411 lines
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411 lines
12 KiB
Smooth.js version 0.1.5
Turn arrays into smooth functions.
Copyright 2012 Spencer Cohen
Licensed under MIT license (see "Smooth.js MIT license.txt")
/*Constants (these are accessible by Smooth.WHATEVER in user space)
(function() {
var AbstractInterpolator, CubicInterpolator, Enum, LinearInterpolator, NearestInterpolator, PI, SincFilterInterpolator, Smooth, clipClamp, clipMirror, clipPeriodic, defaultConfig, getColumn, getType, isValidNumber, k, makeLanczosWindow, makeScaledFunction, makeSincKernel, normalizeScaleTo, root, shallowCopy, sin, sinc, v, validateNumber, validateVector,
__hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor; child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };
Enum = {
/*Interpolation methods
METHOD_NEAREST: 'nearest',
METHOD_LINEAR: 'linear',
METHOD_CUBIC: 'cubic',
METHOD_LANCZOS: 'lanczos',
METHOD_SINC: 'sinc',
/*Input clipping modes
CLIP_CLAMP: 'clamp',
CLIP_ZERO: 'zero',
CLIP_PERIODIC: 'periodic',
CLIP_MIRROR: 'mirror',
/* Constants for control over the cubic interpolation tension
defaultConfig = {
method: Enum.METHOD_CUBIC,
clip: Enum.CLIP_CLAMP,
scaleTo: 0,
sincFilterSize: 2,
sincWindow: void 0
/*Index clipping functions
clipClamp = function(i, n) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(i, n - 1));
clipPeriodic = function(i, n) {
i = i % n;
if (i < 0) i += n;
return i;
clipMirror = function(i, n) {
var period;
period = 2 * (n - 1);
i = clipPeriodic(i, period);
if (i > n - 1) i = period - i;
return i;
Abstract scalar interpolation class which provides common functionality for all interpolators
Subclasses must override interpolate().
AbstractInterpolator = (function() {
function AbstractInterpolator(array, config) {
var clipHelpers;
this.array = array.slice(0);
this.length = this.array.length;
clipHelpers = {
clamp: this.clipHelperClamp,
zero: this.clipHelperZero,
periodic: this.clipHelperPeriodic,
mirror: this.clipHelperMirror
this.clipHelper = clipHelpers[config.clip];
if (this.clipHelper == null) throw "Invalid clip: " + config.clip;
AbstractInterpolator.prototype.getClippedInput = function(i) {
if ((0 <= i && i < this.length)) {
return this.array[i];
} else {
return this.clipHelper(i);
AbstractInterpolator.prototype.clipHelperClamp = function(i) {
return this.array[clipClamp(i, this.length)];
AbstractInterpolator.prototype.clipHelperZero = function(i) {
return 0;
AbstractInterpolator.prototype.clipHelperPeriodic = function(i) {
return this.array[clipPeriodic(i, this.length)];
AbstractInterpolator.prototype.clipHelperMirror = function(i) {
return this.array[clipMirror(i, this.length)];
AbstractInterpolator.prototype.interpolate = function(t) {
throw 'Subclasses of AbstractInterpolator must override the interpolate() method.';
return AbstractInterpolator;
NearestInterpolator = (function(_super) {
__extends(NearestInterpolator, _super);
function NearestInterpolator() {
NearestInterpolator.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
NearestInterpolator.prototype.interpolate = function(t) {
return this.getClippedInput(Math.round(t));
return NearestInterpolator;
LinearInterpolator = (function(_super) {
__extends(LinearInterpolator, _super);
function LinearInterpolator() {
LinearInterpolator.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
LinearInterpolator.prototype.interpolate = function(t) {
var a, b, k;
k = Math.floor(t);
a = this.getClippedInput(k);
b = this.getClippedInput(k + 1);
t -= k;
return (1 - t) * a + t * b;
return LinearInterpolator;
CubicInterpolator = (function(_super) {
__extends(CubicInterpolator, _super);
function CubicInterpolator(array, config) {
this.tangentFactor = 1 - Math.max(0, Math.min(1, config.cubicTension));
CubicInterpolator.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
CubicInterpolator.prototype.getTangent = function(k) {
return this.tangentFactor * (this.getClippedInput(k + 1) - this.getClippedInput(k - 1)) / 2;
CubicInterpolator.prototype.interpolate = function(t) {
var k, m, p, t2, t3;
k = Math.floor(t);
m = [this.getTangent(k), this.getTangent(k + 1)];
p = [this.getClippedInput(k), this.getClippedInput(k + 1)];
t -= k;
t2 = t * t;
t3 = t * t2;
return (2 * t3 - 3 * t2 + 1) * p[0] + (t3 - 2 * t2 + t) * m[0] + (-2 * t3 + 3 * t2) * p[1] + (t3 - t2) * m[1];
return CubicInterpolator;
sin = Math.sin, PI = Math.PI;
sinc = function(x) {
if (x === 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return sin(PI * x) / (PI * x);
makeLanczosWindow = function(a) {
return function(x) {
return sinc(x / a);
makeSincKernel = function(window) {
return function(x) {
return sinc(x) * window(x);
SincFilterInterpolator = (function(_super) {
__extends(SincFilterInterpolator, _super);
function SincFilterInterpolator(array, config) {
var window;
