
This commit is contained in:
yitonglei 2022-07-01 18:20:54 +08:00
parent a5954e286e
commit f367009215
3 changed files with 55 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -255,9 +255,17 @@ public class CensusControllerV3 {
public Result<List<Map<String, Object>>> assemblerUseInfo(@ApiIgnore @RequestParam Map<String, Object> params){
Object[] ps = {params.get("id"),params.get("id"),params.get("resourceType")};
List<Map<String, Object>> maps = jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT count(d.id) as num,d.attr_value FROM tb_data_resource_rel a INNER JOIN sys_user b ON a.creator = b.id INNER JOIN tb_data_resource c ON a.reference_id = c.id INNER JOIN tb_data_attr d ON c.id = d.data_resource_id INNER JOIN sys_dept e ON b.dept_id = e.id\n" +
" WHERE a.del_flag = 0 AND (e.id = ? OR INSTR(e.pids,?)) AND c.type = ? AND d.attr_type = '组件类型' \n" +
"GROUP BY d.attr_value", ps);
List<Map<String, Object>> maps = jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT COUNT(n.id) AS num,n.attr_value FROM\n" +
"(\n" +
"\tSELECT DISTINCT(c.id) AS id,c.name FROM \n" +
"\t(\n" +
"\t\tSELECT a.id FROM tb_data_resource a INNER JOIN sys_dept b ON a.dept_id = b.id \n" +
"\t\tWHERE a.del_flag = 0 AND a.type='应用资源' AND (b.id = ? OR INSTR(b.pids,?))\n" +
"\t) a \n" +
"\tINNER JOIN tb_data_resource_rel b ON a.id = b.key_id INNER JOIN tb_data_resource c ON b.reference_id = c.id\n" +
"\tWHERE b.del_flag = 0 AND c.type = ? AND c.del_flag = 0 \n" +
"\t \n" +
") m INNER JOIN tb_data_attr n ON m.id = n.data_resource_id WHERE n.del_flag = 0 AND n.attr_type = '组件类型' GROUP BY n.attr_value", ps);
return new Result<List<Map<String,Object>>>().ok(maps);
@ -303,10 +311,17 @@ public class CensusControllerV3 {
public Result<List<Map<String, Object>>> assemblerUseScoreTopInfo(@ApiIgnore @RequestParam Map<String, Object> params){
Object[] ps = {params.get("resourceType"),params.get("id"),params.get("id")};
List<Map<String, Object>> maps = jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT SUM(IFNULL(e.score,0)) as score,c.name FROM tb_data_resource_rel a INNER JOIN sys_user b ON a.creator = b.id INNER JOIN tb_data_resource c ON a.reference_id = c.id\n" +
"INNER JOIN sys_dept d ON b.dept_id = d.id INNER JOIN tb_resource_score e ON a.reference_id = e.resource_id \n" +
"WHERE a.del_flag = 0 AND c.type = ? AND c.del_flag = 0 AND (d.id = ? OR INSTR(d.pids,?)) AND e.del_flag = 0\n" +
"group by c.name order by score desc limit 5", ps);
List<Map<String, Object>> maps = jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT SUM(IFNULL(b.score,0)) as score,a.name FROM \n" +
"(\n" +
"\tSELECT DISTINCT(c.id) AS id,c.name FROM \n" +
"\t\t(\n" +
"\t\t\tSELECT a.id FROM tb_data_resource a INNER JOIN sys_dept b ON a.dept_id = b.id \n" +
"\t\t\tWHERE a.del_flag = 0 AND a.type='应用资源' AND (b.id = ? OR INSTR(b.pids,?))\n" +
"\t\t) a \n" +
"\t\tINNER JOIN tb_data_resource_rel b ON a.id = b.key_id INNER JOIN tb_data_resource c ON b.reference_id = c.id\n" +
"\t\tWHERE b.del_flag = 0 AND c.type = ? AND c.del_flag = 0 \n" +
")\ta \n" +
"INNER JOIN tb_resource_score b ON a.id = b.resource_id AND b.del_flag = 0 GROUP BY a.name ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 5", ps);
return new Result<List<Map<String,Object>>>().ok(maps);

View File

@ -1408,21 +1408,22 @@ public class ResourceServiceImpl extends CrudServiceImpl<ResourceDao, ResourceEn
return new PageData<>(list, list.size());
Map<String, Object> paraMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
paraMap.put("resourceType", params.get("resourceType"));
CompletableFuture<Void> voidCompletableFuture01 = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
maps.forEach(m -> {
paraMap.put("id", m.get("deptId"));
Map<String, Object> maps1 = new HashMap<>();
maps1 = baseDao.assemblyCarByDept(paraMap);
if (maps1 == null) {
m.put("resourceCarNum", 0);
} else {
m.put("resourceCarNum", maps1.get("carNum") == null ? 0 : maps1.get("carNum"));
// CompletableFuture<Void> voidCompletableFuture01 = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
// maps.forEach(m -> {
// paraMap.put("id", m.get("deptId"));
// Map<String, Object> maps1 = new HashMap<>();
// maps1 = baseDao.assemblyCarByDept(paraMap);
// if (maps1 == null) {
// m.put("resourceCarNum", 0);
// } else {
// m.put("resourceCarNum", maps1.get("carNum") == null ? 0 : maps1.get("carNum"));
// }
// });
// });
CompletableFuture<Void> voidCompletableFuture02 = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
@ -1437,6 +1438,12 @@ public class ResourceServiceImpl extends CrudServiceImpl<ResourceDao, ResourceEn
CompletableFuture<Void> voidCompletableFuture01 = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
maps.forEach(m -> {
CompletableFuture<Void> all = CompletableFuture.allOf(voidCompletableFuture01, voidCompletableFuture02);

View File

@ -1080,10 +1080,17 @@
SUBSTRING_INDEX( SUBSTRING_INDEX( tdav.attr_value, ';', b.help_topic_id + 1 ), ';',- 1 ) AS type ,
COUNT( tdav.data_resource_id ) AS total
( select a.* from tb_data_attr a inner join tb_data_resource d on a.data_resource_id = d.id
inner join tb_data_resource_rel e on e.reference_id = d.id inner join sys_user f on e.creator = f.id
inner join sys_dept g on f.dept_id = g.id
where d.type=#{resourceType} and (g.id = #{id} OR instr(g.pids,#{id}))
SELECT a.id FROM tb_data_resource a INNER JOIN sys_dept b ON a.dept_id = b.id
WHERE a.del_flag = 0 AND a.type='应用资源' AND (b.id = #{id} OR INSTR(b.pids,#{id}))
) a
INNER JOIN tb_data_resource_rel b ON a.id = b.key_id INNER JOIN tb_data_resource c ON b.reference_id = c.id
WHERE b.del_flag = 0 AND c.type = #{resourceType} AND c.del_flag = 0
) a INNER JOIN tb_data_attr b ON a.id = b.data_resource_id AND b.del_flag = 0
) tdav
JOIN mysql.help_topic b ON b.help_topic_id &lt; ( LENGTH( tdav.attr_value ) - LENGTH( REPLACE ( tdav.attr_value,
';', '' ) ) + 1 )