Compare commits
No commits in common. "0993ece3892e58563dcd9b094aa34147c4cd21db" and "4b2a3ac3b69b342db5baa95b41be3758fb63db20" have entirely different histories.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
districtData: [
name: '市南区',
value: [120.435966, 35.980892],
value: [120.395966, 36.000892],
name: '市北区',
@ -133,25 +133,25 @@
itemStyle: {
borderColor: '#25e8ff',
borderWidth: 2,
/* areaColor: "#004d8e", //rgba设置透明度0
shadowColor: "#10daff",
shadowBlur: 10,
shadowOffsetX: 10,
opacity: 0.53, */
areaColor: {
image: img,
repeat: 'repeat',
emphasis: {
//disabled: false,
//areaColor: '#3066ba',
disabled: false,
focus: 'none',
itemStyle: {
// color: '#3066ba',//鼠标滑过区域颜色
color: '#1ef6f5',//鼠标滑过区域颜色
color: null,
label: {
show: true,
color: "#ff934a",
//color: "#fff",
@ -210,7 +210,47 @@
series: [
// {
// tooltip: {
// show: false,
// },
// type: "effectScatter",
// coordinateSystem: "geo",
// rippleEffect: {
// scale: 3,
// brushType: "stroke",
// },
// showEffectOn: "render",
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// normal: {
// shadowColor: "#ffffff",
// shadowBlur: 10,
// shadowOffsetX: 0,
// shadowOffsetY: 0,
// color: "#df1818",
// },
// },
// label: {
// normal: {
// color: "#fff",
// },
// },
// symbol: "circle",
// symbolSize: [10, 5],
// data:data, //地标闪烁小圆点
// zlevel: 1,
// },
// {
// type: "scatter",
// coordinateSystem: "geo",
// symbol: function (value, params) {
// return 'image://static/assets/warning-reservoir.png';
// },
// symbolSize: [25, 35],
// symbolOffset: [0, -20],
// z: 9999,
// data:data, //企业图片
// },
type: 'scatter',
coordinateSystem: 'geo',
@ -296,8 +336,8 @@
background-size: 100% 100%;
.city-map-content-echarts {
width: 10rem;
height: 7.8rem;
top: 20px;
height: 7.9rem;
top: 10px;
left: 500px;
bottom: 2rem;
position: absolute;
Reference in New Issue