SincFilterInterpolator.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
this.a = config.sincFilterSize;
window = config.sincWindow;
if (window == null) throw 'No sincWindow provided';
this.kernel = makeSincKernel(window);
SincFilterInterpolator.prototype.interpolate = function(t) {
var k, n, sum, _ref, _ref2;
k = Math.floor(t);
sum = 0;
for (n = _ref = k - this.a + 1, _ref2 = k + this.a; _ref <= _ref2 ? n <= _ref2 : n >= _ref2; _ref <= _ref2 ? n++ : n--) {
sum += this.kernel(t - n) * this.getClippedInput(n);
return sum;
return SincFilterInterpolator;
getColumn = function(arr, i) {
var row, _i, _len, _results;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = arr.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
row = arr[_i];
return _results;
makeScaledFunction = function(f, baseScale, scaleRange) {
var scaleFactor, translation;
if (scaleRange.join === '0,1') {
return f;
} else {
scaleFactor = baseScale / (scaleRange[1] - scaleRange[0]);
translation = scaleRange[0];
return function(t) {
return f(scaleFactor * (t - translation));
getType = function(x) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(x).slice('[object '.length, -1);
validateNumber = function(n) {
if (isNaN(n)) throw 'NaN in Smooth() input';
if (getType(n) !== 'Number') throw 'Non-number in Smooth() input';
if (!isFinite(n)) throw 'Infinity in Smooth() input';
validateVector = function(v, dimension) {
var n, _i, _len, _results;
if (getType(v) !== 'Array') throw 'Non-vector in Smooth() input';
if (v.length !== dimension) throw 'Inconsistent dimension in Smooth() input';
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = v.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
n = v[_i];
return _results;
isValidNumber = function(n) {
return (getType(n) === 'Number') && isFinite(n) && !isNaN(n);
normalizeScaleTo = function(s) {
var invalidErr;
invalidErr = "scaleTo param must be number or array of two numbers";
switch (getType(s)) {
case 'Number':
if (!isValidNumber(s)) throw invalidErr;
s = [0, s];
case 'Array':
if (s.length !== 2) throw invalidErr;
if (!(isValidNumber(s[0]) && isValidNumber(s[1]))) throw invalidErr;
throw invalidErr;
return s;
shallowCopy = function(obj) {
var copy, k, v;
copy = {};
for (k in obj) {
if (!__hasProp.call(obj, k)) continue;
v = obj[k];
copy[k] = v;
return copy;
Smooth = function(arr, config) {
var baseScale, dataType, dimension, i, interpolator, interpolatorClass, interpolatorClasses, interpolators, k, n, scaleRange, smoothFunc, v;
if (config == null) config = {};
config = shallowCopy(config);
if (config.scaleTo == null) config.scaleTo = config.period;
if (config.sincFilterSize == null) {
config.sincFilterSize = config.lanczosFilterSize;
for (k in defaultConfig) {
if (!__hasProp.call(defaultConfig, k)) continue;
v = defaultConfig[k];
if (config[k] == null) config[k] = v;
interpolatorClasses = {
nearest: NearestInterpolator,
linear: LinearInterpolator,
cubic: CubicInterpolator,
lanczos: SincFilterInterpolator,
sinc: SincFilterInterpolator
interpolatorClass = interpolatorClasses[config.method];
if (interpolatorClass == null) throw "Invalid method: " + config.method;
if (config.method === 'lanczos') {
config.sincWindow = makeLanczosWindow(config.sincFilterSize);
if (arr.length < 2) throw 'Array must have at least two elements';
dataType = getType(arr[0]);
smoothFunc = (function() {
var _i, _j, _len, _len2;
switch (dataType) {
case 'Number':
if (Smooth.deepValidation) {
for (_i = 0, _len = arr.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
n = arr[_i];
interpolator = new interpolatorClass(arr, config);
return function(t) {
return interpolator.interpolate(t);
case 'Array':
dimension = arr[0].length;
if (!dimension) throw 'Vectors must be non-empty';
if (Smooth.deepValidation) {
for (_j = 0, _len2 = arr.length; _j < _len2; _j++) {
v = arr[_j];
validateVector(v, dimension);
interpolators = (function() {
var _results;
_results = [];
for (i = 0; 0 <= dimension ? i < dimension : i > dimension; 0 <= dimension ? i++ : i--) {
_results.push(new interpolatorClass(getColumn(arr, i), config));
return _results;
return function(t) {
var interpolator, _k, _len3, _results;
_results = [];
for (_k = 0, _len3 = interpolators.length; _k < _len3; _k++) {
interpolator = interpolators[_k];
return _results;
throw "Invalid element type: " + dataType;
if (config.scaleTo) {
scaleRange = normalizeScaleTo(config.scaleTo);
if (config.clip === Smooth.CLIP_PERIODIC) {
baseScale = arr.length;
} else {
baseScale = arr.length - 1;
smoothFunc = makeScaledFunction(smoothFunc, baseScale, scaleRange);
return smoothFunc;
for (k in Enum) {
if (!__hasProp.call(Enum, k)) continue;
v = Enum[k];
Smooth[k] = v;
Smooth.deepValidation = true;
root = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? exports : window;
root.Smooth = Smooth;