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171 lines
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## Getting Started
Langchain4j-aideepin is an open source, offline deployable Retrieval Enhancement Generation (RAG) project based on large language models such as ChatGPT and application frameworks such as Langchain4j.
## Website
## Feature
* Login & Register
* Multiple Conversation | Multiple character
* AI Draw
* Prompt
* Quota
* Knowledge base(RAG)
* AI Search(RAG)
* Multiple models switch at will
* Multiple search engine switch at will
## Support Models
* ChatGPT 3.5
* 通义千问
* 文心一言
* ollama
* DALL-E 2
## Support Search Engines
Bing (TODO)
百度 (TODO)
## Introduction
This repository is a back-end project, front-end project in [langchain4j-aideepin-web](https://github.com/moyangzhan/langchain4j-aideepin-web)
[langchain4j(Java version of LangChain)](https://github.com/langchain4j/langchain4j)
## Build and run this project
### Init
**a. Init database**
* Create database schema: aideepin
* Run: docs/create.sql
* Update language model config:
Openai setting
update adi_sys_config set value = '{"secret_key":"my_openai_secret_key","models":["gpt-3.5-turbo"]}' where name = 'openai_setting';
Dashscope setting
update adi_sys_config set value = '{"api_key":"my_dashcope_api_key","models":["my model name,eg:qwen-max"]}' where name = 'dashscope_setting';
Qianfan setting
update adi_sys_config set value = '{"api_key":"my_qianfan_api_key","secret_key":"my_qianfan_secret_key","models":["my model name,eg:ERNIE-Bot"]}' where name = 'qianfan_setting';
Ollama setting
update adi_sys_config set value = '{"base_url":"my_ollama_base_url","models":["my model name,eg:tinydolphin"]}' where name = 'ollama_setting';
* Search engine setting
update adi_sys_config set value = '{"url":"https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1","key":"my key from cloud.google.com","cx":"my cx from programmablesearchengine.google.com"}' where name = 'google_setting';
**b. Init properties**
* postgresql: spring.datasource in application-[dev|prod].xml
* redis: spring.data.redis in application-[dev|prod].xml
* mail: spring.mail in application.xml
### Compile & Run
* Enter the project root directory:
cd langchain4j-aideepin
* Package:
mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
* Run:
a. Run by jar:
cd adi-bootstrap/target
nohup java -jar -Xms768m -Xmx1024m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError adi-chat-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.profiles.active=[dev|prod] dev/null 2>&1 &
b. Run by docker
cd adi-bootstrap
docker build . -t aideepin:0.0.1
docker run -d \
--name=aideepin \
-e APP_PROFILE=[dev|prod] \
-v="/data/aideepin/logs:/data/logs" \
## TODO:
Enhance RAG
More search engine(BING、百度)
## Screenshot
**AI Chat:**

**AI Draw:**

**Knowlege base:**



