, length = obj.length, isArray = atmosphere.util.isArray(obj); if (args) { if (isArray) { for (; i < length; i++) { value = callback.apply(obj[i], args); if (value === false) { break; } } } else { for (i in obj) { value = callback.apply(obj[i], args); if (value === false) { break; } } } // A special, fast, case for the most common use of each } else { if (isArray) { for (; i < length; i++) { value = callback.call(obj[i], i, obj[i]); if (value === false) { break; } } } else { for (i in obj) { value = callback.call(obj[i], i, obj[i]); if (value === false) { break; } } } } return obj; }, extend: function (target) { var i, options, name; for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { if ((options = arguments[i]) != null) { for (name in options) { target[name] = options[name]; } } } return target; }, on: function (elem, type, fn) { if (elem.addEventListener) { elem.addEventListener(type, fn, false); } else if (elem.attachEvent) { elem.attachEvent("on" + type, fn); } }, off: function (elem, type, fn) { if (elem.removeEventListener) { elem.removeEventListener(type, fn, false); } else if (elem.detachEvent) { elem.detachEvent("on" + type, fn); } }, log: function (level, args) { if (window.console) { var logger = window.console[level]; if (typeof logger === 'function') { logger.apply(window.console, args); } } }, warn: function () { atmosphere.util.log('warn', arguments); }, info: function () { atmosphere.util.log('info', arguments); }, debug: function () { atmosphere.util.log('debug', arguments); }, error: function () { atmosphere.util.log('error', arguments); }, xhr: function () { try { return new window.XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e1) { try { return new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e2) { } } }, parseJSON: function (data) { return !data ? null : window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ? window.JSON.parse(data) : new Function("return " + data)(); }, // http://github.com/flowersinthesand/stringifyJSON stringifyJSON: function (value) { var escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g, meta = { '\b': '\\b', '\t': '\\t', '\n': '\\n', '\f': '\\f', '\r': '\\r', '"': '\\"', '\\': '\\\\' }; function quote(string) { return '"' + string.replace(escapable, function (a) { var c = meta[a]; return typeof c === "string" ? c : "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4); }) + '"'; } function f(n) { return n < 10 ? "0" + n : n; } return window.JSON && window.JSON.stringify ? window.JSON.stringify(value) : (function str(key, holder) { var i, v, len, partial, value = holder[key], type = typeof value; if (value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.toJSON === "function") { value = value.toJSON(key); type = typeof value; } switch (type) { case "string": return quote(value); case "number": return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : "null"; case "boolean": return String(value); case "object": if (!value) { return "null"; } switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(value)) { case "[object Date]": return isFinite(value.valueOf()) ? '"' + value.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + f(value.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + f(value.getUTCDate()) + "T" + f(value.getUTCHours()) + ":" + f(value.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + f(value.getUTCSeconds()) + "Z" + '"' : "null"; case "[object Array]": len = value.length; partial = []; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { partial.push(str(i, value) || "null"); } return "[" + partial.join(",") + "]"; default: partial = []; for (i in value) { if (hasOwn.call(value, i)) { v = str(i, value); if (v) { partial.push(quote(i) + ":" + v); } } } return "{" + partial.join(",") + "}"; } } })("", { "": value }); }, checkCORSSupport: function () { if (atmosphere.util.browser.msie && !window.XDomainRequest && +atmosphere.util.browser.version.split(".")[0] < 11) { return true; } else if (atmosphere.util.browser.opera && +atmosphere.util.browser.version.split(".") < 12.0) { return true; } // KreaTV 4.1 -> 4.4 else if (atmosphere.util.trim(navigator.userAgent).slice(0, 16) === "KreaTVWebKit/531") { return true; } // KreaTV 3.8 else if (atmosphere.util.trim(navigator.userAgent).slice(-7).toLowerCase() === "kreatel") { return true; } // Force Android to use CORS as some version like 2.2.3 fail otherwise var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isAndroid = ua.indexOf("android") > -1; if (isAndroid) { return true; } return false; } }; guid = atmosphere.util.now(); // Browser sniffing (function () { var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(trident)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(ua) || ua.indexOf("android") < 0 && /version\/(.+) (safari)/.exec(ua) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(ua) || []; // Swaps variables if (match[2] === "safari") { match[2] = match[1]; match[1] = "safari"; } atmosphere.util.browser[match[1] || ""] = true; atmosphere.util.browser.version = match[2] || "0"; atmosphere.util.browser.vmajor = atmosphere.util.browser.version.split(".")[0]; // Trident is the layout engine of the Internet Explorer // IE 11 has no "MSIE: 11.0" token if (atmosphere.util.browser.trident) { atmosphere.util.browser.msie = true; } // The storage event of Internet Explorer and Firefox 3 works strangely if (atmosphere.util.browser.msie || (atmosphere.util.browser.mozilla && +atmosphere.util.browser.version.split(".")[0] === 1)) { atmosphere.util.storage = false; } })(); atmosphere.util.on(window, "unload", function (event) { atmosphere.util.debug(new Date() + " Atmosphere: " + "unload event"); atmosphere.unsubscribe(); }); atmosphere.util.on(window, "beforeunload", function (event) { atmosphere.util.debug(new Date() + " Atmosphere: " + "beforeunload event"); // ATMOSPHERE-JAVASCRIPT-143: Delay reconnect to avoid reconnect attempts before an actual unload (we don't know if an unload will happen, yet) atmosphere._beforeUnloadState = true; setTimeout(function () { atmosphere.util.debug(new Date() + " Atmosphere: " + "beforeunload event timeout reached. Reset _beforeUnloadState flag"); atmosphere._beforeUnloadState = false; }, 5000); }); // Pressing ESC key in Firefox kills the connection // for your information, this is fixed in Firefox 20 // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=614304 atmosphere.util.on(window, "keypress", function (event) { if (event.charCode === 27 || event.keyCode === 27) { if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } } }); atmosphere.util.on(window, "offline", function () { atmosphere.util.debug(new Date() + " Atmosphere: offline event"); offline = true; if (requests.length > 0) { var requestsClone = [].concat(requests); for (var i = 0; i < requestsClone.length; i++) { var rq = requestsClone[i]; rq.close(); clearTimeout(rq.response.request.id); if (rq.heartbeatTimer) { clearTimeout(rq.heartbeatTimer); } } } }); atmosphere.util.on(window, "online", function () { atmosphere.util.debug(new Date() + " Atmosphere: online event"); if (requests.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) { requests[i].init(); requests[i].execute(); } } offline = false; }); return atmosphere; })); /* jshint eqnull:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, eqeqeq:true, evil:true, laxbreak:true, undef:true, browser:true, indent:false, maxerr:50 */