create view `tb_data_resource_assignmark` AS select, (IFNULL( visits / 100, 0 ) + IFNULL( trs.score, 0 ) + IFNULL( applyCount, 0 ) + IFNULL( collectCount, 0 )) as total from tb_data_resource tdr left join ( select resource_id, avg( score ) as "score" from tb_resource_score where 1 = 1 and del_flag = 0 group by resource_id ) trs on = trs.resource_id left join ( select resource_id, count( id ) as "applyCount" from t_ability_application where 1 = 1 and del_flag = 0 group by resource_id ) taa on = taa.resource_id left join ( select resource_id, count( id ) as "collectCount" from tb_resource_collection where 1 = 1 and del_flag = 0 group by resource_id ) trc on = trc.resource_id where 1 = 1 and tdr.del_flag = 0 order by total desc ;